# Contributor (Arch): Todd Musall # Contributor (Arch): dront78 (Ivan) # Contributor (Arch): Victor Noel # Maintainer (Arch): ngoonee pkgname=('heimdall') pkgver=1.4.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Heimdall is a cross-platform libre utility to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy S devices." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.glassechidna.com.au/products/heimdall/" license=('MIT') depends=('libusb' 'qt4') optdepends=('android-udev: Udev rules to connect Android devices to your linux box') makedepends=('gcc') source=("heimdall-${pkgver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/Benjamin-Dobell/Heimdall/archive/v${pkgver}.tar.gz" 'heimdall.desktop') build() { cd ${srcdir}/Heimdall-${pkgver} # Build libpit which is needed for compiling heimdall cd libpit/ ./configure --prefix=/usr # Default makefile removes libpit.1.4.a which is needed by frontend #sed -i '/rm -f libpit-1.4.a/d' Makefile make # Build heimdall command line tool cd ../heimdall/ ./configure --prefix=/usr make # Build heimdall GUI front end cd ../heimdall-frontend/ env OUTPUTDIR="/usr/bin" qmake-qt4 heimdall-frontend.pro make } package() { cd ${srcdir}/Heimdall-${pkgver} # Install license file #install -m644 -D LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" # Install heimdall command line tool cd heimdall/ # Prevent make install from trying to reload udev # We'll do this the Arch way at package install time mv Makefile Makefile.orig sed -e 's/sudo service udev restart/echo sudo service udev restart/' Makefile make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install rm -rf "${pkgdir}/lib/" # Install heimdall GUI front end cd ../heimdall-frontend # hack to place heimdall-frontend in /usr/bin sed -i 's|local\/||g' Makefile make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}/" install install -m644 -D "${srcdir}/heimdall.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/heimdall.desktop" } md5sums=('22c911e9042f5ed8fd90cbeeb9589015' '6c4de9e74c0d9e7ab4d50af21303b78a')