path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
44 files changed, 3904 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff8d399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../
diff --git a/src/abslibre-tools/Makefile b/src/abslibre-tools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2cec54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/abslibre-tools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../../
diff --git a/src/abslibre-tools/createworkdir b/src/abslibre-tools/createworkdir
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b443c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/abslibre-tools/createworkdir
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# CreateWorkDir
+# Creates a dir structure for working with Parabola packages
+# Copyright 2010 Nicolás Reynolds
+# ---------- GNU General Public License 3 ----------
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+[[ -e $custom_config ]] && source $custom_config
+[[ ! -d ${WORKDIR} ]] && { # Create the WORKDIR
+ msg "Creating WORKDIR on ${WORKDIR}"
+ mkdir -p ${WORKDIR} ||{
+ error "Could not create ${WORKDIR}"; exit 1
+ }
+for _repo in ${REPOS[@]}; do # Create the staging dirs
+ [[ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo} ]] && {
+ mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo} || {
+ error "Can't create ${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo}"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+[[ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/abslibre/.git ]] && {
+ msg "Cloning into ABSLibre"
+ CMD="git clone ${ABSLIBREGIT} ${WORKDIR}/abslibre"
+ ${CMD} || {
+ error "Could not clone ABSLibre"
+ plain "Try running this command:"
+ echo
+ plain "${CMD}"
+ exit 1
+ }
+msg "Finished, your packaging dir tree looks like this now:"
+ls --color=always ${WORKDIR}/*/*
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/abslibre-tools/libreaddiff b/src/abslibre-tools/libreaddiff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..98646a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/abslibre-tools/libreaddiff
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Michał Masłowski <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+set -e
+. /etc/libretools.conf
+[ -e $custom_config ] && . $custom_config
+for arg in "$@" ; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help|-\?)
+ echo 'Usage: libreaddiff repo [arch]
+This script outputs a diff of package names and versions in repo
+between pacman'\''s sync db and abslibre checkout.' >&2
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+# The repo to find missing packages in.
+# The arch to check in Arch repos, other will have all arches checked.
+# A Python tuple of repos which don't have arch=any packages.
+archrepos='("core", "extra", "community")'
+diff -U0 \
+ <( (
+ cd /var/lib/pacman/sync
+ for f in $repo.db ; do
+ tar xOf $f | python -c 'import sys
+arch = None
+name = None
+version = None
+it = iter(sys.stdin)
+ while True:
+ line = next(it)
+ if line == "%ARCH%\n":
+ arch = next(it)
+ if arch == "'"$arch"'\n" or "'$repo'" not in '"$archrepos"':
+ print("%s-%s" % (name.strip(), version.strip()))
+ if line == "%NAME%\n":
+ name = next(it)
+ if line == "%VERSION%\n":
+ version = next(it)
+except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ done
+ ) | sort ) \
+ <( (
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/abslibre"
+ # Needed to not include pkgnames specific to other arches.
+ CARCH=$arch
+ for f in $repo/* ; do
+ unset pkgname
+ unset epoch
+ unset pkgver
+ unset pkgrel
+ unset arch
+ . $f/PKGBUILD || continue
+ is_here=false
+ for arc in ${arch[@]} ; do
+ if [ "$arc" = "any" -o "$arc" = "$CARCH" ] ; then
+ is_here=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$is_here" = "true" ] ; then
+ for name in ${pkgname[@]} ; do
+ if [ -z "$epoch" ] ; then
+ echo $name-$pkgver-$pkgrel
+ else
+ echo $name-$epoch:$pkgver-$pkgrel
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ ) | sort ) | sed -rn 's/^[+-][^+-].+$/&/p'
diff --git a/src/abslibre-tools/librerelease b/src/abslibre-tools/librerelease
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a98cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/abslibre-tools/librerelease
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Librerelease
+# Uploads packages into [staging]
+# Copyright 2010 Nicolás Reynolds
+# ---------- GNU General Public License 3 ----------
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+function usage {
+ echo "$(gettext "Usage: $0")"
+ echo
+ echo "$(gettext "This script uploads packages on $WORKDIR/stagging")"
+ echo "$(gettext "to parabola server.")"
+ echo
+ echo "$(gettext "OPTIONS:")"
+ echo "$(gettext " -h this message.")"
+ echo "$(gettext " -l only list packages but not upload them.")"
+ echo "$(gettext " -c clean packages on $WORKDIR/staging.")"
+ echo "$(gettext " -n dry-run")"
+function list_packages {
+ repos=($(find "$WORKDIR/staging/" -mindepth 1 -type d \! -empty -printf '%f ' 2>/dev/null))
+ for _repo in ${repos[@]}; do
+ msg2 "$_repo"
+ find ${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo} -type f -printf "%f\n"
+ done
+ unset repos
+function sign_packages {
+ if [ -z "${SIGEXT}" ]; then
+ SIGEXT=.sig
+ warning "Empty SIGEXT var, using default .sig"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]; then
+ warning "It's better to use gpg-agent to sign packages in batches"
+ fi
+ packages=($(find "${WORKDIR}/staging/" -type f -iname '*.pkg.tar.?z'))
+ for package in ${packages[@]}; do
+ if [ -f "${package}${SIGEXT}" ]; then
+ warning "Package signature found, verifying..."
+# Verify that the signature is correct, else remove for re-signing
+ if ! gpg --quiet --verify "${package}${SIGEXT}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ error "Failed! Resigning..."
+ rm -f "${package}${SIGEXT}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! [ -f "${package}${SIGEXT}" ]; then
+ msg2 "Signing ${package}..."
+ gpg --default-key "${SIGID}" --output "${package}${SIGEXT}" \
+ --detach-sig "${package}" || {
+ error "Signing failed"
+ exit 2
+ }
+ fi
+ done
+# Remove everything that's not a package or a signature
+function clean_non_packages {
+ find $WORKDIR/staging/ -type f \
+ \! -iname "*.pkg.tar.?z" -a \! -iname "*.pkg.tar.?z.sig" \
+ -delete
+# Clean everything if not on dry-run mode
+function clean {
+ [ -z ${dryrun} ] && \
+ rm -f $@
+if [ -w / ]; then
+ error "Run $0 as normal user"
+ exit 1
+while getopts 'hlcn' arg; do
+ case $arg in
+ h) usage; exit 0 ;;
+ l) list_packages; exit 0 ;;
+ c) clean; exit $? ;;
+ n) dryrun="--dry-run" ;;
+ esac
+[[ -e $custom_config ]] && source $custom_config
+[[ ! -z ${HOOKPRERELEASE} ]] && bash -c "${HOOKPRERELEASE}"
+if [ ! -z "${SIGID}" ]; then
+ sign_packages
+ error "Package signing is *required*, please set SIGID on your libretools.conf"
+ exit 1
+# Make the permissions of the packages 644 otherwise the user will get access
+# denied error when they try to download (rsync --no-perms doesn't seem to
+# work).
+find ${WORKDIR}/staging -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+find ${WORKDIR}/staging -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+# Get the synced files
+SYNCED_FILES=($(find ${WORKDIR}/staging -type f))
+msg "%s to upload" $(du -h -d 0 ${WORKDIR}/staging | tr "\t" " " | cut -d" " -f1)
+msg "Uploading packages..."
+rsync --recursive \
+ ${dryrun} \
+ --no-group \
+ --no-perms \
+ --copy-links \
+ --hard-links \
+ --partial \
+ --prune-empty-dirs \
+ --human-readable \
+ --progress \
+ -e "ssh " \
+ ${WORKDIR}/staging \
+ error "Sync failed, try again"
+ exit 1
+ }
+msg "Removing ${#SYNCED_FILES[@]} files from local [staging]"
+clean ${SYNCED_FILES[@]}
+msg "Running db-update on repos"
+ssh ${PARABOLAHOST} dbscripts/db-update
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/abslibre-tools/librestage b/src/abslibre-tools/librestage
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae66cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/abslibre-tools/librestage
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# LibreStage
+# Prepares packages for upload into [staging]
+# Copyright 2010 Nicolás Reynolds
+# ---------- GNU General Public License 3 ----------
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+[[ -e $custom_config ]] && source $custom_config
+if [ -w / ]; then
+ error "This script should be run as regular user"
+ exit 1
+# End Config
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOU
+LibreStage Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolás Reynolds
+This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
+Usage: $(basename $0) <repo> [<repo2> ... ]
+LibreRelease will stage for upload the package(s) built by the PKGBUILD on
+the current directory to the specified repo(s).
+while getopts 'h' arg; do
+ case $arg in
+ h) usage; exit 0 ;;
+ esac
+if [ ${#repos} -eq 0 ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1;
+[[ ! -e ./PKGBUILD ]] && {
+ error "PKGBUILD not found"
+ exit 1
+# Source the needed files
+source /etc/makepkg.conf
+[[ -e ~/.makepkg.conf ]] && source ~/.makepkg.conf
+source ./PKGBUILD
+[[ -e ./rePKGBUILD ]] && source ./rePKGBUILD
+# Default package location
+# Copies the packages to the specified repos inside staging
+for _arch in ${ARCHES[@]}; do
+ for pkg in ${pkgname[@]}; do
+ pkgpath=$(find ${PKGDEST}/ -type f \
+ -name "${pkg}-$(get_full_version "${pkg}")-${_arch}${PKGEXT}")
+ [[ -z ${pkgpath} ]] && continue
+ pkgfile=$(basename ${pkgpath})
+# TODO refactor this
+ if [ -e "${pkgpath}" ]; then
+ msg "Found ${pkgfile}"
+ canonical=""
+ for _repo in ${repos[@]}; do
+ if [ ! -d "${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo}" ]; then
+ warning "[${_repo}] didn't exist, creating..."
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo}"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$canonical" ]; then
+ canonical="${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo}/${pkgfile}"
+ cp "${pkgpath}" "${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo}/" || {
+ error "Can't put ${pkgfile} on [staging]"
+ exit 1
+ } && {
+ msg2 "${pkg} staged on [${_repo}]"
+ staged=true
+ }
+ else
+ ln "${canonical}" "${WORKDIR}/staging/${_repo}/${pkgfile}" || {
+ error "Can't put ${pkgfile} on [staging]"
+ exit 1
+ } && {
+ msg2 "${pkg} staged on [${_repo}]"
+ staged=true
+ }
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+if ! $staged ; then
+ error "No package was staged"
+ exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/aur b/src/aur
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..12efb81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aur
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Nicolás Reynolds, Joshua Ismael
+# ---------- GNU General Public License 3 ----------
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+. /etc/libretools.conf
+. /etc/abs.conf
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $cmd pkgname-from-aur1 [pkgname-from-aur2 ...]"
+ echo
+ echo "This script will download packages from aur to the current dir"
+ echo "and check their license for nonfree issues."
+main() {
+ while getopts 'h' arg; do
+ case $arg in
+ h) usage; exit 0;;
+ *) usage; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ local missing_deps=()
+ for _pkg in "$@"; do
+ # Remove the version
+ _pkg="${_pkg%%[<>=]*}"
+ if [[ -f "${_pkg}/PKGBUILD" ]]; then
+ warning "${_pkg} already existed."
+ # Check if we want to diff
+ if [[ -z "${DIFFTOOL}" ]]; then
+ continue
+ else
+ # Store our copy of the PKGBUILD dir
+ _diff="${PWD}/${_pkg}"
+ stdnull "pushd $(mktemp --tmpdir -d ${_pkg}.XXXX)"
+ msg2 "Downloading PKGBUILD into ${PWD} for diff"
+ fi
+ fi
+ msg "Downloading $_pkg..."
+ local url=${_pkg:0:2}/${_pkg}/$_pkg.tar.gz
+ wget -O - -q "$url" | tar xzf - >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+ error "Couldn't get $_pkg"
+ continue
+ fi
+ stdnull "pushd $_pkg"
+ if [[ ! -z "$_diff" ]]; then
+ msg2 "Diffing files"
+ # Diff all files with our difftool
+ for file in *; do
+ "${DIFFTOOL}" "${_diff}/${file}" "${file}"
+ done
+ # Go back to our copy to continue working
+ stdnull "pushd ${_diff}"
+ fi
+ ################################################################
+ if ! pkgbuild-check-nonfree; then
+ if [[ $? = 15 ]]; then
+ warning "This PKGBUILD links to known unfree packages"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ################################################################
+ msg2 "Checking license..."
+ local free=0
+ for _license in ${license[@]}; do
+ if [[ ! -d /usr/share/licenses/common/$_license ]]; then
+ warning "License $_license is not a common license"
+ free=1
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $free -eq 1 ]]; then
+ plain "Please check that the license is included in the package and *specially* that it respects your freedom."
+ fi
+ ################################################################
+ for _dep in "${depends[@]}" "${makedepends[@]}"; do
+ _dep=${_dep/[<>=]*/}
+ if ! is_built $_dep; then
+ if ! find ${ABSROOT} -maxdepth 2 -type d -name "$_dep" | egrep "*" >/dev/null ; then
+ msg2 "$_dep will be get from AUR"
+ missing_deps+=($_dep)
+ fi
+ else
+ msg2 "$_dep is on repos"
+ fi
+ done
+ stdnull popd
+ done
+ [[ ${#missing_deps[*]} -gt 0 ]] && {
+ msg2 "Retrieving missing deps: ${missing_deps[@]}"
+ $0 ${missing_deps[@]}
+ }
+ exit 0
+main "$@"
diff --git a/src/chroot-tools/Makefile b/src/chroot-tools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ae95ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chroot-tools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../../
diff --git a/src/chroot-tools/chcleanup b/src/chroot-tools/chcleanup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f957d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chroot-tools/chcleanup
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eE
+# (c) Nicolás Reynolds <>
+# Released under GPLv3
+# Performs chroot cleanup smartly, it only removes the unneeded packages or
+# leaves you with a cleansystem
+# Define these here to avoid having dependencies on outside files
+msg() {
+ local mesg=$1; shift
+ printf "${GREEN}==>${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
+msg2() {
+ local mesg=$1; shift
+ printf "${BLUE} ->${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
+error() {
+ local mesg=$1; shift
+ printf "${RED}==> $(gettext "ERROR:")${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
+if [[ ! -f /.arch-chroot ]] && ! ${DRYRUN}; then
+ error "(chcleanup): Must be run inside of a chroot"
+ exit 1
+source /etc/libretools.d/chroot.conf
+# If we're running makepkg
+if [ -f PKGBUILD ]; then
+ source PKGBUILD
+ CHROOTEXTRAPKG+=("${depends[@]}"
+ "${makedepends[@]}"
+ "${checkdepends[@]}")
+msg "Cleaning chroot..."
+TEMPDIR="$(mktemp --tmpdir -d $(basename $0).XXXXX)"
+cp -a /var/lib/pacman/sync "${TEMPDIR}/"
+# Get the full list of packages needed by dependencies, including the base system
+pacman -b "${TEMPDIR}" \
+ -Sp --print-format "%n" \
+ base-devel "${CHROOTEXTRAPKG[@]}" \
+ >"${cleanup_log}"
+# Diff installed packages against a clean chroot then remove leftovers
+packages=($(comm -23 <(pacman -Qq | sort -u) \
+ <(sort -u "${cleanup_log}")))
+if [[ ${#packages[@]} != 0 ]]; then
+ msg2 "Removing %d packages" ${#packages[@]}
+ if ${DRYRUN}; then
+ echo "${packages[@]}"
+ else
+ # Only remove leftovers, -Rcs removes too much
+ pacman --noconfirm -Rn "${packages[@]}" || RET=$?
+ fi
+# Cleanup
+rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
+exit $RET
diff --git a/src/chroot-tools/chroot.conf b/src/chroot-tools/chroot.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a161a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chroot-tools/chroot.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# The full path to the chroot is
+# where $CHROOTCOPY is set at runtime, either
+# - based on the username
+# - set with the `-l COPY` flag
+# The purpose of having a $CHROOT setting is that multiple clones of the same
+# base $CHROOT can quickly and easily be created.
+# Extra packages to have installed on the chroot.
+# This is in addition to CHROOTPKG=(base-devel)
+CHROOTEXTRAPKG=(distcc ccache tsocks libretools)
diff --git a/src/chroot-tools/librechroot b/src/chroot-tools/librechroot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45aec10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chroot-tools/librechroot
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#!/bin/bash -euE
+# librechroot
+# Copyright 2010 Nicolás Reynolds
+# Copyright 2011 Joshua Haase
+# Copyright 2012-2013 Luke Shumaker
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+. /usr/share/libretools/
+. libremessages
+. /usr/share/devtools/
+# Because the library functions don't work with -euE
+normshell() (
+ set +euE
+ "$@"
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $cmd [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS...]"
+ echo 'Interacts with an archroot (arch chroot).'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'There may be multiple chroots; they are stored in $CHROOTDIR.'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Each chroot is named; the default is configured with $CHROOT.'
+ echo ''
+ echo "Each named chroot has a master clean copy (named 'root'), and any"
+ echo 'number of other named copies; the copy used by default is the'
+ echo "current username (or \$SUDO_USER, or 'copy' if root)."
+ echo ''
+ echo 'The full path to the chroot copy is "$CHROOTDIR/$CHROOT/$COPY",'
+ echo 'Unless the copy name is manually specified as an absolute path,'
+ echo 'in which case, that path is used.'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'The current settings for the above varibles are:'
+ echo " CHROOT : $CHROOT"
+ echo " COPY : $COPY"
+ echo " root path : $rootdir"
+ echo " copy path : $copydir"
+ echo ''
+ echo 'If the chroot, or copy does not exist, it will be created'
+ echo 'automatically.'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'This command will make the following configuration changes in'
+ echo 'the chroot:'
+ echo " - overwrite \`/etc/libretools.d/chroot.conf'"
+ echo " - overwrite \`/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'"
+ echo " - set \`CacheDir' in \`/etc/pacman.conf'"
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Creating a copy, deleting a copy, or syncing a copy can be fairly'
+ echo 'slow; but are very fast if $CHROOTDIR is on a btrfs partition.'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Options:'
+ echo ' -n <CHROOT> Name of the chroot to use'
+ echo ' -l <COPY> Name of, or absolute path to, the copy to use'
+ echo ' -N Disable networking in the chroot'
+ echo ' -C <file> Location of pacman config file'
+ echo ' -M <file> Location of makepkg config file'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Commands:'
+ echo ' Create/copy/delete:'
+ echo ' noop|make Do not do anything, but still creates the'
+ echo ' chroot copy if it does not exist'
+ echo " sync Sync the copy with the clean ('root') copy"
+ echo " delete delete the chroot copy"
+ echo ' Dealing with packages:'
+ echo ' install-file FILES... Like `pacman -U FILES...`'
+ echo ' install-name NAMES... Like `pacman -S NAMES...`'
+ echo ' update Like `pacman -Syu`'
+ echo ' clean-pkgs Remove all "exta" packages from the chroot copy'
+ echo ' Other:'
+ echo ' run CMD... Run CMD in the chroot copy'
+ echo ' enter Enter an interactive shell in the chroot copy'
+ echo ' clean-repo Clean /repo in the chroot copy'
+ echo ' help Show this message' # usage
+# Globals: $CHROOTDIR, $CHROOT, $COPY, $rootdir and $copydir
+main() {
+ [[ $COPY != root ]] || COPY=copy
+ # defaults
+ rootdir="${CHROOTDIR}/${CHROOT}/root"
+ copydir="${CHROOTDIR}/${CHROOT}/${COPY}"
+ local mode=enter
+ local archroot_args=()
+ while getopts 'n:l:NC:M:' arg; do
+ case $arg in
+ N)
+ # We do this so that it carries through to
+ # chroot_* functions
+ archroot() {
+ $(which archroot) -N "$@"
+ }
+ ;;
+ C|M) archroot_args+=(-$arg "$OPTARG");;
+ *) usage; return 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+ if [[ $# < 1 ]]; then
+ error "Must specify a command"
+ usage
+ return 1
+ fi
+ mode=$1
+ shift
+ rootdir="${CHROOTDIR}/${CHROOT}/root"
+ if [[ ${COPY:0:1} = / ]]; then
+ copydir=$COPY
+ else
+ copydir="${CHROOTDIR}/${CHROOT}/${COPY}"
+ fi
+ ########################################################################
+ if [[ $mode == help ]]; then
+ usage
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if (( EUID )); then
+ error "This program must be run as root."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ umask 0022
+ # Keep this lock as long as we are running
+ # Note that '9' is the same FD number as in (mk)archroot
+ lock_open_write 9 "$copydir" \
+ "Waiting for existing lock on chroot copy to be released: [$COPY]"
+ if [[ ! -d $rootdir ]]; then
+ msg "Creating 'root' copy for chroot [$CHROOT]"
+ set +u # if archroot_args is empty, it counts as unbound
+ archroot "${archroot_args[@]}" -m "$rootdir" base-devel
+ set -u
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -d $copydir ]] || [[ $mode == sync ]]; then
+ msg "Syncing copy [$COPY] with root copy"
+ normshell chroot_sync "$CHROOTDIR/$CHROOT" "$COPY"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$copydir/etc/libretools.d"
+ {
+ if [[ -n ${CHROOTEXTRAPKG[@]:-} ]]; then
+ printf "'%s' " "${CHROOTEXTRAPKG[@]}"
+ printf ')\n'
+ else
+ printf 'CHROOTEXTRAPKG=()\n'
+ fi
+ } > "$copydir"/etc/libretools.d/chroot.conf
+ if [[ $mode != delete ]]; then
+ # "touch" the chroot first
+ # this will
+ # - overwrite \`/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'"
+ # - set \`CacheDir' in \`/etc/pacman.conf'"
+ # - apply -C or -M flags
+ set +u # if archroot_args is empty, it counts as unbound
+ archroot "${archroot_args[@]}" -r "$copydir" true
+ set -u
+ fi
+ ########################################################################
+ case "$mode" in
+ # Creat/copy/delete
+ noop|make|sync) :;;
+ delete)
+ if [[ -d $copydir ]]; then
+ normshell chroot_delete "$copydir"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ # Dealing with packages
+ install-file) normshell chroot_install_pkgs "$copydir" "$@";;
+ install-name) archroot -r "$copydir" pacman -Sy "$@";;
+ clean-pkgs)
+ trap "rm -f '$copydir'/clean '$copydir'/chrootexec" EXIT
+ cp -a "$(which chcleanup)" "$copydir/clean"
+ echo '#!/bin/bash' > "$copydir/chrootexec"
+ echo 'mkdir /build' >> "$copydir/chrootexec"
+ echo 'cd /build; /clean' >> "$copydir/chrootexec"
+ chmod 755 "$copydir/chrootexec"
+ archroot -r "$copydir" /chrootexec
+ ;;
+ # Other
+ run) archroot -r "$copydir" "$@";;
+ enter) archroot -r "$copydir" bash;;
+ clean-repo)
+ rm -rf "${copydir}/repo/*"
+ bsdtar -czf "${copydir}/repo/repo.db.tar.gz" -T /dev/null
+ ln -s "repo.db.tar.gz" "${copydir}/repo/repo.db"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "Unrecognized command: \`$mode'"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+main "$@"
diff --git a/src/chroot-tools/libremakepkg b/src/chroot-tools/libremakepkg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8cdca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chroot-tools/libremakepkg
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#!/bin/bash -euE
+# libremakepkg
+# Copyright 2010 - 2011 Nicolás Reynolds
+# Copyright 2011 Joshua Ismael Haase Hernández
+# Copyright 2012-2013 Luke Shumaker
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+. /usr/share/libretools/
+. libremessages
+shopt -s nullglob
+umask 0022
+# Boring/mundane functions #####################################################
+# End inmediately but print a useful message
+trap_exit() {
+ error "$*"
+ set +euE
+ . /usr/share/devtools/
+ chroot_copy_out_logs "$@"
+ exit 1
+# Usage run [-N] $copydir "$cmd"
+# Runs cmd properly, whether in a chroot already or not.
+# Note that $cmd is a quoted string, not a list of arguments.
