{% extends "base.html" %} {% load cycle from future %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% load flags %} {% load tz %} {% block title %}{{ BRANDING_DISTRONAME }} - Hacker World Clocks{% endblock %} {% block head %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
This page helps prevent you from waking a sleeping hacker. It also depends on hackers keeping the time zone information up to date, so if you see 'UTC' listed, pester them to update their settings.
The "Last Action" column shows the last time this developer has done something we know about. Considered dates for each developer include:
Current UTC Time: {{ utc_now|date:"Y-m-d H:i T" }}
Hacker | Username | Alias | Last Action | Location | Time Zone | Current Time |
{{ dev.get_full_name }} | {{ dev.username }} | {{ dev.userprofile.alias }} | {{ dev.last_action }} | {% country_flag dev.userprofile.country %}{{ dev.userprofile.location }} | {{ dev.userprofile.time_zone }} | {{ utc_now|timezone:dev.userprofile.time_zone|date:"Y-m-d H:i T" }} {{ dev.userprofile.time_zone }} |