. ${BUILDFILE%/*}/common.sh pkgver=20160712.2 depends=(etckeeper pristine-etc-keeper) package() { cd "$pkgdir" # [https://www.parabola.nu/packages/community/any/etckeeper/ # etckeeper] is configured to use git (the default) to keep track of # changes in `/etc`. The systemd unit etckeeper.timer is enabled, # which makes a commit (if necessary) daily. It will also run before # and after pacman via libalpm hooks. add-unit etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/etckeeper.timer # In addition to etckeeper keeping track of the current configuration, # lukeshu's # [https://www.parabola.nu/packages/pcr/any/pristine-etc-keeper-git/ # pristine-etc-keeper] maintains a branch of what `/etc` would be like # if we never made any changes from the default files. The clean # version of etc is available as the clean remote's master # branch. Doing a git diff clean/master master should be helpful in # investigating how things have been configured. add-unit etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/pristine-etc-keeper.timer # The etckeeper update-ignore hook is customized to ignore a couple # more files in `/etc` (and avoid ignoring `/etc/mtab`). We ignore # `resolv.conf` because it is managed by # [https://www.parabola.nu/packages/core/any/openresolv/ # openresolv/resolvconf]. add-file -m755 etc/etckeeper/update-ignore.d/02custom <<_EOF_ #!/bin/bash sed -i '/^# end section managed by etckeeper\$/,\$d' .gitignore cat >> .gitignore <