MessageManager: README ====================== MessageManager is a mailing list program, much like GNU Mailman, but with sub-lists, SMS messages, and easier configuration. Also, social networking. MVC/ICM/PAC ----------- So there's a bit of a controversy on what MVC actually is (namely, the C). `Controller' is an ambiguous word, it means something different in each of the above acronyms. A common (mis)interpretation of MVC is actually more correctly described as ICM. In this (mis)interpretation `controller' is the logic glue between the model and the view, where the original/correct interpretation of MVC has the controller being the user's feedback, which is considered part of of the view in this (mis)intrepretation. This (mis)interpretation is ICM (view=interface). Because of this, in several places (here, and in code), I refer to interfaces as views. So sue me. MessageManager sort of has a interface-controller-model. But it also has a bit of a God Class going on. This might be considered the controller in a PAC architecture. But that would require me to rework this section, and I want to get back to coding. The relationship between ICM and PAC is: ICM P AC We've got our main, "God" class, `MessageManager'. It basically does three things: 1. abstract away all database access 2. handle authentication (which is just #1 with password hashing) 3. serve as a factory for all the other resources we may need There are 4 objects that are models: - User - Group - Message - Plugin These have a little logic in them, but are mostly just wrappers around the various database getX and setX methods in MessageManager. The coolest thing that they do is handle permissions on whether the currently logged in user can read or write to them. The interface is in the directory `src/views' (the directory name comes from the incorrect interpretation of MVC). The Template class provides a pretty low-level wrapper for (X)HTML, that should make converting fairly painless, and makes it easier to generate pretty, valid markup. It also handles a few common cases (mostly form stuff). These do a lot of what could be considered belonging to a controller, but that is because most of what they do is directly operate on the models, and any controller behavior is just validating/parsing data from the view, and is view-specific. There were too many `and's in that last sentence. The controllers are basically made up of MessageHandler and the plugins (which plugins to MessageHandler). They are in charge of parsing incoming messages, storing them into our message store, and sending them out to recipients. RESTful ------- MessageManager is RESTful in design. Here is a table(?) of all URIs in this application, and what HTTP verbs they can each be expected to handle. - index GET the homepage |- auth GET the current auth state | PUT user credentials |- messages GET a list of all messages | | POST a new message | `- GET a representation of |- plugins GET the current plugin configuration | PUT an updated plugin configuration `- users GET a list of all users | POST a new user | PUT an updated user index |- new GET the form for a new user `- GET 's info PUT updated user info Now, there is only one URI that is expected to handle both POST and PUT (`users'), let's ignore it for a moment. No URI that is expected to handle both POST and PUT. I haven't done this intentionally, but it works out well, because it means that I can treat them interchangeably. This is nice because current web technologies make it a pain in the butt to send/handle PUT requests, so I can just do POST requests, even if it's the wrong thing to use. So it doesn't follow HTTP's original design, it's still RESTful, it just uses different semantics to decide which verb to use. Ok, now, that tricky `users' URI. I've handled that it must handle PUT and POST by noting that it is accessable at two URIs, `users' and `users/index', and assigning one to each. `users' handles POSTing new users, and `users/index' handles PUTing an updated user index. BUGS/TODO --------- When creating a new user, if something goes wrong (illegal/existing name, password missmatch), it isn't "reported", and the user will be sitting at "users/new" without any feedback about what went wrong. The End ------- Happy Hacking! ~ Luke Shumaker