path: root/extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
commit08aa4418c30cfc18ccc69a0f0f9cb9e17be6c196 (patch)
tree577a29fb579188d16003a209ce2a2e9c5b0aa2bd /extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip
parentcacc939b34e315b85e2d72997811eb6677996cc1 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.21.1
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip')
2 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip/jquery.tooltip.css b/extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip/jquery.tooltip.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e06cfe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip/jquery.tooltip.css
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#tooltip {
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 3000;
+ border: 1px solid #111;
+ background-color: #eee;
+ padding: 5px;
+ opacity: 0.85;
+#tooltip h3, #tooltip div { margin: 0; }
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip/jquery.tooltip.js b/extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip/jquery.tooltip.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63b715f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/Cite/modules/jquery.tooltip/jquery.tooltip.js
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * jQuery Tooltip plugin 1.3
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Jörn Zaefferer
+ *
+ * $Id: jquery.tooltip.js 5741 2008-06-21 15:22:16Z joern.zaefferer $
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+;(function($) {
+ // the tooltip element
+ var helper = {},
+ // the current tooltipped element
+ current,
+ // the title of the current element, used for restoring
+ title,
+ // timeout id for delayed tooltips
+ tID,
+ // IE 5.5 or 6
+ IE = $.browser.msie && /MSIE\s(5\.5|6\.)/.test(navigator.userAgent),
+ // flag for mouse tracking
+ track = false;
+ $.tooltip = {
+ blocked: false,
+ defaults: {
+ delay: 200,
+ fade: false,
+ showURL: true,
+ extraClass: "",
+ top: 15,
+ left: 15,
+ id: "tooltip"
+ },
+ block: function() {
+ $.tooltip.blocked = !$.tooltip.blocked;
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.extend({
+ tooltip: function(settings) {
+ settings = $.extend({}, $.tooltip.defaults, settings);
+ createHelper(settings);
+ return this.each(function() {
+ $.data(this, "tooltip", settings);
+ this.tOpacity = helper.parent.css("opacity");
+ // copy tooltip into its own expando and remove the title
+ this.tooltipText = this.title;
+ $(this).removeAttr("title");
+ // also remove alt attribute to prevent default tooltip in IE
+ this.alt = "";
+ })
+ .mouseover(save)
+ .mouseout(hide)
+ .click(hide);
+ },
+ fixPNG: IE ? function() {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var image = $(this).css('backgroundImage');
+ if (image.match(/^url\(["']?(.*\.png)["']?\)$/i)) {
+ image = RegExp.$1;
+ $(this).css({
+ 'backgroundImage': 'none',
+ 'filter': "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled=true, sizingMethod=crop, src='" + image + "')"
+ }).each(function () {
+ var position = $(this).css('position');
+ if (position != 'absolute' && position != 'relative')
+ $(this).css('position', 'relative');
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } : function() { return this; },
+ unfixPNG: IE ? function() {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ $(this).css({'filter': '', backgroundImage: ''});
+ });
+ } : function() { return this; },
+ hideWhenEmpty: function() {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ $(this)[ $(this).html() ? "show" : "hide" ]();
+ });
+ },
+ url: function() {
+ return this.attr('href') || this.attr('src');
+ }
+ });
+ function createHelper(settings) {
+ // there can be only one tooltip helper
+ if( helper.parent )
+ return;
+ // create the helper, h3 for title, div for url
+ helper.parent = $('<div id="' + + '"><h3></h3><div class="body"></div><div class="url"></div></div>')
+ // add to document
+ .appendTo(document.body)
+ // hide it at first
+ .hide();
+ // apply bgiframe if available
+ if ( $.fn.bgiframe )
+ helper.parent.bgiframe();
+ // save references to title and url elements
+ helper.title = $('h3', helper.parent);
+ helper.body = $('div.body', helper.parent);
+ helper.url = $('div.url', helper.parent);
+ }
+ function settings(element) {
+ return $.data(element, "tooltip");
+ }
+ // main event handler to start showing tooltips
+ function handle(event) {
+ // show helper, either with timeout or on instant
+ if( settings(this).delay )
+ tID = setTimeout(show, settings(this).delay);
+ else
+ show();
+ // if selected, update the helper position when the mouse moves
+ track = !!settings(this).track;
+ $(document.body).bind('mousemove', update);
+ // update at least once
+ update(event);
+ }
+ // save elements title before the tooltip is displayed
+ function save() {
+ // if this is the current source, or it has no title (occurs with click event), stop
+ if ( $.tooltip.blocked || this == current || (!this.tooltipText && !settings(this).bodyHandler) )
+ return;
+ // save current
+ current = this;
+ title = this.tooltipText;
+ if ( settings(this).bodyHandler ) {
+ helper.title.hide();
+ var bodyContent = settings(this);
+ if (bodyContent.nodeType || bodyContent.jquery) {
+ helper.body.empty().append(bodyContent)
+ } else {
+ helper.body.html( bodyContent );
+ }
+ } else if ( settings(this).showBody ) {
+ var parts = title.split(settings(this).showBody);
+ helper.title.html(parts.shift()).show();
+ helper.body.empty();
+ for(var i = 0, part; (part = parts[i]); i++) {
+ if(i > 0)
+ helper.body.append("<br/>");
+ helper.body.append(part);
+ }
+ helper.body.hideWhenEmpty();
+ } else {
+ helper.title.html(title).show();
+ helper.body.hide();
+ }
+ // if element has href or src, add and show it, otherwise hide it
+ if( settings(this).showURL && $(this).url() )
+ helper.url.html( $(this).url().replace('http://', '') ).show();
+ else
+ helper.url.hide();
+ // add an optional class for this tip
+ helper.parent.addClass(settings(this).extraClass);
+ // fix PNG background for IE
+ if (settings(this).fixPNG )
+ helper.parent.fixPNG();
+ handle.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ // delete timeout and show helper
+ function show() {
+ tID = null;
+ if ((!IE || !$.fn.bgiframe) && settings(current).fade) {
+ if (":animated"))
+ helper.parent.stop().show().fadeTo(settings(current).fade, current.tOpacity);
+ else
+':visible') ? helper.parent.fadeTo(settings(current).fade, current.tOpacity) : helper.parent.fadeIn(settings(current).fade);
+ } else {
+ }
+ update();
+ }
+ /**
+ * callback for mousemove
+ * updates the helper position
+ * removes itself when no current element
+ */
+ function update(event) {
+ if($.tooltip.blocked)
+ return;
+ if (event && == "OPTION") {
+ return;
+ }
+ // stop updating when tracking is disabled and the tooltip is visible
+ if ( !track &&":visible")) {
+ $(document.body).unbind('mousemove', update)
+ }
+ // if no current element is available, remove this listener
+ if( current == null ) {
+ $(document.body).unbind('mousemove', update);
+ return;
+ }
+ // remove position helper classes
+ helper.parent.removeClass("viewport-right").removeClass("viewport-bottom");
+ var left = helper.parent[0].offsetLeft;
+ var top = helper.parent[0].offsetTop;
+ if (event) {
+ // position the helper 15 pixel to bottom right, starting from mouse position
+ left = event.pageX + settings(current).left;
+ top = event.pageY + settings(current).top;
+ var right='auto';
+ if (settings(current).positionLeft) {
+ right = $(window).width() - left;
+ left = 'auto';
+ }
+ helper.parent.css({
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ top: top
+ });
+ }
+ var v = viewport(),
+ h = helper.parent[0];
+ // check horizontal position
+ if (v.x + < h.offsetLeft + h.offsetWidth) {
+ left -= h.offsetWidth + 20 + settings(current).left;
+ helper.parent.css({left: left + 'px'}).addClass("viewport-right");
+ }
+ // check vertical position
+ if (v.y + < h.offsetTop + h.offsetHeight) {
+ top -= h.offsetHeight + 20 + settings(current).top;
+ helper.parent.css({top: top + 'px'}).addClass("viewport-bottom");
+ }
+ }
+ function viewport() {
+ return {
+ x: $(window).scrollLeft(),
+ y: $(window).scrollTop(),
+ cx: $(window).width(),
+ cy: $(window).height()
+ };
+ }
+ // hide helper and restore added classes and the title
+ function hide(event) {
+ if($.tooltip.blocked)
+ return;
+ // clear timeout if possible
+ if(tID)
+ clearTimeout(tID);
+ // no more current element
+ current = null;
+ var tsettings = settings(this);
+ function complete() {
+ helper.parent.removeClass( tsettings.extraClass ).hide().css("opacity", "");
+ }
+ if ((!IE || !$.fn.bgiframe) && tsettings.fade) {
+ if (':animated'))
+ helper.parent.stop().fadeTo(tsettings.fade, 0, complete);
+ else
+ helper.parent.stop().fadeOut(tsettings.fade, complete);
+ } else
+ complete();
+ if( settings(this).fixPNG )
+ helper.parent.unfixPNG();
+ }