path: root/src
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2012-01-07 08:21:00 -0800
committerLuke Shumaker <>2012-01-07 10:22:21 -0800
commit83e460cdc3fc09867a3adb48c3d0894579dd3050 (patch)
tree0771bd935b30971bf2c244b6f158ed7496b644e5 /src
parent3d64793a1ee45857856be1cd71c3a0a040a3e869 (diff)
Refactor to separate the framework from the app; drop message stuff, this app is just user management. Add a json view for individual users
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
65 files changed, 0 insertions, 5788 deletions
diff --git a/src/controllers/AuthPage.class.php b/src/controllers/AuthPage.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f46f72..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/AuthPage.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-Router::register('auth', 'AuthPage');
-class AuthPage extends Controller {
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- // So if $_POST['action'] isn't set, it will trip on '', which
- // is great, so we don't have to handle GET and PUT separately.
- @$action = $_POST['action'];
- switch ($action) {
- case 'login' : $this->login(); break;
- case 'logout': $this->logout(); break;
- case '' : $this->maybe_login(); break;
- default : $this->badrequest(); break;
- }
- }
- private function login() {
- $username = '';
- $password = '';
- $login = -1;
- if ( isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
- $username = $_POST['username'];
- $password = $_POST['password'];
- $login = Login::login($username, $password);
- }
- $vars = array();
- $vars['login_code'] = $login;
- $vars['username'] = $username;
- $vars['password'] = $password;
- if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
- $vars['url'] = $_POST['url'];
- }
- $this->showView('auth/login', $vars);
- }
- private function logout() {
- Login::logout();
- $this->showView('auth/logout');
- }
- private function maybe_login() {
- $uid = Login::isLoggedIn();
- if ($uid===false) {
- $this->login();
- } else {
- $username = Auth::getInstance($uid)->getName();
- $this->showView('auth/index',
- array('username'=>$username));
- }
- }
- private function badrequest() {
- $this->showView('auth/badrequest');
- }
diff --git a/src/controllers/Config.class.php b/src/controllers/Config.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6a884..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/Config.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Router::register('config', 'Config', 'index');
-class Config extends Controller {
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- $uid = Login::isLoggedIn();
- if ($uid===false || !Auth::getInstance($uid)->isAdmin()) {
- $this->http401($routed, $remainder);
- return;
- }
- $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
- switch ($method) {
- case 'PUT': $_POST = $_PUT;
- case 'POST':
- // We're PUTing an updated configuration.
- $this->update();
- break;
- }
- $this->show_index();
- }
- private function show_index() {
- }
- private function update() {
- }
diff --git a/src/controllers/Groups.class.php b/src/controllers/Groups.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d99d99..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/Groups.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Router::register('groups/new' , 'Groups', 'new_group');
-Router::register('groups/index', 'Groups', 'index_file');
-Router::register('groups' , 'Groups', 'index_dir');
-Router::register('groups/*' , 'Groups', 'individual');
-class Groups extends Controller {
- public static $illegal_names = array('', 'new', 'index');
- // TODO
diff --git a/src/controllers/Http404.class.php b/src/controllers/Http404.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 322feaa..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/Http404.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-class Http404 extends Controller {
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- $this->http404($routed, $remainder);
- }
diff --git a/src/controllers/Main.class.php b/src/controllers/Main.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7651b62..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/Main.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Router::register('index', 'Main', 'index');
-class Main extends Controller {
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- $this->showView('index');
- }
diff --git a/src/controllers/Messages.class.php b/src/controllers/Messages.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 717e18e..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/Messages.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Router::register('messages', 'Messages', 'index');
-Router::register('messages/index', 'Messages', 'index');
-Router::register('messages/*', 'Messages', 'message');
-class Messages extends Controller {
- public static $msgdir;
- public function __construct() {
- require_once('MimeMailParser.class.php');
- $this->msgdir = BASEPATH.'/msg';
- }
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- $parser = new MimeMailParser();
- $messages = array();
- $dh = opendir($this->msgdir);
- while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- $path = $this->msgdir."/$file";
- if (is_file($path)) {
- $parser->setPath($path);
- $date_string = $parser->getHeader('date');
- $date = strtotime($date_string);
- if (!isset($messages[$date])) {
- $messages[$date] = array();
- }
- $messages[$date][] =
- array('id'=>$file,
- 'subject'=>$parser->getHeader('subject'),
- 'from'=>$parser->getHeader('from'));
- }
- }
- closedir($dh);
- $this->showView('messages/index', array('messages' => $messages));
- exit();
- }
- public function message($routed, $remainder) {
- $uid = Login::isLoggedIn();
- if ($uid===false || !Auth::getInstance($uid)->isUser()) {
- $this->http401($routed, $remainder);
- return;
- }
- $msg_id = $remainder[0];// We can trust the router that this is set
- $msg_file = $this->msgdir."/$msg_id";
- if (!is_file($msg_file)) {
- $this->http404($routed, $remainder);
- return;
- }
- @$part = $remainder[1];
- @$subpart = $remainder[2];
- $parser = new MimeMailParser();
- $parser->setPath($msg_file);
- switch ($part) {
- case '':
- $this->showView('messages/frame',
- array('msg_id'=>$msg_id,
- 'parser'=>$parser,
- 'msgdir'=>$this->msgdir,
- ));
- break;
- case 'body':
- require_once('Mime.class.php');
- header('Content-type: '.Mime::ext2mime(PAGE_EXT));
- $map = array('html'=>'html',
- 'txt' =>'text');
- echo $parser->getMessageBody($map[PAGE_EXT]);
- break;
- case 'attachment':
- $attachment_id = $subpart;
- $attachments = $parser->getAttachments();
- $attachment = $attachments[$attachment_id];
- $type = $attachment->getContentType();
- $filename = $attachment->getFilename();
- header('Content-Type: '.$type);
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename );
- while($bytes = $attachment->read()) {
- echo $bytes;
- }
- break;
- default:
- array_push($routed, array_shift($remainder));
- $this->http404($routed, $remainder);
- }
- }
- public function http401($routed, $remainder) {
- $this->showView('messages/401', array('uid'=>Login::isLoggedIn()));
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/NewMessage.class.php b/src/controllers/NewMessage.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e778385..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/NewMessage.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- /*
-class NewMessage extends Controller {
-$cmdline = isset($argv[0]); // called from the command line
-@$method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; // What HTTP method was used
-if ( ($method=='PUT') || ($method=='POST') || $cmdline ) {
- // We're going to be uploading a new message.
- // so uniqid isn't 'secure', it doesn't need to be, it's to prevent
- // random collisions.
- $tmpfile = "$BASE/tmp/".uniqid(getmypid().'.');
- $infile = ($cmdline?'php://stdin':'php://input');
- $out = fopen($tmpfile, "w");
- $in = fopen($infile, "r");
- while ($data = fread($in, 1024))
- fwrite($out, $data);
- fclose($out);
- fclose($in);
- //apache_request_headers()
- require_once('MimeMailParser.class.php');
- $parser = new MimeMailParser();
- $parser->setPath($tmpfile);
- $id = preg_replace('/<(.*)>/', '$1',
- $parser->getHeader('message-id'));
- $id = str_replace('/', '', $id); // for security reasons
- $msg_file = "$BASE/msg/$id";
- rename($tmpfile, $msg_file);
- if (!$cmdline) {
- $m->status('201 Created');
- header("Location: ".$m->baseUrl().'messages/'.$id);
- }
- exit();
- */ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/Plugins.class.php b/src/controllers/Plugins.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ed6e7a..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/Plugins.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-Router::register('plugins', 'Plugins');
-class Plugins extends Controller {
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- $uid = Login::isLoggedIn();
- if ($uid===false || !Auth::getInstance($uid)->isAdmin()) {
- $this->http401($routed, $remainder);
- return;
- }
- $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
- switch ($method) {
- case 'PUT': $_POST = $_PUT;
- case 'POST':
- // We're PUTing an updated user index.
- $this->update();
- break;
- }
- $this->show_index();
- }
- private function update() {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- if (isset($_POST['plugins'])) {
- $string = $db->arrayToValue($_POST['plugins']);
- $db->setSysConf('plugins', $string);
- }
- if (isset($_POST['config'])) {
- foreach ($_POST['config'] as $plugin_name => $plugin) {
- foreach ($plugin as $param => $value) {
- $db->setPluginConf($plugin_name,
- $param,
- $value);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function show_index() {
- $pm = PluginManager::getInstance();
- $all_plugins = $pm->listPlugins();
- $enabled_plugins = $pm->getActivePlugins();
- $plugin_data = array();
- foreach ($all_plugins as $plugin_name) {
- $plugin = array();
- $plugin['name'] = $plugin_name;
- $plugin['key'] = 'config['.$plugin_name.']';
- $plugin['active'] =
- in_array($plugin_name, $enabled_plugins);
- $plugin['description'] =
- $pm->staticHook($plugin_name, 'description');
- $plugin['config'] =
- $pm->staticHook($plugin_name, 'configList');
- $plugin_data[] = $plugin;
- }
- $vars = array();
- $vars['plugins'] = $plugin_data;
- $this->showView('plugins/index', $vars);
- }
- public function http401($routed, $remainder) {
- $this->showView('plugins/401');
- }
diff --git a/src/controllers/Users.class.php b/src/controllers/Users.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9978ef8..0000000
--- a/src/controllers/Users.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-Router::register('users/new' , 'Users', 'new_user');
-Router::register('users/index', 'Users', 'index_file');
-Router::register('users' , 'Users', 'index_dir');
-Router::register('users/*' , 'Users', 'individual');
-class Users extends Controller {
- // Index Views ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- return $this->index_dir($routed, $remainder);
- }
- /**
- * Handle POSTing a new user, or GETing the index.
- */
- public function index_dir($routed, $remainder) {
- $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
- switch ($method) {
- case 'POST':
- // We're POSTing a new user.
- if ($this->registrationOpen()) {
- $this->create_user();
- } else {
- $this->showView('users/new-locked', array());
- exit();
- }
- break;
- case 'HEAD': // fall-through to GET
- case 'GET':
- // We're GETing the index.
- $this->show_index($routed, $remainder);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Handle PUTing an updated user index, or GETing the index.
- */
- public function index_file($routed, $remainder) {
- $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
- switch ($method) {
- case 'PUT': $_POST = $_PUT;
- case 'POST':
- // We're PUTing an updated user index.
- $this->update_users();
- break;
- }
- $this->show_index($routed, $remainder);
- }
- // Other Views ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Handle GETing the new user form.
- *
- * I would have named this `new', but that's a keyword.
- */
- public function new_user($routed, $vars) {
- // since there will never be a remainder to `users/new', we can
- // use that parameter to pass in some data.
- if (Login::isLoggedIn()) {
- $this->showView('users/new-logged-in', array());
- exit();
- }
- if (!$this->registrationOpen()) {
- $this->showView('users/new-locked', array());
- exit();
- }
- if (!isset($vars['errors'])) $vars['errors'] = array();
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $pm = PluginManager::getInstance();
- $vars['antispam_html'] = $pm->callHook('antispam_html');
- $vars['userlist'] = $db->getSysConf('anon_userlist');
- $this->showView('users/new', $vars);
- }
- public function individual($routed, $remainder) {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $pm = PluginManager::getInstance();
- $username = implode('/', $remainder);
- if ($username == 'all') {
- $uids = $db->listUsers();
- } else {
- $uids = array($db->getUID($username));
- }
- $vars = array();
- if (count($uids)<2) {
- $user = Auth::getInstance($uid);
- if ($user->isGroup()) $uid = false; // ignore groups.
- if ($uid===false) {
- $this->http404($routed, $remainder);
- exit();
- }
- if (!$user->canRead()) {
- $this->http401($routed, $remainder);
- exit();
- }
- $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
- switch ($method) {
- case 'PUT': $_POST = $_PUT;
- case 'POST':
- // We're PUTing updated user info.
- if ($user->canEdit()) {
- $vars = $this->update_user($user);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- $config_options = array();
- $pm->callHook('userConfig', &$config_options);
- $vars['users'] = array();
- foreach ($uids as $uid) {
- $vars['users'][] = Auth::getInstance($uid);
- }
- $vars['username'] = $username;
- $vars['config_options'] = $config_options;
- $vars['groups'] = $db->listGroupNames();
- require_once('ContactMethod.class.php');
- $this->showView('users/individual', $vars);
- }
- public function http404($routed, $remainder) {
- $username = implode('/', $remainder);
- $this->showView('users/404',
- array('username'=>$username));
- }
- public function http401($routed, $remainder) {
- $this->showView('users/401', array('uid'=>Login::isLoggedIn()));
- }
- // Other Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * This will parse POST data to create a new user.
- * If successfull it will show a message saying so.
- * If not successfull, it will re-show the new-user form with errors
- * explained.
- */
- private function create_user() {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $pm = PluginManager::getInstance();
- $vars = array();
- @$vars['username' ] = $_POST['auth_name'];
- @$vars['password1'] = $_POST['auth_password' ];
- @$vars['password2'] = $_POST['auth_password_verify'];
- @$vars['email'] = $_POST['user_email'];
- $vars['errors'] = array();
- if ($db->getUID($vars['username'])!==false)
- $vars['errors'][] = 'user exists';
- if (!Auth::isNameLegal($vars['username']))
- $vars['errors'][] = 'illegal name';
- $matches = ($vars['password1'] == $vars['password2']);
- if (!$matches) {
- $vars['errors'][] = 'pw mixmatch';
- }
- if ($matches && $vars['password2'] == '') {
- $vars['errors'][] = 'no pw';
- }
- if ($vars['email'] == '') {
- $vars['errors'][] = 'no email';
- }
- foreach ($pm->callHook('antispam_verify') as $plugin=>$valid) {
- if (!$valid) $vars['errors'][] = 'plugin_'.$plugin;
- }
- if (count($vars['errors']) > 0) {
- $this->new_user($routed, $vars);
- } else {
- $username = $vars['username'];
- $password = $vars['password1'];
- $uid = $db->addUser($username, $password);
- if ($uid===false) {
- $this->showView('users/500');
- } else {
- Login::login($username, $password);
- DB::set('users', $uid, 'email', $vars['email']);
- $this->showView('users/created',
- array('username'=>$username));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This will parse POST (really, PUT) data to update a single user
- */
- private function update_user($user) {
- $vars = array();
- $username = $user->getName();
- // Change the username /////////////////////////////////////////
- if (isset($_POST['auth_name'])) {
- $new_name = $_POST['auth_name'];
- if ($new_name != $username) {
- $changed_name = $user->setName($new_name);
- $username = $user->getName();
- $vars['changed name'] = $changed_name;
- }
- }
- // Change the password /////////////////////////////////////////
- @$password1 = $_POST['auth_password' ];
- @$password2 = $_POST['auth_password'.'_verify'];
- // Check the verify box, not main box, so that we don't get
- // tripped by browsers annoyingly autocompleting the password.
- $is_set = ($password2 != '');
- if ($is_set) {
- $matches = ( $password1 == $password2 );
- if ($matches) {
- $user->setPassword($password1);
- $vars['pw updated'] = true;
- } else {
- $vars['pw mixmatch'] = true;
- }
- }
- // Change information //////////////////////////////////////////
- $config_options = array();
- $pm = PluginManager::getInstance();
- $pm->callHook('userConfig', &$config_options);
- foreach ($config_options as $group=>$options) {
- foreach ($options as $option) {
- $this->confText($user, $option[0]);
- }
- }
- // Change contact info /////////////////////////////////////////
- foreach ($CONTACT_METHODS as $method) {
- $this->confText($user, $method->addr_slug);
- }
- $this->confArray($user, 'use');
- // Change groups ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- $this->confArray($user, 'groups');
- return $vars;
- }
- private function confArray($user, $key) {
- if (isset($_POST[$key]) && is_array($_POST[$key])) {
- $user->setConfArray($key, $_POST[$key]);
- }
- }
- private function confText($user, $name) {
- if (isset($_POST["user_$name"])) {
- $user->setConf($name, $_POST["user_$name"]);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This will parse POST (really, PUT) data to update multiple users.
- */
- private function update_users() {
- $attribs = $this->getIndexAttribs();
- $form = new Form(null, null);
- foreach ($attribs as $attrib) {
- $key = $attrib['key'];
- if (isset($_POST[$key]) && is_array($_POST[$key])) {
- $old = $_POST['_old'][$key];
- foreach ($_POST[$key] as $uid => $value) {
- @$value_base = $old[$uid];
- $set = DB::set('users', $uid, $key, $value, $value_base);
- if (is_string($set)) {
- echo "<pre>\n";
- echo "Error: Value changed elsewhere, ".
- "and I don't have real handling ".
- "for this yet.\n";
- echo "UID: $uid\n";
- echo "Name: ".$user->getName()."\n";
- echo "Key: $key\n";
- echo "Value: Original : ";
- var_dump($value_base);
- echo "Value: Other edit: ";
- var_dump($value_fork);
- echo "Value: This edit : ";
- var_dump($value);
- echo "</pre>";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This will show the user index.
- */
- private function show_index($routed, $remainder) {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $logged_in_user = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn());
- $anon_userlist = $db->getSysConf('anon_userlist')=='true';
- if (!$anon_userlist && !$logged_in_user->isUser()) {
- $this->http401($routed, $remainder);
- exit();
- }
- $vars = array();
- $vars['attribs'] = $this->getIndexAttribs();
- $vars['users'] = array();
- $uids = $db->listUsers();
- foreach ($uids as $uid) {
- $vars['users'][$uid] = array();
- foreach ($vars['attribs'] as $attrib) {
- $key = $attrib['key'];
- $props = DB::get('users', $uid, $key);
- $vars['users'][$uid][$key] = $props;
- }
- }
- $this->showView('users/index', $vars);
- }
- function attrib($key, $name, $type='string') {
- return array('key'=>$key, 'name'=>$name, 'type'=>$type);
- }
- private function getIndexAttribs() {
- $user = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn());
- $attribs = array();
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('auth_uid', 'UID');
- if ($user->isUser()) {
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('auth_user', 'Active', 'bool');
- if ($user->isAdmin()) {
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('auth_admin', 'Admin', 'bool');
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('auth_delete', 'Delete', 'bool');
- }
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('lastname','Last');
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('firstname','First');
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('hsclass','Class of');
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('phone','Phone number');
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('email','Email');
- }
- $attribs[] = $this->attrib('auth_name', 'Username');
- return $attribs;
- }
- private function registrationOpen() {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $val = $db->getSysConf('registration_open');
- switch ($val) {
- case 'true': return true;
- case 'false': return false;
- default: return true;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/ext/GoogleVoice.class.php b/src/ext/GoogleVoice.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9638416..0000000
--- a/src/ext/GoogleVoice.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Version 0.2
-License This code is released under the MIT Open Source License. Feel free to do whatever you want with it.
