find . -name .git -prune -o -type d -o -print | grep -v Ant | grep -v ant | xargs rm -f # TODO: need to generalize the filtering logic # git update-index generates no index file if stdin is empty # this also reduces empty commits as much as possible # "ant\|Ant" git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --msg-filter ~/ws/git-filter-branch-tools/ --index-filter 'git ls-files -s | grep "Javadoc\|javadoc" | GIT_INDEX_FILE=$ git update-index --index-info && ((test -f $ && mv $ $GIT_INDEX_FILE) || rm -f $GIT_INDEX_FILE)' HEAD # remove all the other pointless merges git filter-branch -f --commit-filter "~/ws/git-filter-branch-tools/remove-pointless-commit.rb \"\$@\"" HEAD