# The above line probably should never be *used* in this file, but it
# lets text editors know that this is BASH syntax.

# Set up colors and settings for ls/dir/vdir                         #
if [ -x "`which dircolors`" ]; then
    eval "`dircolors -b`"
    alias ls='ls -1v --color=auto'
    alias dir='dir -v --color=auto'
    alias vdir='vdir -v--color=auto'

    for xgrep in ${PATH//:/\/*grep }/*grep; do
        if [ -f "$xgrep" ]; then
            xgrep=`basename "$xgrep"`
	    if [ "$xgrep" != pgrep ]; then
		alias $xgrep="$xgrep --color=auto"
    alias ls='ls -1v'
    alias dir='dir -v'
    alias vdir='vdir -v'

# Set up the standard aliases for ls                                 #
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
alias l='ls -CF'

# Some preferences for miscellaneous stuff                           #
#alias rm='gvfs-trash'
alias ssh='ssh -XC'
alias sed='sed --follow-symlinks'
alias tree='tree --charset utf8'
alias cd=pushd
alias gitk='gitk --all --date-order'

# Remember lat/long for redshift                                     #
redshift='redshift -l39.9030:85.9979'
alias gtk-redshift="gtk-$redshift"
alias redshift="$redshift"

# Some almost-function aliases                                       #
#alias serva='ssh luke@servb.ath.cx -p3440'
#alias phpdoctor='php /usr/gnu/www/0-other/phpdoctor-head/phpdoc.php'
function xterm-title () { echo "];$@"; } # Oh, wait this one *is* a function
alias lock="clear; away -C 'This terminal is locked'"
alias plock="xterm-title Terminal Locked;lock"

# Other                                                              #
case "$TERM" in
	eterm*) alias editor='editor -n';;