from main.models import Arch, Repo, Donor from mirrors.models import MirrorUrl from news.models import News from . import utils from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db.models import Q from django.views.generic import list_detail from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template def index(request): pkgs = utils.get_recent_updates() context = { 'news_updates': News.objects.order_by('-postdate', '-id')[:10], 'pkg_updates': pkgs, } return direct_to_template(request, 'public/index.html', context) def userlist(request, type='Developers'): users = User.objects.order_by('username') if type == 'Developers': users = users.filter(is_active=True, groups__name="Developers") msg = "This is a list of the current Arch Linux Developers. They maintain the [core] and [extra] package repositories in addition to doing any other developer duties." elif type == 'Trusted Users': users = users.filter(is_active=True, groups__name="Trusted Users") msg = "Here are all your friendly Arch Linux Trusted Users who are in charge of the [community] repository." elif type == 'Fellows': users = users.filter(is_active=False) msg = "Below you can find a list of ex-developers (aka project fellows). These folks helped make Arch what it is today. Thanks!" context = { 'user_type': type, 'description': msg, 'users': users, } return direct_to_template(request, 'public/userlist.html', context) def donate(request): context = { 'donors': Donor.objects.filter(visible=True).order_by('name'), } return direct_to_template(request, 'public/donate.html', context) def download(request): qset = MirrorUrl.objects.select_related('mirror', 'protocol').filter( protocol__is_download=True, mirror__public=True, mirror__active=True, mirror__isos=True ) return list_detail.object_list(request, qset.order_by('mirror__country', 'mirror__name', 'protocol'), template_name="public/download.html", template_object_name="mirror_url") def feeds(request): context = { 'arches': Arch.objects.all(), 'repos': Repo.objects.all(), } return direct_to_template(request, 'public/feeds.html', context) # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: