/* Copyright (c) 2010 Richard Wall * See LICENSE for details. * * Unit tests for Jarmon **/ YUI({ logInclude: { TestRunner: true } }).use('console', 'test', function(Y) { Y.Test.Runner.add(new Y.Test.Case({ name: "jarmon.downloadBinary", test_urlNotFound: function () { /** * When url cannot be found, the deferred should errback with status * 404. **/ var d = new jarmon.downloadBinary('non-existent-file.html'); d.addBoth( function(self, ret) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Error, ret); Y.Assert.areEqual(404, ret.message); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_urlFound: function () { /** * When url is found, the deferred should callback with an instance * of javascriptrrd.BinaryFile **/ var d = new jarmon.downloadBinary('testfile.bin'); d.addBoth( function(self, ret) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(BinaryFile, ret); Y.Assert.areEqual(String.fromCharCode(0), ret.getRawData()); }); }, this); this.wait(); } })); var RRD_STEP = 10; var RRD_DSNAME = 'speed'; var RRD_DSINDEX = 0; var RRD_RRACOUNT = 2; var RRD_RRAROWS = 12; var RRD_STARTTIME = new Date('1 jan 1980 00:00:00').getTime(); var RRD_ENDTIME = new Date('1 jan 1980 00:02:00').getTime(); Y.Test.Runner.add(new Y.Test.Case({ name: "jarmon.RRDFile", setUp: function() { this.d = new jarmon.downloadBinary('build/test.rrd') .addCallback( function(self, binary) { return new RRDFile(binary); }, this) .addErrback( function(ret) { console.log(ret); }); }, test_getLastUpdate: function () { /** * The generated rrd file should have a lastupdate date of * 1980-01-01 00:50:01 **/ this.d.addCallback( function(self, rrd) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.areEqual( RRD_ENDTIME/1000+1, rrd.getLastUpdate()); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_getDSIndex: function () { /** * The generated rrd file should have a single DS whose name is * 'speed'. A RangeError is thrown if the requested index or dsName * doesnt exist. **/ this.d.addCallback( function(self, rrd) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.areEqual(RRD_DSNAME, rrd.getDS(0).getName()); Y.Assert.areEqual( RRD_DSINDEX, rrd.getDS('speed').getIdx()); var error = null; try { rrd.getDS(RRD_DSINDEX+1); } catch(e) { error = e; } Y.assert(error instanceof RangeError); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_getNrRRAs: function () { /** * The generated rrd file should have a single RRA **/ this.d.addCallback( function(self, rrd) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.areEqual(RRD_RRACOUNT, rrd.getNrRRAs()); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_getRRA: function () { /** * The generated rrd file should have a single RRA using AVERAGE * consolidation, step=10, rows=6 and values 0-5 * rra.getEl throws a RangeError if asked for row which doesn't * exist. **/ this.d.addCallback( function(self, rrd) { self.resume(function() { var rra = rrd.getRRA(0); Y.Assert.areEqual('AVERAGE', rra.getCFName()); Y.Assert.areEqual(RRD_STEP, rra.getStep()); Y.Assert.areEqual(RRD_RRAROWS, rra.getNrRows()); for(var i=0; i starttime and * <= endTime **/ this.d.addCallback( function(self, rrd) { self.resume(function() { var rq = new jarmon.RrdQuery(rrd, ''); // We request data starting 1 STEP +1s after the RRD file // first val and ending 1 STEP -1s before the RRD last val // ie one step within the RRD file, but 1s away from the // step boundary to test the quantisation of the // requested time range. var data = rq.getData( RRD_STARTTIME + (RRD_STEP+1) * 1000, RRD_ENDTIME - (RRD_STEP-1) * 1000); // so we expect two less rows than the total rows in the // file. Y.Assert.areEqual(RRD_RRAROWS-2, data.data.length); // The value of the first returned row should be the // second value in the RRD file (starts at value 0) Y.Assert.areEqual(1, data.data[0][1]); // The value of the last returned row should be the // 10 value in the RRD file (starts at value 0) Y.Assert.areEqual(10, data.data[data.data.length-1][1]); // The timestamp of the first returned row should be // exactly one step after the start of the RRD file Y.Assert.areEqual( RRD_STARTTIME+RRD_STEP*1000, data.data[0][0]); // RRD_ENDTIME is on a step boundary and is therfore // actually the start time of a new row // So when we ask for endTime = RRD_ENDTIME-STEP-1 we // actually get data up to the 2nd to last RRD row. Y.Assert.areEqual( RRD_ENDTIME-RRD_STEP*1000*2, data.data[data.data.length-1][0]); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_getDataUnknownValues: function () { /** * If the requested time range is outside the range of the RRD file * we should not get any values