path: root/extensions
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2014-03-12 18:12:23 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2014-03-12 18:12:23 +0100
commitd417de70fcf39e0a7a15ba780b597914d16ca0f7 (patch)
tree06ef8c333473660350b995abc03e18f3f85359eb /extensions
parenta4edbfa031eb4cd72678051f1510afde4f77951e (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.22.4
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions')
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-bold-hy.pngbin1675 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-italic-hy.pngbin1475 -> 0 bytes
140 files changed, 1607 insertions, 8643 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/.gitreview b/extensions/Cite/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae9db41..00000000
--- a/extensions/Cite/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/.jshintignore b/extensions/Cite/.jshintignore
deleted file mode 100644
index df46ab97..00000000
--- a/extensions/Cite/.jshintignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/.jshintrc b/extensions/Cite/.jshintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b356f81..00000000
--- a/extensions/Cite/.jshintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- "camelcase": true,
- "curly": true,
- "eqeqeq": true,
- "immed": true,
- "latedef": true,
- "newcap": true,
- "supernew": true,
- "shadow": true,
- "noarg": true,
- "noempty": true,
- "nonew": true,
- "quotmark": false, // sometimes double quotes make sense, e.g. "foo's" is better readable than 'foo\'s'
- "trailing": true,
- "undef": true,
- "unused": "vars", // we want to allow unused function parameters
- "laxbreak": true,
- "laxcomma": false,
- "onevar": false,
- "bitwise": false,
- "forin": false,
- "regexp": false,
- "strict": true,
- "scripturl": true,
- // Environment
- "browser": true,
- // Globals
- "predef": [
- "jQuery",
- "mediaWiki"
- ]
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/COPYING b/extensions/Cite/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/Cite/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/Cite.i18n.php b/extensions/Cite/Cite.i18n.php
index 895a4d80..2f204203 100644
--- a/extensions/Cite/Cite.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/Cite/Cite.i18n.php
@@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ Defina-ne mas en o mensache <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
/** Arabic (العربية)
* @author Aiman titi
- * @author Asaifm
* @author Meno25
* @author OsamaK
* @author زكريا
@@ -280,7 +279,7 @@ $messages['ar'] = array(
لا نص تم توÙيره للمراجع المسماة <code>$1</code>',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'إغلاق <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> Ù…Ùقود لوسم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'وسم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> موجود، لكن لا وسم <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> تم العثور عليه',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'وسوم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> موجودة لمجموعة اسمها "$1"، ولكن لم يتم العثور على وسم <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> أو هناك وسم <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> ناقص',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'وسوم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> موجودة لمجموعة اسمها "$1"، لكن لا وسم <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> مماثل تم العثور عليه', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'الوسم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ÙÙŠ <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> Ùيه خاصية group متضاربة "$1".',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'الوسم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> المÙعرّ٠ÙÙŠ <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> Ùيه خاصية group "$1" التي لا تظهر ÙÙŠ النص السابق.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'الوسم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ذو الاسم "$1" المÙعرّ٠ÙÙŠ <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> غير مستخدم ÙÙŠ النص السابق.',
@@ -288,8 +287,6 @@ $messages['ar'] = array(
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'الوسم <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> المÙعرّ٠ÙÙŠ <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> بالاسم "$1" ليس له محتوى.',
'cite_references_link_many' => '<li id="$1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><b>^</b> $2</span> $3</li>',
'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'Ø£ ب ت Ø« ج Ø­ Ø® د Ø° ر ز س Ø´ ص ض Ø· ظ ع غ Ù Ù‚ Ùƒ Ù„ Ù… Ù† Ù‡ Ùˆ ÙŠ أأ أب أت أث أج أح أخ أد أذ أر أز أس أش أص أض أط أظ أع أغ أ٠أق أك أل أم أن أه أو أي بأ بب بت بث بج بح بخ بد بذ بر بز بس بش بص بض بط بظ بع بغ ب٠بق بك بل بم بن به بو بي تأ تب تت تث تج تح تخ تد تذ تر تز تس تش تص تض تط تظ تع تغ ت٠تق تك تل تم تن ته تو تي ثأ ثب ثت ثث ثج ثح ثخ ثد ثذ ثر ثز ثس ثش ثص ثض ثط ثظ ثع ثغ ث٠ثق ثك ثل ثم ثن ثه ثو ثي جأ جب جت جث جج جح جخ جد جذ جر جز جس جش جص جض جط جظ جع جغ ج٠جق جك جل جم جن جه جو جي حأ حب حت حث حج حح حخ حد حذ حر حز حس حش حص حض حط حظ حع حغ ح٠حق حك حل حم حن حه حو حي خأ خب خت خث خج خح خخ خد خذ خر خز خس خش خص خض خط خظ خع خغ خ٠خق خك خل خم خن خه خو خي دأ دب دت دث دج دح دخ دد دذ در دز دس دش دص دض دط دظ دع دغ د٠دق دك دل دم دن ده دو دي ذأ ذب ذت ذث ذج ذح ذخ ذد ذذ ذر ذز ذس ذش ذص ذض ذط ذظ ذع ذغ ذ٠ذق ذك ذل ذم ذن ذه ذو ذي رأ رب رت رث رج رح رخ رد رذ رر رز رس رش رص رض رط رظ رع رغ ر٠رق رك رل رم رن ره رو ري زأ زب زت زث زج زح زخ زد زذ زر زز زس زش زص زض زط زظ زع زغ ز٠زق زك زل زم زن زه زو زي سأ سب ست سث سج سح سخ سد سذ سر سز سس سش سص سض سط سظ سع سغ س٠سق سك سل سم سن سه سو سي شأ شب شت شث شج شح شخ شد شذ شر شز شس شش شص شض شط شظ شع شغ ش٠شق شك شل شم شن شه شو شي صأ صب صت صث صج صح صخ صد صذ صر صز صس صش صص صض صط صظ صع صغ ص٠صق صك صل صم صن صه صو صي ضأ ضب ضت ضث ضج ضح ضخ ضد ضذ ضر ضز ضس ضش ضص ضض ضط ضظ ضع ضغ ض٠ضق ضك ضل ضم ضن ضه ضو ضي طأ طب طت طث طج طح طخ طد طذ طر طز طس طش طص طض طط طظ طع طغ ط٠طق طك طل طم طن طه طو طي ظأ ظب ظت ظث ظج ظح ظخ ظد ظذ ظر ظز ظس ظش ظص ظض ظط ظظ ظع ظغ ظ٠ظق ظك ظل ظم ظن ظه ظو ظي عأ عب عت عث عج عح عخ عد عذ عر عز عس عش عص عض عط عظ عع عغ ع٠عق عك عل عم عن عه عو عي غأ غب غت غث غج غح غخ غد غذ غر غز غس غش غص غض غط غظ غع غغ غ٠غق غك غل غم غن غه غو غي ÙØ£ Ùب Ùت ÙØ« Ùج ÙØ­ ÙØ® Ùد ÙØ° Ùر Ùز Ùس ÙØ´ Ùص Ùض ÙØ· Ùظ Ùع Ùغ ÙÙ ÙÙ‚ ÙÙƒ ÙÙ„ ÙÙ… ÙÙ† ÙÙ‡ ÙÙˆ ÙÙŠ قأ قب قت قث قج قح قخ قد قذ قر قز قس قش قص قض قط قظ قع قغ ق٠قق قك قل قم قن قه قو قي كأ كب كت كث كج كح كخ كد كذ كر كز كس كش كص كض كط كظ كع كغ ك٠كق كك كل كم كن كه كو كي لأ لب لت لث لج لح لخ لد لذ لر لز لس لش لص لض لط لظ لع لغ ل٠لق لك لل لم لن له لو لي مأ مب مت مث مج مح مخ مد مذ مر مز مس مش مص مض مط مظ مع مغ م٠مق مك مل مم من مه مو مي نأ نب نت نث نج نح نخ ند نذ نر نز نس نش نص نض نط نظ نع نغ ن٠نق نك نل نم نن نه نو ني هأ هب هت هث هج هح هخ هد هذ هر هز هس هش هص هض هط هظ هع هغ ه٠هق هك هل هم هن هه هو هي وأ وب وت وث وج وح وخ ود وذ ور وز وس وش وص وض وط وظ وع وغ و٠وق وك ول وم ون وه وو وي يأ يب يت يث يج يح يخ يد يذ ير يز يس يش يص يض يط يظ يع يغ ي٠يق يك يل يم ين يه يو يي',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'تعدى المحتوى الحالي إلى أعلى الصÙحة',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'تعدى إلى الأعلى ل:',
/** Aramaic (ÜܪܡÜÜ)
@@ -717,7 +714,7 @@ Defineix més al missatge <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
'cite_error_references_no_text' => "Etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> no vàlida;
no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs amb l'etiqueta <code>$1</code>",
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'Es tanca el <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> que manca per una etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_refs_without_references' => "Hi ha etiquetes <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> però no s'ha trobat cap etiqueta <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code>",
+ 'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Hi ha etiquetes <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> però no cap etiqueta <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code>',
'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Existeixen etiquetes <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> pel grup «$1» però no l\'etiqueta <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> corresponent', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'L\'etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> a <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> té un conflicte amb l\'atribut de grup "$1".',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'L\'etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definida a <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> té l\'atribut de grup "$1" que no apareix en el text anterior.',
@@ -730,7 +727,6 @@ no s'ha proporcionat text per les refs amb l'etiqueta <code>$1</code>",
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'cite-desc' => '<nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> а <nowiki><references/></nowiki> тегаш тӀетовжорашан тӀетуху',
'cite_error' => 'ГӀалат дешнаш далорна $1',
'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'Тег <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> нийÑа Ñц; Ñ‚Iетовжаран <code>$1</code> йоза Ñздина дац',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Йолуш йолу тегаца <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> йогӀуш йолу тег <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> ца карийна',
@@ -739,7 +735,7 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Дехьа гӀо:',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Li-sung
* @author Littledogboy
@@ -774,7 +770,7 @@ ZvyÅ¡te jejich poÄet ve zprávÄ› <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'SkoÄit nahoru k:',
-/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
+/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣÌньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
* @author ОйЛ
$messages['cu'] = array(
@@ -857,13 +853,12 @@ Definer flere i beskeden <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
/** German (Deutsch)
* @author Kghbln
* @author Metalhead64
- * @author Purodha
* @author Raimond Spekking
* @author The Evil IP address
* @author Umherirrender
$messages['de'] = array(
- 'cite-desc' => 'Ergänzt die Tags <code><nowiki><ref[&nbsp;name=id]></nowiki></code> und <code><nowiki><references&nbsp;/></nowiki></code> für Referenzierungen in Wikiseiten',
+ 'cite-desc' => 'Ergänzt die Tags <code><nowiki><ref[&nbsp;name=id]></nowiki></code> und <code><nowiki><references&nbsp;/></nowiki></code> für die Referenzierung von Wikiseiten',
'cite_error' => 'Referenzfehler: $1',
'cite_error_ref_numeric_key' => 'Ungültige Verwendung von <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>: Der Parameter „name“ darf kein reiner Zahlenwert sein. Benutze einen beschreibenden Namen.',
'cite_error_ref_no_key' => 'Ungültige Verwendung von <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>: Der Parameter „ref“ ohne Inhalt muss einen Namen haben.',
@@ -985,14 +980,12 @@ Definěruj dalšne w powěsći <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
za ref z mjenim <code>$1</code> njejo se tekst pódał',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'Kóńceca toflicka <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> felujo za toflicku <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Toflicki <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> eksistěruju, ale toflicka <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> njejo se namakała',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Toflicki <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> eksistěruju za kupku z mjenim "$1", ale wótpowědujuca toflicka <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> njejo se namakała abo zacynjacy <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> felujo',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Toflicki <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> eksistěruju za kupku z mjenim "$1", ale wótpowědujuca toflicka <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> njejo se namakała', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'Toflicka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> jo ze kupkowym atributom "$1" w konflikśe.',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'Toflicka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, kótaraž jo w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> definěrowana, ma kupkowy atribut "$1", kótaryž njepokazujo se w pjerwjejšnem teksće.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'Toflicka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> z mjenim "$1", kótaraž jo w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> definěrowana, njewužywa se w pjerwjejšnem teksće.',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'Toflicka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, kótaraž jo w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> definěrowana, njama mjenjowy atribut.',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'Toflicka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, kótaraž jo w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> z mjenim "$1" definěrowana, njama wopśimjeśe.',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Górjej skócyś',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Górjej skócys do:',
/** Greek (Ελληνικά)
@@ -1077,9 +1070,7 @@ neniu teksto estis donita por ref-oj nomataj <code>$1</code>',
* @author Crazymadlover
* @author Drini
* @author Erdemaslancan
- * @author Fitoschido
* @author Gustronico
- * @author Ihojose
* @author Locos epraix
* @author Manuelt15
* @author McDutchie
@@ -1113,15 +1104,13 @@ Define más en el mensaje <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
no se ha definido el contenido de las referencias llamadas <code>$1</code>',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'Etiqueta de apertura <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> sin su correspondiente cierre <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code>',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Existen etiquetas <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, pero no se encontró una etiqueta <code>&lt;references /&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Existen etiquetas <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> para un grupo llamado «$1», pero no se encontró la etiqueta <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> correspondiente, o falta la etiqueta <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> de cierre',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Existen etiquetas <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> para un grupo llamado "$1", pero no se encontró una etiqueta <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code>', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'La etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> en <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> presenta el atributo de grupo "$1" en conflicto.',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'La etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definida en <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> pertenece al grupo "$1" no declarado en el texto precedente.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'La etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> con nombre "$1" definida en <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> no se utiliza en el texto precedente.',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'La etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definida en <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> no tiene atributo de nombre.',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'La etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definida en <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> con nombre "$1" no tiene contenido.',
'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Ir a',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Saltar a:',
/** Estonian (eesti)
@@ -1191,7 +1180,7 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'برچسب <code><ref></code> نامجاز؛ متنی برای یادکردهای با نام <code>$1</code> وارد نشده‌است',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'برچسب تمام کنندهٔ <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> بدون برچسب <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'برچسب <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> وجود دارد اما برچسب <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> پیدا نشد',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'برچسب <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> برای گروهی به نام «$1» وجود دارد، اما برچسب متناظر با <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> یاÙت نشد یا <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> بسته جا گذاشته شده‌است.',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'برچسب <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> برای گروهی به نام «$1» وجود دارد، اما برچسب <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> متناظر پیدا نشد', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'برچسپ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> درون <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> در تضاد با ویژگی‌های گروه «$1» است.',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'برچسپ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> در <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> تعری٠شده، ویژگی‌های گروهی «$1» را دارد که درون متن قبل از آن ظاهر نمی‌شود.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'پرچسپ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> Ú©Ù‡ با نام «$1» درون <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> تعری٠شده، در متن قبل از آن استÙاده نشده‌است.',
@@ -1199,8 +1188,6 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'برچسپ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> تعری٠شده درون <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> با نام «$1» محتوایی ندارد.',
'cite_reference_link_key_with_num' => '$1_$2',
'cite_reference_link_prefix' => 'cite_ref-',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'پرش به بالا',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'پرش به بالا به:',
/** Finnish (suomi)
@@ -1291,7 +1278,6 @@ aucun texte n’a été fourni pour les références nommées <code>$1</code>.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'La balise <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> avec le nom « $1 » définie dans <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> n’est pas utilisé dans le texte précédent.',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'La balise <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> définie dans <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> n’a pas d’attribut de nom.',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'La balise <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> défini dans <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> avec le nom « $1 » n’a pas de contenu.',
- 'cite_references_link_many_format' => '<sup style="margin-left:.2em;margin-right:.2em;">[[#$1|$2]]</sup>',
'cite_references_link_many_sep' => ',&#32;',
'cite_references_link_many_and' => '&#32;et&#32;',
'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Aller',
@@ -1504,11 +1490,10 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
/** Hindi (हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€)
* @author Ansumang
* @author Kaustubh
- * @author Shubhamkanodia
* @author Siddhartha Ghai
$messages['hi'] = array(
- 'cite-desc' => 'उदà¥à¤§à¤°à¤£à¥‹à¤‚ के लिये <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> और <nowiki><references/></nowiki> टैग जोड़ता है।',
+ 'cite-desc' => '<nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> और <nowiki><references/></nowiki> टैग जोड़ता है, उदà¥à¤§à¤°à¤£à¥‹à¤‚ के लिये।',
'cite_error' => 'सनà¥à¤¦à¤°à¥à¤­ तà¥à¤°à¥à¤Ÿà¤¿: $1',
'cite_error_ref_numeric_key' => 'अमानà¥à¤¯ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> टैग;
नाम साधारण संखà¥à¤¯à¤¾ (integer) नहीं हो सकता, कृपया विसà¥à¤¤à¥ƒà¤¤ शीरà¥à¤·à¤• दें।',
@@ -1538,9 +1523,8 @@ $messages['hi'] = array(
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code> में "$1" नाम के साथ परिभाषित <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> टैग उससे पहले के पाठ में पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥à¤•à¥à¤¤ नहीं है।',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code> टैग में परिभाषित <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> टैग का कोई नाम नहीं है।',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code> टैग में परिभाषित "$1" नामक <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> टैग में कोई सामगà¥à¤°à¥€ नहीं है।',
- 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ठठओ औ क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज ठञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब भ म य र ल व श ष स ह अ॰अ अ॰आ अ॰इ अ॰ई अ॰उ अ॰ऊ अ॰ठअ॰ठअ॰ओ अ॰औ अ॰क अ॰ख अ॰ग अ॰घ अ॰ङ अ॰च अ॰छ अ॰ज अ॰ठअ॰ञ अ॰ट अ॰ठ अ॰ड अ॰ढ अ॰ण अ॰त अ॰थ अ॰द अ॰ध अ॰न अ॰प अ॰फ अ॰ब अ॰भ अ॰म अ॰य अ॰र अ॰ल अ॰व अ॰श अ॰ष अ॰स अ॰ह आ॰अ आ॰आ आ॰इ आ॰ई आ॰उ आ॰ऊ आ॰ठआ॰ठआ॰ओ आ॰औ आ॰क आ॰ख आ॰ग आ॰घ आ॰ङ आ॰च आ॰छ आ॰ज आ॰ठआ॰ञ आ॰ट आ॰ठ आ॰ड आ॰ढ आ॰ण आ॰त आ॰थ आ॰द आ॰ध आ॰न आ॰प आ॰फ आ॰ब आ॰भ अ॰म आ॰य आ॰र आ॰ल आ॰व आ॰श आ॰ष आ॰स आ॰ह इ॰अ इ॰आ इ॰इ इ॰ई इ॰उ इ॰ऊ इ॰ठइ॰ठइ॰ओ इ॰औ इ॰क इ॰ख इ॰ग इ॰घ इ॰ङ इ॰च इ॰छ इ॰ज इ॰ठइ॰ञ इ॰ट इ॰ठ इ॰ड इ॰ढ इ॰ण इ॰त इ॰थ इ॰द इ॰ध इ॰न इ॰प इ॰फ इ॰ब इ॰भ इ॰म इ॰य इ॰र इ॰ल इ॰व इ॰श इ॰ष इ॰स इ॰ह ई॰अ ई॰आ ई॰इ ई॰ई ई॰उ ई॰ऊ ई॰ठई॰ठई॰ओ ई॰औ ई॰क ई॰ख ई॰ग ई॰घ ई॰ङ ई॰च ई॰छ ई॰ज ई॰ठई॰ञ ई॰ट ई॰ठ ई॰ड ई॰ढ ई॰ण ई॰त ई॰थ ई॰द ई॰ध ई॰न ई॰प ई॰फ ई॰ब ई॰भ ई॰म ई॰य ई॰र ई॰ल ई॰व ई॰श ई॰ष ई॰स ई॰ह उ॰अ उ॰आ उ॰इ उ॰ई उ॰उ उ॰ऊ उ॰ठउ॰ठउ॰ओ उ॰औ उ॰क उ॰ख उ॰ग उ॰घ उ॰ङ उ॰च उ॰छ उ॰ज उ॰ठउ॰ञ उ॰ट उ॰ठ उ॰ड उ॰ढ उ॰ण उ॰त उ॰थ उ॰द उ॰ध उ॰न उ॰प उ॰फ उ॰ब उ॰भ उ॰म उ॰य उ॰र उ॰ल उ॰व उ॰श उ॰ष उ॰स उ॰ह ऊ॰अ ऊ॰आ ऊ॰इ ऊ॰ई ऊ॰उ ऊ॰ऊ ऊ॰ठऊ॰ठऊ॰ओ ऊ॰औ ऊ॰क ऊ॰ख ऊ॰ग ऊ॰घ ऊ॰ङ ऊ॰च ऊ॰छ ऊ॰ज ऊ॰ठऊ॰ञ ऊ॰ट ऊ॰ठ ऊ॰ड ऊ॰ढ ऊ॰ण ऊ॰त ऊ॰थ ऊ॰द ऊ॰ध ऊ॰न ऊ॰प ऊ॰फ ऊ॰ब ऊ॰भ ऊ॰म ऊ॰य ऊ॰र ऊ॰ल ऊ॰व ऊ॰श ऊ॰ष ऊ॰स ऊ॰ह à¤à¥°à¤… à¤à¥°à¤† à¤à¥°à¤‡ à¤à¥°à¤ˆ à¤à¥°à¤‰ à¤à¥°à¤Š à¤à¥°à¤ à¤à¥°à¤ à¤à¥°à¤“ à¤à¥°à¤” à¤à¥°à¤• à¤à¥°à¤– à¤à¥°à¤— à¤à¥°à¤˜ à¤à¥°à¤™ à¤à¥°à¤š à¤à¥°à¤› à¤à¥°à¤œ à¤à¥°à¤ à¤à¥°à¤ž à¤à¥°à¤Ÿ à¤à¥°à¤  à¤à¥°à¤¡ à¤à¥°à¤¢ à¤à¥°à¤£ à¤à¥°à¤¤ à¤à¥°à¤¥ à¤à¥°à¤¦ à¤à¥°à¤§ à¤à¥°à¤¨ à¤à¥°à¤ª à¤à¥°à¤« à¤à¥°à¤¬ à¤à¥°à¤­ à¤à¥°à¤® à¤à¥°à¤¯ à¤à¥°à¤° à¤à¥°à¤² à¤à¥°à¤µ à¤à¥°à¤¶ à¤à¥°à¤· à¤à¥°à¤¸ à¤à¥°à¤¹ à¤à¥°à¤… à¤à¥°à¤† à¤à¥°à¤‡ à¤à¥°à¤ˆ à¤à¥°à¤‰ à¤à¥°à¤Š à¤à¥°à¤ à¤à¥°à¤ à¤à¥°à¤“ à¤à¥°à¤” à¤à¥°à¤• à¤à¥°à¤– à¤à¥°à¤— à¤à¥°à¤˜ à¤à¥°à¤™ à¤à¥°à¤š à¤à¥°à¤› à¤à¥°à¤œ à¤à¥°à¤ à¤à¥°à¤ž à¤à¥°à¤Ÿ à¤à¥°à¤  à¤à¥°à¤¡ à¤à¥°à¤¢ à¤à¥°à¤£ à¤à¥°à¤¤ à¤à¥°à¤¥ à¤à¥°à¤¦ à¤à¥°à¤§ à¤à¥°à¤¨ à¤à¥°à¤ª à¤à¥°à¤« à¤à¥°à¤¬ à¤à¥°à¤­ à¤à¥°à¤® à¤à¥°à¤¯ à¤à¥°à¤° à¤à¥°à¤² à¤à¥°à¤µ à¤à¥°à¤¶ à¤à¥°à¤· à¤à¥°à¤¸ à¤à¥°à¤¹ ओ॰अ ओ॰आ ओ॰इ ओ॰ई ओ॰उ ओ॰ऊ ओ॰ठओ॰ठओ॰ओ ओ॰औ ओ॰क ओ॰ख ओ॰ग ओ॰घ ओ॰ङ ओ॰च ओ॰छ ओ॰ज ओ॰ठओ॰ञ ओ॰ट ओ॰ठ ओ॰ड ओ॰ढ ओ॰ण ओ॰त ओ॰थ ओ॰द ओ॰ध ओ॰न ओ॰प ओ॰फ ओ॰ब ओ॰भ ओ॰म ओ॰य ओ॰र ओ॰ल ओ॰व ओ॰श ओ॰ष ओ॰स ओ॰ह औ॰अ औ॰आ औ॰इ औ॰ई औ॰उ औ॰ऊ औ॰ठऔ॰ठऔ॰ओ औ॰औ औ॰क औ॰ख औ॰ग औ॰घ औ॰ङ औ॰च औ॰छ औ॰ज औ॰ठऔ॰ञ औ॰ट औ॰ठ औ॰ड औ॰ढ औ॰ण औ॰त औ॰थ औ॰द औ॰ध औ॰न औ॰प औ॰फ औ॰ब औ॰भ औ॰म औ॰य औ॰र औ॰ल औ॰व औ॰श औ॰ष औ॰स औ॰ह क॰अ क॰आ क॰इ क॰ई क॰उ क॰ऊ क॰ठक॰ठक॰ओ क॰औ क॰क क॰ख क॰ग क॰घ क॰ङ क॰च क॰छ क॰ज क॰ठक॰ञ क॰ट क॰ठ क॰ड क॰ढ क॰ण क॰त क॰थ क॰द क॰ध क॰न क॰प क॰फ क॰ब क॰भ क॰म क॰य क॰र क॰ल क॰व क॰श क॰ष क॰स क॰ह ख॰अ ख॰आ ख॰इ ख॰ई ख॰उ ख॰ऊ ख॰ठख॰ठख॰ओ ख॰औ ख॰क ख॰ख ख॰ग ख॰घ ख॰ङ ख॰च ख॰छ ख॰ज ख॰ठख॰ञ ख॰ट ख॰ठ ख॰ड ख॰ढ ख॰ण ख॰त ख॰थ ख॰द ख॰ध ख॰न ख॰प ख॰फ ख॰ब ख॰भ ख॰म ख॰य ख॰र ख॰ल ख॰व ख॰श ख॰ष ख॰स ख॰ह ग॰अ ग॰आ ग॰इ ग॰ई ग॰उ ग॰ऊ ग॰ठग॰ठग॰ओ ग॰औ ग॰क ग॰ख ग॰ग ग॰घ ग॰ङ ग॰च ग॰छ ग॰ज ग॰ठग॰ञ ग॰ट ग॰ठ ग॰ड ग॰ढ ग॰ण ग॰त ग॰थ ग॰द ग॰ध ग॰न ग॰प ग॰फ ग॰ब ग॰भ ग॰म ग॰य ग॰र ग॰ल ग॰व ग॰श ग॰ष ग॰स ग॰ह घ॰अ घ॰आ घ॰इ घ॰ई घ॰उ घ॰ऊ घ॰ठघ॰ठघ॰ओ घ॰औ घ॰क घ॰ख घ॰ग घ॰घ घ॰ङ घ॰च घ॰छ घ॰ज घ॰ठघ॰ञ घ॰ट घ॰ठ घ॰ड घ॰ढ घ॰ण घ॰त घ॰थ घ॰द घ॰ध घ॰न घ॰प घ॰फ घ॰ब घ॰भ घ॰म घ॰य घ॰र घ॰ल घ॰व घ॰श घ॰ष घ॰स घ॰ह ङ॰अ ङ॰आ ङ॰इ ङ॰ई ङ॰उ ङ॰ऊ ङ॰ठङ॰ठङ॰ओ ङ॰औ ङ॰क ङ॰ख ङ॰ग ङ॰घ ङ॰ङ ङ॰च ङ॰छ ङ॰ज ङ॰ठङ॰ञ ङ॰ट ङ॰ठ ङ॰ड ङ॰ढ ङ॰ण ङ॰त ङ॰थ ङ॰द ङ॰ध ङ॰न ङ॰प ङ॰फ ङ॰ब ङ॰भ ङ॰म ङ॰य ङ॰र ङ॰ल ङ॰व ङ॰श ङ॰ष ङ॰स ङ॰ह',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'ऊपर जायें',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'इस तक ऊपर जायें:',
+ 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'वापिस ऊपर जायें',
+ 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'इस तक वापिस ऊपर जायें:',
/** Croatian (hrvatski)
@@ -1595,14 +1579,12 @@ Definuj dalše w zdźělence <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'Njepłaćiwa referenca formy <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>; žadyn tekst za referency z mjenom <code>$1</code> podaty.',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'KónÄny <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> za tafliÄku <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> faluje',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'TafliÄki <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ekistuja, ale žana tafliÄka code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> je so namakaÅ‚a',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'TafliÄki <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> eksistuja za skupinu z mjenom "$1", ale njeje so wotpowÄ›dowaca tafliÄka <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> namakaÅ‚a abo zaÄinjacy <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> faluje',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'TafliÄki <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> eksistuja za skupinu z mjenom "$1", ale njeje so wotpowÄ›dowaca tafliÄka <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> namakaÅ‚a', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'TafliÄka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> je ze skupinskim atributom "$1" w konflikće.',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'TafliÄka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, kotraž je w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> definowana, ma skupinski atribut "$1", kotryž so w prjedawÅ¡im teksće njejewi.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'TafliÄka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> z mjenom "$1", kotraž je w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> definowana, so w prjedawÅ¡im teksće njewužiwa.',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'TafliÄka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, kotraž je w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> definowana, mjenowy atribut nima.',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'TafliÄka <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, kotraž je w <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> z mjenom "$1" definowana, wobsah nima.',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Horje skoÄić',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Horje skoÄić do:',
/** Haitian (Kreyòl ayisyen)
@@ -1752,38 +1734,38 @@ $messages['ig'] = array(
* @author Lam-ang
$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'cite-desc' => 'Aginayon kadagiti etiketa ti <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> ken <nowiki><references/></nowiki>, para kadagiti panagdakamat',
+ 'cite-desc' => 'Agnayon ti <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> ken <nowiki><references/></nowiki> nga etiketa, para kadagiti pagdakamat',
'cite_error' => 'Biddut ti dakamat: $1',
- 'cite_error_ref_numeric_key' => 'Imbalido ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>;
-ti nagan ket saan a mabalin a nalaka a sibubukel. Agusar ti makaipalawag a titulo',
- 'cite_error_ref_no_key' => 'Imbalido nga etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ;
-dagita ref nga awan nagyanna ket masapul nga adda naganna',
- 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys' => 'Imbalido nga etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ;
+ 'cite_error_ref_numeric_key' => 'Imbalido a <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa;
+ti nagan ket saan a mabalin a nalaka a sibubukel. Agusar ti agipalpalawag a titulo',
+ 'cite_error_ref_no_key' => 'Imbalido a <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa;
+dagita ref nga awan nagyanna ket masapul a managanan',
+ 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys' => 'Imbalido a <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa;
imbalido a nag-nagan, a kas adu unay',
- 'cite_error_ref_no_input' => 'Imbalido nga etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ;
+ 'cite_error_ref_no_input' => 'Imbalido a <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa;
dagiti ref nga awan ti naganna ket masapul nga addaan ti nagyan',
- 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters' => 'Imbalido nga etiketa ti <code>&lt;references&gt;</code>;
-saan a maipalubos dagiti parametro.
+ 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters' => 'Imbalido a <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> nga etiketa
+awan dagiti parametro a maipalubos.
Usaren ti <code>&lt;references /&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters_group' => 'Imbalido nga etiketa ti <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ;
-maipalubos laeng ti parametro ti "grupo" .
+ 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters_group' => 'Imbalido a <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> nga etiketa;
+parametro a "grupo" ket ti maipalubos laeng.
Usaren ti <code>&lt;references /&gt;</code> , wenno<code>&lt;references group="..." /&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_references_no_backlink_label' => 'Naibusan kadagiti etiketa ti naisangayan a silpo ti likud.
-Ipalawag pay ti adu idiay mensahe ti <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:Cite references link many format backlink labels]]</nowiki>',
- 'cite_error_no_link_label_group' => 'Naibusan kadagiti etiketa ti nangruna a silpo para iti grupo ti "$1".
-Ipalawag pay ti adu idiay mensahe ti <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki> .',
- 'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'Imbalido nga etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ;
-awan ti testo a naited para kadagiti ref a nanaganan <code>$1</code>',
- 'cite_error_included_ref' => 'Irikepen ti <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> napukaw para iti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ket addan, ngem awan ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> a nabirukan',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Adda dagiti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> para iti grupo a nanaganan ti "$1", ngem awan ti kapada nga etiketa ti <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> a nabirukan, wenno awan ti pangrikep ti <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'Ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> iday <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket addan ti kasinnungat a gupit ti grupo ti "$1".',
- 'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'Ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket addaan ti gupit ti grupo ti "$1" a saan nga agparang iti napalabas a testo.',
- 'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'Ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga addaan ti nagan ti "$1" a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket saan a nausar iti napalabas a testo.',
- 'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'Ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket awan ti nainagan a gupit.',
- 'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'Ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> nga addaan ti nagan a "$1" ket awan ti nagyanna.',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Mapan iti ngato',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Mapan aginggana iti:',
+ 'cite_error_references_no_backlink_label' => 'Naibusan kadagiti nagrunaan a likud ti silpo nga etiketa.
+Ipalawag pay ti adu idiay <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:Cite references link many format backlink labels]]</nowiki> a mensahe',
+ 'cite_error_no_link_label_group' => 'Naibusan ti nangruna a silpo nga etiketa para iti grupo ti "$1".
+Ipalawag pay ti adu idiay <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki> a mensahe.',
+ 'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'Imbalido a <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa;
+awan ti testo a naited para dagiti ref a nanaganan <code>$1</code>',
+ 'cite_error_included_ref' => 'Irikrikep ti <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> napukaw para iti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa',
+ 'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa ket addan, ngem awan ti <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> nga etiketa a nabirukan',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Adda dagiti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> para iti grupo a nanaganan ti "$1", ngem awan ti kapada a <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> nga etiketa ti nabirukan, wenno pangrikep a <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> ket awan',
+ 'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'Ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa iday <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket addan ti nagsungat a gupit ti grupo "$1".',
+ 'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'Ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket addaan ti gupit ti grupo ti "$1" a saan nga agparang iti napalabas a testo.',
+ 'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'Ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa nga addaan ti nagan ti "$1" a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket saan a nausar iti napalabas a testo.',
+ 'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'Ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ket awan ti nainagan a gupit.',
+ 'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'Ti <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> nga etiketa a naipalawag idiay <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> nga addaan ti nagan a "$1" ket awan ti nagyanna.',
+ 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Lumagto ti ngato',
+ 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Lumagto ti ngato iti:',
/** Ido (Ido)
@@ -1896,8 +1878,6 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ã§å®šç¾©ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ã‚¿ã‚° (name="$1") ã¯ã€å…ˆè¡Œã™ã‚‹ãƒ†ã‚­ã‚¹ãƒˆå†…ã§ä½¿ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ã§å®šç¾©ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ã‚¿ã‚°ã« name 属性ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ã§å®šç¾©ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ã‚¿ã‚° (name="$1") ã«å†…容ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'å…ƒã®ä½ç½®ã«æˆ»ã‚‹',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => '以下ã®ä½ç½®ã«æˆ»ã‚‹:',
/** Jutish (jysk)
@@ -1915,7 +1895,6 @@ $messages['jut'] = array(
/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
- * @author Bennylin
* @author Iwan Novirion
* @author Meursault2004
* @author NoiX180
@@ -1946,12 +1925,10 @@ Tambahaké katemton nèng layang <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
ora ditemokaké tèks kanggo ref mawa jeneng <code>$1</code>',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'Panutupan <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> kélangan tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ditemokaké, nanging tag <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> ora ditemokaké',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ditemokaké kanggo paguyuban ajeneng "$1", nanging tag <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> sing ana kaitané ora ditemokaké, utawa tag panutup <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> ora diwénéhi',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ditemokaké kanggo paguyuban ajeneng "$1", nanging tag <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> sing ana kaitané ora ditemokaké', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> tandha <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> nduwèni atribut klompok sing marai konflik "$1".',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> tag sing didhèfinisikaké <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> nduwèni atribut klompok "$1" sing ora njedhul sing tèks sakdurungé.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> tag sing didhefinisikaké mawa jeneng "$1" <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> ora dianggo nèng tèks sakdurungé.',
- 'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'Tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> yang didefinisikan di di <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> tidak memiliki nama atribut.',
- 'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'Tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> yang didefinisikan di di <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> dengan nama "$1" tidak memiliki isi.',
'cite_reference_link_key_with_num' => '$1_$2',
'cite_reference_link_prefix' => 'cite_ref-',
'cite_references_link_prefix' => 'cite_note-',
@@ -1962,8 +1939,6 @@ ora ditemokaké tèks kanggo ref mawa jeneng <code>$1</code>',
'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz',
'cite_references_link_many_sep' => '&#32;',
'cite_references_link_many_and' => '&#32;',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Mencolot munggah',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Mencolot munggah menyang:',
/** Georgian (ქáƒáƒ áƒ—ული)
@@ -1996,7 +1971,7 @@ $messages['ka'] = array(
სქáƒáƒšáƒ˜áƒáƒ¡áƒáƒ—ვის <code>$1</code> áƒáƒ  áƒáƒ áƒ˜áƒ¡ მითითებული ტექსტი',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'დáƒáƒ›áƒ®áƒ£áƒ áƒáƒ•áƒ˜ ტეგი <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> დáƒáƒ™áƒáƒ áƒ’ულიáƒ',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'áƒáƒ áƒ¡áƒ”ბული ტეგისáƒáƒ—ვის <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ვერ მáƒáƒ˜áƒ«áƒ”ბნრშესáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜ ტეგი <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'ჯგუფი „$1“ áƒáƒ áƒ¡áƒ”ბული ტეგებისáƒáƒ—ვის <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ვერ მáƒáƒ˜áƒ«áƒ”ბნრშესáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜ ტეგი <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code>, áƒáƒœ გáƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒáƒ•áƒ”ბულირდáƒáƒ›áƒ®áƒ£áƒ áƒáƒ•áƒ˜ ტეგი <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code>',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'ჯგუფი „$1“ áƒáƒ áƒ¡áƒ”ბული ტეგებისáƒáƒ—ვის <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ვერ მáƒáƒ˜áƒ«áƒ”ბნრშესáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜ ტეგი <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code>', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'ტეგს <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> <code>&lt;references&gt;</code>-ში გáƒáƒáƒ©áƒœáƒ˜áƒ áƒáƒ¢áƒ áƒ˜áƒ‘უტთრკáƒáƒœáƒ¤áƒšáƒ˜áƒ¥áƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ ჯგუფები „$1“.',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'ტეგს <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>, გáƒáƒœáƒ›áƒáƒ áƒ¢áƒ”ბულს <code>&lt;references&gt;</code>-ში, გáƒáƒáƒ©áƒœáƒ˜áƒ ჯგუფის áƒáƒ¢áƒ áƒ˜áƒ‘უტი „$1“, რáƒáƒ›áƒ”ლიც áƒáƒ“რეულ ტექსტში áƒáƒ  მáƒáƒ˜áƒ®áƒ¡áƒ”ნიებáƒ.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'ტეგი <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> სáƒáƒ®áƒ”ლáƒáƒ“ „$1“, გáƒáƒ áƒ™áƒ•áƒ”ული <code>&lt;references&gt;</code>-ში, áƒáƒ  გáƒáƒ›áƒáƒ˜áƒ§áƒ”ნებრწინრტექსტში.',
@@ -2024,38 +1999,18 @@ $messages['kk-arab'] = array(
/** Kazakh (Cyrillic script) (қазақша (кирил)‎)
- * @author Arystanbek
* @author Kaztrans
$messages['kk-cyrl'] = array(
- 'cite-desc' => 'Сілтемелер үшін <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> және <nowiki><references/></nowiki> белгішелерін қолданыңыз',
- 'cite_error' => 'Дереккөз алу қатеÑÑ–: $1',
- 'cite_error_ref_numeric_key' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгішеÑÑ–;
-атау кәдімгі бүтін Ñан болуы мүмкін емеÑ. Сипатауыш атау қолданыңыз',
- 'cite_error_ref_no_key' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгішеÑÑ–;
-мағлұматÑыз дерекөздерде атау болуы қажет',
- 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгіше;
-жарамÑыз атаулар, мыÑалы, тым көп',
- 'cite_error_ref_no_input' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгіше;
-атауÑыз дереккөздерде мағлұматы болуы қажет',
- 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> белгіше;
-еш параметр Ñ€Ò±Ò›Ñат етілмейді,
-былай <code>&lt;references /&gt;</code> қолданыңыз',
- 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters_group' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> тегі;
-тек "group" параметрін Ñ€Ò±Ò›Ñат етеді.
-КелеÑідей қолданыңыз: <code>&lt;references /&gt;</code>, or <code>&lt;references group="..." /&gt;</code>',
- 'cite_error_references_no_backlink_label' => 'Өзгертпелі белгілердің Ñаны бітті, одан әрі көбірек <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:Cite references link many format backlink labels]]</nowiki> жүйе хабарында белгілеңіз',
- 'cite_error_no_link_label_group' => '"$1" тобы үшін өзгертпелі Ñілтеме белгілері бітті.
