--- title: "Psionist Class [5e]" updated: "2016-07-16T21:01-0400" class: "dnd" tags: ES HB ---

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to the Psionist Class [5e]

Because the power of psionics is vast but strange, over the eons many have learned to harness its power in wildly different ways. From warriors who use it to strengthen their blades to conjurers who pull matter from astral plane, psionic characters have always been the exception to the rule. As such, it is no surprise that it is difficult if not impossible to encompass all possible psionics users in a single class.

That said, a common archetype for a user of psionics is that of the "Mind Mage" or Psionist, a highly skilled and intelligent adept who typically engages in combat by evoking psionic powers in a similar way that a Weave-based spellcaster would.1

The following is a complete 5th edition class with options for creating the most common archetypes of psionic manifesters.2

2 The Psionist

A robed man watches the bar from a dark corner, carefully reading minds and waiting for a certain noble to step past the line of treason and arrest him.

An invisible thief moves silently through the night. She approaches a locked and warded gate, looks around for guards, and then phases silently through it and into the estate, floating up to the second story window and continuing inside.

A gnome sits hunched over a block of stone meditating deeply and tracing lines along its surface. Slowly he opens his eyes and marvels as the golem rises to its feet, rubs its chin thoughtfully, and bows before its master.

A blue goblin bends a giant to her will, sending him running into the sea bound for faraway lands.

An old man clad in white robes and an impish smile dismisses an inclement fire ball into the Plane of Fire and escapes into a glimmering portal bound for the outer planes.

Each of these people are Psionists, a diverse class of psionic manifesters, who use their minds to interact with the world around them. Some are born with the abilities, some are awakened by strange alien forces, and some come to Psionic power after years of exhaustive meditation and training. Regardless of how they came into their powers, Psionists are generally intelligent and motivated individuals whose strange abilities invariably set them upon roads bound for adventure.

As a Psionist, you gain the following class features.

2.1 Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per psionist level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per psionist level after 1st

2.2 Proficiencies

  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons
  • Tools: None
  • Saving Throws: Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, or Religion

2.3 Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a spear or (b) a mace
  • (a) leather armor
  • (a) light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

2.4 Psionist Class Progression Table

1+2Mind Powers, Thought Sensitivity41st32
2+2Psionic Blast, Spellmind 161st33
3+2Psionic Discipline Feature (1)142nd34
4+3Ability Score Improvement172nd34
5+3Spellmind 2273rd45
6+3Psionic Discipline Feature (2)323rd46
8+3Ability Score Improvement444th47
9+4Spellmind 3575th48
10+4Psionic Discipline Feature (3)645th59
12+5Ability Score Improvement736th510
13+5Spellmind 4837th511
14+5Psionic Discipline Feature (4)837th512
16+5Ability Score Improvement948th513
17+6Spellmind 51079th514
18+6Psionic Discipline Feature (5)1149th515
19+6Ability Score Improvement1239th516
20+6Perfect Mind1339th517

2.5 Mind Powers

All Psionic abilities except those that cast spells are mind powers. Intelligence is your psionic ability for your mind powers. Your intellect determines the strength of the psionic effects you manifest. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a mind power or when making an attack roll with one. Manifesting mind powers does not require verbal, somatic, or material components unless those components have an explicit cost associated with them or are consumed.

  • Psionic Powers of sixth level and higher take a drastic mental toll when manifested. You may only manifest one sixth, one seventh, one eighth, and one ninth level power per day.

2.5.1 Psi Points

Psi points represent a Psionist's pool of mental energy. It expands as she gains levels in the Psionist class and becomes more powerful. When manifesting powers, she uses a number of psi points according to the table below.

Power LevelPoint Cost

All spent psi points are recovered after a long rest.

2.5.2 Psionic Ability

Mind Powers Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Mind Power Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

2.6 Thought Sensitivity

As a Psionist, you are attuned to the thoughts and feelings of others, as well as the concentration of psionic energy in an area.