+# $copydir=/ if INCHROOT=true
+# Environment
+# - $INCHROOT is set
+run() {
+ local HASNET=true
+ [[ $1 == -N ]] && { HASNET=false; shift; }
+ local copydir=$1; shift
+ local cmd="$*"
+ cat >"$copydir/chrootexec" <<EOF
+. /etc/profile
+${INCHROOT} || export HOME=/build
+${INCHROOT} || cd /build
+ chmod 755 "$copydir/chrootexec"
+ local flags=''
+ if $INCHROOT; then
+ $HASNET || flags='-n'
+ unshare $flags -- /chrootexec
+ else
+ $HASNET || flags='-N'
+ librechroot $flags -l "$copydir" run /chrootexec
+ fi
+# Usage: add_to_local_repo $copydir
+add_to_local_repo() (
+ set +euE
+ . /usr/share/devtools/
+ chroot_add_to_local_repo "$@"
+# Usage: chroot_copy_in $copydir
+# Environment:
+# - In the dirctory of a PKGBUILD
+# - $SRCDEST is set
+chroot_copy_in() (
+ set +euE
+ . /usr/share/devtools/
+ chroot_copy_in "$@"
+# Usage: chroot_copy_out $copydir $owner
+# Environment:
+# - $SRCDEST is set
+# - $PKGDEST is set
+chroot_copy_out() (
+ set +euE
+ . /usr/share/devtools/
+ chroot_copy_out_pkgs "$@"
+ chroot_copy_out_logs "$@"
+ chroot_copy_out_srcs "$@"
+# Usage: chroot_let_nobody_use_pacman $copydir
+chroot_let_nobody_use_pacman() (
+ set +euE
+ . /usr/share/devtools/
+ chroot_let_nobody_use_pacman "$@"
+# Usage: chroot_init $copydir $repack
+# Environment
+# - $LIBREHOME is set
+chroot_init() {
+ local copydir=$1
+ local repack=$2
+ librechroot -l "$copydir" make # make sure the chroot exists
+ mkdir -p "$copydir"/{build,pkgdest,srcdest}
+ # Remove anything in there UNLESS -R (repack) was passed
+ $repack || rm -rf "$copydir"/build/*
+ if [[ -r "$LIBREHOME/.gnupg/pubring.gpg" ]]; then
+ install -D "$LIBREHOME/.gnupg/pubring.gpg" "$copydir/build/.gnupg/pubring.gpg"
+ fi
+ rm -f "$copydir/build/.makepkg.conf"
+ MAKEPKG_CONF="$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" set_conf_makepkg PKGDEST /pkgdest
+ MAKEPKG_CONF="$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" set_conf_makepkg SRCDEST /srcdest
+ if grep -q '^\[repo\]' "$copydir/etc/pacman.conf"; then
+ cat >> "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf" <<EOF
+SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
+Server = file:///repo
+ fi
+ chroot_let_nobody_use_pacman "$copydir"
+# Core functions ###############################################################
+# Usage: extract
+# Extracts the sources (`makepkg -o`)
+# Environment:
+# - $INCHROOT is set
+# - $copydir is set
+# - $LIBREUSER is set
+extract() {
+ local user=$LIBREUSER
+ $INCHROOT || user=nobody
+ local clean
+ if $INCHROOT; then
+ clean=chcleanup
+ else
+ cp -a "$(which chcleanup)" "${copydir}/clean"
+ clean=/clean
+ fi
+ run "$copydir" "${clean} && sudo -u ${user} makepkg ${makepkg_args} -o"
+ rm -f "$copydir"/clean
+# Usage: build
+# Builds the package (`makepkg -e`)
+# Environment:
+# - $INCHROOT is set
+# - $copydir is set
+# - $LIBREUSER is set
+build() {
+ local user=$LIBREUSER
+ $INCHROOT || user=nobody
+ run -N "$copydir" "sudo -u ${user} makepkg ${makepkg_args} -e"
+# Functions that check for issues with the build ###############################
+check_pkgbuild() {
+ msg "Checking PKGBUILD for issues"
+ # TODO
+ if ! pkgbuild-check-nonfree -f; then
+ if [[ $? -eq 15 ]]; then
+ # other errors mean fail, not nonfree
+ error "PKGBUILD contains non-free issues"
+ exit 15
+ else
+ warning "PKGBUILD couldn't be check aganist non-free issues"
+ fi
+ fi
+check_src() {
+ msg "Checking src directory for issues"
+ # TODO
+check_pkg() {
+ msg "Checking final package for issues"
+ # TODO
+# The main program #############################################################
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $cmd [options] [-- makepkg args]"
+ echo 'This program will build your package.'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'If run from outside of a chroot, this will set PKGDEST and'
+ echo "SRCDEST in the chroot's \`/etc/makepkg.conf', as well as making"
+ echo "whataver alterations to the chroot \`librechroot' makes."
+ echo ''
+ echo "The \`-n' and \`-l' options behave identically to librechroot,"
+ echo 'see the documentation there.'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Options:'
+ echo ' -n <CHROOT> Name of the chroot to use'
+ echo ' -l <COPY> Name of, or absolute path to, the copy to use'
+ echo ' -R Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding'
+ echo ' -h Show this message'
+# Globals: $CHROOTDIR, $CHROOT, $COPY and $copydir
+# Globals: $makepkg_args, $INCHROOT
+main() {
+ # Parse command line ###################################################
+ [[ $COPY != root ]] || COPY=copy
+ makepkg_args='-s --noconfirm -L '
+ local repack=false
+ INCHROOT=false
+ if [[ -f /.arch-chroot ]]; then
+ fi
+ while getopts 'n:l:Rh' arg ; do
+ case "${arg}" in
+ R) repack=true; makepkg_args+=" -R";;
+ h) usage; return 0;;
+ *) usage; return 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+ # Pass all arguments after -- right to makepkg
+ makepkg_args+=" $*"
+ if $INCHROOT; then
+ copydir='/'
+ elif [[ ${COPY:0:1} = / ]]; then
+ copydir=$COPY
+ else
+ copydir="${CHROOTDIR}/${CHROOT}/${COPY}"
+ fi
+ # Init #################################################################
+ if (( EUID )); then
+ error "This script must be run as root"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -f PKGBUILD ]]; then
+ # This is the message used by makepkg
+ error "PKGBUILD does not exist."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Trap signals from makepkg
+ trap 'trap_exit "(libremakepkg): TERM signal caught. Exiting..."' TERM HUP QUIT
+ trap 'trap_exit "(libremakepkg): Aborted by user! Exiting..."' INT
+ trap 'trap_exit "(libremakepkg): An error has occurred. Exiting..."' ERR
+ SRCDEST="$(get_conf_makepkg SRCDEST .)"
+ PKGDEST="$(get_conf_makepkg PKGDEST .)"
+ # OK, we're starting now ###############################################
+ $INCHROOT || lock_open_write 9 "$copydir" \
+ "Waiting for existing lock on chroot copy to be released: [$COPY]"
+ # Set target CARCH as it might be used within the PKGBUILD to select
+ # correct sources
+ MAKEPKG_CONF=$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf
+ export CARCH="$(get_conf_makepkg CARCH)"
+ $INCHROOT || chroot_init "$copydir" "$repack"
+ check_pkgbuild
+ $INCHROOT || chroot_copy_in "$copydir"
+ $repack || extract
+ check_src
+ build
+ check_pkg
+ add_to_local_repo "$copydir"
+ $INCHROOT || chroot_copy_out "$copydir" "$LIBREUSER"
+main "$@"
diff --git a/src/devtools/.gitignore b/src/devtools/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a1942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devtools/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/src/devtools/Makefile b/src/devtools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e357675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devtools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Configuration
+default: all
+all: build
+copy: \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ lib/ \
+ lib/
+ $(devtoolsdir)/ ; cp $< $@ $(devtoolsdir)/ ; cp $< $@ $(devtoolsdir)/ ; cp $< $@ $(devtoolsdir)/ ; cp $< $@ $(devtoolsdir)/ ; cp $< $@
+lib/ $(devtoolsdir)/lib/ ; cp $< $@
+lib/ $(devtoolsdir)/ ; cp $< $@
+build: \
+ archroot \
+ checkpkg \
+ find-libdeps \
+ finddeps \
+ lddd \
+ lib/ \
+ lib/
+edit = sed -e 's|m4_include(lib/\(.*\))|. @pkgdatadir@/\1|' -e "s|@pkgdatadir[@]|$(pkgdatadir)|g"
+indent = emacs --batch $1 \
+ --eval '(setq sh-basic-offset 8)' \
+ --eval '(indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)' \
+ -f save-buffer &>/dev/null
+%: Makefile
+ @echo "GEN $@"
+ @$(edit) <"$<" >"$@"
+ @chmod 755 "$@"
+lib/ %: Makefile
+ @echo "GEN $@"
+ @{ \
+ echo 'if [[ -z $${_INCLUDE_COMMON_SH:-} ]]; then' && \
+ echo '_INCLUDE_COMMON_SH=true' && \
+ cat "$<" && \
+ echo 'fi'; } > "$@"
+lib/ %.ugly: %.patch Makefile
+ @echo "GEN $@"
+ @cp $*.in $@
+ @patch $@ $*.patch
+lib/ %: %.ugly Makefile
+ @echo "GEN $@"
+ @$(edit) <"$<" >"$@"
+ $(call indent,$@)
+install: \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/archroot \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/checkpkg \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/find-libdeps \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/find-libprovides \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/finddeps \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/lddd \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/ \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/
+$(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/%: %
+ install -Dm755 $< $@
+$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/%: %
+ install -Dm755 $< $@
+$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/%: lib/%
+ install -Dm644 $< $@
+ install -d $(@D)
+ ln -sf find-libdeps $@
diff --git a/src/devtools/lib/ b/src/devtools/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6016ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devtools/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+@@ -12,12 +12,7 @@
+ shopt -s nullglob
+-# So that usage conflicts between upstream and -par mkarchroot don't get hidden
+-# silently in a merge.
+-archroot() {
+- mkarchroot "$@"
++init_variables() {
+ makepkg_args='-s --noconfirm -L'
+ repack=false
+ update_first=false
+@@ -28,13 +23,14 @@
+ temp_chroot=false
+ chrootdir=
+ passeddir=
+-declare -a install_pkgs
+-declare -i ret=0
++declare -ag install_pkgs
++declare -ig ret=0
+ copy=$USER
+ [[ -n $SUDO_USER ]] && copy=$SUDO_USER
+ [[ -z "$copy" || $copy = root ]] && copy=copy
+ src_owner=${SUDO_USER:-$USER}
+ usage() {
+ echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] -r <chrootdir> [--] [makepkg args]"
+@@ -69,6 +65,7 @@
+ exit 1
+ }
++parse_options_init() {
+ while getopts 'hcudr:I:l:nT' arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ h) usage ;;
+@@ -129,8 +126,20 @@
+ # Note this is the same FD number as in mkarchroot
+ lock_open_write 9 "$copydir" \
+ "Waiting for existing lock on chroot copy to be released: [$copy]"
++# Usage: chroot_sync $CHROOTDIR/$CHROOT [$CHROOTCOPY|$copydir]
++chroot_sync() {
++ local chrootdir=$1
++ local copy=$2
++ local copydir=''
++ if [[ ${copy:0:1} = / ]]; then
++ copydir=$copy
++ else
++ copydir="$chrootdir/$copy"
++ fi
++ local chroottype=$(stat -f -c %T "$chrootdir")
+-if [[ ! -d $copydir ]] || $clean_first; then
+ # Get a read lock on the root chroot to make
+ # sure we don't clone a half-updated chroot
+ lock_open_read 8 "$chrootdir/root" \
+@@ -152,9 +161,16 @@
+ # Drop the read lock again
+ lock_close 8
++# Usage: chroot_install_pkgs $copydir $pkgs...
++chroot_install_pkgs() {
++ local copydir=$1
++ shift
++ declare -i ret=0
++ declare -a install_pkgs=("$@")
++ local pkgname
+-if [[ -n "${install_pkgs[*]}" ]]; then
+ for install_pkg in "${install_pkgs[@]}"; do
+ pkgname="${install_pkg##*/}"
+ cp "$install_pkg" "$copydir/$pkgname"
+@@ -165,10 +181,10 @@
+ rm "$copydir/$pkgname"
+ done
+- # If there is no PKGBUILD we have done
+- [[ -f PKGBUILD ]] || exit $ret
++ return $ret
++func1() {
+ $update_first && archroot -u "$copydir"
+ mkdir -p "$copydir/build"
+@@ -230,7 +246,14 @@
+ # Set target CARCH as it might be used within the PKGBUILD to select correct sources
+ eval $(grep '^CARCH=' "$copydir/etc/makepkg.conf")
+ export CARCH
++# Usage: chroot_copy_in $copydir
++# Environment:
++# - In the dirctory of a PKGBUILD
++# - $SRCDEST is set
++chroot_copy_in() {
++local copydir=$1
+ # Copy PKGBUILD and sources
+ cp PKGBUILD "$copydir/build/"
+ (
+@@ -256,13 +279,23 @@
+ )
+ chown -R nobody "$copydir"/{build,pkgdest,srcdest}
++# Usage: chroot_let_nobody_use_pacman $copydir
++chroot_let_nobody_use_pacman() {
++local copydir=$1
+ cat > "$copydir/etc/sudoers.d/nobody-pacman" <<EOF
+ Defaults env_keep += "HOME"
+ nobody ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman
+ chmod 440 "$copydir/etc/sudoers.d/nobody-pacman"
++# Usage: chroot_build $copydir $makepkg_args $run_namcap
++chroot_build() {
++local copydir=$1
++local makepkg_args=$2
++local run_namcap=$3
+ # This is a little gross, but this way the script is recreated every time in the
+ # working copy
+ cat >"$copydir/chrootbuild" <<EOF
+@@ -284,37 +317,62 @@
+ exit 0
+ chmod +x "$copydir/chrootbuild"
++archroot -r "$copydir" "/chrootbuild"
+-if archroot -r "$copydir" "/chrootbuild"; then
+- for pkgfile in "$copydir"/pkgdest/*.pkg.tar.?z; do
+- if $add_to_db; then
++# Usage: chroot_add_to_local_repo $copydir
++chroot_add_to_local_repo() {
++ local copydir=$1
++ for pkgfile in "$copydir"/pkgdest/*.pkg.tar*; do
+ mkdir -p "$copydir/repo"
+ pushd "$copydir/repo" >/dev/null
+ cp "$pkgfile" .
+ repo-add repo.db.tar.gz "${pkgfile##*/}"
+ popd >/dev/null
+- fi
++ done
++# Usage: chroot_copy_out_pkgs $copydir $user
++# Environment:
++# - $PKGDEST is set
++chroot_copy_out_pkgs() {
++ local copydir=$1
++ local src_owner=$2
++ for pkgfile in "$copydir"/pkgdest/*.pkg.tar*; do
+ chown "$src_owner" "$pkgfile"
+ mv "$pkgfile" "$PKGDEST"
++ if [[ $PKGDEST != . ]]; then
++ ln -sf "$PKGDEST/${pkgfile##*/}" .
++ fi
+ done
+- for l in "$copydir"/build/*-{build,check,namcap,package,package_*}.log; do
++# Usage: chroot_copy_out_pkgs $copydir $user
++chroot_copy_out_logs() {
++ local copydir=$1
++ local src_owner=$2
++ for l in "$copydir"/build/*.log; do
+ chown "$src_owner" "$l"
+ [[ -f $l ]] && mv "$l" .