back **/ this.d.addCallback( function(self, rrd) { self.resume(function() { var rq = new jarmon.RrdQuery(rrd, ''); var data = rq.getData(RRD_ENDTIME, RRD_ENDTIME+1000); Y.Assert.areEqual(0, data.data.length); }); }, this); this.wait(); } })); Y.Test.Runner.add(new Y.Test.Case({ name: "jarmon.RrdQueryRemote", setUp: function() { this.rq = new jarmon.RrdQueryRemote('build/test.rrd', ''); }, test_getDataTimeRangeOverlapError: function () { /** * The starttime must be less than the endtime **/ this.rq.getData(1, 0).addBoth( function(self, res) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(RangeError, res); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_getDataUnknownCfError: function () { /** * Error is raised if the rrd file doesn't contain an RRA with the * requested consolidation function (CF) **/ this.rq.getData(RRD_STARTTIME, RRD_ENDTIME, 0, 'FOO').addBoth( function(self, res) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(TypeError, res); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_getData: function () { /** * The generated rrd file should have values 0-9 at 300s intervals * starting at 1980-01-01 00:00:00 * Result should include a data points with times > starttime and * <= endTime **/ this.rq.getData(RRD_STARTTIME + (RRD_STEP+1) * 1000, RRD_ENDTIME - (RRD_STEP-1) * 1000).addBoth( function(self, data) { self.resume(function() { // We request data starting 1 STEP +1s after the RRD file // first val and ending 1 STEP -1s before the RRD last val // ie one step within the RRD file, but 1s away from the // step boundary to test the quantisation of the // requested time range. // so we expect two less rows than the total rows in the // file. Y.Assert.areEqual(RRD_RRAROWS-2, data.data.length); // The value of the first returned row should be the // second value in the RRD file (starts at value 0) Y.Assert.areEqual(1, data.data[0][1]); // The value of the last returned row should be the // 10 value in the RRD file (starts at value 0) Y.Assert.areEqual(10, data.data[data.data.length-1][1]); // The timestamp of the first returned row should be // exactly one step after the start of the RRD file Y.Assert.areEqual( RRD_STARTTIME+RRD_STEP*1000, data.data[0][0]); // RRD_ENDTIME is on a step boundary and is therfore // actually the start time of a new row // So when we ask for endTime = RRD_ENDTIME-STEP-1 we // actually get data up to the 2nd to last RRD row. Y.Assert.areEqual( RRD_ENDTIME-RRD_STEP*1000*2, data.data[data.data.length-1][0]); }); }, this); this.wait(); }, test_getDataUnknownValues: function () { /** * If the requested time range is outside the range of the RRD file * we should not get any values back **/ this.rq.getData(RRD_ENDTIME, RRD_ENDTIME+1000).addBoth( function(self, data) { self.resume(function() { Y.Assert.areEqual(0, data.data.length); }); }, this); this.wait(); } })); Y.Test.Runner.add(new Y.Test.Case({ name: "jarmon.Chart", test_draw: function () { /** * Test that a rendered chart has the correct dimensions, legend, * axis, labels etc **/ var $tpl = $('
').appendTo($('body')); var c = new jarmon.Chart($tpl, jarmon.Chart.BASE_OPTIONS); // c.options.xaxis.tzoffset = 0; c.addData('speed', new jarmon.RrdQueryRemote('build/test.rrd', 'm/s'), true); var d = c.setTimeRange(RRD_STARTTIME, RRD_ENDTIME); d.addCallback( function(self) { self.resume(function() { // TODO: write useful tests }); }, this); this.wait(); }, })); Y.Test.Runner.add(new Y.Test.Case({ name: "jarmon.ChartConfig", setUp: function() { this.$tpl = $('
').appendTo($('body')) var c = new jarmon.ChartConfig(this.$tpl); c.drawRrdUrlForm(); }, test_drawInitialForm: function () { /** * Test that the initial config form contains an rrd form field **/ Y.Assert.areEqual( this.$tpl.find('form input[name=rrd_url]').size(), 1); }, test_drawUrlErrorMessage: function () { /** * Test that submitting the form with an incorrect url results in * an error message **/ var self = this; this.$tpl.find('form input[name=rrd_url]').val('Foo/Bar').submit(); this.wait( function() { Y.Assert.areEqual(self.$tpl.find('.error').size(), 1); }, 1000 ); }, test_drawUrlListDatasources: function () { /** * Test that submitting the form with an correct rrd url results in * list of further DS label fields **/ var self = this; this.$tpl.find('form input[name=rrd_url]').val('build/test.rrd').submit(); this.wait( function() { Y.Assert.areEqual(self.$tpl.find('input[name=rrd_ds_label]').size(), 1); }, 1000 ); }, })); //initialize the console var yconsole = new Y.Console({ newestOnTop: false, width:'600px', height: '400px' }); yconsole.render('#log'); Y.Test.Runner.run(); });