#encoding UTF-8 API: $modulename #if $classname# $classname #end if# #if $filename# $filename #end if#

$projectname v$version API Documentation

$moduletitle  $version

$projectname #if $modulename > $modulename #if $classname# > $classname #end if# #if $filename# > $filename (source view) #end if# #end if
#if $index
This is the API documentation for $projectname.

Choose a module name from the list for more information.

#end if #if $filename
#else if $classname

#if $access#$access#end if# #if $static#$static#end if# #if $final#$final#end if# Class $classname #if $extends - extends $extends #end if #if $uses - uses #set $i=0 #for $provider in $uses##if $i > 0#, #end if# $provider#set $i=$i+1# #end for# #end if

#if $subclasses
Known Subclasses:
#for $subclass in $subclasses $subclass #end for
#end if #if $deprecated
Deprecated: $deprecated
#end if #if $see
See also: $see
#end if
#if $constructor


$classname ( #if $constructor.params #set $i=0 #set $current="" #for $param in $constructor.params# #if $current != $param.name #if $i > 0#, #end if# #set $i = $i + 1 #set $current = $param.name $param.name #end if #end for #end if )
#if $constructor.params
#for $param in $constructor.params
$param.name <$param.type> $param.description
#end for
#end if #if $constructor.return
#end if
#end if
#if $properties


#for $property in $properties

$property.name - #if $property.access#$property.access #end if##if $property.static#$property.static #end if##if $property.final#$property.final #end if#$property.type

#if $property.default
Default Value: $property.default
#end if #if $property.deprecated
Deprecated: $property.deprecated
#end if
#end for
#end if #if $inherited.properties
#for $superclassname in $inherited.properties

Properties inherited from $superclassname:

#set i=0 #set l=len($inherited.properties[$superclassname])-1 #for $prop in $inherited.properties[$superclassname]# $prop.name#if $i<$l#,#end if# #set i=i+1 #end for#
#end for
#end if
#if $methods


#for $method in $methods


#if $method.access# $method.access #end if# #if $method.static# $method.static #end if# #if $method.final# $method.final #end if# $method.return.type $method.name ( #if $method.params #set $i=0 #set $current = "" #for $param in $method.params# #if $current != $param.name #if $i > 0#, #end if# #set $i = $i + 1 #set $current = $param.name $param.name #end if# #end for# #end if )
#if $method.params
#for $param in $method.params
$param.name <$param.type> $param.description
#end for
#end if #if $method.return.description
Returns: #if $method.return.type $method.return.type #end if
#end if #if $method.chainable
Chainable: This method is chainable.
#end if #if $method.deprecated
Deprecated $method.deprecated
#end if

#end for
#end if #if $inherited.methods
#for $superclassname in $inherited.methods

Methods inherited from $superclassname:

#set i=0 #set l=len($inherited.methods[$superclassname])-1 #for $method in $inherited.methods[$superclassname] $method.name#if $i<$l#,#end if# #set i=i+1 #end for
#end for
#end if
#if $events


#for $event in $events


#if $event.access# $event.access #end if# #if $event.static# $event.static #end if# #if $event.final# $event.final #end if# $event.name ( #if $event.params #set $i=0 #set $current = "" #for $param in $event.params# #if $current != $param.name #if $i > 0#, #end if# #set $i = $i + 1 #set $current = $param.name $param.name #end if# #end for# #end if )
#if $event.params
#for $param in $event.params
$param.name <$param.type> $param.description
#end for
#end if #if $event.bubbles
Bubbles: This event bubbles to $event.bubbles.
#end if #if $event.preventable
Preventable: This event is preventable by method e.preventDefault(). The default function executed by this event is $event.preventable.
#end if #if $event.deprecated
Deprecated $event.deprecated
#end if

#end for
#end if #if $inherited.events
#for $superclassname in $inherited.events

Events inherited from $superclassname:

#set i=0 #set l=len($inherited.methods[$superclassname])-1 #for $event in $inherited.events[$superclassname] #set i=i+1 $event.name#if $i<$l#,#end if##set i=i+1# #end for#
#end for
#end if
#if $configs

Configuration Attributes

#for $config in $configs

$config.name - #if $config.access#$config.access #end if##if $config.static#$config.static #end if##if $config.writeonce#$config.writeonce #end if##if $config.final#$config.final #end if#$config.type

#if $config.deprecated
Deprecated $config.deprecated
#end if #if $config.default
Default Value: $config.default
#end if
#end for
#end if #if $inherited.configs
#for $superclassname in $inherited.configs

Configuration attributes inherited from $superclassname:

#set i=0 #set l=len($inherited.configs[$superclassname])-1 #for $config in $inherited.configs[$superclassname] #set i=i+1 $config.name#if $i<$l#,#end if# #set i=i+1 #end for#
#end for
#end if
#else if $modulename

Module: $modulename #if $beta Beta #end if #if $experimental Experimental #end if

#if $requires
Requires: $requires
#end if #if $optional
Optional: $optional
#end if
#if $classnames

This module contains the following classes:

    #set $counter = 0 #for $classNames in $classList_raw
  • $classNames.guessedname
  • #set $counter = $counter + 1 #end for
#end if
#set count = 0; #for $info in $submodules #set count = count + 1 #end for #if count != 0


#for $info in $submodules
#end for
#end if
#end if

Copyright © $year $copyrighttag All rights reserved.
#if $ydn #end if