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authorLuke Shumaker <>2015-01-14 15:08:36 -0500
committerLuke Shumaker <>2015-01-14 15:08:36 -0500
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+ <h2 class="entry-title">Java has issues</h2>
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+ <span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted on</span> <a href="" title="22:47" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">2011/01/03</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by lts">lts</a></span>
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+<p class="aside">This was originally posted to Facebook by me at 2010-09-02 23:19. It was edited by me there 2010-07-03.</p>
+<p>Java is an alright language. There are a lot of things it does right, but there<br />
+are a few things it doesn&#8217;t.</p>
+<li>Distinction between classes and packages. I should be able to create<br />
+ sub-classes the same way as I add classes to a package; a package should<br />
+ just be an empty class.</li>
+<li>Too many primitives. I should be able to (re-)construct more of the<br />
+ language.</li>
+<li>No preprocessor/inlines. OO isn&#8217;t an excuse for this, make me do it at the<br />
+ class level (or rather, source file, not supporting `#include&#8217; is fine). I<br />
+ should at least be able to add `#define int8=byte&#8217; like in C. This<br />
+ wouldn&#8217;t be as much of an issue if all these things weren&#8217;t primitives; I<br />
+ could just do &#8220;public class int8 extends byte&#8221;. (yes, I could extend the<br />
+ `Byte&#8217; class, but it wouldn&#8217;t come with all the syntactic sugar primitives<br />
+ get.)</li>
+<li>Numbers: names. Yes the names used are long-standing convention in CS.<br />
+ These include some of the worst short-sighted mistakes in all of<br />
+ hackerdom&#8230; because they stuck. Yet, most reasonable languages can still<br />
+ support them, and sane equivalents.</p>
+<li>byte -&gt; int8</li>
+<li>short -&gt; int16</li>
+<li>int -&gt; int32</li>
+<li>long -&gt; int64</li>
+<li>float -&gt; float32</li>
+<li>double -&gt; float64</li>
+<p> This would easily be fixed if they weren&#8217;t all primitives (point 2), or if<br />
+ I had a preprocessor (point 3).</li>
+<li>Numbers: unsigned. How about unsigned integers (uint16)? This would be<br />
+ easy to implement, if everything weren&#8217;t a damn primitive.</li>
+<li>Give me an actual `struct&#8217;, like in C. I&#8217;m not asking for full manual<br />
+ memory management, just the ability to organize a chunk of it; you can<br />
+ still manage it for me. It would make serialization hellofalot<br />
+ easier.</li>
+<li>It&#8217;s inconsistent about whether it uses the system encoding or it&#8217;s<br />
+ internal encoding. The String object just became worthless to anyone<br />
+ wanting to do any amount of I18N.</li>
+<li>It&#8217;s internal encoding is junk. It maps UTF-16 symbols onto the `char&#8217;<br />
+ primitive, which is 16 bits.</p>
+<li>UTF-16 is junk, use UTF-8</li>
+<li>With any UTF encoding you must allow for a dynamic bit-length, for<br />
+ UTF-16 it&#8217;s 16-32 bits, UTF-8 is 8-32 bits</li>
+<p> I understand how/why it arrived at the solution it uses; at the time Java<br />
+ was designed, it was using UCS-2, which is a 16-bit encoding, and was<br />
+ superseded by UTF-16 in 1996 with Unicode 2.0. However, this is one of<br />
+ those things where you specify a new JVM version, and switch to UTF-8. You<br />
+ can even leave a legacy mode in the JVM that still uses UCS-2.</li>
+<li>Octal prefix: `0&#8242; is used as the prefix to specify an octal literal. Any<br />
+ third-grader can tell you why using a 0 as a prefix to a number is a bad<br />
+ idea; the number might just have padded zeros. Let&#8217;s look at the prefix<br />
+ used for hexadecimal: `0x&#8217;. This is great:</p>
+<li>It starts with a numeric character, which means that it must be a<br />
+ literal. If it started with an alphabetic character, it might be a<br />
+ variable name.</li>
+<li>The second character is a alphabetic character that is not used in<br />
+ any number system that is used in computer science. This allows it<br />
+ to serve a a unique identifier.</li>
+<p> Given these reasons, let&#8217;s think of a new prefix for octal&#8230; how about<br />
+ `0o&#8217;. That took literally less than 10 seconds for me to realize why `0&#8242;<br />
+ sucked, and to think of a better one.<a href="#java-problems-f1">*</a></li>
+<p>All-in-all, its still better than C++</p>
+<p><span id="java-problems-f1">*</span> although, writing this gave me an even<br />
+better idea, but it would break `0x&lt;value&gt;&#8217; for hex, which is incredibly<br />
+common among many languages:<br />
+`&lt;base-in-decimal&gt;x&lt;value&gt;&#8217;<br />
+so octal would be `8x&lt;value&gt;&#8217;<br />
+and hex would be `16x&lt;value&gt;&#8217;<br />
+It would be incredibly understandable, and, depending on implementation allow<br />
