path: root/src/apocrypha
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+An Introduction to Apocrypha
+title: "An Introduction to Apocrypha"
+updated: "2017-12-23 Sat 14:21"
+categories: AP
+Apocrypha is a world of mystery and forgotten history, built from
+first principles and the realization that even simple truths have
+My goal with building the world of Apocrypha is to create a generic
+fantasy world which is both suitable for books and for use with TRPGs,
+and is designed somewhere on the coherency spectrum between the
+Forgotten Realms and Discworld.
+Though it is being designed to function with the 5th edition of <a
+href="">Dungeons &
+Dragons</a> in mind, I am also haphazardly designing a TRPG of my own
+which may be abandoned along the way, but draws inspiration from
+Apocrypha as well as breathing life back into it. Over the last 2
+months, I've found that working on one usually generates ideas that
+are applicable to the other, and overall energy for both projects
+benefits from this dynamic.
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+title: "Apocrypha" \ No newline at end of file
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+** Regions of the Center Sea
+The Center Sea is the beating heart of the civilized world.
+Tributaries from all directions meet and mix here, bringing ships
+together from all the nations of the world, laden with goods and with
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+** Regions of the Empire
+Midlands (Etra, Vala, Isla), the Provinces (Midwood, ?), the Colonies
+(Cover Islands, ?), and the Golden Road.
+The Empire
+How long has the Empire been around? 111 ages, but how many is that?
+Current one is 62 years, but some have been less than a year.
+The best tax records in the oldest provinces say the empire is about
+60 generations (or 3000 years) old. The average length of an 'age' is
+therefore, about 27 years. The General Edict was given 62 years ago
+and has done a better job of keeping the nation running than the
+previous code did (the previous Emperor's reign was rife with civil
+**** The Emperor
+Emperor Josef IV is the official name for Lady Lizbeth Yates, the
+eldest daughter and only remaining survivor of the Yates line. Though
+technically, only a man may claim the title of Emperor, few complain
+that the Lady Lizbeth legally declared herself a man (or rather, few
+who complained about the matter remain among the living).
+*** The Continent
+**** The Midlands
+North of the Marble Isle
+Like the Holy Roman Empire if it were actually in Rome. Very
+melting-pot of cultures. High politics, medium magic.
+I need to figure out the bodies of water to get more details.
+Etra, Vala, Isla [transcribe from notebooks]
+Gleimendun is like Constantinople, a second capital of a broken piece
+of the Empire. Because it has broken off, the Song of Conquest is
+diminishing, allowing more old magics into the land.
+*** The Provinces
+**** The North
+There is a great difference between the area of the north claimed by
+the Empire, and that controlled by the Empire. The only area of the
+North (or Chill-Lands) from which the Empire has ever successfully
+collected taxes is the southernmost border settlements (of which there
+are 12) and Fort North.
+It is often said that a single southern town could more than match the
+value of the entire Northern province of the Empire, and that may be
+true in terms of wealth or resources, but in reality few forts
+anywhere in the Empire can brag the same quality of recruits brought
+into the Imperial Legion as from the tiny northern fort and outlying
+The occasional goliath barbarian or glacier dwarf fighter making their
+way south and wanting to try their hands (and axes) at Legion life is
+more than enough incentive to keep the fort fully staffed and
+**** The Midwood
+The Northwestern-most stretch of the Deepwood, this is the most
+'civilized' area of that great forest, or at least that most citizens
+of the Empire could ever hope to reach.
+Full of elves, gnomes, florans, faunus, halflings, and their kin, the
+Midwood is one of the most ethically non-human locations in the Jar.
+Regiments of the Empire's military raised from the Midwood are often
+called 'menageries' and use strange, but undoubtedly effective,
+tactics in combat.
+The ghostwise halflings come from an ancient ruin just outside the
+*** The Colonies
+**** Cover Islands
+Oft beset by pirates and even more often by deadly storms, the Covers
+are an expensive and dangerous colony to keep. That said, the islands
+remain one of the few places for the empire to acquire rare volcanic
+minerals and alchemical agents useful in the development of magical
+After the Black Tongues were disbanded in the Empire, many fled to the
+islands, where they find, fewer and more lax regulations on their
+*** The Golden Road
+Running from the Citadel of Ice in the North to the Feet of the Last
+King in the South and twisting, diverging, merging, and turning around
+all sorts of places in between, the Gold Road is revered as sacred,
+and it's tireless, invisible creator worshiped by those who would
+seek safety traveling along its many gleaming golden cobblestones.
+The Golden Road belongs to the Golden God, though it is claimed by the
+Empire where it overlaps land claimed by the Empire. That said, the
+Golden Guides maintain control of the road regardless of the claims.
+You need a Golden Guide for the golden road, or you'll travel 100
+miles and never lose sight of where you started, or worse, you'll go
+90 miles to see your destination right ahead of you, then 90 more
+without it seeming to get any closer.