+ done
+- # Just in case. We returned 1, make sure we fail
+- ret=1
++# Usage: chroot_copy_out_srcs $copydir $user
++# Environment:
++# - $SRCDEST is set
++chroot_copy_out_srcs() {
++local copydir=$1
++local src_owner=$2
+ for f in "$copydir"/srcdest/*; do
+ chown "$src_owner" "$f"
+ mv "$f" "$SRCDEST"
+ done
+-if $temp_chroot; then
+- stat_busy "Removing temporary directoy [$copy]"
++# Usage: chroot_delete $copydir
++chroot_delete() {
++ local chroottype=$(stat -f -c %T "$copydir")
++ stat_busy "Removing chroot copy [$copy]"
+ if [[ "$chroottype" == btrfs ]]; then
+ btrfs subvolume delete "$copydir" >/dev/null ||
+ die "Unable to delete subvolume $copydir"
+@@ -326,8 +384,39 @@
+ # remove lock file
+ rm --force "$copydir.lock"
+ stat_done
+-elif (( ret != 0 )); then
+- die "Build failed, check $copydir/build"
+- true
++main() {
++ init_variables
++ parse_options_init "$@"
++ if [[ ! -d $copydir ]] || $clean_first; then
++ chroot_sync "$chrootdir" "$copy"
++ fi
++ if [[ -n "${install_pkgs[*]}" ]]; then
++ chroot_install_pkgs "$copydir" "${install_pkgs[@]}"
++ ret=$?
++ # If there is no PKGBUILD we have done
++ [[ -f PKGBUILD ]] || exit $ret
++ fi
++ func1
++ chroot_copy_in "$copydir"
++ chroot_let_nobody_use_pacman "$copydir"
++ chroot_build "$copydir" "$makepkg_args" "$run_namcap"
++ func2
++ if chroot_build; then
++ chroot_add_to_local_repo "$copydir"
++ chroot_copy_out_pkgs "$copydir" "$src_owner"
++ chroot_copy_out_logs "$copydir" "$src_owner"
++ else
++ # Just in case. We returned 1, make sure we fail
++ ret=1
++ fi
++ chroot_copy_out_srcs "$copydir" "$src_owner"
++ if $temp_chroot; then
++ chroot_delete "$copydir"
++ elif (( ret != 0 )); then
++ die "Build failed, check $copydir/build"
++ else
++ true
++ fi
diff --git a/src/diff-unfree b/src/diff-unfree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..24ada67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/diff-unfree
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# This script will help you diff a *-libre PKGBUILD against the unfree one
+# to check for updates.
+# Copyright 2010 Nicolás Reynolds
+# ---------- GNU General Public License 3 ----------
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+. /etc/libretools.conf
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $cmd [community|packages] [unfree-package] [repo]"
+ echo "Usage: $cmd --help"
+ echo "Helps you diff build scripts from ABSLibre against (Unfree) ABS."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Package name and repo will we guessed if you don't specify them."
+main() {
+ if [[ "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ local package_guess=${PWD##*/}
+ local repo=${1:-$(basename ${PWD%/*})}
+ local package=${2:-${package_guess%-libre}}
+ local trunk=${3:-trunk}
+ svnrepo="packages"
+ case $repo in
+ community*) svnrepo="community";;
+ multilib*) svnrepo="community";;
+ *) :;;
+ esac
+ if [[ ! -r PKGBUILD ]]; then
+ error "This is not a build dir."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ tmp_dir="$(mktemp --tmpdir -d ${package}.XXXXXX)"
+ if [[ ! -d "${tmp_dir}" ]]; then
+ error "Can't create temp dir"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ unfree_dir="${tmp_dir}/${svnrepo}/${package}/${trunk}"
+ stdnull 'pushd "${tmp_dir}"'
+ msg "Getting diff from $repo/$package..."
+ stdnull 'svn checkout --depth=empty svn://$svnrepo'
+ cd ${svnrepo}
+ svn update ${package}
+ # Back to start dir
+ stdnull popd
+ msg "Diffing files"
+ for _file in ${unfree_dir}/*; do
+ msg2 "$(basename "${_file}")"
+ ${DIFFTOOL} "$PWD/$(basename "${_file}")" "${_file}"
+ done
+main "$@"
diff --git a/src/fullpkg/Makefile b/src/fullpkg/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2cec54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fullpkg/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../../
diff --git a/src/fullpkg/fullpkg b/src/fullpkg/fullpkg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6d6153a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fullpkg/fullpkg
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# set -x # uncomment for debug
+# Builds packages from ABS recursively. It tries to find dependencies that
+# aren't built or need update and then makepkg them in order.
+usage() {
+ echo "cd to a dir containing a PKGBUILD and run:"
+ echo "$0 [build_dir]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "This script will check dependencies, build them if possible "
+ echo "and stage the packages on it's repo."
+ echo ""
+ echo "OPTIONS:"
+ echo " -h : this message."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Wrapper for \`fullpkg-find' and \`fullpkg-build'"
+ echo ""
+ exit 1
+while getopts 'h' arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ h) usage ;;
+ esac
+shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+build_dir="${1:-$(mktemp -d /tmp/fullpkg.XXXXXX)}"
+fullpkg-find "$build_dir" && fullpkg-build -N "$build_dir"
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/fullpkg/fullpkg-build b/src/fullpkg/fullpkg-build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b497db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fullpkg/fullpkg-build
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# set -x # uncomment for debug
+# Builds packages from ABS recursively. It tries to find dependencies that
+# aren't built or need update and then makepkg them in order.
+# TODO move __build to chroot
+source /etc/makepkg.conf
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+if [ -e $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf ]; then
+ source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf
+## List packages on log that are on status
+## usage: list_pkgs <status> <message>
+## status: nonfree, built, failed, unstaged
+list_pkgs() {
+ msg="$2"
+ local pkgs=($(grep "$1:" $build_dir/log)) && {
+ msg "$2"
+ echo ${pkgs[@]} | tr " " "\n" | cut -d: -f2
+ }
+# return : full version spec, including epoch (if necessary), pkgver, pkgrel
+# usage : get_fullver( ${epoch:-0}, $pkgver, $pkgrel )
+get_fullver() {
+ if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then
+# zero epoch case, don't include it in version
+ echo $2-$3
+ else
+ echo $1:$2-$3
+ fi
+## Check all build_dir, fails if one PKGBUILD is nonfree
+check_nonfree() {
+ find "$build_dir" -name PKGBUILD \
+ -exec pkgbuild-check-nonfree {} +
+ if [ "$?" -eq 15 ]; then
+ error "Some PKGBUILD have nonfree problems"
+ exit 15
+ fi
+# Removes a package from the buildorder
+# $1 package name
+# $2 buildorder file
+remove_buildorder() {
+ grep -Evw "${1}" ${2} > ${2}2
+ mv -f ${2}2 ${2}
+ return $?
+succesfull_build() {
+ if [ "$RUN" != "$FULLBUILDCMD" ]; then
+ return 0 # Custom command or download sources
+ fi
+ if source .INFO && [ -n "$repo" ]; then
+ if [ ! -z "$HOOKLOCALRELEASE" ]; then
+ find -name "*.pkg.tar.?z" -print0 | xargs -0 "$HOOKLOCALRELEASE" "$repo"
+ fi
+ librestage $repo || echo "unstaged:$(basename $PWD)" >>$build_dir/log
+ msg "Updating pacman db and packages"
+ sudo pacman -Sy || true
+ fi
+ echo "built:$(basename $PWD)" >>$build_dir/log
+build_description() {
+ list_pkgs "nonfree" "Those packages contain nonfree deps:"
+ list_pkgs "built" "Those packages were built and staged:"
+ list_pkgs "failed" "Those packages failed to build:"
+ list_pkgs "unstaged" "Those packages couldn't be staged (missing reponame):"
+__build() {
+ pushd ${build_dir} >/dev/null
+ build_packages=($(sort -gr $buildorder | cut -d: -f2)) # greater levels must be built first
+ while [ ${#build_packages[@]} -ge 1 ]; do
+ pushd "$build_dir/${build_packages[0]}" >/dev/null
+ if [ -n "${HOOKPKGBUILDMOD}" ]; then
+ fi
+ eval "$RUN"; r=$?
+ case $r in
+ 0) succesfull_build ;;
+ *) error "There were errors while trying to build the package."
+ echo "failed:$(basename $PWD)" >>$build_dir/log
+ ;;
+ esac
+ remove_buildorder "${build_packages[0]}" $buildorder || true
+# which is next package?
+ build_packages=($(sort -gr $buildorder | cut -d: -f2))
+ popd > /dev/null
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null
+# End inmediately but print a useful message
+trap_exit() {
+ error "$@"
+ warning "Leftover files left on $build_dir"
+ exit 1
+# Trap signals from makepkg
+set -E
+trap 'trap_exit "(fullpkg-build) TERM signal caught. Exiting..."' TERM HUP QUIT
+trap 'trap_exit "(fullpkg-build) Aborted by user! Exiting..."' INT
+trap 'trap_exit "(fullpkg-build) An unknown error has occurred. Exiting..."' ERR
+MESSAGE="Building packages"
+usage() {
+ echo ""
+ echo "$(basename $0) [options] <build_dir>"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Builds packages from build_dir, create a build_dir using:"
+ echo "'fullpkg-find <build_dir>'"
+ echo ""
+ echo "If no <build_dir> is specified, it uses the current directory."
+ echo ""
+ echo "OPTIONS:"
+ echo " -h : this message."
+ echo " -c : clean <build_dir> on succesfull build"
+ echo " -N : don't check for freedom issues." #Also made by fullpkg-find
+ echo " -r \"command\" : use this instead of \"$FULLBUILDCMD\"."
+ echo " -g : get sources for building packages on build_dir."
+ echo ""
+ exit 1
+while getopts 'hNr:g' arg; do
+ case $arg in
+ h) usage ;;
+ c) CLEAN ;;
+ N) CHECKNONFREE="false" ;;
+ r) RUN="$OPTARG"
+ MESSAGE="Executing custom action";;
+ g) RUN='makepkg -g > /dev/null'
+ MESSAGE="Downloading packages";;
+ esac
+shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+if [ ! -e "$buildorder" ]; then
+ error "This is not a build_dir. Make one using fullpkg."
+ usage
+# backup BUILDORDER
+ cp "$buildorder" "$build_dir/.BUILDORDER"
+if "$CHECKNONFREE"; then
+ check_nonfree
+if [ -z "$FULLBUILDCMD" ]; then
+ error "Set your FULLBUILDCMD on libretools.conf"
+msg "$MESSAGE"
+if [ "$RUN" != "$FULLBUILDCMD" ]; then
+ # Used for downloading or custom command
+ mv "$build_dir/.BUILDORDER" "$buildorder"
+ exit 0
+elif "$CLEANUP"; then
+ find "$build_dir" -mindepth 1 -delete
+plain "Test packages on and if they work fine librerelease."
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/fullpkg/fullpkg-find b/src/fullpkg/fullpkg-find
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b09edf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fullpkg/fullpkg-find
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# set -x # uncomment for debug
+# Builds packages from ABS recursively. It tries to find dependencies that
+# aren't built or need update and then makepkg them in order.
+# TODO: fullpkg-find should find packages wich depend on the
+# package to be build, so we can avoid "missing $ errors"
+# Get repo name. Asumes ${ABSROOT}/repo/package/PKGBUILD
+guess_repo() {
+ basename $(dirname $(pwd))
+# return : full version spec, including epoch (if necessary), pkgver, pkgrel
+# usage : get_fullver( ${epoch:-0}, $pkgver, $pkgrel )
+get_fullver() {
+ if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then
+# zero epoch case, don't include it in version
+ echo $2-$3
+ else
+ echo $1:$2-$3
+ fi
+copy_files() {
+ local copydir="$build_dir/${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}}"
+ mkdir -p "$copydir"
+ # Copy PKGBUILD and sources
+ cp PKGBUILD "$copydir"
+ (
+ source PKGBUILD
+ for file in "${source[@]}"; do
+ file="${file%%::*}"
+ file="${file##*://*/}"
+ if [[ -f $file ]]; then
+ cp "$file" "$copydir/"
+ elif [[ -f $SRCDEST/$file ]]; then
+ cp "$SRCDEST/$file" "$copydir/"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Find all changelog and install files, even inside functions
+ for i in 'changelog' 'install'; do
+ while read -r file; do
+ # evaluate any bash variables used
+ eval file=\"$(sed 's/^\(['\''"]\)\(.*\)\1$/\2/' <<< "$file")\"
+ [[ -f $file ]] && cp "$file" "$copydir"
+ done < <(sed -n "s/^[[:space:]]*$i=//p" PKGBUILD)
+ done
+ )
+# Checks ABSROOT and look for target pkg deps. Adds them if not built or outdated.
+find_deps() {
+# Check this level
+ source PKGBUILD
+ local repo="${repo:-$(guess_repo)}"
+ local pkgbase="${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}}"
+ local fullver="$(get_fullver ${epoch:-0} ${pkgver} ${pkgrel})"
+ if ! pkgbuild-check-nonfree > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
+ if [ "$?" -eq 15 ]; then
+ error "pkgbase" has nonfree issues
+ return 15
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Checking any package built, since otherwise e.g. kdebase would
+ # be always considered outdated: there is no package built named kdebase.
+ # TODO: maybe check for the package requested in case of recursive calls,
+ # instead of the first one listed?
+ if is_built "${pkgname[0]}" "${fullver}"; then
+ exit 0 # pkg is built and updated
+ fi
+# greater levels are built first
+ echo "${LEVEL}:${pkgbase}" >>"$build_dir/BUILDORDER"
+# PKGBUILD is already there
+ if [ -d "${build_dir}/${pkgbase}" ]; then
+ exit 0
+# Copy dir to build_dir
+ else
+ copy_files
+# to identify repo later
+ echo "repo=$repo" > "${build_dir}/${pkgbase}/.INFO"
+ fi
+# current package plus a space for every level
+ msg2 "%${LEVEL}s${pkgbase}-${fullver}"
+## Check next levels
+ declare -i next_level=$LEVEL+1
+# All deps in separate line, only once, without version.
+ deps=($(echo "${depends[@]} ${makedepends[@]}" | \
+ sed "s/[=<>]\+[^ ]\+//g" | \
+ tr ' ' "\n" | \
+ sort -u))
+ for _dep in ${deps[@]}; do
+ local found=false
+ # May fail, e.g. since abslibre-mips64el doesn't include
+ # arch=any packages.
+ local pkgdir=$(toru -p ${_dep}) || true
+ if [ -n "$pkgdir" -a -d "${pkgdir}" ]; then
+ found=true
+ pushd "${pkgdir}" > /dev/null
+# runs itself on dep's PKGBUILD dir
+ $0 -l ${next_level} ${build_dir} || return $?
+ popd > /dev/null
+ fi
+ if ! (( found )); then
+ echo "dep_not_found:$_dep" >>$build_dir/log
+ fi
+ done
+## End variable block
+ unset next_level dir
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+source /etc/makepkg.conf
+if [ -e $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf ]; then
+ source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf
+usage() {
+ echo ""
+ echo "cd to a dir containing a PKGBUILD and run:"
+ echo "$(basename $0) [options] <build_dir>"
+ echo ""
+ echo "This script will create a build_dir for recursive building"
+ echo "it tries to find dependencies that aren't built or need update."
+ echo ""
+ echo "If no <build_dir> is specified, the script works on a tempdir"
+ echo ""
+ echo "OPTIONS:"
+ echo " -h : this message."
+ echo " -A <absroot> : use this ABSROOT."
+ echo " -c : clean <build_dir> before working."
+ echo " -m <max_level> : check deps until this level"
+ echo " -n : don't update pacman db."
+ echo ""
+ exit 1
+while getopts 'hA:l:cmn' arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ h) usage ;;
+ l) LEVEL="$OPTARG" ;; # hidden option to know dep level.
+ c) CLEANFIRST='true' ;;
+ n) UPDATEDB='false' ;;
+ esac
+if [ ! -r PKGBUILD ]; then
+ error "This directory doesnt contain a PKGBUILD"
+ usage
+shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+if [ "$LEVEL" -eq 0 ]; then
+ build_dir="${1:-$(mktemp -d /tmp/fullpkg.XXXXXX)}"
+ if [ ! -d "$build_dir" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$build_dir"
+ elif "$CLEANFIRST"; then
+ # Erase files already in dir
+ msg "Cleaning up files in dir"
+ find "$build_dir" -mindepth 1 -delete
+ fi
+ if "$UPDATEDB"; then
+ msg "Updating pacman db"
+ sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm || true
+ fi
+# make files for log and buildorder
+ touch "${build_dir}"/{log,BUILDORDER}
+ buildorder="${build_dir}/BUILDORDER"
+ msg "Checking dependencies"
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/is_built b/src/is_built
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1fa79d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/is_built
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+usage() {
+ echo "$0 "
+ echo
+ echo "Detect if a given package version is already in repos"
+ echo "Assuming you want greater or equal"
+ echo
+ echo "Example usage: is_built 'pcre' '20'"
+while getopts 'h' arg; do
+ case $arg in
+ h) usage; exit 0 ;;
+ *) usage; exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+pver=$(LC_ALL=C pacman -Sddp --print-format "%v" "${pkg}" 2>/dev/null)
+# if pacman fails or returns nothing
+[ "${pver}" = " there is nothing to do" ] && r=1
+result=$(vercmp "${pver}" "${ver}")
+# if vercmp > 1 means our version is bigger
+if [ ${result} -ge 0 -a ${r} -eq 0 ]; then
+ exit 0
+ exit 1
+# just in case
+exit 1
diff --git a/src/is_unfree b/src/is_unfree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c2a37c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/is_unfree
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Checks if a package is on blacklist
+. /etc/libretools.conf
+egrep -q "^${1}:" "${blacklist}"
+exit $?
diff --git a/src/lib/Makefile b/src/lib/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c69ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+include ../../
diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a30af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+LIBREHOME="$(eval echo ~$LIBREUSER)"
+if [[ -z ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-} ]]; then
+ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${LIBREHOME}/.config"
+# Generic functions ############################################################
+get_files() {
+ local slug=$1
+ case $slug in
+ makepkg.conf)
+ if [[ $MAKEPKG_CONF != /etc/$slug && -r $MAKEPKG_CONF ]]; then
+ echo "$MAKEPKG_CONF"
+ else
+ echo /etc/$slug
+ echo "$LIBREHOME/.$slug"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ libretools.conf)
+ echo /etc/$slug
+ echo "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/$slug"
+ ;;
+ *.conf)
+ echo /etc/libretools.d/$slug
+ echo "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/$slug"
+ ;;
+ esac
+load_files() {
+ for file in $(get_files $1.conf); do
+ if [[ -r $file ]]; then
+ . "$file"
+ fi
+ done
+check_vars() {
+ local slug=$1
+ shift
+ local ret=0
+ for VAR in "$@"; do
+ if [[ -z ${!VAR} ]]; then
+ if [[ $(get_files $slug|wc -l) > 1 ]]; then
+ echo "Configure '$VAR' in one of:"
+ get_files $slug | sed 's/./ -> &/'
+ else
+ echo "Configure '$VAR' in $(get_files $slug)"
+ fi
+ ret=1
+ fi >>/dev/stderr
+ done
+ if [[ $ret != 0 ]]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+# makepkg configuration ########################################################
+[[ -n ${MAKEPKG_CONF:-} ]] || MAKEPKG_CONF=/etc/makepkg.conf
+load_conf_makepkg() {
+ load_files makepkg
+get_conf_makepkg() (
+ set +euE
+ local setting=$1
+ local default=$2
+ load_conf_makepkg
+ printf '%s\n' "${!setting:-${default}}"
+set_conf_makepkg() {
+ local key=$1
+ local val=$2
+ for file in `get_files makepkg.conf|tac`; do
+ if [[ -w $file ]]; then
+ sed -i "/^\s*$key=/d" "$file"
+ echo "$key='$val'" >> "$file"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# libretools configuration #####################################################
+check_conf_libretools() {
+ check_vars libretools.conf \
+load_conf_libretools() {
+ load_files libretools
+ check_conf_libretools
+load_conf_libretools_chroot() {
+ load_files chroot
+ # Exclude CHROOTEXTRAPKG from the checks because an empty value is valid
+ if [[ -f /.arch-chroot ]]; then
+ # inside of a chroot, only CHROOTEXTRAPKG needs to be set, but
+ # as stated above, we don't check for it.
+ :
+ else
+ check_vars chroot.conf CHROOTDIR CHROOT
+ fi
+load_conf_libretools_librefetch() {
+ load_files librefetch
+ check_vars librefetch.conf MIRROR DOWNLOADER
diff --git a/src/librediff b/src/librediff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6dbe41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librediff
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Generates a patch for a nonfree PKGBUILD
+# Copyright 2010 Nicolás Reynolds
+# ---------- GNU General Public License 3 ----------
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+. /etc/libretools.conf
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $cmd <pkgname> [<pkgname2> ...]"
+ echo "Requirements:"
+ echo " * Have a <pkgname>/ directory with nonfree build scripts inside"
+ echo " * Have a <pkgname>-libre/ directory with libre build scripts inside"
+main() {
+ local packages=("$@")
+ if [[ ${packages[#]} = 0 ]]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ! -f ./${package}/PKGBUILD || ! -f ./${package}-libre/PKGBUILD ]]
+ then
+ error "Build scripts not found for ${package}(-libre)"
+ else
+ . ./${package}-libre/PKGBUILD
+ [[ -z ${pkgbase} ]] && pkgbase=${pkgname}
+ # Generate a diff file, no -r since we don't want to patch src/ nor pkg/
+ diff -auN ${package} ${package}-libre > $PATCHDIR/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}.patch
+ done
+ exit 0
+main "$@"
diff --git a/src/librefetch/Makefile b/src/librefetch/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2cec54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librefetch/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../../
diff --git a/src/librefetch/librefetch b/src/librefetch/librefetch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a05cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librefetch/librefetch
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# librefetch
+# Copyright 2013 Luke Shumaker <>
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+. /usr/share/libretools/
+. libremessages
+declare -r tempdir="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir ${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXXX)"
+cleanup() { rm -rf -- "$tempdir"; }
+trap cleanup EXIT
+usage() {
+ print "Usage: %s [options] <source-url> <output-file>" "$cmd"
+ print "Usage: %s -[g|V|h]" "$cmd"
+ print "Downloads or creates a liberated source tarball."
+ echo
+ print "The default build script is 'PKGBUILD', or 'SRCBUILD' if it exists."
+ echo
+ print "Unrecognized options are passed straight to makepkg."
+ echo
+ print "Example usage:"
+ print ' $ %s libre://mypackage-1.0.tar.gz $SRCDEST/mypackage-1.0.tar.gz.part' "$cmd"
+ echo
+ print "Options:"
+ print " Settings:"
+ print " -C Force create mode (don't download)"
+ print " -D Force download mode (don't create)"
+ print " -p <file> Use an alternate build script (instead of 'PKGBUILD')"
+ print " If an SRCBUILD exists in the same directory, it is used"
+ print " instead"
+ print " Alternate modes:"
+ print " -g, --geninteg Generage integrity checks for source files"
+ print " -V, --version Show version information"
+ print " -h, --help Show this message"
+version() {
+ print "librefetch (libretools) beta 4"
+ echo
+ print "Copyright (C) 2013 Luke Shumaksr <>"
+ print "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions."