-LastUpdate 05/28/2010
-class GoogleVoice
- public $username;
- public $password;
- public $status;
- private $lastURL;
- private $login_auth;
- private $inboxURL = '';
- private $loginURL = '';
- private $smsURL = '';
- public function __construct($username, $password)
- {
- $this->username = $username;
- $this->password = $password;
- }
- public function getLoginAuth()
- {
- $login_param = "accountType=GOOGLE&Email={$this->username}&Passwd={$this->password}&service=grandcentral&source=com.lostleon.GoogleVoiceTool";
- $ch = curl_init($this->loginURL);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11 Safari/525.20");
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $this->lastURL);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $login_param);
- $html = curl_exec($ch);
- $this->lastURL = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
- curl_close($ch);
- $this->login_auth = $this->match('/Auth=([A-z0-9_-]+)/', $html, 1);
- return $this->login_auth;
- }
- public function get_rnr_se()
- {
- $this->getLoginAuth();
- $ch = curl_init($this->inboxURL);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- $headers = array("Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=".$this->login_auth, 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11 Safari/525.20');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
- $html = curl_exec($ch);
- $this->lastURL = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
- curl_close($ch);
- $_rnr_se = $this->match('!<input.*?name="_rnr_se".*?value="(.*?)"!ms', $html, 1);
- return $_rnr_se;
- }
- public function sms($to_phonenumber, $smstxt)
- {
- $_rnr_se = $this->get_rnr_se();
- $sms_param = "id=&c=&number=".urlencode($to_phonenumber)."&smstext=".urlencode($smstxt)."&_rnr_se=".urlencode($_rnr_se);
- $ch = curl_init($this->smsURL);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- $headers = array("Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=".$this->login_auth, 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11 Safari/525.20');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $this->lastURL);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $sms_param);
- $this->status = curl_exec($ch);
- $this->lastURL = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
- curl_close($ch);
- return $this->status;
- }
- private function match($regex, $str, $out_ary = 0)
- {
- return preg_match($regex, $str, $match) == 1 ? $match[$out_ary] : false;
- }
diff --git a/src/ext/HTTP_Accept.class.php b/src/ext/HTTP_Accept.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5efaa5d..0000000
--- a/src/ext/HTTP_Accept.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,659 +0,0 @@
- * HTTP_Accept class for dealing with the HTTP 'Accept' header
- *
- * PHP versions 4 and 5
- *
- * LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT License.
- * The full text of this license is available at the following URL:
- *
- *
- * @category HTTP
- * @package HTTP_Accept
- * @author Kevin Locke <>
- * @copyright 2007 Kevin Locke
- * @license MIT License
- * @version SVN: $Id: HTTP_Accept.php 22 2007-10-06 18:46:45Z kevin $
- * @link
- */
- * HTTP_Accept class for dealing with the HTTP 'Accept' header
- *
- * This class is intended to be used to parse the HTTP Accept header into
- * usable information and provide a simple API for dealing with that
- * information.
- *
- * The parsing of this class is designed to follow RFC 2616 to the letter,
- * any deviations from that standard are bugs and should be reported to the
- * maintainer.
- *
- * Often the class will be used very simply as
- * <code>
- * <?php
- * $accept = new HTTP_Accept($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']);
- * if ($accept->getQuality("image/png") > $accept->getQuality("image/jpeg"))
- * // Send PNG image
- * else
- * // Send JPEG image
- * ?>
- * </code>
- *
- * However, for browsers which do not accurately describe their preferences,
- * it may be necessary to check if a MIME Type is explicitly listed in their
- * Accept header, in addition to being preferred to another type
- *
- * <code>
- * <?php
- * if ($accept->isMatchExact("application/xhtml+xml"))
- * // Client specifically asked for this type at some quality level
- * ?>
- * </code>
- *
- *
- * @category HTTP
- * @package HTTP_Accept
- * @access public
- * @link
- */
-class HTTP_Accept
- /**
- * Array of types and their associated parameters, extensions, and quality
- * factors, as represented in the Accept: header.
- * Indexed by [type][subtype][index],
- * and contains 'PARAMS', 'QUALITY', and 'EXTENSIONS' keys for the
- * parameter set, quality factor, and extensions set respectively.
- * Note: Since type, subtype, and parameters are case-insensitive
- * (RFC 2045 5.1) they are stored as lower-case.
- *
- * @var array
- * @access private
- */
- var $acceptedtypes = array();
- /**
- * Regular expression to match a token, as defined in RFC 2045
- *
- * @var string
- * @access private
- */
- var $_matchtoken = '(?:[^[:cntrl:]()<>@,;:\\\\"\/\[\]?={} \t]+)';
- /**
- * Regular expression to match a quoted string, as defined in RFC 2045
- *
- * @var string
- * @access private
- */
- var $_matchqstring = '(?:"[^\\\\"]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\"]*)*")';
- /**
- * Constructs a new HTTP_Accept object
- *
- * Initializes the HTTP_Accept class with a given accept string
- * or creates a new (empty) HTTP_Accept object if no string is given
- *
- * Note: The behavior is a little strange here to accomodate
- * missing headers (to be interpreted as accept all) as well as
- * new empty objects which should accept nothing. This means that
- * HTTP_Accept("") will be different than HTTP_Accept()
- *
- * @access public
- * @return object HTTP_Accept
- * @param string $acceptstring The value of an Accept: header
- * Will often be $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']
- * Note: If get_magic_quotes_gpc is on,
- * run stripslashes() on the string first
- */
- function HTTP_Accept()
- {
- if (func_num_args() == 0) {
- // User wishes to create empty HTTP_Accept object
- $this->acceptedtypes = array(
- '*' => array(
- '*' => array (
- 0 => array(
- 'PARAMS' => array(),
- 'QUALITY' => 0,
- 'EXTENSIONS' => array()
- )
- )
- )
- );
- return;
- }
- $acceptstring = trim(func_get_arg(0));
- if (empty($acceptstring)) {
- // Accept header empty or not sent, interpret as "*/*"
- $this->acceptedtypes = array(
- '*' => array(
- '*' => array (
- 0 => array(
- 'PARAMS' => array(),
- 'QUALITY' => 1,
- 'EXTENSIONS' => array()
- )
- )
- )
- );
- return;
- }
- $matches = preg_match_all(
- '/\s*('.$this->_matchtoken.')\/' . // typegroup/
- '('.$this->_matchtoken.')' . // subtype
- '((?:\s*;\s*'.$this->_matchtoken.'\s*' . // parameter
- '(?:=\s*' . // optional =value
- '(?:'.$this->_matchqstring.'|'.$this->_matchtoken.'))?)*)/', // value
- $acceptstring, $acceptedtypes,
- if ($matches == 0) {
- // Malformed Accept header
- $this->acceptedtypes = array(
- '*' => array(
- '*' => array (
- 0 => array(
- 'PARAMS' => array(),
- 'QUALITY' => 1,
- 'EXTENSIONS' => array()
- )
- )
- )
- );
- return;
- }
- foreach ($acceptedtypes as $accepted) {
- $typefamily = strtolower($accepted[1]);
- $subtype = strtolower($accepted[2]);
- // */subtype is invalid according to grammar in section 14.1
- // so we ignore it
- if ($typefamily == '*' && $subtype != '*')
- continue;
- // Parse all arguments of the form "key=value"
- $matches = preg_match_all('/;\s*('.$this->_matchtoken.')\s*' .
- '(?:=\s*' .
- '('.$this->_matchqstring.'|'.
- $this->_matchtoken.'))?/',
- $accepted[3], $args,
- $params = array();
- $quality = -1;
- $extensions = array();
- foreach ($args as $arg) {
- array_shift($arg);
- if (!empty($arg[1])) {
- // Strip quotes (Note: Can't use trim() in case "text\"")
- $len = strlen($arg[1]);
- if ($arg[1][0] == '"' && $arg[1][$len-1] == '"'
- && $len > 1) {
- $arg[1] = substr($arg[1], 1, $len-2);
- $arg[1] = stripslashes($arg[1]);
- }
- } else if (!isset($arg[1])) {
- $arg[1] = null;
- }
- // Everything before q=# is a parameter, after is an extension
- if ($quality >= 0) {
- $extensions[$arg[0]] = $arg[1];
- } else if ($arg[0] == 'q') {
- $quality = (float)$arg[1];
- if ($quality < 0)
- $quality = 0;
- else if ($quality > 1)
- $quality = 1;
- } else {
- $arg[0] = strtolower($arg[0]);
- // Values required for parameters,
- // assume empty-string for missing values
- if (isset($arg[1]))
- $params[$arg[0]] = $arg[1];
- else
- $params[$arg[0]] = "";
- }
- }
- if ($quality < 0)
- $quality = 1;
- else if ($quality == 0)
- continue;
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes[$typefamily]))
- $this->acceptedtypes[$typefamily] = array();
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes[$typefamily][$subtype]))
- $this->acceptedtypes[$typefamily][$subtype] = array();
- $this->acceptedtypes[$typefamily][$subtype][] =
- array('PARAMS' => $params,
- 'QUALITY' => $quality,
- 'EXTENSIONS' => $extensions);
- }
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes['*']))
- $this->acceptedtypes['*'] = array();
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes['*']['*']))
- $this->acceptedtypes['*']['*'] = array(
- 0 => array(
- 'PARAMS' => array(),
- 'QUALITY' => 0,
- 'EXTENSIONS' => array()
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Gets the accepted quality factor for a given MIME Type
- *
- * Note: If there are multiple best matches
- * (e.g. "text/html;level=4;charset=utf-8" matching both "text/html;level=4"
- * and "text/html;charset=utf-8"), it returns the lowest quality factor as
- * a conservative estimate. Further, if the ambiguity is between parameters
- * and extensions (e.g. "text/html;level=4;q=1;ext=foo" matching both
- * "text/html;level=4" and "text/html;q=1;ext=foo") the parameters take
- * precidence.
- *
- * Usage Note: If the quality factor for all supported media types is 0,
- * RFC 2616 specifies that applications SHOULD send an HTTP 406 (not
- * acceptable) response.
- *
- * @access public
- * @return double the quality value for the given MIME Type
- * Quality values are in the range [0,1] where 0 means
- * "not accepted" and 1 is "perfect quality".
- * @param string $mimetype The MIME Type to query ("text/html")
- * @param array $params Parameters of Type to query ([level => 4])
- * @param array $extensions Extension parameters to query
- */
- function getQuality($mimetype, $params = array(), $extensions = array())
- {
- $type = explode("/", $mimetype);
- $supertype = strtolower($type[0]);
- $subtype = strtolower($type[1]);
- if ($params == null)
- $params = array();
- if ($extensions == null)
- $extensions = array();
- if (empty($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype])) {
- if ($supertype == '*')
- return 0;
- else
- return $this->getQuality("*/*", $params, $extensions);
- }
- if (empty($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype])) {
- if ($subtype == '*')
- return $this->getQuality("*/*", $params, $extensions);
- else
- return $this->getQuality("$supertype/*", $params, $extensions);
- }
- $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_LOWER);
- $matches = $this->_findBestMatchIndices($supertype, $subtype,
- $params, $extensions);
- if (count($matches) == 0) {
- if ($subtype != '*')
- return $this->getQuality("$supertype/*", $params, $extensions);
- else if ($supertype != '*')
- return $this->getQuality("*/*", $params, $extensions);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- $minquality = 1;
- foreach ($matches as $match)
- if ($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype][$match]['QUALITY'] < $minquality)
- $minquality = $this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype][$match]['QUALITY'];
- return $minquality;
- }
- /**
- * Determines if there is an exact match for the specified MIME Type
- *
- * @access public
- * @return boolean true if there is an exact match to the given
- * values, false otherwise.
- * @param string $mimetype The MIME Type to query (e.g. "text/html")
- * @param array $params Parameters of Type to query (e.g. [level => 4])
- * @param array $extensions Extension parameters to query
- */
- function isMatchExact($mimetype, $params = array(), $extensions = array())
- {
- $type = explode("/", $mimetype);
- $supertype = strtolower($type[0]);
- $subtype = strtolower($type[1]);
- if ($params == null)
- $params = array();
- if ($extensions == null)
- $extensions = array();
- return $this->_findExactMatchIndex($supertype, $subtype,
- $params, $extensions) >= 0;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of all MIME Types explicitly accepted, sorted by quality
- *
- * @access public
- * @return array list of MIME Types explicitly accepted, sorted
- * in decreasing order of quality factor
- */
- function getTypes()
- {
- $qvalues = array();
- $types = array();
- foreach ($this->acceptedtypes as $typefamily => $subtypes) {
- if ($typefamily == '*')
- continue;
- foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $variants) {
- if ($subtype == '*')
- continue;
- $maxquality = 0;
- foreach ($variants as $variant)
- if ($variant['QUALITY'] > $maxquality)
- $maxquality = $variant['QUALITY'];
- if ($maxquality > 0) {
- $qvalues[] = $maxquality;
- $types[] = $typefamily.'/'.$subtype;
- }
- }
- }
- array_multisort($qvalues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,
- return $types;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the parameter sets for a given mime type, sorted by quality.
- * Only parameter sets where the extensions set is empty will be returned.
- *
- * @access public
- * @return array list of sets of name=>value parameter pairs
- * in decreasing order of quality factor
- * @param string $mimetype The MIME Type to query ("text/html")
- */
- function getParameterSets($mimetype)
- {
- $type = explode("/", $mimetype);
- $supertype = strtolower($type[0]);
- $subtype = strtolower($type[1]);
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype])
- || !isset($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype]))
- return array();
- $qvalues = array();
- $paramsets = array();
- foreach ($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype] as $acceptedtype) {
- if (count($acceptedtype['EXTENSIONS']) == 0) {
- $qvalues[] = $acceptedtype['QUALITY'];
- $paramsets[] = $acceptedtype['PARAMS'];
- }
- }
- array_multisort($qvalues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,
- $paramsets, SORT_DESC, SORT_STRING);
- return $paramsets;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the extension sets for a given mime type, sorted by quality.
- * Only extension sets where the parameter set is empty will be returned.
- *
- * @access public
- * @return array list of sets of name=>value extension pairs
- * in decreasing order of quality factor
- * @param string $mimetype The MIME Type to query ("text/html")
- */
- function getExtensionSets($mimetype)
- {
- $type = explode("/", $mimetype);
- $supertype = strtolower($type[0]);
- $subtype = strtolower($type[1]);
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype])
- || !isset($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype]))
- return array();
- $qvalues = array();
- $extensionsets = array();
- foreach ($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype] as $acceptedtype) {
- if (count($acceptedtype['PARAMS']) == 0) {
- $qvalues[] = $acceptedtype['QUALITY'];
- $extensionsets[] = $acceptedtype['EXTENSIONS'];
- }
- }
- array_multisort($qvalues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,
- $extensionsets, SORT_DESC, SORT_STRING);
- return $extensionsets;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a type to the set of accepted types
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string $mimetype The MIME Type to add (e.g. "text/html")
- * @param double $quality The quality value for the given MIME Type
- * Quality values are in the range [0,1] where
- * 0 means "not accepted" and 1 is
- * "perfect quality".
- * @param array $params Parameters of the type to add (e.g. [level => 4])
- * @param array $extensions Extension parameters of the type to add
- */
- function addType($mimetype, $quality = 1,
- $params = array(), $extensions = array())
- {
- $type = explode("/", $mimetype);
- $supertype = strtolower($type[0]);
- $subtype = strtolower($type[1]);
- if ($params == null)
- $params = array();
- if ($extensions == null)
- $extensions = array();
- $index = $this->_findExactMatchIndex($supertype, $subtype, $params, $extensions);
- if ($index >= 0) {
- $this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype][$index]['QUALITY'] = $quality;
- } else {
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype]))
- $this->acceptedtypes[$supertype] = array();
- if (!isset($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype]))
- $this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype] = array();
- $this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype][] =
- array('PARAMS' => $params,
- 'QUALITY' => $quality,
- 'EXTENSIONS' => $extensions);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes a type from the set of accepted types
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string $mimetype The MIME Type to remove (e.g. "text/html")
- * @param array $params Parameters of the type to remove (e.g. [level => 4])
- * @param array $extensions Extension parameters of the type to remove
- */
- function removeType($mimetype, $params = array(), $extensions = array())
- {
- $type = explode("/", $mimetype);
- $supertype = strtolower($type[0]);
- $subtype = strtolower($type[1]);
- if ($params == null)
- $params = array();
- if ($extensions == null)
- $extensions = array();
- $index = $this->_findExactMatchIndex($supertype, $subtype, $params, $extensions);
- if ($index >= 0) {
- $this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype] =
- array_merge(array_slice($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype],
- 0, $index),
- array_slice($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype],
- $index+1));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets a string representation suitable for use in an HTTP Accept header
- *
- * @access public
- * @return string a string representation of this object
- */
- function __toString()
- {
- $accepted = array();
- $qvalues = array();
- foreach ($this->acceptedtypes as $supertype => $subtypes) {
- foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $entries) {
- foreach ($entries as $entry) {
- $accepted[] = array('TYPE' => "$supertype/$subtype",
- 'QUALITY' => $entry['QUALITY'],
- 'PARAMS' => $entry['PARAMS'],
- 'EXTENSIONS' => $entry['EXTENSIONS']);
- $qvalues[] = $entry['QUALITY'];
- }
- }
- }
- array_multisort($qvalues, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,
- $accepted);
- $str = "";
- foreach ($accepted as $accept) {
- // Skip the catchall value if it is 0, since this is implied
- if ($accept['TYPE'] == '*/*' &&
- $accept['QUALITY'] == 0 &&
- count($accept['PARAMS']) == 0 &&
- count($accept['EXTENSIONS'] == 0))
- continue;
- $str = $str.$accept['TYPE'].';';
- foreach ($accept['PARAMS'] as $param => $value) {
- if (preg_match('/^'.$this->_matchtoken.'$/', $value))
- $str = $str.$param.'='.$value.';';
- else
- $str = $str.$param.'="'.addcslashes($value,'"\\').'";';
- }
- if ($accept['QUALITY'] < 1 || !empty($accept['EXTENSIONS']))
- $str = $str.'q='.$accept['QUALITY'].';';
- foreach ($accept['EXTENSIONS'] as $extension => $value) {
- if (preg_match('/^'.$this->_matchtoken.'$/', $value))
- $str = $str.$extension.'='.$value.';';
- else
- $str = $str.$extension.'="'.addcslashes($value,'"\\').'";';
- }
- $str[strlen($str)-1] = ',';
- }
- return rtrim($str, ',');
- }
- /**
- * Finds the index of an exact match for the specified MIME Type
- *
- * @access private
- * @return int the index of an exact match if found,
- * -1 otherwise
- * @param string $supertype The general MIME Type to find (e.g. "text")
- * @param string $subtype The MIME subtype to find (e.g. "html")
- * @param array $params Parameters of Type to find ([level => 4])
- * @param array $extensions Extension parameters to find
- */
- function _findExactMatchIndex($supertype, $subtype, $params, $extensions)
- {
- if (empty($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype])
- || empty($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype]))
- return -1;
- $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_LOWER);
- $parammatches = array();
- foreach ($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype] as $index => $typematch)
- if ($typematch['PARAMS'] == $params
- && $typematch['EXTENSIONS'] == $extensions)
- return $index;
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * Finds the indices of the best matches for the specified MIME Type
- *
- * A "match" in this context is an exact type match and no extraneous
- * matches for parameters or extensions (so the best match for
- * "text/html;level=4" may be "text/html" but not the other way around).
