<%= @bracket.name %>

Make your prediction for the tournament by clicking on the teams you think will win

> <% (1..@matches.count).each do |i| %> <% matchDepth = Math.log(i*(@logBase-1), @logBase).floor+1 %> <% if matchDepth > Math.log(@base*(@logBase-1), @logBase).floor+1 @pBase = @base @base = i end %> <% t = 1 while t <= @numTeams %> onclick="chooseWinner(<%= @matches[i].id%>, <%= @matches[i].teams[t-1].id %>)" <% end %> > <% if @matches[i].teams[t-1] %> Team <%= @matches[i].teams[t-1].id %> <% end %> <% if (t < @numTeams) %> VS <% end %> <% t = t + 1 %> <% end %> <% if i > 1 %> <% parent = (i+@logBase-2)/@logBase pDepth = Math.log(parent*(@logBase-1), @logBase).floor+1 lastrx = 50/(@depth+1) + 100/(@depth+1)*(@depth-pDepth) lastry = 100/(@logBase**(pDepth-1)+1) * (parent-@pBase+1) - rh/2 %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= form_tag(tournament_bracket_path(@tournament, @bracket), method: 'put') do %> <% for i in 1..@matches.length %> <%= hidden_field_tag("bracket[matches][#{@matches[i].id.to_s}]", value = nil) %> <% end %> <%= submit_tag("Submit Prediction", disabled: true, id: "bracket-submit") %> <% end %> <%= link_to 'Back', tournaments_path %>