-Define more in the <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki> message.',
- 'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> тегі;
-no text was provided for refs named <code>$1</code>',
- 'cite_error_included_ref' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> тегін <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> тегімен жабуды қажет етеді',
- 'cite_error_refs_without_references' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> тегі бар, бірақ <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> тегі табылмады',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => '"$1" деп аталған дереккөз тобында <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> тегі бар, бірақ тиіÑÑ‚Ñ– <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> тегі табылмады, немеÑе <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> жабу тегін қажет етеді',
+ 'cite_error' => 'ДәйекÑөз алу $1 қатеÑÑ–',
+ 'cite_error_ref_numeric_key' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгішеÑÑ–; атау кәдімгі бүтін Ñан болуы мүмкін емеÑ, Ñиппатауыш атау қолданыңыз',
+ 'cite_error_ref_no_key' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгішеÑÑ–; мағлұматÑыз Ñ‚Ò¯Ñініктемелерде атау болуы қажет',
+ 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгіше; жарамÑыз атаулар, мыÑалы, тым көп',
+ 'cite_error_ref_no_input' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> белгіше; атауÑыз Ñ‚Ò¯Ñініктемелерде мағлұматы болуы қажет',
+ 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters' => 'ЖарамÑыз <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> белгіше; еш баптар Ñ€Ò±Ò›Ñат етілмейді, былай <code>&lt;references /&gt;</code> қолданыңыз',
+ 'cite_error_references_no_backlink_label' => 'ҚоÑымша белгілердің Ñаны бітті, одан әрі көбірек <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:Cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels]]</nowiki> жүйе хабарында белгілеңіз', # Fuzzy
'cite_references_link_one' => '<li id="$1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">[[#$2|↑]]</span> $3</li>',
'cite_references_link_many' => '<li id="$1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">↑ $2</span> $3</li>',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Жоғарыға көтеріліңіз',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Мынаған өту:',
/** Kazakh (Latin script) (qazaqşa (latın)‎)
@@ -2155,7 +2110,7 @@ Et wohr keine Tex aanjejovve för de
<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>s met dämm Name „<code>$1</code>“.',
'cite_error_included_ref' => 'Hee för dat <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> ham_mer kei zopaß <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code>',
'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'Et sinn_er <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>-Befähle en dä Sigg, ävver mer han keine <code>&lt;references/&gt;</code>-Befähl jefunge.',
- 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Et sinn_er <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>-Befähle för de Jrop „$1“ en heh dä Sigg, ävver mer han keine <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code>-Befähl jefonge, udder dä Befähl <code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> zom zohmaache es nit doh.',
+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'Et sinn_er <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>-Befähle för de jrop „$1“ en hee dä Sigg, ävver mer han keine <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code>-Befähl jefunge.', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'Dä <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> Befähl en <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> hät en widerschpröschlesche Jroppe-Eijeschaff „$1“.',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'Dä <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> Befähl, aanjejoove em Befähl <code>&lt;references&gt;</code>, hät en Jroppe-Eijeschaff „$1“, di ävver em Täx doför nit vörjekumme es.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'Dä <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> Befähl mem Naame „$1“, aanjejoove em Befähl <code>&lt;references&gt;</code>, es em Täx doför nit vörjekumme.',
@@ -2165,8 +2120,6 @@ Et wohr keine Tex aanjejovve för de
'cite_reference_link_prefix' => 'fohss_noht_betreck_',
'cite_references_link_prefix' => 'fohss_noht_nommer_',
'cite_references_link_many_and' => '&#32;',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Jangk noh bovve',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Jangk noh bovve op:',
/** Cornish (kernowek)
@@ -2242,17 +2195,6 @@ Doe kans d\'r mier insjtelle in \'t sysyeemberich <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowi
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'De tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> dae is gedefinieerd in <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> mit de naam "$1" haet geinen inhawd.',
-/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
- * @author Mogoeilor
- */
-$messages['lrc'] = array(
- 'cite-desc' => ' <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> و <nowiki><سرچشمه یا/></nowiki> tags,و تگیا نه د گوتنیا اضا٠بکید',
- 'cite_error' => 'خطا جاگه:$1',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'بالا پرسن',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'پرستن د',
/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
* @author Garas
* @author Homo
@@ -2372,7 +2314,6 @@ $messages['mk'] = array(
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'Ознаката <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> Ñо име „$1“ определена во <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> не Ñе кориÑти во претходен текÑÑ‚.',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'Ознаката <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> определена во <code>&lt;referencesgt;</code> нема именÑки атрибут.',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'Ознаката <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> определена во <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> Ñо име „$1“ нема Ñодржина.',
- 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'а б в г д Ñ“ е ж з Ñ• и ј к л Ñ™ м н Ñš о п Ñ€ Ñ Ñ‚ Ñœ у Ñ„ Ñ… ц ч ÑŸ ш аа аб ав аг ад аѓ ае аж аз аѕ аи ај ак ал аљ ам ан ањ ао ап ар Ð°Ñ Ð°Ñ‚ аќ ау аф ах ац ач аџ аш ба бб бв бг бд бѓ бе бж бз бѕ би бј бк бл бљ бм бн бњ бо бп бр Ð±Ñ Ð±Ñ‚ бќ бу бф бх бц бч бџ бш ва вб вв вг вд вѓ ве вж вз бѕ ви вј вк вл вљ вм вн вњ во вп вр Ð²Ñ Ð²Ñ‚ вќ ву вф вх вц вч вџ вш га гб гв гг гд гѓ ге гж гз гѕ ги гј гк гл гљ гм гн гњ го гп гр Ð³Ñ Ð³Ñ‚ гќ гу гф гх гц гч гџ гш да дб дв дг дд дѓ де дж дз дѕ ди дј дк дл дљ дм дн дњ до дп др Ð´Ñ Ð´Ñ‚ дќ ду дф дх дц дч дџ дш ѓа ѓб ѓв ѓг ѓд ѓе ѓж ѓз Ñ“Ñ• ѓи ѓј ѓк ѓл Ñ“Ñ™ ѓм ѓн Ñ“Ñš ѓо ѓп Ñ“Ñ€ Ñ“Ñ Ñ“Ñ‚ Ñ“Ñœ ѓу Ñ“Ñ„ Ñ“Ñ… ѓц ѓч Ñ“ÑŸ ѓш еа еб ев ег ед еѓ ее еж ез еѕ еи еј ек ел ељ ем ен ењ ео еп ер ÐµÑ ÐµÑ‚ еќ еу еф ех ец еч еџ еш жа жб жв жг жд жѓ же жж жз жѕ жи жј жк жл жљ жм жн жњ жо жп жр Ð¶Ñ Ð¶Ñ‚ жќ жу жф жх жц жч жџ жш за зб зв зг зд зѓ зе зж зз зѕ зи зј зк зл зљ зм зн зњ зо зп зр Ð·Ñ Ð·Ñ‚ зќ зу зф зх зц зч зџ зш ѕа ѕб ѕв ѕг ѕд Ñ•Ñ“ ѕе ѕж ѕз Ñ•Ñ• ѕи ѕј ѕк ѕл Ñ•Ñ™ ѕм ѕн Ñ•Ñš ѕо ѕп Ñ•Ñ€ Ñ•Ñ Ñ•Ñ‚ Ñ•Ñœ ѕу Ñ•Ñ„ Ñ•Ñ… ѕц ѕч Ñ•ÑŸ ѕш иа иб ив иг ид иѓ ие иж из иѕ ии иј ик ил иљ им ин ињ ио ип ир Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ иќ иу иф их иц ич иџ иш ја јб јв јг јд јѓ је јж јз јѕ ји јј јк јл јљ јм јн јњ јо јп јр Ñ˜Ñ Ñ˜Ñ‚ јќ ју јф јх јц јч јџ јш ка кб кв кг кд кѓ ке кж кз кѕ ки кј кк кл кљ км кн књ ко кп кр ÐºÑ ÐºÑ‚ кќ ку кф кх кц кч кџ кш ла лб лв лг лд лѓ ле лж лз лѕ ли лј лк лл лљ лм лн лњ ло лп лр Ð»Ñ Ð»Ñ‚ лќ лу лф лх лц лч лџ лш ља љб љв љг љд љѓ ље љж љз љѕ љи љј љк љл љљ љм љн љњ љо љп љр Ñ™Ñ Ñ™Ñ‚ љќ љу љф љх љц љч љџ љш ма мб мв мг мд мѓ ме мж мз мѕ ми мј мк мл мљ мм мн мњ мо мп мр Ð¼Ñ Ð¼Ñ‚ мќ му мф мх мц мч мџ мш на нб нв нг нд нѓ не нж нз нѕ ни нј нк нл нљ нм нн нњ но нп нр Ð½Ñ Ð½Ñ‚ нќ ну нф нх нц нч нџ нш ња њб њв њг њд њѓ ње њж њз њѕ њи њј њк њл њљ њм њн њњ њо њп њр ÑšÑ ÑšÑ‚ њќ њу њф њх њц њч њџ њш оа об ов ог од оѓ ое ож оз оѕ ои ој ок ол ољ ом он оњ оо оп ор Ð¾Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ оќ оу оф ох оц оч оџ ош па пб пв пг пд пѓ пе пж пз пѕ пи пј пк пл пљ пм пн пњ по пп пр Ð¿Ñ Ð¿Ñ‚ пќ пу пф пх пц пч пџ пш ра рб рв рг рд рѓ ре рж рз рѕ ри рј рк рл рљ рм рн рњ ро рп рр Ñ€Ñ Ñ€Ñ‚ рќ ру рф рх рц рч рџ рш Ñа Ñб Ñв Ñг Ñд ÑÑ“ Ñе Ñж Ñз ÑÑ• Ñи Ñј Ñк Ñл ÑÑ™ Ñм Ñн ÑÑš Ñо Ñп ÑÑ€ ÑÑ ÑÑ‚ ÑÑœ Ñу ÑÑ„ ÑÑ… Ñц Ñч ÑÑŸ Ñш та тб тв тг тд Ñ‚Ñ“ те тж тз Ñ‚Ñ• ти тј тк тл Ñ‚Ñ™ тм тн Ñ‚Ñš то тп Ñ‚Ñ€ Ñ‚Ñ Ñ‚Ñ‚ Ñ‚Ñœ ту Ñ‚Ñ„ Ñ‚Ñ… тц тч Ñ‚ÑŸ тш ќа ќб ќв ќг ќд ќѓ ќе ќж ќз ќѕ ќи ќј ќк ќл ќљ ќм ќн ќњ ќо ќп ќр ÑœÑ ÑœÑ‚ ќќ ќу ќф ќх ќц ќч ќџ ќш уа уб ув уг уд уѓ уе уж уз уѕ уи уј ук ул уљ ум ун уњ уо уп ур ÑƒÑ ÑƒÑ‚ уќ уу уф ух уц уч уџ уш фа фб фв фг фд Ñ„Ñ“ фе фж фз Ñ„Ñ• фи фј фк фл Ñ„Ñ™ фм фн Ñ„Ñš фо фп Ñ„Ñ€ Ñ„Ñ Ñ„Ñ‚ Ñ„Ñœ фу Ñ„Ñ„ Ñ„Ñ… фц фч Ñ„ÑŸ фш ха хб хв хг хд Ñ…Ñ“ хе хж хз Ñ…Ñ• хи хј хк хл Ñ…Ñ™ хм хн Ñ…Ñš хо хп Ñ…Ñ€ Ñ…Ñ Ñ…Ñ‚ Ñ…Ñœ ху Ñ…Ñ„ Ñ…Ñ… хц хч Ñ…ÑŸ хш ца цб цв цг цд цѓ це цж цз цѕ ци цј цк цл цљ цм цн цњ цо цп цр Ñ†Ñ Ñ†Ñ‚ цќ цу цф цх цц цч цџ цш ча чб чв чг чд чѓ че чж чз чѕ чи чј чк чл чљ чм чн чњ чо чп чр Ñ‡Ñ Ñ‡Ñ‚ чќ чу чф чх чц чч чџ чш џа џб џв џг џд ÑŸÑ“ џе џж џз ÑŸÑ• џи џј џк џл ÑŸÑ™ џм џн ÑŸÑš џо џп ÑŸÑ€ ÑŸÑ ÑŸÑ‚ ÑŸÑœ џу ÑŸÑ„ ÑŸÑ… џц џч ÑŸÑŸ џш ша шб шв шг шд шѓ ше шж шз шѕ ши шј шк шл шљ шм шн шњ шо шп шр ÑˆÑ ÑˆÑ‚ шќ шу шф шх шц шч шџ шш',
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@@ -2431,7 +2370,7 @@ $messages['mn'] = array(
* @author V.narsikar
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'cite_error_ref_no_key' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> चà¥à¤•à¥€à¤šà¤¾ कोड; रिकामà¥à¤¯à¤¾ संदरà¥à¤­à¤¾à¤‚ना नाव असणे गरजेचे आहे',
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<nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki> संदेशात अधिक खूणा नमूद करा',
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-</code>संदरà¥à¤­à¤¯à¤¾à¤¦à¥€<code><nowiki>}}</nowiki></code>या पैकी à¤à¤•à¤¹à¥€ लावणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ आलेले नाही.''' या पानात \"<code><nowiki>{{</nowiki></code>संदरà¥à¤­à¤¯à¤¾à¤¦à¥€<code><nowiki>}}</nowiki></code>\" हा साचा कॉपीपेसà¥à¤Ÿ करावा''' ''कारण,तà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¶à¤¿à¤µà¤¾à¤¯ पानाचà¥à¤¯à¤¾ तळाशी संदरà¥à¤­à¤¾à¤‚चे तपशील दिसणार नाहीत.''",
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+ 'cite_error_refs_without_references' => 'पानामधे <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> (संदरà¥à¤­) आहे, परंतॠ<code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> (<nowiki>{{संदरà¥à¤­à¤¯à¤¾à¤¦à¥€}}<nowiki />) सापडले नाही. <nowiki>{{संदरà¥à¤­à¤¯à¤¾à¤¦à¥€}}<nowiki /> असलà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¶à¤¿à¤µà¤¾à¤¯ पानाचà¥à¤¯à¤¾ तळाशी संदरà¥à¤­à¤¾à¤‚चे तपशील दिसणार नाहीत.',
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+ 'cite_error_references_missing_key' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code> हà¥à¤¯à¤¾ मधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ सांगितलेला <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> "$1" हà¥à¤¯à¤¾ नावाचा टà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤— हà¥à¤¯à¤¾ पूरà¥à¤µà¥€ वापरणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ आलेला नाही.',
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+ 'cite_error_empty_references_define' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> टà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤— मधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ विशारद गोषà¥à¤Ÿà¥€à¤‚ <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> जà¥à¤¯à¤¾ "$1" हà¥à¤¯à¤¾ नावाने संबोधलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ आहेत तà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ माहिती नाही',
/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
@@ -2572,7 +2508,6 @@ $messages['nds-nl'] = array(
/** Dutch (Nederlands)
- * @author Flightmare
* @author Niels
* @author Romaine
* @author Siebrand
@@ -2609,8 +2544,6 @@ er is geen tekst opgegeven voor refs met de naam <code>$1</code>',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'De tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> met de naam "$1" gedefinieerd in <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> wordt niet eerder in de tekst gebruikt.',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'De tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> die is gedefinieerd in <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> heeft geen eigenschapsnaam.',
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'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'La balisa <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> amb lo nom « $1 » definida dins <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> es pas utilizada dins lo tèxte precedent.',
'cite_error_references_no_key' => 'La balisa <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definida dins <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> a pas de nom d’atribut.',
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'La balisa <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definida dins <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> amb lo nom « $1 » a pas de contengut.',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Anar',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Anar a :',
/** Oriya (ଓଡ଼ିଆ)
@@ -2853,14 +2784,12 @@ Defina mais na mensagem <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>.',
'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'Tag <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs chamadas <code>$1</code>',
'cite_error_included_ref' => '<code>&lt;/ref&gt;</code> de fecho em falta, para o elemento <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code>',
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+ 'cite_error_group_refs_without_references' => 'existem tags <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> para um grupo chamado "$1", mas nenhuma tag <code>&lt;references group="$1"/&gt;</code> correspondente foi encontrada', # Fuzzy
'cite_error_references_group_mismatch' => 'O elemento <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> em <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> tem o atributo de grupo "$1", que está em conflito com o de <code>&lt;references&gt;</code>.',
'cite_error_references_missing_group' => 'O elemento <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definido em <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> tem o atributo de grupo "$1", que não aparece no texto anterior.',
'cite_error_references_missing_key' => 'A etiqueta <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> com nome "$1" definida em <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> não é utilizada no texto acima.',
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'cite_error_empty_references_define' => 'O elemento <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> definido em <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> com o nome "$1" não tem conteúdo.',
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- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Ir para:',
/** Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil)
@@ -3185,13 +3114,6 @@ Usari <code>&lt;references /&gt;</code> oppuru <code>&lt;references group="..."
'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'cite_error' => 'Greška citiranja $1; $2', # Fuzzy
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
* @author Budhajeewa
* @author Thameera123
@@ -3339,7 +3261,6 @@ asnjë tekst nuk u dha për refs e quajtura <code>$1</code>',
/** Serbian (Cyrillic script) (ÑрпÑки (ћирилица)‎)
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Millosh
* @author Rancher
* @author Михајло Ðнђелковић
@@ -3365,14 +3286,13 @@ $messages['sr-ec'] = array(
'cite_references_link_one' => '<li id="$1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">[[#$2|↑]]</span> $3</li>',
'cite_references_link_many' => '<li id="$1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">↑ $2</span> $3</li>',
'cite_references_link_many_format' => '<sup>[[#$1|$2]]</sup>',
- 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'а б в г д Ñ’ е ж з и ј к л Ñ™ м н Ñš о п Ñ€ Ñ Ñ‚ Ñ› у Ñ„ Ñ… ц ч ÑŸ ш аа аб ав аг ад ађ ае аж аз аи ај ак ал аљ ам ан ањ ао ап ар Ð°Ñ Ð°Ñ‚ аћ ау аф ах ац ач аџ аш ба бб бв бг бд бђ бе бж бз би бј бк бл бљ бм бн бњ бо бп бр Ð±Ñ Ð±Ñ‚ бћ бу бф бх бц бч бџ бш ва вб вв вг вд вђ ве вж вз ви вј вк вл вљ вм вн вњ во вп вр Ð²Ñ Ð²Ñ‚ вћ ву вф вх вц вч вџ вш га гб гв гг гд гђ ге гж гз ги гј гк гл гљ гм гн гњ го гп гр Ð³Ñ Ð³Ñ‚ гћ гу гф гх гц гч гџ гш да дб дв дг дд дђ де дж дз ди дј дк дл дљ дм дн дњ до дп др Ð´Ñ Ð´Ñ‚ дћ ду дф дх дц дч дџ дш ђа ђб ђв ђг ђд ]] ђе ђж ђз ђи ђј ђк ђл Ñ’Ñ™ ђм ђн Ñ’Ñš ђо ђп Ñ’Ñ€ Ñ’Ñ Ñ’Ñ‚ Ñ’Ñ› ђу Ñ’Ñ„ Ñ’Ñ… ђц ђч Ñ’ÑŸ ђш еа еб ев ег ед еђ ее еж ез еи еј ек ел ељ ем ен ењ ео еп ер ÐµÑ ÐµÑ‚ ећ еу еф ех ец еч еџ еш жа жб жв жг жд жђ же жж жз жи жј жк жл жљ жм жн жњ жо жп жр Ð¶Ñ Ð¶Ñ‚ жћ жу жф жх жц жч жџ жш за зб зв зг зд зђ зе зж зз зи зј зк зл зљ зм зн зњ зо зп зр Ð·Ñ Ð·Ñ‚ зћ зу зф зх зц зч зџ зш иа иб ив иг ид иђ ие иж из ии иј ик ил иљ им ин ињ ио ип ир Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ñ‚ ић иу иф их иц ич иџ иш ја јб јв јг јд јђ је јж јз ји јј јк јл јљ јм јн јњ јо јп јр Ñ˜Ñ Ñ˜Ñ‚ јћ ју јф јх јц јч јџ јш ка кб кв кг кд кђ ке кж кз ки кј кк кл кљ км кн књ ко кп кр ÐºÑ ÐºÑ‚ кћ ку кф кх кц кч кџ кш ла лб лв лг лд лђ ле лж лз ли лј лк лл лљ лм лн лњ ло лп лр Ð»Ñ Ð»Ñ‚ лћ лу лф лх лц лч лџ лш ља љб љв љг љд љђ ље љж љз љи љј љк љл љљ љм љн љњ љо љп љр Ñ™Ñ Ñ™Ñ‚ љћ љу љф љх љц љч љџ љш ма мб мв мг мд мђ ме мж мз ми мј мк мл мљ мм мн мњ мо мп мр Ð¼Ñ Ð¼Ñ‚ мћ му мф мх мц мч мџ мш на нб нв нг нд нђ не нж нз ни нј нк нл нљ нм нн нњ но нп нр Ð½Ñ Ð½Ñ‚ нћ ну нф нх нц нч нџ нш ња њб њв њг њд њђ ње њж њз њи њј њк њл њљ њм њн њњ њо њп њр ÑšÑ ÑšÑ‚ њћ њу њф њх њц њч њџ њш оа об ов ог од ођ ое ож оз ои ој ок ол ољ ом он оњ оо оп ор Ð¾Ñ Ð¾Ñ‚ оћ оу оф ох оц оч оџ ош па пб пв пг пд пђ пе пж пз пи пј пк пл пљ пм пн пњ по пп пр Ð¿Ñ Ð¿Ñ‚ пћ пу пф пх пц пч пџ пш ра рб рв рг рд рђ ре рж рз ри рј рк рл рљ рм рн рњ ро рп рр Ñ€Ñ Ñ€Ñ‚ рћ ру рф рх рц рч рџ рш Ñа Ñб Ñв Ñг Ñд ÑÑ’ Ñе Ñж Ñз Ñи Ñј Ñк Ñл ÑÑ™ Ñм Ñн ÑÑš Ñо Ñп ÑÑ€ ÑÑ ÑÑ‚ ÑÑ› Ñу ÑÑ„ ÑÑ… Ñц Ñч ÑÑŸ Ñш та тб тв тг тд Ñ‚Ñ’ те тж тз ти тј тк тл Ñ‚Ñ™ тм тн Ñ‚Ñš то тп Ñ‚Ñ€ Ñ‚Ñ Ñ‚Ñ‚ Ñ‚Ñ› ту Ñ‚Ñ„ Ñ‚Ñ… тц тч Ñ‚ÑŸ тш ћа ћб ћв ћг ћд ћђ ће ћж ћз ћи ћј ћк ћл ћљ ћм ћн ћњ ћо ћп ћр Ñ›Ñ Ñ›Ñ‚ ћћ ћу ћф ћх ћц ћч ћџ ћш уа уб ув уг уд уђ уе уж уз уи уј ук ул уљ ум ун уњ уо уп ур ÑƒÑ ÑƒÑ‚ ућ уу уф ух уц уч уџ уш фа фб фв фг фд Ñ„Ñ’ фе фж фз фи фј фк фл Ñ„Ñ™ фм фн Ñ„Ñš фо фп Ñ„Ñ€ Ñ„Ñ Ñ„Ñ‚ Ñ„Ñ› фу Ñ„Ñ„ Ñ„Ñ… фц фч Ñ„ÑŸ фш ха хб хв хг хд Ñ…Ñ’ хе хж хз хи хј хк хл Ñ…Ñ™ хм хн Ñ…Ñš хо хп Ñ…Ñ€ Ñ…Ñ Ñ…Ñ‚ Ñ…Ñ› ху Ñ…Ñ„ Ñ…Ñ… хц хч Ñ…ÑŸ хш ца цб цв цг цд цђ це цж цз ци цј цк цл цљ цм цн цњ цо цп цр Ñ†Ñ Ñ†Ñ‚ цћ цу цф цх цц цч цџ цш ча чб чв чг чд чђ че чж чз чи чј чк чл чљ чм чн чњ чо чп чр Ñ‡Ñ Ñ‡Ñ‚ чћ чу чф чх чц чч чџ чш џа џб џв џг џд ÑŸÑ’ џе џж џз џи џј џк џл ÑŸÑ™ џм џн ÑŸÑš џо џп ÑŸÑ€ ÑŸÑ ÑŸÑ‚ ÑŸÑ› џу ÑŸÑ„ ÑŸÑ… џц џч ÑŸÑŸ џш ша шб шв шг шд шђ ше шж шз ши шј шк шл шљ шм шн шњ шо шп шр ÑˆÑ ÑˆÑ‚ шћ шу шф шх шц шч шџ шш', # Fuzzy
+ 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz',
'cite_references_link_many_sep' => '&#32;',
'cite_references_link_many_and' => '&#32;',
/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
* @author Michaello
- * @author Milicevic01
$messages['sr-el'] = array(
'cite-desc' => 'Dodaje <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> i <nowiki><references/></nowiki> oznake za citiranje.',
@@ -3395,7 +3315,7 @@ $messages['sr-el'] = array(
'cite_references_link_one' => '<li id="$1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">[[#$2|↑]]</span> $3</li>',
'cite_references_link_many' => '<li id="$1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink">↑ $2</span> $3</li>',
'cite_references_link_many_format' => '<sup>[[#$1|$2]]</sup>',
- 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b v g d Ä‘ e ž z i j k l lj m n nj o p r s t ć u f h c Ä dž Å¡ aa ab av ag ad aÄ‘ ae až az ai aj ak al alj am an anj ao ap ar as at ać au af ah ac aÄ adž aÅ¡ ba bb bv bg bd bÄ‘ be bž bz bi bj bk bl blj bm bn bnj bo bp br bs bt bć bu bf bh bc bÄ bdž bÅ¡ va vb vv vg vd vÄ‘ ve vž vz vi vj vk vl vlj vm vn vnj vo vp vr vs vt vć vu vf vh vc vÄ vdž vÅ¡ ga gb gv gg gd gÄ‘ ge gž gz gi gj gk gl glj gm gn gnj go gp gr gs gt gć gu gf gh gc gÄ gdž gÅ¡ da db dv dg dd dÄ‘ de dž dz di dj dk dl dlj dm dn dnj do dp dr ds dt dć du df dh dc dÄ ddž dÅ¡ Ä‘a Ä‘b Ä‘v Ä‘g Ä‘d ]] Ä‘e đž Ä‘z Ä‘i Ä‘j Ä‘k Ä‘l Ä‘lj Ä‘m Ä‘n Ä‘nj Ä‘o Ä‘p Ä‘r Ä‘s Ä‘t đć Ä‘u Ä‘f Ä‘h Ä‘c Ä‘Ä Ä‘dž Ä‘Å¡ ea eb ev eg ed eÄ‘ ee ež ez ei ej ek el elj em en enj eo ep er es et eć eu ef eh ec eÄ edž eÅ¡ ža žb žv žg žd žđ že žž žz ži žj žk žl žlj žm žn žnj žo žp žr žs žt žć žu žf žh žc Å¾Ä Å¾dž žš za zb zv zg zd zÄ‘ ze zž zz zi zj zk zl zlj zm zn znj zo zp zr zs zt zć zu zf zh zc zÄ zdž zÅ¡ ia ib iv ig id iÄ‘ ie iž iz ii ij ik il ilj im in inj io ip ir is it ić iu if ih ic iÄ idž iÅ¡ ja jb jv jg jd jÄ‘ je jž jz ji jj jk jl jlj jm jn jnj jo jp jr js jt jć ju jf jh jc jÄ jdž jÅ¡ ka kb kv kg kd kÄ‘ ke kž kz ki kj kk kl klj km kn knj ko kp kr ks kt kć ku kf kh kc kÄ kdž kÅ¡ la lb lv lg ld lÄ‘ le lž lz li lj lk ll llj lm ln lnj lo lp lr ls lt lć lu lf lh lc lÄ ldž lÅ¡ lja ljb ljv ljg ljd ljÄ‘ lje ljž ljz lji ljj ljk ljl ljlj ljm ljn ljnj ljo ljp ljr ljs ljt ljć lju ljf ljh ljc ljÄ ljdž ljÅ¡ ma mb mv mg md mÄ‘ me mž mz mi mj mk ml mlj mm mn mnj mo mp mr ms mt mć mu mf mh mc mÄ mdž mÅ¡ na nb nv ng nd nÄ‘ ne nž nz ni nj nk nl nlj nm nn nnj no np nr ns nt nć nu nf nh nc nÄ ndž nÅ¡ nja njb njv njg njd njÄ‘ nje njž njz nji njj njk njl njlj njm njn njnj njo njp njr njs njt njć nju njf njh njc njÄ njdž njÅ¡ oa ob ov og od oÄ‘ oe ož oz oi oj ok ol olj om on onj oo op or os ot oć ou of oh oc oÄ odž oÅ¡ pa pb pv pg pd pÄ‘ pe pž pz pi pj pk pl plj pm pn pnj po pp pr ps pt pć pu pf ph pc pÄ pdž pÅ¡ ra rb rv rg rd rÄ‘ re rž rz ri rj rk rl rlj rm rn rnj ro rp rr rs rt rć ru rf rh rc rÄ rdž rÅ¡ sa sb sv sg sd sÄ‘ se sž sz si sj sk sl slj sm sn snj so sp sr ss st sć su sf sh sc sÄ sdž sÅ¡ ta tb tv tg td tÄ‘ te tž tz ti tj tk tl tlj tm tn tnj to tp tr ts tt tć tu tf th tc tÄ tdž tÅ¡ ća ćb ćv ćg ćd ćđ će ćž ćz ći ćj ćk ćl ćlj ćm ćn ćnj ćo ćp ćr ćs ćt ćć ću ćf ćh ćc Ä‡Ä Ä‡dž ćš ua ub uv ug ud uÄ‘ ue už uz ui uj uk ul ulj um un unj uo up ur us ut uć uu uf uh uc uÄ udž uÅ¡ fa fb fv fg fd fÄ‘ fe fž fz fi fj fk fl flj fm fn fnj fo fp fr fs ft fć fu ff fh fc fÄ fdž fÅ¡ ha hb hv hg hd hÄ‘ he hž hz hi hj hk hl hlj hm hn hnj ho hp hr hs ht hć hu hf hh hc hÄ hdž hÅ¡ ca cb cv cg cd cÄ‘ ce cž cz ci cj ck cl clj cm cn cnj co cp cr cs ct cć cu cf ch cc cÄ cdž cÅ¡ Äa Äb Äv Äg Äd ÄÄ‘ Äe Äž Äz Äi Äj Äk Äl Älj Äm Än Änj Äo Äp Är Äs Ät Äć Äu Äf Äh Äc ÄÄ Ädž ÄÅ¡ dža džb džv džg džd džđ dže džž džz dži džj džk džl džlj džm džn džnj džo džp džr džs džt džć džu džf džh džc dÅ¾Ä dždž džš Å¡a Å¡b Å¡v Å¡g Å¡d Å¡Ä‘ Å¡e šž Å¡z Å¡i Å¡j Å¡k Å¡l Å¡lj Å¡m Å¡n Å¡nj Å¡o Å¡p Å¡r Å¡s Å¡t šć Å¡u Å¡f Å¡h Å¡c Å¡Ä Å¡dž Å¡Å¡', # Fuzzy
+ 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz',
'cite_references_link_many_sep' => '&#32;',
'cite_references_link_many_and' => '&#32;',
@@ -3469,21 +3389,16 @@ Definera fler i <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:$2]]</nowiki>-meddelandet.',
/** Tamil (தமிழà¯)
- * @author Jayarathina
* @author Shanmugamp7
* @author செலà¯à®µà®¾
$messages['ta'] = array(
'cite-desc' => 'சேரà¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®±à®¤à¯ <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki>மறà¯à®±à¯à®®à¯ <nowiki><references/></nowiki> கà¯à®±à®¿à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®±à¯à®•à®³à¯, மேறà¯à®•à¯‹à®³à¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¾à®•',
'cite_error' => 'பிழை காடà¯à®Ÿà¯: $1',
- 'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'செலà¯à®²à®¾à®¤ <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> கà¯à®±à®¿à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®²à¯;
-<code>$1</code> எனà¯à®©à¯à®®à¯ பெயரில௠உளà¯à®³ ref கà¯à®±à®¿à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®²à¯à®²à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ உரையேதà¯à®®à¯ வழஙà¯à®•à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà®µà®¿à®²à¯à®²à¯ˆ',
- 'cite_error_refs_without_references' => '<code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> கà¯à®±à®¿à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®²à¯ உளà¯à®³à®¤à¯, ஆனால௠<code>&lt;references/&gt;</code> கà¯à®±à®¿à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®²à¯ காணபà¯à®ªà®Ÿà®µà®¿à®²à¯à®²à¯ˆ',
/** Telugu (తెలà±à°—à±)
* @author Chaduvari
- * @author Ravichandra
* @author Veeven
$messages['te'] = array(
@@ -3496,7 +3411,6 @@ $messages['te'] = array(
'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters' => 'సరైన <code>&lt;references&gt;</code> à°Ÿà±à°¯à°¾à°—ౠకాదà±; పారామీటరà±à°²à°•à± à°•à± à°…à°¨à±à°®à°¤à°¿ లేదà±, à°ˆ లోపానà±à°¨à°¿ à°•à°²à±à°—జేసే à°’à°• ఉదాహరణ: <references someparameter="value" />',
'cite_error_references_no_backlink_label' => 'మీ à°¸à±à°µà°‚à°¤ à°¬à±à°¯à°¾à°•à±â€Œà°²à°¿à°‚కౠలేబà±à°³à±à°³à± అయిపోయాయి. <nowiki>[[MediaWiki:Cite references link many format backlink labels]]</nowiki> సందేశంలో మరినà±à°¨à°¿ లేబà±à°³à±à°³à°¨à± నిరà±à°µà°šà°¿à°‚à°šà±à°•à±‹à°‚à°¡à°¿.',
'cite_error_references_no_text' => 'సరైన <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> కాదà±; <code>$1</code> అనే పేరà±à°—à°² ref లకౠపాఠà±à°¯à°®à±‡à°®à±€ ఇవà±à°µà°²à±‡à°¦à±',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'పైకి దూకà±',
/** Tajik (Cyrillic script) (тоҷикӣ)
@@ -3685,8 +3599,6 @@ sadece "group" parametresine izin verilir.
'cite_error_references_no_key' => "<code>&lt;references&gt;</code>'da tanımlanan <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> etiketinin hiçbir ad özniteliği yok.",
'cite_error_empty_references_define' => '<code>&lt;references&gt;</code>\'da tanımlanan "$1" adlı <code>&lt;ref&gt;</code> etiketinin içeriği yok.',
'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz',
- 'cite_references_link_accessibility_label' => 'Yukarı git',
- 'cite_references_link_many_accessibility_label' => 'Åžuraya git:',
/** Tatar (Cyrillic script) (татарча)
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/Cite.php b/extensions/Cite/Cite.php
index 045bb8cc..4b2f70ff 100644
--- a/extensions/Cite/Cite.php
+++ b/extensions/Cite/Cite.php
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfCite';
+$wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'wfCiteBeforePageDisplay';
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'path' => __FILE__,
@@ -96,4 +98,22 @@ $wgResourceModules['ext.rtlcite'] = $citeResourceTemplate + array(
'position' => 'top',
+ * @param $out OutputPage
+ * @param $sk Skin
+ * @return bool
+ */
+function wfCiteBeforePageDisplay( $out, &$sk ) {
+ global $wgCiteEnablePopups;
+ $out->addModules( 'ext.cite' );
+ if ( $wgCiteEnablePopups ) {
+ $out->addModules( 'ext.cite.popups' );
+ }
+ /* RTL support quick-fix module */
+ $out->addModuleStyles( 'ext.rtlcite' );
+ return true;
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/Cite_body.php b/extensions/Cite/Cite_body.php
index 08c60722..27432f47 100644
--- a/extensions/Cite/Cite_body.php
+++ b/extensions/Cite/Cite_body.php
@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ class Cite {
* @return string
function ref( $str, $argv, $parser ) {
- global $wgCiteEnablePopups;
if ( $this->mInCite ) {
return htmlspecialchars( "<ref>$str</ref>" );
} else {
@@ -163,12 +162,6 @@ class Cite {
$this->mInCite = true;
$ret = $this->guardedRef( $str, $argv, $parser );
$this->mInCite = false;
- $parserOutput = $parser->getOutput();
- $parserOutput->addModules( 'ext.cite' );
- if ( $wgCiteEnablePopups ) {
- $parserOutput->addModules( 'ext.cite.popups' );
- }
- $parserOutput->addModuleStyles( 'ext.rtlcite' );
return $ret;
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.alias.php b/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.alias.php
index cbcdafbb..8061afcc 100644
--- a/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.alias.php
+++ b/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.alias.php
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ $specialPageAliases['ce'] = array(
'Cite' => array( 'Дош' ),
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina) */
+/** Czech (Äesky) */
$specialPageAliases['cs'] = array(
'Cite' => array( 'Citovat' ),
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.i18n.php b/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.i18n.php
index 79665633..635025d4 100644
--- a/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/Cite/SpecialCite.i18n.php
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ $messages['arz'] = array(
* @author Gitartha.bordoloi
$messages['as'] = array(
- 'cite_article_desc' => 'à¦à¦Ÿà¦¾ [[Special:Cite|উদà§à¦§à§ƒà¦¤à¦¿]] পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾ আৰৠà¦à¦Ÿà¦¾ সা-সৰঞà§à¦œà¦¾à¦® লিংক যোগ কৰে',
+ 'cite_article_desc' => 'à¦à¦–ন [[Special:Cite|উদà§à¦§à§ƒà¦¤à¦¿]] পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾ আৰৠà¦à¦Ÿà¦¾ টà§à¦²à¦¬à¦•à§à¦¸ লিংক যোগ কৰে',
'cite_article_link' => 'à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à§° উদà§à¦§à§ƒà¦¤à¦¿ দিয়ক',
'tooltip-cite-article' => 'à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦–নৰ উদà§à¦§à§ƒà¦¤à¦¿ দিয়াৰ বিষয়ে তথà§à¦¯',
'cite' => '↓উদà§à¦§à§ƒà¦¤',
@@ -1014,7 +1014,6 @@ $messages['cdo'] = array(
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'cite_article_desc' => 'ГӀирÑан тӀе туху [[Special:Cite|дешнаш дало]] белхан агӀо а хьажораг а',
'cite_article_link' => 'ÐгӀонах лаьцна дешнаш дало',
'tooltip-cite-article' => 'ХӀара бу хаам агӀонах лаьцна дешнаш муха дало деза гойтуш',
'cite' => 'Далийнадош',
@@ -1049,7 +1048,7 @@ $messages['co'] = array(
'cite_page' => 'Pagina:',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Beren
* @author Li-sung
* @author Martin Kozák
@@ -1131,7 +1130,7 @@ PÅ™i použití [[LaTeX]]ového balíÄku url (nÄ›kde na zaÄátku dokumentu je u
</div> <!--closing div for \"plainlinks\"-->",
-/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
+/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣÌньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
* @author ОйЛ
$messages['cu'] = array(
@@ -1286,10 +1285,9 @@ NÃ¥r du bruger [[LaTeX]] pakkens URL-adressen (<code>\\usepackage{url}</code> et
/** German (Deutsch)
* @author Kghbln
- * @author Purodha
$messages['de'] = array(
- 'cite_article_desc' => 'Erweitert das Wiki um eine [[Special:Cite|Spezialseite]] als Zitierhilfe sowie einen Link darauf im Bereich Werkzeuge',
+ 'cite_article_desc' => 'Ergänzt eine [[Special:Cite|Spezialseite]] als Zitierhilfe sowie einen zugehörigen Link im Bereich Werkzeuge',
'cite_article_link' => 'Seite zitieren',
'tooltip-cite-article' => 'Hinweis, wie diese Seite zitiert werden kann',
'cite' => 'Zitierhilfe',
@@ -1957,77 +1955,6 @@ $messages['frp'] = array(
'cite_submit' => 'Citar',
-/** Northern Frisian (Nordfriisk)
- * @author Murma174
- */
-$messages['frr'] = array(
- 'cite_article_desc' => 'Diar komt en nei [[Special:Cite|spezial-sidj]] tu, am sitiarin ianfacher tu maagin, an uk en ferwisang bi a werktjüügen',
- 'cite_article_link' => 'Detdiar sidj sitiare',
- 'tooltip-cite-article' => 'Hü detdiar sidj sitiaret wurd koon',
- 'cite' => 'Sitiare',
- 'cite_page' => 'Sidj:',
- 'cite_submit' => 'Sitiare',
- 'cite_text' => "__NOTOC__
-<div class=\"mw-specialcite-bibliographic\">
-== Bibliograafisk dooten för {{FULLPAGENAME}} ==
-* Skriiwer: {{SITENAME}} contributors
-* Ãœtjden faan: ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''.
-* Ufrepen: <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC</citation>
-* Permanent URL: {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}
-* Sidjenwerjuun ID: {{REVISIONID}}
-<div class=\"plainlinks mw-specialcite-styles\">
-== Sitiarmuudin för {{FULLPAGENAME}} ==
-=== [[APA muude]] ===
-{{FULLPAGENAME}}. ({{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}). ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''. Ufrepen <citation>{{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation> faan {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}.
-=== [[MLA muude]] ===
-\"{{FULLPAGENAME}}.\" ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''. {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC. <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}}</citation> &lt;{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}&gt;.
-=== [[MHRA muude]] ===
-{{SITENAME}} bewerkern, '{{FULLPAGENAME}}', ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC, &lt;{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}&gt; [accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]
-=== [[Chicago muude]] ===
-{{SITENAME}} bewerkern, \"{{FULLPAGENAME}},\" ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (ufrepen <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>).
-=== [[CBE/CSE muude]] ===
-{{SITENAME}} bewerkern. {{FULLPAGENAME}} [Internet]. {{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}; {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC [sitiaret <citation>{{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}</citation>]. Tu fun faan:
-=== [[Bluebook muude]] ===
-{{FULLPAGENAME}}, {{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (ufrepen <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>).
-=== [[BibTeX]] iindrach ===
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- }
-Wan det [[LaTeX]]-moduul (<code>\\usepackage{url}</code> uun't iinfeerang) mä en smoker wääb-adres brükt woort, as det ferlicht neter so:
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/** Friulian (furlan)
* @author Klenje
* @author MF-Warburg
@@ -2062,13 +1989,6 @@ $messages['ga'] = array(
'cite_submit' => 'Luaigh',
-/** Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig)
- * @author Akerbeltz
- */
-$messages['gd'] = array(
- 'cite_article_link' => 'Thoir iomradh air an duilleag seo',
/** Galician (galego)
* @author Toliño
* @author Xosé
@@ -3665,7 +3585,6 @@ $messages['kw'] = array(
/** Latin (Latina)
- * @author Autokrator
* @author MissPetticoats
* @author SPQRobin
* @author UV
@@ -3673,26 +3592,17 @@ $messages['kw'] = array(
$messages['la'] = array(
'cite_article_desc' => ' Addet [[Special:Cite|citation]] specialem paginam et arcam instrumenti', # Fuzzy
'cite_article_link' => 'Hanc paginam citare',
- 'tooltip-cite-article' => 'Institutiones de hanc pagina citanda',
'cite' => 'Paginam citare',
'cite_page' => 'Pagina:',
'cite_submit' => 'Citare',
-/** Ladino (Ladino)
- * @author Menachem.Moreira
- */
-$messages['lad'] = array(
- 'cite_page' => 'Pajina:',
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Kaffi
* @author Robby
- * @author Soued031
$messages['lb'] = array(
- 'cite_article_desc' => "Setzt eng [[Special:Cite|Zitatioun op dëser Spezialsäit]] bei an e Link an d'Geschiirkëscht",
+ 'cite_article_desc' => "Setzt eng [[Special:Cite|Zitatioun op dëser Spezialsäit]] bäi an e Link an d'Geschiirkëscht",
'cite_article_link' => 'Dës Säit zitéieren',
'tooltip-cite-article' => 'Informatioune wéi een dës Säit zitéiere kann',
'cite' => 'Zitéierhëllef',
@@ -3816,15 +3726,10 @@ $messages['lo'] = array(
/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
* @author Mogoeilor
$messages['lrc'] = array(
- 'cite_article_link' => 'جاگه ای بلگه',
- 'tooltip-cite-article' => 'دونسمنیا چه جور دای بلگه جاگر بوئه',
- 'cite' => 'جاگه',
'cite_page' => 'بلگه',
- 'cite_submit' => 'جاگه',
/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
@@ -4181,7 +4086,7 @@ $messages['mn'] = array(
* @author V.narsikar
$messages['mr'] = array(
- 'cite_article_desc' => 'à¤à¤• [[Special:Cite|बाहà¥à¤¯à¤¦à¥à¤µà¥‡]] देणारे विशेषपान व साधनपेटीचा दà¥à¤µà¤¾ जोडते',
+ 'cite_article_desc' => 'à¤à¤• विशेष [[Special:Cite|बाहà¥à¤¯à¤¦à¥à¤µà¥‡]] देणारे पान व टूलबॉकà¥à¤¸à¤šà¥€ लिंक तयार करा',
'cite_article_link' => 'हे पान उधृत करा',
'tooltip-cite-article' => 'हे पृषà¥à¤  बघणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€à¤šà¥€ माहिती',
'cite' => 'उधृत करा',
@@ -5506,16 +5411,6 @@ $messages['sgs'] = array(
'cite_page' => 'Poslapis:',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'cite_article_link' => 'Citiraj ovaj Älanak',
- 'cite' => 'Citiraj',
- 'cite_page' => 'Stranica:',
- 'cite_submit' => 'Citiraj - Цитирај',
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
* @author Budhajeewa
* @author නන්දිමිතුරු
@@ -5685,7 +5580,6 @@ When using the [[LaTeX]] package url (<code>\\usepackage{url}</code> somewhere i
/** Serbian (Cyrillic script) (ÑрпÑки (ћирилица)‎)
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Millosh
* @author Rancher
* @author Sasa Stefanovic
@@ -5694,144 +5588,25 @@ When using the [[LaTeX]] package url (<code>\\usepackage{url}</code> somewhere i
$messages['sr-ec'] = array(
'cite_article_desc' => 'Додаје поÑебну Ñтраницу за [[Special:Cite|цитирање]] и везу Ñ Ð°Ð»Ð°Ñ‚ÐºÐ°Ð¼Ð°',
- 'cite_article_link' => 'Цитирај ову Ñтраницу',
+ 'cite_article_link' => 'БиблиографÑки подаци',
'tooltip-cite-article' => 'Информације о томе како цитирати ову Ñтрану',
- 'cite' => 'Цитирање',
+ 'cite' => 'цитат',
'cite_page' => 'Страница:',
- 'cite_submit' => 'Цитирај',
- 'cite_text' => "__NOTOC__
-<div class=\"mw-specialcite-bibliographic\">
-== БиблиографÑки детаљи за Ñтрану {{FULLPAGENAME}} ==
-* Ðазив Ñтране: {{FULLPAGENAME}}
-* Ðутор: {{SITENAME}} Ñарадници
-* Издавач: ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''.
