librefetch.conf(5) -- librefetch configuration file =================================================== ## SYNOPSIS `/etc/libretools.d/librefetch.conf`, `~/.config/libretools/librefetch.conf` ## DESCRIPTION Configuration for librefetch is stored in `librefetch.conf`. The several places it looks for the file are: * `/etc/libretools.d/librefetch.conf` * `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/librefetch.conf` The later files take precidence over earlier files, but earlier files are loaded, so that later files only need to set the values they want to override. If `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set, a default value is set: * if `$SUDO_USER` is set: `$(eval echo ~$SUDO_USER)/.config` * else: `$HOME/.config` ## OPTIONS * `MIRROR=''`: Files from within this tree will be attempted to be built if downloading them fails. Also, `libre://` expands to this location. * `DOWNLOADER='/usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o %u'`: The HTTP client to use when downloading pre-built source tarballs in download mode. ## SEE ALSO librefetch(8)