////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rvs - retroactive versioning system versioning system that allows you to check in commit 2 before commit 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONTENTS: 1 ) Introduction 2 ) Building 2.1 ) configuration ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// == 1: Introduction The name is a little bit of a nod to RCS (revision control system), and even less to CVS. I'm not particularly fond of CVS, but recognize it's impact on the scm scene. rvs is about being able to go back and edit *anything* that has already been committed. Yes, some other SCMs do this, but fuck things proper if someone else has a copy of the old version. Why would you want to do this? Take for example the Bazaar repository rvs is hosted on: It starts at 0.6.0, what if I later want to import 0.0.0 - 0.5.10? Or if I'm trying to construct a history of BSD, and import all the BSDs I can find, such as 1,3,4, then latter find 2? == 2: Building rvs doesn't exactly use the GNU build system, but acts much like it does. To build rvs with default configuration, simply run: $ ./configure $ make # make install It's generally considered good practice to build in another directory than the source directory, however, this is not the case fo rvs. In fact, it must be build in the source directory. You needn't be worried about it making the source direcotory messy, all source is kept in `DIR/source', all finished files in `DIR/out', and all temporary build files in `DIR/tmp'. === 2.1: Configuration There are several configuration variables that can be set. The default values are kept in the file `Variables'. Variables is in the format `VAR_NAMEVALUE'. You can modify these configuration variables by editing the `Variables' file directly, or by running ./configure such as: $ ./configure --VAR_NAME=VALUE The different configuration variables are as follows: VER value='0.6.0' rvs's internal varsion number SHELL value='/usr/bin/env bash' the shell that scripts will be run in. prefix value="$HOME" where the files will be installed. For me the defualt is `/home/luke'. Many of you will want to change this to '/usr' bindir value='bin' the binaries folder inside the prefix. If I leave the prefix and bindir the same, for me rvs is installed in `/home/luke/bin'. If I change prefix to '/usr', then rvs will be installed in `/usr/bin' libdir value='/etc/rvs/' where the rvs libraries will be installed. in rvs almost nothing is actually done int the core binary ([$prefix]/[$bindir]/rvs) but option handling. All the real work is done in modular sub-programs. I call them libraries, even though they are independend programs that communicate via pipes. ~ Luke Shumaker Happy Hacking!