base = $base_url; $this->db = $mm->database(); } public function setRet($ret) { $this->ret = $ret; } private function tabs() { $str = ''; for ($i=0;$i<$this->indent;$i++) { $str .= "\t"; } return $str; } private function attr($attr='') { $tags=''; if (is_array($attr)) { foreach($attr as $key=>$value) { $tags .= " $key=\"$value\""; } } return $tags; } public function tag($tag, $attr='', $content=false) { $tags = $this->attr($attr); $str = $this->tabs()."<$tag$tags"; if ($content===false) { $str.= " />"; } else { $str.= ">$content$tag>"; } $str.= "\n"; if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function openTag($tag, $attr='') { $tags = $this->attr($attr); $str = $this->tabs()."<$tag$tags>\n"; $this->indent++; if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function closeTag($tag) { $this->indent--; $str = $this->tabs()."$tag>\n"; if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function text($text) { $str = $this->tabs().$text."\n"; if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function paragraph($text, $attr='', $return=false) { $tabs = $this->tabs(); $tags = $this->attr($attr); $str = $tabs."
"; $str.= wordwrap($text, 78-($this->indent*8), "\n$tabs "); $str.= "
\n"; if ($this->ret||$return) return $str; echo $str; } public function link($target, $text, $return=false) { $ret = $this->ret; $this->ret |= $return; $str = $this->tag('a', array('href'=>$target), $text); $this->ret = $ret; if ($this->ret||$return) return $str; echo $str; } public function url($page) { return $this->base.$page; } public function row($cells) { $str = $this->openTag('tr'); foreach ($cells as $cell) $str.= $this->tag('td', array(), $cell); $str.= $this->closeTag('tr'); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } private function css($file, $media) { $str.= $this->tag('link', array('rel'=>"stylesheet", 'type'=>"text/css", 'href'=>$this->url($file), 'media'=>$media)); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function header($title) { $db = $this->db; if ($db==null) { $username = false; } else { $username = $db->getUsername(Login::isLoggedIn()); } $ret = $this->ret; $this->ret = true; $logged_in = ($username!==false); $str = ''."\n"; $str.= ''."\n"; $xmlns = ""; $str.= $this->openTag('html', array('xmlns'=>$xmlns, 'lang'=>"en-us", 'dir'=>"ltr")); $this->indent = 0; // don't indent for the tag $str.= $this->openTag('head'); $str.= $this->tag('title', array(), htmlspecialchars($title)); $str.= $this->css('style.css', 'all'); $str.= $this->css('screen.css', 'screen'); $str.= $this->css('logo-style.css', 'screen'); $str.= $this->closeTag('head'); $body_class = 'logged'.($logged_in?'in':'out'); $str.= $this->openTag('body', array('class'=>$body_class)); $str.= $this->openTag('div', array('class'=>'infobar')); if ($logged_in) { $user = htmlentities($username); $str.= $this->link($this->url(''), "Home"); $str.= $this->link($this->url("users/$user"),"@$user"); $str.= $this->logout_button('Logout'); } else { $url=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $str.= $this->openTag('form', array('action'=>$this->url('auth'), 'method'=>'post')); $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'action', 'value'=>'login')); $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'url', 'value'=>$url)); $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>'username'),'Username:'); $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'text', 'name'=>'username', 'id'=>'username')); $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>'password'),'Password:'); $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'password', 'name'=>'password', 'id'=>'password')); $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit', 'value'=>'Login')); $str.= $this->closeTag('form'); } $str.= $this->closeTag('div'); $str.= $this->openTag('div',array('class'=>'main')); $str.= $this->openTag('div',array('class'=>'main_sub')); $this->ret = $ret; if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function footer() { $str = $this->closeTag('div'); $str.= $this->closeTag('div'); $str.= $this->closeTag('body'); $str.= $this->closeTag('html'); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function openFieldset($name, $lock=false) { $class = ($lock?' class="readonly"':''); $str = $this->text(""); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function input($id, $label, $hint, $html) { $str = $this->openTag('li'); $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label); $str.= $this->text($html); if (strlen($hint)>0) { $str.=$this->paragraph($hint, Array('class'=>'form_data')); } $str.= $this->closeTag('li'); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } private function inputStr($type, $id, $default, $lock) { $value = htmlentities($default); $tag = ($lock?"readonly='readonly' ":''); return ""; } public function inputTextArea($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) { $value = htmlentities($default); $tag = ($lock?"readonly='readonly' ":''); return $this->input($id, $label, $hint, ""); } public function inputText($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) { return $this->input($id, $label, $hint, $this->inputStr('text', $id, $default, $lock)); } public function inputPassword($id, $label, $hint='', $default='', $lock=FALSE) { return $this->input($id, $label, $hint, $this->inputStr('password', $id, $default, $lock)); } public function inputNewPassword($id, $label, $default='', $lock=FALSE) { return $this->input($id, $label, "Type the same password twice, to make sure you don't mistype.", $this->inputStr('password', $id, $default, $lock). "\n".$this->tabs()."\t". $this->inputStr('password', $id.'_verify', $default,$lock)); } public function inputBool($name, $value, $label, $default=FALSE, $lock=FALSE) { $attrib = array('type'=>'checkbox', 'id'=>$name.'_'.$value, 'name'=>$name.'[]', 'value'=>$value); if ($default) $attrib['checked']='checked'; if ($lock ) $attrib['readonly']='readonly'; $str = $this->openTag('li'); $str.= $this->tag('input', $attrib); $str.= $this->tag('label', array('for'=>$id), $label); $str.= $this->closeTag('li'); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function inputP($text, $error=false) { $str = $this->openTag('li'); $str.=$this->paragraph($text, array('class'=>($error?' error':''))); $str.= $this->closeTag('li'); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } public function logout_button($text) { $str = $this->openTag('form',array('action'=>$this->url('auth'), 'method'=>"post", 'style'=>'display:inline')); $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'action', 'value'=>'logout')); $str.= $this->tag('input', array('type'=>'submit', 'value'=>$text)); $str.= $this->closeTag('form'); if ($this->ret) return $str; echo $str; } }