#!/bin/sh eval `/usr/local/bin/defaultpaths -sh` eval `xrdb -global -symbols | sed -ne '/=/!d;s/^-D//;p'` host=`/usr/local/bin/shorthostname | sed -e 'h;s/.//;x;s/\(.\).*/\1/;y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/;G;s/\n//'` # For OpenWindows apps if [ -d /usr/openwin ]; then OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin; export OPENWINHOME HELPPATH=$OPENWINHOME/lib/help; export HELPPATH PATH=${PATH}:/usr/openwin/bin fi # load .Xresources and .Xdefaults into the X resource database for i in $HOME/.Xresources $HOME/.Xdefaults; do [ -f $i ] && xrdb -merge $i done # do these in a subshell so they don't become zombies on exit ( xscreensaver & fvwm & # window manager xterm -geometry 80x24-0+257 -T "$host" -n "$host" & ) # only grab the actual console when we're running on a local display [ "$SERVERHOST" != "lore.cs.purdue.edu" -a "$SERVERHOST" = "$CLIENTHOST" ] && consflag=-C # kill this xterm to end your session exec xterm $consflag -geometry 80x14-0+15 -T console -n console -fg darkslategray -bg burlywood3