{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Arch Linux - International Communities{% endblock %} {% block content %}

International Communities

www.archlinux.org is the home of the official Arch Linux website, forums, and wiki. However, several unofficial community-run sites are available for international users who would rather communicate in their own language. You can find a list of these communities below.

Please note that the official Wiki also supports internationalized content. In addition, we have a forum where you can post in your native language. These tools can be used in addition to, in parallel with, or as a part of the international communities listed below.

{% for forum in forum_list %} {% endfor %}
{{ forum.language }} {{ forum.name }}

If you host a community you would like linked on this page, please open a Bug Ticket with the category "web site", and a relevant description.

{% endblock %}