addConfigGroup($arr, $group); $arr[$group][] = array('firstname','First Name','text'); $arr[$group][] = array('lastname','Last Name','text'); $arr[$group][] = array('school','Home School','text'); $arr[$group][] = array('hsclass','Highschool Class of','text'); $group = 'New Member Questions'; $this->addConfigGroup($arr, $group); $arr[$group][] = array('q_why_team', 'Why do you want to be a part of the robotics team?', 'textarea'); $arr[$group][] = array('q_strengths', 'What strengths do you have that can contribute to the robotics team?', 'textarea'); $arr[$group][] = array('q_other_activities', 'Other after school activities--sports, performing arts, extracurricular activities. (January through March)', 'textarea'); $arr[$group][] = array('q_other_commitments', 'After school/weekend work commitments. (January through March)', 'textarea'); // TODO: Top 3 subteams $arr[$group][] = array('q_who_you_know', 'Who do you know that could possibly help our team this year? '. 'This includes material resources, supplying or preparing food '. 'for work nights/competitions, corporate sponsorship, travel, '. 'engineers, computer programmers, web developers, and fundraisers.', 'textarea'); $arr[$group][] = array('x_bogus_recommend', "List two teachers who we could contact for your recommendation to be a member of this year's team.", 'paragraph'); $arr[$group][] = array('q_teacher_recommend1', 'Teacher 1', 'text'); $arr[$group][] = array('q_teacher_recommend2', 'Teacher 2', 'text'); $arr[$group][] = array('x_bogus_agreement', "I understand that if I am chosen to participate ". "in the robotics project, I will represent my ". "school in a positive manner. If I fail to do so, ". "I may be removed from the team at any time. In ". "addition, if I do not have good attendance ". "during this project, I will not be allowed to ". "travel with the team to the competitions. I also ". "understand that all of the school rules will be ". "in effect at all times.", 'paragraph'); $arr[$group][] = array('q_i_agree', "I agree", 'checkbox'); } public function sendPrivate($to, $id, $subject, $body) {} public function sendBroadcast($id, $subject, $body) {} }