Miscellaneous ways to improve your Rails experience
Recently, I’ve been working on a Rails web application, that’s really the baby of a friend of mine. Anyway, through its development, I’ve come up with a couple things that should make your interactions with Rails more pleasant.
classes from other directories than app/
The development server automatically loads and reloads files from the
directory, which is extremely nice. However, most web
applications are going to involve modules that aren’t in that directory;
and editing those files requires re-starting the server for the changes
to take effect.
Adding the following lines to your config/application.rb
will allow it to automatically load and reload files from the
directory. You can of course change this to whichever
directory/ies you like.
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.autoload_paths += ["#{Rails.root}/lib"]
config.watchable_dirs["#{Rails.root}/lib"] = [:rb]
generate a button instead of an input
In HTML, the <input type="submit">
tag styles
slightly differently than other inputs or buttons. It is impossible to
precisely controll the hight via CSS, which makes designing forms a
pain. This is particularly noticable if you use Bootstrap 3, and put it
next to another button; the submit button will be slightly shorter
The obvious fix here is to use
<button type="submit">
instead. The following code
will modify the default Rails form helpers to generate a button tag
instead of an input tag. Just stick the code in config/initializers/form_improvements.rb
it will override
. It is mostly
the standard definition of the function, except for the last line, which
has changed.
# -*- ruby-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
module ActionView
module Helpers
module FormTagHelper
# This is modified from actionpack-4.0.2/lib/action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper.rb#submit_tag
def submit_tag(value = "Save changes", options = {})
options = options.stringify_keys
if disable_with = options.delete("disable_with")
message = ":disable_with option is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 4.1. " \
"Use 'data: { disable_with: \'Text\' }' instead."
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn message
options["data-disable-with"] = disable_with
if confirm = options.delete("confirm")
message = ":confirm option is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 4.1. " \
"Use 'data: { confirm: \'Text\' }' instead'."
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn message
options["data-confirm"] = confirm
content_tag(:button, value, { "type" => "submit", "name" => "commit", "value" => value }.update(options))
I’ll probably update this page as I tweak other things I don’t like.