- *
- * "Best" is interpreted as the entries that match the most
- * parameters and extensions (the sum of the number of matches)
- *
- * @access private
- * @return array an array of the indices of the best matches
- * (empty if no matches)
- * @param string $supertype The general MIME Type to find (e.g. "text")
- * @param string $subtype The MIME subtype to find (e.g. "html")
- * @param array $params Parameters of Type to find ([level => 4])
- * @param array $extensions Extension parameters to find
- */
- function _findBestMatchIndices($supertype, $subtype, $params, $extensions)
- {
- $bestmatches = array();
- $bestlength = 0;
- if (empty($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype])
- || empty($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype]))
- return $bestmatches;
- foreach ($this->acceptedtypes[$supertype][$subtype] as $index => $typematch) {
- if (count(array_diff_assoc($typematch['PARAMS'], $params)) == 0
- && count(array_diff_assoc($typematch['EXTENSIONS'],
- $extensions)) == 0) {
- $length = count($typematch['PARAMS'])
- + count($typematch['EXTENSIONS']);
- if ($length > $bestlength) {
- $bestmatches = array($index);
- $bestlength = $length;
- } else if ($length == $bestlength) {
- $bestmatches[] = $index;
- }
- }
- }
- return $bestmatches;
- }
-// vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et:
diff --git a/src/ext/Identica.class.php b/src/ext/Identica.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e62a9..0000000
--- a/src/ext/Identica.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) <2009> Gianluca Urgese <>
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-* The main identica-php class. Create an object to use your account from php.
-class Identica {
- /** Username:password format string */
- private $credentials;
- /** Contains the last HTTP status code returned */
- private $http_status;
- /** Contains the last API call */
- private $last_api_call;
- /** Contains the application calling the API */
- private $application_source;
- /**
- * class constructor.
- * @param username is a alphanumeric string to perform login on
- * @param password is a alphanumeric string to perform login on
- * @param source is the name of your application.
- * @return An Identica object to use to perform all the operation.
- */
- function Identica($username, $password, $source=false) {
- $this->credentials = sprintf("%s:%s", $username, $password);
- $this->application_source = $source;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent statuses from non-protected users who have set a custom user icon.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param since_id returns only statuses with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
- * @return the public timeline in the specified format.
- */
- function getPublicTimeline($format, $since_id = 0) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- if ($since_id > 0) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("?since_id=%d", $since_id);
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted by the authenticating user and that user's friends.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param id returns only statuses from specified ID.
- * @param since returns only statuses with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
- * @return the friends timeline in the specified format.
- */
- function getFriendsTimeline($format, $id = NULL, $since = NULL) {
- if ($id != NULL) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- }
- else {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- }
- if ($since != NULL) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("?since=%s", urlencode($since));
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted from the authenticating user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param id get only statuses from specified ID.
- * @param count specifies the number of statuses to retrieve. May not be greater than 200.
- * @param since get only statuses with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
- * @return the 20 most recent statuses posted from the authenticating user.
- */
- function getUserTimeline($format, $id = NULL, $count = 20, $since = NULL) {
- if ($id != NULL) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- }
- else {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- }
- if ($count != 20) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("?count=%d", $count);
- }
- if ($since != NULL) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("%ssince=%s", (strpos($api_call, "?count=") === false) ? "?" : "&", urlencode($since));
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter below. The status's author will be returned inline.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param id get only statuses from specified ID.
- * @return a single status, specified by the id parameter.
- */
- function showStatus($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the authenticating user's status. Request must be a POST. Statuses over 140 characters will be forceably truncated.
- * @param status is the text of your status update.
- * @return the current update from authenticating user.
- */
- function updateStatus($status) {
- $status = urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($status)));
- $api_call = sprintf("", $status);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of replies from authenticating user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param page specifies the page of results to retrieve.
- * @return list of replies from authenticating user.
- */
- function getReplies($format, $page = 0) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- if ($page) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("?page=%d", $page);
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter. The authenticating user must be the author of the specified status.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param id the ID of the status to destroy.
- * @return a destroyed status specified by the id parameter.
- */
- function destroyStatus($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a user's friends, each with current status inline. They are ordered by the order in which
- * they were added as friends, 100 at a time. Use the page option to access older friends. With no
- * user specified, request defaults to the authenticated user's friends.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param id is the ID of the user for whom to request a list of friends.
- * @return a user's friends.
- */
- function getFriends($format, $id = NULL) {
- if ($id != NULL) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- }
- else {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a user's followers. They are ordered by the order in which they joined, 100 at a time.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param lite specified if status must be show.
- * @return a user's followers.
- */
- function getFollowers($format, $lite = NULL) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format, ($lite) ? "?lite=true" : NULL);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns extended information of a given user, specified by ID or email as per the required id parameter.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @param email is the email of specified user.
- * @return extended information of a given user.
- */
- function showUser($format, $id, $email = NULL) {
- if ($email == NULL) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- }
- else {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $email);
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of the 20 most recent direct messages sent to the authenticating user. The XML
- * and JSON versions include detailed information about the sending and recipient users.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param since get only messages from an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
- * @param since_id returns only statuses from the specified ID.
- * @param page Specifies the page of direct messages to retrieve.
- * @return a list of the 20 most recent direct messages.
- */
- function getMessages($format, $since = NULL, $since_id = 0, $page = 1) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- if ($since != NULL) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("?since=%s", urlencode($since));
- }
- if ($since_id > 0) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("%ssince_id=%d", (strpos($api_call, "?since") === false) ? "?" : "&", $since_id);
- }
- if ($page > 1) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("%spage=%d", (strpos($api_call, "?since") === false) ? "?" : "&", $page);
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of the 20 most recent direct messages sent by the authenticating user. The XML
- * and JSON versions include detailed information about the sending and recipient users.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param since get only messages from an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
- * @param since_id returns only statuses from the specified ID.
- * @param page specifies the page of direct messages to retrieve.
- * @return a list of the 20 most recent sent direct messages.
- */
- function getSentMessages($format, $since = NULL, $since_id = 0, $page = 1) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- if ($since != NULL) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("?since=%s", urlencode($since));
- }
- if ($since_id > 0) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("%ssince_id=%d", (strpos($api_call, "?since") === false) ? "?" : "&", $since_id);
- }
- if ($page > 1) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("%spage=%d", (strpos($api_call, "?since") === false) ? "?" : "&", $page);
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Sends a new direct message to the specified user from the authenticating user. Request must be a POST.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param user is the ID of specified user to send the message.
- * @param text is the text of your direct message.
- * @return the sent message in the requested format when successful.
- */
- function newMessage($format, $user, $text) {
- $text = urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($text)));
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format, $user, $text);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Destroys the direct message specified in the required ID parameter. The authenticating user
- * must be the recipient of the specified direct message.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified direct message.
- * @return the message destroyed.
- */
- function destroyMessage($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Allows the authenticating users to follow the user specified in the ID parameter.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the befriended user in the requested format when successful. Returns a string describing the
- * failure condition when unsuccessful. If you are already friends with the user an HTTP 403 will be returned.
- */
- function createFriendship($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Allows the authenticating users to unfollow the user specified in the ID parameter.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the unfollowed user in the requested format when successful. Returns a string
- * describing the failure condition when unsuccessful.
- */
- function destroyFriendship($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Tests for the existence of friendship between two users.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param user_a is the ID of the first specified user.
- * @param user_b is the ID of the second specified user.
- * @return true if user_a follows user_b, otherwise will return false.
- */
- function friendshipExists($format, $user_a, $user_b) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format, $user_a, $user_b);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Tests if supplied user credentials are valid.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @return an HTTP 200 OK response code and a representation of the requesting user if authentication
- * was successful; returns a 401 status code and an error message if not.
- */
- function verifyCredentials($format = NULL) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", ($format != NULL) ? sprintf(".%s", $format) : NULL);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Ends the session of the authenticating user, returning a null cookie.
- * @return NULL
- */
- function endSession() {
- $api_call = "";
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Update user's location in the profile.
- * @param location is the user's location .
- * @return NULL.
- */
- function updateLocation($format, $location) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format, $location);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Sets which device delivers updates to for the authenticating user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param device must be one of: sms, im, none.
- * @return user's profile details in a selected format.
- */
- function updateDeliveryDevice($format, $device) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format, $device);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the remaining number of API requests available to the requesting user before the API
- * limit is reached for the current hour. Calls to rateLimitStatus() do not count against the rate limit.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @return remaining number of API requests.
- */
- function rateLimitStatus($format) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user
- * specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json, rss, atom).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @param page specifies the page of favorites to retrieve.
- * @return a list of the 20 most recent favorite statuses.
- */
- function getFavorites($format, $id = NULL, $page = 1) {
- if ($id == NULL) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- }
- else {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- }
- if ($page > 1) {
- $api_call .= sprintf("?page=%d", $page);
- }
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- /**
- * Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the favorite status when successful.
- */
- function createFavorite($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Un-favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the un-favorited status in the requested format when successful.
- */
- function destroyFavorite($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Enables device notifications for updates from the specified user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the specified user when successful.
- */
- function follow($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Disables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the specified user when successful.
- */
- function leave($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. Destroys a friendship to the blocked user if it exists.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the blocked user in the requested format when successful.
- */
- function createBlock($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Un-blocks the user specified in the ID parameter for the authenticating user.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @param id is the ID of specified user.
- * @return the un-blocked user in the requested format when successful.
- */
- function destroyBlock($format, $id) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $id, $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true, true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true or false in the requested format with a 200 OK HTTP status code.
- * @param format is the extension for the result file (xml, json).
- * @return test results.
- */
- function test($format) {
- $api_call = sprintf("", $format);
- return $this->APICall($api_call, true);
- }
- private function APICall($api_url, $require_credentials = false, $http_post = false) {
- $curl_handle = curl_init();
- if($this->application_source){
- $api_url .= "&source=" . $this->application_source;
- }
- curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $api_url);
- if ($require_credentials) {
- curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->credentials);
- }
- if ($http_post) {
- curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POST, true);
- }
- curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
- $identica_data = curl_exec($curl_handle);
- $this->http_status = curl_getinfo($curl_handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
- $this->last_api_call = $api_url;
- curl_close($curl_handle);
- return $identica_data;
- }
- function lastStatusCode() {
- return $this->http_status;
- }
- function lastAPICall() {
- return $this->last_api_call;
- }
diff --git a/src/ext/MimeMailParser.class.php b/src/ext/MimeMailParser.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0080199..0000000
--- a/src/ext/MimeMailParser.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
- * Fast Mime Mail parser Class using PHP's MailParse Extension
- * @author
- * @url
- * @license
- * @version $Id$
- */
-class MimeMailParser {
- /**
- * PHP MimeParser Resource ID
- */
- public $resource;
- /**
- * A file pointer to email
- */
- public $stream;
- /**
- * A text of an email
- */
- public $data;
- /**
- * Stream Resources for Attachments
- */
- public $attachment_streams;
- /**
- * Inialize some stuff
- * @return
- */
- public function __construct() {
- $this->attachment_streams = array();
- }
- /**
- * Free the held resouces
- * @return void
- */
- public function __destruct() {
- // clear the email file resource
- if (is_resource($this->stream)) {
- fclose($this->stream);
- }
- // clear the MailParse resource
- if (is_resource($this->resource)) {
- mailparse_msg_free($this->resource);
- }
- // remove attachment resources
- foreach($this->attachment_streams as $stream) {
- fclose($stream);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set the file path we use to get the email text
- * @return Object MimeMailParser Instance
- * @param $mail_path Object
- */
- public function setPath($path) {
- // should parse message incrementally from file
- $this->resource = mailparse_msg_parse_file($path);
- $this->stream = fopen($path, 'r');
- $this->parse();
- return $this;
- }
- /**
- * Set the Stream resource we use to get the email text
- * @return Object MimeMailParser Instance
- * @param $stream Resource
- */
- public function setStream($stream) {
- // streams have to be cached to file first
- if (get_resource_type($stream) == 'stream') {
- $tmp_fp = tmpfile();
- if ($tmp_fp) {
- while(!feof($stream)) {
- fwrite($tmp_fp, fread($stream, 2028));
- }
- fseek($tmp_fp, 0);
- $this->stream =& $tmp_fp;
- } else {
- throw new Exception('Could not create temporary files for attachments. Your tmp directory may be unwritable by PHP.');
- return false;
- }
- fclose($stream);
- } else {
- $this->stream = $stream;
- }
- $this->resource = mailparse_msg_create();
- // parses the message incrementally low memory usage but slower
- while(!feof($this->stream)) {
- mailparse_msg_parse($this->resource, fread($this->stream, 2082));
- }
- $this->parse();
- return $this;
- }
- /**
- * Set the email text
- * @return Object MimeMailParser Instance
- * @param $data String
- */
- public function setText($data) {
- $this->resource = mailparse_msg_create();
- // does not parse incrementally, fast memory hog might explode
- mailparse_msg_parse($this->resource, $data);
- $this->data = $data;
- $this->parse();
- return $this;
- }
- /**
- * Parse the Message into parts
- * @return void
- * @private
- */
- private function parse() {
- $structure = mailparse_msg_get_structure($this->resource);
- $this->parts = array();
- foreach($structure as $part_id) {
- $part = mailparse_msg_get_part($this->resource, $part_id);
- $this->parts[$part_id] = mailparse_msg_get_part_data($part);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Email Headers
- * @return Array
- */
- public function getHeaders() {
- if (isset($this->parts[1])) {
- return $this->getPartHeaders($this->parts[1]);
- } else {
- throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email headers.');
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the raw Email Headers
- * @return string
- */
- public function getHeadersRaw() {
- if (isset($this->parts[1])) {
- return $this->getPartHeaderRaw($this->parts[1]);
- } else {
- throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email headers.');
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve a specific Email Header
- * @return String
- * @param $name String Header name
- */
- public function getHeader($name) {
- if (isset($this->parts[1])) {
- $headers = $this->getPartHeaders($this->parts[1]);
- if (isset($headers[$name])) {
- return $headers[$name];
- }
- } else {
- throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email headers.');
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the part for the message body in the specified format
- * @return Part or False if not found
- * @param $type String[optional]
- */
- public function getMessageBodyPart($type = 'text') {
- $mime_types = array(
- 'text'=> 'text/plain',
- 'html'=> 'text/html'
- );
- $attachment_dispositions = array("attachment","inline");
- if (in_array($type, array_keys($mime_types))) {
- foreach($this->parts as $part) {
- $disposition = $this->getPartContentDisposition($part);
- $mime_type = $this->getPartContentType($part);
- if ( (!in_array($disposition, $attachment_dispositions)) &&
- ($mime_type == $mime_types[$type]) ) {
- return $part;
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new Exception('Invalid type specified for MimeMailParser::getMessageBodyPart. "type" can either be text or html.');
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the email message body in the specified format
- * @return Mixed String Body or False if not found
- * @param $type Object[optional]
- */
- public function getMessageBody($type = 'text') {
- $body = false;
- $part = $this->getMessageBodyPart($type);
- if ($part!==false) {
- $headers = $this->getPartHeaders($part);
- $body = $this->decode($this->getPartBody($part), array_key_exists('content-transfer-encoding', $headers) ? $headers['content-transfer-encoding'] : '');
- }
- return $body;
- }
- /**
- * get the headers for the message body part.
