path: root/.config/emacs/custom.el
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2022-11-18 18:36:53 -0700
committerLuke Shumaker <>2022-11-18 18:36:53 -0700
commit9a62b4a64933f116b08e9e3cb06e013319610e4c (patch)
tree27bb1b131d5a0d35d34fa31e73f72b2446576dc8 /.config/emacs/custom.el
parent9adc8a2aeaf034f5172b32c9bd000c686465ab21 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '.config/emacs/custom.el')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/.config/emacs/custom.el b/.config/emacs/custom.el
index ef8cdbe..6f7fa36 100644
--- a/.config/emacs/custom.el
+++ b/.config/emacs/custom.el
@@ -3,43 +3,62 @@
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(ansi-color-faces-vector
+ [default default default italic underline success warning error])
+ '(auth-source-save-behavior nil)
'(erc-nick "lukeshu")
'(global-whitespace-mode nil)
'(graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-semi nil)
- (quote
- (terraform-mode protobuf-mode web-mode outline-magic dockerfile-mode plantuml-mode vue-mode typescript-mode scss-mode php-mode haml-mode coffee-mode yaml-mode nginx-mode meson-mode markdown-mode graphviz-dot-mode go-mode glsl-mode cmake-mode bison-mode bats-mode editorconfig smart-tabs-mode page-break-lines abyss-theme)))
+ '(adaptive-wrap mmm-mode jq-mode graphql-mode bazel multiple-cursors jq-format terraform-mode protobuf-mode web-mode outline-magic dockerfile-mode plantuml-mode vue-mode typescript-mode scss-mode php-mode haml-mode coffee-mode yaml-mode nginx-mode meson-mode markdown-mode graphviz-dot-mode go-mode glsl-mode cmake-mode bison-mode bats-mode editorconfig smart-tabs-mode page-break-lines abyss-theme))
- (quote
- ((eval outline-show-all)
+ '((Indent-tabs-mode)
+ (c-file-offsets
+ (block-close . 0)
+ (brace-list-close . 0)
+ (brace-list-entry . 0)
+ (brace-list-intro . +)
+ (case-label . 0)
+ (class-close . 0)
+ (defun-block-intro . +)
+ (defun-close . 0)
+ (defun-open . 0)
+ (else-clause . 0)
+ (inclass . +)
+ (label . 0)
+ (statement . 0)
+ (statement-block-intro . +)
+ (statement-case-intro . +)
+ (statement-cont . +)
+ (substatement . +)
+ (topmost-intro . 0))
+ (eval outline-show-all)
(sgml-basic-offset . 8)
(nxml-child-indent . 2)
(sentence-end-double-space nil)
(Fill-Column . 64)
- (eval c-set-offset
- (quote arglist-close)
- 0)
- (eval c-set-offset
- (quote arglist-intro)
- (quote ++))
- (eval c-set-offset
- (quote case-label)
- 0)
- (eval c-set-offset
- (quote statement-case-open)
- 0)
- (eval c-set-offset
- (quote substatement-open)
- 0)
+ (eval c-set-offset 'arglist-close 0)
+ (eval c-set-offset 'arglist-intro '++)
+ (eval c-set-offset 'case-label 0)
+ (eval c-set-offset 'statement-case-open 0)
+ (eval c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0)
(Nginx-indent-level . 4)
(Nginx-indent-level . 8)
- (c-set-style . "K&R"))))
- '(use-package-verbose (quote debug))
+ (c-set-style . "K&R")))
+ '(use-package-verbose 'debug)
'(yaml-block-literal-electric-alist nil))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
- )
+ '(flyspell-incorrect ((t (:background "dark red" :underline (:color "#ef8690" :style wave)))))
+ '(mmm-cleanup-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#693200")))
+ '(mmm-code-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#323232")))
+ '(mmm-comment-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#242679")))
+ '(mmm-declaration-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#004065")))
+ '(mmm-default-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#191a1b")))
+ '(mmm-init-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#71206a")))
+ '(mmm-output-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#77002a")))
+ '(mmm-special-submode-face ((((class color) (min-colors 89)) :background "#00422a"))))