  • You have disadvantage on Concentration checks and Intelligence saving throws if the number of thinking creatures within 10 feet of you is greater than or equal to three times your Psionist level.
  • It is more difficult for a group of people to surprise you. If you enter an area with a group of five or more hidden creatures, you feel their presence and cannot be surprised by them. You can not determine their location relative to you or where they are hiding.
  • Also, as an action you can examine an object or creature within 10 feet of you to psionically determine whether or not it has a mind. You cannot determine this if it is shielded or immune to having its mind read.

2.7 Psionic Blast

As an action, you may attempt to use your mastery of psionics to deal psychic damage to a living target you can see within 60 feet of you.

If you do so, your target must make an Intelligence saving throw or take psychic damage as determined by the Psionic Blast column of the Psionist table. In addition, if your target rolls less than your Mind Power Attack Modifier on this saving throw they are stunned until your next round.

2.8 Spellmind

By interacting with magic in the world, and the knowledge of those who manipulate it, you learn to alter your state of mind to allow yourself to cast spells through the Weave.

Whenever earn a rank of Spellmind (levels 2, 5, 10, 14, and 17) you may choose a spell from another class' spell list of a level equal to the number of times you have this feature (for example, at level 10 you choose a third level spell in addition to the first and second level spells you have already chosen). Once per long rest, you may cast this spell as if you were of the appropriate spellcasting class except that it does not require vocal or somatic components (material components are still required unless using an appropriate focus. Material components requiring a cost are always required) and it uses your Mind Power Save DC and Intelligence modifier for determining saving throws or spell attack rolls. Casting spells with the feature uses the Weave and can be countered or dispelled. Each time you level up, you may choose to replace a spell you learned with Spellmind with another spell of the same level (it doesn't have to be from the same class spell list).

2.9 Psionic Disciplines

Psionic Disciplines represent the ways in which Psionists interact with the Psionic Field and manifest their powers. You select a discipline at 3rd level and it grants sequential access tiers of abilities at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 14th, and 18th levels.

2.9.1 Inquisitor

Inquisitors read thoughts and auras, learn skills, and draw power from the minds of others. A master Inquisitor in a crowd of people is capable of spectacular feats of power, will, and skill.

At 3rd level when taking the Inquisitor Discipline, you gain access to all abilities under the Detective Tier. You likewise gain abilities in Melder, Mimic, Tactician, and Imperator Tiers upon reaching 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels respectively.

Bonus Proficiencies: Insight, Investigation, double your proficiency bonus for Intelligence saving throws.

  • Detective

    Improved Thought Sensitivity: You no longer are disadvantaged by swarming crowds of people, in fact, you have grown to excel in such areas of high density Psionic Field. The first part of your Thought Sensitivity ability now reads "You have advantage on concentration checks and intelligence saving throws while within 10 feet of 2 or more thinking creatures."

    Detect Strike: You sense when an opponent decides to strike you and can mentally prepare yourself. When you are attacked by a creature you can see, you may use your reaction to get a +2 bonus to armor class against that creature until your next turn. At 14th level, this increases to a +4 bonus.

  • Melder

    Mind Meld: As an action, you may touch a creature with an Intelligence of 5 or greater and attempt to meld your consciousnesses together. Doing so can be dangerous. If you attempt to meld with an unwilling creature, it makes a Wisdom saving throw to block the mental intrusion, otherwise a link is established. While the link is active, thoughts, emotions, and memories are shared freely between yourself and the creature. During a mind meld, since your minds are linked, it is more difficult to lie or to hide information. To do so requires a Concentration (Intelligence) contest for each lie or omission. Either party may attempt to leave the mind meld by repeating the wisdom saving throw (if you attempt to leave, you must also make a wisdom saving throw against your Mind Power save DC). If the link is broken in this way, or in any other way (such as the death of one of its participants or being physically torn from touching one another) before both parties explicitly agree to do so, both parties take 10d6 psychic damage. You may only use this feature once per long rest.