- * @return Array
- * @param $type Object[optional]
- */
- public function getMessageBodyHeaders($type = 'text') {
- $headers = false;
- $part = $this->getMessageBodyPart($type);
- if ($part!==false) {
- $headers = $this->getPartHeaders($part);
- }
- return $headers;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the attachments contents in order of appearance
- * @return Array
- * @param $type Object[optional]
- */
- public function getAttachments() {
- $attachments = array();
- $dispositions = array("attachment","inline");
- foreach($this->parts as $part) {
- $disposition = $this->getPartContentDisposition($part);
- if (in_array($disposition, $dispositions)) {
- $headers = $this->getPartHeaders($part);
- $attachments[] = new MimeMailParser_attachment(
- $part['disposition-filename'],
- $this->getPartContentType($part),
- $this->getAttachmentStream($part),
- $disposition,
- $headers
- );
- }
- }
- return $attachments;
- }
- /**
- * Return the Headers for a MIME part
- * @return Array
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getPartHeaders($part) {
- if (isset($part['headers'])) {
- return $part['headers'];
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Return a Specific Header for a MIME part
- * @return Array
- * @param $part Array
- * @param $header String Header Name
- */
- private function getPartHeader($part, $header) {
- if (isset($part['headers'][$header])) {
- return $part['headers'][$header];
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Return the ContentType of the MIME part
- * @return String
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getPartContentType($part) {
- if (isset($part['content-type'])) {
- return $part['content-type'];
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Return the Content Disposition
- * @return String
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getPartContentDisposition($part) {
- if (isset($part['content-disposition'])) {
- return $part['content-disposition'];
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the raw Header of a MIME part
- * @return String
- * @param $part Object
- */
- private function getPartHeaderRaw(&$part) {
- $header = '';
- if ($this->stream) {
- $header = $this->getPartHeaderFromFile($part);
- } else if ($this->data) {
- $header = $this->getPartHeaderFromText($part);
- } else {
- throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email parts.');
- }
- return $header;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Body of a MIME part
- * @return String
- * @param $part Object
- */
- private function getPartBody(&$part) {
- $body = '';
- if ($this->stream) {
- $body = $this->getPartBodyFromFile($part);
- } else if ($this->data) {
- $body = $this->getPartBodyFromText($part);
- } else {
- throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email parts.');
- }
- return $body;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Header from a MIME part from file
- * @return String Mime Header Part
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getPartHeaderFromFile(&$part) {
- $start = $part['starting-pos'];
- $end = $part['starting-pos-body'];
- fseek($this->stream, $start, SEEK_SET);
- $header = fread($this->stream, $end-$start);
- return $header;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Body from a MIME part from file
- * @return String Mime Body Part
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getPartBodyFromFile(&$part) {
- $start = $part['starting-pos-body'];
- $end = $part['ending-pos-body'];
- fseek($this->stream, $start, SEEK_SET);
- $body = fread($this->stream, $end-$start);
- return $body;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Header from a MIME part from text
- * @return String Mime Header Part
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getPartHeaderFromText(&$part) {
- $start = $part['starting-pos'];
- $end = $part['starting-pos-body'];
- $header = substr($this->data, $start, $end-$start);
- return $header;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Body from a MIME part from text
- * @return String Mime Body Part
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getPartBodyFromText(&$part) {
- $start = $part['starting-pos-body'];
- $end = $part['ending-pos-body'];
- $body = substr($this->data, $start, $end-$start);
- return $body;
- }
- /**
- * Read the attachment Body and save temporary file resource
- * @return String Mime Body Part
- * @param $part Array
- */
- private function getAttachmentStream(&$part) {
- $temp_fp = tmpfile();
- array_key_exists('content-transfer-encoding', $part['headers']) ? $encoding = $part['headers']['content-transfer-encoding'] : $encoding = '';
- if ($temp_fp) {
- if ($this->stream) {
- $start = $part['starting-pos-body'];
- $end = $part['ending-pos-body'];
- fseek($this->stream, $start, SEEK_SET);
- $len = $end-$start;
- $written = 0;
- $write = 2028;
- $body = '';
- while($written < $len) {
- if (($written+$write < $len )) {
- $write = $len - $written;
- }
- $part = fread($this->stream, $write);
- fwrite($temp_fp, $this->decode($part, $encoding));
- $written += $write;
- }
- } else if ($this->data) {
- $attachment = $this->decode($this->getPartBodyFromText($part), $encoding);
- fwrite($temp_fp, $attachment, strlen($attachment));
- }
- fseek($temp_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
- } else {
- throw new Exception('Could not create temporary files for attachments. Your tmp directory may be unwritable by PHP.');
- return false;
- }
- return $temp_fp;
- }
- /**
- * Decode the string depending on encoding type.
- * @return String the decoded string.
- * @param $encodedString The string in its original encoded state.
- * @param $encodingType The encoding type from the Content-Transfer-Encoding header of the part.
- */
- private function decode($encodedString, $encodingType) {
- if (strtolower($encodingType) == 'base64') {
- return base64_decode($encodedString);
- } else if (strtolower($encodingType) == 'quoted-printable') {
- return quoted_printable_decode($encodedString);
- } else {
- return $encodedString;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/ext/MimeMailParser_attachment.class.php b/src/ext/MimeMailParser_attachment.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd327c..0000000
--- a/src/ext/MimeMailParser_attachment.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- * Model of an Attachment
- */
-class MimeMailParser_attachment {
- /**
- * @var $filename Filename
- */
- public $filename;
- /**
- * @var $content_type Mime Type
- */
- public $content_type;
- /**
- * @var $content File Content
- */
- private $content;
- /**
- * @var $extension Filename extension
- */
- private $extension;
- /**
- * @var $content_disposition Content-Disposition (attachment or inline)
- */
- public $content_disposition;
- /**
- * @var $headers An Array of the attachment headers
- */
- public $headers;
- private $stream;
- public function __construct($filename, $content_type, $stream, $content_disposition, $headers) {
- $this->filename = $filename;
- $this->content_type = $content_type;
- $this->stream = $stream;
- $this->content = null;
- $this->content_disposition = $content_disposition;
- $this->headers = $headers;
- }
- /**
- * retrieve the attachment filename
- * @return String
- */
- public function getFilename() {
- return $this->filename;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Attachment Content-Type
- * @return String
- */
- public function getContentType() {
- return $this->content_type;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Attachment Content-Disposition
- * @return String
- */
- public function getContentDisposition() {
- return $this->content_disposition;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Attachment Headers
- * @return String
- */
- public function getHeaders() {
- return $this->headers;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the file extension
- * @return String
- */
- public function getFileExtension() {
- if (!$this->extension) {
- $ext = substr(strrchr($this->filename, '.'), 1);
- if ($ext == 'gz') {
- // special case, tar.gz
- // todo: other special cases?
- $ext = preg_match("/\.tar\.gz$/i", $ext) ? 'tar.gz' : 'gz';
- }
- $this->extension = $ext;
- }
- return $this->extension;
- }
- /**
- * Read the contents a few bytes at a time until completed
- * Once read to completion, it always returns false
- * @return String
- * @param $bytes Int[optional]
- */
- public function read($bytes = 2082) {
- return feof($this->stream) ? false : fread($this->stream, $bytes);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the file content in one go
- * Once you retreive the content you cannot use MimeMailParser_attachment::read()
- * @return String
- */
- public function getContent() {
- if ($this->content === null) {
- fseek($this->stream, 0);
- while(($buf = $this->read()) !== false) {
- $this->content .= $buf;
- }
- }
- return $this->content;
- }
- /**
- * Allow the properties
- * MimeMailParser_attachment::$name,
- * MimeMailParser_attachment::$extension
- * to be retrieved as public properties
- * @param $name Object
- */
- public function __get($name) {
- if ($name == 'content') {
- return $this->getContent();
- } else if ($name == 'extension') {
- return $this->getFileExtension();
- }
- return null;
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ext/PasswordHash.class.php b/src/ext/PasswordHash.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 12958c7..0000000
--- a/src/ext/PasswordHash.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-# Portable PHP password hashing framework.
-# Version 0.3 / genuine.
-# Written by Solar Designer <solar at> in 2004-2006 and placed in
-# the public domain. Revised in subsequent years, still public domain.
-# There's absolutely no warranty.
-# The homepage URL for this framework is:
-# Please be sure to update the Version line if you edit this file in any way.
-# It is suggested that you leave the main version number intact, but indicate
-# your project name (after the slash) and add your own revision information.
-# Please do not change the "private" password hashing method implemented in
-# here, thereby making your hashes incompatible. However, if you must, please
-# change the hash type identifier (the "$P$") to something different.
-# Obviously, since this code is in the public domain, the above are not
-# requirements (there can be none), but merely suggestions.
-class PasswordHash {
- var $itoa64;
- var $iteration_count_log2;
- var $portable_hashes;
- var $random_state;
- function PasswordHash($iteration_count_log2, $portable_hashes)
- {
- $this->itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
- if ($iteration_count_log2 < 4 || $iteration_count_log2 > 31)
- $iteration_count_log2 = 8;
- $this->iteration_count_log2 = $iteration_count_log2;
- $this->portable_hashes = $portable_hashes;
- $this->random_state = microtime();
- if (function_exists('getmypid'))
- $this->random_state .= getmypid();
- }
- function get_random_bytes($count)
- {
- $output = '';
- if (is_readable('/dev/urandom') &&
- ($fh = @fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb'))) {
- $output = fread($fh, $count);
- fclose($fh);
- }
- if (strlen($output) < $count) {
- $output = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i += 16) {
- $this->random_state =
- md5(microtime() . $this->random_state);
- $output .=
- pack('H*', md5($this->random_state));
- }
- $output = substr($output, 0, $count);
- }
- return $output;
- }
- function encode64($input, $count)
- {
- $output = '';
- $i = 0;
- do {
- $value = ord($input[$i++]);
- $output .= $this->itoa64[$value & 0x3f];
- if ($i < $count)
- $value |= ord($input[$i]) << 8;
- $output .= $this->itoa64[($value >> 6) & 0x3f];
- if ($i++ >= $count)
- break;
- if ($i < $count)
- $value |= ord($input[$i]) << 16;
- $output .= $this->itoa64[($value >> 12) & 0x3f];
- if ($i++ >= $count)
- break;
- $output .= $this->itoa64[($value >> 18) & 0x3f];
- } while ($i < $count);
- return $output;
- }
- function gensalt_private($input)
- {
- $output = '$P$';
- $output .= $this->itoa64[min($this->iteration_count_log2 +
- ((PHP_VERSION >= '5') ? 5 : 3), 30)];
- $output .= $this->encode64($input, 6);
- return $output;
- }
- function crypt_private($password, $setting)
- {
- $output = '*0';
- if (substr($setting, 0, 2) == $output)
- $output = '*1';
- $id = substr($setting, 0, 3);
- # We use "$P$", phpBB3 uses "$H$" for the same thing
- if ($id != '$P$' && $id != '$H$')
- return $output;
- $count_log2 = strpos($this->itoa64, $setting[3]);
- if ($count_log2 < 7 || $count_log2 > 30)
- return $output;
- $count = 1 << $count_log2;
- $salt = substr($setting, 4, 8);
- if (strlen($salt) != 8)
- return $output;
- # We're kind of forced to use MD5 here since it's the only
- # cryptographic primitive available in all versions of PHP
- # currently in use. To implement our own low-level crypto
- # in PHP would result in much worse performance and
- # consequently in lower iteration counts and hashes that are
- # quicker to crack (by non-PHP code).
- if (PHP_VERSION >= '5') {
- $hash = md5($salt . $password, TRUE);
- do {
- $hash = md5($hash . $password, TRUE);
- } while (--$count);
- } else {
- $hash = pack('H*', md5($salt . $password));
- do {
- $hash = pack('H*', md5($hash . $password));
- } while (--$count);
- }
- $output = substr($setting, 0, 12);
- $output .= $this->encode64($hash, 16);
- return $output;
- }
- function gensalt_extended($input)
- {
- $count_log2 = min($this->iteration_count_log2 + 8, 24);
- # This should be odd to not reveal weak DES keys, and the
- # maximum valid value is (2**24 - 1) which is odd anyway.
- $count = (1 << $count_log2) - 1;
- $output = '_';
- $output .= $this->itoa64[$count & 0x3f];
- $output .= $this->itoa64[($count >> 6) & 0x3f];
- $output .= $this->itoa64[($count >> 12) & 0x3f];
- $output .= $this->itoa64[($count >> 18) & 0x3f];
- $output .= $this->encode64($input, 3);
- return $output;
- }
- function gensalt_blowfish($input)
- {
- # This one needs to use a different order of characters and a
- # different encoding scheme from the one in encode64() above.
- # We care because the last character in our encoded string will
- # only represent 2 bits. While two known implementations of
- # bcrypt will happily accept and correct a salt string which
- # has the 4 unused bits set to non-zero, we do not want to take
- # chances and we also do not want to waste an additional byte
- # of entropy.
- $itoa64 = './ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
- $output = '$2a$';
- $output .= chr(ord('0') + $this->iteration_count_log2 / 10);
- $output .= chr(ord('0') + $this->iteration_count_log2 % 10);
- $output .= '$';
- $i = 0;
- do {
- $c1 = ord($input[$i++]);
- $output .= $itoa64[$c1 >> 2];
- $c1 = ($c1 & 0x03) << 4;
- if ($i >= 16) {
- $output .= $itoa64[$c1];
- break;
- }
- $c2 = ord($input[$i++]);
- $c1 |= $c2 >> 4;
- $output .= $itoa64[$c1];
- $c1 = ($c2 & 0x0f) << 2;
- $c2 = ord($input[$i++]);
- $c1 |= $c2 >> 6;
- $output .= $itoa64[$c1];
- $output .= $itoa64[$c2 & 0x3f];
- } while (1);
- return $output;
- }
- function HashPassword($password)
- {
- $random = '';
- if (CRYPT_BLOWFISH == 1 && !$this->portable_hashes) {
- $random = $this->get_random_bytes(16);
- $hash =
- crypt($password, $this->gensalt_blowfish($random));
- if (strlen($hash) == 60)
- return $hash;
- }
- if (CRYPT_EXT_DES == 1 && !$this->portable_hashes) {
- if (strlen($random) < 3)
- $random = $this->get_random_bytes(3);
- $hash =
- crypt($password, $this->gensalt_extended($random));
- if (strlen($hash) == 20)
- return $hash;
- }
- if (strlen($random) < 6)
- $random = $this->get_random_bytes(6);
- $hash =
- $this->crypt_private($password,
- $this->gensalt_private($random));
- if (strlen($hash) == 34)
- return $hash;
- # Returning '*' on error is safe here, but would _not_ be safe
- # in a crypt(3)-like function used _both_ for generating new
- # hashes and for validating passwords against existing hashes.
- return '*';
- }
- function CheckPassword($password, $stored_hash)
- {
- $hash = $this->crypt_private($password, $stored_hash);
- if ($hash[0] == '*')
- $hash = crypt($password, $stored_hash);
- return $hash == $stored_hash;
- }
diff --git a/src/ext/README.txt b/src/ext/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e5cb94a..0000000
--- a/src/ext/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-These are class files that I've gathered from around the internet.
-I've renamed the files to follow a standard scheme.
-(Could we get a standard scheme, please?)
-This is where each file came from:
-My Name : Original Name : From
-GoogleVoice.class.php : class.googlevoice.php :
-Identica.class.php : identica.lib.php :
-MimeMailParser.class.php : MimeMailParser.class.php :
-MimeMailParser_attachment.class.php : attachment.php :
-PasswordHash.class.php : PasswordHash.php :
-recaptchalib.php : recaptchalib.php :
-~ Luke Shumaker <>
-Happy Hacking!
diff --git a/src/ext/recaptchalib.php b/src/ext/recaptchalib.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c4f4d..0000000
--- a/src/ext/recaptchalib.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
- * This is a PHP library that handles calling reCAPTCHA.
- * - Documentation and latest version
- *
- * - Get a reCAPTCHA API Key
- *
- * - Discussion group
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 reCAPTCHA --
- * Mike Crawford
- * Ben Maurer
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
- * The reCAPTCHA server URL's
- */
-define("RECAPTCHA_API_SERVER", "");
- * Encodes the given data into a query string format
- * @param $data - array of string elements to be encoded
- * @return string - encoded request
- */
-function _recaptcha_qsencode ($data) {
- $req = "";
- foreach ( $data as $key => $value )
- $req .= $key . '=' . urlencode( stripslashes($value) ) . '&';
- // Cut the last '&'
- $req=substr($req,0,strlen($req)-1);
- return $req;
- * Submits an HTTP POST to a reCAPTCHA server
- * @param string $host
- * @param string $path
- * @param array $data
- * @param int port
- * @return array response
- */
-function _recaptcha_http_post($host, $path, $data, $port = 80) {
- $req = _recaptcha_qsencode ($data);
- $http_request = "POST $path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
- $http_request .= "Host: $host\r\n";
- $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n";
- $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n";
- $http_request .= "User-Agent: reCAPTCHA/PHP\r\n";
- $http_request .= "\r\n";
- $http_request .= $req;
- $response = '';
- if( false == ( $fs = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10) ) ) {
- die ('Could not open socket');
- }
- fwrite($fs, $http_request);
- while ( !feof($fs) )
- $response .= fgets($fs, 1160); // One TCP-IP packet
- fclose($fs);
- $response = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2);
- return $response;
- * Gets the challenge HTML (javascript and non-javascript version).
- * This is called from the browser, and the resulting reCAPTCHA HTML widget
- * is embedded within the HTML form it was called from.
- * @param string $pubkey A public key for reCAPTCHA
- * @param string $error The error given by reCAPTCHA (optional, default is null)
- * @param boolean $use_ssl Should the request be made over ssl? (optional, default is false)
- * @return string - The HTML to be embedded in the user's form.
- */
-function recaptcha_get_html ($pubkey, $error = null, $use_ssl = false)
- if ($pubkey == null || $pubkey == '') {
- die ("To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from <a href=''></a>");
- }
- if ($use_ssl) {
- } else {
- }
- $errorpart = "";
- if ($error) {
- $errorpart = "&amp;error=" . $error;
- }
- return '<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $server . '/challenge?k=' . $pubkey . $errorpart . '"></script>
- <noscript>
- <iframe src="'. $server . '/noscript?k=' . $pubkey . $errorpart . '" height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br/>
- <textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea>
- <input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field" value="manual_challenge"/>
- </noscript>';
- * A ReCaptchaResponse is returned from recaptcha_check_answer()
- */
-class ReCaptchaResponse {
- var $is_valid;
- var $error;
- * Calls an HTTP POST function to verify if the user's guess was correct
- * @param string $privkey
- * @param string $remoteip
- * @param string $challenge
- * @param string $response
- * @param array $extra_params an array of extra variables to post to the server
- * @return ReCaptchaResponse
- */
-function recaptcha_check_answer ($privkey, $remoteip, $challenge, $response, $extra_params = array())
- if ($privkey == null || $privkey == '') {
- die ("To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from <a href=''></a>");
- }
- if ($remoteip == null || $remoteip == '') {
- die ("For security reasons, you must pass the remote ip to reCAPTCHA");
- }
- //discard spam submissions
- if ($challenge == null || strlen($challenge) == 0 || $response == null || strlen($response) == 0) {
- $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse();
- $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false;
- $recaptcha_response->error = 'incorrect-captcha-sol';
- return $recaptcha_response;
- }
- $response = _recaptcha_http_post (RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER, "/recaptcha/api/verify",
- array (
- 'privatekey' => $privkey,
- 'remoteip' => $remoteip,
- 'challenge' => $challenge,
- 'response' => $response
- ) + $extra_params
- );
- $answers = explode ("\n", $response [1]);
- $recaptcha_response = new ReCaptchaResponse();
- if (trim ($answers [0]) == 'true') {
- $recaptcha_response->is_valid = true;
- }
- else {
- $recaptcha_response->is_valid = false;
- $recaptcha_response->error = $answers [1];
- }
- return $recaptcha_response;
- * gets a URL where the user can sign up for reCAPTCHA. If your application
- * has a configuration page where you enter a key, you should provide a link
- * using this function.
