 *  Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

/*                                                                      */
/*  PROJECT : exFAT & FAT12/16/32 File System                           */
/*  FILE    : exfat_api.h                                               */
/*  PURPOSE : Header File for exFAT API Glue Layer                      */
/*                                                                      */
/*  NOTES                                                               */
/*                                                                      */
/*  REVISION HISTORY (Ver 0.9)                                          */
/*                                                                      */
/*  - 2010.11.15 [Joosun Hahn] : first writing                          */
/*                                                                      */

#ifndef _EXFAT_API_H
#define _EXFAT_API_H

#include <linux/fs.h>
#include "exfat_config.h"

/*  Constant & Macro Definitions                                        */

#define EXFAT_SUPER_MAGIC       (0x2011BAB0L)
#define EXFAT_ROOT_INO          1

/* FAT types */
#define FAT12                   0x01    /* FAT12 */
#define FAT16                   0x0E    /* Win95 FAT16 (LBA) */
#define FAT32                   0x0C    /* Win95 FAT32 (LBA) */
#define EXFAT                   0x07    /* exFAT */

/* file name lengths */
#define MAX_CHARSET_SIZE        3       /* max size of multi-byte character	*/
#define MAX_PATH_DEPTH          15      /* max depth of path name */
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH         256     /* max len of file name including NULL */
#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH         260     /* max len of path name including NULL */
#define DOS_NAME_LENGTH         11      /* DOS file name length excluding NULL */
#define DOS_PATH_LENGTH         80      /* DOS path name length excluding NULL */

/* file attributes */
#define ATTR_NORMAL             0x0000
#define ATTR_READONLY           0x0001
#define ATTR_HIDDEN             0x0002
#define ATTR_SYSTEM             0x0004
#define ATTR_VOLUME             0x0008
#define ATTR_SUBDIR             0x0010
#define ATTR_ARCHIVE            0x0020
#define ATTR_SYMLINK            0x0040
#define ATTR_EXTEND             0x000F
#define ATTR_RWMASK             0x007E

/* file creation modes */
#define FM_REGULAR              0x00
#define FM_SYMLINK              0x40

/* return values */
#define FFS_SUCCESS             0
#define FFS_MEDIAERR            1
#define FFS_FORMATERR           2
#define FFS_MOUNTED             3
#define FFS_NOTMOUNTED          4
#define FFS_ALIGNMENTERR        5
#define FFS_SEMAPHOREERR        6
#define FFS_INVALIDPATH         7
#define FFS_INVALIDFID          8
#define FFS_NOTFOUND            9
#define FFS_FILEEXIST           10
#define FFS_PERMISSIONERR       11
#define FFS_NOTOPENED           12
#define FFS_MAXOPENED           13
#define FFS_FULL                14
#define FFS_EOF                 15
#define FFS_DIRBUSY             16
#define FFS_MEMORYERR           17
#define FFS_ERROR               19

/*  Type Definitions                                                    */

typedef struct {
	u16      Year;
	u16      Month;
	u16      Day;
	u16      Hour;
	u16      Minute;
	u16      Second;
	u16      MilliSecond;

typedef struct {
	u32      Offset;    /* start sector number of the partition */
	u32      Size;      /* in sectors */

typedef struct {
	u32      SecSize;    /* sector size in bytes */
	u32      DevSize;    /* block device size in sectors */

typedef struct {
	u32      FatType;
	u32      ClusterSize;
	u32      NumClusters;
	u32      FreeClusters;
	u32      UsedClusters;

/* directory structure */
typedef struct {
	u32      dir;
	s32       size;
	u8       flags;

/* file id structure */
typedef struct {
	CHAIN_T     dir;
	s32       entry;
	u32      type;
	u32      attr;
	u32      start_clu;
	u64      size;
	u8       flags;
	s64       rwoffset;
	s32       hint_last_off;
	u32      hint_last_clu;

typedef struct {
	char        ShortName[DOS_NAME_LENGTH + 2];     /* used only for FAT12/16/32, not used for exFAT */
	u32      Attr;
	u64      Size;
	u32      NumSubdirs;
	DATE_TIME_T CreateTimestamp;
	DATE_TIME_T ModifyTimestamp;
	DATE_TIME_T AccessTimestamp;

/*                                                                      */
/*                     API FUNCTION DECLARATIONS                        */
/*                  (CHANGE THIS PART IF REQUIRED)                      */
/*                                                                      */

/*  External Function Declarations                                      */

/* file system initialization & shutdown functions */
	int FsInit(void);
	int FsShutdown(void);

/* volume management functions */
	int FsMountVol(struct super_block *sb);
	int FsUmountVol(struct super_block *sb);
	int FsGetVolInfo(struct super_block *sb, VOL_INFO_T *info);
	int FsSyncVol(struct super_block *sb, int do_sync);

/* file management functions */
	int FsLookupFile(struct inode *inode, char *path, FILE_ID_T *fid);
	int FsCreateFile(struct inode *inode, char *path, u8 mode, FILE_ID_T *fid);
	int FsReadFile(struct inode *inode, FILE_ID_T *fid, void *buffer, u64 count, u64 *rcount);
	int FsWriteFile(struct inode *inode, FILE_ID_T *fid, void *buffer, u64 count, u64 *wcount);
	int FsTruncateFile(struct inode *inode, u64 old_size, u64 new_size);
	int FsMoveFile(struct inode *old_parent_inode, FILE_ID_T *fid, struct inode *new_parent_inode, struct dentry *new_dentry);
	int FsRemoveFile(struct inode *inode, FILE_ID_T *fid);
	int FsSetAttr(struct inode *inode, u32 attr);
	int FsReadStat(struct inode *inode, DIR_ENTRY_T *info);
	int FsWriteStat(struct inode *inode, DIR_ENTRY_T *info);
	int FsMapCluster(struct inode *inode, s32 clu_offset, u32 *clu);

/* directory management functions */
	int FsCreateDir(struct inode *inode, char *path, FILE_ID_T *fid);
	int FsReadDir(struct inode *inode, DIR_ENTRY_T *dir_entry);
	int FsRemoveDir(struct inode *inode, FILE_ID_T *fid);

/* debug functions */
s32 FsReleaseCache(struct super_block *sb);

#endif /* _EXFAT_API_H */