+ print "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
+main() {
+ BUILDFILE="$(readlink -m PKGBUILD)"
+ makepkg_opts=()
+ extra_opts=()
+ mode=download-create
+ parse_options "$@"
+ local startdir=$PWD
+ export BUILDDIR="${BUILDFILE%/*}"
+ if [[ -f "${BUILDDIR}/SRCBUILD" ]]; then
+ srcbuild="$(modified_srcbuild "$BUILDFILE")"
+ else
+ srcbuild="$(modified_pkgbuild "$BUILDFILE")"
+ fi
+ makepkg="$(modified_makepkg "$(which "${MAKEPKG:-makepkg}")")"
+ # Mode: version, help ##################################################
+ if [[ $mode =~ version ]]; then
+ version
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [[ $mode =~ help ]]; then
+ usage
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Mode: checksums ######################################################
+ if [[ $mode =~ checksums ]]; then
+ if [[ ${#extra_opts[@]} != 0 ]]; then
+ print "%s: found extra non-flag arguments: %s" "$cmd" "${extra_opts[*]}"
+ usage >> /dev/stderr
+ return 1
+ fi
+ "$makepkg" "${makepkg_opts[@]}" -g -p "$srcbuild" |
+ case ${BUILDFILE##*/} in
+ PKGBUILD) sed -e 's/^[a-z]/mk&/' -e 's/^\s/ &/';;
+ SRCBUILD) cat;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+ fi
+ ########################################################################
+ if [[ ${#extra_opts[@]} != 2 ]]; then
+ print "%s: %d non-flag arguments found, expected 2: %s" "$cmd" ${#extra_opts[@]}
+ usage >> /dev/stderr
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local src="${extra_opts[0]#*://}"
+ local dst="$(readlink -m "${extra_opts[1]}")"
+ # Mode: download #######################################################
+ if [[ $mode =~ download ]]; then
+ load_conf_libretools_librefetch || return 1
+ local url="${MIRROR}/${src}"
+ local dlcmd="${DOWNLOADER}"
+ dlcmd="${dlcmd//\%o/\"$dst\"}"
+ dlcmd="${dlcmd//\%u/\"$url\"}"
+ { eval "$dlcmd"; } && return 0
+ fi
+ # Mode: create #########################################################
+ if [[ $mode =~ create ]]; then
+ PKGEXT=${dst##*/}
+ export PKGEXT=${PKGEXT%.part}
+ export PKGDEST=$startdir
+ export pkg_file=$dst
+ "$makepkg" "${makepkg_opts[@]}" -p "$srcbuild"
+ fi
+# sets the variables BUILDFILE, makepkg_opts, extra_opts, mode
+parse_options() {
+ # Detect makepkg options that take a second argument
+ local makepkg_orig="$(which "${MAKEPKG:-makepkg}")"
+ local makepkg_opt2long=($("${makepkg_orig}" -h | sed -rn 's/\s*(--\S*) <.*/\1/p'))
+ local makepkg_opt2short=($("${makepkg_orig}" -h | sed -rn 's/\s*(-.) <.*/\1/p'))
+ local opt
+ local have_opt
+ while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do
+ arg=$1
+ have_opt=false
+ if in_array "${arg%%=*}" "${makepkg_opt2long[@]}"; then
+ opt="${arg#*=}"
+ arg="${arg%%=*}"
+ have_opt=true
+ fi
+ if in_array "${arg}" "${makepkg_opt2short[@]}"; then
+ shift
+ opt=$1
+ have_opt=true
+ fi
+ case "$arg" in
+ -C) mode=create;;
+ -D) mode=download;;
+ -g|--geninteg) mode=checksums;;
+ -p) BUILDFILE="$(readlink -m "$opt")";;
+ -V|--version) mode=version;;
+ -h|--help) mode=help;;
+ -*)
+ makepkg_opts+=("$arg")
+ $have_opt && makepkg_opts+=("$opt")
+ ;;
+ --) shift; break;;
+ *) extra_opts+=("$arg");;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ extra_opts+=("$@")
+# Modify makepkg ###############################################################
+# an ERE
+/create_package\(\) \{/,/^\}$/ {
+ /pkg_file=/d # allow us to set pkg_file
+ /check_package/d # do not run check_package
+ s/"?\$\{comp_files\[@\]\}"?// # do not include .{PKGINFO,INSTALL,CHANGELOG}
+/tidy_install\(\) \{/,/^\}$/ {
+ /for .*PURGE_TARGETS/itidy_install_purge
+ /for .*PURGE_TARGETS/,/done/d
+ /^\}$/ifind . -exec touch --date="1990-01-01 0:0:0 +0" {} +
+tidy_install_purge() {
+ local pt
+ for pt in "${PURGE_TARGETS[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ${pt} = "${pt%/}" ]]; then
+ if [[ ${pt} = "${pt//\/}" ]]; then
+ find . ! -type d -name "${pt}" -exec rm -f -- '{}' +
+ else
+ rm -f "${pt}"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ ${pt%/} = "${pt//\/}" ]]; then
+ find . -type d -name "${pt%/}" -exec rm -rf -- '{}' +
+ else
+ rm -rf "${pt}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+modified_makepkg() {
+ local makepkg_orig=$1
+ local makepkg_mine="$tempdir/makepkg"
+ {
+ echo '#!/bin/bash'
+ declare -f tidy_install_purge
+ sed -r "$makepkg_modify" < "$makepkg_orig"
+ } > "$makepkg_mine"
+ chmod 755 "$makepkg_mine"
+ printf "%s\n" "$makepkg_mine"
+# Modify PKGBUILD ##############################################################
+# a string to be appended
+# do not do split packages
+if [[ -n $pkgbase ]]; then
+ pkgname=$pkgbase
+ pkgname=$pkgname
+# copy source variables
+options+=(!strip docs libtool emptydirs !zipman purge !upx)
+PURGE_TARGETS+=(.bzr/ .cvs/ .git/ .hg/ .svn/)
+if ! declare -f mksource >/dev/null; then
+ mksource() { :; }
+build() { mksource; }
+package() {
+ if [[ $(ls "$pkgdir" | wc -l) == 0 ]]; then
+ # pkgdir is empty; provide good default behavior
+ cp -a "${srcdir}"/*/ "$pkgdir/"
+ fi
+modified_pkgbuild() {
+ local pkgbuild=$1
+ local srcbuild="$tempdir/SRCBUILD"
+ printf '%s' "$pkgbuild_append" | cat "$pkgbuild" - > "$srcbuild"
+ printf '%s\n' "$srcbuild"
+# Modify SRCBUILD ##############################################################
+modified_srcbuild() {
+ local orig=$1
+ local new="$tempdir/SRCBUILD"
+ sed -e '/PKGDEST=/d' -e 's/PKGEXT=/d' < "$orig" > "$new"
+ printf '%s\n' "$new"
+# "Library" crap ###############################################################
+print() {
+ local fmt=$1
+ shift
+ printf -- "$(gettext "$fmt")\n" "$@"
+main "$@"
diff --git a/src/librefetch/librefetch.conf b/src/librefetch/librefetch.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d2078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librefetch/librefetch.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+DOWNLOADER='/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'
diff --git a/src/libremessages b/src/libremessages
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c5a02a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libremessages
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <>
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Pacman Development Team <>
+# Copyright (c) 2005 by Aurelien Foret <>
+# Copyright (c) 2005 by Christian Hamar <>
+# Copyright (c) 2006 by Alex Smith <>
+# Copyright (c) 2006 by Andras Voroskoi <>
+# Copyright (c) 2006 by Miklos Vajna <>
+# Copyright (c) 2011 by Joshua Haase <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# Inherit most functions from devtools #
+# This is only installed in Parabola's distribution of devtools, not Arch's
+. /usr/share/devtools/
+# gettext initialization #
+export TEXTDOMAIN='libretools'
+export TEXTDOMAINDIR='/usr/share/locale'
+# Own functions #
+stdnull() {
+ eval "$@ >/dev/null 2>&1"
+# Set the terminal title
+term_title() {
+ local fmt=''
+ case "$TERM" in
+ screen|tmux) fmt='\ek%s\e\\';;
+ xterm*|rxvt*) fmt='\e]0;%s\a';;
+ esac
+ printf "$fmt" "$*"
+# Run one of the defined functions if invoked directly #
+if [[ "${0##*/}" = libremessages ]]; then
+ _libremessages_cmd=$1
+ shift
+ "$_libremessages_cmd" "$@"
+ unset _libremessages_cmd
diff --git a/src/libretools.conf b/src/libretools.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da5abc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libretools.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# misc #
+## Blacklist URL
+## Used by `pkgbuild-check-nonfree`
+## Diff tool (vimdiff, gvimdiff, meld, etc)
+## Used by `aur`, `diff-unfree`
+DIFFTOOL=`which vimdiff gvimdiff meld colordiff diff 2>/dev/null|sed 's/\s.*//;1q'`
+## The repos you'll be packaging for
+## Used by `toru`, `createworkdir`, `prfullpkg`
+# Tip: As early repos take precedence on $REPOS loops, you can use this as
+# inverted order of precedence. Put testing repos first so fullpkg find new
+# PKGBUILDs first, for instance. Toru-path uses reverse order to enforce repo
+# precedence on the path cache (the last path added replaces the rest)
+REPOS=('core' 'libre' 'extra' 'community' 'libre-testing' 'social' 'sugar' 'pcr' 'java')
+## The architectures
+## Used by `librestage`
+ARCHES=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el' 'any')
+# abslibre #
+# The dir where you work on
+## Package signing
+## Parabola hostname
+## Assumes something similar in your .ssh/config:
+## Repo server
+# Host parabola
+# Port 1863
+# HostName
+# User repo
+## Server destination of libre packages
+# Don't change unless you know what you're doing and you won't screw
+# anything ;)
+## ABSLibre
+# fullpkg #
+## Uncomment one of those or make one of your choice
+# Normal fullpkg
+FULLBUILDCMD="sudo libremakepkg"
+# Cross compiling fullkpg
+# FULLBUILDCMD="sudo libremakepkg -n cross-compile-chroot"
+# Build from within the chroot (or host system)
+# FULLBUILDCMD="makepkg -sL --noconfirm"
+# Run a command before releasing a package (ie. SSH connection, SSH tunnel, etc.)
+HOOKPRERELEASE="ssh -fN parabola"
+# Run a command before running FULLBUILDCMD, usually to cleanup uneeded packages
+# Note! chcleanup *is not* chroot aware, if you run it as it is it will cleanup
+# your system
+# HOOKPREBUILD="chcleanup"
+# Locally release the package or any other action after running FULLBUILDCMD
+# succesfully
+# toru #
+# Stub for old programs; wouldn't normally be in a .conf file #
+if [[ -z ${INCLUDE_CONF_SH:-} ]]; then
+ . /usr/share/libretools/
+ if [[ -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf" ]]; then
+ . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf"
+ fi
+ check_conf_libretools || exit $?
+ . /usr/bin/libremessages
diff --git a/src/mips64el-tools/Makefile b/src/mips64el-tools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2cec54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mips64el-tools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../../
diff --git a/src/mips64el-tools/add-mips64el b/src/mips64el-tools/add-mips64el
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e06d857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mips64el-tools/add-mips64el
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Change all arch array that aren't any or mips64el already
+find -name 'PKGBUILD' -exec sed -i "s/^\(arch=([^)anym]\+\))/\1 'mips64el')/" '{}' \;
+exit $?
diff --git a/src/mips64el-tools/librebasebuilder b/src/mips64el-tools/librebasebuilder
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..604f1c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mips64el-tools/librebasebuilder
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Michał Masłowski <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+set -e
+# TODO:
+# - make it more configurable
+# - compare the result with previous base images
+for arg in "$@" ; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help|-\?)
+ echo 'Usage: librebasebuilder
+Make a base tarball named parabola-mips64el-DATE.tar.bz2.
+This script must be run as root.' >&2
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+[[ "$UID" != "0" ]] && {
+ echo "This script must be run as root." >&2
+ exit 1
+archroot -n $tempdir mkinitcpio base sudo parted nano zile vi ed openssh
+cd $tempdir
+# Don't list mtjm's DNS servers.
+cat > etc/resolv.conf <<EOF
+# /etc/resolv.conf
+#search <yourdomain.tld>
+#nameserver <ip>
+# End of file
+# From pacman-mirrorlist-libre-20120307-1. Remember to escape dollars.
+cat > etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist <<EOF
+# Parabola GNU/Linux - Last Updated: Wed Mar 7 17:33:36 GMT 2012
+# Atlanta, GA, USA
+# Responsible: belos
+Server =\$repo/os/\$arch
+# Nuremberg, Germany
+# Responsible: johkra
+Server =\$repo/os/\$arch
+# UK
+# Responsible: Parabola Project
+Server =\$repo/os/\$arch
+rm .arch-chroot
+tar cjf $outdir/parabola-mips64el-$(LC_ALL=C date -u +%Y%m%d).tar.bz2 .
diff --git a/src/mips64el-tools/mips-add b/src/mips64el-tools/mips-add
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da9b431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mips64el-tools/mips-add
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+if ! grep mips64el PKGBUILD >/dev/null; then # Add mips64el in ${arch} array if it isn't 'any'
+ warning "Adding mips64el arch"
+ sed -i "s/^\(arch=([^)anym]\+\))/\1 'mips64el')/" "PKGBUILD"
+ librecommit PKGBUILD
diff --git a/src/mips64el-tools/mips64el.conf b/src/mips64el-tools/mips64el.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836b407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mips64el-tools/mips64el.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+## Arquitecture specific commands
+## Run a command for PKGBUILD modifications before building
+## Like adding 'mips64el' to arch if it's not there
+## Run a command for local releasing of packages
+# Useful for mass packaging (ie. mips port)
+# Must accept the following parameters even if the command won't use them:
+# $1 repo name
+# $2+ packages
+# HOOKLOCALRELEASE="mipsrelease"
diff --git a/src/mips64el-tools/mipsrelease b/src/mips64el-tools/mipsrelease
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d7a7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mips64el-tools/mipsrelease
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Lic: GPLv3+
+# Author: Nicolas Reynolds <>
+# Local release of mips64el packages + clean ABS sync
+# $1 repo
+# $2+ packages
+source /etc/makepkg.conf
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+libretoolsdir="$(dirname $0)/../"
+usage() {
+ echo "$0 repo package1 [ package2 ... packageN ]"
+ echo
+ echo " release packages locally on ${PKGDEST}/stage3."
+ echo " and make a clean ABS sync "
+# usage : get_full_version( $epoch, $pkgver, $pkgrel )
+# return : full version spec, including epoch (if necessary), pkgver, pkgrel
+get_full_version() {
+ if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then
+ # zero epoch case, don't include it in version
+ echo $2-$3
+ else
+ echo $1:$2-$3
+ fi
+repo=$1; shift
+if [ -z "${repo}" ]; then
+ error "Empty repo"
+ exit 1
+# Get all needed sources
+source PKGBUILD
+fullver=$(get_full_version ${epoch:-0} ${pkgver} ${pkgrel})
+makepkg --source -f --skippgpcheck
+msg "Adding packages to [stage3]..."
+for name in ${pkgname[@]}; do
+ msg2 "${name} ${fullver}"
+ pkgs+=("${PKGDEST}/${name}-${fullver}-*.pkg.tar.*")
+repo-add ${PKGDEST}/stage3.db.tar.gz ${pkgs[@]}
+librestage ${repo}
+mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/abs/${CARCH}/${repo} >/dev/null
+pushd ${WORKDIR}/abs/${CARCH}/${repo} >/dev/null
+ tar xvf $SRCPKGDEST/${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}}-${fullver}${SRCEXT}
+popd >/dev/null
+exit $?
diff --git a/src/pkgbuild-check-nonfree b/src/pkgbuild-check-nonfree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0fd480c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pkgbuild-check-nonfree
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# pkgbuild-check-nonfree
+# Copyright 2010 Joshua Ismael Haase Hernández, Joseph Graham
+# Copyright 2012 Luke Shumaker
+# ---------- GNU General Public License 3 ----------
+# This file is part of Parabola.
+# Parabola is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Parabola is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Parabola. If not, see <>.
+. /etc/libretools.conf
+# log_end() {
+# kill "$teepid"
+# rm "$logpipe"
+# }
+# log() {
+# local LOG="pkgbuild-check-nonfree-$(date -u +%Y%m%d).log"
+# # ensure overridden package variables survive tee with split packages
+# logpipe="$(mktemp)"
+# mkfifo "$logpipe"
+# tee "$LOG" < "$logpipe" &
+# teepid=$!
+# trap log_end ERR EXIT
+# }
+unset_pkgbuild() {
+ unset 'pkgbase' 'pkgname' 'pkgver' 'pkgrel' 'epoch' 'pkgdesc' \
+ 'arch' 'url' 'license' 'groups' 'optdepends' 'provides' \
+ 'conflicts' 'replaces' 'backup' 'options' 'install' \
+ 'changelog' 'source' 'noextract' 'md5sums' 'build' \
+ 'check' 'package' 'depends' 'makedepends' 'checkdepends'
+assert_pkgbuild() {
+ if [ -e "$1" ]; then
+ source "$1"
+ if [ -n "${pkgname[0]}" ]; then
+ return 0 # valid PKGBUILD
+ fi
+ fi
+ error "$1 is not a valid PKGBUILD"
+ return 1
+check_replacement() {
+ [ $2 ] || return 0 # Free (not found)
+ local needle=$1; shift
+ local item
+ local rep
+ for line in $@; do
+ local item="$(echo "$line" | cut -d':' -f1)"
+ local rep="$(echo "$line" | cut -s -d':' -f2)"
+ if [ "$item" == "$needle" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$rep" ]; then
+ return 15 # Nonfree (found)
+ else
+ echo "$rep"
+ return 0 # Free (has replacement)
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ return 0 # Free (not found)
+# Download the blacklist.
+get_blacklist() {
+ mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools"
+ pushd "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools" >/dev/null
+ msg "Downloading the blacklist of proprietary software packages."
+ if ! wget -N -q -O blacklist.txt "${BLACKLIST}" 2>/dev/null; then
+ if [ -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/blacklist.txt" ]; then
+ warning "Using local copy of blacklist"
+ else
+ error "Download failed, exiting"
+ fi
+ fi
+ popd > /dev/null
+# Check wheter a package depends on non-free
+check_deps() {
+ unset_pkgbuild
+ if ! assert_pkgbuild "$1"; then
+ exit 1 # not PKGBUILD
+ fi
+ msg2 "${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}} $pkgver $pkgrel ${epoch:-""}" # > "$logpipe"
+ for pkg in "${pkgname[@]}" "${depends[@]}" "${makedepends[@]}" "${checkdepends[@]}"; do
+ local lines=($(grep "$pkg" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/blacklist.txt" | tr " " "_"))
+ local rep="$(check_replacement $pkg ${lines[@]})"
+ local freedom=$?
+ if [[ $freedom = 15 ]]; then
+ warning "found $pkg" # > "$logpipe"
+ ev=15
+ elif [ -n "$rep" ]; then
+ if [ "$rep" = "$pkg" ]; then
+ plain "$pkg is repackaged with the same name." # > "$logpipe"
+ else
+ plain "$pkg -> $rep" # > "$logpipe"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+usage() {
+ # TODO: implement PKGBUILD arguments
+ echo "Usage: $cmd [OPTIONS] [PKGBUILD1 PKGBUILD2 ...]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "If no PKGBUILD is specified, \`./PKGBUILD' is implied"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -f Allow running as root user"
+ echo " -h Show this message"
+main() {
+ local asroot=false
+ while getopts 'fh' arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ f) asroot=true;;
+ h) usage; exit 0;;
+ *) usage; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+ pkgbuilds=("$@")
+ if [[ $# < 1 ]]; then
+ pkgbuilds=("`pwd`/PKGBUILD")
+ fi
+ if [[ -w / ]] && ! $asroot; then
+ error "Run as normal user"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ get_blacklist
+ # log
+ msg "Looking for unfree dependencies"
+ for p in "${pkgbuilds[@]}"; do
+ if [[ -n "$p" ]]; then
+ check_deps "$p"
+ fi
+ done
+ return $ev
+main "$@"
diff --git a/src/toru/Makefile b/src/toru/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2cec54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toru/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../../
diff --git a/src/toru/toru b/src/toru/toru
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..28f0b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toru/toru
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# Queries the ABS
+# License: GPL3
+## TODO
+# * Add license text
+# * Create symlinks from pkgbase to pkgname[@] for easy package finding
+# * Have a searchable database of PKGBUILD metadata
+# * Have an interface for source-only builds
+# * Possibility to hook up ABS dirs besides ABSROOT (low priority)
+# * Tell updates and non available binary packages (working on this)
+source $(dirname $(command -v $0))/toru-utils
+# Saves contents on a named cache
+# $1 cache name (repo)
+# $2+ contents
+function store_cache {
+ cache=$1; shift
+ [ -z "$cache" ] && return 1
+ cat $@ > ${TORUPATH}/${cache}.cache
+ return $?
+# Return cache contents
+# $1 cache name
+read_cache() {
+ cat ${TORUPATH}/${1}.cache 2>/dev/null
+ return $?
+# usage : get_full_version( $epoch, $pkgver, $pkgrel )
+# return : full version spec, including epoch (if necessary), pkgver, pkgrel
+get_full_version() {
+ if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then
+ # zero epoch case, don't include it in version
+ echo $2-$3
+ else
+ echo $1:$2-$3
+ fi
+# Outputs an ordered package-fullpkgver array
+print_package_array() {
+ echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -u
+# Gets repo.db contents (unordered)
+# $1 repo
+get_db_contents() {
+ [ ! -r /var/lib/pacman/sync/$1.db ] && return 0
+ bsdtar -tf /var/lib/pacman/sync/$1.db | cut -d'/' -f1 | sort -u
+# Get the pkgname
+# pkgname from pkgver separator can be either '-' or ' '
+extract_pkgname() {
+ echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sed "s/^\(.\+\)[- ][^-]\+-[^-]\+$/\1/"
+# Get all the pkgnames from a file
+# pkgname from pkgver separator can be either '-' or ' '
+extract_pkgname_from_file() {
+ sed "s/^\(.\+\)[- ][^-]\+-[^-]\+$/\1/" $1
+# Split pkgnames from pkgvers
+split_pkgname_from_pkgver() {
+ sed "s/^\(.\+\)-\([^-]\+-[^-]\+\)$/\1 \2/" $1
+# Get the fullpkgver
+# pkgname from pkgver separator can be either '-' or ' '
+extract_fullpkgver() {
+ echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sed "s/^.\+[ -]\([^-]\+-[^-]\+\)$/\1/"
+# Checks if $1 is a valid repo
+is_repo() {
+ if ! in_array ${1} ${REPOS[@]}; then
+ $quiet || warning "${1} is not a valid repo (check REPOS array at libretools.conf)"
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Updates the database by finding all PKGBUILDS
+# Workflow:
+# * Find all PKGBUILDs on the ABS repo specified
+# * Get all packages already on package repos
+# * Compare them
+# Args:
+update() {
+ local update_sync_file=false
+# The PKGBUILDs found
+ local -a pkgbuilds=()
+# The list of pkgname-fullpkgver
+ local -a packages_in_abs=()
+ local -a pkg_updates=()
+ local -a package_paths=()
+# Traverse all specified repos
+ for __repo in $@; do
+# Check if the repo is set as such, otherwise skip
+ is_repo ${__repo} || continue
+# Fullpath of the repo
+ _repopath=$(readlink -f ${__repo})
+# This is the syncfile, stores the last date as content and mtime
+ local lastsyncfile=${TORUPATH}/${__repo}.lastsync
+# Find all the PKGBUILDs newer than the last update
+# Update newer, otherwise everything
+ if [[ $force = true || ! -e ${lastsyncfile} ]]; then
+ $quiet || warning "Forcing upgrade"
+# Get all PKGBUILDs
+ pkgbuilds=($(find ${_repopath} -maxdepth 2 -type f -name 'PKGBUILD'))
+ else
+# Only find newer than lastsyncfile and read everything else from cache
+ pkgbuilds=($(find ${_repopath} -maxdepth 2 -type f -name 'PKGBUILD' -newer ${lastsyncfile}))
+ packages_in_abs=($(read_cache ${__repo}))
+ $quiet || msg2 "Getting ${#packages_in_abs[@]} packages from cache"
+ fi
+ package_paths=($(read_cache ${__repo}.paths || true))
+# Inform how many PKGBUILDS were found and quit immediately if none
+ $quiet || msg "Found $((${#pkgbuilds[*]}-1)) PKGBUILDs to update"
+# Traverse all found PKGBUILDs
+ for _pkgbuild in ${pkgbuilds[@]}; do
+# Update the sync file because there are pkgbuilds to update
+ update_sync_file=true
+# Load PKGBUILD's metadata
+ source ${_pkgbuild} || continue
+# Guess pkgbase from PKGBUILD's basedir
+ _pkgpath=$(dirname "${_pkgbuild}")
+ _pkgbase=${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}}
+# We won't need this (all unsets are for memory efficiency)
+ unset build package url md5sums install pkgdesc backup options
+# TODO fill a license list
+ unset license
+# TODO create source tarballs?
+ unset mksource
+# TODO solve dependency tree?
+ unset depends makedepends
+ for _pkg in ${pkgname[@]}; do
+# Keep removing unneeded stuff
+ unset package_${_pkg} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+# Fill the list of packages to find
+ packages_in_abs+=($_pkg-$(get_full_version ${epoch:-0} $pkgver $pkgrel))
+ package_paths+=($_pkg:$_pkgpath)
+ done # end pkgnames
+ unset pkgbase pkgname pkgver pkgrel source epoch
+ done # end pkgbuilds
+# Sync! (Only if there was an actual sync)
+ ${update_sync_file} && lastsync ${lastsyncfile}
+ if [ "${lastsyncfile}" -nt "${TORUPATH}/${__repo}.paths.cache" ]; then
+ print_package_array "${package_paths[@]}" > $TMPDIR/paths
+ store_cache ${__repo}.paths $TMPDIR/paths
+ fi
+# If there isn't an update cache or it's older than the last update, we check
+ if [ "${lastsyncfile}" -nt "${TORUPATH}/${__repo}.updates.cache" ]; then
+# Get repo database contents
+ packages_in_sync=($(get_db_contents ${__repo}))
+# Drops arrays into files
+ print_package_array "${packages_in_abs[@]}" > ${TMPDIR}/packages_in_abs
+ print_package_array "${packages_in_sync[@]}" > ${TMPDIR}/packages_in_sync
+# Work with files
+ unset packages_in_abs package_in_sync
+# Use a different separator for pkgnames and pkgvers
+# so we can join them by pkgname (first field)
+ split_pkgname_from_pkgver ${TMPDIR}/packages_in_abs | sort -k1b,1 > ${TMPDIR}/in_abs
+ split_pkgname_from_pkgver ${TMPDIR}/packages_in_sync | sort -k1b,1 > ${TMPDIR}/in_sync
+ $quiet || msg "These packages are available to update"
+# Join both files by pkgname, the end result is:
+# pkgname syncver absver
+ join ${TMPDIR}/in_sync ${TMPDIR}/in_abs | \
+ while read need_line; do
+ _pkg=$(echo "${need_line}" | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ _syncver=$(echo "${need_line}" | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ _absver=$(echo "${need_line}" | cut -d' ' -f3)
+# If the versions differ we need an update
+# TODO move this to update query
+ if [ "${_syncver}" != "${_absver}" ]; then
+ $quiet || msg2 "$_pkg update from $_syncver to $_absver"
+ $quiet && echo "$_pkg"
+# FIXME this works all right but it's unset once the while ends
+ #pkg_updates+=("$_pkg")
+# Fix for the above problem, but it access the file every time instead of
+# puting all packages together once
+ echo $_pkg >> ${TMPDIR}/updates
+ fi
+ done # end need_line
+ unset _pkg _syncver _absver need_line
+# Save the cache
+ store_cache ${__repo} ${TMPDIR}/packages_in_abs
+# See above FIXME
+ # print_package_array "${updates[@]}" > ${TMPDIR}/updates
+ if [ -r ${TMPDIR}/updates ]; then
+ store_cache ${__repo}.updates ${TMPDIR}/updates
+ fi
+ else
+ $quiet || msg "Reading updates from cache..."
+ read_cache ${__repo}.updates
+ fi
+ done # end repos
+# Find all the packages that are missing from the repo dbs (aka not built)
+missing() {
+ true
+## Finds a PKGBUILD on toru's path cache
+## usage: where_is <pkgname>
+# Look in all caches but pick the first one
+where_is() {
+ local __repo
+ local _path
+ for __repo in ${REPOS[@]}; do
+ _path=$(grep "^${1}:" "${TORUPATH}/${__repo}.paths.cache" 2>/dev/null |
+ cut -d: -f2)
+ [ -n "${_path}" ] && break
+ done
+ [ -z "$_path" ] && return 1
+ echo ${_path}
+# TODO: clean usage instructions
+function usage {
+ echo ""
+ echo "$0 [options] repo1 ... repon"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Make a db containing PKGBUILD metadata."