    Touch of Tongues: If a creature speaks at least one language, as an action you may concentrate to translate their intentions, though not their exact wording, into a language you know. This uses your concentration for manifesting mind powers or casting spells and the effect ends when you cease concentrating on it.

  • Mimic

    Mimic Skill: You tap into the minds of those around you to temporarily learn skills and proficiencies. You may target a creature within 30 feet of you. An unwilling creature makes an wisdom saving throw or is affected. You may learn a skill, armor, weapon, or tool proficiency from the targeted creature for 1 hour. Additionally, you may use this feature during a Mind Meld. When doing so, you retain the proficiency for up to one week. You may use this feature once per short rest.

  • Tactician

    Tactician: You learn to relay sensory information and plans to and from those around you. When determining if you can see a creature or object, whether for a spell, mind power, or other ability, or otherwise, you may use the senses of any creatures within 60 feet of you instead of your own. You may extend this ability to willing creatures in range by expending a psi point for each creature you target. In addition, you may freely exchange thoughts or images with any creatures to which you have extended this ability for the duration. The shared effect ends if you are incapacitated or after one hour.

  • Imperator

    One With All: You thrive in areas of high density psionic energy. Once per long rest, if you are within 60 feet of 20 or more people you gain proficiency in all skills, languages, and saving throws, automatically succeed concentration checks, and any psionic abilities that you manifest or spells you cast are considered to be manifested or cast from one level higher. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to the number of people within 60 feet of you when you manifest it (maximum 1 hour).

2.9.2 Kineticist

Kineticists alter the physical world by extending the conception of self to encompass their surroundings. A master Kineticist can lift a weapon without touching it and walk up the side of a building by simply willing it so.

At 3rd level when taking the Kineticist Discipline, you gain access to all abilities under the Enhanced Self Tier. You likewise gain abilities in Extended Self, Kineticist, Master Kineticist, and Kinetic Avatar Tiers upon reaching 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels respectively.

Bonus Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Dexterity saving throws.

  • Enhanced Self

    Wall Walk: You may travel up vertical surfaces as if they were difficult terrain.

    Force Repulsion: As an action you may have target creature within 60 feet of you makes a Strength saving throw. If it fails, it is pushed up to 30 feet away from you and requires spending twice its movement to approach you until your next turn.

  • Extended Self

    Kinematics: You learn the Minor Kinematics Cantrip with the slight differences noted below. It does not count against the number of Cantrips known. The number of objects or creatures that can be levitated is doubled. The maximum weight of an object or creature that can be levitated is doubled. When lifting objects with the Minor Kinematics psionic cantrip, you may attempt to attack a creature in range that you can see with those objects. An attack can be made as either an action or a bonus action or both using your Int modifier + your proficiency bonus to hit. You are considered proficient with these attacks and their damage is determined by the statistics of the objects being levitated (e.g. a longsword would deal 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier slashing damage and a levitated boot would deal 1 + Intelligence). Floating objects can be attacked or pulled downwards, which causes the cantrip's effect holding them aloft to fail. If you attempt to make a ranged attack with a floating object, it must have the loading property and be loaded and such an attack may not be performed as a bonus action. You cannot load a weapon or activate a magic item using the Minor Kinematics cantrip.

  • Kineticist

    Improved Levitation: You may manifest the second level psionic power Levitation at will without expending psi points.

    Psychoportation: Your movement speed is doubled.

  • Master Kineticist

    Phasing: Once per short rest, as an action on your turn, you may spend a psi point to become intangible until your next turn. You may pass through solid objects and are invulnerable to nonmagical bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage, but not structures, boundaries, or weapons created by magical force. Your gear may become intangible with you. On subsequent turns, you may spend a psi point at the beginning of your turn to remain intangible. If you start your turn inside an object and cannot spend a psi point to remain intangible, you are merged bodily with that object. If your body cannot continue to function or your brain is destroyed, you die.