-* Датум узимања: <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC</citation>
-* Стални URL: {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}
-* ID верзије Ñтране: {{REVISIONID}}
-<div class=\"plainlinks mw-specialcite-styles\">
-== Стилови цитирања за Ñтрану {{FULLPAGENAME}} ==
-=== [[APA style|APA Ñтил]] ===
-{{FULLPAGENAME}}. ({{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}). ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''. Узето <citation>{{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation> од {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}.
-=== [[The MLA style manual|MLA Ñтил]] ===
-=== [[MHRA Style Guide|MHRA Ñтил]] ===
-Википедијини Ñарадници, '{{FULLPAGENAME}}', ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC, &lt;{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}&gt; [приÑтупљено <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]
-=== [[The Chicago Manual of Style|Чикаго Ñтил]] ===
-Википедијини Ñарадници, \"{{FULLPAGENAME}},\" ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (приÑтупљено <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>).
-=== [[Council of Science Editors|CBE/CSE Ñтил]] ===
-Википедијини Ñарадници. {{FULLPAGENAME}} [Интернет]. {{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}; {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC [цитирано <citation>{{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}</citation>]. ДоÑтупно Ñа:
-=== [[Bluebook|Bluebook Ñтил]] ===
-{{FULLPAGENAME}}, {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (поÑледња поÑета <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>).
-=== [[BibTeX]] ÑƒÐ½Ð¾Ñ ===
- @misc{ wiki:xxx,
- author = \"{{SITENAME}}\",
- title = \"{{FULLPAGENAME}} --- {{SITENAME}}{,} {{int:sitesubtitle}}\",
- year = \"{{CURRENTYEAR}}\",
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- note = \"[Online; accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]\"
- }
-Када кориÑтите [[LaTeX]] пакет url (<code>\\usepackage{url}</code> негде у преамбули) који тежи да да далеко лепше форматирану адреÑу, Ñледеће је можда боље:
- @misc{ wiki:xxx,
- author = \"{{SITENAME}}\",
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- year = \"{{CURRENTYEAR}}\",
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- note = \"[Online; accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]\"
- }
-</div><!--cerrando div para \"plainlinks\"-->",
+ 'cite_submit' => 'цитат',
/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
* @author Liangent
* @author Michaello
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Жељко Тодоровић
$messages['sr-el'] = array(
'cite_article_desc' => 'Dodaje specijalnu stranu za [[Special:Cite|citiranje]] i vezu ka oruđima.',
- 'cite_article_link' => 'Citiraj ovu stranicu',
+ 'cite_article_link' => 'citiranje ove strane',
'tooltip-cite-article' => 'Informacije o tome kako citirati ovu stranu',
- 'cite' => 'Citiranje',
+ 'cite' => 'citat',
'cite_page' => 'Stranica:',
- 'cite_submit' => 'Citiraj',
- 'cite_text' => "__NOTOC__
-<div class=\"mw-specialcite-bibliographic\">
-== Bibliografski detalji za stranu {{FULLPAGENAME}} ==
-* Naziv strane: {{FULLPAGENAME}}
-* Autor: {{SITENAME}} saradnici
-* IzdavaÄ: ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''.
-* Datum uzimanja: <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC</citation>
-* Stalni URL: {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}
-* ID verzije strane: {{REVISIONID}}
-<div class=\"plainlinks mw-specialcite-styles\">
-== Stilovi citiranja za stranu {{FULLPAGENAME}} ==
-=== [[APA style|APA stil]] ===
-{{FULLPAGENAME}}. ({{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}). ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}''. Uzeto <citation>{{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation> od {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}.
-=== [[The MLA style manual|MLA stil]] ===
-=== [[MHRA Style Guide|MHRA stil]] ===
-Vikipedijini saradnici, '{{FULLPAGENAME}}', ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC, &lt;{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}&gt; [pristupljeno <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]
-=== [[The Chicago Manual of Style|ÄŒikago stil]] ===
-Vikipedijini saradnici, \"{{FULLPAGENAME}},\" ''{{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}},'' {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (pristupljeno <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>).
-=== [[Council of Science Editors|CBE/CSE stil]] ===
-Vikipedijini saradnici. {{FULLPAGENAME}} [Internet]. {{SITENAME}}, {{int:sitesubtitle}}; {{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTTIME}} UTC [citirano <citation>{{CURRENTYEAR}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{CURRENTDAY}}</citation>]. Dostupno sa:
-=== [[Bluebook|Bluebook stil]] ===
-{{FULLPAGENAME}}, {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}} (poslednja poseta <citation>{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>).
-=== [[BibTeX]] unos ===
- @misc{ wiki:xxx,
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- title = \"{{FULLPAGENAME}} --- {{SITENAME}}{,} {{int:sitesubtitle}}\",
- year = \"{{CURRENTYEAR}}\",
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- note = \"[Online; accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]\"
- }
-Kada koristite [[LaTeX]] paket url (<code>\\usepackage{url}</code> negde u preambuli) koji teži da da daleko lepše formatiranu adresu, sledeće je možda bolje:
- @misc{ wiki:xxx,
- author = \"{{SITENAME}}\",
- title = \"{{FULLPAGENAME}} --- {{SITENAME}}{,} {{int:sitesubtitle}}\",
- year = \"{{CURRENTYEAR}}\",
- url = \"'''\\url{'''{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|oldid={{REVISIONID}}}}'''}'''\",
- note = \"[Online; accessed <citation>{{CURRENTDAY}}-{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}-{{CURRENTYEAR}}</citation>]\"
- }
-</div><!--closing div for \"plainlinks\"-->",
+ 'cite_submit' => 'citat',
/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/citeParserTests.txt b/extensions/Cite/citeParserTests.txt
index 052cd56a..3076eeb6 100644
--- a/extensions/Cite/citeParserTests.txt
+++ b/extensions/Cite/citeParserTests.txt
@@ -311,20 +311,16 @@ AAA<ref group="å‚">ref a</ref>BBB<ref group="注">note b</ref>CCC<ref group="å
!! result
<p>AAA<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[å‚ 1]</a></sup>BBB<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[注 1]</a></sup>CCC<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-3">[å‚ 2]</a></sup>
<ol class="references">
<li id="cite_note-1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-1">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">ref a</span>
<li id="cite_note-3"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-3">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">ref c</span>
<ol class="references">
<li id="cite_note-2"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-2">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">note b</span>
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/.gitreview b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 780d35df..00000000
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Asirra.i18n.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Asirra.i18n.php
index 451107bb..23190c29 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Asirra.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Asirra.i18n.php
@@ -76,28 +76,10 @@ $messages['be-tarask'] = array(
* @author Fohanno
$messages['br'] = array(
- 'asirra-desc' => 'Modulenn Asirra evit ConfirmEdit',
- 'asirra-edit' => 'Evit sikour da wareziñ ar wiki diouzh ar stroboù emgefre, diuzit ar skeudennoù kizhier er voest dindan :',
'asirra-nojs' => "'''Gweredekait JavaScript, mar plij, hag adkasit ar bajenn.'''",
- 'asirra-failed' => 'Diuzit an holl skeudennoù kizhier, mar plij',
-/** Catalan (català)
- * @author Toniher
- */
-$messages['ca'] = array(
- 'asirra-desc' => 'Mòdul Asirra de ConfirmEdit',
- 'asirra-edit' => 'Per tal de protegir el wiki contra les edicions brosses, us demanem que seleccioneu només les fotos de gats del requadre a continuació:',
- 'asirra-addurl' => "La modificació inclou nous enllaços externs. Per tal de protegir el wiki davant d'edicions brossa, us demanem que seleccioneu només les fotos de gots del requadre a continuació:",
- 'asirra-badlogin' => 'Per tal de protegir el wiki contra els intents de trencament de contrasenyes, us demanem que seleccioneu només les fotos de gats del requadre a continuació:',
- 'asirra-createaccount' => 'Per tal de protegir el wiki contra la creació automatitzada de comptes, us demanem que seleccioneu només les fotos de gats del requadre a continuació:',
- 'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'Identifiqueu correctament els gats.',
- 'asirra-create' => 'Per tal de protegir el wiki contra la creació automàtica de pàgines, us demanem que seleccioneu només les fotos de gats del requadre a continuació:',
- 'asirra-nojs' => "'''Habilitieu el JavaScript i torneu a enviar la pàgina.'''",
- 'asirra-failed' => 'Identifiqueu totes les imatges de gats',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Vks
$messages['cs'] = array(
@@ -141,35 +123,19 @@ $messages['diq'] = array(
/** Spanish (español)
* @author Armando-Martin
- * @author Ciencia Al Poder
$messages['es'] = array(
'asirra-desc' => 'Módulo de Asirra para ConfirmEdit',
'asirra-edit' => 'Para ayudar a protegernos contra el spam de edición automática, seleccione sólo las fotos de gatos en el cuadro siguiente:', # Fuzzy
- 'asirra-addurl' => 'Tu edición incluye nuevos enlaces externos. Para proteger el wiki contra el spam automatizado, por favor, te pedimos que selecciones solo las fotos de gatos en el cuadro siguiente:',
- 'asirra-badlogin' => 'Para proteger el wiki contra el robo automatizado de contraseñas, te pedimos por favor que selecciones únicamente las fotos de gatos en el cuadro siguiente:',
- 'asirra-createaccount' => 'Para proteger el wiki contra la creación automatizada de cuentas de usuario, te pedimos por favor que selecciones únicamente las fotos de gatos en el cuadro siguiente:',
+ 'asirra-addurl' => 'Su edición incluye nuevos enlaces externos. Para ayudar a protegernos contra el spam automatizado, por favor, seleccione solo las fotos de gato en el cuadro siguiente:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-badlogin' => 'Para ayudar a protegernos del robo automatizado de contraseñas, seleccione sólo las fotos de gatos en el cuadro siguiente:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-createaccount' => 'Para ayudar a protegernos contra la creación automatizada de cuentas, seleccione sólo las fotos de gato en el cuadro siguiente:', # Fuzzy
'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'Identifique correctamente los gatos.',
- 'asirra-create' => 'Para proteger el wiki contra la creación automatizada de páginas, te pedimos por favor que selecciones únicamente las fotos de gatos en el cuadro siguiente:',
+ 'asirra-create' => 'Para ayudar a protegernos contra la creación automática de páginas, seleccione sólo las fotos de gato en el cuadro siguiente:', # Fuzzy
'asirra-nojs' => "'''Por favor active JavaScript y vuelva a la página.'''",
'asirra-failed' => 'Identifique todas las imágenes de gatos',
-/** Persian (Ùارسی)
- * @author Armin1392
- */
-$messages['fa'] = array(
- 'asirra-desc' => 'بخش آسیرا برای تایید ویرایش',
- 'asirra-edit' => ' برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر ویرایش خودکار اسپم، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ تنها عکس‌های گربه را در جعبهٔ زیر انتخاب کنید:',
- 'asirra-addurl' => 'ویرایش شما شامل لینک‌های خارجی جدید است.برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر ویرایش خودکار اسپم، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ تنها عکس‌های گربه را در جعبهٔ زیر انتخاب کنید:',
- 'asirra-badlogin' => 'برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر رخنه به رمز‌ عبور به طور خودکار، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ تنها عکس‌های گربه را در جعبهٔ زیر انتخاب کنید:',
- 'asirra-createaccount' => 'برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر ایجاد حساب به طور خودکار، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ تنها عکس‌های گربه را در جعبهٔ زیر انتخاب کنید:',
- 'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'لطÙاً این گربه‌ها را به درستی شناسایی کنید.',
- 'asirra-create' => 'برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر ایجاد صÙحه به طور خودکار، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ تنها عکس‌های گربه را در جعبهٔ زیر انتخاب کنید:',
- 'asirra-nojs' => "'''لطÙاً جاوااسکریپت را Ùعال کنید Ùˆ صÙحه را دوباره ارائه کنید.'''",
- 'asirra-failed' => 'لطÙاً همهٔ عکس‌های گربه را شناسایی کنید',
/** Finnish (suomi)
* @author VezonThunder
@@ -217,33 +183,17 @@ $messages['gl'] = array(
'asirra-failed' => 'Identifique todas as fotos de gatos',
-/** Hebrew (עברית)
- * @author Yona b
- * @author ערן
- */
-$messages['he'] = array(
- 'asirra-desc' => 'מודול Asirra ל×ישור עריכה (ConfirmEdit)',
- 'asirra-edit' => 'כדי להגן על הוויקי מעריכות ספ×× ×וטומטיות, נבקשך לבחור רק ×ת תמונות ×”×—×ª×•×œ×™× ×‘×ª×™×‘×” שלהלן:',
- 'asirra-addurl' => 'העריכה שלך כוללת ×§×™×©×•×¨×™× ×—×™×¦×•× ×™×™× ×—×“×©×™×. כדי להגן על הויקי מעריכות ספ×× ×וטומטיות, נבקשך לבחור רק ×ת תמונות ×”×—×ª×•×œ×™× ×‘×ª×™×‘×” שלהלן:',
- 'asirra-badlogin' => 'כדי להגן על הוויקי מפיצוח ×וטומטי של סיסמ×ות, נבקשך לבחור רק ×ת תמונות ×”×—×ª×•×œ×™× ×‘×ª×™×‘×” שלהלן:',
- 'asirra-createaccount' => 'כדי להגן על הוויקי מפני יצירה ×וטומטית של חשבונות, נבקשך לבחור רק ×ת תמונות ×”×—×ª×•×œ×™× ×‘×ª×™×‘×” שלהלן:',
- 'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'יש לזהות כר×וי ×ת החתולי×.',
- 'asirra-create' => 'כדי להגן על הוויקי מפני יצירה ×וטומטית של דפי×, נבקשך לבחור רק ×ת תמונות ×”×—×ª×•×œ×™× ×‘×ª×™×‘×” שלהלן:',
- 'asirra-nojs' => "'''יש ל×פשר JavaScript ולשלוח מחדש ×ת הדף.'''",
- 'asirra-failed' => 'יש לזהות ×ת כל תמונות החתולי×',
/** Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbsce)
* @author Michawiki
$messages['hsb'] = array(
'asirra-desc' => 'Modul Asirra za ConfirmEdit',
- 'asirra-edit' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:',
- 'asirra-addurl' => 'Twoja zmÄ›na wobsahuje nowe eksterne wotkazy. Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:',
- 'asirra-badlogin' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatizowanemu zÅ‚amanju hesÅ‚ow, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:',
- 'asirra-createaccount' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju konta, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:',
+ 'asirra-edit' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-addurl' => 'Twoja zmÄ›na wobsahuje nowe eksterne wotkazy. Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-badlogin' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatizowanemu zÅ‚amanju hesÅ‚ow, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-createaccount' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju konta, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:', # Fuzzy
'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'ProÅ¡u identifikuj kóÄki.',
- 'asirra-create' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju strony, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:',
+ 'asirra-create' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju strony, proÅ¡u wubjer jenož fota kóÄkow w slÄ›dowacym polu:', # Fuzzy
'asirra-nojs' => "'''Prošu zmóžń JavaScript a składuj stronu hišće raz.'''",
'asirra-failed' => 'ProÅ¡u identifikuj wÅ¡Ä› wobrazy z kóÄkami',
@@ -295,17 +245,16 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
/** Korean (한국어)
- * @author Hym411
* @author ì•„ë¼
$messages['ko'] = array(
'asirra-desc' => 'ConfirmEditì— ëŒ€í•œ Asirra 모듈',
- 'asirra-edit' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ íŽ¸ì§‘ 스팸으로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:',
- 'asirra-addurl' => 'íŽ¸ì§‘ì— ìƒˆë¡œìš´ 바깥 ë§í¬ê°€ í¬í•¨ë˜ì–´ 있습니다. ìžë™í™”ëœ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:',
- 'asirra-badlogin' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ë¹„ë°€ë²ˆí˜¸ í¬ëž˜í‚¹ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:',
- 'asirra-createaccount' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ê³„ì • 만들기로부터 위키를 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:',
+ 'asirra-edit' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ íŽ¸ì§‘ 스팸으로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-addurl' => 'íŽ¸ì§‘ì— ìƒˆë¡œìš´ 바깥 ë§í¬ê°€ í¬í•¨ë˜ì–´ 있습니다. ìžë™í™”ëœ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-badlogin' => '비밀번호 깨기로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:', # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-createaccount' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ê³„ì • 만들기로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:', # Fuzzy
'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'ê³ ì–‘ì´ë¥¼ 올바르게 ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”.',
- 'asirra-create' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ë¬¸ì„œ 만들기로부터 위키를 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:',
+ 'asirra-create' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ë¬¸ì„œ 만들기로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— 있는 ê³ ì–‘ì´ ì‚¬ì§„ì„ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”:', # Fuzzy
'asirra-nojs' => "'''ìžë°”스í¬ë¦½íŠ¸ë¥¼ 활성화하고 문서를 다시 제출하세요.'''",
'asirra-failed' => 'ê³ ì–‘ì´ ê·¸ë¦¼ì„ ëª¨ë‘ ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”',
@@ -472,12 +421,12 @@ $messages['pt'] = array(
$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
'asirra-desc' => 'Module Asirra pe confermà le cangiaminde',
- 'asirra-edit' => "Pe proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
- 'asirra-addurl' => "Le cangiaminde tune 'ngludone collegaminde de fore nuève. Pe proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije d'a fote 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
- 'asirra-badlogin' => "Pe proteggere condre le futteminde automatece de le passuord, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
- 'asirra-createaccount' => "Pe proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le cunde, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
+ 'asirra-edit' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scacchie ìa categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-addurl' => "Le cangiaminde tune 'ngludone collegaminde de fore nuève. Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije d'a fote 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-badlogin' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le futteminde automatece de le passuord, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
+ 'asirra-createaccount' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le cunde, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'Pe piacere idendifiche correttamende le categorije.',
- 'asirra-create' => "Pe proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le pàggene, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
+ 'asirra-create' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le pàggene, pe piacere scacchie 'a categorije de le fote jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
'asirra-nojs' => "'''Pe piacere abbilite JavaScript e conferme arrete 'a pàgene.'''",
'asirra-failed' => 'Pe piacere idendifiche tutte le categorije de le immaggine',
@@ -510,7 +459,6 @@ $messages['si'] = array(
/** Swedish (svenska)
* @author Jopparn
* @author Rotsee
- * @author Tobulos1
* @author WikiPhoenix
$messages['sv'] = array(
@@ -518,7 +466,6 @@ $messages['sv'] = array(
'asirra-addurl' => 'Din redigering innehåller nya externa länkar. För att skydda wikin mot automatiserat redigerings-spam ber vi dig att endast markera fotografierna på katter i rutan nedan:',
'asirra-badlogin' => 'För att skydda wikin mot automatiserade försök att knäcka lösenord ber vi dig att endast markera fotografierna på katter i rutan nedan:',
'asirra-createaccount' => 'För att skydda wikin mot automatiserat kontoskapande ber vi dig att endast markera fotografierna på katter i rutan nedan:',
- 'asirra-createaccount-fail' => 'Vänligen identifiera katterna korrekt.',
'asirra-create' => 'För att skydda wikin mot automatiserat sidskapande ber vi dig att endast markera fotografierna på katter i rutan nedan:',
'asirra-nojs' => "'''Var god aktivera JavaScript och hämta sidan igen.'''",
'asirra-failed' => 'Var god identifiera alla kattbilder',
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Captcha.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Captcha.php
index 20b2dfd4..3be6d917 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Captcha.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/Captcha.php
@@ -355,38 +355,26 @@ class SimpleCaptcha {
function filterLink( $url ) {
global $wgCaptchaWhitelist;
- static $regexes = null;
+ $source = wfMessage( 'captcha-addurl-whitelist' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
- if ( $regexes === null ) {
- $source = wfMessage( 'captcha-addurl-whitelist' )->inContentLanguage();
+ $whitelist = wfMessage( 'captcha-addurl-whitelist', $source )->isDisabled()
+ ? false
+ : $this->buildRegexes( explode( "\n", $source ) );
- $regexes = $source->isDisabled()
- ? array()
- : $this->buildRegexes( explode( "\n", $source->plain() ) );
+ $cwl = $wgCaptchaWhitelist !== false ? preg_match( $wgCaptchaWhitelist, $url ) : false;
+ $wl = $whitelist !== false ? preg_match( $whitelist, $url ) : false;
- if ( $wgCaptchaWhitelist !== false ) {
- array_unshift( $regexes, $wgCaptchaWhitelist );
- }
- }
- foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) {
- if ( preg_match( $regex, $url ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
+ return !( $cwl || $wl );
* Build regex from whitelist
* @param $lines string from [[MediaWiki:Captcha-addurl-whitelist]]
- * @return array Regexes
+ * @return string Regex or bool false if whitelist is empty
* @access private
function buildRegexes( $lines ) {
# Code duplicated from the SpamBlacklist extension (r19197)
- # and later modified.
# Strip comments and whitespace, then remove blanks
$lines = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', preg_replace( '/#.*$/', '', $lines ) ) );
@@ -394,59 +382,34 @@ class SimpleCaptcha {
# No lines, don't make a regex which will match everything
if ( count( $lines ) == 0 ) {
wfDebug( "No lines\n" );
- return array();
+ return false;
} else {
# Make regex
# It's faster using the S modifier even though it will usually only be run once
// $regex = 'http://+[a-z0-9_\-.]*(' . implode( '|', $lines ) . ')';
// return '/' . str_replace( '/', '\/', preg_replace('|\\\*/|', '/', $regex) ) . '/Si';
- $regexes = array();
- $regexStart = array(
- 'normal' => '/^https?:\/\/+[a-z0-9_\-.]*(?:',
- 'noprotocol' => '/^(?:',
- );
- $regexEnd = array(
- 'normal' => ')/Si',
- 'noprotocol' => ')/Si',
- );
+ $regexes = '';
+ $regexStart = '/^https?:\/\/+[a-z0-9_\-.]*(';
+ $regexEnd = ')/Si';
$regexMax = 4096;
- $build = array();
+ $build = false;
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
- # Extract flags from the line
- $options = array();
- if ( preg_match( '/^(.*?)\s*<([^<>]*)>$/', $line, $matches ) ) {
- if ( $matches[1] === '' ) {
- wfDebug( "Line with empty regex\n" );
- continue;
- }
- $line = $matches[1];
- $opts = preg_split( '/\s*\|\s*/', trim( $matches[2] ) );
- foreach ( $opts as $opt ) {
- $opt = strtolower( $opt );
- if ( $opt == 'noprotocol' ) {
- $options['noprotocol'] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- $key = isset( $options['noprotocol'] ) ? 'noprotocol' : 'normal';
// FIXME: not very robust size check, but should work. :)
- if ( !isset( $build[$key] ) ) {
- $build[$key] = $line;
- } elseif ( strlen( $build[$key] ) + strlen( $line ) > $regexMax ) {
- $regexes[] = $regexStart[$key] .
- str_replace( '/', '\/', preg_replace( '|\\\*/|', '/', $build[$key] ) ) .
- $regexEnd[$key];
- $build[$key] = $line;
+ if ( $build === false ) {
+ $build = $line;
+ } elseif ( strlen( $build ) + strlen( $line ) > $regexMax ) {
+ $regexes .= $regexStart .
+ str_replace( '/', '\/', preg_replace( '|\\\*/|', '/', $build ) ) .
+ $regexEnd;
+ $build = $line;
} else {
- $build[$key] .= '|' . $line;
+ $build .= '|' . $line;
- foreach ( $build as $key => $value ) {
- $regexes[] = $regexStart[$key] .
- str_replace( '/', '\/', preg_replace( '|\\\*/|', '/', $build[$key] ) ) .
- $regexEnd[$key];
+ if ( $build !== false ) {
+ $regexes .= $regexStart .
+ str_replace( '/', '\/', preg_replace( '|\\\*/|', '/', $build ) ) .
+ $regexEnd;
return $regexes;
@@ -537,42 +500,25 @@ class SimpleCaptcha {
* Hook for user creation form submissions.
* @param User $u
* @param string $message
- * @param Status $status
* @return bool true to continue, false to abort user creation
- function confirmUserCreate( $u, &$message, &$status = null ) {
- if ( $this->needCreateAccountCaptcha() ) {
- $this->trigger = "new account '" . $u->getName() . "'";
- if ( !$this->passCaptcha() ) {
- // For older MediaWiki
- $message = wfMessage( 'captcha-createaccount-fail' )->text();
- // For MediaWiki 1.23+
- $status = Status::newFatal( 'captcha-createaccount-fail' );
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Logic to check if we need to pass a captcha for the current user
- * to create a new account, or not
- *
- * @return bool true to show captcha, false to skip captcha
- */
- function needCreateAccountCaptcha() {
+ function confirmUserCreate( $u, &$message ) {
global $wgCaptchaTriggers, $wgUser;
if ( $wgCaptchaTriggers['createaccount'] ) {
if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'skipcaptcha' ) ) {
wfDebug( "ConfirmEdit: user group allows skipping captcha on account creation\n" );
- return false;
+ return true;
- if ( $this->isIPWhitelisted() ) {
+ if ( $this->isIPWhitelisted() )
+ return true;
+ $this->trigger = "new account '" . $u->getName() . "'";
+ if ( !$this->passCaptcha() ) {
+ $message = wfMessage( 'captcha-createaccount-fail' )->text();
return false;
- return true;
- return false;
+ return true;
@@ -636,7 +582,7 @@ class SimpleCaptcha {
* @return bool
protected function isAPICaptchaModule( $module ) {
- return $module instanceof ApiEditPage || $module instanceof ApiCreateAccount;
+ return $module instanceof ApiEditPage;
@@ -787,50 +733,4 @@ class SimpleCaptcha {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'captchahelp-cookies-needed' );
- /**
- * Pass API captcha parameters on to the login form when using
- * API account creation.
- *
- * @param ApiCreateAccount $apiModule
- * @param LoginForm $loginForm
- * @return hook return value
- */
- function addNewAccountApiForm( $apiModule, $loginForm ) {
- global $wgRequest;
- $main = $apiModule->getMain();
- $id = $main->getVal( 'captchaid' );
- if ( $id ) {
- $wgRequest->setVal( 'wpCaptchaId', $id );
- // Suppress "unrecognized parameter" warning:
- $main->getVal( 'wpCaptchaId' );
- }
- $word = $main->getVal( 'captchaword' );
- if ( $word ) {
- $wgRequest->setVal( 'wpCaptchaWord', $word );
- // Suppress "unrecognized parameter" warning:
- $main->getVal( 'wpCaptchaWord' );
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Pass extra data back in API results for account creation.
- *
- * @param ApiCreateAccount $apiModule
- * @param LoginForm &loginForm
- * @param array &$params
- * @return hook return value
- */
- function addNewAccountApiResult( $apiModule, $loginPage, &$result ) {
- if ( $result['result'] !== 'Success' && $this->needCreateAccountCaptcha() ) {
- $this->addCaptchaAPI( $result );
- }
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.i18n.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.i18n.php
index 21a451e1..e5e4c6bf 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.i18n.php
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ $messages['en'] = array(
To protect the wiki against automated spam, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box in order to save your edit ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'To protect the wiki against automated password cracking, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'To protect the wiki against automated account creation, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Incorrect or missing CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Incorrect or missing confirmation code.',
'captcha-create' => 'To create the page, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'To protect the wiki against automated spamming, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Incorrect or missing CAPTCHA.',
- 'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'This action requires a CAPTCHA, so it cannot be performed through the API.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Incorrect or missing confirmation code.',
+ 'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'This action requires a captcha, so it cannot be performed through the API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'CAPTCHA help',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'You will need to have cookies enabled in your browser for this to work.',
'captchahelp-text' => "Web sites that accept postings from the public, like this wiki, are often abused by spammers who use automated tools to post their links to many sites.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Since this is a task that's hard to automate, it will allow most real humans to
Unfortunately this may inconvenience users with limited vision or using text-based or speech-based browsers.
At the moment we do not have an audio alternative available.
-Please contact the [[Special:ListAdmins|site administrators]] for assistance if this is unexpectedly preventing you from making legitimate actions.
+Please contact the [[Special:ListAdmins|site administrators]] for assistance if this is unexpectedly preventing you from making legitimate actions.
Hit the \"back\" button in your browser to return to the page editor.",
'captcha-addurl-whitelist' => ' #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre>
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ $messages['ar'] = array(
للمساعدة ÙÙŠ الحماية من السبام الأوتوماتيكي، من Ùضلك حل عملية الجمع بالأسÙÙ„ وأدخل الإجابة ÙÙŠ الصندوق لكي يتم Ø­Ùظ تعديلك ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ الحماية ضد سرقة كلمات السر، من Ùضلك حل عملية الجمع البسيطة بالأسÙÙ„ وأدخل الحل ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'كحماية ضد إنشاء الحسابات الأوتوماتيكي، من Ùضلك حل عملية الجمع البسيطة بالأسÙÙ„ وأدخل الإجابة ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'كابتشا غير صحيحة أو Ù…Ùقودة.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'كود تأكيد غير صحيح أو Ù…Ùقود.',
'captcha-create' => 'لإنشاء هذه الصÙحة، من Ùضلك حل المسألة الرياضية التالية وأدخل
الإجابة ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ الحماية ضد السخام الأتوماتيكي، من Ùضلك حل عملية الجمع البسيطة بالأسÙÙ„ وأدخل الإجابة ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'كابتشا غير صحيحة أو Ù…Ùقودة.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'كود تأكيد غير صحيح أو Ù…Ùقود',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'هذا الإجراء يتطلب تحقيق , لذلك لايمكن أعتمادها من API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'مساعدة الكابتشا',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'ستحتاج إلى أن تكون الكوكيز Ù…Ùعلة ÙÙŠ متصÙحك لكي يعمل هذا',
@@ -330,10 +330,10 @@ $messages['ast'] = array(
'captcha-addurl' => "La to edición inclúi nuevos enllaces esternos. Pa protexer la wiki escontra'l spam automatizáu, pidimoste por favor que resuelvas la suma simple d'embaxo y pongas la rempuesta na caxella pa guardar la edición ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):",
'captcha-badlogin' => "Pa protexer la wiki escontra'l descifráu automáticu de claves, pidimoste por favor que resuelvas la suma simple d'embaxo y pongas la rempuesta na caxella ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):",
'captcha-createaccount' => "Pa protexer la wiki escontra la creación automática de cuentes, pidimoste por favor que resuelvas la suma simple d'embaxo y pongas la rempuesta na caxella ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):",
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'CAPTCHA incorreutu o ausente.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Códigu de confirmación incorreutu o ausente.',
'captcha-create' => "Pa crear la páxina, por favor resuelvi la suma simple d'embaxo y pon la rempuesta nel caxellu ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):",
'captcha-sendemail' => "Pa protexer la wiki escontra la puxarra automatizada, pidimoste por favor que resuelvas la suma cenciella d'embaxo y pongas la rempuesta na caxella ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):",
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'CAPTCHA incorreutu o ausente.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Códigu de confirmación incorreutu o ausente.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Esta aición requier un captcha y, poro, nun pue facese pel API',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Ayuda tocante al CAPTCHA',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Has tener les cookies habilitaes nel to navegador pa que'l sistema funcione.",
@@ -600,7 +600,6 @@ $messages['bn'] = array(
/** Breton (brezhoneg)
* @author BrokenArrow
- * @author Fohanno
* @author Fulup
* @author VIGNERON
* @author Y-M D
@@ -609,13 +608,13 @@ $messages['br'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => "A-raok gellout kemmañ ar bajenn-mañ e c'houlenner ouzhoc'h respont d'ar jedadenn eeun a-is ha lakaat an disoc'h er vaezienn ([[Special:Captcha/help|Petra eo se?]])",
'captcha-desc' => 'Pourchas a ra teknikoù CAPTCHA evit en em wareziñ diouzh ar strob hag an diskuliañ gerioù-tremen',
'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
- 'captcha-addurl' => "Liammoù diavaez nevez zo bet ouzhpennet ganeoc'h. A-benn talañ ouzh ar strob emgefre skrivit disoc'h ar jedadennig eeun-mañ er stern : <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|Petra eo se?]])",
- 'captcha-badlogin' => "A-benn talañ ouzh preizhadur emgefre ar gerioù-tremen e c'houlenner ouzhoc'h jediñ an tamm oberiadenn ha skrivañ an disoc'h anezhi er vaezienn a-is ([[Special:Captcha/help|Petra eo se ?]]):",
- 'captcha-createaccount' => "A-benn hor sikour da dalañ ouzh ar c'hrouiñ kontoù emgefre, jedit an tamm oberiadenn ha skrivañ an disoc'h anezhi er vaezienn a-is ([[Special:Captcha/help|gouzout hiroc'h]]) :",
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "Pe e vank ar c'hod CAPTCHA pe ez eo fall.",
+ 'captcha-addurl' => "Liammoù diavaez nevez zo bet ouzhpennet ganeoc'h. A-benn talañ ouzh ar strob emgefre skrivit disoc'h ar jedadennig eeun-mañ er stern : <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|Petra eo se?]])", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => "A-benn talañ ouzh preizhadur emgefre ar gerioù-tremen gant ar botoù e c'houlenner ouzhoc'h jediñ an tamm oberiadenn ha skrivañ an disoc'h anezhi er vaezienn a-is ([[Special:Captcha/help|Petra eo se ?]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => "A-benn hor skoazellañ da dalañ ouzh ar c'hrouiñ kontoù emgefre, jediñ an tamm oberiadenn ha skrivañ an disoc'h anezhi er vaezienn a-is ([[Special:Captcha/help|gouzout hiroc'h]]) :", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "Pe e vank ar c'hod kadarnaat pe eo fall anezhañ.",
'captcha-create' => "A-benn krouiñ ar bajenn, skrivit disoc'h ar jedadennig eeun-mañ er vaezienn : <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|Petra eo se?]])",
- 'captcha-sendemail' => "Evit hor sikourda zizarbenn ar strob emgefre, sammit ar sifroù a-is ha skrivit an disoc'h er voest ([[Special:Captcha/help|gouzout hiroc'h]]) :",
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => "Pe e vank ar c'hod CAPTCHA pe ez eo fall.",
+ 'captcha-sendemail' => "Evit hor skoazellañ da zizarbenn ar strob emgefre, sammit ar sifroù a-is ha skrivit an disoc'h er voest ([[Special:Captcha/help|gouzout hiroc'h]]) :", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => "Pe e vank ar c'hod kadarnaat pe eo fall anezhañ.",
'captcha-disabledinapi' => "Evit an obererezh-mañ ez eus ezhomm ur captcha, dre-se ne c'hell ket bezañ graet dre an API.",
'captchahelp-title' => 'Skoazell Capcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Ret eo deoc'h gweredekaet an toupinoù war ho merdeer Web evit ma'z afe en-dro.",
@@ -688,14 +687,13 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'Per a poder modificar aquesta pàgina cal que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):',
'captcha-desc' => "Proporciona tècniques CAPTCHA per a protegir contra la publicitat no desitjada i l'obtenció de contrasenyes",
'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
- 'captcha-addurl' => 'La vostra modificació conté enllaços externs nous.
-Com a protecció contra la brossa de propaganda automàtica, cal que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):',
- 'captcha-badlogin' => "Com a protecció contra l'obtenció automatitzada de contrasenyes, cal que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):",
- 'captcha-createaccount' => "Com a protecció contra la creació automàtica de comptes d'usuari, cal que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):",
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Hi manca el CAPTCHA o bé eś incorrecte.',
+ 'captcha-addurl' => 'La vostra modificació conté enllaços externs nous. Com a protecció contra la brossa de propaganda automàtica, cal que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => "Per a ajudar en la protecció contra l'obtenció automatitzada de contrasenyes haureu de resoldre la suma que apareix a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => "Com a protecció contra la creació automàtica de comptes d'usuari necessitem que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Manca el codi de confirmació, o bé és incorrecte.',
'captcha-create' => 'La vostra modificació conté enllaços externs nous. Com a protecció contra la brossa de propaganda automàtica, cal que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Com a protecció contra la brossa de propaganda automàtica, cal que resolgueu aquesta simple suma i introduïu el resultat en el quadre a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Hi manca el CAPTCHA o bé és incorrecte.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail' => "Per tal d'ajudar-nos en la lluita contra la publicitat automatitzada, cal que solucioneu la senzilla suma que apareix a continuació, i escrigueu el resultat a la casella ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Manca el codi de confirmació, o bé és incorrecte.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => "Aquesta acció requereix un captcha (codi d'imatge), per la qual cosa no es pot realitzar a través de l'API.",
'captchahelp-title' => 'Ajuda amb el sistema captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Heu d'activar les galetes al vostre navegador per a que funcioni.",
@@ -737,7 +735,6 @@ Buóh diÅng kó̤ piÄ•ng-cÄ­k hiÄ•k-miêng, áik \"diÅng kó̤ sèng 1 hiÄ•k\"
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'captcha-desc' => 'Спамах ларо а пароль харжа а CAPTCHA таронаш хуьлуьйту',
'right-skipcaptcha' => 'CAPTCHA-хьажар кхочушдар, CAPTCHA чекхдалар доцуш',
@@ -748,7 +745,7 @@ $messages['ckb'] = array(
'right-skipcaptcha' => 'جێبەجێکردنی کردەوەکانی پێویست بە کاپچا بەبێ بەکارھێنانی کاپچا',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Li-sung
* @author Matěj Grabovský
@@ -795,10 +792,10 @@ $messages['cy'] = array(
Er mwyn gwarchod y wici rhag peiriant sbam, byddwch gystal â theipio cyfanswm y swm canlynol yn y blwch isod i roi eich golygiad ar gadw ([[Special:Captcha/help|mwy o wybodaeth]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Er mwyn arbed y wici rhag peiriannau datrys cyfrineiriau, byddwch gystal â gwneud y swm syml isod a gosod yr ateb yn y blwch ([[Special:Captcha/help|rhagor o wybodaeth]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Er mwyn arbed y wici rhag peiriannau dechrau cyfrifon, byddwch gystal â gwneud y swm syml isod a gosod yr ateb yn y blwch ([[Special:Captcha/help|mwy o wybodaeth]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "CAPTCHA ar goll neu'n anghywir.",
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "Côd cadarnhau ar goll neu'n anghywir.",
'captcha-create' => "Er mwyn gallu creu'r dudalen, gwnewch y swm isod a gosodwch y canlyniad yn y blwch ([[Special:Captcha/help|rhagor o wybodaeth]]):",
'captcha-sendemail' => "Er mwyn arbed y wici rhag sbamio awtomatig, byddwch gystal â gwneud y swm syml isod ac ysgrifennu'r ateb yn y blwch ([[Special:Captcha/help|rhagor o wybodaeth]]):",
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'CAPTCHA yn anghywir neu yn eisiau.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Y cod cadarnhau yn anghywir neu yn eisiau.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Mae angen "captcha" i gyflawni\'r weithred hon, felly nid oes modd ei gyflawni trwy\'r API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Cymorth "captcha"',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Er mwyn i hyn weithio mae'n rhaid bod cookies wedi eu galluogi ar eich gwe-lywiwr.",
@@ -825,7 +822,6 @@ Gwasgwch botwm 'nôl' eich porwr er mwyn dychwelyd at y dudalen golygu.",
/** Danish (dansk)
* @author Aputtu
* @author Byrial
- * @author Christian List
* @author Hylle
* @author Kaare
* @author Peter Alberti
@@ -838,13 +834,13 @@ $messages['da'] = array(
Som beskyttelse af wikien mod automatiseret spam, skal du løse det enkle regnestykke nedenfor og skrive resultatet i boksen, for at kunne gemme din redigering ([[Special:Captcha/help|flere oplysninger]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'For at beskytte wikien mod automatiseret adgangskodegætning, skal du løse det enkle regnestykke nedenfor og skrive resultatet i boksen ([[Special:Captcha/help|flere oplysninger]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'For at beskytte wikien mod automatisk oprettelse af brugernavne, skal du løse det enkle regnestykke nedenfor og skrive resultatet i boksen ([[Special:Captcha/help|flere oplysninger]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Forkert eller manglende CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Forkert eller manglende kodeord.',
'captcha-create' => 'For at oprette en ny side, skal du give svaret på regnestyket nedenfor, og angive resultatet i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'For at beskytte wikien mod automatisk spamning, skal du løse det enkle regnestykke nedenfor og skrive resultatet i boksen ([[Special:Captcha/help|flere oplysninger]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Forkert eller manglende CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Forkert eller manglende bekræftelseskode.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => "Denne handling kræver en captcha, så det ikke kan udføres via API'en.",
'captchahelp-title' => 'Captcha-hjælp',
- 'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Din browser skal have cookies slået til, før dette kan virke.',
+ 'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Din browser skal understøtte cookies, før dette kan gennemføres.',
'captchahelp-text' => "Websites der accepterer indhold fra offentligheden, bliver ofte udsat for angreb fra spammere. Disse angreb sker med automatiske værktøjer, der anbringer de samme links på et stort antal websites på kort tid. Selvom disse links kan fjernes, er de en vedligeholdelsesmæssig byrde.
I visse tilfælde, specielt når der tilføjes nye links til denne wiki, vil softwaren vise dig et billede af et stykke forvredet og sløret tekst. Du skal indtaste det ord, der vises, før du kan gennemføre handlingen. Formålet er at skelne mellem mennesker og automatiserede værktøjer, da de sidste har meget svært ved at genkende ordene.