- * @param string $domain The domain where the page is hosted
- * @param string $appname The name of your application
- */
-function recaptcha_get_signup_url ($domain = null, $appname = null) {
- return "" . _recaptcha_qsencode (array ('domains' => $domain, 'app' => $appname));
-function _recaptcha_aes_pad($val) {
- $block_size = 16;
- $numpad = $block_size - (strlen ($val) % $block_size);
- return str_pad($val, strlen ($val) + $numpad, chr($numpad));
-/* Mailhide related code */
-function _recaptcha_aes_encrypt($val,$ky) {
- if (! function_exists ("mcrypt_encrypt")) {
- die ("To use reCAPTCHA Mailhide, you need to have the mcrypt php module installed.");
- }
- $val=_recaptcha_aes_pad($val);
- return mcrypt_encrypt($enc, $ky, $val, $mode, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-function _recaptcha_mailhide_urlbase64 ($x) {
- return strtr(base64_encode ($x), '+/', '-_');
-/* gets the reCAPTCHA Mailhide url for a given email, public key and private key */
-function recaptcha_mailhide_url($pubkey, $privkey, $email) {
- if ($pubkey == '' || $pubkey == null || $privkey == "" || $privkey == null) {
- die ("To use reCAPTCHA Mailhide, you have to sign up for a public and private key, " .
- "you can do so at <a href=''></a>");
- }
- $ky = pack('H*', $privkey);
- $cryptmail = _recaptcha_aes_encrypt ($email, $ky);
- return "" . $pubkey . "&c=" . _recaptcha_mailhide_urlbase64 ($cryptmail);
- * gets the parts of the email to expose to the user.
- * eg, given johndoe@example,com return ["john", ""].
- * the email is then displayed as
- */
-function _recaptcha_mailhide_email_parts ($email) {
- $arr = preg_split("/@/", $email );
- if (strlen ($arr[0]) <= 4) {
- $arr[0] = substr ($arr[0], 0, 1);
- } else if (strlen ($arr[0]) <= 6) {
- $arr[0] = substr ($arr[0], 0, 3);
- } else {
- $arr[0] = substr ($arr[0], 0, 4);
- }
- return $arr;
- * Gets html to display an email address given a public an private key.
- * to get a key, go to:
- *
- *
- */
-function recaptcha_mailhide_html($pubkey, $privkey, $email) {
- $emailparts = _recaptcha_mailhide_email_parts ($email);
- $url = recaptcha_mailhide_url ($pubkey, $privkey, $email);
- return htmlentities($emailparts[0]) . "<a href='" . htmlentities ($url) .
- "' onclick=\"'" . htmlentities ($url) . "', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return false;\" title=\"Reveal this e-mail address\">...</a>@" . htmlentities ($emailparts [1]);
diff --git a/src/lib/Controller.class.php b/src/lib/Controller.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 05736ee..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Controller.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-class Controller {
- /**
- * Show a $view, in the most appropriate format (according to file
- * extension and HTTP Accept header). Pass the array $vars to the view.
- */
- protected function showView($view, $vars=null) {
- if ($vars===null) { $vars = array(); }
- $obj = new View($view);
- $obj->show($vars);
- }
- // Here be default handlers ////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function index($routed, $remainder) {
- header('Content-type: text/plain');
- echo " == Generic Controller Index == \n\n";
- $routed_str = implode('/', $routed);
- $remainder_str = implode('/', $remainder);
- echo "Full path: $routed_str/$remainder_str\n";
- echo "Controller path: $routed_str\n";
- echo "Remainder path: $remainder_str\n";
- }
- public function http404($routed, $remainder) {
- $this->showView('http404', array('routed'=>$routed,
- 'remainder'=>$remainder));
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/DB.class.php b/src/lib/DB.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8dafe..0000000
--- a/src/lib/DB.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-class DB {
- public static function set($table, $unit, $key, $value, $orig_value) {
- $value_base = $orig_value;
- $doit = true;
- $forked = false;
- $have_old = ($value_base!==null);
- if ($have_old) {
- $we_changed_it = $value_base != $value;
- if ($we_changed_it) {
- $value_fork = $this->getConfString($key);
- $someone_else_changed_it =
- $value_fork != $value_base;
- if ($someone_else_changed_it) {
- if ($value == $value_fork) {
- // we might as well not have
- $we_changed_it = false;
- } else {
- $forked = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$we_changed_it) {
- $doit = false;// nothing to do
- }
- }
- if ($doit) {
- return $this->setConf($key, $value);
- }
- if ($forked) {
- return $value_fork;
- }
- }
- public static function get($table, $unit, $key) {
- switch ($table) {
- case 'conf':
- case 'plugins':
- return self::admin_get($unit, $key);
- break;
- case 'users':
- return self::user_get($unit, $key);
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static function raw_set($table, $unit, $key, $value) {
- switch ($table) {
- case 'conf':
- case 'plugins':
- return self::admin_get($unit, $key, $value);
- break;
- case 'users':
- return self::user_set($unit, $key, $value);
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- private static function user_get($uid, $key) {
- $user = Auth::getInstance($uid);
- $logged_in_user = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn());
- $post_key = $key."[$uid]";
- @$value = $_POST[$post_key];
- $editable = $user->canEdit();
- switch ($key) {
- case 'auth_uid':
- $value = $user->getUID();
- $editable = false;
- break;
- case 'auth_name':
- $value = $user->getName();
- break;
- case 'auth_user':
- $editable = $editable && $logged_in_user->isAdmin();
- $value = $user->isUser()?'true':'false';
- break;
- case 'auth_admin':
- $editable = $editable && $logged_in_user->isAdmin();
- $value = $user->isAdmin()?'true':'false';
- break;
- case 'auth_delete':
- $editable = $editable && $logged_in_user->isAdmin();
- $value = 'false';
- break;
- default:
- $value = $user->getConf($key);
- if ($value===false) $value='';
- break;
- }
- return array('value'=>$value,
- 'post_key'=>$post_key,
- 'editable'=>$editable);
- }
- private static function user_set($uid, $key, $value) {
- $user = Auth::getInstance($uid);
- switch ($key) {
- case 'auth_uid':
- return false;
- break;
- case 'auth_name':
- return $user->setName($value);
- break;
- case 'auth_user':
- return $user->setUser($value=='true');
- break;
- case 'auth_admin':
- return $user->setAdmin($value=='true');
- break;
- case 'auth_delete':
- if ($value=='true') return $user->delete();
- default:
- return $user->setConf($key, $value);
- break;
- }
- }
- private static function admin_get($plugin, $key) {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $user = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn());
- if ($user->isAdmin()) {
- $editable = true;
- switch ($plugin) {
- case 'system':
- $value = $db->getSysConf($key);
- break;
- default:
- $value = $db->getPluginConf($plugin, $key);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- $editable = false;
- $value = false;
- }
- return array('value'=>$value,
- 'post_key'=>'to be implemented',// FIXME
- 'editable'=>$editable);
- }
- private static function admin_set($plugin, $key, $value) {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $user = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn());
- if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
- return false;
- }
- switch ($plugin) {
- case 'system':
- return $db->setSysConf($key, $value);
- default:
- return $db->setPluginConf($plugin, $key, $value);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/Database.class.php b/src/lib/Database.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a76d891..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Database.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-class Database extends Singleton {
- private static $me = null;
- private $conf;
- private $mysql;
- private $db_prefix;
- public function __construct($conf_file) {
- $this->conf = $conf_file;
- self::$me = $this;
- }
- public static function getInstance() {
- return self::$me;
- }
- // Low-Level SQL functions /////////////////////////////////////////////
- private function mysql() {
- if (!isset($this->mysql)) {
- $this->mysql_init();
- }
- return $this->mysql;
- }
- private function mysql_init() {
- global $db_config;
- require($this->conf);
- $this->mysql = mysql_connect($db_config['host'],
- $db_config['user'],
- $db_config['password']);
- mysql_set_charset($db_config['charset'], $this->mysql);
- mysql_select_db($db_config['name'], $this->mysql);
- $this->db_prefix = $db_config['prefix'];
- unset($db_config);
- }
- private function mysql_table($table_name) {
- $mysql = $this->mysql();
- $prefix = $this->db_prefix;
- return $prefix.mysql_real_escape_string($table_name, $mysql);
- }
- private function mysql_escape($string) {
- $mysql = $this->mysql();
- return mysql_real_escape_string($string, $mysql);
- }
- private function mysql_query($query) {
- $mysql = $this->mysql();
- return mysql_query($query, $mysql);
- }
- public function mysql_error() {
- $mysql = $this->mysql();
- return mysql_error($mysql);
- }
- // High-Level SQL functions ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // The 'auth' table
- public function getUID($username) {
- $t = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $v = $this->mysql_escape($username);
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $t \n".
- "WHERE name='$v' ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $user = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($user['uid'])) {
- return (int)$user['uid'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function getUsername($uid) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- $t = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $t \n".
- "WHERE uid=$uid ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $user = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($user['name'])) {
- return $user['name'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function setUsername($uid, $username) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- if ($this->getUID($username) !== false) {
- return false;
- }
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $name = $this->mysql_escape($username);
- $query =
- "UPDATE $table \n".
- "SET name='$name' \n".
- "WHERE uid=$uid ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- return ($q?true:false);
- }
- public function getPasswordHash($uid) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $table \n".
- "WHERE uid=$uid ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $user = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($user['hash'])) {
- return $user['hash'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function setPassword($uid, $password) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $hasher = Hasher::getInstance();
- @$hash = $hasher->hash($password);
- $query =
- "UPDATE $table \n".
- "SET hash='$hash' \n".
- "WHERE uid=$uid ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- return ($q?true:false);
- }
- public function addUser($username, $password) {
- $user_exits = $this->getUID($username);
- if ($user_exists) {
- return false;
- }
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $user = $this->mysql_escape($username);
- $hasher = Hasher::getInstance();
- @$hash = $hasher->hash($password);
- $status = 0;
- $query =
- "INSERT INTO $table ( name, hash , status) \n".
- "VALUES ('$user', '$hash', $status) ;";
- $this->mysql_query($query);
- $uid = $this->getUID($username);
- return $uid;
- }
- public function getStatus($uid) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $table \n".
- "WHERE uid=$uid ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $user = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($user['status'])) {
- return (int)$user['status'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function setStatus($uid, $status) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $s = $this->mysql_escape($status);
- $query =
- "UPDATE $table \n".
- "SET status=$s \n".
- "WHERE uid=$uid ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- return ($q?true:false);
- }
- public function countUsers() {
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- $count = $row[0];
- return $count;
- }
- public function listGroups() {
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $query =
- "SELECT uid \n".
- "FROM $table \n".
- "WHERE status=3 ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $groups = array();
- while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) !==false) {
- $groups[] = (int)$row[0];
- }
- return $groups;
- }
- public function listGroupNames() {
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $query =
- "SELECT name \n".
- "FROM $table \n".
- "WHERE status=3 ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $groups = array();
- while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) !==false) {
- $groups[] = $row[0].'';
- }
- return $groups;
- }
- public function listUsers() {
- $table = $this->mysql_table('auth');
- $query =
- "SELECT uid \n".
- "FROM $table \n".
- "WHERE status < 3 ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $users = array();
- while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) !==false) {
- $users[] = (int)$row[0];
- }
- return $users;
- }
- // The 'users' table
- public function findUser($setting, $value) {
- $t = $this->mysql_table('users');
- $k = $this->mysql_escape($setting);
- $v = $this->mysql_escape($value);
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $t \n".
- "WHERE k = '$k' \n".
- "AND UPPER(v)=UPPER('$v') ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $user = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($user['uid'])) {
- return $user['uid'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function getUserConf($uid, $setting) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- $t = $this->mysql_table('users');
- $k = $this->mysql_escape($setting);
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $t \n".
- "WHERE k='$k' \n".
- "AND uid=$uid ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($row['v'])) {
- return $row['v'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function setUserConf($uid, $setting, $value) {
- if (!is_int($uid)) return false;
- $isset = ($this->getUserConf($uid, $setting) !== false);
- $t = $this->mysql_table('users');
- $k = $this->mysql_escape($setting);
- $v = $this->mysql_escape($value);
- if ($isset) {
- $query =
- "UPDATE $t \n".
- "SET v = '$v' \n".
- "WHERE k = '$k' \n".
- "AND uid = $uid ;";
- } else {
- $query =
- "INSERT INTO $t ( uid, k , v ) \n".
- "VALUES ($uid, '$k', '$v') ;";
- }
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- return ($q?true:false);
- }
- public function getUsersInGroup($groupname) {
- $table = $this->mysql_table('users');
- $group = $this->mysql_escape($groupname);
- $query =
- "SELECT uid \n".
- "FROM $table \n".
- "WHERE k='groups' \n".
- "AND v LIKE '%,$group,%' ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $users = array();
- while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) !==false) {
- $users[] = $row[0];
- }
- return $users;
- }
- // The 'plugins' table
- public function getPluginConf($plugin, $key) {
- $t = $this->mysql_table('plugins');
- $p = $this->mysql_escape($plugin);
- $k = $this->mysql_escape($key);
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $t \n".
- "WHERE k='$k' \n".
- "AND plugin='$p' ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($row['v'])) {
- return $row['v'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function setPluginConf($plugin, $key, $value) {
- $isset = ($this->getPluginConf($plugin, $key) !== false);
- $t = $this->mysql_table('plugins');
- $p = $this->mysql_escape($plugin);
- $k = $this->mysql_escape($key);
- $v = $this->mysql_escape($value);
- if ($isset) {
- $query =
- "UPDATE $t \n".
- "SET v = '$v' \n".
- "WHERE k = '$k' \n".
- "AND plugin = '$p' ;";
- } else {
- $query =
- "INSERT INTO $t (plugin, k , v ) \n".
- "VALUES ('$p' , '$k', '$v') ;";
- }
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- return ($q?true:false);
- }
- // The 'conf' table
- public function getSysConf($key) {
- $t = $this->mysql_table('conf');
- $k = $this->mysql_escape($key);
- $query =
- "SELECT * \n".
- "FROM $t \n".
- "WHERE k='$k' ;";
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- if (isset($row['v'])) {
- return $row['v'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function setSysConf($key, $value) {
- $isset = ($this->getSysConf($key) !== false);
- $t = $this->mysql_table('conf');
- $k = $this->mysql_escape($key);
- $v = $this->mysql_escape($value);
- if ($isset) {
- $query =
- "UPDATE $t \n".
- "SET v = '$v' \n".
- "WHERE k = '$k' ;";
- } else {
- $query =
- "INSERT INTO $t ( k , v ) \n".
- "VALUES ('$k', '$v') ;";
- }
- $q = $this->mysql_query($query);
- return ($q?true:false);
- }
- /**
- * Strip out empty group names and duplicates, sort.
- */
- private static function sanitizeArray($in) {
- $out = array();
- foreach ($in as $item) {
- if (($item !== '')&&(!in_array($item, $out))) {
- $out[] = $item;
- }
- }
- natsort($out);
- return $out;
- }
- /**
- * Translate an array into a value suitable to be stored into a
- * key-value store in the database.
- */
- public static function arrayToValue($list) {
- $out_list = self::sanitizeArray($list);
- return ','.implode(',', $out_list).',';
- }
- /**
- * Translate a value from arrayToValue() back into an array.
- */
- public static function valueToArray($value) {
- $raw_list = explode(',', $value);
- $out_list = self::sanitizeArray($raw_list);
- return $out_list;
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/Hasher.class.php b/src/lib/Hasher.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dc16d68..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Hasher.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-class Hasher extends Singleton {
- private $pw_hash;
- function __construct() {
- $this->pw_hash = new PasswordHash(8, false);
- }
- public function hash($password) {
- return $this->pw_hash->HashPassword($password);
- }
- public function check($password, $hash) {
- return $this->pw_hash->CheckPassword($password, $hash);
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/Login.class.php b/src/lib/Login.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bb21928..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Login.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-class Login {
- /** Decalare an empty __construct() so that the login function doesn't
- get mistaken for the costructor. */
- public function __construct() {}
- public static function login($username, $password) {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $hasher = Hasher::getInstance();
- $uid = $db->getUID($username);
- if ($uid!==false && $db->getStatus($uid)>=3)
- $uid=false;
- if ($uid===false) {
- // user does not exist
- return 2;
- }
- $hash = $db->getPasswordHash($uid);
- if ($hasher->check($password, $hash)) {
- // success
- $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- // wrong password
- return 1;
- }
- }
- public static function isLoggedIn() {
- if ( isset($_SESSION['uid']) && ($_SESSION['uid']!='') ) {
- return $_SESSION['uid'];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static function logout() {
- $_SESSION['uid'] = '';
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/Mime.class.php b/src/lib/Mime.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f37c1eb..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Mime.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-class Mime {
- public static $mimes = array(
- 'csv' => array(
- 'text/csv', 'text/x-csv',
- 'text/x-comma-separated-values',
- 'text/comma-separated-values',
- 'application/csv',
- 'application/excel', 'application/vnd.msexcel'),
- 'xhtml' => array('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml'),
- 'html' => array('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml'),
- 'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
- 'gif' => 'image/gif',
- 'jpeg' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'),
- 'jpg' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'),
- 'jpe' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'),
- 'png' => array('image/png', 'image/x-png'),
- 'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
- 'tif' => 'image/tiff',
- 'css' => 'text/css',
- 'htm' => 'text/html',
- 'txt' => 'text/plain',
- 'json' => array('application/json', 'text/json')
- );
- public static function ext2mime($ext) {
- $mimes = self::$mimes;
- $mime = $mimes[$ext];
- if (!is_array($mime)) $mime = array($mime);
- return $mime;
- }
- public static function mime2ext($my_mime) {
- $ret = array();
- foreach (self::mimes as $ext => $mime) {
- if (is_array($mime)) {
- $match = in_array($my_mime, $mime);
- } else {
- $match = $my_mime==$mime;
- }
- if ($match) $ret[] = $ext;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/Model.class.php b/src/lib/Model.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cce525..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Model.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-abstract class Model {
- protected $db;
- public function __construct() {
- $this->db = Database::getInstance();
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/Plugin.class.php b/src/lib/Plugin.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d2fc2e..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Plugin.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-abstract class Plugin {
- protected $config = Array();
- public abstract static function configList();
- public abstract static function description();
- public function configSet($param, $value) {
- if (isset($this->config[$param])) {
- $this->config[$param]=$value;
- }
- }
- public function userConfig() { return array(); }
- protected function addConfigGroup($arr, $group) {
- if (!isset($arr[$group]))
- $arr[$group] = array();
- }
- public abstract function init();
- public function antispam_html() { return ''; }
- public function antispam_verify() { return true; }
diff --git a/src/lib/PluginManager.class.php b/src/lib/PluginManager.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ce5a3ef..0000000
--- a/src/lib/PluginManager.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-class PluginManager extends Singleton {
- public $plugins = array();
- private $loaded = false;
- /**
- * Return an instance of the plugin with $plugin_name
- */
- public function loadPlugin($plugin_name) {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- require_once("$plugin_name.class.php");
- $obj = new $plugin_name;
- $params = call_user_func("$plugin_name::configList");
- foreach ($params as $param => $type) {
- $value = $db->getPluginConf($plugin_name, $param);
- if ($value!==false) {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'text':
- case 'password':
- $value = "$value";
- break;
- case 'int':
- $value = (int)$value;
- break;
- }
- $obj->configSet($param, $value);
- }
- }
- return $obj;
- }
- /**
- * Return an array of available plugin names.
