zram: Compressed RAM based block devices
* Introduction

The zram module creates RAM based block devices named /dev/zram<id>
(<id> = 0, 1, ...). Pages written to these disks are compressed and stored
in memory itself. These disks allow very fast I/O and compression provides
good amounts of memory savings. Some of the usecases include /tmp storage,
use as swap disks, various caches under /var and maybe many more :)

Statistics for individual zram devices are exported through sysfs nodes at

Kconfig required:

ZRAM Testcases
zram_lib.sh: create library with initialization/cleanup functions
zram.sh: For sanity check of CONFIG_ZRAM and to run zram01 and zram02

Two functional tests: zram01 and zram02:
zram01.sh: creates general purpose ram disks with ext4 filesystems
zram02.sh: creates block device for swap

Commands required for testing:
 - bc
 - dd
 - free
 - awk
 - mkswap
 - swapon
 - swapoff
 - mkfs/ mkfs.ext4

For more information please refer: