# Maintainer: stqn # Contributor: JHeaton <jheaton at archlinux dot us> # Contributor: Tristero <tristero at online dot de> # Contributor: funkyou # Set this to true to build and install retroshare-nogui _build_nogui=false # Set this to true to build and install the plugins _build_linkscloud=true _build_feedreader=true _build_voip=true ### Nothing to be changed below this line ### pkgname=retroshare pkgver=0.5.4e pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="Serverless encrypted instant messenger with filesharing, chatgroups, e-mail." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/" license=('LGPL' 'GPL') depends=('qt4' 'libupnp' 'libgnome-keyring' 'libxss') install="${pkgname}.install" source=(http://sourceforge.net/projects/retroshare/files/RetroShare/${pkgver}/RetroShare-v${pkgver}.tar.gz \ ${pkgname}.install \ ${pkgname}.desktop) sha256sums=('a1cc85327213aa3bab0eac0923b546472bb41aacd56a11f5f3be1ba2315a0bda' '4b50547648612e9091536205402a4da9ddea9c18c0f71e5d6cd30b2226f206d9' '70be00968f2477e368f75393f193e76f366fff2dadab869c855e92048060cf29') # Add missing dependencies if needed [[ $_build_nogui == true ]] && depends=(${depends[@]} 'libssh' 'protobuf') [[ $_build_voip == true ]] && depends=(${depends[@]} 'speex') [[ $_build_feedreader == true ]] && depends=(${depends[@]} 'curl' 'libxslt') build() { local _srcdir="${srcdir}/retroshare-0.5.4/src" local _qmake='qmake-qt4' msg "Compiling OpenPGP-SDK..." cd "${_srcdir}/openpgpsdk/src" $_qmake make msg "Compiling libbitdht..." cd "${_srcdir}/libbitdht/src" $_qmake make msg "Compiling libretroshare..." cd "${_srcdir}/libretroshare/src" $_qmake make msg "Compiling retroshare-gui..." cd "${_srcdir}/retroshare-gui/src" $_qmake make if [[ "$_build_voip" == "true" ]] ; then msg "Compiling VOIP plugin..." cd "${_srcdir}/plugins/VOIP" sed -i 's/lessThan.*/true {/' VOIP.pro $_qmake make fi if [[ "$_build_feedreader" == "true" ]] ; then msg "Compiling FeedReader plugin..." cd "${_srcdir}/plugins/FeedReader" $_qmake make fi if [[ "$_build_linkscloud" == "true" ]] ; then msg "Compiling LinksCloud plugin..." cd "${_srcdir}/plugins/LinksCloud" $_qmake make fi if [[ $_build_nogui == "true" ]] ; then msg "Compiling retroshare-nogui..." cd "${_srcdir}/rsctrl/src" make cd "${_srcdir}/retroshare-nogui/src" sed -i 's/pkg-config --atleast-version 0.5.4 libssh/pkg-config --atleast-version 0.5 libssh/' retroshare-nogui.pro $_qmake make fi } package() { local _srcdir="${srcdir}/retroshare-0.5.4/src" # --- Install Files --- msg "Installing files to fakeroot-environment..." install -D -m 755 \ "${_srcdir}/retroshare-gui/src/RetroShare" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" if [[ "$_build_nogui" == "true" ]] ; then install -D -m 755 \ "${_srcdir}/retroshare-nogui/src/retroshare-nogui" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}-nogui" fi # Plugins if [[ "$_build_linkscloud" == "true" ]] ; then install -D -m 755 \ "${_srcdir}/plugins/LinksCloud/libLinksCloud.so" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/retroshare/extensions/libLinksCloud.so" fi if [[ "$_build_voip" == "true" ]] ; then install -D -m 755 \ "${_srcdir}/plugins/VOIP/libVOIP.so" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/retroshare/extensions/libVOIP.so" fi if [[ "$_build_feedreader" == "true" ]] ; then install -D -m 755 \ "${_srcdir}/plugins/FeedReader/libFeedReader.so" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/retroshare/extensions/libFeedReader.so" fi # Icons install -D -m 644 \ "${_srcdir}/retroshare-gui/src/gui/images/retrosharelogo2.png" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/retroshare.png" # Desktop File install -D -m 644 \ "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.desktop" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop" # bdboot (needed to bootstrap the DHT) install -D -m 644 \ "${_srcdir}/libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdboot.txt" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/RetroShare/bdboot.txt" # Skins cp -r "${_srcdir}/retroshare-gui/src/qss" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/RetroShare/" find "${pkgdir}/usr/share/RetroShare/" -depth -type d -name ".svn" -exec rm -r {} \; }