  • Kinetic Avatar

    Kinetic Avatar: You extend your sense of self into the world around you, animating and controlling objects and structures in your vicinity, then pulling them around you in a swirling cocoon of armor. The effect lasts for 1 minute.

    • You gain a flying speed equal to your normal speed for the duration.
    • Your armor class increases by 10 for the duration, though this bonus decays as parts of your Avatar armor are destroyed.
    • You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Psionist level for the duration. Whenever you take damage your bonus armor class decreases by 1 as part of the armor is sheared away.
    • At any point you may shed 5 points of bonus AC to manifest the 5th level psionic power Animate Objects without spending psi points. The animated objects can fly.

2.9.3 Metapsionist

Metapsionists can alter minds and bodies to concentrate or disperse psionic energy and effects. A master Metapsionist can shapeshift, grant spellcasting and psionics, and disrupt the spellcasting and psionics of others.

At 3rd level when taking the Metapsionist Discipline, you gain access to all abilities under the Awakened Tier. You likewise gain abilities in Empowered, Metapsionist, Living Mind, and Psionic Soul Tiers upon reaching 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels respectively.

Bonus Proficiencies: Medicine, Constitution saving throws.

  • Awakened

    Psionic Blade Ward: You learn to ready your body to withstand damaging strikes. As a bonus action, you may spend a psi point to manifest the psionic cantrip Blade Ward (you don't have to be able to manifest that cantrip normally).

    Psionic Recovery: Once per day when you finish a short rest you may regain a number of psi points equal to your Psionist level (up to 9).

  • Empowered

    Psionic Restoration: Once per long rest at the start of your turn, you may remove a mind-altering condition from yourself. Alternatively, you may use an action to end a mind-altering condition from a creature you touch. These may be Charmed or Frightened.

  • Metapsionist

    Grant Psionics: Once per long rest as an action you plant a seed of psionic ability in a willing creature you touch. For 24 hours they gain the ability to manifest a psionic power of your choice of 2nd level or lower and gain 6 psi points. If you manifest this ability on the same target every day for a month (30 days), the change becomes permanent and the creature is considered to be able to innately manifest that ability. You may not grant more than one ability to a creature, nor can you target a creature that already can manifest psionic abilities.

  • Living Mind

    Spell Mimicry When you observe an arcane spell being cast by an individual within 10 feet of you, you may use your reaction to attempt to read the mind of its caster and create a psionic imprint of the spellcasting in your mind. To do so, make a spellcraft Intelligence (Arcana) check against 10 + the spell's level. You may not make this check against a spellcaster who is shielded from psychic intrusion (such as under the effect of a Mind Blank spell). Additionally, the psychic intrusion is not subtle. An unwilling caster may make a wisdom saving throw against your Mind Powers Save DC to prevent you from reading the details of the spell and determine your location. You may store up to two spells in this way, none of which are above fifth level. You may not imprint more than two spells in a day. Casting an imprinted spell requires the use of whatever components, including material, are normally required in its casting or an appropriate arcane focus, however, spells cast in this way use your Psionic Ability, Save DC, and Attack Modifier when relevant. They also require you to expend a number of psi points as if you were manifesting a Mind Power of that level. You must cast the spell at its lowest level. Spells cast in this way are magical and can be countered and dispelled. Once you have cast an imprinted spell in this way, you lose the imprint.

  • Psionic Soul

    Diminish/Enhance Psionics: You have learned the deep secrets of the Hidden Art. When you or a creature you can see manifests a psionic power or you encounter an existing psionic effect, you may choose to apply one of the following effects to modify it as a reaction.