- */
- public function listPlugins() {
- $plugins = array();
- $dirs = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, PLUGINPATH);
- foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
- // Find all files in $dir with the ext `.class.php'
- $files = glob($dir.'/*.class.php');
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $plugins[] = preg_replace('@\.class\.php$@', '$1', basename($file));
- }
- }
- return $plugins;
- }
- /**
- * Return an array of enabled plugin names.
- */
- public function getActivePlugins() {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $string = $db->getSysConf('plugins');
- return $db->valueToArray($string);
- }
- /**
- * Set the enabled plugins.
- */
- public function setActivePlugins($plugins) {
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- $string = $db->arrayToValue($plugins);
- return $db->setSysConf('plugins', $string);
- }
- /**
- * Load the enabled plugins.
- */
- public function loadPlugins() {
- if ($this->loaded) return;
- $plugin_names = $this->getActivePlugins();
- foreach ($plugin_names as $name) {
- $this->plugins[$name] = $this->loadPlugin($name);
- }
- $this->loaded = true;
- }
- public function callHook($hook, $arg=null) {
- $this->loadPlugins();
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($this->plugins as $name => $plugin) {
- $ret[$name] = call_user_func(array($plugin, $hook),
- &$arg);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public function staticHook($plugin_name, $hook) {
- require_once("$plugin_name.class.php");
- return call_user_func("$plugin_name::$hook");
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/Router.class.php b/src/lib/Router.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 238e3f8..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Router.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-class Router {
- /**
- * Array mapping URIs to controllers.
- * A controller may register itself either by using
- * Router::register($URI, $controller[, $function]);
- * or by adding itself to the $ROUTER global.
- *
- * The default here just gives us a 404 handler.
- */
- private $routes = array('/*' => 'Http404');
- /**
- * Instantiate a router that looks for controllers in $controllerpath.
- */
- public function Router($controllerpath) {
- // create a $ROUTES global that can be used to set up our
- // $this->routes.
- global $ROUTES;
- $ROUTES = $this->routes;
- // Split $controllerpath into directories, and load the
- // controllers in each.
- $dirs = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $controllerpath);
- foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
- // Find all files in $dir with the ext `.class.php'
- $files = glob($dir.'/*.class.php');
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- // and include them
- require_once($file);
- }
- }
- $this->routes = $ROUTES;
- unset($ROUTES);
- }
- /**
- * Route the page at the relative URL $page to the appropriate
- * controller, and call the appropriate function.
- */
- public function route($page) {
- $parts = explode('/', $page);
- $length = count($parts); // the # of segments in $controllerpart
- // if $page ends in "/", strip that off
- if ($parts[$length-1]=='') {
- array_pop($parts);
- $length--;
- }
- $controllerpart = implode('/', $parts);
- // Keep shortening $controllerpart until it matches something in
- // $this->routes. The shortest it will ever become is '/*'.
- // If no key exists for '/*', that's an infinite loop.
- // Fortunately, the default value of $this->routes directs '/*'
- // to the Http404 controller.
- while(!isset($this->routes[$controllerpart])) {
- $some_parts = array_slice($parts, 0, $length);
- $controllerpart = implode('/', $some_parts).'/*';
- $length--;
- }
- $length++;
- // Figure what function to call on what controller
- // Grammar Nazi Warning: `what' or `which'?
- $controller = $this->routes[$controllerpart];
- if (strpos($controller, '->')===false) {
- // imply function
- $function = $parts[$length];
- } else {
- preg_match('/(.*)->(.*)/', $controller, $matches);
- $controller = $matches[1];
- $function = $matches[2];
- }
- // Default to the `index' function, provided by all controllers
- if ($function=='') {
- $function = 'index';
- }
- // We will pass these arrays to the function.
- $routed = array_slice($parts, 0, $length);
- $remainder = array_slice($parts, $length);
- // Finally, run the controller
- $obj = new $controller();
- if (in_array($function, get_class_methods($obj))) {
- call_user_func(array($obj, $function),
- $routed, $remainder);
- } else {
- $obj->http404($routed, $remainder);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This is to allow controllers to register themselves to the router.
- * If $function=='', then the function will be determined by the segment
- * to the right of the last segment in $path
- */
- public static function register($path, $controller, $function='') {
- $str = $controller.(($function=='')?'':'->'.$function);
- global $ROUTES;
- $ROUTES[$path] = $str;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/Singleton.class.php b/src/lib/Singleton.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8c74f..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Singleton.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-abstract class Singleton {
- private static $instances = array();
- public static function getInstance() {
- $class = get_called_class();
- if (!isset(self::$instances[$class])) {
- self::$instances[$class] = new $class;
- }
- return self::$instances[$class];
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/Site.class.php b/src/lib/Site.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1204089..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Site.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-class Site extends Singleton {
- public function shortUrl($longUrl) {
- $ch = curl_init('');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFILEDS,
- 'longurl='.urlencode($longUrl));
- $html = curl_exec();
- preg_match('/Your ur1 is: <a href="([^"]*)">/',$html,$matches);
- $shortUrl = $matches[1];
- curl_close($ch);
- return $shortUrl;
- }
- public function baseUrl() {
- $base = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- $db = Database::getInstance();
- if ($db !== null) {
- $b = $db->getSysConf('baseurl');
- if ($b != false) {
- $base = $b;
- }
- }
- return $base;
- }
diff --git a/src/lib/View.class.php b/src/lib/View.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d7a21d3..0000000
--- a/src/lib/View.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * A class to handle loading and evaluating the appropriateness of different
- * views.
- *
- * Depends on the state of the following variables/constants:
- */
-class View {
- private $extensions = array();
- private $ext = '';
- private $view = '';
- /**
- * Return the filename of the view file with extension $ext
- */
- private static function filename($view, $ext) {
- return VIEWPATH."/pages/$view.$ext.php";
- }
- /**
- * Choose between $extensions, which all have equal quality.
- */
- private function chooseBetweenEquals($extensions) {
- if (count($extensions)<1) return false;
- $pref = array('html');
- foreach ($pref as $ext) {
- if (in_array($ext, $extensions)) return $ext;
- }
- return $extensions[0]; // XXX: Worst. Solution. Ever.
- }
- /**
- * Find the best available extension to use, based on file extension and
- * HTTP 'Accept' headers.
- */
- private function chooseExtension($view) {
- // Make a list of candidate extensions for this view.
- $files = glob(self::filename($view, '*'));
- $this->extensions = array();
- $regex = '@'.preg_quote(VIEWPATH,'@').'[^.]*\.(.*)\.php$@';
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $ext = preg_replace($regex, '$1', $file);
- $this->extensions[] = $ext;
- }
- if (count($this->extensions)<1) return false;
- if (PAGE_EXT != '') {
- // First, do a check if we can just return requested
- // file extension:
- if (in_array(PAGE_EXT, $this->extensions)) {
- return PAGE_EXT;
- }
- // Check for other extensions with the same mime type as
- // the requested:
- $accept_str = implode(', ', Mime::ext2mime(PAGE_EXT));
- $extensions = $this->parseAccept($view, $accept_str);
- if ($ext = $this->chooseBetweenEquals($extensions)) return $ext;
- }
- // Check for other extensions based on HTTP 'Accept' headers:
- $accept_str = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'];
- $extensions = $this->parseAccept($view, $accept_str);
- if ($ext = $this->chooseBetweenEquals($extensions)) return $ext;
- // Well, all the good options failed, so let's see what we've
- // got left:
- $extensions = $this->extensions;
- return $this->chooseBetweenEquals($extensions);
- }
- private function parseAccept($view, $accept_str) {
- // $prefs is a associative array where the key is the file
- // extension, and the value is how much we like that extension.
- // Higher numbers are better.
- $prefs = array();
- $accept = new HTTP_Accept($accept_str);
- // Loop through the candidate views, and record how much we
- // like each.
- foreach ($this->extensions as $ext) {
- $mimes = Mime::ext2mime($ext);
- foreach ($mimes as $mime) {
- $quality = $accept->getQuality($mime);
- if (isset($prefs[$ext])) {
- $quality = max($prefs[$ext], $quality);
- }
- $prefs[$ext] = $quality;
- }
- }
- // Create an array of all extensions tied for the top quality.
- $ret = array();
- $top_quality = 0.001;// minimum acceptable according to RFC 2616
- foreach ($prefs as $ext => $quality) {
- if ($quality > $top_quality) {
- $top_quality = $quality;
- $ret = array();
- }
- if ($quality == $top_quality) {
- $ret[] = $ext;
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public function __construct($view) {
- $this->ext = $this->chooseExtension($view);
- $this->view = $view;
- }
- public function show($vars) {
- $file = self::filename($this->view, $this->ext);
- $mimes = Mime::ext2mime($this->ext);
- header('Content-type: '.$mimes[0]);
- require_once(VIEWPATH.'/Template.class.php');
- $vars['template'] = new Template();
- global $VARS;
- $VARS = $vars;
- include($file);
- unset($VARS);
- }
diff --git a/src/models/Auth.class.php b/src/models/Auth.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 39f627e..0000000
--- a/src/models/Auth.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-class Auth extends Model {
- /**********************************************************************\
- * Multiton stuff *
- \**********************************************************************/
- private static $users = array();
- public static function getInstance($uid) {
- if (!isset(self::$users[$uid])) {
- $type = Database::getInstance()->getStatus($uid);
- switch ($type) {
- case 0: // unactivated user
- case 1: // user
- case 2: $obj = new User($uid); // admin
- case 3: $obj = new Group($uid);
- case 4: $obj = new Auth($uid); // deleted
- }
- self::$users[$uid] = $obj;
- }
- return self::$users[$uid];
- }
- /**********************************************************************\
- * Static stuff *
- \**********************************************************************/
- public static function isNameLegal($name) {
- // Current rules:
- // * Not in "$illegal_names"
- // * Does not contain '.'
- // * Fewer than 256 characters
- $illegal_names = array('', 'new', 'index', 'all');
- return true
- && (!in_array($name, $illegal_names))
- && (strpos($name,'.')===false)
- && (strpos($name,'!')===false)
- && (strlen($name)<256);
- }
- /**********************************************************************\
- * Class stuff *
- \**********************************************************************/
- protected $uid = false;
- public function __construct($uid) {
- parent::__construct();
- $this->uid = $uid;
- }
- public function getUID() {
- return $this->uid;
- }
- /**********************************************************************\
- * The 'auth' table. *
- \**********************************************************************/
- // Row Type ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * @return 0=unverified 1=user 2=admin 3=group 4=deleted
- */
- protected function getType() {
- $type = $this->db->getStatus($this->uid);
- return $type;
- }
- protected function setType($type) {
- $logged_in_uid = Login::isLoggedIn();
- $logged_in_obj = Auth::getInstance($logged_in_uid);
- $is_admin = $logged_in_obj->isAdmin();
- if (!$is_admin) return false;
- return $this->db->setStatus($this->uid, $type);
- }
- public function isUser() {
- $type = $this->getType();
- return ($type===1) || ($type===2);
- }
- public function isAdmin() {
- $type = $this->getType();
- return ($type===2);
- }
- public function isGroup() {
- $type = $this->getType();
- return ($type===3);
- }
- public function setUser($is_user) {
- $is_user = ($is_user?true:false);
- if ($this->isUser() != $is_user) {
- $this->setType($is_user?1:0);
- }
- }
- public function setAdmin($is_admin) {
- $is_admin = ($is_admin?true:false);
- $is_user = $this->isUser();
- $this->setType($is_admin?2:($is_user?1:0));
- }
- public function delete() {
- $this->setType(4);
- }
- // Permissions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function canRead() {
- $logged_in_uid = Login::isLoggedIn();
- $is_me = ($logged_in_uid === $this->uid);
- $logged_in_obj = Auth::getInstance($logged_in_uid);
- $is_user = $logged_in_obj->isUser();
- return ($is_me || $is_user);
- }
- public function canEdit() {
- $logged_in_uid = Login::isLoggedIn();
- $is_me = ($logged_in_uid === $this->uid);
- $logged_in_obj = Auth::getInstance($logged_in_uid);
- $is_admin = $logged_in_obj->isAdmin();
- return ($is_me || $is_admin);
- }
- // [user|group]name ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function getName() {
- if ($this->db===null) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return $this->db->getUsername($this->uid);
- }
- }
- public function setName($new_name) {
- if (!$this->canEdit()) return false;
- if (!self::isNameLegal($new_name)) return false;
- return $this->db->setUsername($this->uid, $new_name);
- }
- /**********************************************************************\
- * The 'users' table. *
- \**********************************************************************/
- public function getConf($setting) {
- if (!$this->canRead()) return false;
- return $this->db->getUserConf($this->uid, $setting);
- }
- public function setConf($setting, $value) {
- if (!$this->canEdit()) return false;
- return $this->db->setUserConf($this->uid, $setting, $value);
- }
- public function getConfArray($setting) {
- $string = $this->getConf($setting);
- return $this->db->valueToArray($string);
- }
- public function setConfArray($setting, $list) {
- $string = $this->db->arrayToValue($list);
- return $this->setConf($setting, $string);
- }
diff --git a/src/models/ContactMethod.class.php b/src/models/ContactMethod.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dd40ee..0000000
--- a/src/models/ContactMethod.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-if (!isset($CONTACT_METHODS)) {
- $CONTACT_METHODS = array();
-class ContactMethod extends Model {
- public $verb_slug = ''; // sms
- public $addr_slug = ''; // phone
- public $verb_text = ''; // text message
- public $addr_text = ''; // phone number
- public $handler = null;
- public function __construct($verb_slug, $addr_slug,
- $verb_text, $addr_text)
- {
- $this->verb_slug = $verb_slug;
- $this->addr_slug = $addr_slug;
- $this->verb_text = $verb_text;
- $this->addr_text = $addr_text;
- $CONTACT_METHODS[$verb_slug] = $this;
- }
- public function setHandler($handler) {
- $this->handler = $handler;
- }
diff --git a/src/models/Group.class.php b/src/models/Group.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f981a4f..0000000
--- a/src/models/Group.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-class Group extends Auth {
- public function __construct($uid) {
- parent::__construct($uid);
- }
- public function getUID() {
- return $this->uid;
- }
- /**********************************************************************\
- * The 'auth' table. *
- \**********************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************\
- * The 'users' table. *
- \**********************************************************************/
- public function getMembers() {
- return $this->db->getUsersInGroup($this->getName());
- }
diff --git a/src/models/User.class.php b/src/models/User.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b6dbede..0000000
--- a/src/models/User.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-class User extends Auth {
- public function __construct($uid) {
- parent::__construct($uid);
- }
- public function getUID() {
- return $this->uid;
- }
- /**********************************************************************\
- * The 'auth' table. *
- \**********************************************************************/
- public function setPassword($password) {
- if (!$this->canEdit()) return false;
- return $this->db->setPassword($this->uid, $password);
- }
- /**********************************************************************\
- * The 'users' table. *
- \**********************************************************************/
diff --git a/src/plugins/InformationPlugin.class.php b/src/plugins/InformationPlugin.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ec8ac..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/InformationPlugin.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-class InformationPlugin extends Plugin {
- public static function configList() { return array(); }
- public function init() {}
- public static function description() {
- return "Get information about the user.";
- }
- public function userConfig(&$arr) {
- $group = 'Information';
- $this->addConfigGroup($arr, $group);
- $arr[$group][] = array('firstname','First Name','text');
- $arr[$group][] = array('lastname','Last Name','text');
- $arr[$group][] = array('school','Home School','text');
- $arr[$group][] = array('hsclass','Highschool Class of','text');
- $group = 'New Member Questions';
- $this->addConfigGroup($arr, $group);
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_why_team',
- 'Why do you want to be a part of the robotics team?',
- 'textarea');
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_strengths',
- 'What strengths do you have that can contribute to the robotics team?',
- 'textarea');
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_other_activities',
- 'Other after school activities--sports, performing arts, extracurricular activities. (January through March)',
- 'textarea');
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_other_commitments',
- 'After school/weekend work commitments. (January through March)',
- 'textarea');
- // TODO: Top 3 subteams
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_who_you_know',
- 'Who do you know that could possibly help our team this year? '.
- 'This includes material resources, supplying or preparing food '.
