/* This file is part of the Emulex RoCE Device Driver for * RoCE (RDMA over Converged Ethernet) adapters. * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Emulex. All rights reserved. * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex. * www.emulex.com * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two licenses. * You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file COPYING in the main * directory of this source tree, or the BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Contact Information: * linux-drivers@emulex.com * * Emulex * 3333 Susan Street * Costa Mesa, CA 92626 */ #include <net/neighbour.h> #include <net/netevent.h> #include <rdma/ib_addr.h> #include <rdma/ib_mad.h> #include <rdma/ib_cache.h> #include "ocrdma.h" #include "ocrdma_verbs.h" #include "ocrdma_ah.h" #include "ocrdma_hw.h" #include "ocrdma_stats.h" #define OCRDMA_VID_PCP_SHIFT 0xD static u16 ocrdma_hdr_type_to_proto_num(int devid, u8 hdr_type) { switch (hdr_type) { case OCRDMA_L3_TYPE_IB_GRH: return (u16)0x8915; case OCRDMA_L3_TYPE_IPV4: return (u16)0x0800; case OCRDMA_L3_TYPE_IPV6: return (u16)0x86dd; default: pr_err("ocrdma%d: Invalid network header\n", devid); return 0; } } static inline int set_av_attr(struct ocrdma_dev *dev, struct ocrdma_ah *ah, struct ib_ah_attr *attr, union ib_gid *sgid, int pdid, bool *isvlan, u16 vlan_tag) { int status; struct ocrdma_eth_vlan eth; struct ocrdma_grh grh; int eth_sz; u16 proto_num = 0; u8 nxthdr = 0x11; struct iphdr ipv4; union { struct sockaddr _sockaddr; struct sockaddr_in _sockaddr_in; struct sockaddr_in6 _sockaddr_in6; } sgid_addr, dgid_addr; memset(ð, 0, sizeof(eth)); memset(&grh, 0, sizeof(grh)); /* Protocol Number */ proto_num = ocrdma_hdr_type_to_proto_num(dev->id, ah->hdr_type); if (!proto_num) return -EINVAL; nxthdr = (proto_num == 0x8915) ? 0x1b : 0x11; /* VLAN */ if (!vlan_tag || (vlan_tag > 0xFFF)) vlan_tag = dev->pvid; if (vlan_tag || dev->pfc_state) { if (!vlan_tag) { pr_err("ocrdma%d:Using VLAN with PFC is recommended\n", dev->id); pr_err("ocrdma%d:Using VLAN 0 for this connection\n", dev->id); } eth.eth_type = cpu_to_be16(0x8100); eth.roce_eth_type = cpu_to_be16(proto_num); vlan_tag |= (dev->sl & 0x07) << OCRDMA_VID_PCP_SHIFT; eth.vlan_tag = cpu_to_be16(vlan_tag); eth_sz = sizeof(struct ocrdma_eth_vlan); *isvlan = true; } else { eth.eth_type = cpu_to_be16(proto_num); eth_sz = sizeof(struct ocrdma_eth_basic); } /* MAC */ memcpy(ð.smac[0], &dev->nic_info.mac_addr[0], ETH_ALEN); status = ocrdma_resolve_dmac(dev, attr, ð.dmac[0]); if (status) return status; ah->sgid_index = attr->grh.sgid_index; /* Eth HDR */ memcpy(&ah->av->eth_hdr, ð, eth_sz); if (ah->hdr_type == RDMA_NETWORK_IPV4) { *((__be16 *)&ipv4) = htons((4 << 12) | (5 << 8) | attr->grh.traffic_class); ipv4.id = cpu_to_be16(pdid); ipv4.frag_off = htons(IP_DF); ipv4.tot_len = htons(0); ipv4.ttl = attr->grh.hop_limit; ipv4.protocol = nxthdr; rdma_gid2ip(&sgid_addr._sockaddr, sgid); ipv4.saddr = sgid_addr._sockaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr; rdma_gid2ip(&dgid_addr._sockaddr, &attr->grh.dgid); ipv4.daddr = dgid_addr._sockaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr; memcpy((u8 *)ah->av + eth_sz, &ipv4, sizeof(struct iphdr)); } else { memcpy(&grh.sgid[0], sgid->raw, sizeof(union ib_gid)); grh.tclass_flow = cpu_to_be32((6 << 28) | (attr->grh.traffic_class << 24) | attr->grh.flow_label); memcpy(&grh.dgid[0], attr->grh.dgid.raw, sizeof(attr->grh.dgid.raw)); grh.pdid_hoplimit = cpu_to_be32((pdid << 16) | (nxthdr << 8) | attr->grh.hop_limit); memcpy((u8 *)ah->av + eth_sz, &grh, sizeof(struct ocrdma_grh)); } if (*isvlan) ah->av->valid |= OCRDMA_AV_VLAN_VALID; ah->av->valid = cpu_to_le32(ah->av->valid); return status; } struct ib_ah *ocrdma_create_ah(struct ib_pd *ibpd, struct ib_ah_attr *attr) { u32 *ahid_addr; int status; struct ocrdma_ah *ah; bool isvlan = false; u16 vlan_tag = 0xffff; struct ib_gid_attr sgid_attr; struct ocrdma_pd *pd = get_ocrdma_pd(ibpd); struct ocrdma_dev *dev = get_ocrdma_dev(ibpd->device); union ib_gid sgid; if (!