@@ -877,10 +873,10 @@ $messages['de'] = array(
Um das Wiki vor automatisiertem Spam zu schützen, bitten wir dich die untenstehende einfache Rechenaufgabe zu lösen und deine Antwort in das Feld einzugeben, damit deine Bearbeitung gespeichert werden kann ([[Special:Captcha/help|mehr Informationen …]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Um das Wiki vor der automatisierten Kompromittierung der Benutzerkonten zu schützen, bitten wir dich die untenstehende einfache Rechenaufgabe zu lösen und deine Antwort in das Feld einzugeben ([[Special:Captcha/help|mehr Informationen …]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Um das Wiki vor der automatisierten Erstellung von Benutzerkonten zu schützen, bitten wir dich die untenstehende einfache Rechenaufgabe zu lösen und deine Antwort in das Feld einzugeben ([[Special:Captcha/help|mehr Informationen …]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falsches oder fehlendes CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falscher oder fehlender Bestätigungscode.',
'captcha-create' => 'Zur Erstellung der Seite löse die nachfolgende Rechenaufgabe und trage das Ergebnis in das Feld unten ein [[Special:Captcha/help|(Fragen oder Probleme?)]].',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Um das Wiki vor automatisiertem Spam zu schützen, bitten wir dich die untenstehende einfache Rechenaufgabe zu lösen und deine Antwort in das Feld einzugeben ([[Special:Captcha/help|mehr Informationen …]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Falsches oder fehlendes CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Falscher oder fehlender Bestätigungscode.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Diese Aktion benötigt ein CAPTCHA. Sie kann nicht über die API ausgeführt werden.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'CAPTCHA-Hilfe',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "'''Wichtiger Hinweis:''' Es müssen Cookies im Browser erlaubt sein.",
@@ -929,10 +925,8 @@ Der „Zurück“-Knopf des Browsers führt zurück zum Bearbeitungsfenster.',
/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
- * @author Asmen
* @author Aspar
* @author Erdemaslancan
- * @author Marmase
* @author Xoser
$messages['diq'] = array(
@@ -945,11 +939,11 @@ Otomatik spamî ra pawitîş, ma rica keno cewabê problemî qutiyê ke cor de z
([[Special:Captcha/help|malumato detayın]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Otomatik spam ra pawıtışi, ma rica keno cewabê problemî qutiyê ke cor de zerre ey ra binuse
([[Special:Captcha/help|malumato detayın]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'CAPTCHA ÄŸeleto ya ki kemio',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Kodê testiqî vin biyo ya zi raşt niyo.',
'captcha-create' => 'Qe pel viraştîşî, ma rica keno cewabê problemî qutiyê ke cor de zerre ey ra binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Otomatik spam ra pawıtışi, ma rica keno cewabê problemî qutiyê ke cor de zerre ey ra binuse
([[Special:Captcha/help|malumato detayın]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'CAPTCHA ÄŸeleto ya ki kemio',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Kodê testiqî vin biyo ya zi raşt niyo.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Ena hereket de captcha lazim o, aye ra ser API ra ena hereket nibena.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Yardimê captchayî',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Eka şıma wazeno bıkewê pela Wikipedia, programê internetê şıma de cookiesi gani aktiv bê.',
@@ -983,10 +977,10 @@ $messages['dsb'] = array(
Za šćit pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu spamoju, pšosymy śi slědujucy jadnory liceński nadawk rozwězaś a zapódaj wuslědk do kašćika, aby swóju změnu składował ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne info]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu wuzgónjowanjeju gronidła šćitał, pšosymy śi slědujucy jadnory liceński nadawk rozwězaś a zapódaj wuslědk do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne info]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu załoženjeju kontow šćitał, pšosymy śi slědujucy jadnory liceński nadawk rozwězaś a zapódaj wuslědk do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne info]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Wopacny abo felujucy wobkšuśeński kod CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Wopacny abo felujucy wobkšuśeński kod.',
'captcha-create' => 'Aby napórał bok, rozwěž pšosym slědujucy jadnory liceński nadawk a zapódaj wuslědk do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne info]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanjeju šćitał, pšosymy śi jadnory liceński nadawk rozwězaś a zapódaj wótegrono do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Wopacny abo felujucy wobkšuśeński kod CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Wopacny abo felujucy wobkšuśeński kod.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Toś ta akcija pomina se captcha, togodla njedajo se pśez API wuwjasć.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Pomoc wó captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Aby to funkcioněrowało, muse cookieje dowólone byś.',
@@ -1133,7 +1127,6 @@ Klaku la 'reiru' butonon en via retumilo por reiri al la paÄo-redaktilo.",
/** Spanish (español)
* @author Armando-Martin
- * @author Ciencia Al Poder
* @author Crazymadlover
* @author Drini
* @author Icvav
@@ -1152,10 +1145,10 @@ $messages['es'] = array(
Para proteger el wiki contra el spam automatizado, por favor resuelve la sencilla suma de abajo e introduce la respuesta en la caja para guardar tu edición ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Para proteger el wiki del descifrado de contraseñas automatizado, por favor resuelve la simple suma de abajo e introduce la respuesta en la caja ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Para proteger el wiki de la creación automática de cuentas, resuelve por favor la simple suma de abajo e introduce la respuesta en la caja ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falta el código CAPTCHA, o éste es incorrecto.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falta el código de confirmación, o éste es incorrecto.',
'captcha-create' => 'Para crear la página, por favor resuelve la simple suma de abajo e introduce la respuesta en la caja ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Para proteger el wiki contra el spam automatizado, por favor resuelve la simple suma que se presenta a continuación e introduce la respuesta en el cuadro de texto ([[Special:Captcha/help|más información]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Falta el código CAPTCHA, o éste es incorrecto.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'El código de confirmación falta o es incorrecto.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Esta acción requiere un captcha, así que no puede ser ejecutada a través de un API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Ayuda sobre el captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Debe tener las cookies activadas en el navegador para que el sistema funcione.',
@@ -1189,11 +1182,11 @@ $messages['et'] = array(
Palun lahenda allpool lihtne tehe ja sisesta vastus kasti, et saaksid muudatuse salvestada. Abinõu on viki kaitseks automaadistatud rämpsmuudatuste eest ([[Special:Captcha/help|lisateave]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Palun lahenda allpool lihtne tehe ja sisesta vastus kasti. Abinõu on viki kaitseks automaatsete parooliäraarvajate eest ([[Special:Captcha/help|lisateave]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Palun lahenda lihtne tehe ja sisesta vastus kasti. Abinõu on viki kaitseks kontode automaatse loomise eest ([[Special:Captcha/help|lisateave]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Puuduv või valesti sisestatud robotilõksu tekst.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Puuduv või valesti sisestatud kinnituskood.',
'captcha-create' => 'Lehekülje loomiseks lahenda palun lihtne tehe ja sisesta vastus kasti
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Palun lahenda allpool lihtne tehe ja sisesta vastus kasti. Abinõu on viki kaitseks automaadistatud rämpsmuudatuste eest ([[Special:Captcha/help|lisateave]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Vigane või puuduv robotilõksu tekst.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Vigane või puuduv kinnituskood.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Ühes selle toiminguga tuleb läbida robotilõks ja seetõttu ei saa seda API kaudu sooritada.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Mis on robotilõks?',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Selle toimimiseks peab veebilehitseja lubama küpsiseid.',
@@ -1253,10 +1246,10 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به جلوگیری از ارسال خودکار هرزنامه‌ها، لطÙاً حاصل جمع زیر را حساب کنید Ùˆ نتیجه را در جعبه وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به جلوگیری از شکستن خودکار گذرواژه، لطÙاً حاصل جمع زیر را حساب کنید Ùˆ نتیجه را وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'برای جلوگیری از ایجاد خودکار حساب کاربری، لطÙاً حاصل جمع زیر را حساب کنید Ùˆ نتیجه را در جعبه وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'کد تأییدی وجود ندارد یا نادرست است.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'کد تأییدی وجود ندارد یا نادرست است.',
'captcha-create' => 'برای ایجاد صÙحه لطÙاً حاصل جمع زیر را حساب کنید Ùˆ نتیجه را در جعبه وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به Ø­Ùاظت ویکی در برابر هرزنامه‌های خودکار، لطÙاً جمع سادهٔ زیر را حل کنید Ùˆ جواب را در جعبه وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'کد تأییدی وجود ندارد یا نادرست است.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'کد تأییدی وجود ندارد یا نادرست است.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'این اقدام به کپچا نیاز دارد، بنابراین نمی‌تواند از طریق API انجام شود.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'راهنمای Captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'برای کار کردن آن، شما باید کوکی‌های مرورگرتان را Ùعال کنید.',
@@ -1341,7 +1334,6 @@ $messages['fo'] = array(
/** French (français)
* @author Crochet.david
- * @author Gomoko
* @author Grondin
* @author IAlex
* @author Meithal
@@ -1363,10 +1355,10 @@ $messages['fr'] = array(
Pour nous aider dans la protection contre le pourriel automatisé, veuillez calculer l’opération simple ci-dessous et en inscrire le résultat dans le champ ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus d’informations]]) :',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Afin de nous aider à prévenir le cassage automatisé des mots de passe, veuillez calculer l’opération simple ci-dessous et en inscrire le résultat dans le champ ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus d’informations]]) :',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Afin de nous aider à lutter contre les créations automatiques de comptes, veuillez calculer l’opération simple ci-dessous et en inscrire le résultat dans le champ ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus d’informations]]) :',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'CAPTCHA erroné ou manquant.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Code de confirmation erroné ou manquant.',
'captcha-create' => 'Pour créer la page, veuillez calculer l’opération simple ci-dessous et en inscrire le résultat dans le champ ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus d’informations]]) :',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Afin de nous aider à prévenir le pollupostage automatisé, veuillez calculer l’opération simple ci-dessous et en inscrire le résultat dans le champ ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus d’informations]]) :',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'CAPTCHA incorrect ou absent.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Code de confirmation incorrect ou manquant.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Cette action requiert un captcha, donc elle ne peut pas être effectuée via l’IPA.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Aide sur le captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Il vous faudra autoriser les témoins (''cookies'') de votre navigateur pour que cela fonctionne.",
@@ -1469,7 +1461,6 @@ $messages['ga'] = array(
/** Galician (galego)
* @author Alma
- * @author Elisardojm
* @author Toliño
* @author Xosé
@@ -1481,10 +1472,10 @@ $messages['gl'] = array(
Para protexer o wiki contra o spam automático, resolva a suma que aparece a continuación e introduza a resposta na caixa ([[Special:Captcha/help|máis información]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Para protexer o wiki contra o roubo de contrasinais, resolva a suma que aparece a continuación e introduza a resposta na caixa ([[Special:Captcha/help|máis información]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Para protexer o wiki contra a creación automática de contas, resolva a suma que aparece a continuación e introduza a resposta na caixa ([[Special:Captcha/help|máis información]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falta o código de confirmación (CAPTCHA) ou é incorrecto.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falta o código de confirmación ou é incorrecto.',
'captcha-create' => 'Para crear a páxina, resolva a suma que aparece a continuación e introduza a resposta na caixa ([[Special:Captcha/help|máis información]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Para protexer o wiki contra o spam automático, resolva a suma que aparece a continuación e introduza a resposta na caixa ([[Special:Captcha/help|máis información]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Falta o código de confirmación (CAPTCHA) ou é incorrecto.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Falta o código de confirmación ou é incorrecto.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Esta acción necesita o captcha, polo que non se pode realizar a través da API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Axuda acerca do CAPTCHA',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Necesita ter as cookies habilitadas no seu navegador para que funcione.',
@@ -1588,20 +1579,19 @@ $messages['gu'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
* @author Amire80
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Rotem Liss
* @author Rotemliss
* @author YaronSh
$messages['he'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'כדי לערוך ×ת הדף, ×× × ×¤×ª×¨×• ×ת תרגיל החיבור הפשוט שלהלן והקלידו ×ת התשובה בתיבה ([[Special:Captcha/help|מידע נוסף]]):',
- 'captcha-desc' => 'מתן טכניקות CAPTCHA להגנה נגד ספ×× ×•× ×™×—×•×© סיסמ×ות',
+ 'captcha-desc' => 'מתן טכניקות CAPTCHA להגנה נגד זיבול וניחוש ססמ×ות',
'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
'captcha-addurl' => '×¢×¨×™×›×ª×›× ×›×•×œ×œ×ª ×§×™×©×•×¨×™× ×—×™×¦×•× ×™×™× ×—×“×©×™×.
×œ×©× ×”×’× ×” מפני ספ×× ×וטומטי, ×× × ×¤×ª×¨×• ×ת תרגיל החיבור הפשוט שלהלן והקלידו ×ת התשובה בתיבה כדי לשמור ×ת ×¢×¨×™×›×ª×›× ([[Special:Captcha/help|מידע נוסף]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => '×œ×©× ×”×’× ×” מפני פריצת סיסמ×ות ×וטומטית, ×× × ×¤×ª×¨×• ×ת תרגיל החיבור הפשוט שלהלן והקלידו ×ת התשובה בתיבה ([[Special:Captcha/help|מידע נוסף]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => '×œ×©× ×”×’× ×” מפני יצירת חשבונות ×וטומטית, ×× × ×¤×ª×¨×• ×ת תרגיל החיבור הפשוט שלהלן והקלידו ×ת התשובה בתיבה ([[Special:Captcha/help|מידע נוסף]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'קוד ×ישור שגוי ×ו חסר.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => '×œ× ×”×§×œ×“×ª× ×§×•×“ ×ישור, ×ו ×©×”×•× ×©×’×•×™.',
'captcha-create' => 'כדי ליצור ×ת הדף, ×× × ×¤×ª×¨×• ×ת תרגיל החיבור הפשוט שלהלן והקלידו ×ת התשובה בתיבה ([[Special:Captcha/help|מידע נוסף]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'כדי לעזור ×œ×”×™×œ×—× ×‘×ž×¦×™×¤×™ זבל ×וטומטיי×, עליך לחשב ×ת ×”×¡×›×•× ×”×¤×©×•×˜ שלהלן ולהזין ×ת התוצ××” בתיבה ([[Special:Captcha/help|מידע נוסף]]):',
'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'קוד ×”×ישור שגוי ×ו חסר.',
@@ -1717,10 +1707,10 @@ $messages['hsb'] = array(
'captcha-addurl' => 'W twojej zmÄ›nje su nowe eksterne wotkazy. Zo by wiki pÅ™ećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej Å¡kitaÅ‚, prosymy će slÄ›dowacy nadawk wuliÄić a wuslÄ›dk do kašćika zapisować, zo by so twoja zmÄ›na skÅ‚adowaÅ‚a ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalÅ¡e informacije]]).',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Zo by wiki pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu zadobywanju do hesÅ‚ow Å¡kitaÅ‚, prosymy će slÄ›dowacy nadawk wuliÄeć a wuslÄ›dk do kašćika zapisować ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalÅ¡e informacije]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Zo by wiki přećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju wužiwarskich kontow škitał, prosymy će slědowacy nadawk nadawk rozrisać a wuslědk do kašćika zapisować ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'WopaÄny abo falowacy wobkrućenski kod CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'WopaÄny abo pobrachowacy wobkrućenski kod.',
'captcha-create' => 'Zo by stronu wutworiÅ‚, rozrisaj proÅ¡u slÄ›dowacy liÄenski nadawk a zapodaj wuslÄ›dk do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|DalÅ¡e informacije]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Za Å¡kit pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanju, rozrisaj proÅ¡u slÄ›dowacy jednory liÄenski nadawk a zapodaj wotmoÅ‚wu do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalÅ¡e informacije]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'WopaÄny abo falowacy wobkrućenski kod CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'WopaÄny abo falowacy wobkrućenski kod.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Tuta akcija wužaduje sej captcha, tohodla njeda so přez API wuwjesć.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Pomoc za CAPTCHA',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Dyrbiš placki (cookies) w swojim wobhladowaku zmóžnić.',
@@ -1808,10 +1798,10 @@ $messages['ia'] = array(
Pro proteger le wiki contra le spam automatisate, per favor resolve le simple summa hic infra e entra le resultato in le quadro a fin de salveguardar tu modification ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus info]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Pro proteger le wiki contra le furto automatisate de contrasignos, per favor resolve le simple summa hic infra e entra le resultato in le quadro ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus info]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Pro proteger le wiki contra le creation automatisate de contos, per favor resolve le simple summa hic infra e entra le resultato in le quadro ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus info]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Codice de confirmation (CAPTCHA) incorrecte o mancante.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Codice de confirmation incorrecte o mancante.',
'captcha-create' => 'Pro crear le pagina, per favor resolve le simple summa hic infra e entra le resultato in le quadro ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus info]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Pro proteger le wiki contra le spam automatisate, per favor resolve le simple summa hic infra e entra le resultato in le quadro ([[Special:Captcha/help|plus info]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Codice de confirmation (CAPTCHA) incorrecte o mancante.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Codice de confirmation incorrecte o mancante.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Iste action require un captcha, dunque illo non pote esser exequite per medio del API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Adjuta super le captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Tu debe haber le cookies activate in tu navigator a fin que isto pote functionar.',
@@ -1840,22 +1830,20 @@ Clicca le button 'retro' in tu navigator pro retornar al pagina de modification.
* @author Ilham151096
* @author IvanLanin
* @author Iwan Novirion
- * @author Kenrick95
* @author Rex
$messages['id'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'Untuk menyunting halaman ini, harap pecahkan penjumlahan sederhana di bawah ini dan masukkan jawaban di kotak yang tersedia ([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]]):',
'captcha-desc' => 'Menyediakan teknik captcha untuk melindungi terhadap spam dan penebakan sandi',
'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
- 'captcha-addurl' => "Suntingan Anda menyertakan pranala luar baru.
-Sebagai pelindungan terhadap ''spam'' otomatis, Anda harus mengetikkan hasil perhitungan sederhana berikut ini
-([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]]):",
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Untuk melindungi wiki ini dari perengkahan kunci sandi otomatis, harap masukkan hasil perhitungan sederhana berikut dalam kotak yang tersedia ([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Untuk melindungi wiki ini dari pembuatan akun otomatis, kami meminta Anda untuk mengetikkan hasil perhitungan sederhana di bawah ini dalam kotak yang tersedia
-([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]]):',
+ 'captcha-addurl' => "Suntingan Anda menyertakan pranala luar baru. Sebagai pelindungan terhadap ''spam'' otomatis, Anda harus mengetikkan kata atau hasil perhitungan yang tertera berikut ini:<br />
+([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]])", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Untuk membantu pelindungan terhadap perengkahan kunci sandi otomatis, tolong masukkan kata atau hasil perhitungan sederhana berikut dalam kotak yang tersedia ([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Sebagai pelindungan terhadap spam, Anda diharuskan untuk mengetikkan kata atau hasil perhitungan di bawah ini di kotak yang tersedia untuk dapat mendaftarkan pengguna baru:<br />
+([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]])', # Fuzzy
'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Kode konfirmasi salah atau belum diisi.',
'captcha-create' => 'Untuk menyunting halaman ini, silakan pecahkan penjumlahan sederhana di bawah ini dan masukkan jawaban di kotak yang tersedia ([[Special:Captcha/help|info lengkap]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Untuk melindungi wiki ini dari spam otomatis, kami meminta Anda untuk memecahkan penjumlahan sederhana di bawah ini dan masukkan jawaban di kotak yang tersedia ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
+ 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Sebagai pelindungan terhadap spam, silakan pecahkan penjumlahan sederhana di bawah ini dan masukkan jawaban di kotak yang tersedia ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Kode konfirmasi salah atau belum diisi.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Tindakan ini membutuhkan captcha, sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan melalui API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Mengenai Captcha',
@@ -1998,10 +1986,10 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
自動ã§ã®ã‚¹ãƒ‘ム攻撃を防ããŸã‚ã€ãŠæ‰‹æ•°ã§ã™ãŒä¸‹è¨˜ã®ç°¡å˜ãªæ•°å¼ã‚’計算ã—ã¦ãã®ç­”ãˆã‚’欄ã«å…¥åŠ›ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„ ([[Special:Captcha/help|ヘルプ]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => '自動ã§ã®ãƒ‘スワードクラック攻撃ã‹ã‚‰ã‚¦ã‚£ã‚­ã‚’ä¿è­·ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€ãŠæ‰‹æ•°ã§ã™ãŒä¸‹è¨˜ã®ç°¡å˜ãªæ•°å¼ã‚’計算ã—ã¦ãã®ç­”ãˆã‚’欄ã«å…¥åŠ›ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„ ([[Special:Captcha/help|詳細]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'アカウントã®è‡ªå‹•ç™»éŒ²ã‹ã‚‰ã‚¦ã‚£ã‚­ã‚’ä¿è­·ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€ãŠæ‰‹æ•°ã§ã™ãŒä¸‹è¨˜ã®ç°¡å˜ãªæ•°å¼ã‚’計算ã—ã¦ãã®ç­”ãˆã‚’欄ã«å…¥åŠ›ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„ ([[Special:Captcha/help|ヘルプ]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'CAPTCHA ãŒæ­£ã—ããªã„ã€ã¾ãŸã¯å…¥åŠ›ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => '確èªã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ãŒæ­£ã—ããªã„ã€ã¾ãŸã¯å…¥åŠ›ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。',
'captcha-create' => 'ページを新è¦ä½œæˆã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€ä¸‹è¨˜ã®ç°¡å˜ãªæ•°å¼ã‚’計算ã—ã¦ãã®ç­”ãˆã‚’欄ã«å…¥åŠ›ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„ ([[Special:Captcha/help|ヘルプ]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => '自動ã§ã®ã‚¹ãƒ‘ム攻撃ã‹ã‚‰ã‚¦ã‚£ã‚­ã‚’ä¿è­·ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€ãŠæ‰‹æ•°ã§ã™ãŒä¸‹è¨˜ã®ç°¡å˜ãªæ•°å¼ã‚’計算ã—ã¦ãã®ç­”ãˆã‚’欄ã«å…¥åŠ›ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„ ([[Special:Captcha/help|詳細]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'CAPTCHA ãŒæ­£ã—ããªã„ã€ã¾ãŸã¯å…¥åŠ›ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => '確èªã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ãŒæ­£ã—ããªã„ã€ã¾ãŸã¯å…¥åŠ›ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'ã“ã®æ“作ã«ã¯ CAPTCHA èªè¨¼ãŒå¿…è¦ãªãŸã‚ã€API ã§ã¯å®Ÿè¡Œã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。',
'captchahelp-title' => 'CAPTCHA (ç”»åƒèªè¨¼) ヘルプ',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'ブラウザー㮠Cookie を有効ã«ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚',
@@ -2025,7 +2013,6 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
/** Jutish (jysk)
- * @author Christian List
* @author Huslåke
* @author Ælsån
@@ -2033,9 +2020,9 @@ $messages['jut'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'For at redigere denne side, skal du give svaret på regnestyket nedenfor, og angive resultatet i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
'captcha-desc' => 'Semple captcha implementåsje', # Fuzzy
'captcha-addurl' => 'Din redigering tilføjer nye eksterne henvisninger til artiklen. Som beskyttelse mod automatiseret spam, skal du give svaret på regnestyket nedenfor, og angive resultatet i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):', # Fuzzy
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'For at beskytte mod automatiske forsøg på at gætte adgangskoden, skal du give svaret på regnestykket nedenfor, og angive resultatet i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => 'For at beskytte mod automatiserede gæt på kodeord, skal du give svaret på regnestyket nedenfor, og angive resultatet i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-createaccount' => 'For at beskytte mod automatisk oprettelse af brugernavne, skal du give svaret på regnestyket nedenfor, og angive resultatet i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):', # Fuzzy
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Forkert eller manglende bekræftelseskode.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Forkert eller manglende kodeord.',
'captcha-create' => 'For at oprette en ny side, skal du give svaret på regnestyket nedenfor, og angive resultatet i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Captcha-hjælp',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Din browser skal understøtte cookies, før dette kan gennemføres.',
@@ -2054,7 +2041,6 @@ Tryk på 'tilbage'-knappen i din browser for at returnere til redigeringssiden."
/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
- * @author Bennylin
* @author Meursault2004
* @author NoiX180
* @author Pras
@@ -2064,14 +2050,12 @@ $messages['jv'] = array(
'captcha-desc' => 'Nyadhiyakaké tèhnik CAPTCHA kanggo njaga saka spam lan pambedhèk sandhi',
'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
'captcha-addurl' => "Suntingan panjenengan iku nyertakaké pranala jaba anyar.
-Kanggo ngéwangi ngreksa lawan ''spam'' otomatis, tulung pecahna itung-itungan ing ngisor iki lan lebokna kasilna sajroning kothak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):",
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan parengkahan tembung sandhi otomatis, tulung lebokna tembung utawa kasil itung-itungan gampang ing ngisor sajroning kothak sing wis sumedya ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan panggawéyan rékening (akun) otomatis, tulung pecahna itung-itungan ing ngisor iki lan lebokna kasilna sajroning kothak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Kode CAPTCHA salah utawa durung diisi.',
+Kanggo ngéwangi ngreksa lawan ''spam'' otomatis, tulung pecahna itung-itungan ing ngisor iki lan lebokna kasilna sajroning kothak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan parengkahan kunci sandhi otomatis, tulung lebokna tembung utawa kasil itung-itungan gampang ing ngisor sajroning kothak sing wis sumedya ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan panggawéyan rékening (akun) otomatis, tulung pecahna itung-itungan ing ngisor iki lan lebokna kasilna sajroning kothak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Kode pandhedhesan (konfirmasi) salah utawa durung diisi.',
'captcha-create' => 'Kanggo nggawé kaca iki, mangga itung-itungan ing ngisor iki diwangsuli sajroning kothak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan spam otomatis, tulung lebokna tembung utawa kasil itung-itungan gampang ing ngisor sajroning kothak sing wis sumedya ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Kode CAPTCHA salah utawa durung diisi.',
- 'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Tindakan ini membutuhkan CAPTCHA, sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan melalui API.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Kodhe pepesthèn salah utawa durung diisi.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Pitulung Captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Panjenengan perlu ngaktifaké cookie ing panjlajah wèb panjenengan kanggo nganggo fitur iki.',
'captchahelp-text' => "Situs-situs wèb sing nampa data saka umum, kaya ta wiki iki, kerep disalahgunakaké déning panganggo-panganggo sing ora bertanggungjawab kanggo ngirimaké ''spam'' mawa program-program otomatis. Senadyan spam-spam iku bisa dibuang kabèh, nanging waé tetep ngrusuhi lan dianggep gawé masalah.
@@ -2224,9 +2208,9 @@ Bet öñdewine qaýtw barw üşin «Artqa» degen tüýmesin basıñız.', # Fuz
$messages['km'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'ដើម្បីកែប្រែ​ទំពáŸážšáž“áŸáŸ‡ សូមដោះស្រាយ​ប្រមាណវិធីបូក​ážáž¶áž„ក្រោម​នáŸáŸ‡ážšáž½áž…​បញ្ជូលចម្លើយ​ទៅក្នុង​ប្រអប់សិន([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“​បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
'captcha-desc' => 'ផ្ដល់បច្ចáŸáž€áž‘áŸážŸ CAPTCHA ដើម្បីការពារពីស្ប៉ាមនិងការការទាយពាក្យសំងាážáŸ‹',
- 'captcha-addurl' => 'កំណែ​របស់អ្នក​មាន​ážáŸ†ážŽáž—្ជាប់ក្រៅ​ážáŸ’មី។ ដើម្បី​ជួយបង្ការ​ស្ប៉ាម​ស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមដោះស្រាយ​ប្រមាណវិធីបូក​ážáž¶áž„ក្រោម​នáŸáŸ‡ážšáž½áž…​បញ្ជូលចម្លើយ​ទៅក្នុង​ប្រអប់សិនមុនពáŸáž›ážšáž€áŸ’សាទុកកំណែរបស់អ្នក([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“​បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'ដើម្បីការពារការបំបែកពាក្យសម្ងាážáŸ‹ážŠáŸ„យស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមដោះស្រាយផលបូកážáž¶áž„ក្រោមរួចបញ្ជូលចម្លើយទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'ដើម្បី​បង្ការការបង្កើážâ€‹áž‚ណនី​ស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមដោះស្រាយ​ប្រមាណវិធីបូក​ážáž¶áž„ក្រោម​នáŸáŸ‡ážšáž½áž…​បញ្ជូលចម្លើយ​ទៅក្នុង​ប្រអប់សិន([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“​បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
+ 'captcha-addurl' => 'កំណែ​របស់អ្នក​មាន​ážáŸ†ážŽáž—្ជាប់ក្រៅ​ážáŸ’មី។ ដើម្បី​ជួយបង្ការ​ស្ប៉ាម​ស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមដោះស្រាយ​ប្រមាណវិធីបូក​ážáž¶áž„ក្រោម​នáŸáŸ‡ážšáž½áž…​បញ្ជូលចម្លើយ​ទៅក្នុង​ប្រអប់សិន([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“​បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => 'ដើម្បីការពារការបំបែកពាក្យសំងាážáŸ‹ážŠáŸ„យស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមដោះស្រាយផលបូកážáž¶áž„ក្រោមរួចបញ្ជូលចម្លើយទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => 'ដើម្បី​បង្ការការបង្កើážâ€‹áž‚ណនី​ស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមដោះស្រាយ​ប្រមាណវិធីបូក​ážáž¶áž„ក្រោម​នáŸáŸ‡ážšáž½áž…​បញ្ជូលចម្លើយ​ទៅក្នុង​ប្រអប់សិន([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“​បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖', # Fuzzy
'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'កូដផ្ទៀងផ្ទាážáŸ‹áž”ាážáŸ‹áž”ង់ឬមិនážáŸ’រឹមážáŸ’រូវ។',
'captcha-create' => 'ដើម្បី​បង្កើážâ€‹áž‘ំពáŸážš សូមដោះស្រាយ​ប្រមាណវិធីបូក​ážáž¶áž„ក្រោម​នáŸáŸ‡ážšáž½áž…​បញ្ជូលចម្លើយ​ទៅក្នុង​ប្រអប់សិន([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“​បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
'captchahelp-title' => 'ជំនួយអំពី Captcha',
@@ -2236,7 +2220,6 @@ $messages['km'] = array(
* @author IRTC1015
* @author Klutzy
* @author Kwj2772
- * @author Priviet
* @author ToePeu
* @author ì•„ë¼
@@ -2248,10 +2231,10 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
ìžë™í™”ëœ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 위키를 보호하기 위해, íŽ¸ì§‘ì„ ì €ìž¥í•˜ë ¤ë©´ ì•„ëž˜ì˜ ê°„ë‹¨í•œ 계산 ê°’ì„ ìž…ë ¥ ìƒìžì— ì ì–´ 주세요 ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ë¹„ë°€ë²ˆí˜¸ 깨기로부터 위키를 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì˜ ê°„ë‹¨í•œ 계산 ê°’ì„ ìž…ë ¥ ìƒìžì— 입력해주세요 ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ê³„ì • 만들기로부터 위키를 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì˜ ê°„ë‹¨í•œ 계산 ê°’ì„ ìž…ë ¥ ìƒìžì— ì ì–´ 주세요 ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => '캡챠가 올바르지 않거나 ìž…ë ¥ë˜ì§€ 않았습니다.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'ìž…ë ¥ê°’ì´ ìž˜ëª»ë˜ì—ˆê±°ë‚˜ 없습니다.',
'captcha-create' => '문서를 만드려면 ì•„ëž˜ì˜ ê°„ë‹¨í•œ 계산 ê°’ì„ ìž…ë ¥ ìƒìžì— ì ì–´ 주세요 ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 위키를 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì˜ ê°„ë‹¨í•œ 계산 ê°’ì„ ìž…ë ¥ ìƒìžì— ì ì–´ 주세요 ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => '캡챠가 올바르지 않거나 ìž…ë ¥ë˜ì§€ 않았습니다.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'ìž…ë ¥ê°’ì´ ìž˜ëª»ë˜ì—ˆê±°ë‚˜ 없습니다.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'ì´ ë™ìž‘ì€ ìº¡ì°¨ë¥¼ ê±°ì³ì•¼ 하기 ë•Œë¬¸ì— APIë¡œ ì´ ìž‘ì—…ì„ ìˆ˜í–‰í•  수 없습니다.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'CAPTCHA(캡차) ë„움ë§',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'ì •ìƒì ìœ¼ë¡œ ìž‘ë™í•˜ë ¤ë©´ 웹 브ë¼ìš°ì €ì˜ 쿠키 ì‚¬ìš©ì´ í™œì„±í™”ë˜ì–´ 있어야 합니다.',
@@ -2355,14 +2338,6 @@ $messages['la'] = array(
'captchahelp-title' => 'Captcha auxilium',
-/** Ladino (Ladino)
- * @author Menachem.Moreira
- */
-$messages['lad'] = array(
- 'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
- 'captchahelp-title' => 'Ayudo de CAPTCHA',
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Les Meloures
* @author Robby
@@ -2376,18 +2351,18 @@ $messages['lb'] = array(
Fir dës Wiki virun automatiséiertem Spam ze schütze froe mir Iech fir déi folgend einfach Additioun ze léisen an d'Resultat an d'Feld ënnen anzedroen fir Är Ännerung ze späicheren ([[Special:Captcha/help|méi Informatiounen]]):",
'captcha-badlogin' => "Fir dës Wiki géint automatescht Hacke vu Passwierder ze schützen, léist w.e.g. déi einfach Additioun hei ënnendrënner an tippt d'Äntwert an d'Këscht ([[Special:Captcha/help|méi Informatiounen]]):",
'captcha-createaccount' => "Fir dës Wiki géint d'automatescht Uleeë vu Benotzerkonten ze schützen, léist w.e.g. déi einfach Additioun hei ënnendrënner, an tippt d'Äntwert an d'Këscht ([[Special:Captcha/help|méi Informatiounen]]):",
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falschen oder kee CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Falschen oder kee Confirmatiouns-Code.',
'captcha-create' => "Fir eng Nei Säit unzeleeën, léist w.e.g. déi einfach Additioun hei ënnendrënner an tippt d'Äntwert an d'Këscht ([[Special:Captcha/help|méi Informatiounen]]):",
'captcha-sendemail' => "Fir dës Wiki géint automatescht Spammen ze schützen, léist w.e.g. déi einfach Additioun hei ënnendrënner an tippt d'Äntwert an d'Këscht ([[Special:Captcha/help|méi Informatiounen]]):",
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Falschen oder kee CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Falschen oder kee Confirmatiouns-Code.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Dës Aktioun brauch e Captcha, dofir ka se net mat enger API gemaach ginn.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Captcha-Hëllef',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Dir musst Cookien an Ärem Browser erlabe fir dat dëst funktionéiert.',
- 'captchahelp-text' => "Websäiten, déi et jiddwerengem erlaben Ännerunge virzehuelen, sou wéi op dëser Wiki, ginn dacks vu sougenannte Spammer mëssbraucht, déi automatiséiert hir Linken op vill Internetsäite setzen. Sou Spam-Linke kënne wuel geläscht ginn, mä se sinn trotzdem eng grouss Plo.
+ 'captchahelp-text' => "Websäiten, déi et jiddwerengem erlaben Ännerunge virzehuelen, sou wéi op dëser Wiki, ginn dacks vu sougenannte Spammer mëssbraucht, déi automatiséiert hir Linken op vill Internetsäite setzen. Esou Spam-Linke kënne wuel geläscht ginn, mä se sinn trotzdem eng grouss Plo.
Heiansdo, besonnesch wann nei Internet-Linken op eng Säit derbäigesat ginn, weist dës Wiki Iech e Bild mat faarwegem oder verzerrtem Text a freet Iech fir déi gewise Wierder anzetipppen. Well dëst eng Aufgab ass déi schwéier ze automatiséieren ass, erlaabt dëst, datt Mënschen hir Ännerunge kënnen agi während déi meescht Spammer an aner Roboter-Attacke kënnen ofgewiert ginn.
-Leider kann dat zu Schwierigkeete féiere fir Persounen déi net sou gutt gesinn oder déi text-baséiert oder sprooch-baséiert Browser benotzen.
+Leider kann dat zu Schwierigkeete féiere fir Persounen déi net esou gutt gesinn oder déi text-baséiert oder sprooch-baséiert Browser benotzen.
Zu dësem Zäitpunkt hu mir leider keng audio-Alternativ zu eiser Verfügung.
Kontaktéiert w.e.g. [[Special:ListAdmins|een Administrateur]] fir Hëllef wann dëst iech onerwaarter Weis vu legitimen Editen ofhält.
@@ -2448,10 +2423,7 @@ $messages['lo'] = array(
$messages['lrc'] = array(
'captcha-label' => 'كپچا',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'کد کپچا غلط یا گم بیه.',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'کد کپچا غلط یا گم بیه.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'هومياری كپچا',
- 'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'شما با کوکیانه د جاگرد تو Ùعال بکید سی یه وه کار بکه.',
/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
@@ -2470,17 +2442,15 @@ $messages['lt'] = array(
/** Latvian (latviešu)
* @author BrokenArrow
- * @author Edgars2007
* @author Marozols
* @author Yyy
$messages['lv'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'Lai izmainÄ«tu Å¡o lapu, atrisini Å¡o vienÄdojumu un iegÅ«to skaitli ieraksti Å¡ajÄ lodziņÄ: <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|KÄpÄ“c tÄ?]])',
- 'captcha-addurl' => 'Tavas izmaiņas ietver jaunu URL saiti.
-Lai pasargÄtos no automÄtiskas mÄ“stuļoÅ¡anas, Tev ir jÄieraksta te redzamÄ vienÄdojuma rezultÄts: <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|vairÄk informÄcijas]])',
+ 'captcha-addurl' => 'Tavas izmaiņas ietver jaunu URL saiti. Lai pasargÄtos no automÄtiskas mÄ“stuļoÅ¡anas, Tev ir jÄieraksta te redzamÄ vienÄdojuma rezultÄts: <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|KÄpÄ“c tÄ?]])', # Fuzzy
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Lai pasargÄtos no automÄtiskiem paroļu lauzÄ“jiem, lÅ«dzu aprÄ“Ä·ini Å¡Ä«s izteiksmes vÄ“rtÄ«bu un rezultÄtu ieraksti apakÅ¡Ä esoÅ¡ajÄ lodziÅ†Ä ([[Special:Captcha/help|papildus informÄcija]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Lai pasargÄtos no automÄtiskas mÄ“stuļoÅ¡anas, Tev reÄ£istrÄ“joties ir jÄieraksta Å¡Ä« vienÄdojuma rezultÄts: <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|KÄpÄ“c tÄ?]])', # Fuzzy
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Nepareizs apstiprinÄjuma kods vai arÄ« tas nav ievadÄ«ts.', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Nepareizs apstiprinÄjuma kods vai arÄ« tas nav ievadÄ«ts.',
'captcha-create' => 'Lai izveidotu Å¡o lapu, atrisini Å¡o vienÄdojumu un rezulÄtu ieraksti Å¡ajÄ lodziņÄ: <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|KÄpÄ“c tÄ?]])',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Lai Å¡is darbotos, pÄrlÅ«kprogrammÄ jÄbÅ«t iespÄ“jotÄm (''enabled'') sÄ«kdatnÄ“m (''cookies'').",
'captchahelp-text' => "Interneta lapas, kurÄs iespÄ“jams pievienot tekstu, kÄ Å¡ajÄ wiki, bieži cieÅ¡ no mÄ“stuļotÄjiem, kuri izmanto automatizÄ“tus lÄ«dzekļus, lai pievienotu savus saites daudzÄs jo daudzÄs interneta lapÄs.
@@ -2530,10 +2500,10 @@ $messages['mk'] = array(
За да ни помогнете да Ñе заштитиме од автоматизиран Ñпам, би ве замолиле да ја решите проÑтата задача подолу и да го внеÑете резултатот во полето за да можете да го зачувате уредувањето ([[Special:Captcha/help|повеќе инфо]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'За да ни помогнете да Ñе заштитиме од автоматизирано пробивање на лозинки, би ве замолиле да ја решите проÑтата задача подолу и внеÑете резултатот во полето ([[Special:Captcha/help|повеќе информации]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'За да ни помогнете да Ñе заштитиме од автоматизирано Ñоздавање на Ñметки, би ве замолиле да ја решите проÑтата задача подолу и да го внеÑете резултатот во полето ([[Special:Captcha/help|повеќе инфо]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'CAPTCHA е неточен или недоÑтаÑува.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Потврдниот код е неточен или недоÑтаÑува.',
'captcha-create' => 'За да ја Ñоздадете Ñтраницата, прво решете ја проÑтата задача подолу и впишете го решението во полето ([[Special:Captcha/help|повеќе инфо]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'За да Ñе заштитиме од автоматизирано Ñпамирање, би Ñакале да ве замолиме да ја решите проÑтата задача подолу и да го внеÑете резултатот во полето ([[Special:Captcha/help|повеќе информации]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'CAPTCHA е неточен или недоÑтаÑува.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Потврдниот код е неточен или недоÑтаÑува.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Ова дејÑтво бара captcha, така што не може да Ñе изврши преку API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Помош Ñо Captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Треба да имате овозможено колачиња за да може ова да работи.',
@@ -2546,7 +2516,7 @@ $messages['mk'] = array(
Во моментов немаме аудио-алтернатива за ова.
Контактирајте ги [[Special:ListAdmins|админиÑтраторите на Ñтраната]] за помош доколку ова неочекувано ве Ñпречува во правењето на иÑкрени придонеÑи.
-СтиÑнете на копчето „назад“ во вашиот прелиÑувач за да Ñе вратите на уредувањето на Ñтраницата.',
+Кликнете на копчето „назад“ во вашиот прелиÑувач за да Ñе вратите на уредувањето на Ñтраницата.',
'captcha-addurl-whitelist' => ' #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre>
# ÐžÐ¿Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° ÑинтакÑата:
# * Сето она што Ñтои по знакот „#“, па до крајот на редот е коментар
@@ -2567,10 +2537,10 @@ $messages['ml'] = array(
യാനàµà´¤àµà´°à´¿à´•à´®à´¾à´¯à´¿ പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµàµ¾à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿àµ½ നിനàµà´¨àµà´‚ വികàµà´•à´¿ സം‌രകàµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† ഭാഗമായി, ദയവായി താഴെ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ ലഘൠഗണിത à´•àµà´°à´¿à´¯ ചെയàµà´¤àµ അതിനàµà´±àµ† ഉതàµà´¤à´°à´‚ താഴെയàµà´³àµà´³ പെടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¯à´¿àµ½ ടൈപàµà´ªàµ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´• ([[Special:Captcha/help|കൂടàµà´¤àµ½ വിവരങàµà´™àµ¾]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'യാനàµà´¤àµà´°à´¿à´•à´®à´¾à´¯à´¿ രഹസàµà´¯à´µà´¾à´•àµà´•àµ പൊളികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿àµ½ നിനàµà´¨àµà´‚ വികàµà´•à´¿ സംരകàµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† ഭാഗമായി, ദയവായി താഴെ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ ലഘൠഗണിത à´•àµà´°à´¿à´¯ ചെയàµà´¤àµ, ഉതàµà´¤à´°à´‚ താഴെയàµà´³àµà´³ പെടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¯à´¿àµ½ ടൈപàµà´ªàµ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´• ([[Special:Captcha/help|കൂടàµà´¤àµ½ വിവരങàµà´™àµ¾]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'യാനàµà´¤àµà´°à´¿à´•à´®à´¾à´¯à´¿ à´…à´‚à´—à´¤àµà´µà´‚ സൃഷàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿àµ½ നിനàµà´¨àµà´‚ വികàµà´•à´¿ സം‌രകàµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† ഭാഗമായി, ദയവായി താഴെ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ ലഘൠഗണിത à´•àµà´°à´¿à´¯ ചെയàµà´¤àµ അതിനàµà´±àµ† ഉതàµà´¤à´°à´‚ താഴെയàµà´³àµà´³ പെടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¯à´¿àµ½ ടൈപàµà´ªàµ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´• ([[Special:Captcha/help|കൂടàµà´¤àµ½ വിവരങàµà´™àµ¾]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'തെറàµà´±à´¾à´¯à´¤àµ‹ ലഭàµà´¯à´®à´²àµà´²à´¾à´¤àµà´¤à´¤àµ‹ ആയ കാപàµà´šàµà´š.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'തെറàµà´±à´¾à´¯à´¤àµ‹ ലഭàµà´¯à´®à´²àµà´²à´¾à´¤àµà´¤à´¤àµ‹ ആയ à´¸àµà´¥à´¿à´°àµ€à´•à´°à´£ കോഡàµ.',
'captcha-create' => 'à´ˆ താൾ സൃഷàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´µà´¾àµ», ദയവായി താഴെ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ കൂടàµà´Ÿàµ½ à´•àµà´°à´¿à´¯à´¯àµà´Ÿàµ† ഉതàµà´¤à´°à´‚ താഴെയàµà´³àµà´³ പെടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¯à´¿àµ½ à´Žà´´àµà´¤àµà´• ([[Special:Captcha/help|കൂടàµà´¤àµ½ വിവരങàµà´™àµ¾]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'യാനàµà´¤àµà´°à´¿à´•à´®à´¾à´¯ പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ ഉൾപàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿àµ½ നിനàµà´¨àµà´‚ വികàµà´•à´¿ സംരകàµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† ഭാഗമായി, ദയവായി താഴെ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ ലഘൠഗണിത à´•àµà´°à´¿à´¯ ചെയàµà´¤àµ, ഉതàµà´¤à´°à´‚ പെടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¯à´¿àµ½ à´Žà´´àµà´¤àµà´• ([[Special:Captcha/help|കൂടàµà´¤àµ½ വിവരങàµà´™àµ¾]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'തെറàµà´±à´¾à´¯à´¤àµ‹ ലഭàµà´¯à´®à´²àµà´²à´¾à´¤àµà´¤à´¤àµ‹ ആയ കാപàµà´šàµà´š.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'തെറàµà´±à´¾à´¯à´¤àµ‹ ലഭàµà´¯à´®à´²àµà´²à´¾à´¤àµà´¤à´¤àµ‹ ആയ à´¸àµà´¥à´¿à´°àµ€à´•à´°à´£ കോഡàµ.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'à´ˆ à´ªàµà´°à´µàµƒà´¤àµà´¤à´¿ പൂർണàµà´£à´®à´¾à´•à´¾àµ» കാപàµà´š ആവശàµà´¯à´®à´¾à´£àµ, à´…à´¤àµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿà´¿à´¤àµ à´Ž.പി.à´. ഉപയോഗിചàµà´šàµ ചെയàµà´¯à´¾àµ» കഴിയിലàµà´².',
'captchahelp-title' => 'കാപàµà´šàµà´š സഹായം',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'ഇതൠപàµà´°à´µàµ¼à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´•àµà´•à´£à´®àµ†à´™àµà´•à´¿àµ½ താങàµà´•à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† à´¬àµà´°àµ—സറിൽ à´•àµà´•àµà´•à´¿à´•àµ¾ സജàµà´œàµ€à´•à´°à´¿à´šàµà´šà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•à´£à´‚.',
@@ -2735,7 +2705,6 @@ $messages['nan'] = array(
/** Norwegian Bokmål (norsk bokmål)
* @author Audun
* @author Danmichaelo
- * @author Event
* @author Laaknor
* @author Nghtwlkr
@@ -2743,14 +2712,13 @@ $messages['nb'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'Skriv inn summen nedenfor i boksen for å kunne redigere denne siden ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer informasjon]]):',
'captcha-desc' => 'Gir tilgang til CAPTCHA-teknikker for å beskytte mot søppl og passordgjetting',
'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
- 'captcha-addurl' => 'Din redigering inneholder nye eksterne lenker.
-Løs den enkle summeringen i boksen nedenfor for å beskytte mot automatisk spam ([[Special:Captcha/help|Mer informasjon]]):',
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Løs den enkle summeringen i boksen nedenfor for å beskytte mot automatisk passordtyveri ([[Special:Captcha/help|Mer informasjon]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Løs den enkle summeringen i boksen nedenfor for å beskytte mot automatisk kontoopprettelse ([[Special:Captcha/help|Mer informasjon]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Feil eller manglende CAPTCHA-svar.',
+ 'captcha-addurl' => 'Din redigering inneholder nye eksterne lenker. Løs det enkle regnestykket i boksen nedenfor for å hjelpe oss å beskytte oss mot automatisk spam ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer informasjon]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Løs det enkle regnestykket i boksen nedenfor for å hjelpe oss å beskytte oss mot automatisk passordtyveri ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer informasjon]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Løs det enkle regnestykket i boksen nedenfor for å hjelpe oss å beskytte oss mot automatisk kontoopprettelse ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer informasjon]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Feil eller manglende bekreftelseskode.',
'captcha-create' => 'Løs det enkle regnestykket i boksen nedenfor for å opprette siden ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer informasjon]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Løs den enkle summeringen i boksen nedenfor for å beskytte mot automatisk spamming ([[Special:Captcha/help|m\\Mer informasjon]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Feil eller manglende CAPTCHA-svar.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Løs det enkle regnestykket i boksen nedenfor for å hjelpe oss å beskytte oss mot automatisk spamming ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer informasjon]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Ukorrekt eller manglende bekreftelseskode.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Denne handlinger krever en captcha, så den kan ikke bli gjort gjennom APIet.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Hjelp med Captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Du må slå på informasjonskapsler for at dette skal fungere.',
@@ -2812,9 +2780,9 @@ Mit den „Trüch“-Knopp vun dien Browser kummst du trüch na dat Ännerfinste
$messages['nds-nl'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => "Um disse zied te bewarken, mu'j eerst t antwoord op disse eenvoudige somme invullen ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informasie]]):",
- 'captcha-desc' => 'Biedt CAPTCHA-technieken um bescharming te biejen tegen spam en t raojen van wachtwoorden',
+ 'captcha-desc' => 'Biejt CAPTCHA-technieken um bescharming te biejen tegen moekpost en t raojen van wachtwoorden',
'captcha-addurl' => 'In joew bewarking staon nieje uutgaonde verwiezingen.
-Vul ter de bescharming van disse wiki tegen automatiese moekbiedragen t antwoord op de somme in, in t invoerveld dat hieronder steet, um joew bewarking op te slaon:<br />
+Vul ter de bescharming van disse wiki tegen automatiese moekpost t antwoord op de somme in, in t invoerveld dat hieronder steet, um joew bewarking op te slaon:<br />
([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informasie]])',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Vul ter de bescharming van disse wiki tegen t automaties kraken van wachtwoorden t antwoord op de somme in, in t invoerveld ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informasie]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Vul ter bescharming van disse wiki tegen t automaties anmaken van gebrukers t antwoord op de somme in, in t invoerveld ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informasie]]):',
@@ -2853,11 +2821,11 @@ Voer het antwoord op de onderstaande eenvoudige som in het invoervenster in ([[S
Voer ter bescherming tegen geautomatiseerde spam het antwoord op de onderstaande eenvoudige som in in het invoerveld om uw bewerking op te slaan ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):",
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Los de onderstaande eenvoudige som op en voer het antwoord in het invoervenster in ter bescherming tegen het automatisch kraken van wachtwoorden ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Voer ter bescherming tegen het geautomatiseerd gebruikers aanmaken, het antwoord op de onderstaande eenvoudige som in in het invoervenster ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'De CAPTCHA ontbreekt of is onjuist.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'De bevestigingscode ontbreekt of is onjuist.',
'captcha-create' => 'U wilt een nieuwe pagina aanmaken.
Voer het antwoord op de onderstaande eenvoudige som in het invoervenster in ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Voer ter bescherming tegen geautomatiseerde spam het antwoord op de onderstaande eenvoudige som in het invoervenster in ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'De CAPTCHA ontbreekt of is onjuist.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'De bevestigingscode ontbreekt of is onjuist.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Voor deze handeling is een captcha nodig die niet afgehandeld kan worden via de API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Captcha-hulppagina',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'U dient in uw browser cookies ingeschakeld te hebben om dit te laten werken.',
@@ -2942,10 +2910,9 @@ Trykk på «attende»-knappen for å kome tilbake til endringssida.',
$messages['oc'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => "Per modificar aquesta pagina, vos cal efectuar lo calcul çaijós e n'inscriure lo resultat dins lo camp ([[Special:Captcha/help|Mai d’entresenhas]]) :",
- 'captcha-desc' => 'Ofèrta de tecnicas CAPTCHA per protegir contra lo spam e la descobèrta dels senhals per ensages multiples',
+ 'captcha-desc' => 'Implementacion captcha simpla', # Fuzzy
'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA',
- 'captcha-addurl' => "Vòstra modificacion inclutz de ligams extèrnes.
-Per nos ajudar dins la proteccion contra lo corrièr indesirable automatizat, calculatz l'operacion simpla çaijós e inscrivissètz-ne lo resultat dins lo camp ([[Special:Captcha/help|mai d'informacions]]) :",
+ 'captcha-addurl' => "Vòstra modificacion inclutz de ligams URL novèla ; per empachar las connexions automatizadas, vos cal picar los mots que s’afichan dins l’imatge que seguís : <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|Qu'es aquò?]])", # Fuzzy
'captcha-badlogin' => "Per ensajar de contornar las temptativas de cracatge de senhals automatizadas per de robòts, recopiatz lo tèxte çaijós dins la bóstia de tèxte plaçada al dejós d'aqueste. ([[Special:Captcha/help|Mai d’entresenhas]])", # Fuzzy
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Coma proteccion contra las creacions de compte abusivas, entratz lo resultat de l’addicion dins la bóstia çaijós:<br />
([[Special:Captcha/help|mai d’entresenhas]])', # Fuzzy
@@ -3085,11 +3052,11 @@ e ch'a buta l'arzulta ant ël quadrèt ([[Special:Captcha/help|për savejne dë
'captcha-badlogin' => "Për goerné la wiki da ij programa ch'a fan ciav fàusse n'automàtich, i-j ciamoma për piasì ch'a fasa ël total ambelessì-sota e ch'a buta l'arzultà ant ël quadrèt ([[Special:Captcha/help|për savejne dë pì]]):",
'captcha-createaccount' => "Për goerné la wiki da ij programa ch'a deurbo dij cont n'automàtich, i-j ciamoma për piasì ch'a fasa ël total ambelessì-sota
e ch'a buta l'arzultà ant ël quadrèt ([[Special:Captcha/help|për savejne dë pì]]):",
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "Ël còde tërbol ò ch'a manca d'autut ò ch'a l'é pa bon.",
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "Ël còdes ëd verìfica ò ch'a manca d'autut ò ch'a l'é pa bon.",
'captcha-create' => "Për creé d'amblé sta pàgina-sì, për piasì ch'a fasa ël total ambelessì sota e ch'a buta l'arzultà<br />
ant ël quadrèt ([[Special:Captcha/help|për savejne dë pì]]):",
'captcha-sendemail' => "Për protegi la wiki contra la rumenta automàtica, i-j ciamoma për piasì ch'a fasa l'adission sempia sì-sota e ch'a buta l'arspòsta ant la casela ([[Special:Captcha/help|për savèjne ëd pi]]):",
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => "Ël còdes tërbol ò ch'a manca d'autut ò ch'a l'é pa bon.",
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => "Ël còdes ëd verìfica ò ch'a manca d'autut ò ch'a l'é pa bon.",
'captcha-disabledinapi' => "St'assion-sì a ciama na captcha, parèj a peul pa esse fàita con na API.",
'captchahelp-title' => 'Còs é-lo mai ës captcha?',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Për podej dovré sossì a l'ha da manca che sò navigator (browser) a pija ij cookies.",
@@ -3219,10 +3186,10 @@ $messages['pt-br'] = array(
Como prevenção contra sistemas automatizados que inserem spam, será necessário resolver a simples soma abaixo e inserir sua resposta no respectivo campo ([[Special:Captcha/help|detalhes]])',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Como prevenção contra sistemas automatizados de pesquisa e descoberta de senhas, será necessário resolver a simples soma abaixo e inserir sua resposta no respectivo campo ([[Special:Captcha/help|detalhes]])',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Para proteger a wiki contra sistemas automatizados de criação de contas, solicitamos que resolva a soma simples apresentada abaixo e introduza a resposta no respectivo campo ([[Special:Captcha/help|mais informações]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Código de confirmação incorreto ou não preenchido.', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Código de confirmação incorreto ou não preenchido.',
'captcha-create' => 'Para criar a página, por favor resolva a simples soma abaixo e entre com a resposta no respectivo campo ([[Special:Captcha/help|o que é isto?]])',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Como proteção ao wiki contra spam automatizado, será necessário resolver a simples soma abaixo e inserir sua resposta no respectivo campo ([[Special:Captcha/help|detalhes]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Código CAPTCHA incorreto ou não preenchido.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Código de confirmação incorreto ou não preenchido.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Esta operação necessita de captcha, por isso não pode ser realizada através da API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Ajuda com o Captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Você precisa ter cookies habilitados em seu navegador para que possa funcionar',
@@ -3249,7 +3216,6 @@ Pressione o botão 'voltar' de seu navegador para retornar à página de ediçã
* @author AlimanRuna
$messages['qu'] = array(
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Wikita kikinmanta millay ruraq yaykuna rima chamqaymanta amachanapaqqa, kay qatiq yapayta ruraspa yapasqata kahachapi yaykuchiy ([[Special:Captcha/help|astawan yachay]]):',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Captcha nisqamanta yanapay',
@@ -3513,48 +3479,10 @@ Fari clic supra ô buttuni 'back' dû browser pi turnari a la pàggina di mudìf
/** Scots (Scots)
- * @author John Reid
* @author OchAyeTheNoo
$messages['sco'] = array(
- 'captcha-edit' => 'Tae edit this page, please solve the simple sum ablow an enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
- 'captcha-desc' => 'Provides CAPTCHA techniques fer tae protect again spam an passwaird-guessin',
- 'captcha-label' => 'CAPTCHA.',
- 'captcha-addurl' => 'Yer eidit inclædes new external airtins.
-Tae protect the wiki again autæmated spam, we kindly ask ye tae solve the symple sum ablow an enter the answer in the box in order tae save yer eidit ([[Special:Captcha/help|mair info]]):',
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Tae protect the wiki fae autaemated passwaird cracking, we kindly ask ye tae solve the symple sum ablow an enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|mair info]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Tae protect the wiki fae autæmated accoont creation, we kindly ask ye tae solve the symple sum ablow an enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|mair info]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Oncorrect or missing CAPTCHA.',
- 'captcha-create' => 'Tae mak the page, please solve the symple sum ablow an enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|mair info]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Tae protect the wiki fae autæmated spamming, we kindly ask ye tae solve the symple sum ablow an enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|mair info]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Oncorrect or missing CAPTCHA.',
- 'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'This action needs ae CAPTCHA, sae it canna be performed through the API.',
- 'captchahelp-title' => 'CAPTCHA heelp',
- 'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => "Ye'll need tae haee cookies enabled in yer brouser fer this tae wairk.",
- 'captchahelp-text' => 'Wab sites that accept postings fae the public, like this wiki, ar aften abused bi spammers wha uise autaemated tuils tae post their links til moni sites.
-While these spam links can be remuived, they ar ae signeeficant nuisance.
-Sometimes, especially whan adding new wab links til ae page, the wiki micht shaw ye aen eimage o coloured or distorted tex an ask ye tae type the wairds shawn.
-Syne this is ae task that\'s hard tae autæmate, it will allou maist real bodies tae mak their posts while stapping maist spammers an ither robotic attackers.
-Onfortunately this can inconvenience uisers with limited vision or uising tex-based or speech-based brousers.
-At the moment we dinna hae aen audio alternative available.
-Please contact the [[Special:ListAdmins|site admeenistraters]] fer assistance gif this is onexpectedly preventin ye fae makin legeetimate actions.
-Hit the "back" button in yer brouser tae return til the page eiditer.',
- 'captcha-addurl-whitelist' => ' #<!-- lea this line exactly aes it is --> <pre>
-# Syntax is aes follows:
-# * Awthin fae ae "#" chairacter til the end o the line is ae comment
-# * Ilka no-blank line is ae regex fragment that will yinly match hosts inside URLs
- #</pre> <!-- lea this line exactly aes it is -->',
- 'right-skipcaptcha' => 'Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions wiout haein tae gae through the CAPTCHA',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'NetaÄan unos ili nedostatak koda za potvrÄ‘ivanje.',
+ 'captcha-edit' => 'Tae edit this airticle, please dae the eisy sum ablo an put the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|mair info]])', # Fuzzy
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
@@ -3704,7 +3632,6 @@ Shtypni butonin "prapa" ("back") të shfletuesit tuaj për tu kthyer tek faqja e
/** Serbian (Cyrillic script) (ÑрпÑки (ћирилица)‎)
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Millosh
* @author Rancher
@@ -3714,46 +3641,31 @@ $messages['sr-ec'] = array(
'captcha-addurl' => 'Ваша измена Ñадржи нове Ñпољашње везе.
У циљу заштите од непожељних порука, решите проÑту рачуницу иÑпод и унеÑите одговор у поље ([[Special:Captcha/help|више информација]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-badlogin' => 'У циљу заштите од пробијања лозинки, решите проÑту рачуницу иÑпод и унеÑите одговор у поље ([[Special:Captcha/help|више информација]]):', # Fuzzy
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'У циљу заштите од аутоматизованог вандализма, решите проÑту рачуницу иÑпод и унеÑите одговор у поље ([[Special:Captcha/help|више информација]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Ðеправилан или непоÑтојећи код за потврду.', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => 'У циљу заштите од Ñамоотварања налога, решите проÑту рачуницу иÑпод и унеÑите одговор у поље ([[Special:Captcha/help|више информација]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Ðеправилан или непоÑтојећи код за потврду.',
'captcha-create' => 'Да биÑте направили Ñтраницу, решите проÑту рачуницу иÑпод и унеÑите одговор у поље ([[Special:Captcha/help|више информација]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'У циљу заштите од Ñлања непожељних порука, решите проÑту рачуницу иÑпод и унеÑите одговор у поље ([[Special:Captcha/help|више информација]]):', # Fuzzy
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Ðеправилан или непоÑтојећи код за потврду.', # Fuzzy
- 'captchahelp-title' => 'Помоћ око потврдног кoда',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Ðеправилан или непоÑтојећи код за потврду.',
+ 'captchahelp-title' => 'Помоћ око потврдног кôда',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Потребно је да омогућите колачиће да би ово радило.',
- 'captchahelp-text' => 'Веб-Ñајтове који подржавају Ñлање Ñадржаја из јавноÑти, као што је овај вики, чеÑто злоупотребљавају вандали који кориÑте аутоматизоване алате да шаљу Ñвоје повезнице ка многим Ñајтовима. Иако Ñе ове нежељене повезнице могу уклонити, оне задају велику муку.
-Понекад, поготово када Ñе додају нове интернет повезнице на Ñтрану, вики Ñофтвер вам може показати Ñлику обојеног и изврнутог текÑта и тражити да укуцате тражену реч. Пошто је тешко аутоматизовати овакав задатак, он омогућује Ñвим правим људима да врше Ñвоје измене, али ће зато Ñпречити вандале и оÑтале роботÑке нападаче.
-ÐажалоÑÑ‚, ово може да буде неповољно за кориÑнике Ñа ограниченим видом и за оне који кориÑте прегледаче базиране на текÑту или говору. У овом тренутку, аудио алтернатива није доÑтупна. Молимо контактирајте админиÑтраторе Ñајта ради помоћи ако Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð²Ð¾ неочекивано омета у прављењу добрих измена.
-Кликните на дугме „назад“ вашег прегледача да Ñе вратите на поље за ÑƒÐ½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐºÑта.', # Fuzzy
'right-skipcaptcha' => 'преÑкакање радњи које захтевају ÑƒÐ½Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ð²Ñ€Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³ кода',
/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
* @author Michaello
- * @author Milicevic01
$messages['sr-el'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'Za izmenu ove strane, reši jednostavan zbri ispod i unesi odgovor u kutiju ([[Special:Captcha/help|detaljnije]]):',
'captcha-desc' => 'Pruža zaštitu protiv nepoželjnih poruka u vidu potvrdnog koda',
'captcha-addurl' => 'Tvoja izmena ukljuÄuje nove spoljaÅ¡nje veze. U cilju zaÅ¡tite protiv automatskog spama, reÅ¡i jednostavan zbir ispod i upiÅ¡i odgovor u kutiju ([[Special:Captcha/help|detaljnije]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-badlogin' => 'U cilju zaštite od automatske provale u lozinku, reši jednostavan zbir ispod i unesi odgovor u kutiju ([[Special:Captcha/help|detaljnije]]):', # Fuzzy
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'U cilju zaÅ¡tite od automatizovanog vandalizma, reÅ¡ite prostu raÄunicu ispod i unesite odgovor u polje ([[Special:Captcha/help|viÅ¡e informacija]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Nepravilan ili nepostojeći kod za potvrdu.', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => 'U cilju zaštite od automatskog stvaranja naloga, reši jednostavan zbir dole i unesi ga u kutiju ([[Special:Captcha/help|detaljnije]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Nepravilan ili nepostojeći kod za potvrdu.',
'captcha-create' => 'Za stvaranje strane reši jednostavan zbir dole i unesi ga u kutiju ([[Special:Captcha/help|detaljnije]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Nepravilan ili nepostojeći kod za potvrdu.', # Fuzzy
- 'captchahelp-title' => 'Pomoć oko potvrdnog koda',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Nepravilan ili nepostojeći kod za potvrdu.',
+ 'captchahelp-title' => 'pomoć za kapÄu',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Da bi ovo uradio, neophodno je da su ti kolaÄići omogućeni u brauzeru.',
- 'captchahelp-text' => 'Veb-sajtove koji podržavaju slanje sadržaja iz javnosti, kao Å¡to je ovaj viki, Äesto zloupotrebljavaju vandali koji koriste automatizovane alate da Å¡alju svoje poveznice ka mnogim sajtovima. Iako se ove neželjene poveznice mogu ukloniti, one zadaju veliku muku.
-Ponekad, pogotovo kada se dodaju nove internet poveznice na stranu, viki softver vam može pokazati sliku obojenog i izvrnutog teksta i tražiti da ukucate traženu reÄ. PoÅ¡to je teÅ¡ko automatizovati ovakav zadatak, on omogućuje svim pravim ljudima da vrÅ¡e svoje izmene, ali će zato spreÄiti vandale i ostale robotske napadaÄe.
-Nažalost, ovo može da bude nepovoljno za korisnike sa ograniÄenim vidom i za one koji koriste pregledaÄe bazirane na tekstu ili govoru. U ovom trenutku, audio alternativa nije dostupna. Molimo kontaktirajte administratore sajta radi pomoći ako vas ovo neoÄekivano ometa u pravljenju dobrih izmena.
-Kliknite na dugme „nazad“ vaÅ¡eg pregledaÄa da se vratite na polje za unos teksta.', # Fuzzy
- 'right-skipcaptcha' => 'preskakanje radnji koje zahtevaju unos potvrdnog koda',
+ 'right-skipcaptcha' => 'Izvedi akcije kapÄe bez potrebe da se proÄ‘e kroz kapÄu.',
/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
@@ -3822,7 +3734,6 @@ Hit the 'back' button in your browser to return to the page editor.", # Fuzzy
* @author Martinwiss
* @author Per
* @author Rotsee
- * @author WikiPhoenix
$messages['sv'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'För att redigera den här sidan måste du först skriva svaret på följande
@@ -3832,11 +3743,11 @@ räkneuppgift i rutan ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer information]]):',
'captcha-addurl' => 'Din ändring innebär nya externa länkar i texten. För att skydda wikin mot automatisk spam måste du skriva svaret på följande räkneuppgift i rutan ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer information]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'För att skydda mot wikin mot försök att knäcka lösenord på automatisk väg, måste du skriva svaret på följande räkneuppgift i rutan ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer information]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'För att skydda wikin mot automatiskt skapade användarkonton, måste du skriva svaret på följande räkneuppgift i rutan ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer information]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Felaktig eller saknad CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Bekräftelsekoden är felaktig eller saknas.',
'captcha-create' => 'För att skapa den här sidan måste du skriva svaret på följande räkneuppgift
i rutan ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer information]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'För att skydda wikin mot spam, ber vi dig att lösa den här enkla räkneuppgiften, och skriva in svaret i rutan ([[Special:Captcha/help|mer information]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Felaktig eller saknad CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Felaktig eller saknad bekräftelsekod.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Denna åtgärd kräver en captcha, så den kan inte utföras genom APIet.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Captchahjälp',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Du måste ha cookies aktiverade i din webbläsare för att det här ska fungera.',
@@ -4066,13 +3977,13 @@ $messages['tr'] = array(
'captcha-desc' => 'Spam ve parola tahminine karşı korunmak için "Güvenlik Kodu" (CAPTCHA) tekniği sağlar.',
'captcha-label' => 'Güvenlik Kodu',
'captcha-addurl' => 'Değişikliğiniz yeni dış bağlantılar içeriyor.
-Vikiyi otomatik spamdan korumak ve değişikliğinizi kaydetmek için, aşağıdaki basit toplamı çözmenizi ve yanıtı kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
- 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Vikiyi otomatik parola çözülmesine karşı korumak için, aşağıdaki basit toplamı çözmenizi ve yanıtı kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Vikiyi otomatik hesap oluşturmaya karşı korumak için, aşağıdaki basit toplamı çözmenizi ve yanıtı kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Hatalı ya da eksik CAPTCHA.',
+Otomatik spamdan korunmak için lütfen aşağıdaki basit soruyu yanıtlayın ve yanıtı kutunun içine yazın ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-badlogin' => 'Otomatik parola çözülmesine karşı korunmak için, lütfen aşağıdaki basit soruyu yanıtlayın ve kutunın içinde yanıtı yazın ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount' => 'Otomatik hesap oluşturmaya karşı korunmak için, lütfen aşağıdaki basit soruyu yanıtlayın ve kutunın içinde yanıtı yazın ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Hatalı ya da eksik onay kodu.',
'captcha-create' => 'Bu sayfayı oluşturmak için, lütfen aşağıdaki basit soruyu yanıtlayın ve kutunun içinde yanıtı yazın ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Vikiyi otomatik spamlara karşı korumaya yardımcı olmak için, aşağıdaki basit toplamı çözmenizi ve yanıtı kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Hatalı ya da eksik CAPTCHA.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail' => 'Otomatik spamlara karşı korunmaya yardımcı olmak için, lütfen aşağıdaki basit işlemi çözün ve yanıtı kutuya yazın ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Hatalı ya da eksik onay kodu.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Bu eylem güvenlik kodu gerektiriyor, dolayısıyla API aracılığıyla yapılamaz.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Güvenlik kodu yardımı',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Bunun çalışabilmesi için tarayıcınızın çerezleri etkinleştirilmelidir.',
@@ -4101,7 +4012,6 @@ $messages['tru'] = array(
/** Ukrainian (українÑька)
* @author Ahonc
* @author Alex Khimich
- * @author Andriykopanytsia
* @author NickK
* @author Olvin
* @author Riwnodennyk
@@ -4116,10 +4026,10 @@ $messages['uk'] = array(
Із метою захиÑту від автоматичного Ñпаму, будь лаÑка, виконайте проÑту арифметичну дію Ñ– введіть відповідь у текÑтове поле, щоб Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ»Ð¾ збережене ([[Special:Captcha/help|докладніше]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Із метою захиÑту від автоматичного злому паролÑ, будь лаÑка, виконайте проÑту арифметичну дію Ñ– введіть відповідь у текÑтове поле ([[Special:Captcha/help|докладніше]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Із метою захиÑту від автоматичного ÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ñ€ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð»Ñ–ÐºÐ¾Ð²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ запиÑу проÑимо виконати проÑту арифметичну дію Ñ– ввеÑти відповідь у текÑтове поле ([[Special:Captcha/help|докладніше]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Ðеправильна або відÑÑƒÑ‚Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ°Ð¿Ñ‡Ð°.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Ðеправильний або відÑутній код підтвердженнÑ.',
'captcha-create' => 'Щоб Ñтворити Ñторінку, будь лаÑка, виконайте проÑту арифметичну дію Ñ– введіть відповідь у текÑтове поле ([[Special:Captcha/help|докладніше]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => "Із метою захиÑту вікі від автоматичного Ñпаму проÑимо розв'Ñзати проÑтий математичний приклад Ñ– ввеÑти відповідь ([[Special:Captcha/help|деталі]]):",
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Ðеправильна або відÑÑƒÑ‚Ð½Ñ ÐºÐ°Ð¿Ñ‡Ð°.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Ðеправильний або відÑутній код підтвердженнÑ.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Ð¦Ñ Ð´Ñ–Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ€ÐµÐ±ÑƒÑ” перевірки CAPTCHA, тому не може бути здійÑнена за допомогою API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Довідка про CAPTCHA',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Вам потрібно ввімкнути куки у браузері, щоб Ñ†Ñ Ñ„ÑƒÐ½ÐºÑ†Ñ–Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ñ†ÑŽÐ²Ð°Ð»Ð°.',
@@ -4185,11 +4095,11 @@ $messages['vi'] = array(
'captcha-addurl' => 'Sá»­a đổi của bạn có chứa các liên kết ra bên ngoài. Äể tránh spam tá»± Ä‘á»™ng trong wiki, xin bạn vui lòng giải phép toán Ä‘Æ¡n giản ở dÆ°á»›i và nhập kết quả vào ô để lÆ°u giữ các sá»­a đổi của bạn ([[Special:Captcha/help|thông tin thêm]]):',
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Äể tránh vụ tá»± Ä‘á»™ng bẻ mật khẩu của ngÆ°á»i dùng wiki, xin bạn vui lòng giải phép cá»™ng Ä‘Æ¡n giản ở dÆ°á»›i và nhập kết quả vào ô ([[Special:Captcha/help|thông tin thêm]]):',
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Äể tránh vụ tá»± Ä‘á»™ng mở tài khoản trong wiki, xin bạn vui lòng giải phép cá»™ng Ä‘Æ¡n giản ở dÆ°á»›i và nhập kết quả vào ô ([[Special:Captcha/help|thông tin thêm]]):',
- 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'CAPTCHA bị thiếu hoặc không chính xác.',
+ 'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Thiếu mã xác nhận hoặc mã xác nhận sai.',
'captcha-create' => 'Äể tạo má»›i trang, xin hãy giải phép cá»™ng Ä‘Æ¡n giản ở dÆ°á»›i và gõ
câu trả lá»i vào ô ([[Special:Captcha/help|thông tin thêm]]):',
'captcha-sendemail' => 'Äể xác nhận rằng bạn không phải là tay spam, xin bạn vui lòng giải phép cá»™ng Ä‘Æ¡n giản ở dÆ°á»›i và nhập kết quả vào ô ([[Special:Captcha/help|thông tin thêm]]):',
- 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'CAPTCHA bị thiếu hoặc không chính xác.',
+ 'captcha-sendemail-fail' => 'Mã xác nhận không chính xác hoặc chưa được cung cấp.',
'captcha-disabledinapi' => 'Tác vụ này đòi ngÆ°á»i dùng giải CAPTCHA trÆ°á»›c tiên, nên không thể thá»±c hiện nó qua API.',
'captchahelp-title' => 'Trợ giúp Captcha',
'captchahelp-cookies-needed' => 'Bạn cần phải bật cookie trong trình duyệt để chức năng này hoạt động được.',
@@ -4218,8 +4128,7 @@ Nhấn chuột vào nút “Back†của trình duyệt để trở lại trang
$messages['vo'] = array(
'captcha-edit' => 'Ad redakön yegedi at, dunolös, begö! saedami dono e penolös saedoti in bokil ([[Special:Captcha/help|nüns pluik]]):',
- 'captcha-addurl' => 'Redakam olik keninükon yümis plödik nulik.
-Ad jelön siti ta peneds badik itjäfidik, dunolös, begö! saedami balugik sököl, e penolös saedoti in bokil ad dakipön redakam ola ([[Special:Captcha/help|nüns pluik]]):',
+ 'captcha-addurl' => 'Redakam olik keninükon yümis plödik nulik. Ad jelön siti ta peneds itjäfidik, dunolös, begö! saedami sököl, e penolös saedoti in bokil ([[Special:Captcha/help|nüns pluik]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-badlogin' => 'Ad jelön siti ta daget itjäfidik letavödas, dunolös, begö! saedami sököl e penolös saedoti in bokil ([[Special:Captcha/help|nüns pluik]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-createaccount' => 'Ad jelön siti ta kalijafam itjäfidik, dunolös, begö! saedami sököl e penolös saedoti in bokil ([[Special:Captcha/help|nüns pluik]]):', # Fuzzy
'captcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Kot fümükama paneveräton u paseleton.',
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.php
index f0836973..d861a04a 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEdit.php
@@ -189,8 +189,6 @@ $wgHooks['EmailUser'][] = 'ConfirmEditHooks::confirmEmailUser';
$wgHooks['APIEditBeforeSave'][] = 'ConfirmEditHooks::confirmEditAPI';
$wgHooks['APIGetAllowedParams'][] = 'ConfirmEditHooks::APIGetAllowedParams';
$wgHooks['APIGetParamDescription'][] = 'ConfirmEditHooks::APIGetParamDescription';
-$wgHooks['AddNewAccountApiForm'][] = 'ConfirmEditHooks::addNewAccountApiForm';
-$wgHooks['AddNewAccountApiResult'][] = 'ConfirmEditHooks::addNewAccountApiResult';
$wgAutoloadClasses['ConfirmEditHooks'] = "$wgConfirmEditIP/ConfirmEditHooks.php";
$wgAutoloadClasses['SimpleCaptcha'] = "$wgConfirmEditIP/Captcha.php";
@@ -198,6 +196,7 @@ $wgAutoloadClasses['CaptchaStore'] = "$wgConfirmEditIP/CaptchaStore.php";
$wgAutoloadClasses['CaptchaSessionStore'] = "$wgConfirmEditIP/CaptchaStore.php";
$wgAutoloadClasses['CaptchaCacheStore'] = "$wgConfirmEditIP/CaptchaStore.php";
$wgAutoloadClasses['CaptchaSpecialPage'] = "$wgConfirmEditIP/ConfirmEditHooks.php";
+$wgAutoloadClasses['HTMLCaptchaField'] = "$wgConfirmEditIP/HTMLCaptchaField.php";
* Set up $wgWhitelistRead
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEditHooks.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEditHooks.php
index af8b9c44..bc85138d 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEditHooks.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ConfirmEditHooks.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class ConfirmEditHooks {
* Get the global Captcha instance
- * @return SimpleCaptcha
+ * @return Captcha|SimpleCaptcha
static function getInstance() {
global $wgCaptcha, $wgCaptchaClass;
@@ -26,21 +26,13 @@ class ConfirmEditHooks {
static function confirmEditAPI( $editPage, $newtext, &$resultArr ) {
return self::getInstance()->confirmEditAPI( $editPage, $newtext, $resultArr );
- static function addNewAccountApiForm( $apiModule, $loginForm ) {
- return self::getInstance()->addNewAccountApiForm( $apiModule, $loginForm );
- }
- static function addNewAccountApiResult( $apiModule, $loginPage, &$result ) {
- return self::getInstance()->addNewAccountApiResult( $apiModule, $loginPage, $result );
- }
static function injectUserCreate( &$template ) {
return self::getInstance()->injectUserCreate( $template );
- static function confirmUserCreate( $u, &$message, &$status = null ) {
- return self::getInstance()->confirmUserCreate( $u, $message, $status );
+ static function confirmUserCreate( $u, &$message ) {
+ return self::getInstance()->confirmUserCreate( $u, $message );
static function triggerUserLogin( $user, $password, $retval ) {
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.class.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.class.php
index e2dbb82b..d1c6a41f 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.class.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.class.php
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ class FancyCaptcha extends SimpleCaptcha {
if ( !$backend ) {
$backend = new FSFileBackend( array(
'name' => 'captcha-backend',
- 'wikiId' => wfWikiId(),
- 'lockManager' => new NullLockManager( array() ),
+ 'lockManager' => 'nullLockManager',
'containerPaths' => array( 'captcha-render' => $wgCaptchaDirectory ),
'fileMode' => 777
) );
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.i18n.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.i18n.php
index b5a262c8..7f28d048 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.i18n.php
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ $messages['qqq'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-create' => '{{Related|ConfirmEdit-create}}',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => '{{Related|ConfirmEdit-edit}}',
'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => '{{Related|ConfirmEdit-sendemail}}',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Prompts a click to get a new FancyCaptcha image.
+ 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Prompts a click to get a new FancyCaptcha image.',
/** Gheg Albanian (Gegë)
@@ -77,21 +76,19 @@ $messages['an'] = array(
/** Arabic (العربية)
* @author Aiman titi
- * @author Asaifm
* @author Meno25
$messages['ar'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-desc' => 'مولد Ùانسي كابتشا Ù„Confirm Edit',
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'تعديلك يتضمن وصلات خارجية جديدة.
-للحماية من السخام الأوتوماتيكي، من Ùضلك أدخل الكلمات التي تظهر بالأسÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ الحماية ضد سرقة كلمات السر، من Ùضلك أدخل الكلمات التي تظهر أدناه ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ منع إنشاء حسابات بطريقة أوتوماتيكية، قم من Ùضلك بإدخال الكلمات التي تظهر أدناه ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
+للحماية من السبام الأوتوماتيكي، من Ùضلك أدخل الكلمات التي تظهر بالأسÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ الحماية ضد سرقة كلمات السر، من Ùضلك أدخل الكلمات التي تظهر بالأسÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ منع إنشاء حسابات بطريقة أوتوماتيكية، قم من Ùضلك بإدخال الكلمات التي تظهر أدناه ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'لإنشاء الصÙحة، من Ùضلك أدخل الكلمات التي تظهر بالأسÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ الصندوق
([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'لتعديل هذه الصÙحة، من Ùضلك أدخل الكلمات التي تظهر بالأسÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ الصندوق
([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ منع إنشاء حسابات بطريقة أوتوماتيكية، قم من Ùضلك بإدخال الكلمات التي تظهر أدناه ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'تحديث',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'للمساعدة ÙÙŠ منع إنشاء حسابات بطريقة أوتوماتيكية، قم من Ùضلك بإدخال الكلمات التي تظهر أدناه ÙÙŠ الصندوق ([[Special:Captcha/help|مزيد من المعلومات]]):', # Fuzzy
/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى)
@@ -275,7 +272,7 @@ $messages['cdo'] = array(
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Хьан ниÑдар чохь керла арахьара хьажорагаш ÑŽ. Спамах лардала дехар до лахахь гура чохь гайтан дешнаш Ñзъе ([[Special:Captcha/help|ма-дарра…]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Хьан ниÑдар чохь керла арахьара хьажоригаш ÑŽ. Спамах лардала дерхар до лахахь гура чохь гайтан дешнаш Ñзъе ([[Special:Captcha/help|ма-дарра…]]):', # Fuzzy
/** Sorani Kurdish (کوردی)
@@ -285,23 +282,21 @@ $messages['ckb'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'بۆ یارمەتیدانی بەرگری لە دروستکردنی خۆکاری ھەژمار، تکایە ئەو وشانە لە خوارەوەدا دیارن لە بۆکسەکەدا بنووسە ([[Special:Captcha/help|زانیاریی زۆرتر]]):', # Fuzzy
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Mormegil
- * @author TchoÅ™
$messages['cs'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-desc' => 'PokroÄilý generátor captcha pro rozšíření „Confirm Edit“',
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Vaše editace obsahuje nové odkazy formou URL.
-Abychom wiki ochránili před automatizovaným spamováním, žádáme vás o opsání textu z následujícího obrázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|více informací]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Abychom wiki ochránili proti automatizovaným pokusům uhodnout heslo, žádáme vás o opsání textu z následujícího obrázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|více informací]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Abychom wiki ochránili proti automatizovanému zakládání úÄtů, žádáme vás o opsání textu z následujícího obrázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|více informací]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Vaše editace obsahuje nové odkazy formou URL; v zájmu ochrany před automatickým spamováním musíte opsat text z následujícího obrázku: ([[Special:Captcha/help|Co tohle znamená?]])', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'V rámci ochrany proti automatickým pokusům uhodnout heslo musíte opsat text z následujícího obrázku. ([[Special:Captcha/help|Co tohle znamená?]])', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'V rámci ochrany pÅ™ed automatickým zakládáním úÄtů musíte pro provedení registrace opsat text z následujícího obrázku: ([[Special:Captcha/help|Co tohle znamená?]])', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Abyste mohli založit stránku, musíte opsat text z následujícího obrázku: ([[Special:Captcha/help|Co tohle znamená?]])',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Abyste mohli editovat tuto stránku, musíte opsat text z následujícího obrázku: ([[Special:Captcha/help|Co tohle znamená?]])',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Abychom wiki ochránili proti automatizovanému spamování, žádáme vás o opsání textu z následujícího obrázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|více informací]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'V rámci ochrany proti automatickému spamování musíte opsat níže zobrazená slova ([[Special:Captcha/help|více informací]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Vygenerovat nový kód',
-/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
+/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣÌньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
* @author ОйЛ
$messages['cu'] = array(
@@ -331,7 +326,7 @@ Er mwyn arbed y wici rhag peiriannau sbam, byddwch gystal â theipio'r geiriau a
$messages['da'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Din ændring tilføjer nye eksterne henvisninger.
For at beskytte mod automatiseret spam, skal du indtaste ordene som vises i feltet nedenfor. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'For at beskytte mod automatiske forsøg på at gætte adgangskoden, skal du indtaste ordene som vises i feltet nedenfor. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'For at beskytte mod automatiske forsøg på at gætte kodeord, skal du indtaste ordene som vises i feltet nedenfor. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'For at beskytte mod automatisk oprettelse af brugerkonti, der bruges til spam, skal du indtaste ordet som vises i feltet nedenfor. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'For at oprette en ny side, skal du indtaste ordet som vises nedenfor i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'For at redigere denne side, indtast da venligst ordene, der står i feltet nedenfor ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
@@ -373,18 +368,17 @@ Zum Schutz vor automatisiertem Spamming geben Sie das folgende Wort in das Feld
/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
* @author Gorizon
- * @author Mirzali
* @author Xoser
$messages['diq'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Vurnayışanê to de gıreyê teberiê newey estê.
-Seba pawıtışê spamê otomatiki ra, ma reca kenime ke çekuyanê cêrênan zerreyê qutiye de bınusê ([[Special:Captcha/help|zêde melumat]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Qe otomatik parola crack kerdişî ra pawitîş, ma rica keno çekuyanê ke qutiya cor de înan binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Qe otomatik hesab viraştişî ra pawitîş, ma rica keno çekuyanê ke qutiya cor de înan binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Vırnayışané tod linkané hariciyé newe esto.
+Qe otomatik spami ra pawıtış, ma rica keno çekuyané ke qutiya cor de inan binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyoné bini]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Qe otomatik parola crack kerdişî ra pawitîş, ma rica keno çekuyanê ke qutiya cor de înan binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Qe otomatik hesab viraştişî ra pawitîş, ma rica keno çekuyanê ke qutiya cor de înan binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Qe pel viraştîşî, ma rica keno çekuyanê ke qutiya cor de înan binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Qe pel vurnayîşî, ma rica keno çekuyanê ke qutiya cor de înan binuse ([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):',
'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Qe spamê otomayoni ra pawitîşi, ma rica keno çekuyanê ke qutiya cor de înan binuse
-([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):',
+([[Special:Captcha/help|enformasyonê bînî]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Newe ke',
@@ -393,13 +387,12 @@ Seba pawıtışê spamê otomatiki ra, ma reca kenime ke çekuyanê cêrênan ze
$messages['dsb'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Twója změna wopśimujo nowe eksterne wótkaze.
-Aby wiki pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanjeju šćitał, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu wugódanjeju gronidła šćitał, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu załoženjeju kontow šćitał, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
+Za šćit pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanjeju, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Za šćit pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu wugódanjeju gronidła, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Za šćit pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu załoženjeju kontow, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Aby bok napórał, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Aby toś ten bok wobźěłał, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanjeju šćitał, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Aktualizěrowaś',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Za šćit pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanjeju, zapódaj pšosym słowa, kótarež pokazuju se dołojce w kašćiku ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
/** Greek (Ελληνικά)
@@ -468,13 +461,12 @@ Palun sisesta allpool olevas kastis kuvatud sõnad. Abinõu on kaitseks automaad
/** Basque (euskara)
* @author An13sa
- * @author Xabier Armendaritz
$messages['eu'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Zure aldaketak kanpo lotura berriak ditu. Spam automatikoa saihestu ahal izateko, beheko koadroan ageri diren hitzak idatzi ([[Special:Captcha/help|informazio gehigarria]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Pasahitzen cracking automatikoa saihestu asmoz, beheko koadroan ageri diren hitzak idazteko eskatzen dizugu ([[Special:Captcha/help|informazio gehigarria]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Erabiltzaile kontuak automatikoki sortzea saihestu asmoz, beheko koadroan ageri diren hitzak idazteko eskatzen dizugu ([[Special:Captcha/help|informazio gehigarria]]):', # Fuzzy
- 'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Orri sortu ahal izateko, idatz itzazu beheko koadroan ageri diren hitzak ([[Special:Captcha/help|informazio gehigarria]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Orrialde sortu ahal izateko, beheko koadroan ageri hitzak idatzi ([[Special:Captcha/help|informazio gehigarria]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Orrialde hau aldatu ahal izateko, beheko koadroan ageri diren hitzak idatzi ([[Special:Captcha/help|informazio gehigarria]]):',
'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Zabor-posta automatizatuaz babesteko, idatzi azpiko kutxako hitzak ([[Special:Captcha/help|informazio gehiago]]):', # Fuzzy
@@ -489,13 +481,13 @@ $messages['eu'] = array(
$messages['fa'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'ویرایش شما حاوی پیوند به بیرون جدیدی است.
-برای جلوگیری از هرزنگاری خودکار ویکی، ما با احترام از شما می‌خواهیم واژه‌ای را که در تصویر می‌بینید در جعبهٔ زیر وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
+برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به جلوگیری از هرزنگاری خودکار، لطÙاً واژه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در تصویر می‌بینید در جعبه وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به جلوگیری از شکستن خودکار گذرواژه، لطÙاً واژه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در تصویر می‌بینید را وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'برای کمک به جلوگیری از ایجاد خودکار حساب کاربری، ما با احترام از شما می‌خواهید واژه‌ای را که در تصویر می‌بینید را در جعبهٔ زیر وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به جلوگیری از ایجاد خودکار حساب کاربری، لطÙاً واژه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در تصویر می‌بینید وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'برای ایجاد این صÙحه، لطÙاً واژه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در تصویر می‌بینید وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'برای ویرایش این صÙحه، لطÙاً واژه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در تصویر می‌بینید وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به محاÙظت در برابر هرزه‌نگاری خودکار، ما با احترام از شما می‌خواهیم واژه‌هایی را Ú©Ù‡ در جعبهٔ زیر نمایش داده می‌شوند وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'تازه‌کردن',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'برای Ú©Ù…Ú© به محاÙظت در برابر هرزه‌نگاری خودکار، لطÙاً واژه‌هایی را Ú©Ù‡ در جعبهٔ زیر نمایش داده می‌شوند وارد کنید ([[Special:Captcha/help|اطلاعات بیشتر]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'تازه کردن',
/** Finnish (suomi)
@@ -602,19 +594,18 @@ Zum Schutz vor automatisiertem Spamming gib des Wort in s Fäld unten yy. Druck
/** Gujarati (ગà«àªœàª°àª¾àª¤à«€)
- * @author Ashok modhvadia
* @author Dsvyas
* @author Sushant savla
$messages['gu'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'તમે કરેલા ફેરફારોમાં નવી બાહà«àª¯ કડીઓ સામેલ છે.
-વિકિને સà«àªµàªšàª¾àª²àª¿àª¤ સà«àªªà«‡àª®/સà«àªªàª¾àª®(spam)થી બચાવવા માટે અમે તમને જણાવીઠછીઠકે કૃપયા નીચે આપેલા સરળ દાખલાનો જવાબ તેની બાજà«àª¨àª¾ ખાનામાં લખો.
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'આપોઆપ થતી ગà«àªªà«àª¤àª¸àª‚જà«àªžàª¾àª¨à«€ ચોરી (password cracking)થી વિકિને બચાવવા માટે અમે તમને જણાવીઠછીઠકે કૃપયા નીચે આપેલા શબà«àª¦ તેની બાજà«àª¨àª¾ ખાનામાં લખો. ([[Special:Captcha/help|વધૠવિગત]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'આપોઆપ નવા ખાતા ખà«àª²àª¤àª¾ રોકવા અને વિકીને તેનાથી બચાવવા માટે. અમે તમને જણાવીઠછીઠકે કૃપયા નીચે દેખાતા શબà«àª¦à«‹ ખાનામાં લખો. ([[Special:Captcha/help|વધૠમાહિતી]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'તમારા ફેરફારમાં નવી બાહà«àª¯ કડીઓ શામિલ છે.
+તમે કરેલા ફેરફારોમાં નવી બાહà«àª¯ કડીઓ સામેલ છે. સà«àªµàªšàª¾àª²àª¿àª¤ સà«àªªà«‡àª®/સà«àªªàª¾àª®(spam) થી બચવા માટે નીચે આપેલા સરળ દાખલાનો જવાબ તેની બાજà«àª¨àª¾ ખાનામાં લખો
+([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'આપોઆપ થતી ગà«àªªà«àª¤àª¸àª‚જà«àªžàª¾àª¨à«€ ચોરી (password cracking)થી બચાવવા માટે નીચે આપેલા શબà«àª¦ તેની બાજà«àª¨àª¾ ખાનામાં લખો ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'આપોઆપ નવા ખાતા ખà«àª²àª¤àª¾ રોકવા માટે નીચે દેખાતા શબà«àª¦à«‹ ખાનામાં લખો ([[Special:Captcha/help|વધૠમાહિતી]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'પાનà«àª‚ બનાવવા માટે નીચે દેખાતા શબà«àª¦à«‹ ખાનામાં ટાઈપ કરો ([[Special:Captcha/help|વધૠમાહિતી]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'આ પાનામાં ફેરફાર કરવા માટે નીચે દેખાતા શબà«àª¦à«‹ ખાનામાં ટાઈપ કરો ([[Special:Captcha/help|વધૠમાહિતી]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'વિકિને આપોઆપ થતી સà«àªªà«…મીંગથી બચાવવા માટે. અમે તમને જણાવીઠછીઠકે કૃપયા નીચે આપેલા શબà«àª¦ તેની બાજà«àª¨àª¾ ખાનામાં લખો ([[Special:Captcha/help|વધૠમાહિતી]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'આપોઆપ થતી સà«àªªà«…મીંગથી બચાવવા માટે નીચે આપેલા શબà«àª¦ તેની બાજà«àª¨àª¾ ખાનામાં લખો ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):', # Fuzzy
/** Hebrew (עברית)
@@ -666,13 +657,12 @@ slova koja vidite na slici dolje: <br />([[Special:Captcha/help|Pomoć]])',
* @author Michawiki
$messages['hsb'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'W twojej změnje su nowe eksterne wotkazy. Jako škitnu naprawu přećiwo awtomatiskemu spamej zapodaj prošu slědowace znamješka do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Zo by wiki přećiwo awtomatiskemu kradnjenju hesłow škitał, prosymy će, slědowace słowa do kašćika zapisować ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Jako škitna naprawa přećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju wužiwarskich kontow, zapodaj prošu slědowace słowa do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'W twojej zmÄ›nje su nowe eksterne wotkazy. Jako Å¡kitna naprawa pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu spamej zapodaj proÅ¡u sćěhowace znamjeÅ¡ka do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|Äehodla?]]).', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Jako Å¡kitna naprawa pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu zadobywanju do wužiwarskich kontow zapodaj proÅ¡u sćěhowace znamjeÅ¡ka do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|Äehodla?]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Jako Å¡kitna naprawa pÅ™ećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju wužiwarskich kontow zapodaj proÅ¡u sćěhowace znamjeÅ¡ka do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|Äehodla?]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Zo by stronu wutworić móhÅ‚ zapodaj proÅ¡u sćěhowace znamjeÅ¡ka do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|Äehodla?]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Zo by stronu wobdźěłować móhÅ‚ zapodaj proÅ¡u sćěhowace znamjeÅ¡ka do kašćika ([[Special:Captcha/help|Äehodla?]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanju, zapodaj prošu słowa, kotrež so deleka w kašćiku jewja ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Aktualizować',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanju, zapodaj prošu słowa, kotrež so deleka w kašćiku jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
/** Hungarian (magyar)
@@ -721,13 +711,13 @@ $messages['id'] = array(
* @author Lam-ang
$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Dagiti inurnosmo ket aglaon kadagiti baro a silpo ti ruar.
-Tapno masalakniban ti wiki kadagiti automatiko nga spam, naemmakami nga agdawat nga ikabilmo dagiti balikas nga agparang dita baba iti kahon ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Tapno masalakniban kadagiti automatiko a panagsulbar ti kontrasenias, naemmakami nga agdawat nga ikabilmo dagiti balikas nga agparang dita baba iti kahon ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Tapno makasalakniban ti wiki kadagiti automatiko a panagpartuat ti pakabilangan, naemmakami nga agdawat nga ikabilmo dagiti balikas nga agparang dita baba iti kahon ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Ti inurnos mo ket adda nagyan na a baro a panilpo ti ruar.
+Tapno masalakniban kadagiti automatiko a spam, pangaasim nga ikabil ti balikas nga agparang dita baba a kahon. ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Tapno masalakniban kadagiti automatiko a pinagsulbar ti kontrasenias, pangaasim nga ikabil ti balikas nga agparang dita baba a kahon. ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Tapno makasalaknib kadagiti automatiko a pinagaramid ti pakabilangan, pangaasim nga ikabil ti balikas nga agparang dita baba a kahon. ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Tapno makaaramid ti panid, pangaasim nga ikabil ti balikas nga agparang dita baba a kahon. ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Tapno makaurnos daytoy a panid, pangaasim nga ikabil ti balikas nga agparang dita baba a kahon. ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Tapno makasalakniban ti wiki kadagiti automatiko a panag-spam, naemmakami nga agdawat nga ikabilmo dagiti balikas nga agparang dita baba iti kahon ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Tapno makasalaknib kadagiti automatiko a pinagspam, pangaasim nga ikabil ti balikas nga agparang dita baba a kahon. ([[Special:Captcha/help|adu pay a pakaammo]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Pasadiwaen',
@@ -780,12 +770,11 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
/** Jutish (jysk)
- * @author Christian List
* @author Huslåke
$messages['jut'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Din ændring tilføjer nye eksterne henvisninger. For at beskytte mod automatiseret spam, skal du indtaste ordet som vises nedenfor i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):', # Fuzzy
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'For at beskytte mod automatiske forsøg på at gætte adgangskoden, skal du indtaste ordet som vises i feltet nedenfor. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'For at beskytte mod automatiske forsøg på at gætte kodeord, skal du indtaste ordet som vises nedenfor i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'For at beskytte mod automatisk oprettelse af brugernavne, der bruges til spam, skal du indtaste ordet som vises nedenfor i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'For at oprette en ny side, skal du indtaste ordet som vises nedenfor i feltet under det. ([[Special:Captcha/help|mere information]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'or at redigere denne side
@@ -793,33 +782,28 @@ $messages['jut'] = array(
/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
- * @author Bennylin
* @author Meursault2004
$messages['jv'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Suntingan panjenengan iku ngandhut pranala jaba anyar. Kanggo pangreksan marang spam otomatis, mangga lebokna tembung sing kapacak ing ngisor iki ing kothak sing wis cumepak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info jangkep]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan parengkahan tembung sandhi otomatis, tulung lebokna ukara ing ngisor iki menyang sajroning kothak sing wis sumedya ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan panggawéyan rékening (akun) otomatis, tulung lebokna ukara ing ngisor iki menyang sajroning kothak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Suntingan panjenengan iku ngandhut pranala jaba anyar. Kanggo pangreksan marang spam otomatis, mangga lebokna tembung sing kapacak ing ngisor iki ing kothak sing wis cumepak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info jangkep]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Kanggo ngréwangi pangreksan marang parengkahan kunci sandhi otomatis, mangga lebokna tembung sing kapacak ing ngisor iki ing kothak sing wis cumepak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info jangkep]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Minangka pangreksan marang rékening (akun) sing digawé otomatis, tulung lebokna tembung sing kapacak ing ngisor iki ing kothak sing wis cumepak ([[Special:Captcha/help|info jangkep]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Suntingan panjenengan ngandhut pranala jaba anyar. Kanggo nggawé kaca iki, mangga isèkna tembung-tembung sing ana ing kothak iki ([[Special:Captcha/help|info jangkep]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Suntingan panjenengan ngandhut pranala jaba anyar. Kanggo nyunting kaca iki, mangga isèkna tembung-tembung sing ana ing kothak iki ([[Special:Captcha/help|info jangkep]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Kanggo ngreksa lawan spam otomatis, tulung lebokna ukara ing ngisor iki menyang sajroning kothak sing wis sumedya ([[Special:Captcha/help|info sabanjuré]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Anyarana',
/** Georgian (ქáƒáƒ áƒ—ული)
* @author David1010
* @author ITshnik
- * @author Tokoko
$messages['ka'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'თქვენი ცვლილებრშეიცáƒáƒ•áƒ¡ áƒáƒ®áƒáƒš გáƒáƒ áƒ” ბმულებს.
-ვიკის áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ სპáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒœáƒ’ისგáƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, ჩვენ მáƒáƒ’იწáƒáƒ“ებთ, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ქვემáƒáƒ— მáƒáƒªáƒ”მული სიტყვები ყუთში ([[Special:Captcha/help|მეტი ინფáƒáƒ áƒ›áƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'ვიკის პáƒáƒ áƒáƒšáƒ”ბის áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ გáƒáƒ¢áƒ”ხვისგáƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, ჩვენ მáƒáƒ’იწáƒáƒ“ებთ, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ქვემáƒáƒ— მáƒáƒªáƒ”მული სიტყვები ყუთში ([[Special:Captcha/help|მეტი ინფáƒáƒ áƒ›áƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'ვიკის áƒáƒœáƒ’áƒáƒ áƒ˜áƒ¨áƒ”ბის áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ რეგისტრáƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒáƒ’áƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, ჩვენ მáƒáƒ’იწáƒáƒ“ებთ, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ნáƒáƒ©áƒ•áƒ”ნები სიმბáƒáƒšáƒáƒ”ბი ტექსტურ ველში ([[Special:Captcha/help|დეტáƒáƒšáƒ£áƒ áƒáƒ“]]):',
+áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ სპáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒœáƒ’ისგáƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, გთხáƒáƒ•áƒ—, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ქვემáƒáƒ— მáƒáƒªáƒ”მული სიტყვები ყუთში ([[Special:Captcha/help|მეტი ინფáƒáƒ áƒ›áƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'პáƒáƒ áƒáƒšáƒ”ბის áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ გáƒáƒ¢áƒ”ხვისგáƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, გთხáƒáƒ•áƒ—, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ქვემáƒáƒ— მáƒáƒªáƒ”მული სიტყვები ყუთში ([[Special:Captcha/help|მეტი ინფáƒáƒ áƒ›áƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'áƒáƒœáƒ’áƒáƒ áƒ˜áƒ¨áƒ”ბის áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ რეგისტრáƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒáƒ’áƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, გთხáƒáƒ•áƒ—, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ნáƒáƒ©áƒ•áƒ”ნები სიმბáƒáƒšáƒáƒ”ბი ტექსტურ ველში ([[Special:Captcha/help|დეტáƒáƒšáƒ£áƒ áƒáƒ“]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'გვერდის შესáƒáƒ¥áƒ›áƒœáƒ”ლáƒáƒ“, გთხáƒáƒ•áƒ—, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒ”თ áƒáƒ¡áƒáƒ”ბი, რáƒáƒ›áƒšáƒ”ბიც ნáƒáƒ©áƒ•áƒ”ნებირქვედრსურáƒáƒ—ზე ([[Special:Captcha/help|დეტáƒáƒšáƒ£áƒ áƒáƒ“…]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'გვერდის რედáƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒ˜áƒ áƒ”ბისáƒáƒ—ვის, გთხáƒáƒ•áƒ—, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒ”თ áƒáƒ¡áƒáƒ”ბი, რáƒáƒ›áƒšáƒ”ბიც ნáƒáƒ©áƒ•áƒ”ნებირქვედრსურáƒáƒ—ზე ([[Special:Captcha/help|დეტáƒáƒšáƒ£áƒ áƒáƒ“…]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'ვიკის áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ სპáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒáƒ’áƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, ჩვენ მáƒáƒ’იწáƒáƒ“ებთ, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ქვევით ნáƒáƒ©áƒ•áƒ”ნები სიტყვრტექსტურ ველში ([[Special:Captcha/help|მეტი ინფáƒáƒ áƒ›áƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'გáƒáƒœáƒáƒ®áƒšáƒ”ბáƒ',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ áƒ˜ სპáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒáƒ’áƒáƒœ თáƒáƒ•áƒ“áƒáƒªáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡ მიზნით, გთხáƒáƒ•áƒ—, შეიყვáƒáƒœáƒáƒ— ქვევით ნáƒáƒ©áƒ•áƒ”ნები სიტყვრტექსტურ ველში ([[Special:Captcha/help|მეტი ინფáƒáƒ áƒ›áƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ]]):', # Fuzzy
/** Kara-Kalpak (Qaraqalpaqsha)
@@ -884,9 +868,9 @@ tömendegi körsetilgen sözderdi awmaqqa engiziñiz ([[{{ns:special}}:Captcha/h
$messages['km'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'កំណែប្រែរបស់អ្នកមានážáŸ†ážŽáž—្ជាប់ážáž¶áž„ក្រៅ។
-ដើម្បីការពារពីស្ប៉ាមស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'ដើម្បីការពារការបំបែកពាក្យសម្ងាážáŸ‹ážŠáŸ„យស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'ដើម្បីការពារការបង្កើážáž‚ណនីដោយស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
+ដើម្បីការពារពីស្ប៉ាម(spam)ស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'ដើម្បីការពារការបំបែកពាក្យសំងាážáŸ‹ážŠáŸ„យស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'ដើម្បីការពារការបង្កើážáž‚ណនីដោយស្វáŸáž™áž”្រវážáŸ’ážáž· សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'ដើម្បីបង្កើážáž‘ំពáŸážšáž“áŸáŸ‡ សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'ដើម្បីកែប្រែទំពáŸážšáž“áŸáŸ‡ សូមបញ្ជូលពាក្យážáž¶áž„ក្រោមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ ([[Special:Captcha/help|áž–áŸážáŸŒáž˜áž¶áž“បន្ážáŸ‚ម]])៖',
@@ -920,21 +904,20 @@ $messages['krc'] = array(
$messages['ksh'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-desc' => 'Määt e nett Käptsche för dä <code lang="en">Confirm Edit</code> Projramm-Zohsatz',
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Do häß neuje Lengks op frembde Websigge dobei jedonn.
-Mer schöze ons Wiki jäje automattesche <code lang="en" xml:lang="en">SPAM</code>, dröm
-don di Wööter en dat Käßje endraare. ([[Special:Captcha/help|Verklierung]])',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Do häß neu Lingks op frembde Websigge dobei jedonn.
+Mer schöze uns Wiki jäje automatesche SPAM, dröm
+don di Wööter en dat Käßje endraare. (Verklierung)', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Mer schöze Metmaacher en unsem Wiki jäje automatesche
Paßwoot-Knackerei, dröm don di Wööt onge en dat Käßje
-endraare. ([[Special:Captcha/help|Verklierung]])',
+endraare. (Verklierung)', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Mer schöze uns Wiki dojäje, dat mer en Masse automatesch
-Metmaacher aanmeldt.
-Dröm beß esu joot un
-don di Wööt onge en dat Käßje endraare. ([[Special:Captcha/help|Verklierung]])',
+Metmaacher aanmeldt. Dröm beß esu joot un
+don di Wööt onge en dat Käßje endraare. (Verklierung)', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Öm di Sigg neu aanzelääje, don di Wööt onge en dat Käßje endraare. (Verklierung)',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Öm de Sigg ze ändere, don di Wööt onge en dat Käßje endraare. ([[Special:Captcha/help|Verklierung]])',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Öm et Wiki jääje automattesch enjedraare <code lang="en" xml:lang="en">SPAM</code> ze schötze,
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Öm et Wiki jääje automattesch enjedraare SPAM ze schötze,
bes esu joot, donn di Wööter enjävve, di en däm Käßje heh dronger shtonn.
-([[Special:Captcha/help|Mieh Enfommazjuhne]])',
+([[Special:Captcha/help|Mieh Enfommazjuhne]])', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Nöü Aanzeije!',
@@ -1140,12 +1123,12 @@ As Schutz gegen automaatsch Spam, geev disse Bookstavenreeg in dat Feld ünnen i
$messages['nds-nl'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => "Joew bewarking bevat uutgaonde verwiezingen.
-Um dit projekt te bescharmen tegen automatiese spam, mu'j t woord dat hieronder steet invullen ([[Special:Captcha/help|hulpe]]):",
+Um dit projekt te bescharmen tegen ongewunste reklame, mu'j t woord dat hieronder steet invullen ([[Special:Captcha/help|hulpe]]):",
'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => "Um disse webstee te beveiligen tegen t kraken van wachtwoorden, mu'j de woorden die'j hieronder zien effen invullen ([[Special:Captcha/help|hulpe]]):",
'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => "Um disse wiki te bescharmen tegen t automaties anmaken van gebrukersprofielen mu'j t woord hieronder invullen ([[Special:Captcha/help|hulpe]]):",
'fancycaptcha-create' => "Um n pagina an te maken, mö'j t woord dat hieronder steet invullen
- 'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Vul de woorden die hieronder staon in um disse zied te bewarken ([[Special:Captcha/help|hulpe]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-edit' => "Joew bewarking bevat nieje uutgaonde verwiezingen. Um disse wiki te bescharmen tegen ongewunste reklame mö'j de woorden hieronder invullen ([[Special:Captcha/help|hulpe]]):",
'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Voer de woorden die hieronder staon in t invoerveld in as bescharming tegen automatiese ongewunste reklame
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Verniejen',
@@ -1164,7 +1147,7 @@ Voer de woorden die hieronder verschijnen in het invoerveld in als bescherming t
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Voer de woorden die hieronder verschijnen in het invoerveld in om de pagina aan te maken ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Voer de woorden die hieronder verschijnen in het invoerveld in om deze pagina te bewerken ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):',
'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Voer de woorden die hieronder getoond worden in het invoerveld in als bescherming tegen spam ([[Special:Captcha/help|meer informatie]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Vernieuwen',
+ 'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Verversen',
/** Nederlands (informeel)‎ (Nederlands (informeel)‎)
@@ -1224,12 +1207,12 @@ $messages['or'] = array(
$messages['pl'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-desc' => 'Generator obrazka, którego odczytanie jest wymagane dla zatwierdzenia edycji.',
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Twoja edycja zawiera nowe linki zewnętrzne. Ze względu na ochronę przed zautomatyzowanym spamem prosimy o wpisanie słów, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|więcej informacji]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Ze względu na ochronę przed automatycznym łamaniem haseł prosimy o wpisanie słów, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|więcej informacji]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Ze względu na ochronę przed automatycznym tworzeniem kont prosimy o wpisanie słów, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|więcej informacji]])',
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Twoja edycja zawiera nowe linki zewnętrzne. Ze względu na ochronę przed zautomatyzowanym spamem prosimy o wpisanie słów, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|pomoc]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Ze względu na zabezpieczenie przed automatycznym łamaniem haseł prosimy o wpisanie słów, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|pomoc]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Ze względu na ochronę przed automatycznym spamem, aby się zarejestrować musisz wpisać słowo, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|pomoc]])', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Aby utworzyć tę stronę, przepisz słowa, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|pomoc]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Aby edytować tę stronę, przepisz słowa, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|pomoc]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Ze względu na ochronę przed zautomatyzowanym spamem prosimy o wpisanie słów, które widzisz poniżej, do pola tekstowego ([[Special:Captcha/help|więcej informacji]]).',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Zabezpieczenie przed automatycznie dodawanym spamem. Wprowadzić słowa widoczne w poniższym prostokącie ([[Special:Captcha/help|więcej informacji]]).', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Odśwież',
@@ -1299,14 +1282,6 @@ $messages['pt-br'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Atualizar',
-/** Quechua (Runa Simi)
- * @author AlimanRuna
- */
-$messages['qu'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-create' => "P'anqata kamarinaykipaqqa kay qatiq kahachapi kaq rimakunata yaykuchiy ([[Special:Captcha/help|astawan yachay]]):",
- 'fancycaptcha-edit' => "Kay p'anqata llamk'anaykipaqqa kay qatiq kahachapi kaq rimakunata yaykuchiy ([[Special:Captcha/help|astawan yachay]]):",
/** Romansh (rumantsch)
* @author Kazu89
@@ -1334,13 +1309,13 @@ Pentru a împiedica roboții de spam, vă rugăm să introduceți cuvintele care
* @author Joetaras
$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
- 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => "'U cangiamende tune 'nglude de le collegaminde de fore.
-Pe proteggere condre a 'u spam automateche, pe piacere mitte le parole ca iessene sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => "Pe proteggere condre a futteminde automatece de passuord, pe piacere mitte le parole ca iessene aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => "Pe proteggere condre a ccreazione automateche de cunde utinde, pe piacere mitte le parole ca iessene aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
+ 'fancycaptcha-addurl' => "'U cangiamende tue inglude de le collegaminde esterne.
+Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a 'u spam automateche, pe piacere mitte le parole ca combare sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a futteminde automatece de password, pe piacere mitte le parole ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a ccreazione automateche de cunde utinde, pe piacere mitte le parole ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Pe ccrejà sta pàgene, pe piacere mitte le parole ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Pe cangià sta pàgene, pe piacere mitte le parole combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => "Pe proteggere condre a spam automatece, pe piacere mitte le parole ca iessene aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => "Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a spam automatece, pe piacere mitte le parole ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):", # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Aggiorne',
@@ -1630,12 +1605,12 @@ Upang makatulong sa pagsasanggalang laban sa kusang pinapadalang mga \"manluluso
$messages['tr'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => 'Değişikliğiniz yeni dış bağlantılar içeriyor.
-Vikiyi otomatik spamdan korumak için, aşağıdaki sözcükleri kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Vikiyi otomatik parola kırma yöntemine karşı korumak için, aşağıdaki sözcükleri kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Vikiyi otomatik hesap oluşturmaya karşı korumaya yardım etmek için, aşağıdaki sözcükleri kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
+Otomatik spamdan korunmak için, lütfen aşağıdaki sözcükleri kutunun içine yazın ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgiler]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Otomatik parola kırma yöntemine karşı korunmak için lütfen aşağıdaki sözcükleri kutunun içine yazınız ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Otomatik hesap oluşturmaya karşı korumaya yardım etmek için, lütfen aşağıdaki kutuda görünen kelimeleri girin ([[Special:Captcha/help|daha fazla bilgi]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => 'Sayfayı oluşturmak için, lütfen aşağıdaki kutuda görünen kelimeleri girin ([[Special:Captcha/help|daha fazla bilgi]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => 'Bu sayfayı değiştirmek için, lütfen aşağıdaki kutuda görünen kelimeleri girin ([[Special:Captcha/help|daha fazla bilgi]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Vikiyi otomatik spamlerden korumak için, aşağıdaki sözcükleri kutunun içine yazmanızı rica ediyoruz ([[Special:Captcha/help|ayrıntılı bilgi]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Otomatik spamlerden korunmaya yardımcı olmak için, lütfen aşağıda görünen sözcükleri kutuya yazın ([[Special:Captcha/help|daha fazla bilgi]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'Yenile',
@@ -1769,10 +1744,10 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
$messages['zh-hant'] = array(
'fancycaptcha-addurl' => '您的編輯內容中å«æœ‰æœ¬ç¶²ç«™ä»¥å¤–的連çµã€‚
為防止ä¸ç•¶ç¨‹å¼å¤§é‡ç ´å£žï¼Œè«‹è¼¸å…¥ä»¥ä¸‹çš„文字([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => '為幫助wiki防範å¯è‡ªå‹•ç ´è§£å¯†ç¢¼ä¹‹ä¸ç•¶ç¨‹å¼ï¼Œæˆ‘們請您éµå…¥ä¸‹é¢è³‡è¨Šæ¡†ä¸­çš„單詞([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => '為幫助wiki防範å¯è‡ªå‹•å‰µå»ºè³¬æˆ¶ä¹‹ä¸ç•¶ç¨‹å¼ï¼Œæˆ‘們請您éµå…¥ä¸‹é¢è³‡è¨Šæ¡†ä¸­çš„單詞([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-badlogin' => '為防止ä¸ç•¶ç¨‹å¼ç ´è§£å¯†ç¢¼ï¼Œè«‹è¼¸å…¥ä»¥ä¸‹çš„文字([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'fancycaptcha-createaccount' => '為防止ä¸ç•¶ç¨‹å¼å¤§é‡å»ºç«‹å¸³æˆ¶ï¼Œè«‹è¼¸å…¥ä»¥ä¸‹çš„文字([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-create' => '為防止ä¸ç•¶ç¨‹å¼å¤§é‡å»ºç«‹é é¢ï¼Œè«‹è¼¸å…¥ä»¥ä¸‹çš„文字([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):',
'fancycaptcha-edit' => '如您想è¦ç·¨è¼¯æ­¤é é¢ï¼Œè«‹è¼¸å…¥ä»¥ä¸‹çš„文字([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):',
- 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => '為幫助wiki防範垃圾電郵,我們請您éµå…¥ä¸‹é¢è³‡è¨Šæ¡†ä¸­çš„單詞([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):',
+ 'fancycaptcha-sendemail' => '為防止ä¸ç•¶ç¨‹å¼é€²è¡Œç ´å£žï¼Œè«‹è¼¸å…¥ä»¥ä¸‹çš„文字([[Special:Captcha/help|相關資訊]]):', # Fuzzy
'fancycaptcha-reload-text' => 'é‡æ–°æ•´ç†',
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.php
index cbabb4a0..46002e22 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha.php
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ $wgAutoloadClasses['FancyCaptcha'] = $dir . '/FancyCaptcha.class.php';
$wgResourceModules['ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha.styles'] = array(
'localBasePath' => $dir . '/resources',
'remoteExtPath' => 'ConfirmEdit/resources',
- 'targets' => array( 'mobile', 'desktop' ),
'styles' => 'ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha.css',
@@ -73,15 +72,5 @@ $wgResourceModules['ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha'] = array(
'dependencies' => 'mediawiki.api',
-// FIXME: remove, add mobile target to ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha and update
-// MobileFrontend accordingly when bug 57629 is resolved
-$wgResourceModules['ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptchaMobile'] = array(
- 'localBasePath' => $dir . '/resources',
- 'remoteExtPath' => 'ConfirmEdit/resources',
- 'scripts' => 'ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha.js',
- 'targets' => array( 'mobile', 'desktop' ),
- 'dependencies' => 'mobile.startup',
$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiFancyCaptchaReload'] = $dir . '/ApiFancyCaptchaReload.php';
$wgAPIModules['fancycaptchareload'] = 'ApiFancyCaptchaReload';
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/HTMLCaptchaField.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/HTMLCaptchaField.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c069ce9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/HTMLCaptchaField.php
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * HTMLFormField for inserting Captchas into a form.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @class
+ */
+class HTMLCaptchaField extends HTMLFormField {
+ /**
+ * @var Captcha
+ */
+ private $captcha;
+ public $prefix = '';
+ /**
+ * @var Bool|Array
+ */
+ private $validationResult;
+ public function __construct( $params ) {
+ parent::__construct( $params );
+ // For differentiating the type of form, mainly
+ if ( isset( $params['prefix'] ) ) {
+ $this->prefix = $params['prefix'];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the captcha body. Don't include any of the surrounding table cells/rows
+ *
+ * @param $value String
+ * @return String
+ */
+ public function getInputHTML( $value ) {
+ # TODO
+ }
+ public function validate( $data, $alldata ) {
+ // We sent back the exists status of the captcha before. If it *doesn't* exist
+ // we actually want to validate this as true, because we don't want an angry red
+ // error message, just for the user to put the captcha in again
+ if ( $data === false ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $request WebRequest
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function loadDataFromRequest( $request ) {
+ $this->captcha = Captcha::factory();
+ $this->captcha->loadFromRequest( $request, $this );
+ if ( !$this->captcha->exists() ) {
+ // The captcha doesn't exist; probably because it's already been used and
+ // then deleted for security. Load the field up with a new captcha which
+ // will be shown to the user when the validation of said new object fails
+ $this->captcha = Captcha::newRandom();
+ }
+ // This will be useful as the difference between "the captcha doesn't exist" and
+ // "you answered the captcha wrongly"
+ return $this->captcha->exists();
+ }
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha.i18n.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha.i18n.php
index 12d372a3..ddf2ab6a 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha.i18n.php
@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ Per ajudar a protegir-se contra la brossa automàtica, responeu la pregunta que
'questycaptcha-create' => 'Per crear la pàgina, per favor responeu la pregunta que apareix a continuació ([[Special:Captcha/help|més informació]]):',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Mormegil
$messages['cs'] = array(
'questycaptcha-addurl' => 'Vaše editace obsahuje nové externí odkazy.
-V zájmu ochrany této wiki před automatickým spamováním vás prosíme o zodpovězení níže uvedené otázky ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'V zájmu ochrany této wiki proti automatickým pokusům uhodnout heslo vás prosíme o zodpovězení níže uvedené otázky ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'V zájmu ochrany této wiki pÅ™ed automatickým vytvářením úÄtů vás prosíme o zodpovÄ›zení níže uvedené otázky ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):',
+V zájmu ochrany před automatickým spamováním musíte zodpovědět níže uvedenou otázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'V rámci ochrany proti automatickým pokusům uhodnout heslo musíte zodpovědět níže uvedenou otázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'V rámci ochrany pÅ™ed automatickým vytvářením úÄtů musíte pro provedení registrace zodpovÄ›dÄ›t níže uvedenou otázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptcha-create' => 'Abyste mohli založit stránku, musíte zodpovědět níže uvedenou otázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):',
'questycaptcha-edit' => 'Abyste mohli editovat tuto stránku, musíte zodpovědět níže uvedenou otázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'V zájmu ochrany této wiki před automatickým spamováním vás prosíme o zodpovězení níže uvedené otázky ([[Special:Captcha/help|další informace]]):',
+ 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'V rámci ochrany proti automatickému spamování musíte zodpovědět níže zobrazenou otázku ([[Special:Captcha/help|více informací]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptchahelp-text' => 'Webové stránky, do kterých mohou pÅ™ispívat jejich návÅ¡tÄ›vníci (jako například tato wiki), jsou Äasto terÄem spammerů, kteří pomocí automatických nástrojů vkládají své odkazy na velké množství stránek. PÅ™estože lze tento spam odstranit, pÅ™edstavuje nepříjemné obtěžování.
Někdy, zvláště při přidávání nových webových odkazů, vás wiki může požádat o zodpovězení otázky.
@@ -303,12 +303,12 @@ Der „Zurück“-Knopf des Browsers führt zurück zum Bearbeitungsfenster.', #
$messages['dsb'] = array(
'questycaptcha-addurl' => 'Twója změna wopśimujo nowe eksterne wótkaze.
-Aby wiki pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu spamoju šćitał, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu wusnuchlenjeju gronidła šćitał, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu napóranjeju kontow šćitał, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
+Za šćit pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu spamoju, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Za šćit pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu wusnuchlenjeju gronidła, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Za šćit pśeśiwo zawtomatizěrowanemu napóranjeju kontow, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptcha-create' => 'Aby napórał bok, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
'questycaptcha-edit' => 'Aby wobźěłał toś ten bok, wótegroń pšosym na pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Aby wiki pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanjeju šćitał, wótegroń pšosym pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):',
+ 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Za šćit pśeśiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanjeju, wótegroń pšosym pšašanje, kótarež pokazujo se dołojce ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalšne informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptchahelp-text' => 'Websedła, kótarež akceptěruju zjawne pśinoski, ako toś ten wiki, znjewužywaju se cesto wót spamowarjow, kótarež wužywaju zawtomatizěrowane rědy, aby pśidali swóje wótkaze na wjele sedłow. Lěcrownož toś te spamowe wótkaze daju se wótpóraś, su wóne bejna pógóršota.
Wótergi, wósebnje, gaž se nowe wótkaze pśidawaju bokoju, jo móžno, až se śi wiki něco pšaša.
@@ -557,12 +557,12 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
$messages['hsb'] = array(
'questycaptcha-addurl' => 'Twoja změna wobsahuje nowe eksterne wotkazy.
-Za škit přećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu kradnjenju hesła, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatizowanemu tworjenju kontow, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
+Za škit přećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu kradnjenju hesła, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatizowanemu tworjenju kontow, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalš informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptcha-create' => 'Zo by stronu wutworił, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
'questycaptcha-edit' => 'Zo by tutu stronu změnił, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanju, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):',
+ 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu spamowanju, wotmołw prošu na prašenje, kotrež so deleka jewi ([[Special:Captcha/help|dalše informacije]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptchahelp-text' => 'WebsydÅ‚a, kotrež pÅ™inoÅ¡ki ze zjawnosće akceptuja, kaž tutón wiki, so Äasto wot spamarjow znjewužiwaja, kotÅ™iž awtomatizowane nastroje wužiwaja, zo bychu swoje wotkazy wjele sydÅ‚am pÅ™idali. HaÄrunjež so tute spamowe wotkazy hodźa wotstronić, su wone njesnadne mjerzanje.
Druhdy, wosebje, hdyž so nowe webwotkazy stronje pÅ™idawaja, wiki so ći nÄ›Äeho praÅ¡a.
@@ -715,18 +715,17 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
/** Korean (한국어)
* @author Kwj2772
- * @author Priviet
* @author ì•„ë¼
$messages['ko'] = array(
'questycaptcha-desc' => '편집 확ì¸ì— 대한 íƒêµ¬ì ì¸ CAPCHA(캡차) ìƒì„±ê¸°',
- 'questycaptcha-addurl' => 'íŽ¸ì§‘ì— ìƒˆë¡œìš´ 바깥 고리가 í¬í•¨ë˜ì–´ 있습니다.
-ìžë™ 편집 스팸으로부터 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'ìžë™ 비밀번호 í¬ëž˜í‚¹ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'ìžë™ 계정 만들기로부터 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
+ 'questycaptcha-addurl' => 'íŽ¸ì§‘ì— ìƒˆë¡œìš´ 바깥 ë§í¬ê°€ í¬í•¨ë˜ì–´ 있습니다.
+ìžë™í™”ëœ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ë¹„ë°€ë²ˆí˜¸ 깨기로부터 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):', # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ê³„ì • 만들기로부터 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptcha-create' => '문서를 만드려면 ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
'questycaptcha-edit' => 'ì´ ë¬¸ì„œë¥¼ 편집하려면 ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
- 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'ìžë™ 스팸으로부터 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):',
+ 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, ì•„ëž˜ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ì§ˆë¬¸ì— ë‹µí•´ì£¼ì„¸ìš” ([[Special:Captcha/help|ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´]]):', # Fuzzy
'questycaptchahelp-text' => 'ì´ ìœ„í‚¤ì™€ ê°™ì´ ì‚¬ëžŒì˜ ê³µê°œì ì¸ 참여가 가능한 웹 사ì´íŠ¸ì—서는 ìžë™ í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ì´ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ì„ ë¿Œë¦¬ëŠ” 경우가 있습니다.
물론 ì´ëŸ¬í•œ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ì€ ì œê±°í•  수는 있지만 번거로운 ìž‘ì—…ì´ ëŠ˜ì–´ë‚©ë‹ˆë‹¤.
@@ -794,7 +793,7 @@ Fir d'Wiki géint automatesche Spam-Ännerungen ze schützen, froe mir Iech d'Fr
'questycaptcha-edit' => "Fir dës Säit z'änneren, beäntwert w.e.g. déi Fro hei ënnedrënner ([[Special:Captcha/help|méi Informatiounen]]):",
'questycaptcha-sendemail' => 'Fir ze hëllefe dës Wiki géint automatiséierte Spam ze schütze, beäntwert w.e.g. déi Fro hei ënnendrënner ([[Special:Captcha/help|méi Informatiounen]]):',
'questycaptchahelp-text' => "Websäiten, déi et jiddwerengem erlaben Ännerunge virzehuelen, sou wéi dës Wiki, ginn dacks vu sougenannte Spammer mëssbraucht, déi automatiséiert hir Linken op vill Internetsäite setzen.
-Sou Spam-Linke kënne wuel geläscht ginn, mä si sinn trotzdeem eng grouss Plo.
+Esou Spam-Linke kënne wuel geläscht ginn, mä si sinn trotzdem eng grouss Plo.
Heiansdo, besonnesch wann nei Internet-Linken op eng Säit derbäigesat ginn, freet dës Wiki Iech eng Fro ze beäntwerten.
Well dëst eng Aufgab ass déi schwéier z'automatiséieren ass, erlaabt dëst datt Mënschen hir Ännerunge kënnen agi während déi meescht Spammer an aner Roboter-Attacke kënnen ofgewiert ginn.
@@ -838,7 +837,7 @@ $messages['mk'] = array(
Контактирајте ги [[Special:ListAdmins|админиÑтраторите на Ñтраната]] за помош доколку ова неочекувано ве Ñпречува во правењето на иÑкрени придонеÑи.
-СтиÑнете на копчето „назад“ во вашиот прелиÑувач за да Ñе вратите на уредувањето на Ñтраницата.',
+Кликнете на копчето „назад“ во вашиот прелиÑувач за да Ñе вратите на уредувањето на Ñтраницата.',
/** Malayalam (മലയാളം)
@@ -1109,13 +1108,13 @@ Apăsați butonul „Înapoi†al navigatorului pentru a vă reîntoarce la pag
* @author Joetaras
$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
- 'questycaptcha-addurl' => "'U cangiamende tune 'nglude de le collegaminde de fore.
-Peproteggere condre a 'u spam automateche, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca iesse sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
- 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => "Pe proteggere condre a futteminde automatece de password, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca iesse aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
- 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => "Pe proteggere condre a ccreazione automateche de cunde utinde, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca iesse aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
+ 'questycaptcha-addurl' => "'U cangiamende tue inglude de le collegaminde esterne.
+Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a 'u spam automateche, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca combare sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-badlogin' => "Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a futteminde automatece de password, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):", # Fuzzy
+ 'questycaptcha-createaccount' => "Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a ccreazione automateche de cunde utinde, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):", # Fuzzy
'questycaptcha-create' => "Pe ccrejà sta pàgene, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):",
'questycaptcha-edit' => "Pe cangià sta pàgene, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):",
- 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => "Pe proteggere condre a spam automatece, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca iesse aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):",
+ 'questycaptcha-sendemail' => "Pe aiutà a proteggere condre a spam automatece, pe piacere respunne a 'a domande ca combare aqquà sotte ([[Special:Captcha/help|cchiù 'mbormaziune]]):", # Fuzzy
'questycaptchahelp-text' => "Le site web ca accettane condrebbute da 'u pubbleche, cumme sta Uicchi, sonde spesse abusate da le ''spammer'' ca ausane struminde automatece e aggiungene le lore collegaminde a 'nu sacche de site.<br />
Pure ca chiste collegaminde de spam ponne essere luate, lore sò sembre 'nu scassamende de palle.<br />
<br />
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ReCaptcha.i18n.php b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ReCaptcha.i18n.php
index 5572656a..9e2c4781 100644
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ReCaptcha.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/ReCaptcha.i18n.php
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ $messages['be-tarask'] = array(
$messages['br'] = array(
'recaptcha-edit' => "Evit sikour en em wareziñ diouzh ar stroboù emgefre, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :",
'recaptcha-addurl' => "Liamm diavaez nevez zo bet degaset ganeoc'h. Evit sikour en em wareziñ diouzh ar stroboù, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :",
- 'recaptcha-badlogin' => "Evit sikour da wareziñ ar wiki diouzh an diskuliañ gerioù-tremen emgefre dre daolioù-esae, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :",
- 'recaptcha-createaccount' => "Evit sikour d'en em wareziñ diouzh ar c'hrouiñ kontoù emgefre, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :",
+ 'recaptcha-badlogin' => "Da sikour en em wareziñ diouzh an diskuliañ gerioù-tremen emgefre dre daolioù-esae, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :", # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-createaccount' => "Da sikour en em wareziñ diouzh ar c'hrouiñ kontoù emgefre, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :", # Fuzzy
'recaptcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Respont reCAPTHCA faziek pe ezvezant.',
- 'recaptcha-create' => "Evit sikour d'en em wareziñ diouzh ar c'hrouiñ pajennoù emgefre, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :",
+ 'recaptcha-create' => "Da sikour en em wareziñ diouzh ar c'hrouiñ pajennoù emgefre, merkit an daou c'her a welit er voest dindan :", # Fuzzy
/** Bosnian (bosanski)
@@ -99,18 +99,18 @@ $messages['bs'] = array(
'recaptcha-create' => 'Da bismo pomogli protiv automatiziranog pravljenja stranica, molimo upiÅ¡ite dvije rijeÄi koje vidite u kutiju ispod:', # Fuzzy
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Jkjk
* @author Mormegil
$messages['cs'] = array(
'recaptcha-desc' => 'Podpora reCAPTCHA pro rozšíření Confirm Edit',
- 'recaptcha-edit' => 'V zájmu ochrany této wiki pÅ™ed automatickým spamováním vás prosíme o opsání dvou slov, která vidíte v rámeÄku níže:',
- 'recaptcha-addurl' => 'VaÅ¡e editace obsahuje nové externí odkazy. V zájmu ochrany této wiki pÅ™ed automatickým spamováním vás prosíme o opsání dvou slov, která vidíte v rámeÄku níže:',
- 'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'V zájmu ochrany této wiki proti automatickým pokusům uhodnout heslo vás prosíme o opsání dvou slov, která vidíte v rámeÄku níže:',
- 'recaptcha-createaccount' => 'V zájmu ochrany této wiki pÅ™ed automatickým vytvářením úÄtů vás prosíme o opsání dvou slov, která vidíte v rámeÄku níže:',
+ 'recaptcha-edit' => 'V zájmu ochrany před automatickým spamováním opište dvě slova, která vidíte na obrázku:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-addurl' => 'Vaše editace obsahuje nové externí odkazy. V zájmu ochrany před automatickým spamováním opište dvě slova, která vidíte na obrázku:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'V zájmu ochrany proti automatickým pokusům uhodnout heslo opište dvě slova, která vidíte na obrázku:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-createaccount' => 'V rámci ochrany pÅ™ed automatickým vytvářením úÄtů opiÅ¡te dvÄ› slova, která vidíte na obrázku:', # Fuzzy
'recaptcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Nesprávná nebo chybÄ›jící odpovÄ›Ä na reCAPTCHA.',
- 'recaptcha-create' => 'V zájmu ochrany pÅ™ed automatickým zakládáním stránek vás prosíme o opsání dvou slov, která vidíte v rámeÄku níže:',
+ 'recaptcha-create' => 'V zájmu ochrany před automatickým zakládáním stránek opište dvě slova, která vidíte na obrázku:', # Fuzzy
/** Welsh (Cymraeg)
@@ -166,18 +166,6 @@ $messages['es'] = array(
'recaptcha-create' => 'Para protegernos de la creación automática de páginas, escribe las dos palabras que ves en el cuadro de abajo:', # Fuzzy
-/** Persian (Ùارسی)
- * @author Armin1392
- */
-$messages['fa'] = array(
- 'recaptcha-edit' => 'برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر ویرایش خودکار اسپم، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ دو کلمه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در جعبهٔ زیر می‌بینید را بنویسید:',
- 'recaptcha-addurl' => 'ویرایش شما شامل لینک‌های خارجی جدید است.برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر اسپم خودکار، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ دو کلمه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در جعبهٔ زیر می‌بینید را بنویسید:',
- 'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر رخنهٔ رمز عبور به طور خودکار، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ دو کلمه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در جعبهٔ زیر می‌بینید را بنویسید:',
- 'recaptcha-createaccount' => 'برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر ایجاد حساب به طور خودکار، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ دو کلمه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در جعبهٔ زیر می‌بینید را بنویسید:',
- 'recaptcha-createaccount-fail' => 'پاسخ نادرست یا عدم وجود ری‌سی‌اÙی‌پی‌تی‌سی‌اچ‌اÙÛŒ.',
- 'recaptcha-create' => 'برای محاÙظت ویکی دربرابر ایجاد صÙحه به طور خودکار، ما دوستانه از شما درخواست می‌کنیم Ú©Ù‡ دو کلمه‌ای را Ú©Ù‡ در جعبهٔ زیر می‌بینید را بنویسید:',
/** Finnish (suomi)
* @author Nedergard
* @author VezonThunder
@@ -194,10 +182,8 @@ $messages['fi'] = array(
/** French (français)
* @author Gomoko
* @author Urhixidur
- * @author Verdy p
$messages['fr'] = array(
- 'recaptcha-desc' => 'module reCAPTCHA pour Confirmer Modifier',
'recaptcha-edit' => 'Afin de protéger le wiki du spam des modifications automatisées, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir écrire les deux mots visibles dans le cadre ci-dessous :',
'recaptcha-addurl' => 'Votre contribution contient des liens vers un site externe. Pour protéger le wiki contre le spam automatisé, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir écrire les deux mots visibles dans le cadre qui suit :',
'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'Pour protéger le wiki des essais automatiques de cassage de mot de passe, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir écrire les deux mots visibles dans le cadre qui suit:',
@@ -232,27 +218,26 @@ $messages['gsw'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
- * @author Yona b
$messages['he'] = array(
- 'recaptcha-edit' => '××™× ×›× ×ž×©×ª×ž×© רשו×. ×›×”×’× ×” מפני ספ×× ×וטומטי, ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ. תודה.',
- 'recaptcha-addurl' => '×¢×¨×™×›×ª×›× ×›×•×œ×œ×ª ×§×™×©×•×¨×™× ×—×™×¦×•× ×™×™× ×—×“×©×™×. ×›×”×’× ×” מפני ספ×× ×וטומטי, ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ. תודה.',
- 'recaptcha-badlogin' => '×›×”×’× ×” מפני מפצחי סיסמ×ות ×וטומטיי×, ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ:',
- 'recaptcha-createaccount' => '×›×”×’× ×” מפני יצירה ×וטומטית של חשבונות, × × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ:',
+ 'recaptcha-edit' => '××™× ×›× ×ž×©×ª×ž×© רשו×.×›×”×’× ×” מפני ספ×× ×וטומטי, ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ. תודה.', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-addurl' => '××™× ×›× ×ž×©×ª×ž×© רשו×.×›×”×’× ×” מפני ספ×× ×וטומטי, ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ. תודה.', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-badlogin' => '×›×”×’× ×” מפני מפצחי סיסמ×ות ××•×˜×•×ž×˜×™×™× ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-createaccount' => '×›×”×’× ×” מפני יצירת חשבונות ×¤×™×§×˜×™×‘×™×™× ×¢"×™ ××•×˜×•×ž×˜×™× ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ:', # Fuzzy
'recaptcha-createaccount-fail' => '×œ× ×”×•×§×œ×“×• מילות ×”×ישור, ×ו שהוקלדו ×ž×™×œ×™× ×œ× × ×›×•× ×•×ª. נסו שנית.',
- 'recaptcha-create' => '××™× ×›× ×ž×©×ª×ž×© רשו×. ×›×”×’× ×” מפני ספ×× ×וטומטי, ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ. תודה.',
+ 'recaptcha-create' => '××™× ×›× ×ž×©×ª×ž×© רשו×.×›×”×’× ×” מפני ספ×× ×וטומטי, ×× × ×”×§×œ×™×“×• ×ת שתי ×”×ž×™×œ×™× ×©×œ×”×œ×Ÿ. תודה.', # Fuzzy
/** Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbsce)
* @author Michawiki
$messages['hsb'] = array(
- 'recaptcha-edit' => 'Zo by wiki přećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej škitał, zapisaj prošu dwě słowje, kotrejž w slědowacym polu widźiš:',
- 'recaptcha-addurl' => 'Twoja změna wobsahuje nowe eksterne wotkazy. Zo by wiki přećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej škitał, zapisaj prošu dwě słowje, kotrejž w slědowacym polu widźiš:',
- 'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'Zo by wiki přećiwo awtomatizowanemu złamanju hesłow škitał, zapisaj prošu dwě słowje, kotrejž widźiš, do slědowaceho pola:',
- 'recaptcha-createaccount' => 'Zo by wiki přećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju konta škitał, zapisaj prošu dwě słowje, kotrejž w slědowacym polu widźiš:',
+ 'recaptcha-edit' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, prošu zapisaj dwě słowje, kotrejž w slědowacym polu widźiš:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-addurl' => 'Twoja změna wobsahuje nowe eksterne wotkazy. Za škit přećiwo awtomatizowanemu spamej, prošu zapisaj dwě słowje, kotrerjž w slědowacym polu widźiš:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatizowanemu złamanju hesłow, zapisaj prošu wobě słowje, kotrejž widźiš, do slědowaceho pola:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-createaccount' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju konta, prošu zapisaj tej wobě słowje, kotrejž w slědowacym polu widźiš:', # Fuzzy
'recaptcha-createaccount-fail' => 'WopaÄna abo falowaca wotmoÅ‚wa reCAPTCHA.',
- 'recaptcha-create' => 'Zo by wiki přećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju strony škitał, zapisaj prošu dwě słowje, kotrejž w slědowacym polu widźiš:',
+ 'recaptcha-create' => 'Za škit přećiwo awtomatiskemu wutworjenju strony, prošu zapisaj tej wobě słowje, kotrejž w slědowacym polu widźiš:', # Fuzzy
/** Interlingua (interlingua)
@@ -306,17 +291,16 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
/** Korean (한국어)
- * @author Priviet
* @author ì•„ë¼
$messages['ko'] = array(
'recaptcha-desc' => '편집 확ì¸ì— 대한 reCAPCHA 모듈',
- 'recaptcha-edit' => 'ìžë™ 편집 스팸으로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:',
- 'recaptcha-addurl' => 'íŽ¸ì§‘ì— ìƒˆë¡œìš´ 바깥 고리가 í¬í•¨ë˜ì–´ 있습니다. ìžë™ 스팸으로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:',
- 'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'ìžë™ 비밀번호 í¬ëž˜í‚¹ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:',
- 'recaptcha-createaccount' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ê³„ì • 만들기로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:',
+ 'recaptcha-edit' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ íŽ¸ì§‘ 스팸으로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-addurl' => 'íŽ¸ì§‘ì— ìƒˆë¡œìš´ 바깥 ë§í¬ê°€ í¬í•¨ë˜ì–´ 있습니다. ìžë™í™”ëœ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ìœ¼ë¡œë¶€í„° 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-badlogin' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ë¹„ë°€ë²ˆí˜¸ 깨기로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:', # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-createaccount' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ê³„ì • 만들기로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:', # Fuzzy
'recaptcha-createaccount-fail' => 'reCAPTCHA ë‹µì´ ì˜¬ë°”ë¥´ì§€ 않거나 없습니다.',
- 'recaptcha-create' => 'ìžë™ 문서 ìƒì„±ì„ 막기 위해 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:',
+ 'recaptcha-create' => 'ìžë™í™”ëœ ë¬¸ì„œ 만들기로부터 보호하기 위해, 아래 ìƒìžì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” ë‘ ë‚±ë§ì„ 입력하세요:', # Fuzzy
/** Colognian (Ripoarisch)
@@ -480,12 +464,12 @@ $messages['pt-br'] = array(
* @author Joetaras
$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
- 'recaptcha-edit' => "Pe proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
- 'recaptcha-addurl' => "Le cangiaminde tune 'ngludone collegaminde de fore nuève. Pe proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
- 'recaptcha-badlogin' => "Pe proteggere condre le futteminde automatece de le passuord, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
- 'recaptcha-createaccount' => "Pe proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le cunde, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
+ 'recaptcha-edit' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-addurl' => "Le cangiaminde tune 'ngludone collegaminde de fore nuève. Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le cangiaminde automatece de le rummate, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-badlogin' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le futteminde automatece de le passuord, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
+ 'recaptcha-createaccount' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le cunde, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
'recaptcha-createaccount-fail' => 'Resposte reCAPTCHA ingorrette o mangande.',
- 'recaptcha-create' => "Pe proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le pàggene, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:",
+ 'recaptcha-create' => "Pe darne 'na màne a proteggere condre le ccrejaziune automatece de le pàggene, pe piacere scrive le doje parole ca 'ndruche jndr'à buatte aqquà sotte:", # Fuzzy
/** Russian (руÑÑкий)
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/.gitreview b/extensions/Gadgets/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a8ead4..00000000
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/ApiQueryGadgets.php b/extensions/Gadgets/ApiQueryGadgets.php
index 94c4f04d..a529daf0 100644
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/ApiQueryGadgets.php
+++ b/extensions/Gadgets/ApiQueryGadgets.php
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class ApiQueryGadgets extends ApiQueryBase {
' api.php?action=query&list=gadgets&gaprop=id|desc',
'Get a list of gadgets with all possible properties:',
" api.php?action=query&list=gadgets&gaprop=$allProps",
- 'Get a list of gadgets belonging to category "foo":',
+ 'Get a list of gadgets belonging to caregory "foo":',
' api.php?action=query&list=gadgets&gacategories=foo',
'Get information about gadgets "foo" and "bar":',
' api.php?action=query&list=gadgets&gaids=foo|bar&gaprop=id|desc|metadata',
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/COPYING b/extensions/Gadgets/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.alias.php b/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.alias.php
index 5ec050c9..7f3307a5 100644
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.alias.php
+++ b/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.alias.php
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ $specialPageAliases['ce'] = array(
'Gadgets' => array( 'Гаджеташ' ),
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina) */
+/** Czech (Äesky) */
$specialPageAliases['cs'] = array(
'Gadgets' => array( 'Udělátka' ),
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ $specialPageAliases['haw'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית) */
$specialPageAliases['he'] = array(
- 'Gadgets' => array( '×’×דג\'טי×', 'סקריפטי×' ),
+ 'Gadgets' => array( 'סקריפטי×' ),
/** Hindi (हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€) */
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.i18n.php b/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.i18n.php
index b5cbc28a..2cef466a 100644
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.i18n.php
@@ -379,9 +379,9 @@ $messages['ba'] = array(
'gadgets' => 'Гаджеттар',
'gadgets-title' => 'Гаджеттар',
'gadgets-uses' => 'Ҡулланыла',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|1=Хоҡуҡ талап ителә|Хоҡутар талап ителә}}:
+ 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Хоҡуҡ талап ителә|Хоҡутар талап ителә}}:
-$1', # Fuzzy
'gadgets-export' => 'Сығарырға',
'gadgets-not-found' => '"$1" гаджеты табылманы.',
'gadgets-export-download' => 'КүÑереп алырға',
@@ -459,10 +459,10 @@ $messages['be-tarask'] = array(
'gadgets-pagetext' => 'ÐіжÑй знаходзіцца ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ Ð³Ð°Ð´Ð¶Ñтаў, ÑÐºÑ–Ñ ÑžÐ´Ð·ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ñ–ÐºÑ– могуць уключыць у [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|Ñваіх наладах]], у адпаведнаÑьці Ñа ÑьпіÑам на Ñтаронцы [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|вызначÑньнÑÑž]].
ГÑÑ‚Ñ‹ ÑÑŒÐ¿Ñ–Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð°Ð»Ñе лёгка атрымаць доÑтуп да Ñтаронак ÑÑ‹ÑÑ‚Ñмных паведамленьнÑÑž, ÑÐºÑ–Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð°ÑŽÑ†ÑŒ апіÑаньні Ñ– ÐºÑ€Ñ‹Ð½Ñ–Ñ‡Ð½Ñ‹Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ñ‹ гаджÑтаў.',
'gadgets-uses' => 'ВыкарыÑтоўвае',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|1=Патрабуецца права|Патрабуюцца наÑÑ‚ÑƒÐ¿Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ñ‹}}:
+ 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Патрабуецца права|Патрабуюцца наÑÑ‚ÑƒÐ¿Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ñ‹}}:
-$1', # Fuzzy
- 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'ДаÑтупны Ñž {{PLURAL:$2|1=Ñ‚Ñме $1|наÑтупных Ñ‚Ñмах: $1}}.', # Fuzzy
+ 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'ДаÑтупны Ñž {{PLURAL:$2|Ñ‚Ñме $1|наÑтупных Ñ‚Ñмах: $1}}.',
'gadgets-default' => 'Ð”Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑžÑÑ–Ñ… па змоўчваньні.',
'gadgets-export' => 'ЭкÑпартаваць',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'ЭкÑпарт гаджÑта',
@@ -634,29 +634,19 @@ Heu de tenir els permisos adequats en el wiki de destinació (incloent-hi els pe
$messages['ce'] = array(
'gadgets-desc' => 'Ðтто бо декъашхошна харжам ба [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|гIÐ¸Ñ€Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ñбарца]] CSS- а JavaScript-Ñ…Iоттончаш, лато лууш йерш', # Fuzzy
- 'prefs-gadgets' => 'Гаджеташ',
- 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Лаххьа балийна леррина гаджеташ могӀам, шуьга шайга латалур йолуш хьай долахь долучу дакъан.
-ХӀара гаджеташ дуккхачу хьолехь болх беш ю оцу JavaScript тӀехь, цундела аша латоеза JavaScript шай браузер чохь, цаьрга болх байта.
-Диц маделаш, хӀара гаджеташ болх бÑш Ñц хӀо Ð³Ó€Ð¸Ñ€Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ñбо агӀон чохь.
+ 'prefs-gadgets' => 'Хlоттончаш',
+ 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Лаххьа балийна леррина хlоттончаш могlам, шуьга шайга латалур йолуш хьай долахь долучу дакъан.
+Ð¥lара Ñ…lоттончаш дукхачу хьолÑÑ…ÑŒ болх беш ÑŽ оцу JavaScript Ñ‚lÑÑ…ÑŒ, цундела аша латоеза JavaScript шай дуьнена машан гlирÑа чохь, цаьрга болх байта.
+Диц маделаш, Ñ…lара Ñ…lоттончаш болх бÑш Ñз Ñ…lо гlÐ¸Ñ€Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ñбо агlон чохь.
-Ишта диц маде, хӀара гаджеташ юкъа йогуш Ñц кху MediaWiki гlирÑашна, мадарра аьльча шу Ñанна декъашхоша шаьш йеш ÑŽ.
+Ишта диц маде, Ñ…lара Ñ…lоттончаш юкъа йогуш Ñз кху MediaWiki гlирÑашна, мадарра аьльча шу Ñанна декъашхоша шаьш йеш ÑŽ.
Ðдманкуьйгалхошка шайг хийцало и Ñ…lоттончи могlам, Ñ…lокх могlам гlонца [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|къаÑтам бало]] а [[Special:Gadgets|церах лаьцна]].',
- 'gadgets' => 'Гаджеташ',
- 'gadgets-title' => 'Гаджеташ',
+ 'gadgets' => 'Хlоттончаш',
+ 'gadgets-title' => 'Хlоттончаш',
'gadgets-pagetext' => 'ГlирÑа хааман могlамаш, къаÑтош йолу Ñ…lоттончи цlераш, хуьлаш йолу Ñ…Iокху [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|къаÑтамца]]]].
Ð¥Iокху могIамо атто бо гIирÑан хаамаш атта Ñ‚Iе кхочуш барца, цуьнах лаьцна Ñ…Iоттош а йолш йолучу Ñ…Iоттончи ишарца.', # Fuzzy
- 'gadgets-uses' => 'Лелош ю',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|1=Оьшуш ю бакъо|Оьшуш ю бакъонаш}}:
-$1', # Fuzzy
- 'gadgets-default' => 'Латае маÑÑарна Iад йитарца.',
+ 'gadgets-uses' => 'Лелош йу',
'gadgets-export' => 'ЭкÑпорт Ñн',
- 'gadgets-export-title' => 'Гаджет ÑкÑпорт ÑÑ€',
- 'gadgets-export-text' => 'Гаджет $1 ÑкÑпорт Ñн тӀетаӀае кнопка «{{int:gadgets-export-download}}», тӀакха чуÑьккхина файл Ӏалаше,
-Special:Import агӀона дехьа гӀой чуÑккха файл. ТӀакха MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition агӀона чу билла лахара могӀа:
-И болх бан хьан бакъо хила еза (кхин ÑиÑтемин хаамаш та Ñн бакъо а хила еза), кхи Ñерверан чохь файлаш импорт йо Ð³Ó€Ð¸Ñ€Ñ Ð»Ð°Ñ‚Ð¸Ð½Ð° хила беза.',
- 'gadgets-export-download' => 'ЧуÑккха',
/** Sorani Kurdish (کوردی)
@@ -689,7 +679,7 @@ $1',
'gadgets-export-download' => 'دایبگرە',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Li-sung
* @author Mormegil
@@ -722,7 +712,7 @@ Na cílové wiki musíte mít přísluÅ¡ná oprávnÄ›ní (vÄetnÄ› práva editov
'gadgets-export-download' => 'Stáhnout',
-/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
+/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣÌньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
* @author ОйЛ
$messages['cu'] = array(
@@ -859,7 +849,6 @@ Sie müssen über die notwendigen Berechtigungen auf dem für den Import vorgese
/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
* @author Erdemaslancan
* @author Gorizon
- * @author Mirzali
* @author Neribij
* @author Olvörg
* @author Xoser
@@ -867,12 +856,12 @@ Sie müssen über die notwendigen Berechtigungen auf dem für den Import vorgese
$messages['diq'] = array(
'gadgets-desc' => "Karberan ré destur bidek [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|hesıbyayan]]'ra [[Special:Gadgets|Hacetanê CSS u JavaScriptî]] bışé weçiné",
'prefs-gadgets' => 'Haleti',
- 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Cêr de yew lista hacetanê xasan esta ke tı şenay xesabê xo de a kerê.
-Enê haceti JavaScript sero gureyenê, aye ra tı gani ageyrayoğê xo de JavaScript a kerê.
-Ena pela opsiyoni de haceti tesir nêkenê.
+ 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Cor de yew listeya hacetanê xasî esta ke ti eşkenî xesabê xo de a bikî.
+Enê hacatî JavaScript ser o gurêyenê, aya ra ti ganî browserê xo de JavaScript a bikî.
+Ena pela opsiyonî de hacetî tesîr nêkenê.
-Enê hacetê xasi parçê sofwarê Mediyawiki niyê, aye ra karberê locali enê haceti vırazenê.
-İdarekarê meheli şenê be [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|kıfşkerdeyan]] û [[Special:Gadgets|arezekerdışan]] ra hacetanê mınasıban bıvurnê.',
+Enê hacatanê xasî parçê sofwarê Mediyawîkî nîyê, aye ra karberê localî enê hacetî virazenê.
+Îdarekarê mehelî eşkenê hacetan [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|definitions]] û [[Special:Gadgets|descriptions]] ra bivurnê.',
'gadgets' => 'Haleti',
'gadgets-title' => 'Haleti',
'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Cêr de yew listeya hacetanê xasan esta ke ti eşkenî [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|xesabê xo]] de a bikî, seke [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|definitions]] nîşan dîyayo.
@@ -1127,7 +1116,7 @@ $1',
'gadgets-export-text' => 'برای برون‌بری ابزار $1ØŒ بر دکمهٔ «{{int:gadgets-export-download}}» کلیک کنید، پروندهٔ بارگیری‌شده را ذخیره کنید، به ویژه:درون‌ریزی در ویکی مقصد بروید Ùˆ بارگذاری‌اش کنید. سپس این را به صÙحهٔ مدیاویکی:Gadgets-definition بیÙزایید:
لازم است تا در ویکی مقصد دسترسی‌های مناسب (شامل حق ویرایش پیغام‌های سامانه) را داشته باشید Ùˆ درون‌ریزی از بارگذاری‌های پرونده باید Ùعال شده باشد.',
- 'gadgets-export-download' => 'دریاÙت',
+ 'gadgets-export-download' => 'بارگیری',
/** Finnish (suomi)
@@ -1391,7 +1380,6 @@ Special:Import નિયોજીત વિકિ પર Special:Import પર à
/** Hebrew (עברית)
* @author Amire80
* @author Guycn1
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Rotem Liss
* @author YaronSh
@@ -1413,7 +1401,7 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
'gadgets-required-skins' => 'זמין {{PLURAL:$2|בערכות העיצוב הב×ות: $1|בערכת העיצוב $1}}',
- 'gadgets-default' => 'מופעל ×œ×›×•×œ× ×›×‘×¨×™×¨×ª מחדל.',
+ 'gadgets-default' => 'מופעל ×œ×›×•×œ× ×œ×¤×™ בררת מחדל.',
'gadgets-export' => 'יצו×',
'gadgets-export-title' => "×™×¦×•× ×’×דג'טי×",
'gadgets-not-found' => '×”×’×דג׳ט "$1" ×œ× × ×ž×¦×.',
@@ -1649,32 +1637,32 @@ Anda harus memeroleh izin pada wiki tujuan (termasuk hak menyunting pesan sistem
* @author Lam-ang
$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'gadgets-desc' => 'Agpalubos kadagiti agar-aramat nga agpili kadagiti naiduma a [[Special:Gadgets|CSS ken JavaScript a gadget]] iti [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|kakaykayatanda]]',
- 'prefs-gadgets' => 'Dagiti gadget',
- 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Dita baba ket listaan kadagiti naipangruna a gadget a mabalinmo a pakabaelan iti pakabilangam.
-Dagitoy a gadget ket naibatay iti JavaScript, isunga masapul a pakabaelan ti JavaScript idiay "pagbasabasam" tapno agbalin dagitoy.
-Laglagipen a dagitoy a gadget ket awan ti pagbanaganna iti daytoy panid ti kakaykayatan.
-Laglagipen pay a dagitoy a naipangruna a gadget ket saan a paset ti sopwer ti MediaWiki, ken kadawyan a pinarang-ay ken tinartaripato babaen dagiti agar-aramat iti lokal a wiki.
-Dagiti lokal nga administrador ket mabalinda nga urnosen dagiti [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|panangipalplawag]] ken dagiti [[Special:Gadgets|deskripsion]] dagiti magun-od a gadget.',
- 'gadgets' => 'Dagiti gadget',
- 'gadgets-title' => 'Dagiti gadget',
- 'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Dita baba ket listaan dagiti naipangruna a gadget a mabalin a pakabaelan dagiti agar-aramat iti bukodda a [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|panid ti kakaykayatan]], a kas naipalawag babaen dagiti [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|pannakaipalawag]].
-Daytoy a nakabuklan ket mangted ti nalaka a panagserrek kadagiti panid ti mensahe ti sistema a mangipalawag ti tungngal maysa a deskripsion ken kodigo ti gadget.',
+ 'gadgets-desc' => 'Mabalin dagiti agar-aramat nga agpili iti [[Special:Gadgets|CSS ken JavaScript gadgets]] idiay [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|kaykayat da]]',
+ 'prefs-gadgets' => 'Gadgets',
+ 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Adda dita baba ti listaan ti naipangruna a gadgets nga usaren idiay pakabilangam.
+Dagitoy a gadgets ket naibasta iti JavaScript, masapul a pakabaelan ti JavaScript idiay "pagbasabasam" tapno agbalin da.
+Saan a mabalin nga usaren dagitoy a gadgets ditoy kaykayat a panid.
+Dagitoy a gadgets ket saan a paset ti MediaWiki software, inaramid ken inayaywanan dagiti agar-aramat ti lokal a wiki.
+Mabaliwan dagita administrador nga urnosen ti [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|pinakailawag]] ken [[Special:Gadgets|deskripsion]] ti gadgets.',
+ 'gadgets' => 'Gadgets',
+ 'gadgets-title' => 'Gadgets',
+ 'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Dita baba ket adda listaan dagiti naipangruna a gadgets a dagiti agar-aramat ket mapagbalin da idiay [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|kaykayat da a panid]], a naipalawag iti [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|dagiti pinakailawag]].
+Daytoy a pinakabuklan ket mangted ti nalaka a pinagserrek kadagit mensahe ti sistema a panid a nagpailawag iti deskripsion ti gadget ken kodigo.',
'gadgets-uses' => 'Usar',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => 'Masapul ti sumaganad a {{PLURAL:$2|karbengan|karkarbengan}}:
+ 'gadgets-required-rights' => 'Masapul dagiti sumaganad {{PLURAL:$2|a karbengan|dagiti karbengan}}:
- 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'Mabalin a magun-od {{PLURAL:$2|iti $1 a kudil|kadagiti sumaganad a kudil: $1}}.',
- 'gadgets-default' => 'Pakabaelan a kasisigud para kadagiti amin.',
+ 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'Adda mabalin idiay {{PLURAL:$2|$1 a kudil|dagiti sumaganad a kudil: $1}}.',
+ 'gadgets-default' => 'Pakabaelan a kinasigud iti amin nga agar-aramat.',
'gadgets-export' => 'Agipan',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'Agipan ti gadget',
'gadgets-not-found' => 'Saan a nabirukan ti "$1" a gadget.',
- 'gadgets-export-text' => 'Ti panag-ipan ti $1 a gadget, pinduten ti buton ti "{{int:gadgets-export-download}}", idulin ti naikarga a papeles,
-mapan idiay Special:Import iti papanan a wiki ken ikarganto. Kalpasanna inayon dagiti sumaganad idiay panid ti MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition:
+ 'gadgets-export-text' => 'Ti pinag-ipan ti $1 a gadget, agtakla idiay "{{int:gadgets-export-download}}" a buton, idulin ti inkarga nga agpababa a papeles,
+mapan idiay Special:Import ti papanan a wiki ken ikarga nga agpangato. Ken inayon dagiti sumaganad idiay MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition page:
-Nasken nga addaanka ti maitunos a pammalubos iti papanan a wiki (mairaman ti karbengan a panag-urnos kadagiti mensahe ti sistema) ken nasken a napakabaelan ti panagikarga kadagiti papeles.',
- 'gadgets-export-download' => 'Agikaraga',
+Masapul nga addaan ka ti husto a pammalubos iti papanan a wiki (nairaman ti karbegnan a pinagbaliw dagiti mensahe ti sistema) ken naipabalin ti pinagala kadagiti naggapu a papeles a naikarga nga agpangato.',
+ 'gadgets-export-download' => 'Ikarga nga agpababa',
/** Ido (Ido)
@@ -1801,7 +1789,6 @@ Bemærk også at disse specielle gadgets ikke er en del af MediaWiki-softwaren o
/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
- * @author Bennylin
* @author Meursault2004
* @author NoiX180
* @author Pras
@@ -1826,10 +1813,6 @@ $1',
'gadgets-export' => 'Èkspor',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'Èkspor perkakas',
'gadgets-not-found' => 'Perkasas "$1" ora ditemokaké.',
- 'gadgets-export-text' => 'Untuk mengekspor perkakas $1, klik tombol "{{int:gadgets-export-download}}", simpan berkas yang diunduh,
-tuju ke Special:Import pada wiki tujuan dan unggah berkas itu. Kemudian tambahkan berkas tersebut ke halaman MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition:
-Anda harus memeroleh izin pada wiki tujuan (termasuk hak menyunting pesan sistem) dan mengimpor dari unggahan berkas yang harus diaktifkan.',
'gadgets-export-download' => 'Undhuh',
@@ -1889,23 +1872,18 @@ $messages['kk-arab'] = array(
$messages['kk-cyrl'] = array(
'prefs-gadgets' => 'Қажет құралдар',
- 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Төменде өз тіркелгіңізде қоÑа алатын арнаулы қажет құралдар тізімі берілген.
-ОÑÑ‹ қажет құралдар көбінеÑе JavaScript әмірлеріне негізделеді, Ñондықтан бұлар Ð¶Ò±Ð¼Ñ‹Ñ Ñ–Ñтеуі үшін шолғышыңызда JavaScript қоÑылған болуы керек.
-Бұл баптау бетіне оÑÑ‹ қажет құралдар Ó™Ñер етпейтінін еÑкеріңіз.
+ 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'Төменде өз тіркелгіңізде қоÑа алатын арнаулы қажет құралдар тізімі беріледі.
+ОÑÑ‹ қажет құралдар көбінеÑе JavaScript әмірлеріне негізделінеді, Ñондықтан бұлар Ð¶Ò±Ð¼Ñ‹Ñ Ñ–Ñтеуі үшін шолғышыңызда JavaScript қоÑылған болуы керек.
+Бұл баптау бетіне оÑÑ‹ қажет құралдар Ó™Ñер етпейтінің еÑкеріңіз.
-Тағы да еÑкеріңіз: оÑÑ‹ қажет құралдар MediaWiki бағдарламаÑының бөлігі ÐµÐ¼ÐµÑ Ð¶Ó™Ð½Ðµ бұларды әдетте Ñіздің жергілікті уикиіңіздің қатыÑушылары дамытады және қоштайды.
-Жергілікті әкімшілер жетімді гаджеттерді [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition]] және [[Special:Gadgets|Ñипаттама]] беттері арқылы
+Тағы да еÑкеріңіз: оÑÑ‹ қажет құралдар MediaWiki бағдарламаÑының бөлігі емеÑ, және де бұларды жайшылықта жергілікті уикидің қатыÑушылары дамытады және қоштайды.
+Жергілікті әкімшілер жетімді қажет нәрÑе тізімін [[{{ns:mediawiki}}:Gadgets-definition]] және [[{{ns:special}}:Gadgets]] беттері арқылы
өңдей алады.', # Fuzzy
'gadgets' => 'Қажет құралдар',
'gadgets-title' => 'Қажет құралдар',
- 'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Төменде қатыÑушылар өзінің [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|баптауларынан]] қоÑа алатын арнаулы қажет құралдар тізімі берілген. [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition]] шолу беті арқылы әрбір қажет құралдың ÑипаттамаÑÑ‹ мен әмірін анықтайтын жүйе хабар беттеріне жеңіл қатынай алаÑыз.',
+ 'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Төменде арнаулы қажет құралдар тізімі беріледі. [[{{ns:mediawiki}}:Gadgets-definition]] бетінде анықталған қажет құралдарды қатыÑушылар өзінің баптауында қоÑа алады.
+Бұл шолу беті арқылы әрбір қажет құралдың ÑипаттамаÑÑ‹ мен әмірін анықтайтын жүйе хабар беттеріне жеңіл қатынай алаÑыз.', # Fuzzy
'gadgets-uses' => 'ҚолданыÑтағылар',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => 'КелеÑÑ– {{PLURAL:$2|құқықты|құқықтарды}} қажет етеді: $1',
- 'gadgets-default' => 'Әркімге автоматты түрде қоÑылады.',
- 'gadgets-export' => 'ЭкÑпорттау',
- 'gadgets-export-title' => 'Гаджетті ÑкÑпорттау',
- 'gadgets-not-found' => '"$1" гаджеті табылмады.',
- 'gadgets-export-download' => 'ТүÑіру',
/** Kazakh (Latin script) (qazaqşa (latın)‎)
@@ -2073,7 +2051,7 @@ Ausserdeem sollt Dir wëssen, datt dës Gadgete generell net Deel vu MediaWiki s
Lokal Wiki-Administrateure kënnen d'Lëscht von den disponibele Gadgeten op de Säiten [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|Definitioune vun Gadgeten]] a [[Special:Gadgets|Beschreiwunge vu Gadgeten]] änneren.",
'gadgets' => 'Gadgeten',
'gadgets-title' => 'Gadgeten',
- 'gadgets-pagetext' => "Ënnendrënner ass eng Lëscht vun de spezielle Gadgeten déi d'Benotzer op hire [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|Benotzer-Astellungen]] aschalte kënnen, sou wéi dat op [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|definéiert]] ass.
+ 'gadgets-pagetext' => "Ënnendrënner ass eng Lëscht vun de spezielle Gadgeten déi d'Benotzer op hire [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|Benotzer-Astellungen]] aschalte kënnen, esou wéi dat op [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|definéiert]] ass.
