from pip.basecommand import Command, command_dict, load_all_commands from pip.exceptions import InstallationError from pip.baseparser import parser class HelpCommand(Command): name = 'help' usage = '%prog' summary = 'Show available commands' def run(self, options, args): load_all_commands() if args: ## FIXME: handle errors better here command = args[0] if command not in command_dict: raise InstallationError('No command with the name: %s' % command) command = command_dict[command] command.parser.print_help() return parser.print_help() print print 'Commands available:' commands = list(set(command_dict.values())) commands.sort(key=lambda x: for command in commands: if command.hidden: continue print ' %s: %s' % (, command.summary) HelpCommand()