#!/usr/bin/env bash url2murl() { local x x=$1 x=${x//'^'/'^5E'} x=${x//':'/'^3A'} x=${x//'%'/'^25'} printf '%s' "$x" } main() { set -euE -o pipefail shopt -s nullglob arg_metadata_txt=$1 arg_index_txt=$2 # Overrides ############################################################ declare -A override_datetime override_datetime[200109261739]=200303310700 override_synthetic_listings=( #YYYYMMDDHHMM branch_name newfiles '200307291500 ALPHA/CVTUTF-1-1 ExpectedOutput.txt readme.txt' ) # Main ################################################################# echo '# Pass 1 (initialize snapshots from $arg_metadata_txt)' while read -r snap name date time; do dirpart="${name%/*}" filepart="${name##*/}" datetime="${date//-/}${time//:/}" datetime="${override_datetime[$datetime]:-$datetime}" filedir=dat/pools/files/"${datetime}-${name//\//_}" snapdir=dat/pools/snaps/"${snap}-${dirpart//\//_}" if [[ -d "${filedir/.OLD/}" ]]; then filedir="${filedir/.OLD/}" fi mkdir -p -- "$filedir" "$snapdir" ln -sr "$filedir/$filepart" "$snapdir" done < "$arg_metadata_txt" echo '# Pass 1.5 (initialize synthetic snapshots)' # Looking at the data, there are 3 revisions that we DON'T # have directory listings for. So we need to synthesize # those. # # I created the list of listings to synthesize by not # synthesizing anything, then looking for files ending in # ".1". They are created during pass 2 if we have a file with # no matching listing. for line in "${override_synthetic_listings[@]}"; do read -r datetime dirpart newfiles <<<"$line" # We need to figure out which files to put in the # directory listing. We're going to do that by # mimicking the previous listing with that dirpart. prevsnap='' for isnap in dat/pools/snaps/*-"${dirpart//\//_}"; do isnap=${isnap##*/} if [[ "${isnap%%-*}" -lt "${datetime}00" ]]; then prevsnap=$isnap fi done if [[ -z "$prevsnap" ]]; then >& printf 'Could not find listing of %s before %s\n' "$dirpart" "$datetime" false fi # Ok, now copy that snapshot snapdir=dat/pools/snaps/"${datetime}99-${dirpart//\//_}" cp -aT dat/pools/snaps/"$prevsnap" "$snapdir" # And touch file files we need to change for filepart in $newfiles; do name="$dirpart/$filepart" filedir=dat/pools/files/"${datetime}-${name//\//_}" mkdir -p -- "$filedir" rm -- "$snapdir/$filepart" ln -sr "$filedir/$filepart" "$snapdir" done done echo '# Pass 2 (resolve files)' while read -r time url; do if [[ "$url" == */ ]]; then # Skip directories continue fi if [[ "$url" == */2.0-Update/* ]]; then # Gross hack continue fi name="${url##*/Public/}" dirpart="${name%/*}" filepart="${name##*/}" pools=(dat/pools/files/*-"${name//\//_}") if [[ "$name" = *.OLD* ]]; then pname="${name//\//_}" pools+=(dat/pools/files/*-"${pname/.OLD/}") readarray -t pools < <(printf '%s\n' "${pools[@]}" | sort) fi pools=("${pools[@]##*/}") mypool='' for pool in "${pools[@]}"; do pooltime="${pool%%-*}" if [[ "${pooltime}00" -le "$time" ]]; then mypool=$pool fi done if [[ -z "$mypool" ]]; then >&2 printf 'Could not find pool for %s %s\n' "$time" "$url" false fi file="dat/content-file/$time/$(url2murl $url)" declare -i i=0 while true; do link="dat/pools/files/$mypool/$filepart.$i" link="${link%.0}" a="$(readlink -f "$link")" || true b="$(readlink -f "$file")" if cmp -s -- "$a" "$b"; then break fi if ln -sr "$b" "$link"; then break fi i+=1 done done < "$arg_index_txt" echo '# Pass 3 (resolve missing files)' while read -r missing; do if [[ -f "${missing/.OLD}/${missing##*_}" ]]; then ln -sr "${missing/.OLD}/${missing##*_}" "$missing" fi done < <(find dat/pools/files/*-PROGRAMS_CVTUTF.OLD_* -type d -empty) } main "$@"