+The Golden Guides are either Travel Domain Clerics or (Fiend or
+Celestial) Warlocks. Despite the ambiguity, the Golden God himself is
+actually an Icon and a Fiend, a powerful one at that, and was involved
+in the discovery of the spell which created the tiefling pact. Once a
+gnome, the Golden God can be built as a [Gnome (Fine) Wizard 15
+(Transmutation)/Patron 5/Icon 5].
+The Golden God always needs more gold for the road, and the standing
+orders of the Golden Guides are to find and aid parties that can
+supply large quantities of gold. The Golden God builds the road
+daily, moving it slowly towards an unknown end.
+**** Lair
+The whole of the Golden Road is the Golden God's Lair. The gnome
+himself is cloaked in a Perpetual Greater Invisibility spell (via
+level 5 Icon power) and can cast *fabricate* at will.
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+** Regions of the North
+The North is comprised of seven major areas, the White, the Wall, the
+Wastes (or Spiritlands), the Chill-Lands, Fort North, the Vast, and
+the Sunpeaks.
+*** The White
+The White is a region of bitter cold at the northern edge of the
+world. It is constantly snowing from an eternal blizzard that swirls
+around the edge of the world. It's chilling winds and subzero
+temperatures make the White one of the most inhospitable places in
+existence. But it is not empty.
+Ice wights roam the icy plane, remnants of those who knew the land
+before the coming of the storm. But even these are benign compared to
+the greatest danger of the frozen north, The White Death.
+Her lair lies hidden in mountain crag, covered deep with snow. The
+greatest of her kind, the White Death is an ice dragon of unspeakable
+size and power. It is said that she has seen beyond the boundary of
+the world and glimpsed the great beyond. She wants to forget.
+Her presence in the cavern inadvertently protects one of the eight
+Shadefalls (the permanent anchor and gateway to one of the eight
+shades, in this case, the Icebright), from which she also is able to
+draw energy to heal herself and power her Icy Breath, which magnified
+by the power of the Shadefall, has the ability to turn creatures fully
+caught in it to ice.
+*** The Wall
+TODO - Goblins, Giants, and the Throne on the Golden Road
+*** The Wastes (the Spiritlands)
+Roving tribes of frost goliath and half-frost goliath barbarians roam
+the area known as the Wastes. Drawn to the area by the presence of
+the Giants to the north, the barbarians are always alert to the
+dangers of the Frozen Throne and regularly form war parties to destroy
+whatever designs or advances are made by the Frost Giant kingdom.
+They do not do so out of any loyalty to the empire, but out of a sense
+of reverence to the land itself and for some, a sense of paternalist
+duty towards the unknowing smallfolk to the south.
+The tribes come together for the biennial meeting at the ancient
+circle of stone known as 'gianthome'. It is a sacred location and is
+said to be the location of the ancient ritual which created the first
+TODO - Gianthome Circle, non-goliath inhabitants, faunus, spirits
+*** The Chill-Lands
+TODO - Twelve-Towns
+*** Fort North
+The only part of the north which can accurately be described as being
+controlled by the Empire.
+TODO - Fort North
+*** The Vast
+The mountain plateau of swirling frozen wind and thousands of natural
+shifting gateways into the Icebright. The entire area is suffused
+with magic, which causes creatures that spend too long inside the area
+to grow in size and risk becoming shaded.
+A creature shaded by the Icebright, cannot leave the Icebright or the
+Vast without suffering penalties [???]. A creature born in the Vast
+which has resistance to either Radiant or Cold damage may be able to
+gain the benefits to size given by the Vast without becoming shaded.
+TODO - magic of the vast, geography, peoples
+**** Cities in the Vast:
+***** Monastery of the North Wind
+***** City of Glass
+Home to a powerful sorcerer [Air Genasai Frozen Heart Sorcerer 18/Patron 5] who TODO
+*** The Sunpeaks
+Huge mountains. Connected to the Upperlight. Sun-soul monks and
+clerics of Tabor. Conflict with the Coastal Colonies (and Black
+Tongues, who have tried to take it over) . Not officially part of the
+empire, though not for lack of trying on the part of the Emperor and
+the nearby barons.
+TODO - Description of warming due to gateway, sunlight, constant daytime
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+The Gournal of Geographic Affairs: The Sun-Touched Mountain
+title: "The Gournal of Geographic Affairs: The Sun-Touched Mountain"
+updated: "2017-12-23 Sat 14:21"
+categories: AP, WP
+Welcome Readers, to the second Special Edition of our illustrious
+catalog of facts and figures.
+Last year, after our exploration of the Lowerdark's Cragmag Caverns
+proved such a fantastic success, we set our sights higher: to answer a
+[nagging] reader's question. Lola, age 8, from the Valanacian city of
+Florora, has been sending us letters. Over two hundred letters to be
+precise. Each has asked the same question,
+"Deer GGE, what is the talest mowntun [sic] in the world?"