    • Fork/Merge: You may increase or decrease the number of effected creatures by 1.
    • Expand/Contract: You may enlarge or reduce the area of effect by 5 feet.
    • Extend/Curtail: You may increase or decrease the duration by 1 minute.
    • Shape: You may change the shape of the area of effect (but not the direction).
    • Counter: You may make an Intelligence (Psionics) check against 10 + the power's level to end the effect.
    • Splice: You may choose a psionic power of 2nd level or lower and add its effects (choosing targets separately if applicable) to the manifestation (this only applies to powers you manifest or see being manifested).

    You may use this ability once per short rest.

2.9.4 Mind Master

Mind Masters exert their will directly upon the minds of others. A master Mind Master can dominate and imprison the minds of others and even move their consciousness from mind to mind at will. Mind Masters tend to be neutral or evil in alignment.

At 3rd level when taking the Mind Master Discipline, you gain access to all abilities under the Powerful Mind Tier. You likewise gain abilities in Dominating Mind, Transcendent Mind, Mind-Slaver, and Imprisoner tiers upon reaching 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels respectively.

Bonus Proficiencies: Persuasion, Wisdom saving throws.

  • Powerful Mind

    Deep Suggestion: You may manifest the second level mind power Suggestion once per long rest without expending any psi points. When you do, the creature you target has disadvantage on the saving throw.

  • Dominating Mind

    Impose Will: Once per short rest, you may cause a creature making a saving throw against one of your mind powers, abilities, or your psionic blast to have disadvantage on that saving throw. You must do so before the roll is made. Once you've used this feature on a creature, you may not do so again on that same creature until you finish a long rest.

  • Transcendent Mind

    Psychic Potency: When you deal psychic damage to a target that is stunned, you deal an additional amount of damage equal to twice your Intelligence modifier.

    Psychic Entity: When you die, you may attempt to force your way into another creature's body to continue living. To do so, a target creature within 30 feet of you makes a Charisma saving throw. On a success, you die, otherwise, you take control of the target's body and force their consciousness into dormancy. You gain their physical features (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) but retain all of your other traits. Once every 24 hours, or whenever you take damage greater than 50% of your max hit points, the dormant consciousness may attempt to resume control of the body by making a Charisma saving throw. On a success, you are forced out of the body and must either attempt to use this feature again on a different target or die.

  • Mind-Slaver

    Enslave: Once per long rest as an action you may target a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until you die or are on a different plane of existence from it. The charmed target is under your control and can't take reactions, and you and the target can communicate telepathically with each other over any distance. Whenever the charmed target takes damage, it can repeat its saving throw. On a success, the effect ends. No more than once every 24 hours, the target can also repeat the saving throw when it is at least one mile away from you.

  • Imprisoner

    Imprisonment: You learn the 9th level Wizard spell Imprisonment as a ninth level mind power. It does not count against the number of powers known, but costs the normal number of psi points to manifest. As a Mind Master, Imprisonment gains an additional option: Mind Prison. You may choose to Imprison the creature directly in your mind. There is no material component needed for this option. If you die or your consciousness leaves your body for a period longer than 8 hours (as with an Astral Projection spell), the prisoner is released. While imprisoned in your mind, the creature may sense what you allow it to sense and you may read the creature's surface thoughts as with a Detect Thoughts spell. No more than one creature may be imprisoned this way at a time.

2.9.5 Ascendant

Ascendants feel the pull of psionic energy from other planes and dimensions and can learn to manipulate the fabric of reality. A master Ascendant can open portals and doorways to distant places, summon inanimate objects and creatures from their home planes, and banish creatures from other planes back to whence they came.

At 3rd level when taking the Ascendant Discipline, you gain access to all abilities under the Astral Apporter tier. You likewise gain abilities in Planar Adept, Ascendant, Shaper, and Master of the Planes Tiers upon reaching 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels respectively.

Bonus Proficiencies: Arcana, Charisma Saving Throws.

  • Astral Apporter

    Astral Armor: As an action, you may conjure a coating of astral matter which covers the skin. This coating lasts for 1 hour and radiates dim light. Your AC becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier for the duration. As a reaction, you may explicitly harden the coating, which temporarily increases your AC to 15 + Dex, but destroys the armor in a flash of bright light. Creatures within 5 feet of you when the armor is destroyed must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until your next turn.

  • Planar Adept

    Call Energy: You feel the cosmic pull of the planes of Positive and Negative Energy. Once per long rest, as an action you may cover an 20-ft radius sphere centered at a point you can see in planar energy. Choose either a) the Positive Energy Plane or b) the Negative Energy Plane. The covered area is either a) bathed in a dull glow or b) shrouded in a misty shadow which a) heals each living creature in range by 1 hp at the end of each creature's turn or b) deals 1 damage per turn to all living things in range and the end of each creature's turn. Maintaining this effect requires concentration and may last no longer than a minute.

  • Ascendant

    Planar Abjuration: As a reaction to a spell or effect within 30 ft of you that would deal fire, cold, lightning, thunder, radiant, or necrotic damage, you channel the powers of the elemental and outer planes to reduce the damage dealt by that spell by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier + your Psionist level. If the spell or effect has an area of effect, the damage each affected creature takes is reduced by this much. Damage reduction is applied before applying resistances.

    Banishing Blast: When a creature native to a different plane of existence than the one it is on fails its saving throw against your Psionic Blast it makes a Charisma saving throw. If it fails this saving throw, it is banished to its plane of origin with a faint popping sound for 1 minute. While there, the target is incapacitated. When the minute is finished, it returns to the nearest unoccupied space from where it left.

  • Shaper

    Conjure Astral Construct: Once per long rest, as an action, you may create an Astral construct from Astral matter pulled from the Astral Plane.

    Though you may customize the exact form of the construct to your liking, the statistics for the Astral Construct are the same as that of the Helmed Horror (page 183 in the Monster Manual) with the following exceptions:

    It gains up to three additional options from the list below (you may choose the same option more than once):

    • Extra Attack
    • See Invisibility
    • Flash and Bellow Attack (Creatures within 30 ft make DC 15 Con saves or are blinded and deafened for 1 minute. They may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. Once a creature succeeds, it cannot be affected again.)
    • 5d8 (22) Extra Hit Points
    • Extra Spell Immunity (Two additional spells)
    • +3 Damage on Hit
    • +1 AC
  • Master of the Planes

    Whitefire Portal: You burn a temporary hole through the Astral Plane and into another plane of your choice. Once per long rest, centered on a point within 300 ft of you, you summon raw Astral ectoplasm which burns with hellish, white-hot fury. Any creature standing within 20 feet of the whitefire must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 12d10 fire damage or half on a successful save. Inanimate objects in the area also take the damage and flammable objects may catch on fire. A portal then opens to a plane of your choice as with a Gate spell and remains open for 1 minute as the planes slowly knit themselves back together. Alternatively, instead of a specific location on a plane of your choice, you may choose to have your portal open into a general location in one of the elemental planes or the planes of positive or negative energy. If you do so, creatures who enter or begin their turns within 20 feet of the portal take 6d10 damage of the appropriate elemental or energy type.

2.10 Perfect Mind

Over years of study and experience in the Hidden Art, you have mastered the use of your most powerful psionic powers. The restriction on manifesting high level powers no longer applies to sixth and seventh level powers.

3 Mind Powers

3.1 Basic Mind Powers (Cantrips)

At first level, you learn three basic mind powers (cantrips) of your choice from the following list. If a mind power shares the name of a spell then it produces a psionic effect is identical to that spell, otherwise, an asterisk follows the power's name and it creates a new or different psionic effect that is described in greater detail below the list.

