# Where are we? dl-cache = ../download-cache www = $(dl-cache)/www bin = $(dl-cache)/bin # What versions of 3rd party libraries are we using? jquery-ver=1.8.3 bootstrap-ver=2.1.1 tablesorter-ver=2.7 d3-ver=3.0.6 konami-ver=c0f686e647765860ff4d2fcb7b48122785432b75 # What files do we make? branding-images = \ sitestatic/favicon.ico sitestatic/silhouette.png \ sitestatic/archnavbar/archlogo.png \ sitestatic/logos/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png \ sitestatic/logos/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png \ sitestatic/logos/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png \ sitestatic/logos/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png \ sitestatic/logos/icon-transparent-64x64.png targets = \ $(branding-images) \ sitestatic/.gitignore visualize/.gitignore \ sitestatic/rss.png \ sitestatic/rss@2x.png \ sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js \ sitestatic/homepage.js \ sitestatic/jquery-$(jquery-ver).min.js \ sitestatic/jquery.tablesorter-$(tablesorter-ver).js \ sitestatic/jquery.tablesorter-$(tablesorter-ver).min.js \ sitestatic/konami.min.js \ visualize/static/d3-$(d3-ver).js \ visualize/static/d3-$(d3-ver).min.js js-basenames = $(sort $(patsubst %.min,%,$(patsubst %.js,%,$(filter %.js,$(targets))))) generated = $(sort $(targets) $(foreach f,$(js-basenames),$f.js $f.min.js)) generated := $(generated) targets := $(generated) # The base rules all: $(targets) .PHONY: all clean: rm -f -- $(generated) .PHONY: clean %/.gitignore: $(MAKEFILE_LIST) printf -- '%s\n' $(patsubst $*%,%,$(filter $*/%,$(generated))) | LC_COLLATE=C sort > $@ # Make directories $(dl-cache) $(dl-cache)/unzip $(bin): mkdir -p '$@' # Don't have non-minimized .js stick around unless we asked for them. .INTERMEDIATE: $(filter-out $(targets),$(generated)) # Turn on sane error handling .DELETE_ON_ERROR: .PHONY: FORCE # How to download files mangle = $(subst %,^25,$(subst :,^3A,$(subst =,^3D,$(subst ^,^5E,$1)))) unmangle = $(subst ^5E,^,$(subst ^3D,=,$(subst ^3A,:,$(subst ^25,%,$1)))) $(www)/http/%: mkdir -p '$(@D)' wget 'http://$(call unmangle,$*)' -O '$@' test -f '$@' && touch '$@' $(www)/https/%: mkdir -p '$(@D)' wget 'https://$(call unmangle,$*)' -O '$@' test -f '$@' && touch '$@' $(www)/git/%: FORCE mkdir -p '$(@D)' gitget checkout 'git://$(call unmangle,$*)' '$@' || { rm -rf -- '$@'; false; } test -d '$@' || { rm -rf -- '$@'; false; } # Downloaded images $(dl-cache)/unzip/Feedicons_v.2/%: $(www)/https/web.archive.org/web/20120514074507/http^3A//www.zeusboxstudio.com/file_download/1/Feedicons_v.2.zip mkdir -p '$(@D)' bsdtar xfO $< 'Feedicons v.2/$*' > '$@' sitestatic/rss.png: $(dl-cache)/unzip/Feedicons_v.2/RSS_16.png cp $< $@ sitestatic/rss@2x.png: $(dl-cache)/unzip/Feedicons_v.2/RSS_32.png pngcrush $< $@ $(dl-cache)/unzip/parabola-artwork: $(www)/git/projects.parabola.nu/artwork.git\#branch=official/2013 | $(dl-cache)/unzip cp -rT '$<' '$@' make -C '$@' $(dl-cache)/unzip/parabola-artwork/%: $(dl-cache)/unzip/parabola-artwork test -e $@ && touch $@ $(foreach i,$(branding-images),$(eval $i: $$(dl-cache)/unzip/parabola-artwork/$(notdir $i); install -Dm644 $$< $$@)) # Non-minimized .js files sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js: sitestatic/%: $(www)/https/raw.github.com/twitter/bootstrap/v$(bootstrap-ver)/js/% Makefile.d/%.patch cp $< $@ patch -i Makefile.d/$*.patch $@ sitestatic/jquery-$(jquery-ver).js: sitestatic/%: $(www)/http/code.jquery.com/% cp $< $@ sitestatic/jquery.tablesorter-$(tablesorter-ver).js: $(www)/https/raw.github.com/Mottie/tablesorter/v$(tablesorter-ver)/js/jquery.tablesorter.js cp $< $@ sitestatic/konami.js: sitestatic/%: $(www)/https/raw.github.com/snaptortoise/konami-js/$(konami-ver)/% Makefile.d/%.patch cp $< $@ patch -i Makefile.d/$*.patch $@ sitestatic/homepage.js: sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.min.js sitestatic/konami.min.js Makefile.d/homepage.js.in { \ echo '/* bootstrap-typeahead.min.js: */' && \ cat sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.min.js && \ echo && \ echo '/* konami.min.js: */' && \ sed -e 's,^\s*,,' -e 's,^return.*,&;,' sitestatic/konami.min.js && \ echo && \ echo '/* Main homepage.js content: */' && \ cat Makefile.d/homepage.js.in ; \ } > $@ visualize/static/d3-$(d3-ver).js: %: $(www)/https/raw.github.com/mbostock/d3/v$(d3-ver)/d3.js cp $< $@ # The minimization processes JSMIN = { sed -n '1,/\*\//p' $1; closure-compiler --js $1; } > $2 %.min.js: %.js $(call JSMIN,$<,$@)