#!/usr/bin/env roundup describe libremessages . ./test-common.sh it_can_be_included_twice() ( . libremessages . libremessages ) it_can_be_included_with_set_euE() ( set -euE . libremessages ) it_works_with_no_color_and_set_euE() ( ( unset TERM set -euE . libremessages msg Foo ) >$tmpdir/stdout 2>$tmpdir/stderr empty $tmpdir/stdout not empty $tmpdir/stderr ) it_can_be_called_without_including() { libremessages msg Foo >$tmpdir/stdout 2>$tmpdir/stderr empty $tmpdir/stdout not empty $tmpdir/stderr } it_fails_with_msg_and_no_args() { ret=0 libremessages msg || ret=$? [[ $ret != 0 ]] } it_allows_subheadings_to_flag() { # Note that old versions of `flag` panicked if given an odd # number of headings, so give an odd number here. libremessages flag \ -a adesc \ -b bdesc \ Head1: \ -c cdesc > $tmpdir/out printf '%s\n' \ ' -a adesc' \ ' -b bdesc' \ ' Head1:' \ ' -c cdesc' > $tmpdir/exp diff -u $tmpdir/exp $tmpdir/out }