- 'for work nights/competitions, corporate sponsorship, travel, '.
- 'engineers, computer programmers, web developers, and fundraisers.',
- 'textarea');
- $arr[$group][] = array('x_bogus_recommend',
- "List two teachers who we could contact for your recommendation to be a member of this year's team.",
- 'paragraph');
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_teacher_recommend1', 'Teacher 1', 'text');
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_teacher_recommend2', 'Teacher 2', 'text');
- $arr[$group][] = array('x_bogus_agreement',
- "I understand that if I am chosen to participate ".
- "in the robotics project, I will represent my ".
- "school in a positive manner. If I fail to do so, ".
- "I may be removed from the team at any time. In ".
- "addition, if I do not have good attendance ".
- "during this project, I will not be allowed to ".
- "travel with the team to the competitions. I also ".
- "understand that all of the school rules will be ".
- "in effect at all times.",
- 'paragraph');
- $arr[$group][] = array('q_i_agree',
- "I agree",
- 'checkbox');
- }
- public function sendPrivate($to, $id, $subject, $body) {}
- public function sendBroadcast($id, $subject, $body) {}
diff --git a/src/plugins/ReCaptcha.class.php b/src/plugins/ReCaptcha.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 165493b..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/ReCaptcha.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// We only include the recaptchalib.php file when we use it because we don't
-// want it polluting the global namespace thing.
-class ReCaptcha extends Plugin {
- protected $config = array('public_key'=>'',
- 'private_key'=>'');
- public static function description() {
- return 'Add a reCaptcha to keep out spam users.';
- }
- public static function configList() {
- return array('public_key'=>'text',
- 'private_key'=>'text');
- }
- public function init() {}
- private $resp = null;
- private function getResp() {
- if ($this->resp===null) {
- require_once('recaptchalib.php');
- @$response = $_POST['recaptcha_response_field'];
- @$challenge = $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'];
- $this->resp = recaptcha_check_answer($this->config['private_key'],
- $challenge,
- $response);
- }
- return $this->resp;
- }
- private function getError() {
- if ($_POST["recaptcha_response_field"] && !$this->antispam_verify()) {
- return $this->getResp()->error;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function antispam_verify() {
- return $this->getResp()->is_valid;
- }
- public function antispam_html() {
- require_once('recaptchalib.php');
- return recaptcha_get_html($this->config['public_key'], $this->getError());
- }
diff --git a/src/plugins/SenderGVSMS.class.php b/src/plugins/SenderGVSMS.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7919007..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/SenderGVSMS.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-class SenderGVSMS extends Plugin {
- protected $config = array('username'=>'',
- 'password'=>'',
- 'length'=>160);
- private $obj;
- public static function description() {
- return 'Send messages over SMS via GoogleVoice.';
- }
- public static function configList() {
- return array('username'=>'text',
- 'password'=>'password');
- }
- public function init() {
- $this->obj = new GoogleVoice($this->config['username'],
- $this->config['password']);
- }
- public function sendPrivate($phoneNum, $id, $subject, $body) {
- global $shorturl, $messenger;
- $url = $shorturl->get($messenger->id2url($id));
- $maxlen = $this->config['length']-(strlen($url)+1);
- if($maxlen < strlen($subject)) {
- $subject = substr($subject,0,$maxlen-3).'...';
- }
- $this->obj->sms($phoneNum, $subject.' '.$url);
- }
diff --git a/src/plugins/SenderIdentica.class.php b/src/plugins/SenderIdentica.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ea9b343..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/SenderIdentica.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-class SenderIdentica extends Plugin {
- protected $config = array('username'=>'',
- 'password'=>'',
- 'length'=>140);
- private $obj;
- public static function description() {
- return 'Dent messages to';
- }
- public static function configList() {
- return array('username'=>'text',
- 'password'=>'password',
- 'length'=>'int');
- }
- public function init() {
- $this->obj = new Identica($this->config['username'],
- $this->config['password']);
- }
- public function sendBroadcast($id, $subject, $body) {
- global $shorturl, $messenger;
- $url = $shorturl->get($messenger->id2url($id));
- $maxlen = $this->config['length']-(strlen($url)+1);
- if($maxlen < strlen($subject)) {
- $subject = substr($subject,0,$maxlen-3).'...';
- }
- $this->obj->updateStatus($subject.' '.$url);
- }
diff --git a/src/plugins/maildir.php b/src/plugins/maildir.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 28211b5..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/maildir.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-class Maildir implements Getter {
- private $config = array('dir'=>'');
- public function configList() {
- return array('dir'=>'text');
- }
- public function init() {}
- public function get() {
- $this->handle_new();
- $this->handle_cur();
- $this->handle_tmp();
- }
- private function handle_new() {
- // move files in new to cur
- $new = $this->config['dir'].'/new';
- $cur = $this->config['dir'].'/cur';
- $dh = opendir($new);
- while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- if (substr($file,0,1)!='.' && is_file($new.'/'.$file)) {
- rename($new.'/'.$file,
- $cur.'/'.$file.':');
- }
- }
- }
- private function handle_cur() {
- $cur = $this->config['dir'].'/cur';
- $dh = opendir($cur);
- while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- if (substr($file,0,1)!='.' && is_file($cur.'/'.$file)) {
- }
- }
- }
- private function handle_tmp() {
- // Clean up files that haven't been accessed for 36 hours
- $tmp = $this->config['dir'].'/tmp';
- $dh = opendir($cur);
- while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- if (is_file($tmp.'/'.$file)) {
- $atime = fileatime($tmp.'/'.$file);
- $time = time();
- if (($time-$atime)>(36*60*60)) {
- unlink($tmp.'/'.$file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/views/Template.class.php b/src/views/Template.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d55b75..0000000
--- a/src/views/Template.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-require_once('Login.class.php');// used to see if logged in
-require_once('Auth.class.php');// used to get username if we are
-class Template extends Singleton {
- private $indent = 0;
- private $ret = false;
- public function status($status) {
- header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." $status");
- header("Status: $status");
- }
- public function setRet($ret) {
- $this->ret = $ret;
- }
- private function tabs() {
- $str = '';
- for ($i=0;$i<$this->indent;$i++) { $str .= "\t"; }
- return $str;
- }
- private function attr($attr='') {
- $tags='';
- if (is_array($attr)) {
- foreach($attr as $key=>$value) {
- $tags .= " $key=\"$value\"";
- }
- }
- return $tags;
- }
- public function tag($tag, $attr='', $content=false) {
- $tags = $this->attr($attr);
- $str = $this->tabs()."<$tag$tags";
- if ($content===false) {
- $str.= " />";
- } else {
- $str.= ">$content</$tag>";
- }
- $str.= "\n";
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function openTag($tag, $attr='') {
- $tags = $this->attr($attr);
- $str = $this->tabs()."<$tag$tags>\n";
- $this->indent++;
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function closeTag($tag) {
- $this->indent--;
- $str = $this->tabs()."</$tag>\n";
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function text($text) {
- $str = $this->tabs().$text."\n";
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function paragraph($text, $attr='', $return=false) {
- $tabs = $this->tabs();
- $tags = $this->attr($attr);
- $str = $tabs."<p$tags>";
- $str.= wordwrap($text, 78-($this->indent*8), "\n$tabs ");
- $str.= "</p>\n";
- if ($this->ret||$return) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function link($target, $text, $return=false) {
- $ret = $this->ret;
- $this->ret |= $return;
- $str = $this->tag('a', array('href'=>$target), $text);
- $this->ret = $ret;
- if ($this->ret||$return) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function url($page) {
- return Site::getInstance()->baseUrl().$page;
- }
- public function row($cells) {
- $str = $this->openTag('tr');
- foreach ($cells as $cell)
- $str.= $this->tag('td', array(), $cell);
- $str.= $this->closeTag('tr');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- private function css($file, $media) {
- $str.= $this->tag('link', array('rel'=>"stylesheet",
- 'type'=>"text/css",
- 'href'=>$this->url($file),
- 'media'=>$media));
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function header($title) {
- // username=false if not logged in or not connected to DB
- $username = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn())->getName();
- $ret = $this->ret;
- $this->ret = true;
- $logged_in = ($username!==false);
- $str = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\n";
- $str.= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"'."\n";
- $str.= '"">'."\n";
- $xmlns = "";
- $str.= $this->openTag('html', array('xmlns'=>$xmlns,
- 'lang'=>"en-us",
- 'dir'=>"ltr"));
- $this->indent = 0; // don't indent for the <html> tag
- $str.= $this->openTag('head');
- $str.= $this->tag('title', array(), htmlspecialchars($title));
- $str.= $this->css('style.css', 'all');
- $str.= $this->css('screen.css', 'screen');
- $str.= $this->css('print.css', 'print');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('head');
- $body_class = 'logged'.($logged_in?'in':'out');
- $str.= $this->openTag('body', array('class'=>$body_class));
- $str.= $this->openTag('div', array('class'=>'infobar'));
- if ($logged_in) {
- $user = htmlentities($username);
- $str.= $this->link($this->url(''), "Home");
- $str.= $this->link($this->url("users/$user"),"@$user");
- $str.= $this->logout_button('Logout');
- } else {
- $str.= $this->openTag('form',
- array('action'=>$this->url('auth'),
- 'method'=>'post'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'action',
- 'value'=>'login'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'url',
- 'value'=>$url));
- $str.= $this->tag('label',
- array('for'=>'username'),'Username:');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'text',
- 'name'=>'username',
- 'id'=>'username'));
- $str.= $this->tag('label',
- array('for'=>'password'),'Password:');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'password',
- 'name'=>'password',
- 'id'=>'password'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit',
- 'value'=>'Login'));
- $str.= $this->link($this->url("users/new"),'New Account');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('form');
- }
- $str.= $this->closeTag('div');
- $str.= $this->openTag('div',array('class'=>'main'));
- $str.= $this->openTag('div',array('class'=>'main_sub'));
- $this->ret = $ret;
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function footer() {
- $str = $this->closeTag('div');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('div');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('body');
- $str.= $this->closeTag('html');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function openFieldset($name, $lock=false) {
- $class = ($lock?' class="readonly"':'');
- $str = $this->text("<fieldset$class><legend>$name</legend><ul>");
- $this->indent++;
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function closeFieldset() {
- $this->indent--;
- $str = $this->text("</ul></fieldset>");
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function input($id, $label, $hint, $html, $tags=null) {
- if ($tags===null) { $tags=array(); }
- $str = $this->openTag('li', $tags);
- $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label);
- $str.= $this->text($html);
- if (strlen($hint)>0) {
- $str.=$this->paragraph($hint,
- Array('class'=>'form_data'));
- }
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- private function inputStr($type, $id, $default, $lock) {
- $value = htmlentities($default);
- $tag = ($lock?"readonly='readonly' ":'');
- return "<input type='$type' name='$id' id='$id' value=\"$value\" $tag/>";
- }
- public function inputTextArea($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- $value = htmlentities($default);
- $tag = ($lock?"readonly='readonly' ":'');
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- "<textarea name='$id' id='$id' $tag>$value</textarea>",
- array('class'=>'wide'));
- }
- public function inputText($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- $this->inputStr('text', $id, $default, $lock));
- }
- public function inputPassword($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- $this->inputStr('password', $id, $default, $lock));
- }
- public function inputNewPassword($id, $label, $default='', $lock=FALSE) {
- return $this->input($id, $label,
- "Type the same password twice, to make sure you don't mistype.",
- $this->inputStr('password', $id, $default, $lock).
- "\n".$this->tabs()."\t".
- $this->inputStr('password', $id.'_verify', $default,$lock));
- }
- public function inputBool($id, $label, $hint='', $default=FALSE, $lock=FALSE) {
- $tag = '';
- if ($lock) $tag.= "readonly='readonly' ";
- if ($default) $tag.= "checked='checked' ";
- return $this->input($id, $label, $hint,
- "<input type='hidden' name='$id' value='false' />".
- "<input type='checkbox' id='$id' name='$id' value='true' $tag>");
- $attrib = array('type'=>'checkbox',
- 'id'=>$id,
- 'name'=>$name.'[]',
- 'value'=>$value);
- if ($default) $attrib['checked']='checked';
- if ($lock ) $attrib['readonly']='readonly';
- $str = $this->openTag('li');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', $attrib);
- $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label);
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function inputBoolArray($name, $value, $label, $default=FALSE, $lock=FALSE) {
- $id = $name.'_'.$value;
- $attrib = array('type'=>'checkbox',
- 'id'=>$id,
- 'name'=>$name.'[]',
- 'value'=>$value);
- if ($default) $attrib['checked']='checked';
- if ($lock ) $attrib['readonly']='readonly';
- $str = $this->openTag('li');
- $str.= $this->tag('input', $attrib);
- $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label);
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function inputP($text, $error=false) {
- $str = $this->openTag('li');
- $str.=$this->paragraph($text,
- array('class'=>($error?' error':'')));
- $str.= $this->closeTag('li');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
- public function logout_button($text) {
- $str = $this->openTag('form',array('action'=>$this->url('auth'),
- 'method'=>"post",
- 'style'=>'display:inline'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'action',
- 'value'=>'logout'));
- $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit',
- 'value'=>$text));
- $str.= $this->closeTag('form');
- if ($this->ret) return $str;
- echo $str;
- }
diff --git a/src/views/includes/header-include.php b/src/views/includes/header-include.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3826b3a..0000000
--- a/src/views/includes/header-include.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-function language_attributes() {
- echo 'dir="ltr" lang="en-US"';
-function bloginfo($param) {
- switch ($param) {
- case 'charset': echo 'UTF-8'; break;
- case 'stylesheet_url': echo "/wp/wp-content/themes/kilabytes/style.css"; break;
- case 'pingback_url': echo ''; break;
- default: echo ''; break;
- }
-function wp_title($foo, $bar, $baz) {
- global $_title_;
- echo $_title_;
-function get_bloginfo($foo, $bar) {
- return false;
-function get_template_directory_uri() {
- return '';
-function is_singular() {
- return false;
-function wp_head() {
- echo '';
-global $paged, $page;
-$paged = 0;
-$page = 0;
-$username = Auth::getInstance(Login::isLoggedIn())->getName();
-$logged_in = ($username!==false);
-$ret = $this->ret;
-$this->ret = true;
-function body_class() {
- $body_class = 'logged'.($logged_in?'in':'out');
- echo 'class="'+$body_class+'"';
-require(dirname(__FILE__)+"/header.php"); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/views/includes/header.php b/src/views/includes/header.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a3e161..0000000
--- a/src/views/includes/header.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-function language_attributes() {
- echo 'dir="ltr" lang="en-US"';
- * The Header for our theme.
- *
- * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div id="main">
- *
- * @package WordPress
- * @subpackage Twenty_Eleven
- * @since Twenty Eleven 1.0
- */
-?><!DOCTYPE html>
-<!--[if IE 6]>
-<html id="ie6" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
-<!--[if IE 7]>
-<html id="ie7" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
-<!--[if IE 8]>
-<html id="ie8" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
-<!--[if !(IE 6) | !(IE 7) | !(IE 8) ]><!-->
-<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
-<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" />
-<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
- /*
- * Print the <title> tag based on what is being viewed.
- */
- global $_title_;
- echo $_title_;
- ?></title>
-<link rel="profile" href="" />
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo( 'stylesheet_url' ); ?>" />
-<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" />
-<!--[if lt IE 9]>
-<script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/html5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- /* We add some JavaScript to pages with the comment form
- * to support sites with threaded comments (when in use).
- */
- if ( is_singular() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) )
- wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
- /* Always have wp_head() just before the closing </head>
- * tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which
- * generally use this hook to add elements to <head> such
- * as styles, scripts, and meta tags.
- */
- wp_head();
-<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
-<div id="page" class="hfeed">
- <header id="branding" role="banner">
- <hgroup>
- <?php $url = esc_url(home_url('/')); ?>
- <h1 id="team-number"><a href="<?php echo $url;?>">1024</a></h1>
- <h1 id="team-name"><a href="<?php echo $url;?>" rel="home">Kil-A-Bytes</a></h1>
- <h2><a href="<?php echo $url;?>">M<span class="lower">c</span>Kenzie Center for Innovation and Technology</a></h2>
- </hgroup>
- <div class="only-search with-image">
- <?php get_search_form(); ?>
- </div>
- <nav id="access" role="navigation">
- <h3 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Main menu', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></h3>
- <?php /* Allow screen readers / text browsers to skip the navigation menu and get right to the good stuff. */ ?>
- <div class="skip-link"><a class="assistive-text" href="#content" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Skip to primary content', 'twentyeleven' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Skip to primary content', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></a></div>
- <div class="skip-link"><a class="assistive-text" href="#secondary" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Skip to secondary content', 'twentyeleven' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Skip to secondary content', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></a></div>
- <?php /* Our navigation menu. If one isn't filled out, wp_nav_menu falls back to wp_page_menu. The menu assiged to the primary position is the one used. If none is assigned, the menu with the lowest ID is used. */ ?>
- <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>
- </nav><!-- #access -->
- </header><!-- #branding -->
- <div id="main"> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/views/pages/auth/badrequest.html.php b/src/views/pages/auth/badrequest.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c1fe726..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/auth/badrequest.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->status('400 Bad Request');
-$t->paragraph('The recieved POST request was malformed/invalid. '.
- 'If you got here from a link, this is a bug; '.
- 'Let the admin know.'.
- 'If you got here from outside, then the API is being '.
- 'used incorrectly.');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/auth/index.html.php b/src/views/pages/auth/index.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ac80140..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/auth/index.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$username = $VARS['username'];
-$t->text("Logged in as ".htmlentities($username).'.');
-$t->footer(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/views/pages/auth/login.html.php b/src/views/pages/auth/login.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a246a9e..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/auth/login.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$username = $VARS['username'];
-$password = $VARS['password'];
-$t->openTag('form',array('action'=>$t->url('auth'), 'method'=>"post"));
-switch ($VARS['login_code']) {
-case -1: break;
-case 0:
- $t->inputP('Successfully logged in as '.
