{% extends "base.html" %} {% load cycle from future %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% load mirror_status %} {% load flags %} {% load admin_urls %} {% block title %}Arch Linux - {{ mirror.name }} - Mirror Details{% endblock %} {% block head %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Mirror Details: {{ mirror.name }}

{% if perms.mirrors.change_mirror %} {% endif %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% with mirror.downstream as ds_mirrors %} {% endwith %} {% endif %}
Name: {{ mirror.name }}
Tier: {{ mirror.get_tier_display }}
Has ISOs: {{ mirror.isos|yesno|capfirst }}
Public: {{ mirror.public|yesno|capfirst }}
Active: {{ mirror.active|yesno|capfirst }}
Created: {{ mirror.created }}
Last Modified: {{ mirror.last_modified }}
Rsync IPs: {{mirror.rsync_ips.all|join:', '}}
Admin Email: {% if mirror.admin_email %}{{ mirror.admin_email }}{% else %}None{% endif %}
Alternate Email: {% if mirror.alternate_email %}{{ mirror.alternate_email }}{% else %}None{% endif %}
Flyspray Issue: {% if mirror.bug %}FS#{{ mirror.bug }}{% endif %}
Notes: {{ mirror.notes|linebreaks }}
Upstream: {% if mirror.upstream %} {{ mirror.upstream.name }} {% else %}None{% endif %}
Downstream:{% if ds_mirrors %} {% for ds in ds_mirrors %} {{ ds.name }}{% comment %} {% endcomment %}{% if not ds.active %} (inactive){% endif %}{% comment %} {% endcomment %}{% if not ds.public %} (private){% endif %}{% comment %} {% endcomment %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% else %}None{% endif %}

Available URLs

{% for m_url in urls %} {% endfor %}
Mirror URL Protocol Country IPv4 IPv6 Last Sync Completion % μ Delay (hh:mm) μ Duration (s) σ Duration (s) Score Details
{% if m_url.protocol.is_download %}{{ m_url.url }}{% else %}{{ m_url.url }}{% endif %} {{ m_url.protocol }} {% country_flag m_url.country %}{{ m_url.country.name }} {{ m_url.has_ipv4|yesno|capfirst }} {{ m_url.has_ipv6|yesno|capfirst }} {{ m_url.last_sync|date:'Y-m-d H:i'|default:'unknown' }} {{ m_url.completion_pct|percentage:1 }} {{ m_url.delay|duration|default:'unknown' }} {{ m_url.duration_avg|floatvalue:2 }} {{ m_url.duration_stddev|floatvalue:2 }} {{ m_url.score|floatvalue:1|default:'∞' }} Details

Error Log

{% include "mirrors/error_table.html.jinja" %}

Mirror Status Charts

Periodic checks of the mirrors are done from various geographic locations, IP addresses, and using IPv4 or IPv6. These results are summarized in graphical form below.

{% endblock %} {% block script_block %} {% load cdn %}{% jquery %}{% jquery_tablesorter %} {% endblock %}