#! /bin/bash # /usr/bin/pacman2pacman-get # # Copyright (C) 2014,2017 Joseph Graham # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . TEXTDOMAIN=pacman2pacman-get debugmode=0 [[ ${3} == "-d" ]] && debugmode=1 # if 3rd arg is "-d", enable debug mode echoerr() { cat <<< "$@" 1>&2; } # print errors to stdout (( debugmode )) && echoerr "pacman2pacman-get invoked" shopt -s extglob torrent_folder='/srv/pacman2pacman/torrents' prog_check_freq=1.4 # seconds to update download progress torrent_search_time=6 # seconds to spend scanning the mirrors for a torrent # Check that the args are not empty. [[ -z ${1} ]] && { echoerr $"The first argument should be the download url." ; exit 1 ; } [[ -z ${2} ]] && { echoerr $"The second argument should be the local filename, plus a \".part\" extension." ; exit 1 ; } # Pacman2pacman should be called like this from /etc/pacman.conf: # XferCommand = /usr/bin/pacman2pacman-get %u %o url="${1}" # The download url. filename="${2}" # This is where the downloaded file needs to be saved # or hardlinked # Find out the cache location pkg_cache_location="${filename%/*}/" # Read the config source /etc/pacman2pacman.conf # Check if transmission daemon is running. if ! systemctl show --property='ActiveState' transmission | grep -q 'ActiveState=active' then echoerr $"Error: The transmission daemon is not running." exit 1 fi cd "${torrent_folder}" # Find the name of the package that will be displayed pname="${url##*/}" pname="${pname%%-[[:digit:]]*}" # Find out if it's a dbfile if [[ "${url}" == *'.db' ]] || [[ "${url}" == *'.db.sig' ]] then dbfile=1 else dbfile=0 fi fifoname="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/pacman2pacmanpipe" exittidy() { rm -rf "${fifoname}" "${TMPDIR-/tmp}/pacman2pacman_torrents"* ; } # Check for a .torrent. # We will cycle through the mirrors in the mirrorlist, trying to get # the torrent file for this package. If it fails we keep trying more # mirrors until we get a 404 or a success, because only a 404 # indicates that the .torrent does not exist. mkfifo "${fifoname}" function look_for_torrent() { local torrent_url="${1}" local tfile="$(mktemp ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/pacman2pacman_torrents.XXXXXXXXXX)" (( debugmode )) && echoerr "Looking for torrent at: '${torrent_url}'" # Attempt to download the torrent curl -o "${tfile}" -f -L -s -A 'Pacman2pacman' -m 10 "${torrent_url}" local curlstat="${?}" # Did curl download a torrent? if [[ "${curlstat}" == 0 ]] && grep "mktorrent" "${tfile}" &>/dev/null then (( debugmode )) && echoerr "Found torrent" echo "found_torrent:${tfile}" > "${fifoname}" fi } # If it's a .db file then we don't even check for a .torrent if (( dbfile )) then response='httptime' else response='torrenttime' # OK so for three random mirrors we look for a torrent. The first # one that responds, we use it. Give up and go to HTTP after 6 seconds. while read mirror do # Remove the `Server = ' part, whether it has spaces or not mirror="${mirror##Server?( )=?( )}" torrent_url="${mirror%%\$*}torrents/${url##*/}.torrent" look_for_torrent "${torrent_url}" & done < <(grep '^Server \?= \?' "${mirrorlist_location}" | shuf | head -n 3) # Get the name of the torrent downloaded read -t 6 response < <(cat "${fifoname}") (( debugmode )) && echoerr "response var: '${response}'" fi # We were looking for a torrent, but we didn't find one :o [[ "${response}" == 'torrenttime' ]] && echo $"Can't find a torrent file for this package :S" gotourbaby=0 # to record if we've got the torrent yet. # If there's a .torrent we download the package with transmission # otherwize we just download it by http. if [[ "${response}" == 'found_torrent:'* ]] then gotourbaby=1 # assume success unless proven otherwize cd "${pkg_cache_location}" # Re-write the webseeds in the torrent to make it use the user's # own mirror. We can just use the ${url} var. # The filename of the torrent torntname="${torrent_folder}/${url##*/}.torrent" # Move the torrent to the correct location mv "${response#found_torrent:}" "${torntname}" # We need to find out the length of the ${url} var. len="${#url}" sed "s#url-list[[:digit:]]\+.\+.pkg.tar.xz#url-list${len}:${url}#" < "${torntname}" > "${torntname}.modified" mv "${torntname}.modified" "${torntname}" transmission_output=$(mktemp) # If the torrent is already in transmission we remove it because # we want it to be fresh (with current webseed list etc) if id=$(transmission-remote -l | grep "${url##*/}") then transmission-remote -t "${id}" -r fi # Add the torrent to transmission (( debugmode )) && transmission-remote -a "${torntname}" -w "${pkg_cache_location}" 2>&1 | tee "${transmission_output}" (( debugmode )) || transmission-remote -a "${torntname}" -w "${pkg_cache_location}" 2>&1 > "${transmission_output}" if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo $"Transmission didn't accept our torrent file - falling back to HTTP" gotourbaby=0 else # The torrent is now downloading. To get info about the torrent in # order to display a progress bar we need to know it's id. # Find out the id of the torrent id=$(transmission-remote -l | grep "${url##*/}") id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" id="${id## }" # Once should be enough but somehow it's not so I do # it loads of times. id="${id%% *}" # If there is an error there will be an asterix displayed on the # end of the id. We must remove it. id="${id%\*}" if ! [[ ${id} =~ [[:digit:]] ]] then echoerr "Error, invalid torrent id: '${id}'" exittidy ; exit 1 fi # Display a progress bar until it's finished and then hardlink it to # the right place. progress='0.0%' p2p_download_string=$"Pacman2pacman p2p download: %s: %s " printf "${p2p_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" # time of check, result of check, percentage. of course we didn't check # yet but we're assuming it works for now. starttime=$(date +%s) last_check_percentage='0.0%' until [[ "${progress}" == '100%' ]] do timenow=$(date +%s) # This finds the line with the percent done. progress=$(transmission-remote -t "${id}" -i | grep '[[:digit:]]%$' | head -1) progress="${progress##* }" # Remove stuff we don't want # If our percent hasn't changed after the defined time we fall back to HTTP. if (( timenow > ( starttime + stall_time ) )) && [[ "${progress}" == "${last_check_percentage}" ]] then echo # the previous print was not followed by a newline echo $"Download stalled. Removing torrent from transmission and falling back to HTTP." transmission-remote -t "${id}" -r > /dev/null gotourbaby=0 break else printf "\r${p2p_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" last_check_percentage="${progress}" fi sleep ${prog_check_freq} done echo if (( gotourbaby )) then err_count=0 until mv -f "${pkg_cache_location}/${url##*/}" "${filename}" 2>/dev/null do if (( err_count > 100 )) then printf $"error moving \"%s\". removing torrent from transmission and trying by HTTP." "${pkg_cache_location}/${url##*/}" transmission-remote -t "${id}" -r > /dev/null gotourbaby=0 break fi sleep 0.1 (( ++ err_count )) done fi fi rm -f "${transmission_output}" fi # If we haven't got the package by this point then we use HTTP. if ! (( gotourbaby )) then cd "${pkg_cache_location}" # There's no .torrent so we download it by just HTTP. # We must do some complicated stuff to customise the progress # meter how we want it, to make it consistent with the progress # bar when we download stuff with transmission. mod_time=$(stat -c %Y "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" 2>/dev/null) progress='0.0%' http_download_string=$"Pacman2pacman http download: %s: %s " printf "${http_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" # The first loop gets rid of all the backspace and '#'es and # stuff. The second loop isolates the percent done number. { # For dbs we check if they are modified if (( dbfile )) then if [[ -f "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" ]] then curl -# -f -L -z "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" -o "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" -A 'Pacman2pacman' "${url}" 2>&1 else curl -# -f -L -o "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" -A 'Pacman2pacman' "${url}" 2>&1 fi else curl -# -f -L -o "${filename}" -A 'Pacman2pacman' "${url}" 2>&1 fi } | while read -N 1 char do [[ "${char}" =~ [[:digit:].%\ ] ]] && echo -n "${char}" done | { while read -d '%' word do progress="${word}%" # There's a crazy bug that causes it to display 100% at the # start of the download. This should fix it. [[ "${progress}" == '100.0%' ]] && continue printf "\r${http_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" done # It's the end of the download so we can now display 100% if [[ "${progress}" == '100.0%' ]] then progress='100%' printf "\r${http_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" fi } # What was the result of the download? if (( dbfile )) then # If we fail to stat it that means it doesn't exist so the # download failed. if ! new_mod_time=$(stat -c %Y "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" 2>/dev/null) then progress='failed' printf "\r${http_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" # If the file was not modified we display such elif [[ "${new_mod_time}" == "${mod_time}" ]] then progress='file not modified' printf "\r${http_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" fi else # It's not a dbfile. Just check the output file exists. if ! [[ -f "${filename}" ]] then progress='failed' printf "\r${http_download_string}" "${pname}" "${progress}" fi fi echo if (( dbfile )) && [[ -f "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" ]] then cp "/srv/pacman2pacman/dbcache/${filename##*/}" "${filename}" 2>/dev/null fi [[ -f "${filename}" ]] || { exittidy ; exit 1 ; } fi exittidy exit