Blade Ward
Dancing Lights
Minor Illusion
Minor Kinematics*
True Strike
Vicious Mockery

Minor Kinematics - Psionic Evocation Cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 ft

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you may levitate an object or creature within 30 feet of you weighing less than 10 pounds. On each of your turns, you may use an action or a bonus action to mentally command it to move up to 30 ft in any direction. The effect ends if the object or creature is ever more than 30 feet away from you, falling to the ground. An unwilling creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your Mind Powers Save DC or be affected. It may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns. You may levitate multiple objects or creatures in this way by manifesting this power again, but no more than a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you attempt to manifest it more times than that, then all items regain their normal weight and fall to the ground.

3.2 First Level Mind Powers

Aura Reading*
Charm Person
Compelled Duel
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Detect Poison and Disease
Disguise Self
Dissonant Whispers
Expeditious Retreat
Faerie Fire
Feather Fall
Find Familiar
Illusory Script
Lock Mind*
Mage Armor
Silent Image
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Unseen Servant

Aura Reading - 2nd Level Psionic Divination

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 feet.

Duration: Instantaneous

You may target a thinking creature you can see within range, reading its psionic aura, and you may manifest one of the following options: (a) Detect Falsehood: you may determine whether the target believes that its most recent statement is true, (b) Detect Alignment: you may determine the target's alignment, (c) Detect Disguise: you may determine if the target is wearing a magical or physical disguise.

Lock Mind - 1st Level Psionic Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 hour

For the duration, your mind cannot be read without your permission and you have resistance to psychic damage. At higher levels: when cast from a higher level, the duration increases as follows. 2nd level: 2 hours, 3rd level: 4 hours, 4th level: 8 hours, 5th or higher: 24 hours.

3.3 Second Level Mind Powers

Alter Self
Arcane Lock
Blindness / Deafness
Calm Emotions
Crown of Madness
Detect Thoughts
Enhance Ability
Enlarge / Reduce
Heat Metal
Hold Person
Find Traps
Lesser Restoration
Locate Object
Mirror Image
Misty Step
Phantasmal Force
Rope Trick
See Invisibility
Spider Climb
Warding Bond
Zone of Truth

Psychometry - 2nd Level Psionic Divination

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

When thinking beings touch the world around them, they leave a psionic imprint of their actions behind. You attune to an object you can touch. Doing so allows you to see the last person to hold the object, no matter how long ago, and its immediate surroundings while being held, including sounds. You may follow and replay the events occurring near the object but cannot move away from the point of view of the object.

3.4 Third Level Mind Powers

Bestow Curse
Feign Death
Gaseous Form
Hypnotic Pattern
Leomund's Tiny Hut
Major Image
Meld Into Stone
Mind Bolt*
Water Walk

Mind Bolt - 3rd Level Psionic Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 300 ft

Duration: Instantaneous

You manifest psionic energy as an invisible bolt that deals damage and can stun a target. Target creature you can see in range makes an Intelligence saving throw or takes 6d8 psychic damage and is stunned for 1 minute. This creature takes half damage on a successful save and is not stunned. A stunned creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

At Higher Levels: For each level above 3rd, the damage increases by 1d8.

3.5 Fourth Level Mind Powers

Arcane Eye
Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Dominate Beast
Empower Object*
Evard's Black Tentacles
Freedom of Movement
Greater Invisibility
Hallucinatory Terrain
Locate Creature
Phantasmal Killer

Empower Object: Fourth Level Psionic Transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch.

Duration: 1 minute. Concentration.

You may imbue an object you touch with psionic energy. It glimmers faintly with stored power. At any point during the duration you may harmlessly release the energy which ends the effect. When you cease concentrating on this mind power, whether by choice or by a failed concentration check, the stored energy is released suddenly. Any creature within 10 feet of the object makes a Dexterity saving throw or takes 8d8 force damage or half as much on a successful one. A creature carrying the object has disadvantage on this saving throw.