- htmlentities($username).'.');
- if (isset($VARS['url'])) {
- $url = htmlentities($VARS['url']);
- $t->inputP($t->link($url,
- 'Return to the page you were on.',
- true));
- }
- $t->closeFieldset();
- $t->closeTag('form');
- return;
- break;
-case 1:
- $t->inputP("Password does not match username.",
- array('class'=>'error'));
- break;
-case 2:
- $t->inputP("Username <q>$username</q> does not exist.");
- $username = '';
- break;
-$t->inputText( 'username', 'Username:', '', $username);
-$t->inputPassword('password', 'Password:', '', $password);
-$t->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit', 'value'=>'Login'));
-$t->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'action',
- 'value'=>'login'));
-if (isset($VARS['url'])) {
- $url = htmlentities($VARS['url']);
- $t->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden',
- 'name'=>'url',
- 'value'=>$url));
diff --git a/src/views/pages/auth/logout.html.php b/src/views/pages/auth/logout.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d00998..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/auth/logout.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->paragraph('Logged out');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/groups/401.html.php b/src/views/pages/groups/401.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e3778..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/groups/401.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->status('401 Unauthorized');
-$t->tag('h1', array(), "401: Unauthorized");
-if ($VARS['uid']===false) {
- // Not logged in
- $t->paragraph('You need to be logged in to view group-data.');
-} else {
- // Logged in, so the account must not activated
- $t->paragraph('Your account needs to be activated by an administrator '.
- 'to group-data.');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/http404.html.php b/src/views/pages/http404.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 730b0ee..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/http404.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$routed = implode('/', $VARS['routed']);
-$remainder = implode('/', $VARS['remainder']);
-$full = $routed.'/'.$remainder;
-$t->status('404 Not Found');
-$t->header('Page Not Found');
-$t->tag('h1',array(),"404: Not Found");
-$t->paragraph("Awe man, the page you requested wasn't found.");
-$t->paragraph('This folder was found: '.
- '<tt>'.$t->link($t->url($routed), $routed.'/', true).'</tt>');
-$t->paragraph("But this file in it wasn't: ".
- '<tt>'.$full.'</tt>');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/index.html.php b/src/views/pages/index.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 71b0091..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/index.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->header('Main Page');
-$t->tag('h1', array(), "Message Manager");
-$t->paragraph($t->link($t->url('users/new'),'Register to be on the team', true), array('style'=>'font-size:5em'));
-$t->link($t->url('users'), 'List of all users');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/messages/401.html.php b/src/views/pages/messages/401.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b24f80..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/messages/401.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->status('401 Unauthorized');
-$t->tag('h1', array(), "401: Unauthorized");
-if ($VARS['uid']===false) {
- // Not logged in
- $t->paragraph('You need to be logged in to view messages.');
-} else {
- // Logged in, so the account must not activated
- $t->paragraph('Your account needs to be activated by an administrator '.
- 'to view messages.');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/messages/frame.html.php b/src/views/pages/messages/frame.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e64bc2f..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/messages/frame.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$msg_id = $VARS['msg_id'];
-$parser = $VARS['parser'];
-$msgdir = $VARS['msgdir'];
-function messageLink($id) {
- if (is_array($id)) { $id = $id[1]; }
- global $VARS; $t = $VARS['template']; $msgdir = $VARS['msgdir'];
- $exists = is_file("$msgdir/$id");
- $class =
- $id = htmlentities($id);
- return sprintf('&lt;<a href="%1$s"%2$s>%3$s</a>&gt;',
- $t->url("messages/$id/"),
- ($exists?'':' class="http404"'),
- $id);
-function parseMessageIDs($string) {
- $base = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URL'];
- $html = preg_replace_callback(
- '/<([^>]*)>/',
- 'messageLink',
- $string);
- return $html;
-$t->header('View Message');
-$t->row(array('To:' , htmlentities( $parser->getHeader('to' ))));
-$t->row(array('From:' , htmlentities( $parser->getHeader('from' ))));
-$t->row(array('Subject:' , htmlentities( $parser->getHeader('subject' ))));
-$t->row(array('In-Reply-to:', parseMessageIDs($parser->getHeader('in-reply-to'))));
-$t->row(array('References:' , parseMessageIDs($parser->getHeader('references' ))));
-$t->openTag('div', array('class'=>'message-body'));
-if ($parser->getMessageBodyPart('html')!==false) {
- $t->tag('h2', array(), 'HTML');
- $t->tag('iframe', array('src'=>$t->url("messages/$msg_id/body.html")), '');
-if ($parser->getMessageBodyPart('text')!==false) {
- $t->tag('h2', array(), 'Plain Text');
- $t->tag('iframe', array('src'=>$t->url("messages/$msg_id/body.txt")), '');
-$t->tag('h2', array(), 'Attachments');
-$attachments = $parser->getAttachments();
-foreach ($attachments as $id => $attachment) {
- $t->row(array(
- htmlentities($attachment->getContentType()),
- $t->link($t->url("$msg_id/attachment/$id"),
- htmlentities($attachment->getFilename())),
- ));
diff --git a/src/views/pages/messages/index.html.php b/src/views/pages/messages/index.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 111b6c6..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/messages/index.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$messages = $VARS['messages'];
-$t->header('Message Index');
-$t->tag('h1', array(), "Message Index");
-$t->row(array('From','Subject', 'Date'));
-foreach ($messages as $date => $message_array) {
- foreach ($message_array as $message) {
- $url = $t->url('messages/'.$message['id'].'/');
- $subject = htmlentities($message['subject']);
- $from = htmlentities($message['from']);
- $date_str = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$date));
- $t->row(array(
- $t->link($url, $from , true),
- $t->link($url, $subject , true),
- $t->link($url, $date_str, true),
- ));
- }
diff --git a/src/views/pages/no-conf.html.php b/src/views/pages/no-conf.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f4e3d3..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/no-conf.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->header('Message Manager');
-$t->paragraph('Awe shiz, dude, conf.php doesn\'t exist, you '.
- 'need to go through the '.
- '<a href="installer">installer</a>.');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/plugins/401.html.php b/src/views/pages/plugins/401.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1b222..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/plugins/401.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->status('401 Unauthorized');
-$t->tag('h1',array(),"401: Unauthorized");
-$t->paragraph('You need to be logged in as an admin to edit global plugin '.
- 'settings.');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/plugins/index.html.php b/src/views/pages/plugins/index.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b182288..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/plugins/index.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$plugins = $VARS['plugins'];
-$db = Database::getInstance();
-$t->header('Administrator Plugin Management');
-foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
- $t->setRet(true);
- $props = array('type'=>'checkbox',
- 'name'=>'plugins[]',
- 'id'=>'plugins_'.$plugin['name'],
- 'value'=>$plugin['name']);
- if ($plugin['active']==true) {
- $props['checked'] = 'checked';
- }
- $box = $t->tag('input', $props);
- $t->setRet(false);
- $t->openFieldset($plugin['name'].$box);
- $t->inputP($plugin['description']);
- foreach ($plugin['config'] as $param => $type) {
- $name = $plugin['key'].'['.$param.']';
- $value = $db->getPluginConf($plugin['name'], $param);
- $hint = "Type: $type";
- switch ($type) {
- case 'text':
- case 'int':
- $t->inputText( $name, $param, $hint, $value); break;
- case 'password':
- $t->inputPassword($name, $param, $hint, $value); break;
- }
- }
- $t->closeFieldset();
-$t->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit',
- 'value'=>'Save/Update'));
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/401.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/401.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a5a1ce..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/401.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->status('401 Unauthorized');
-$t->tag('h1', array(), "401: Unauthorized");
-if ($VARS['uid']===false) {
- // Not logged in
- $t->paragraph('You need to be logged in to view user-data.');
-} else {
- // Logged in, so the account must not activated
- $t->paragraph('Your account needs to be activated by an administrator '.
- 'to view user-data.');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/404.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/404.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f9dca..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/404.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$username = $VARS['username'];
-$t->status('404 Not Found');
-$t->header('User Not Found');
-$t->tag('h1',array(),"404: Not Found");
-$t->paragraph('No user with the name <q>'.
- htmlentities($username).'</q> exists.');
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/500.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/500.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 339fe63..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/500.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$db = Database::getInstance();
-$t->status('500 Internal Server Error');
-$t->header('Unknown error');
-$t->paragraph("An unknown error was encountered when creating ".
- "the user. The username appears to be free, and ".
- "the passwords match, so I'm assuming that the ".
- "error is on our end. Sorry.");
-$t->paragraph("Here's a dump of the SQL error stack, it may ".
- "help us find the issue:");
-$t->tag('pre', array(), htmlentities($db->mysql_error()));
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/created.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/created.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d3027cc..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/created.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$username = $VARS['username'];
-//$t->status('201 Created');
-header('Location: '.$t->url("users/$username"));
-$t->header('User created');
-/*$t->paragraph("You can go ahead and fill out more of your ".
- "user information, (click the @username link at ".
- "the top) but will need to wait for an ".
- "administrator to approve your account before ".
- "you can really use the site. Actually, ".
- "filling your info out might help approval, so ".
- "that the administrator can more easily see who ".
- "you are.");
-$t->tag('h2',array(), $t->link($t->url("users/$username"), 'Go on to step 2'));
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/index.csv.php b/src/views/pages/users/index.csv.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a69cee..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/index.csv.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$attribs = $VARS['attribs'];
-$users = $VARS['users'];
-function escape($value) {
- if (is_bool($value)) {
- return ($value?'true':'false');
- } else {
- $chars = "'" . '"' . '\\' . ',';
- return addcslashes($value, $chars);
- }
-$arr = array();
-foreach ($attribs as $attrib) {
- $arr[] = escape($attrib['name']);
-echo implode(',', $arr)."\n";
-foreach ($users as $user) {
- $arr = array();
- foreach ($attribs as $attrib) {
- $props = $user[$attrib['key']];
- $arr[] = escape($props['value']);
- }
- echo implode(',', $arr)."\n";
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/index.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/index.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 159ff76..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/index.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$attribs = $VARS['attribs'];
-$users = $VARS['users'];
-$t->paragraph($t->link($t->url('users.csv'), "Download this as a spreadsheet.", true));
-$t->openTag('form', array('action'=>$t->url('users/index'),
- 'method'=>'post'));
-if (Login::isLoggedIn()) {
- $t->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit',
- 'value'=>'Save/Update'));
-$t->openTag('table', array('class'=>'sortable', 'id'=>'bar'));
-function table_head($attribs, $t) {
- $t->openTag('tr');
- foreach ($attribs as $attrib) {
- switch ($attrib['type']) {
- case 'bool': $class = 'small'; break;
- default: $class = ''; break;
- }
- $t->tag('th', array('class'=>$class), $attrib['name']);
- }
- if (Login::isLoggedIn()) {
- $t->tag('th', array(), '-');
- }
- $t->closeTag('tr');
-table_head($attribs, $t);
-table_head($attribs, $t);
-foreach ($users as $user) {
- $t->openTag('tr');
- foreach ($attribs as $attrib) {
- $t->openTag('td');
- $props = $user[$attrib['key']];
- $bool = $attrib['type']=='bool';
- if ($bool) {
- $value = $props['value']=='true';
- } else {
- $value = $props['value'];
- }
- $editable = $props['editable'];
- $post_key = $props['post_key'];
- $arr = array('name'=>$post_key);
- if (!$editable) {
- $arr['readonly'] = 'readonly';
- if ($bool) $arr['disabled'] = $disabled;
- }
- if ($bool) {
- $t->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>$post_key, 'value'=>'false'));
- if ($value==true) {
- $arr['checked'] = 'checked';
- }
- $arr['value'] = 'true';
- $arr['type'] = 'checkbox';
- } else {
- $t->tag('span', array('class'=>'cell_width'), $value);
- $arr['value'] = $value;
- $arr['type'] = 'text';
- }
- $t->tag('input', array('name'=>'_old['.$arr['name'].']',
- 'value'=>$arr['value'],
- 'type'=>'hidden'));
- $t->tag('input', $arr);
- $t->closeTag('td');
- }
- if (Login::isLoggedIn()) {
- $t->openTag('td');
- $t->link($t->url('users/'.$user['auth_name']['value']), 'More');
- $t->closeTag('td');
- }
- $t->closeTag('tr');
-if (Login::isLoggedIn()) {
- $t->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit',
- 'value'=>'Save/Update'));
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/individual.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/individual.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 39360b7..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/individual.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS, $CONTACT_METHODS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$users = $VARS['users'];
-$username = $VARS['username'];
-function inputText($user, $key, $label, $hint='') {
- global $VARS; $t = $VARS['template'];
- $current_setting = $user->getConf($key);
- $t->inputText("user_$key", $label, $hint, $current_setting,
- !$user->canEdit());
-function inputTextarea($user, $key, $label, $hint='') {
- global $VARS; $t = $VARS['template'];
- $current_setting = $user->getConf($key);
- $t->inputTextarea("user_$key", $label, $hint, $current_setting,
- !$user->canEdit());
-function inputBool($user, $key, $label, $hint='') {
- global $VARS; $t = $VARS['template'];
- $current_setting = $user->getConf($key)=='true';
- $t->inputBool("user_$key", $label, $hint, $current_setting,
- !$user->canEdit());
-function inputArray($user, $key, $arr) {
- global $VARS; $t = $VARS['template'];
- $defaults = $user->getConfArray($key);
- foreach ($arr as $value => $label) {
- $t->inputBoolArray($key, $value, $label,
- in_array($value, $defaults), !$user->canEdit());
- }
-function inputField($user, $arr) {
- $fieldname = $arr[0];
- $fieldlabel = $arr[1];
- $fieldtype = $arr[2];
- switch ($fieldtype) {
- case 'text':
- inputText($user, $fieldname, $fieldlabel, '');
- break;
- case 'textarea':
- inputTextarea($user, $fieldname, $fieldlabel, '');
- break;
- case 'paragraph':
- global $VARS; $t = $VARS['template'];
- $t->inputP($fieldlabel);
- break;
- case 'checkbox':
- inputBool($user, $fieldname, $fieldlabel, '');
- break;
- }
-if (count($users)>1) {
- $t->header("Users: $username");
-} else {
- $t->header("User: $username");
-foreach($users as $user) {
-$username = $user->getName();
-$t->tag('h1', array(), ($user->canEdit()?'Edit':'View')." User <q>$username</q> (UID: ".$user->getUID().")");
-if ($user->canEdit()) {
- $t->openTag('form', array('method'=>'post',
- 'action'=>$t->url("users/$username")));
-} else {
- $t->openTag('form');
-$t->openFieldset("Login / Authentication");
-// Username ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-if (isset($VARS['changed name']) && !$VARS['changed name']) {
- $t->inputP("Error setting username to ".
- "<q>$new_name</q>. This is probably because".
- " a user with that name already exists.",
- true);
- "This is the name you use to log in, but it is also a ".
- "short name that is used in various places, think of it ".
- "as a sort of <q>Twitter name</q>.",
- $user->getName(), !$user->canEdit());
-// Password ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-if (@$VARS['pw_updated']===true) {
- $t->inputP('Password successfully updated.');
-if (@$VARS['pw mixmatch']===true) {
- $t->inputP("Passwords don't match.", true);
-if ($user->canEdit()) $t->inputNewPassword('auth_password','Reset Password');
-// TODO: I should make this a setting for admins to set.
-$hints = array('email'=>
- "Right now you can only have one email address, ".
- "but I'm working on making it so you can have ".
- "multiple.",
- 'phone'=>
- "A home phone number isn't much use here because it is ".
- "used to text-message you (if you enable it), and ".
- "contact you at competition."
- );
-$use_arr = array();
-foreach ($CONTACT_METHODS as $method) {
- inputText($user,
- $method->addr_slug,
- ucwords($method->addr_text),
- $hints[$method->addr_slug]);
- $use_arr[$method->verb_slug] = ucwords($method->verb_text);
-$t->inputP("When I recieve a message, notify me using the following methods:");
-inputArray($user, 'use', $use_arr);
-foreach ($VARS['config_options'] as $groupname=>$options) {
- $t->openFieldset($groupname);
- foreach ($options as $option) {
- inputField($user, $option);
- }
- $t->closeFieldset();
-$group_arr = array();
-foreach ($VARS['groups'] as $group_name) {
- $group_arr[$group_name] = ucwords($group_name);
-inputArray($user, 'groups', $group_arr);
-if ($user->canEdit()) {
- $t->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit', 'value'=>'Save'));
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/new-locked.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/new-locked.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dc7ad0d..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/new-locked.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->status('403 Forbidden');
-$t->header('Create new user');
-$t->paragraph("Sorry, new user registration is disabled.");
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/new-logged-in.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/new-logged-in.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 51823fe..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/new-logged-in.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->header('Create new user');
-$t->paragraph("Dude, you're logged in, what are you doing creating an account?");
diff --git a/src/views/pages/users/new.html.php b/src/views/pages/users/new.html.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df376f..0000000
--- a/src/views/pages/users/new.html.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?php global $VARS;
-$t = $VARS['template'];
-$t->header('Create new user');
-$t->openTag('form', array('method'=>'post',
- 'action'=>$t->url('users')));
-$t->openFieldset("New User: Step 1");
-if ($VARS['userlist']) {
- $t->inputP("If you may have already created a username, please, ".
- "<em>please</em> check the ".
- $t->link($t->url('users/'), 'user-list', true).
- " to find your old username, instead of creating a new ".
- "user. If you don't like the name, you can log in and ".
- "change it.");
-if (in_array('illegal name', $VARS['errors'])) {
- $t->inputP("That is a forbidden username.", true);
-if (in_array('user exists', $VARS['errors'])) {
- $t->inputP("A user with that name already exists.");
- "This is the name you use to log in, but it is also a ".
- "short name that is used in various places, think of it ".
- "as a sort of <q>Twitter name</q>.",$VARS['username']);
-@$password = $VARS['password1'];
-if (in_array('pw mixmatch', $VARS['errors'])) {
- $t->inputP("The passwords didn't match.", true);
- $password = '';
-if (in_array('no pw', $VARS['errors'])) {
- $t->inputP("You must set a password.", true);
- $password = '';
-$t->inputNewPassword('auth_password','Password', $password);
-if (in_array('no email', $VARS['errors'])) {
- $t->inputP("You must provide an email address.", true);
-$t->inputText('user_email', 'Email Address',
- 'This is so that we can contact you. (duh).', $VARS['email']);
-foreach ($VARS['antispam_html'] as $html) {
- echo $html;
-$t->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit', 'value'=>'Go on to Step 2'));