# Maintainer (Arch): Spike29 <leguen.yannick@gmail.com> # Contributor (Arch): jsteel <mail at jsteel dot org> # Contributor (Arch): Corrado Primier <bardo@aur.archlinux.org> # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni@gnu.org.pe> pkgname=gmusicbrowser pkgver=1.1.15 pkgrel=6 pkgdesc="A customizable open-source jukebox for large collections" arch=('any') url="http://gmusicbrowser.org" license=('GPL3') depends=('gtk2-perl' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'perl-net-dbus') optdepends=('alsa-utils: enables the ALSA backend' 'flac123: flac support for the ALSA backend' 'mpg321: mp3 support for the ALSA backend' 'vorbis-tools: vorbis support for the ALSA backend' 'mplayer: enables the mplayer backend' 'mpv: enables the mpv backend' 'gstreamer: enables the gstreamer backend' 'perl-glib-object-introspection: enables the gstreamer backend' 'gst-plugins-base: vorbis support for the gstreamer backend' 'gst-plugins-good: flac support for the gstreamer backend' 'gst-plugins-bad: mpc support for the gstreamer backend' 'gst-plugins-ugly: mp3 support for the gstreamer backend' 'perl-gstreamer: enables the old gstreamer0.10 backend' 'gstreamer0.10-base: vorbis support for the gstreamer0.10 backend' 'gstreamer0.10-good-plugins: flac support for the gstreamer0.10 backend' 'gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins: mpc support for the gstreamer0.10 backend' 'gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins: mp3 support for the gstreamer0.10 backend' 'perl-locale-gettext: localization support' 'perl-gtk2-trayicon: tray icon support' 'perl-gtk2-appindicator: app indicator plugin support' 'perl-gtk2-mozembed: web-based plugins support' 'perl-gtk2-webkit: alternative web-based plugin support' 'perl-gtk2-notify: show notifications using libnotify' 'perl-html-parser: support for accented characters in lyrics plugin') conflicts=('gmusicbrowser-git' 'gmusicbrowser-shimmer' 'gmusicbrowser-shimmer-git') options=('!libtool') install=$pkgname.install source=("$url/download/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz" "perl524.patch") md5sums=('4a16dcbe369d4b3cb78fb1a6967a60b3' '2073c1f657d9226326807cabda6a894c') package() { cd "$srcdir" patch -p0 < perl524.patch cd $pkgname-$pkgver make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install }