3.6 Fifth Level Mind Powers

Animate Objects
Conjure Elemental
Contact Other Plane
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Modify Memory
Planar Binding
Rary's Telepathic Bond
Teleportation Circle
Wall of Force

3.7 Sixth Level Mind Powers

Arcane Gate
Blade Barrier
Flesh to Stone
Guards and Wards
Magic Jar
Mass Suggestion
Otto's Irresistible Dance
Programmed Illusion
True Seeing
Wind Walk

3.8 Seventh Level Mind Powers

Mirage Arcane
Plane Shift
Project Image
Reverse Gravity

3.9 Eighth Level Mind Powers

Dominate Monster
Kinetic Barrier*
Mind Blank

Ghost Form - 8th Level Psionic Transmutation

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 hour

You become a ghost for the duration of the spell. Your DM can supply you with the statistics of the ghost and you take on all of these statistics, forsaking your own for the duration except Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma. When your ghost form is reduced to 0 hit points or the duration ends, you return to your normal form. Items you carry enter ghost form with you, though none of their magical properties will function for the duration as if suppressed by an Antimagic Field. You may exit the ghost form as an action.

Kinetic Barrier - 8th Level Psionic Evocation

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute


You enact a shimmering Kinetic Barrier around yourself for 1 minute with a number of temporary hit points equal to your maximum hit points. If you would take bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or force damage while the Barrier exists, the barrier takes the damage instead. If the barrier is broken by taking damage equal to or greater than its hit points or its duration ends, then it implodes dealing the entire damage to you. While half of the Barrier's hit points or more are gone, you may make an unarmed attack at a creature or object within range to cause the barrier to explode and deal the stored damage to that creature or object. While the Barrier surrounds you, you may not take any other actions, but can move normally.

3.10 Ninth Level Mind Powers

Astral Projection
Time Stop
Transfer Wounds*

Transfer Wounds - 9th Level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous

You have learned to use other's life force as a conduit for your psionic powers. You and one creature you are touching are restrained until the end of your turn. The creature takes necrotic damage equal to your number of missing hit points. You gain hit points equal the damage dealt, but no more than the creature's hit point maximum.

Unstoppable - 9th Level Psionic Transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute.


You harness the raw power of Kinetics to enter an Unstoppable state for 1 minute. While in this state you have advantage on strength checks to break through doors or other barriers. Also your movement speed cannot be reduced below your maximum speed, you may only move in straight lines, and you reflect from barriers you cannot break in a direction of your choice. Creatures or objects in your path must make dexterity saving throws (if applicable) or be crushed for 10d6 points of force damage. You are immune to nonmagical bludgeoning damage while Unstoppable, but running into traps or dangerous areas may still hurt you.

4 Thanks

I'd like to thank all of the creators of proper D&D Psionics from every edition, as well as contributors to other systems like Pathfinder and (GURPS) Traveler.

I'd like to thank N. Foy, Alex L., Sam S., and Joey A. for playtesting all of the crazy incarnations of this.

Also thanks to Nathan R., Luke S., Jacob C., Marcus S., Jay B. and many many others for listening to me rant about psionics for certainly longer than what is socially acceptable.

For example, the mind flayer as presented in the Monster Manual has the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) feature. This feature allow the mind flayer to cast a set of spells using psionic energy. These spells can be countered with counterspell or dispelled with dispel magic and similar effects.

First, we brainstormed the available options, then divided them into distinct categories, built the spell/power lists, divided the features vertically by level awarded, compared similar features across classes, revised, revised, revised, and finally playtested it. Now we bring it to the public for large-scale testing.


1 Mechanically, what is worth noting is that psionics and Weave-based magic are two distinct forces. In general, an effect that alters or affects a spell has no effect on a psionic effect and vice versa. There is one important exception to this rule. A psionic effect may allow a creature to cast a spell by teaching them to manipulate the Weave.

2 In designing this class, the key design ideals were 1) Flavor, 2) Fun, 3) 5e Rules and Design Consistency, and 4) Balance.