# coding: utf-8 load 'pandoc.rb' require 'erb' require 'date' require 'set' $license_urls = { "CC BY-SA-3.0" => 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/', 'WTFPL-2' => "http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/", } $person_uris = { "Luke Shumaker" => "https://lukeshu.com/", "Andrew Murrell" => "https://andrewdm.me/", } $person_emails = { "Luke Shumaker" => "lukeshu@parabola.nu", "Andrew Murrell" => "ImFromNASA@gmail.com", } $tag_names = { "DM" => "DMing Resource", "ES" => "Essay", "FF" => "Flash Fiction", "HB" => "Homebrew", "SS" => "Short Story", "WP" => "WIP", } class Tag def initialize(abbr) @abbr = abbr end def abbr @abbr end def name $tag_names[@abbr] end def html return "#{name}" end end class Person def initialize(name) @name = name end def name @name end def uri $person_uris[@name] end def email $person_emails[@name] end def html if not email.nil? return "#{name}" elsif not uri.nil? return "#{name}" else return @name end end def atom ret = "" ret += "#{name}" unless name.nil? ret += "#{uri}" unless uri.nil? ret += "#{email}" unless email.nil? end end class License def initialize(name) @name = name end def name @name end def url $license_urls[@name] end def html "#{name}" end end class Page def initialize(infile) @infile = infile end def infile ; @infile ; end def input ; @input ||= File.read(infile) ; end def pandoc if @pandoc.nil? types = { 'md' => 'markdown' } ext = File.extname(infile).gsub(/^[.]/, '') type = types[ext] || ext @pandoc = Pandoc::load(type, input) if @pandoc['pandoc_format'] @pandoc = Pandoc::load(@pandoc['pandoc_format'], input) end end @pandoc end def title ; @title ||= pandoc['title'] || input.split("\n",2).first ; end def showtitle ; @showtitle ||= ! pandoc['title'].nil? ; end def author ; @author ||= Person.new( pandoc['author'] || "Andrew Murrell") ; end def license ; @license ||= License.new(pandoc['license'] || "CC BY-SA-3.0") ; end def slug ; @slug ||= infile.sub(/\..*$/,'').sub(/^.*\//,'') ; end def content ; @content ||= pandoc.to('html5 '+(pandoc['pandoc_flags']||'')) ; end def head ; @head ||= pandoc['html_head_extra'] ; end def tags ; @tags ||= (pandoc['tags'] || '').split.map{|tag|Tag.new(tag)} ; end def published if @published.nil? raw = pandoc['published'] @published = Date.parse(raw) unless raw.nil? end if @published.nil? raw = `git log -n1 --reverse --format='%cI' -- #{infile}` @published = DateTime.iso8601(raw) unless raw.empty? if !updated.nil? && updated < @published @published = updated end end @published end def updated if @updated.nil? raw = pandoc['updated'] @updated = Date.parse(raw) unless raw.nil? end if @updated.nil? raw = `git log -n1 --format='%cI' -- #{infile}` @updated = DateTime.iso8601(raw) unless raw.empty? end @updated end def rights years = `git log --date=format:'%Y' --format='%cd' -- .config/login.sh`.split('\n').map{|s|s.to_i} years.unshift(published.year) unless published.nil? years.unshift(updated.year) unless updated.nil? years = Set[*years] # TODO: simplify year spans @rights ||= "

The content of this page is Copyright © #{years.sort.join(', ')} #{author.html}.

\n" + "

This page is licensed under the #{license.html} license.

" end def src @src ||= infile.sub(/^(src|out)\//, '/') end def url if @url.nil? u = src.sub(/\.[^\/.]*$/, '.html').sub(/\/index[.]html$/, '') @url = u == '' ? '/' : u end @url end def breadcrumbs if @breadcrumbs.nil? bc = [] u = url while u != "/" bc.unshift("#{File.basename(u, File.extname(u))}") u = File.dirname(u) end bc.unshift("Andrew D. Murrell") @breadcrumbs = bc.join(' » ') end @breadcrumbs end end def html_escape(html) html .gsub('&', '&') .gsub('>', '>') .gsub('<', '<') end