package us.minak; /* * Not sure if this should be drawable or what. * */ public class IMEModifierCircle { private IMEModifier metaExpression; public float x; public float y; public float radius; public int color; public boolean expanded; public int expansion; //the level of expansion (if multiple circles are expanded, this decides precidence) IMEModifierCircle(float x, float y, float radius, int color, IMEModifier metaExpr) { this.setMetaExpression(metaExpr); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.radius = radius; this.color = color; this.expanded = false; this.expansion = 0; } public boolean containsPoint(float x, float y) { return Math.pow(x - this.x, 2) + Math.pow(y - this.y, 2) < Math.pow(this.radius, 2) ? true : false; } public IMEModifier getMetaExpression() { return metaExpression; } public void setMetaExpression(IMEModifier metaExpr) { this.metaExpression = metaExpr; } }