path: root/.config/bash/rc.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/bash/rc.d')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/bash/rc.d/ b/.config/bash/rc.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b9923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/bash/rc.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# The above line probably should never be *used* in this file, but it
+# lets text editors know that this is BASH syntax.
+# Set up colors and settings for ls/dir/vdir #
+if [ -x "`which dircolors`" ]; then
+ eval "$(dircolors -p | cat - "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/dir_colors" |
+ dircolors -b -)"
+ alias ls='ls -1v --color=auto'
+ alias dir='dir -v --color=auto'
+ alias vdir='vdir -v --color=auto'
+ for xgrep in ${PATH//:/\/*grep }/*grep; do
+ if [ -f "$xgrep" ]; then
+ xgrep=`basename "$xgrep"`
+ if [ "$xgrep" != pgrep ]; then
+ alias $xgrep="$xgrep --color=auto"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ alias ls='ls -1v'
+ alias dir='dir -v'
+ alias vdir='vdir -v'
+# Set up the standard aliases for ls #
+alias ll='ls -l'
+alias la='ls -a'
+alias l='ls -CF'
+# Some preferences for miscellaneous stuff #
+#alias rm='gvfs-trash'
+#alias sed='sed --follow-symlinks' # breaks sed 4.2.2
+alias tree='tree --charset utf8'
+alias cd=pushd
+alias gitk='gitk --all --date-order'
+alias userctl='systemctl --user'
+# Some almost-function aliases #
+alias lock="clear; away -C 'This terminal is locked'"
+alias plock="term-title Terminal Locked;lock"
+mvln() { mv $1 $2; ln -s $2 $1; }
+jarls() { jar tf "$1" | sed -n 's/\.class$//p' | LC_ALL=C sort | xargs -r -d $'\n' javap -classpath "$1"; }
+tarls() { local file; for file in "$@"; do bsdtar tf "$file" | sed "s|^|$file:|"; done; }
+jarmain() { jarls "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -E '(^[a-z]|public static void main\(java\.lang\.String\[\]\))' | grep -B1 '^ '; }