(attr->ah_flags & IB_AH_GRH)) return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); if (atomic_cmpxchg(&dev->update_sl, 1, 0)) ocrdma_init_service_level(dev); ah = kzalloc(sizeof(*ah), GFP_ATOMIC); if (!ah) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); status = ocrdma_alloc_av(dev, ah); if (status) goto av_err; status = ib_get_cached_gid(&dev->ibdev, 1, attr->grh.sgid_index, &sgid, &sgid_attr); if (status) { pr_err("%s(): Failed to query sgid, status = %d\n", __func__, status); goto av_conf_err; } if (sgid_attr.ndev) { if (is_vlan_dev(sgid_attr.ndev)) vlan_tag = vlan_dev_vlan_id(sgid_attr.ndev); dev_put(sgid_attr.ndev); } /* Get network header type for this GID */ ah->hdr_type = ib_gid_to_network_type(sgid_attr.gid_type, &sgid); if ((pd->uctx) && (!rdma_is_multicast_addr((struct in6_addr *)attr->grh.dgid.raw)) && (!rdma_link_local_addr((struct in6_addr *)attr->grh.dgid.raw))) { status = rdma_addr_find_l2_eth_by_grh(&sgid, &attr->grh.dgid, attr->dmac, &vlan_tag, &sgid_attr.ndev->ifindex, NULL); if (status) { pr_err("%s(): Failed to resolve dmac from gid." "status = %d\n", __func__, status); goto av_conf_err; } } status = set_av_attr(dev, ah, attr, &sgid, pd->id, &isvlan, vlan_tag); if (status) goto av_conf_err; /* if pd is for the user process, pass the ah_id to user space */ if ((pd->uctx) && (pd->uctx->ah_tbl.va)) { ahid_addr = pd->uctx->ah_tbl.va + attr->dlid; *ahid_addr = 0; *ahid_addr |= ah->id & OCRDMA_AH_ID_MASK; if (ocrdma_is_udp_encap_supported(dev)) { *ahid_addr |= ((u32)ah->hdr_type & OCRDMA_AH_L3_TYPE_MASK) << OCRDMA_AH_L3_TYPE_SHIFT; } if (isvlan) *ahid_addr |= (OCRDMA_AH_VLAN_VALID_MASK << OCRDMA_AH_VLAN_VALID_SHIFT); } return &ah->ibah; av_conf_err: ocrdma_free_av(dev, ah); av_err: kfree(ah); return ERR_PTR(status); } int ocrdma_destroy_ah(struct ib_ah *ibah) { struct ocrdma_ah *ah = get_ocrdma_ah(ibah); struct ocrdma_dev *dev = get_ocrdma_dev(ibah->device); ocrdma_free_av(dev, ah); kfree(ah); return 0; } int ocrdma_query_ah(struct ib_ah *ibah, struct ib_ah_attr *attr) { struct ocrdma_ah *ah = get_ocrdma_ah(ibah); struct ocrdma_av *av = ah->av; struct ocrdma_grh *grh; attr->ah_flags |= IB_AH_GRH; if (ah->av->valid & OCRDMA_AV_VALID) { grh = (struct ocrdma_grh *)((u8 *)ah->av + sizeof(struct ocrdma_eth_vlan)); attr->sl = be16_to_cpu(av->eth_hdr.vlan_tag) >> 13; } else { grh = (struct ocrdma_grh *)((u8 *)ah->av + sizeof(struct ocrdma_eth_basic)); attr->sl = 0; } memcpy(&attr->grh.dgid.raw[0], &grh->dgid[0], sizeof(grh->dgid)); attr->grh.sgid_index = ah->sgid_index; attr->grh.hop_limit = be32_to_cpu(grh->pdid_hoplimit) & 0xff; attr->grh.traffic_class = be32_to_cpu(grh->tclass_flow) >> 24; attr->grh.flow_label = be32_to_cpu(grh->tclass_flow) & 0x00ffffffff; return 0; } int ocrdma_modify_ah(struct ib_ah *ibah, struct ib_ah_attr *attr) { /* modify_ah is unsupported */ return -ENOSYS; } int ocrdma_process_mad(struct ib_device *ibdev, int process_mad_flags, u8 port_num, const struct ib_wc *in_wc, const struct ib_grh *in_grh, const struct ib_mad_hdr *in, size_t in_mad_size, struct ib_mad_hdr *out, size_t *out_mad_size, u16 *out_mad_pkey_index) { int status; struct ocrdma_dev *dev; const struct ib_mad *in_mad = (const struct ib_mad *)in; struct ib_mad *out_mad = (struct ib_mad *)out; if (WARN_ON_ONCE(in_mad_size != sizeof(*in_mad) || *out_mad_size != sizeof(*out_mad))) return IB_MAD_RESULT_FAILURE; switch (in_mad->mad_hdr.mgmt_class) { case IB_MGMT_CLASS_PERF_MGMT: dev = get_ocrdma_dev(ibdev); if (!ocrdma_pma_counters(dev, out_mad)) status = IB_MAD_RESULT_SUCCESS | IB_MAD_RESULT_REPLY; else status = IB_MAD_RESULT_SUCCESS; break; default: status = IB_MAD_RESULT_SUCCESS; break; } return status; }