+ echo ""
+ echo "-h : this message"
+# echo "-a : update all repos at once"
+ echo "-u : update repo information"
+ echo "-q : quiet"
+ echo "-f : rebuild the db even if it is updated"
+ echo "-p <pkgname>: return the path for pkgname"
+ echo ""
+ exit 1
+## MAIN
+while getopts 'haqfpum' arg; do
+ case $arg in
+ h) usage; exit 0 ;;
+# TODO: Update all repos on $REPOS array
+# a) update_all_repos ;;
+ q) quiet=true ;;
+ f) force=true ;;
+ u) commands+=(update);;
+ p) shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+ where_is "$1" || exit 1;;
+ m) commands+=(missing);;
+ esac
+ shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+[[ -z ${TMPDIR} ]] && exit 1
+${commands[0]} ${@}
+exit $?
diff --git a/src/toru/toru-info b/src/toru/toru-info
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..523f682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toru/toru-info
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Prints info about a given pkgname
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+for _pkg in $@; do
+ _pkgbuild="$(toru-where $_pkg)"
+ if [ -f "$_pkgbuild/PKGBUILD" ]; then
+ source "$_pkgbuild/PKGBUILD" 2>/dev/null || {
+ warning "Errors on %s" $_pkg
+ continue
+ }
+ deps="${depends[@]} ${makedepends[@]} ${checkdepends[@]}"
+ repo="$(basename $(dirname "$_pkgbuild"))"
+ unset build package depends makedepends checkdepends optdepends source md5sums
+ msg "%s/%s %s-%s" $repo $_pkg $pkgver $pkgrel
+ msg2 "$pkgdesc"
+ msg2 "$url"
+ msg2 "Depends: ${deps}"
+ else
+ warning "%s doesn't exist" $_pkg
+ fi
+ unset pkgname pkgver pkgrel pkgdesc url
diff --git a/src/toru/toru-path b/src/toru/toru-path
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..baeaeb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toru/toru-path
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+source $(dirname $(command -v $0))/toru-utils
+if [ ! -w "$TORUPATH" ]; then
+ error "Toru's path isn't writable. Please check $TORUPATH"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -e "${PATHFILE}" ]; then
+ tcamgr create "${PATHFILE}"
+# TODO pass other paths via flags
+# ABSROOT has trailing slash
+for (( i = ${#REPOS[@]}-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )); do
+ ${VERBOSE} && msg "Processing [%s]" ${REPOS[$i]}
+ [ -d "${ABSROOT}${REPOS[$i]}" ] && \
+ fullrepos+=("${ABSROOT}${REPOS[$i]}")
+pkgbuilds=($(get_pkgbuilds ${fullrepos[@]}))
+msg "Updating path cache"
+msg2 "${#pkgbuilds[@]} PKGBUILDs to update"
+for _pkgbuild in ${pkgbuilds[@]}; do
+# plain "$_pkgbuild"
+ source ${_pkgbuild} >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
+ error "${_pkgbuild} contains errors, skipping"
+ continue
+ }
+ fullpath=$(dirname ${_pkgbuild})
+ for _pkg in ${pkgbase} ${pkgname[@]} ${provides[@]}; do
+ $VERBOSE && msg2 "${_pkg} -> ${fullpath}"
+ tcamgr put ${PATHFILE} ${_pkg/[<>=]*} ${fullpath}
+ done
+ unset pkgbase pkgname provides
+lastsync ${LASTSYNCFILE}
diff --git a/src/toru/toru-utils b/src/toru/toru-utils
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..316e6b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toru/toru-utils
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+source /etc/abs.conf
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+# usage : in_array( $needle, $haystack )
+function in_array {
+ [[ $2 ]] || return 1 # Not found
+ local needle=$1; shift
+ local item
+ for item in "$@"; do
+ [[ ${item#@} = $needle ]] && return 0 # Found
+ done
+ return 1 # Not Found
+# Stores the lastsync date
+lastsync() {
+ local lastsyncfile
+ lastsyncfile=$1
+ [ -e ${lastsyncfile} -a ! -w ${lastsyncfile} ] && {
+ error "The sync date can't be saved. ${lastsyncfile} isn't writable."
+ return 1
+ }
+ date +%s > ${lastsyncfile}
+ touch ${lastsyncfile}
+get_dbs() {
+ local _db
+ for _db in /var/lib/pacman/sync/*.db; do
+ bsdtar tf ${_db} | cut -d'/' -f1 | sort -u
+ done
+# repo paths
+get_pkgbuilds() {
+ pkgbuilds=()
+ if [[ $FORCE = true || ! -e ${LASTSYNCFILE} ]]; then
+ $QUIET || warning "Forcing upgrade"
+# Get all PKGBUILDs
+ extra=""
+ else
+# Only find newer than lastsyncfile and read everything else from cache
+ extra=" -newer ${LASTSYNCFILE}"
+ fi
+# Return all PKGBUILDs found
+ find $@ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 3 -type f -name 'PKGBUILD' ${extra}
+# End inmediately but print a useful message
+trap_exit() {
+ error "$@"
+ exit 1
+# Trap signals from makepkg
+set -E
+trap 'trap_exit "TERM signal caught. Exiting..."' TERM HUP QUIT
+trap 'trap_exit "Aborted by user! Exiting..."' INT
+trap 'trap_exit "An unknown error has occurred. Exiting..."' ERR
diff --git a/src/toru/toru-where b/src/toru/toru-where
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9ab29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toru/toru-where
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Locates a PKGBUILD dir on toru's path cache
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+tcamgr get ${PATHFILE} $1 2>/dev/null || echo ""
diff --git a/src/treepkg b/src/treepkg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1453f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/treepkg
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#set -x
+# (c) 2012 Nicolás Reynolds <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+source /etc/libretools.conf
+source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf >/dev/null 2>&1|| true
+term_title "$(basename $0)"
+# Get system variables
+source /etc/makepkg.conf
+source $HOME/makepkg.conf >/dev/null 2>&1|| true
+# End inmediately but print an useful message
+trap_exit() {
+ term_title "error!"
+ error "($(basename $0)) $@ (leftovers on ${BUILDDIR})"
+ exit 1
+# Trap signals from makepkg
+set -E
+trap 'trap_exit "TERM signal caught. Exiting..."' TERM HUP QUIT
+trap 'trap_exit "Aborted by user! Exiting..."' INT
+trap 'trap_exit "An unknown error has occurred. Exiting..."' ERR
+# return : full version spec, including epoch (if necessary), pkgver, pkgrel
+# usage : get_fullver( ${epoch:-0}, $pkgver, $pkgrel )
+get_fullver() {
+ if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
+ # zero epoch case, don't include it in version
+ echo $2-$3
+ else
+ echo $1:$2-$3
+ fi
+# Add line to build order cache in CSV format
+# *must* be run from the PKGBUILD path
+# status;depth;pkgbase;[epoch:]pkgver-pkgrel;path;repo
+# $1 status
+# $2 pkgname
+add_order() {
+ echo "${1};${DEPTH};${2:-${pkgbase}};${fullver};${PWD};$(guess_repo "$PWD")" >> "${BUILDORDER}"
+ ${VERBOSE} && msg2 "%${DEPTH}s${2:-${pkgbase}} [${1}]" || true
+# Bury a package deeper in the tree
+# $1 pkgbase
+# $2 nextdepth
+bury() {
+ # Bury only if we are going to build the dep
+ # Get it's current depth and dir name
+ local current_depth=$(grep "build;[0-9]\+;${1};" "${BUILDORDER}" | cut -d ';' -f 2)
+ local current_name="$(printf "%03d" ${current_depth})_${1}"
+ # If there's a depth or the package is not the root of the build tree (which
+ # can lead to funny chicken-and-egg problems), update the depth to the current
+ # package next-depth and rename the dir too
+ if [ -z "${current_depth}" ]; then return; fi
+ if [ -z "${current_name}" ]; then return; fi
+ if [ ${current_depth} -eq 0 ]; then return; fi
+ if [ ${current_depth} -ge $2 ]; then return; fi
+ ${VERBOSE} && msg "Burying ${1} from ${current_depth} to ${2}"
+ {
+ sed -i "s|^\(build;\)\([0-9]\+\)\(;${1};.*\)$|\1${2}\3|" "${BUILDORDER}" && \
+ mv "${BUILDDIR}/${current_name}" "${BUILDDIR}/$(printf "%03d" ${2})_${1}"
+ } || return 1
+# Guess the repo from the pkgbase path
+# $1 path, pwd or toru-where
+guess_repo() {
+ basename "$(dirname "${1}")"
+if [ ! -f PKGBUILD ]; then
+ error "Missing PKGBUILD ($PWD)"
+ exit 1
+if ! source PKGBUILD ; then
+ error "Can't source PKGBUILD"
+ exit 1
+# Save resources
+unset pkgdesc arch license groups backup install md5sums sha1sums \
+ sha256sums source options >/dev/null 2>&1
+unset build package >/dev/null 2>&1
+for _pkg in ${pkgname[@]}; do
+ unset package_${_pkg} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+# Get useful values
+fullver=$(get_fullver ${epoch:-0} ${pkgver} ${pkgrel})
+# Get or set the work dir
+BUILDDIR="${1:-$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkgbase}-treepkg-XXXx)}"
+NEXTDEPTH=$((${DEPTH} + 1))
+# This can be set as env vars (ie: $ V=false B=false treepkg)
+# TODO Turn into flags?
+# Skip BUILDORDER creation and build anything on BUILDDIR
+if [ ! -z "${1}" -a ${DEPTH} -eq 0 ]; then
+if ! ${BUILDNOW}; then
+ # ensure it exists
+ touch "${BUILDORDER}"
+ # If this package is already built quit silently
+ for _pkg in ${pkgname[@]}; do
+ if is_built "${_pkg}" "${fullver}"; then
+ add_order "ignore"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+ # Ignore if already in build order
+ egrep -q ";${pkgbase};" "${BUILDORDER}" && exit 0
+ # Add pkgbase to build order
+ add_order "build"
+ # Copy the directory to the build dir
+ # TODO run makepkg --source to avoid moving garbage around?
+ cp -r "${PWD}" "${BUILDDIR}/$(printf "%03d" ${DEPTH})_${pkgbase}"
+ # Cleanup dep versioning
+ deps=($(echo "${depends[@]} ${makedepends[@]}" | \
+ sed "s/[=<>]\+[^ ]\+//g" | \
+ tr ' ' "\n" | \
+ sort -u))
+ # NOTE: getting depends from package() is a PITA
+ for _dep in ${deps[@]}; do
+ # Move deps deeper in the tree if
+ # pkgbase - dep1
+ # \ dep2 - dep1
+ # dep1 should be depth + 1
+ egrep -q ";${_dep};" "${BUILDORDER}" && bury "${_dep}" ${NEXTDEPTH}
+ # Ask toru where's a PKGBUILD
+ depdir="$(toru-where ${_dep})"
+ if [ -z "${depdir}" -o ! -d "${depdir}" ]; then
+ # We specify the pkgname because we can't source the dep PKGBUILD
+ # Normally 'any' packages are missing from our work ABS
+ add_order "missing" "${_dep}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ pushd "${depdir}" >/dev/null
+ # Run itself over dependencies
+ done
+ # End BUILD now
+# Only build at the end
+if [ ${DEPTH} -eq 0 ]; then
+ ${VERBOSE} && msg "Starting build" || true
+ if ${BUILD}; then
+ ${VERBOSE} && msg "Build tree stored in ${BUILDORDER}" || true
+ # Build everything sorting the build dir
+ # The reverse order ensures we start by the deepest packages
+ for _pkg in $(ls -r "${BUILDDIR}"); do
+ # Ignore if there's no PKGBUILD
+ if [ ! -f "${BUILDDIR}/${_pkg}/PKGBUILD" ]; then continue; fi
+ # Skip if already built (faster than calling is_build again)
+ if [ -f "${BUILDDIR}/${_pkg}/built_ok" ]; then continue; fi
+ ${VERBOSE} && msg "Building ${_pkg/_/ }" || true
+ # Remove leading zeros and space if any
+ term_title "$(echo ${_pkg/_/ } | sed "s/^0\+ \?//")"
+ # Run build command
+ pushd "${BUILDDIR}/${_pkg}" >/dev/null
+ sudo -E pacman -Syu --noconfirm
+ # Run local release hook with $1 = $repo
+ ${HOOKLOCALRELEASE} $(egrep ";${_pkg#*_};" "${BUILDORDER}" | cut -d';' -f6)
+ touch built_ok
+ popd >/dev/null
+ done
+ else
+ # Just print the working dir
+ ${VERBOSE} || echo "${BUILDORDER}" || true
+ fi
+ if ${CLEANUP} ; then
+ msg2 "Removing ${BUILDDIR}"
+ rm -rf "${BUILDDIR}"
+ fi
+term_title "done"
+exit $?