module Sampling class RiotApi protected def self.api_name "" end protected def self.api_key ENV["RIOT_API_KEY"] end protected def self.region ENV["RIOT_API_REGION"] end protected def self.url(request, args={}) "{region}/#{request % args.merge(args){|k,v|url_escape(v)}}?api_key=#{api_key}" end protected def self.url_escape(string) URI::escape(string.to_s, /[^a-zA-Z0-9._~!$&'()*+,;=:@-]/) end protected def self.standardize(summoner_name) summoner_name.to_s.downcase.gsub(' ', '') end protected def self.stats_available ["win", "numDeaths", "turretsKilled", "championsKilled", "minionsKilled", "assists"] end protected class Job < ThrottledApiRequest def initialize(request, args={}) @url = Sampling::RiotApi::url(request, args) limits = [ {:unit_time => 10.seconds, :requests_per => 10}, {:unit_time => 10.minutes, :requests_per => 500}, ] super(RiotApi::api_name, limits) end def perform response = open(@url) status = response.status data = JSON::restore( # Error codes that RIOT uses: # "400"=>"Bad request" # "401"=>"Unauthorized" # "429"=>"Rate limit exceeded" # "500"=>"Internal server error" # "503"=>"Service unavailable" # "404"=>"Not found" # Should probably handle these better if status[0] != "200" raise "GET #{@url} => #{status.join(" ")}" end return self.handle(data) end def handle(data) return true end end ######################################################################## ## # Return whether or not this sampling method works with the specified game. # Spoiler: It only works with League of Legends (or subclasses of it). public def self.works_with?(game) if api_key.nil? or region.nil? return false end if == "League of Legends" return true end unless game.parent.nil? return works_with?(game.parent) end end ## # Return whether or not the API can get a given statistic for # a given user. public def self.can_get?(stat) if stats_available.include?(stat) return 2 else return 0 end end ## # This sampling method uses remote IDs public def self.uses_remote? return true end ## # When given a summoner name for a user, figure out the summoner ID. public def self.set_remote_name(user, game, summoner_name) Delayed::Job.enqueue(, game, summoner_name), :queue => RiotApi::api_name) end protected class UsernameJob < Job def initialize(user, game, summoner_name) @user_id = @game_id = # Escape any funny stuff summoner_names = [summoner_name].map{|name|Sampling::RiotApi::standardize(name.gsub(',',''))} # Generate the request super("v1.3/summoner/by-name/%{summonerNames}", { :summonerNames => summoner_names.join(",") }) end def handle(data) user = User.find(@user_id) game = Game.find(@game_id) standardized_summoner_name = data.keys.first remote_data = { :id => data[standardized_summoner_name]["id"], :name => data[standardized_summoner_name]["name"], } user.set_remote_username(game, remote_data) end end ## # When given data from RemoteUsername#value, give back a readable name to display. # Here, this is the summoner name. public def self.get_remote_name(data) data["name"] end #### public def initialize(match) @match = match end ## # Fetch all the statistics for a match. public def start @match.teams.each do |team| team.users.each do |user| #For demo purposes, we are hard coding in a league of legends game id. Delayed::Job.enqueue(, @match, @match.stats_from(self.class), 10546), :queue => RiotApi::api_name) end end end protected class FetchStatisticsJob < Job def initialize(user, match, stats, last_game_id) @user_id = @match_id = @stats = stats @last_game_id = last_game_id # Get the summoner id summoner = user.get_remote_username( # Generate the request super("v1.3/game/by-summoner/%{summonerId}/recent", { :summonerId => summoner["id"] }) end def handle(data) user = User.find(@user_id) match = Match.find(@match_id) if @last_game_id.nil? Delayed::Job.enqueue(, match, data["games"][0]["gameId"]), :queue => RiotApi::api_name) else if @last_game_id == data["games"][0]["gameId"] sleep(4.minutes) Delayed::Job.enqueue(, match, @last_game_id), :queue => RiotApi::api_name) else @stats.each do |stat| Statistic.create(user: user, match: match, name: stat, value: data["games"][0]["stats"][stat]) end end end end end public def render_user_interaction(user) return "" end public def handle_user_interaction(user) # do nothing end end end