diff -ru kdelibs-4.8.0.orig/khtml/html/html_objectimpl.cpp kdelibs-4.8.0/khtml/html/html_objectimpl.cpp
--- kdelibs-4.8.0.orig/khtml/html/html_objectimpl.cpp	2012-01-30 19:46:27.684114289 +0100
+++ kdelibs-4.8.0/khtml/html/html_objectimpl.cpp	2012-01-30 19:47:47.222111046 +0100
@@ -577,46 +577,6 @@
 void HTMLObjectBaseElementImpl::slotPartLoadingErrorNotify()
-    // If we have an embed, we may be able to tell the user where to
-    // download the plugin.
-    HTMLEmbedElementImpl *embed = relevantEmbed();
-    QString serviceType; // shadows ours, but we don't care.
-    if (!embed)
-        return;
-    serviceType = embed->serviceType;
-    KHTMLPart* part = document()->part();
-    KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = part->browserExtension();
-    if(!embed->pluginPage.isEmpty() && ext) {
-        // Prepare the mimetype to show in the question (comment if available, name as fallback)
-        QString mimeName = serviceType;
-        KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::mimeType(serviceType, KMimeType::ResolveAliases);
-        if ( mime && mime->name() != KMimeType::defaultMimeType() )
-            mimeName = mime->comment();
-        // Check if we already asked the user, for this page
-        if (!mimeName.isEmpty() && !part->pluginPageQuestionAsked(serviceType))
-        {
-            part->setPluginPageQuestionAsked(serviceType);
-            // Prepare the URL to show in the question (host only if http, to make it short)
-            KUrl pluginPageURL(embed->pluginPage);
-            QString shortURL = pluginPageURL.protocol() == "http" ? pluginPageURL.host() : pluginPageURL.prettyUrl();
-            int res = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( part->view(),
-                                                  i18n("No plugin found for '%1'.\nDo you want to download one from %2?", mimeName, shortURL),
-                                                  i18n("Missing Plugin"), KGuiItem(i18n("Download")), KGuiItem(i18n("Do Not Download")), QString("plugin-")+serviceType);
-            if (res == KMessageBox::Yes)
-            {
-                // Display vendor download page
-                ext->createNewWindow(pluginPageURL);
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    }