#!/hint/bash # Please try to refrain from adding new variables to this file. # Instead, create separate ${toolname}.conf files. Only add a # variable here if multiple tools start needing the option. FTP_BASE="/srv/repo/main" PKGREPOS=( 'core' 'testing' 'extra' 'community' 'multilib' 'multilib-testing' 'libre' 'libre-testing' 'libre-multilib' 'libre-multilib-testing' '~smv' '~xihh' '~brendan' '~lukeshu' '~emulatorman' '~aurelien' '~jorginho' '~coadde' '~drtan' 'nonsystemd' 'nonsystemd-testing' 'nonprism' 'nonprism-testing' 'pcr' 'pcr-testing' 'kernels' 'cross' 'java') PKGPOOL='pool/parabola_gnu+linux' SRCPOOL='src/parabola_gnu+linux' CLEANUP_DESTDIR="$FTP_BASE/old/pkg" CLEANUP_DRYRUN=false # Time in days to keep moved packages CLEANUP_KEEP=30 SOURCE_CLEANUP_DESTDIR="$FTP_BASE/old/src" SOURCE_CLEANUP_DRYRUN=true # Time in days to keep moved sourcepackages SOURCE_CLEANUP_KEEP=30 REQUIRE_SIGNATURE=true LOCK_DELAY=10 [ -n "${STAGING:-}" ] || STAGING="$HOME/staging/unknown/staging" TMPDIR="/tmp" ARCHES=(i686 x86_64 armv7h) DBEXT=".db.tar.gz" FILESEXT=".files.tar.gz" PKGEXT=".pkg.tar.?z" SRCEXT=".src.tar.gz" # Where to send error emails, and who they are from LIST="maintenance@lists.parabola.nu" FROM="repo@parabola.nu"