class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :tournaments_played, class_name: "Tournament", foreign_key: "player_id", join_table: "players_tournaments" has_and_belongs_to_many :tournaments_hosted, class_name: "Tournament", foreign_key: "host_id", join_table: "hosts_tournaments" has_and_belongs_to_many :teams has_many :sessions before_save { = email.downcase } before_save { self.user_name = user_name } def after_initialize self.permissions = 0 end def can?(action) case action when :create_tournament when :edit_tournament when :join_tournament when :delete_tournament when :create_game when :edit_game when :delete_game when :create_user return false when :edit_user when :delete_user when :create_alert when :edit_alert when :delete_alert when :create_pm when :edit_pm when :delete_pm when :create_session return false when :delete_session else return false end end ## # VAILD_EMAIL is the regex used to validate a user given email. VALID_EMAIL_REG = /\A\S+@\S+\.\S+\z/i ## # VALID_USER_NAME checks to make sure a user's user_name # is in the proper format. VALID_USER_NAME_REG = /\A[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\z/ ## # The following lines put a user account through a series of # validations in order to make sure all of their information # is in the proper format. # # validates :symbol_to_be_validated # # - presence: determines whether or not a symbol is filled or not # - length: ensures there is a length limit on the symbol # - format: checks the format of given information to ensure # validity validates(:name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }) validates(:email, presence: true, format: {with: VALID_EMAIL_REG}, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }) validates(:user_name, presence: true, length:{maximum: 50}, format: {with: VALID_USER_NAME_REG }, uniqueness: {case_sensitive: false }) ## # Instead of adding password and password_confirmation # attributes, requiring the presence of a password, # requiring that pw and pw_com match, and add an authenticate # method to compare an encrypted password to the # password_digest to authenticate users, I can just add # has_secure_password which does all of this for me. has_secure_password validates :password, length: { minimum: 6 } end class NilUser def nil? return true end def can?(action) case action when :create_user return true when :create_session return true else return false end end def method_missing(name, *args) # Throw an error if User doesn't have this method super unless # User has this method -- return a blank value # 'false' if the method ends with '?'; 'nil' otherwise. name.ends_with?('?') ? false : nil end end