+And while we don't usually reward improper spelling, her insistence,
+and the fact that no expert in the world seemed to know a precise
+answer, convinced us to settle it once and for all. Who knew that
+simple question one year ago would spark a fantastic journey of
+discovery and collaboration that may have ramifications beyond what we
+dreamed possible. Returning laden with treasures only one month ago,
+the GEE (& co.) Expedition has brought us the greatest treasure of
+all: an answer.
+Dear Lola,
+The greatest mountain in the world stands atop the far-northern range
+of snowy mountains known as the Sunpeaks.
+Since the entire northern ridge is filled with enormous mountains
+dwarfing (or maybe even gnoming) all other mountains found elsewhere,
+it was rather difficult for our sages here at the Imperial Center for
+Geographical Excellence to locate the general area of the range in
+which the peak might exist, much less its correlative parallel, and
+the sheer size of the range combined with its namesake ever-present
+blinding sunlight made clairvoyance and scrying spells of little use
+above 50,000 ft.
+Yes, you read that right. 50,000. That's almost three times the
+height of Mount Pang and twice that of the Skyknife, but in the
+Sunpeaks, that's barely passing for average.
+But fear not dear readers. The Geournal for Geographical Excellence
+is here to quench your thirst for knowledge. For comparing the several
+dozen peaks which form the Upper Cluster, we had to go to extreme
+lengths (and heights). Simply put, we had to go there.
+With our collaborative sponsors, The Community Climber, Aerial
+Affairs, Snowpeak Tea, and a grant from the Ministry of Maps, we
+raised 1.3 million Imperial silver swans (a little more than the
+monthly taxpayer cost to support an entire legion of cavalry), to
+finance a voyage into the unknown, staking both our reserves and our
+reputation on the Expedition.
+We spared no cost, hiring only the best of the best. Trackers,
+weatherworkers, guards, and guides, we set out into the Plateau of the
+Sun to find our answer.
+Six months we searched the pockets of mountains that exceeded our
+50,000 mark, listening to local legends, sending up balloons, and
+using a combination of our savvy and our ability to take small arcane
+gateways to cross from peak to peak. And those were fruitful months,
+even though we had yet to locate our quarry, days spent mapping and
+drawing, nights spent gazing into the clearest sky anywhere in the
+world (and then mapping and drawing it too)!
+We had found mountains. Tall ones. But had we found the tallest?
+We wouldn't know for almost three more months. The answer, it seemed,
+was always no. We would crest a peak, only to find another rising
+above us on the horizon. We had to to maintain a constant litany of
+darksight spells to see (without going blind) and frost spells to
+avoid melting (while in the sun) and fire spells to avoid freezing
+(while in the shade).
+We had to conjure air to breathe.
+And it was in these inhospitable conditions that we found them. Not
+mountains, those would come later, but our guides and our salvation.
+We were somewhere precisely north of the 47th parallel, when one of our
+forward seers called for a halt. He had found a body. We assumed the
+worst, and began to prepare a frost-bag for storing it to take back
+with us when we came down the mountain (as we'd had to do with most of
+our veritable zoo of animals by this point).
+Imagine our surprise when the body rose to greet us with a smile.
+He was a bald human man, and no more than a few years into his young
+adulthood, and was absolutely blind, and fairly near naked. He led us
+to his small mountain abode, filled with others like him. They called
+themselves monks, but when I asked them about their order, they had
+Though I would have offered the poor unregistered fellows use of my
+official quill and Imperial ink (had it not been alternatively frozen
+and then boiled) to register with an approved order, they assured me
+that they had no interest in the ways of the 'folk from down
+below'. Upon our request (and a few oddities accepted in exchange,
+namely a small bowl made of True Timber and a pair of hollow diamonds)
+the unregistered 'monks' agreed to aid us towards our goal (though I
+gathered the distinct impression that they very much acquiesced
+primarily in order to rid themselves of us).
+Two weeks after meeting with the 'monks' we had found it.
+The Sun-Touched Mountain.
+So, Lola, I'm sure you're lost interest by now, being the petulant and
+insistent child that you are, but deep within the Sunpeaks, beyond the
+ken of the civilized peoples, stands the tallest mountain in the
+We didn't climb it; we didn't dare. And our humble guides requested
+that we saved ourselves the trouble. For we had found it. High above
+the world, on a ridge of mountains the locals call 'The Edge' stands
+the impossibly massive peak.
+Shrouded from below by almost constant cloud-cover and the jutting
+cliffs of that massive ridge, we only dared observe it from afar. The
+expanse between the ridge and the cluster we found ourselves on was
+measured in miles.
+Our best calculations put the height of the Sun-Touched Mountain at a
+staggering 179,400 ft. And at it's peak, a brilliant day's Sun.
+I'll never forget the sight.
+Thank you Lola. Now please stop writing us.