+simple arbitrary-base literals.</p>
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+ <h2 class="entry-title">Java has issues</h2>
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+ <span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted on</span> <a href="" title="22:47" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">2011/01/03</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by lts">lts</a></span>
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+<p class="aside">This was originally posted to Facebook by me at 2010-09-02 23:19. It was edited by me there 2010-07-03.</p>
+<p>Java is an alright language. There are a lot of things it does right, but there<br />
+are a few things it doesn&#8217;t.</p>
+<li>Distinction between classes and packages. I should be able to create<br />
+ sub-classes the same way as I add classes to a package; a package should<br />
+ just be an empty class.</li>
+<li>Too many primitives. I should be able to (re-)construct more of the<br />
+ language.</li>
+<li>No preprocessor/inlines. OO isn&#8217;t an excuse for this, make me do it at the<br />
+ class level (or rather, source file, not supporting `#include&#8217; is fine). I<br />
+ should at least be able to add `#define int8=byte&#8217; like in C. This<br />
+ wouldn&#8217;t be as much of an issue if all these things weren&#8217;t primitives; I<br />
+ could just do &#8220;public class int8 extends byte&#8221;. (yes, I could extend the<br />
+ `Byte&#8217; class, but it wouldn&#8217;t come with all the syntactic sugar primitives<br />
+ get.)</li>
+<li>Numbers: names. Yes the names used are long-standing convention in CS.<br />
+ These include some of the worst short-sighted mistakes in all of<br />
+ hackerdom&#8230; because they stuck. Yet, most reasonable languages can still<br />
+ support them, and sane equivalents.</p>
+<li>byte -&gt; int8</li>
+<li>short -&gt; int16</li>
+<li>int -&gt; int32</li>
+<li>long -&gt; int64</li>
+<li>float -&gt; float32</li>
+<li>double -&gt; float64</li>
+<p> This would easily be fixed if they weren&#8217;t all primitives (point 2), or if<br />
+ I had a preprocessor (point 3).</li>
+<li>Numbers: unsigned. How about unsigned integers (uint16)? This would be<br />
+ easy to implement, if everything weren&#8217;t a damn primitive.</li>
+<li>Give me an actual `struct&#8217;, like in C. I&#8217;m not asking for full manual<br />
+ memory management, just the ability to organize a chunk of it; you can<br />
+ still manage it for me. It would make serialization hellofalot<br />
+ easier.</li>
+<li>It&#8217;s inconsistent about whether it uses the system encoding or it&#8217;s<br />
+ internal encoding. The String object just became worthless to anyone<br />
+ wanting to do any amount of I18N.</li>
+<li>It&#8217;s internal encoding is junk. It maps UTF-16 symbols onto the `char&#8217;<br />
+ primitive, which is 16 bits.</p>
+<li>UTF-16 is junk, use UTF-8</li>
+<li>With any UTF encoding you must allow for a dynamic bit-length, for<br />
+ UTF-16 it&#8217;s 16-32 bits, UTF-8 is 8-32 bits</li>
+<p> I understand how/why it arrived at the solution it uses; at the time Java<br />
+ was designed, it was using UCS-2, which is a 16-bit encoding, and was<br />
+ superseded by UTF-16 in 1996 with Unicode 2.0. However, this is one of<br />
+ those things where you specify a new JVM version, and switch to UTF-8. You<br />
+ can even leave a legacy mode in the JVM that still uses UCS-2.</li>
+<li>Octal prefix: `0&#8242; is used as the prefix to specify an octal literal. Any<br />
+ third-grader can tell you why using a 0 as a prefix to a number is a bad<br />
+ idea; the number might just have padded zeros. Let&#8217;s look at the prefix<br />
+ used for hexadecimal: `0x&#8217;. This is great:</p>
+<li>It starts with a numeric character, which means that it must be a<br />
+ literal. If it started with an alphabetic character, it might be a<br />
+ variable name.</li>
+<li>The second character is a alphabetic character that is not used in<br />
+ any number system that is used in computer science. This allows it<br />
+ to serve a a unique identifier.</li>
+<p> Given these reasons, let&#8217;s think of a new prefix for octal&#8230; how about<br />
+ `0o&#8217;. That took literally less than 10 seconds for me to realize why `0&#8242;<br />
+ sucked, and to think of a better one.<a href="#java-problems-f1">*</a></li>
+<p>All-in-all, its still better than C++</p>
+<p><span id="java-problems-f1">*</span> although, writing this gave me an even<br />
+better idea, but it would break `0x&lt;value&gt;&#8217; for hex, which is incredibly<br />
+common among many languages:<br />
+`&lt;base-in-decimal&gt;x&lt;value&gt;&#8217;<br />
+so octal would be `8x&lt;value&gt;&#8217;<br />
+and hex would be `16x&lt;value&gt;&#8217;<br />
+It would be incredibly understandable, and, depending on implementation allow<br />
+simple arbitrary-base literals.</p>
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