Dës Iwwersiicht gëtt einfachen Zougang zu de Systemmessage-Säiten, déi all Gadget beschreiwen an zum Programméiercode vun dem Gadget.",
'gadgets-uses' => 'Benotzt',
'gadgets-required-rights' => "Erfuerdert {{PLURAL:$2|d'Recht|dës Rechter}}: $1.",
@@ -2082,8 +2060,8 @@ Dës Iwwersiicht gëtt einfachen Zougang zu de Systemmessage-Säiten, déi all G
'gadgets-export' => 'Export',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'Export vu Gadgeten',
'gadgets-not-found' => 'Gadget "$1" net fonnt.',
- 'gadgets-export-text' => 'Fir de Gadget $1 z\'exportéieren klickt w.e.g. op de(n) "{{int:gadgets-export-download}}"-Knäppchen, späichert den erofgelueden Fichier, gitt op Spezial:Import op der Zil-Wiki a luet en do erop. Duerno setzt der op d\'MediaWiki:Gadgets-Definitiouns Säit dëst derbäi:<pre>$2</pre>
-Dir musst déi erfuerdert Rechter(inklusiv d\'Recht fir Systemmessagen z\'änneren) op der Zil-Wiki hunn an den Import vun eropgelueden Fichiere muss ageschalt sinn.',
+ 'gadgets-export-text' => 'Fir de Gadget $1 z\'exportéieren klickt w.e.g. op de(n) "{{int:gadgets-export-download}}"-Knäppchen, späichert den erofgelueden Fichier, gitt op Spezial:Import op der Zil-Wiki a lued en do erop. Duerno setzt der op d\'MediaWiki:Gadgets-Definitiouns Säit dëst derbäi:<pre>$2</pre>
+Dir musst déi erfuerdert Rechter(inklusiv d\'Recht fir System-Messagen z\'änneren) op der Zil-Wiki hunn an den Import vun eropgelueden Fichiere muss ageschalt sinn.',
'gadgets-export-download' => 'Eroflueden',
@@ -2092,7 +2070,6 @@ Dir musst déi erfuerdert Rechter(inklusiv d\'Recht fir Systemmessagen z\'änner
* @author Soul Train
$messages['lez'] = array(
- 'prefs-gadgets' => 'Гажетар',
'gadgets' => 'Гаджетар',
'gadgets-title' => 'Гажетар',
@@ -2132,16 +2109,11 @@ Doe mós de juuste rèchte höbben óppe doelwie, ouch óm bewirkinge aan systee
/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
* @author Mogoeilor
$messages['lrc'] = array(
'prefs-gadgets' => 'چيا هنی',
- 'gadgets' => 'گجت یا',
- 'gadgets-title' => 'گجت یا',
- 'gadgets-uses' => 'کاروردیا',
'gadgets-export' => 'وه صحرا ديئن',
- 'gadgets-not-found' => 'گجت "$1" پیدا نبی.',
'gadgets-export-download' => 'گرتن',
@@ -2272,7 +2244,7 @@ $1',
'gadgets-export' => 'Извези',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'Извоз на алатка',
'gadgets-not-found' => 'Ðлатката „$1“ не е пронајдена.',
- 'gadgets-export-text' => 'За да ја извезете алатката $1, ÑтиÑнете на копчето „{{int:gadgets-export-download}}“, зачувајте ја преземената податотека,
+ 'gadgets-export-text' => 'За да ја извезете алатката $1, кликнете на копчето „{{int:gadgets-export-download}}“, зачувајте ја преземената податотека,
одете на Special:Import на целното вики и подигнете ја. Потоа на Ñтраницата MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition внеÑете го Ñледново:
Мора да имате Ñоодветни дозволи на целното вики (вклучувајќи го правото за уредување на ÑиÑтемÑки пораки), и мора да биде овозможен увозот од подигања.',
@@ -2329,7 +2301,7 @@ $messages['mr'] = array(
'gadgets-title' => 'गॅजेट',
'gadgets-pagetext' => 'खाली तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ तà¥à¤®à¤šà¥à¤¯à¤¾ सदसà¥à¤¯à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|माà¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ पसंती]] पानावर वापरू शकत असलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|वà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤–à¥à¤¯à¤¾]]ने सांगितलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ गॅजेटà¥à¤¸à¤šà¥€ यादी दिलेली आहे. हे पान तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¤¾à¤²à¤¾ पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¥‡à¤• गॅजेटà¥à¤¸à¤šà¤¾ कोड व वà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤–à¥à¤¯à¤¾ देणारà¥â€à¤¯à¤¾ पानासाठी सोपी संपरà¥à¤• सà¥à¤µà¤¿à¤§à¤¾ पà¥à¤°à¤µà¤¿à¤¤à¥‡.',
'gadgets-uses' => 'उपयोग',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => 'खालील {{PLURAL:$2|अधिकार}} हवेच :
+ 'gadgets-required-rights' => 'खलील गोषà¥à¤ à¥€ साठी विनंती {{PLURAL:$2|right|rights}}:
'gadgets-required-skins' => '{{PLURAL:$2|$1 skin|खालील देखावà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤‚वर : $1}} उपलबà¥à¤§ आहेत',
@@ -2337,11 +2309,11 @@ $1',
'gadgets-export' => 'निरà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ करा',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'उपकरण निरà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤',
'gadgets-not-found' => 'उपकरण "$1" सापडत नाही.',
- 'gadgets-export-text' => '$1 उपकरण-सà¥à¤µà¤¿à¤§à¤¾ निरà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ करणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤•à¤°à¤¿à¤¤à¤¾, "{{int:gadgets-export-download}}" कळीवर टिचकी मारा, उतरवलेली संचिका-फाईल जतन करा
+ 'gadgets-export-text' => '$1 उपकरण-सà¥à¤µà¤¿à¤§à¤¾ निरà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤à¤•à¤°à¤£à¥à¤¯à¤¾ करिता, "{{int:gadgets-export-download}}" कलीवर टिचकी मारा, उतरवलेली संचिका-फाईल जतन करा
डेसà¥à¤Ÿà¤¿à¤¨à¥‡à¤¶à¤¨ विकिचà¥à¤¯à¤¾ विशेष:आयात पानावर जाऊन संचिका-फाईल चढवावी.नंतर खालील MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition पान चढवावे :
तà¥à¤®à¤šà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤•à¤¡à¥‡ डेसà¥à¤Ÿà¤¿à¤¨à¥‡à¤¶à¤¨ विकिवर (सिसà¥à¤Ÿà¥€à¤® मेसेजेस सà¥à¤¦à¥à¤§à¤¾ संपादीत करणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¹à¥€à¤¤ ) सà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤—à¥à¤¯ परवानगà¥à¤¯à¤¾ उपलबà¥à¤§ असणे अतà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤µà¤¶à¥à¤¯à¤• आहे आणि चढवलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ संचिकाकरिता आयात सà¥à¤µà¤¿à¤§à¤¾ सकà¥à¤·à¤® असणे आवशà¥à¤¯à¤• आहे.',
- 'gadgets-export-download' => 'अधिभारण करा',
+ 'gadgets-export-download' => 'उतरवा',
/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
@@ -2485,17 +2457,16 @@ Dit overzichte biejt eenvoudige toegang tot de systeemtekstzied waor de beschrie
/** Nepali (नेपाली)
* @author Bhawani Gautam
- * @author Nirmal Dulal
$messages['ne'] = array(
- 'gadgets-desc' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥‹à¤—करà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤•à¥‹ [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|अभिरà¥à¤šà¤¿ अनà¥à¤¸à¤¾à¤°]] [[Special:Gadgets|CSS र जाभासà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¥€à¤ªà¥à¤Ÿ उपकरणहरू]] छानà¥à¤¨ दिनà¥à¤¹à¥‹à¤¸',
- 'prefs-gadgets' => 'उपकरणहरू',
- 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'विशेष उपकरणहरूको सूची तल दिइà¤à¤•à¥‹à¤› तपाईंले आफà¥à¤¨à¥‹ खातामा सकà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯ पारà¥à¤¨ सकà¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥à¤¨à¥à¤›à¥¤
-पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¯ सबै उपकरणहरू जाभासà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¥€à¤ªà¥à¤Ÿà¤®à¤¾ आधारित छनà¥, यस कारण बà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤‰à¤œà¤°à¤®à¤¾ काम गराउनको लागि जाभासà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¥€à¤ªà¥à¤Ÿà¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ सकà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯ गरà¥à¤¨à¥ परà¥à¤›à¥¤
-याद राखà¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥‹à¤¸à¥ ती उपकरणहरूले अभिरà¥à¤šà¤¿ पृषà¥à¤ à¤®à¤¾ असर गरà¥à¤¦à¥ˆà¤¨à¤¨à¥à¥¤
-यो पनि याद राखà¥à¤¹à¥‹à¤¸à¥ यी विशेष उपकरणहरू मीडिया विकि सफà¥à¤Ÿà¤µà¥‡à¤¯à¤°à¤­à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤° परà¥à¤¦à¥ˆà¤¨à¤¨à¥ र पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¯ सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨à¥€à¤¯ विकि पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥‹à¤—करà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤¹à¤°à¥à¤²à¥‡ विकास यसको विकास र सञà¥à¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤¨ गरà¥à¤¦à¤›à¤¨à¥à¥¤ सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨à¥€à¤¯ पà¥à¤°à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§à¤•à¤¹à¤°à¥‚ले उपलबà¥à¤§ उपकरणहरूका [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|परिभाषाहरू]] र [[Special:Gadgets|विवरणहरू]] समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ गरà¥à¤¦à¤›à¤¨à¥à¥¤',
- 'gadgets' => 'उपकरणहरू',
- 'gadgets-title' => 'उपकरणहरू',
+ 'gadgets-desc' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥‹à¤—करà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤•à¥‹ [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|अभिरà¥à¤šà¤¿ अनà¥à¤¸à¤¾à¤°]] [[Special:Gadgets|CSS र जाभासà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¥€à¤ªà¥à¤Ÿ उपकरणहरà¥]] छानà¥à¤¨ दिनà¥à¤¹à¥‹à¤¸à¥',
+ 'prefs-gadgets' => 'उपकरणहरà¥',
+ 'gadgets-prefstext' => 'विशेष उपकरणहरà¥à¤•à¥‹ सूची तल दिइà¤à¤•à¥‹à¤› तपाईंले आफà¥à¤¨à¥‹ खातामा सकà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯ पारà¥à¤¨ सकà¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥à¤¨à¥à¤›à¥¤
+पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¯ सबै उपकरणहरॠजाभासà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¥€à¤ªà¥à¤Ÿà¤®à¤¾ आधारित छनà¥, यस कारण बà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤‰à¤œà¤°à¤®à¤¾ काम गराउनको लागि जाभासà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¥€à¤ªà¥à¤Ÿà¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ सकà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯ गरà¥à¤¨à¥ परà¥à¤›à¥¤
+याद राखà¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥‹à¤¸à¥ ती उपकरणहरà¥à¤²à¥‡ अभिरà¥à¤šà¤¿ पृषà¥à¤ à¤®à¤¾ असर गरà¥à¤¦à¥ˆà¤¨à¤¨à¥à¥¤
+यो पनि याद राखà¥à¤¹à¥‹à¤¸à¥ यी विशेष उपकरणहरॠमीडिया विकि सफà¥à¤Ÿà¤µà¥‡à¤¯à¤°à¤­à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤° परà¥à¤¦à¥ˆà¤¨à¤¨à¥ र पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¯ सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨à¥€à¤¯ विकि पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥‹à¤—करà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤¹à¤°à¥à¤²à¥‡ विकास यसको विकास र सञà¥à¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤¨ गरà¥à¤¦à¤›à¤¨à¥à¥¤ सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨à¥€à¤¯ पà¥à¤°à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§à¤•à¤¹à¤°à¥à¤²à¥‡ उपलबà¥à¤§ उपकरणहरà¥à¤•à¤¾ [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|परिभाषाहरà¥]] र [[Special:Gadgets|विवरणहरà¥]] समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ गरà¥à¤¦à¤›à¤¨à¥à¥¤',
+ 'gadgets' => 'उपकरणहरà¥',
+ 'gadgets-title' => 'उपकरणहरà¥',
'gadgets-pagetext' => 'विशेष उपकरणहरà¥à¤•à¥‹ सूची तल दिइà¤à¤•à¥‹à¤› पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥‹à¤—करà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤¹à¤°à¥à¤²à¥‡ [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|परिभाषाहरà¥]]मा जनाठअनà¥à¤¸à¤¾à¤° आफà¥à¤¨à¥‹ [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|अभिरà¥à¤šà¤¿ पृषà¥à¤ à¤®à¤¾]], सकà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯ पारà¥à¤¨ सकà¥à¤¨à¥‡à¤›à¤¨à¥à¥¤à¥¤
यस सिंहावलोकनले पà¥à¤°à¤£à¤¾à¤²à¥€ सनà¥à¤¦à¥‡à¤¶ पृषà¥à¤  सजिलै पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤ªà¥à¤¤ गरà¥à¤¨ सकिनेछ जसले पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¥‡à¤• उपकरणको विवरण र कोडलाई परिभाषित गरेको छ।',
'gadgets-uses' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥‹à¤—हरà¥',
@@ -2942,7 +2913,6 @@ Tu a ave le permesse appropriate sus 'a Uicchi de destinazione (ingludenne le de
* @author Eleferen
* @author Ignatus
* @author Illusion
- * @author Kaganer
* @author MaxSem
* @author VasilievVV
* @author ÐлекÑандр Сигачёв
@@ -2961,10 +2931,10 @@ $messages['ru'] = array(
'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Ðиже приведён ÑпиÑок гаджетов, которые учаÑтники могут включить на Ñвоей Ñтранице наÑтроек, в ÑоответÑтвии Ñо ÑпиÑком на Ñтранице [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|определений]].
Этот ÑпиÑок позволÑет легко получить доÑтуп к Ñтраницам ÑиÑтемных Ñообщений, определÑющих опиÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ иÑходные коды гаджетов.',
'gadgets-uses' => 'ИÑпользует',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|1=ТребуетÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¾|ТребуютÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð°}}:
+ 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|ТребуетÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¾|ТребуютÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð°}}:
- 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'ДоÑтупен в {{PLURAL:$2|1=теме Ð¾Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Â«$1»|Ñледующих темах оформлениÑ: $1}}.',
+ 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'ДоÑтупен при {{PLURAL:$2|теме Ð¾Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ $1|Ñледующих темах оформлениÑ: $1}}.',
'gadgets-default' => 'Включён Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñех по умолчанию.',
'gadgets-export' => 'ЭкÑпортировать',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'ЭкÑпорт гаджета',
@@ -3072,15 +3042,6 @@ $messages['sgs'] = array(
'gadgets' => 'RakondÄ',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'gadgets' => 'Alatke / Ðлатке',
- 'gadgets-title' => 'Alatke / Ðлатке',
- 'gadgets-uses' => 'Upotrebe / Употребе',
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
* @author Budhajeewa
* @author නන්දිමිතුරු
@@ -3218,7 +3179,6 @@ Ju duhet të keni leje të përshtatshme në wiki-n e destinuar (duke përfshirÃ
/** Serbian (Cyrillic script) (ÑрпÑки (ћирилица)‎)
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Millosh
* @author Nikola Smolenski
* @author Rancher
@@ -3226,12 +3186,12 @@ Ju duhet të keni leje të përshtatshme në wiki-n e destinuar (duke përfshirÃ
$messages['sr-ec'] = array(
'gadgets-desc' => 'Омогућава кориÑницима да изаберу прилагођене [[Special:Gadgets|CSS и јаваÑкрипт гаџете]] у Ñвојим [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|подешавањима]]',
- 'prefs-gadgets' => 'Геџети',
+ 'prefs-gadgets' => 'Гаџети',
'gadgets-prefstext' => 'ИÑпод Ñе налази ÑпиÑак поÑебних гаџета које можете да омогућите на Ñвом налогу.
Ове Ñправице Ñу углавном заÑноване на јаваÑкрипти, тако да она мора бити омогућена.
Гаџети неће утицати на Ñтраницу за подешавање.
-Они ниÑу део Ñофтвера Медијавики, већ Ñе развијају и одржавају од Ñтране кориÑника на вашем локалном викију.
+Они ниÑу део Ñофтвера Медијавики, већ Ñе развијају и одржавају од Ñтране кориÑника ваше викије.
ÐдминиÑтратори могу да измене [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|значења]] и [[Special:Gadgets|опиÑе]] доÑтупних гаџета.',
'gadgets' => 'Гаџети',
'gadgets-title' => 'Гаџети',
@@ -3255,7 +3215,6 @@ $1',
/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
* @author Michaello
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Жељко Тодоровић
$messages['sr-el'] = array(
@@ -3265,7 +3224,7 @@ $messages['sr-el'] = array(
Ove spravice su uglavnom zasnovane na javaskripti, tako da ona mora biti omogućena.
Gadžeti neće uticati na stranicu za podešavanje.
-Oni nisu deo softvera Medijaviki, već se razvijaju i održavaju od strane korisnika na vašem lokalnom vikiju.
+Oni nisu deo softvera Medijaviki, već se razvijaju i održavaju od strane korisnika vaše vikije.
Administratori mogu da izmene [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|znaÄenja]] i [[Special:Gadgets|opise]] dostupnih gadžeta.',
'gadgets' => 'gedžeti',
'gadgets-title' => 'gedžeti',
@@ -3320,7 +3279,6 @@ $messages['su'] = array(
* @author Diupwijk
* @author Lejonel
* @author M.M.S.
- * @author Skalman
$messages['sv'] = array(
'gadgets-desc' => 'Låter användare aktivera personliga [[Special:Gadgets|CSS- och JavaScript-finesser]] genom sina [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|inställningar]]',
@@ -3333,7 +3291,7 @@ Notera också att dessa finesser inte är en del av MediaWiki-programvaran, och
Lokala administratörer kan redigera [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|definitionerna]] och [[Special:Gadgets|beskrivningarna]] av de tillgängliga finesserna.',
'gadgets' => 'Finesser',
'gadgets-title' => 'Finesser',
- 'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Härunder finns en lista över finesser som användare kan aktivera i sina [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|inställningar]], definierad av [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|definitionerna]].
+ 'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Härunder finns en lista över finesser som användare kan aktivera i sina [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|inställningar]], definierad av [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|definieringarna]].
Den här översikten ger enkel åtkomst till de systemmeddelanden som definierar beskrivningarna och koden för varje finess.',
'gadgets-uses' => 'Använder',
'gadgets-required-rights' => 'Kräver följande {{PLURAL:$2|rättighet|rättigheter}}:
@@ -3555,7 +3513,6 @@ $messages['ug-arab'] = array(
/** Ukrainian (українÑька)
* @author AS
* @author Ahonc
- * @author Andriykopanytsia
* @author Dim Grits
* @author Olvin
* @author Prima klasy4na
@@ -3578,10 +3535,10 @@ $messages['uk'] = array(
'gadgets-pagetext' => 'Ðижче наведено перелік додатків, Ñкі можна ввімкнути на [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|Ñторінці налаштувань]]. Цей перелік задано на [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition|Ñторінці визначень]].
Таким чином, можна отримати проÑтий доÑтуп до ÑиÑтемних Ñторінок, де задаєтьÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ додатку та його код.',
'gadgets-uses' => 'ВикориÑтовує',
- 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|1=Потрібне право|Потрібні такі права}}:
+ 'gadgets-required-rights' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Потрібне право|Потрібні такі права}}:
- 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'ДоÑтупний на {{PLURAL:$2|1=$1 skin|наÑтупних темах оформленнÑ: $1}}.',
+ 'gadgets-required-skins' => 'ДоÑтупний на {{PLURAL:$2|$1 skin|наÑтупних темах оформленнÑ: $1}}.',
'gadgets-default' => 'Увімкнено Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²ÑÑ–Ñ… за замовчуваннÑм.',
'gadgets-export' => 'ЕкÑпортувати',
'gadgets-export-title' => 'ЕкÑпорт додатка',
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/SpecialGadgets.php b/extensions/Gadgets/SpecialGadgets.php
index f6c3d74c..888ba6e2 100644
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/SpecialGadgets.php
+++ b/extensions/Gadgets/SpecialGadgets.php
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class SpecialGadgets extends SpecialPage {
array( 'action' => 'edit' )
$links[] = Linker::link(
- $this->getPageTitle( "export/{$gadget->getName()}" ),
+ $this->getTitle( "export/{$gadget->getName()}" ),
$this->msg( 'gadgets-export' )->escaped()
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/tests/GadgetTest.php b/extensions/Gadgets/tests/GadgetTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c9332a6c..00000000
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/tests/GadgetTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * @group Gadgets
- */
-class GadgetsTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- private function create( $line ) {
- $g = Gadget::newFromDefinition( $line );
- // assertInstanceOf() is available since PHPUnit 3.5
- $this->assertEquals( 'Gadget', get_class( $g ) );
- return $g;
- }
- function testInvalidLines() {
- $this->assertFalse( Gadget::newFromDefinition( '' ) );
- $this->assertFalse( Gadget::newFromDefinition( '<foo|bar>' ) );
- }
- function testSimpleCases() {
- $g = $this->create( '* foo bar| foo.css|foo.js|' );
- $this->assertEquals( 'foo_bar', $g->getName() );
- $this->assertEquals( 'ext.gadget.foo_bar', $g->getModuleName() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.js' ), $g->getScripts() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.css' ), $g->getStyles() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.js', 'Gadget-foo.css' ),
- $g->getScriptsAndStyles() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.js' ), $g->getLegacyScripts() );
- $this->assertFalse( $g->supportsResourceLoader() );
- $this->assertTrue( $g->hasModule() );
- }
- function testRLtag() {
- $g = $this->create( '*foo [ResourceLoader]|foo.js|foo.css' );
- $this->assertEquals( 'foo', $g->getName() );
- $this->assertTrue( $g->supportsResourceLoader() );
- $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $g->getLegacyScripts() ) );
- }
- function testDependencies() {
- $g = $this->create( '* foo[ResourceLoader|dependencies=jquery.ui]|bar.js' );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-bar.js' ), $g->getScripts() );
- $this->assertTrue( $g->supportsResourceLoader() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'jquery.ui' ), $g->getDependencies() );
- }
- function testPreferences() {
- global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTitle;
- // This test makes call to the parser which requires valids Outputpage
- // and Title objects. Set them up there, they will be released at the
- // end of the test.
- $old_wgOut = $wgOut;
- $old_wgTitle = $wgTitle;
- $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( 'Parser test for Gadgets extension' );
- // Proceed with test setup:
- $prefs = array();
- $context = new RequestContext();
- $wgOut = $context->getOutput();
- $wgOut->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'test' ) );
- Gadget::loadStructuredList( '* foo | foo.js
-* bar| bar.js
-* baz [rights=embezzle] |baz.js
-* quux [rights=read] | quux.js' );
- $this->assertTrue( GadgetHooks::getPreferences( $wgUser, $prefs ), 'GetPrefences hook should return true' );
- $options = $prefs['gadgets']['options'];
- $this->assertFalse( isset( $options['&lt;gadget-section-remove-section&gt;'] ), 'Must not show empty sections' );
- $this->assertTrue( isset( $options['&lt;gadget-section-keep-section1&gt;'] ) );
- $this->assertTrue( isset( $options['&lt;gadget-section-keep-section2&gt;'] ) );
- // Restore globals
- $wgOut = $old_wgOut;
- $wgTitle = $old_wgTitle;
- }
diff --git a/extensions/ImageMap/.gitreview b/extensions/ImageMap/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 2629c9d9..00000000
--- a/extensions/ImageMap/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/ImageMap/COPYING b/extensions/ImageMap/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/ImageMap/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.i18n.php b/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.i18n.php
index 3e7e9f76..1e07d69c 100644
--- a/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.i18n.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Internationalisation file for extension ImageMap.
+ * Internationalisation file for extension FindSpam.
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ $messages['as'] = array(
'imagemap_desc' => '<code>&lt;imagemap&gt;</code> টেগà§â€Œ বà§à¦¯à§±à¦¹à¦¾à§° কৰি কà§à¦²à¦¾à¦¯à¦¼à§‡à¦£à§à¦Ÿ-চাইড কà§à¦²à¦¿à¦•à§‡à¦¬à¦²à§â€Œ ইমেজà§â€Œ মেপৰ অনà§à¦®à¦¤à¦¿ দিয়ে',
'imagemap_no_image' => 'তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: পà§à§°à¦¥à¦® শাৰীত à¦à¦–ন ছবি নিৰà§à¦¦à¦¿à¦·à§à¦Ÿ কৰিবই লাগিব',
'imagemap_invalid_image' => 'তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: ছবিখন অবৈধ বা ছবিখন নাই',
- 'imagemap_bad_image' => 'তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦¤ ছবিখন বà§à¦²à§‡à¦•à¦²à¦¿à¦·à§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦¡ কৰা হৈছে।',
+ 'imagemap_bad_image' => 'তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: à¦à¦‡ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦¤ ছবিখন বà§à¦²à§‡à¦•à¦²à¦¿à¦·à§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦¡ কৰা হৈছে',
'imagemap_no_link' => "তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: $1 শাৰীৰ শেষত কোনো বৈধ লিংক পোৱা নগ'ল",
'imagemap_invalid_title' => 'তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: $1 শাৰীত থকা লিংকৰ শিৰোনাম অবৈধ',
'imagemap_missing_coord' => 'তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: $1 শাৰীত আকৃতিৰ বাবে যথেষà§à¦Ÿ সà§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾à¦‚ক নাই',
@@ -365,9 +365,7 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'imagemap_desc' => 'Таро хуьлуьйту картан Ñуьрта таӀийча латораш билгалдан <code>&lt;imagemap&gt;</code> теган гӀуьнца',
'imagemap_invalid_image' => 'ГӀалат: нийÑа дац Ñ Ð¸ÑˆÑ‚Ð° Ñурт дац кху чохь',
- 'imagemap_no_link' => 'ГӀалат: $1 могӀанан чаккхехь нийÑа йоцу хьажораг ÑŽ',
'imagemap_invalid_title' => 'ГӀалат: могӀана $1 хьажориган корта нийÑа Ñц',
'imagemap_description' => 'Суьртах лаьцна',
@@ -378,7 +376,7 @@ $messages['co'] = array(
'imagemap_description' => "À prupositu d'issa imagine",
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Li-sung
* @author Mormegil
diff --git a/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.php b/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.php
index b263bbb5..aa4cfa0d 100644
--- a/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.php
+++ b/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.php
@@ -1,20 +1,4 @@
- * ImageMap extension - Allows clickable HTML image maps.
- *
- * @link Documentation
- *
- * @file
- * @ingroup Extensions
- * @package MediaWiki
- * @author Tim Starling
- * @copyright (C) 2007 Tim Starling
- * @license GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
- */
-if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
- die( 'This file is a MediaWiki extension, it is not a valid entry point' );
$dir = __DIR__ . '/';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['ImageMap'] = $dir . 'ImageMap.i18n.php';
diff --git a/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap_body.php b/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap_body.php
index 7b53285e..e67b4426 100644
--- a/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap_body.php
+++ b/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap_body.php
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
- * Main file for extension ImageMap.
- *
- * @file
- * @ingroup Extensions
+ * Image map extension.
* Syntax:
* <imagemap>
diff --git a/extensions/InputBox/.gitreview b/extensions/InputBox/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d0c704d..00000000
--- a/extensions/InputBox/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.classes.php b/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.classes.php
index 314bc6c8..380015cc 100644
--- a/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.classes.php
+++ b/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.classes.php
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ class InputBox {
// Use button label fallbacks
if ( !$this->mButtonLabel ) {
- $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'tryexact' )->text();
+ $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'tryexact' )->escaped();
if ( !$this->mSearchButtonLabel ) {
- $this->mSearchButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'searchfulltext' )->text();
+ $this->mSearchButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'searchfulltext' )->escaped();
// Build HTML
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class InputBox {
'name' => 'searchbox',
'id' => 'searchbox',
'class' => 'searchbox',
- 'action' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' )->getLocalUrl(),
+ 'action' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' )->escapeLocalUrl(),
$htmlOut .= Xml::element( 'input',
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ class InputBox {
public function getSearchForm2() {
// Use button label fallbacks
if ( !$this->mButtonLabel ) {
- $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'tryexact' )->text();
+ $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'tryexact' )->escaped();
$id = Sanitizer::escapeId( $this->mID, 'noninitial' );
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class InputBox {
'name' => 'bodySearch' . $id,
'id' => 'bodySearch' . $id,
'class' => 'bodySearch',
- 'action' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' )->getLocalUrl(),
+ 'action' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' )->escapeLocalUrl(),
'style' => $this->mInline ? 'display: inline;' : ''
@@ -312,11 +312,11 @@ class InputBox {
if ( $this->mType == "comment" ) {
if ( !$this->mButtonLabel ) {
- $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'postcomment' )->text();
+ $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( "postcomment" )->escaped();
} else {
if ( !$this->mButtonLabel ) {
- $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'createarticle' )->text();
+ $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'createarticle' )->escaped();
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class InputBox {
global $wgScript;
if ( !$this->mButtonLabel ) {
- $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( 'postcomment' )->text();
+ $this->mButtonLabel = wfMessage( "postcomment" )->escaped();
$htmlOut = Xml::openElement( 'div',
diff --git a/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.i18n.php b/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.i18n.php
index 972aea54..1c8519f0 100644
--- a/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/InputBox/InputBox.i18n.php
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ $messages['as'] = array(
অনà§à¦—à§à§°à¦¹ কৰি "create", "comment", "search", "search2" বা "fulltext" নিৰà§à¦§à¦¾à§°à¦£ কৰক',
'tryexact' => 'কেবল দিয়া শবà§à¦¦à¦¹à§‡ বিচাৰিব',
'searchfulltext' => 'সমà§à¦ªà§‚ৰà§à¦£ পাঠà§à¦¯ বিচাৰিব',
- 'createarticle' => 'পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾ সৃষà§à¦Ÿà¦¿ কৰক',
+ 'createarticle' => 'পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾ বনাওক',
'inputbox-ns-main' => 'মূখà§à¦¯',
@@ -355,11 +355,9 @@ $messages['cdo'] = array(
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'inputbox-desc' => 'Ðьтту хуьлуьйту хьалхе билгалйина HTML-формаш лато',
- 'inputbox-error-no-type' => 'Ðхьа Ñзъечу меттиган тайп билгала йина Ñц.',
'tryexact' => 'Леррина лахар',
'searchfulltext' => 'Дуьззина йозанца лахар',
- 'createarticle' => 'ÐгӀо кхолла',
+ 'createarticle' => 'Яззам кхоллар',
/** Sorani Kurdish (کوردی)
@@ -793,12 +791,11 @@ $messages['hak'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
* @author Amire80
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Rotem Liss
$messages['he'] = array(
'inputbox-desc' => '×פשרות להכללת טופסי HTML שהוגדרו מר×ש',
- 'inputbox-error-no-type' => '×œ× ×¦×™×™× ×ª ×ת סוג תיבת הקלט ליצירה.',
+ 'inputbox-error-no-type' => '×œ× ×¦×™×™× ×ª× ×ת סוג תיבת הקלט ליצירה.',
'inputbox-error-bad-type' => 'סוג תיבת הקלט "$1" ×ינו ידוע.
×× × ×¦×™×™× ×• "create", "comment", "search", "search2" ×ו "fulltext".',
'tryexact' => 'לדף ×‘×©× ×–×”',
@@ -952,14 +949,14 @@ $messages['ig'] = array(
* @author Lam-ang
$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'inputbox-desc' => 'Mangipalubos ti panangiraman kadagiti nasakbayan a naipalawag a porma ti HTML',
- 'inputbox-error-no-type' => 'Saanmo pay a nainaganan no ania a kita ti partuaten a kahon ti pagikabilan.',
- 'inputbox-error-bad-type' => 'Ti kita ti kahon a pigikabilan ti "$1" ket saan a mabigbigan.
-Pangngaasi nga inaganam ti "agpartuat", "komento", "biruken", "biruken2", "wenno sibubukel a testo".',
+ 'inputbox-desc' => 'Pakabaelan na nga agikabil kadagiti napalasin a kinabuklan ti HTML',
+ 'inputbox-error-no-type' => 'Saan mo pay nga imbaga no ania a kita ti pagikabilan a kahon ti aramiden.',
+ 'inputbox-error-bad-type' => 'Ti kita ti pigikabilan a kahon "$1" ket saan a ma-ammoan.
+Pangaasi ta ibagam nga "agaramid", "komentario", "biruken", "biruken2", "wenno sibubukel a testo".',
'tryexact' => 'Padasem to pudno a kapada',
- 'searchfulltext' => 'Agbiruk ti napno a testo',
- 'createarticle' => 'Agpartuat ti panid',
- 'inputbox-ns-main' => 'Nangruna',
+ 'searchfulltext' => 'Agbiruk ti sibubukel a testo',
+ 'createarticle' => 'Agaramid ti panid',
+ 'inputbox-ns-main' => 'Dati',
/** Ido (Ido)
@@ -1066,12 +1063,11 @@ $messages['kaa'] = array(
/** Kabyle (Taqbaylit)
* @author Agurzil
- * @author Mmistmurt
$messages['kab'] = array(
'tryexact' => 'Nadi ɣef uzwel kif-kif',
'searchfulltext' => 'Nadi aá¸ris ettmam',
- 'createarticle' => 'Xleq amagrad',
+ 'createarticle' => 'Xleq amagrad', # Fuzzy
/** Kazakh (Arabic script) (قازاقشا (تٴوتە)â€)
@@ -1128,7 +1124,7 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
'inputbox-error-bad-type' => '"$1" ìž…ë ¥ ìƒìž 종류는 ì •ì˜ë˜ì–´ 있지 않습니다.
"create", "comment", "search", "search2"나 "fulltext" 중 하나를 지정하세요.',
'tryexact' => 'ì¼ì¹˜í•˜ëŠ” 항목 찾기',
- 'searchfulltext' => '전체 글 검색',
+ 'searchfulltext' => '전체 글 찾기',
'createarticle' => '문서 만들기',
'inputbox-ns-main' => '문서',
@@ -1167,13 +1163,6 @@ $messages['la'] = array(
'createarticle' => 'Paginam creare',
-/** Ladino (Ladino)
- * @author Menachem.Moreira
- */
-$messages['lad'] = array(
- 'createarticle' => 'Krear pajina',
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Robby
@@ -1242,11 +1231,9 @@ $messages['lo'] = array(
/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
* @author Mogoeilor
$messages['lrc'] = array(
- 'searchfulltext' => 'پی جوری متنی',
'createarticle' => 'راس كردن بلگه',
'inputbox-ns-main' => 'اصلی',
@@ -1361,7 +1348,7 @@ $messages['mn'] = array(
$messages['mr'] = array(
'inputbox-desc' => 'पूरà¥à¤µà¥€ लिहिलेले HTML अरà¥à¤œ वापरणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥€ परवानगी दà¥à¤¯à¤¾',
- 'inputbox-error-no-type' => 'कà¥à¤ à¤²à¥à¤¯à¤¾ पà¥à¤°à¤•à¤¾à¤°à¤šà¥€ पृषà¥à¤ à¤ªà¥‡à¤Ÿà¥€ तयार करायची ते तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ सà¥à¤ªà¤·à¥à¤Ÿ केलेले नाही.',
+ 'inputbox-error-no-type' => 'तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ कà¥à¤ à¤²à¥à¤¯à¤¾ पà¥à¤°à¤•à¤¾à¤°à¤šà¥€ पृषà¥à¤ à¤ªà¥‡à¤Ÿà¥€ तयार करायची ते सà¥à¤ªà¤·à¥à¤Ÿ केलेले नाही.',
'inputbox-error-bad-type' => 'तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ दिलेला पृषà¥à¤ à¤ªà¥‡à¤Ÿà¥€à¤šà¤¾ "$1" हा पà¥à¤°à¤•à¤¾à¤° ओळखीचा नाही.
कृपया "create", "comment", "search" किंवा "search2" किंवा "fulltext".यातील à¤à¤• निवडा.',
'tryexact' => 'दिलेलेच शबà¥à¤¦ शोधा',
@@ -1667,7 +1654,6 @@ Por favor, especifique "create", "comment", "search", "search2" ou "fulltext".',
* @author Brunoy Anastasiya Seryozhenko
* @author Eduardo.mps
* @author MetalBrasil
- * @author Opraco
$messages['pt-br'] = array(
'inputbox-desc' => 'Permite a inclusão de formulários definidos de HTML',
@@ -1676,7 +1662,7 @@ $messages['pt-br'] = array(
Por favor, especifique "create", "comment", "search", "search2" ou "fulltext".',
'tryexact' => 'Tentar a expressão exata',
'searchfulltext' => 'Pesquisar em todo o texto.',
- 'createarticle' => 'Criar página',
+ 'createarticle' => 'Criar página.',
'inputbox-ns-main' => 'Principal',
@@ -1824,13 +1810,6 @@ $messages['sgs'] = array(
'searchfulltext' => 'Ėiškuotė pėlna teksta',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'searchfulltext' => 'Pretraži cijeli tekst - Претражи цео текÑÑ‚',
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
* @author Asiri wiki
* @author Budhajeewa
diff --git a/extensions/Interwiki/.gitreview b/extensions/Interwiki/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index fcc03f61..00000000
--- a/extensions/Interwiki/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-defaultrebase=0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/Interwiki/COPYING b/extensions/Interwiki/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/Interwiki/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.alias.php b/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.alias.php
index 3e49249e..30098f05 100644
--- a/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.alias.php
+++ b/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.alias.php
@@ -251,5 +251,5 @@ $specialPageAliases['zh-hans'] = array(
/** Traditional Chinese (中文(ç¹é«”)‎) */
$specialPageAliases['zh-hant'] = array(
- 'Interwiki' => array( '跨wiki', '跨維基' ),
+ 'Interwiki' => array( '跨維基連çµ' ),
); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.i18n.php b/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.i18n.php
index cebc7dc4..a2619ff3 100644
--- a/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki.i18n.php
@@ -435,11 +435,8 @@ $messages['arz'] = array(
/** Assamese (অসমীয়া)
* @author Bishnu Saikia
- * @author Gitartha.bordoloi
$messages['as'] = array(
- 'interwiki' => 'আনà§à¦¤à¦ƒà§±à¦¿à¦•à¦¿ তথà§à¦¯ চাওক আৰৠসমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ কৰক',
- 'interwiki-title-norights' => 'আনà§à¦¤à¦ƒà§±à¦¿à¦•à¦¿ তথà§à¦¯ চাওক',
'interwiki_1' => 'হয়',
'interwiki_0' => 'নহয়',
'interwiki_edit' => 'সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ কৰক',
@@ -801,7 +798,6 @@ Ho pezet soñj e c'hall an dra-se terriñ liammoù zo anezho dija.",
Marteze n\'eus ket anezhañ.',
'interwiki-badprefix' => 'Arouezennoù direizh zo er rakger etrewiki spisaet "$1',
'interwiki-submit-empty' => "N'hall ket ar rakger hag an URL bezañ goullo.",
- 'interwiki-submit-invalidurl' => 'Direizh eo protokol an URL.',
'log-name-interwiki' => 'Deizlevr taolenn an etrewiki',
'logentry-interwiki-iw_add' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|en deus|he deus}} ouzhpennet ar rakger "$4" ($5) (treuz: $6; lec\'hel: $7) d\'an daolenn etrewiki',
'logentry-interwiki-iw_edit' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|en deus|he deus}} kemmet ar rakger "$4" ($5) (treuz: $6; lec\'hel: $7) en daolenn etrewiki',
@@ -935,7 +931,6 @@ Possiblement no existeix.',
$messages['ce'] = array(
'interwiki-title-norights' => 'Юкъарвикишан хаамаш хьажар',
- 'interwiki-desc' => 'ТӀетуху [[Special:Interwiki|белхан агӀо]] юкъаравикин дешхьалхенашка хьажа а уьш Ñ‚Ð°Ñ Ð°.',
'interwiki_intro' => 'ХӀара ду юкъарвикишан таблице хьажар.',
'interwiki-legend-show' => 'Гайта хьехар',
'interwiki-legend-hide' => 'Къайладаккха хьехар',
@@ -956,9 +951,7 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'interwiki_0' => 'Ñц',
'interwiki_edit' => 'ÐиÑйé',
'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'Бахьан:',
- 'interwiki_delquestion' => '«$1» дӀаÑккхар',
- 'interwiki_addbutton' => 'ТӀетоха',
- 'logentry-interwiki-iw_edit' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|хийцина}} Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÑ„Ð¸ÐºÑ Â«$4» ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) юкъарвики-таблицехь',
+ 'interwiki_addbutton' => 'Тlетоха',
/** Sorani Kurdish (کوردی)
@@ -975,7 +968,7 @@ $messages['co'] = array(
'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'Mutivu:',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Mormegil
@@ -1037,7 +1030,7 @@ Pravděpodobně neexistuje.',
'action-interwiki' => 'změnit tento záznam interwiki',
-/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
+/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣÌньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
* @author ОйЛ
$messages['cu'] = array(
@@ -1093,8 +1086,8 @@ $messages['da'] = array(
'interwiki-legend-hide' => 'Skjul forklaring',
'interwiki_prefix' => 'Præfiks',
'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'Præfiks:',
- 'interwiki_prefix_intro' => 'Interwiki præfiks som skal anvendes i <code>[<nowiki />[præfiks:<em>sidenavn</em>]]</code> wikitekst syntaks.',
- 'interwiki_url_intro' => 'Skabelon til URL-adresser. Pladsholderen $1 vil blive erstattet af <em>sidenavn</em> af wikitekst, når den ovennævnte wikitekst syntaks bruges.',
+ 'interwiki_prefix_intro' => 'Interwiki præfiks som skal anvendes i <code>[<nowiki />[præfiks:<em>sidenavn</em>]]</code> wikitext syntaks.',
+ 'interwiki_url_intro' => 'Skabelon til URL-adresser. Pladsholderen $1 vil blive erstattet af <em>sidenavn</em> af wikitext, når den ovennævnte wikitext syntaks bruges.',
'interwiki_local' => 'Videresend',
'interwiki-local-label' => 'Videresend:',
'interwiki_local_intro' => 'En HTTP-forespørgsel til den lokale wiki med denne interwiki præfiks i URL-adressen er:',
@@ -1102,7 +1095,7 @@ $messages['da'] = array(
'interwiki_local_1_intro' => 'Omdirigeret til target URL i interwiki link definitioner (dvs. behandles som referencer i lokale sider).',
'interwiki_trans' => 'Transkluder',
'interwiki-trans-label' => 'Transkluder:',
- 'interwiki_trans_intro' => 'Hvis wikitekst syntaksen <code>[<nowiki />[præfiks:<em>sidenavn</em>]]</code> bruges, så:',
+ 'interwiki_trans_intro' => 'Hvis wikitext syntaksen <code>[<nowiki />[præfiks:<em>sidenavn</em>]]</code> bruges, så:',
'interwiki_1' => 'ja',
'interwiki_0' => 'nej',
'interwiki_error' => 'Fejl: Interwikitabellen er tom eller noget andet gik galt.',
@@ -1128,7 +1121,7 @@ Husk, at dette kan bryde eksisterende hyperlinks.',
Det findes muligvis ikke.',
'interwiki-badprefix' => 'Det angivne interwikipræfiks "$1" indeholder ugyldige tegn.',
'right-interwiki' => 'Redigere interwikidata',
- 'action-interwiki' => 'redigere interwikidata',
+ 'action-interwiki' => 'ændre dette interwiki-element',
/** German (Deutsch)
@@ -1409,7 +1402,6 @@ VerÅajne Äi ne ekzistas.',
/** Spanish (español)
* @author Armando-Martin
- * @author Ciencia Al Poder
* @author Crazymadlover
* @author Imre
* @author Invadinado
@@ -1429,18 +1421,18 @@ $messages['es'] = array(
'interwiki-legend-hide' => 'Ocultar la leyenda',
'interwiki_prefix' => 'Prefijo',
'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'Prefijo:',
- 'interwiki_prefix_intro' => 'Prefijo interwiki que se utilizará en sintaxis wikitexto <code>[<nowiki />[prefijo:<em>nombre de página</em>]]</code>.',
- 'interwiki_url_intro' => 'Plantilla para URLs. El marcador $1 será reemplazado por el <em>nombre de página</em> del wikitexto cuando se use la sintaxis de wikitexto mostrada arriba.',
- 'interwiki_local' => 'Remitir',
- 'interwiki-local-label' => 'Remitir:',
- 'interwiki_local_intro' => 'Una solicitud HTTP a la wiki local con este prefijo interwiki en la URL:',
- 'interwiki_local_0_intro' => 'no será satisfecha, normalmente mostrando una página de error "título incorrecto" en su lugar.',
- 'interwiki_local_1_intro' => 'será remitida a la URL objetivo definida en los enlaces de interwiki.',
+ 'interwiki_prefix_intro' => 'Prefijo interwiki que se utilizará en sintaxis wikitexto <code>[<nowiki />[prefix:<em>pagename</em>]]</code> wikitext syntax.',
+ 'interwiki_url_intro' => 'Plantilla para URLs. El marcador $1 será reemplazado por el <em>nombre de página</em> del wikitexto cuando se use la sintaxis de wikitexto arriba mostrada.',
+ 'interwiki_local' => 'Adelante',
+ 'interwiki-local-label' => 'Adelante:',
+ 'interwiki_local_intro' => 'Una solicitud HTTP a la wiki local con este prefijo interwiki en la URL es:',
+ 'interwiki_local_0_intro' => 'no se satisfizo, normalmente bloqueado por "página no encontrada",',
+ 'interwiki_local_1_intro' => 'redirigido a la URL objetivo en las definiciones de enlaces interwiki (es decir, se la trata como a las referencias en páginas locales)',
'interwiki_trans' => 'transcluir',
'interwiki-trans-label' => 'Transcluir:',
- 'interwiki_trans_intro' => 'Si se utiliza la sintaxis de wikitexto <code>{<nowiki />{prefijo:<em>nombre de la página</em>}}</code>, entonces:',
- 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'se permitirá la transclusión desde la wiki foránea, si las transclusiones de interwiki son por lo general permitidas en este wiki.',
- 'interwiki_trans_0_intro' => 'no se permitirá, y en su lugar, buscará una página en el espacio de nombres de plantilla.',
+ 'interwiki_trans_intro' => 'Si se utiliza la sintaxis de wikitexto <code>{<nowiki />{prefix:<em>pagename</em>}}</code>, entonces:',
+ 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'permitir la transclusión desde la wiki foránea, si las transclusiones de interwiki son por lo general permitidas en esta wiki,',
+ 'interwiki_trans_0_intro' => 'no permitirlo. En su lugar, buscar una página en el espacio de nombre de la plantilla.',
'interwiki_intro_footer' => 'Para más información consulte [//] acerca de la tabla de interwiki.
Hay un [[Special:Log/interwiki|registro de cambios]] a esta tabla de interwiki.',
'interwiki_1' => 'sí',
@@ -1543,23 +1535,10 @@ Võimalik, et seda pole olemas.',
/** Basque (euskara)
* @author An13sa
* @author Kobazulo
- * @author Theklan
- * @author Xabier Armendaritz
$messages['eu'] = array(
- 'interwiki' => 'Ikusi eta aldatu interwikiak',
- 'interwiki-title-norights' => 'Ikusi interwikiak',
- 'interwiki-desc' => 'Interwiki taula ikusi eta aldatzeko [[Special:Interwiki|orrialde berezi]] bat gehitzen du',
- 'interwiki_intro' => 'Hau interwiki taularen ikuspegi orokor bat da.',
- 'interwiki-legend-show' => 'Erakutsi azalpenak',
- 'interwiki-legend-hide' => 'Ezkutatu azalpenak',
'interwiki_prefix' => 'Aurrizkia',
'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'Aurrizkia:',
- 'interwiki_local' => 'Aurrera',
- 'interwiki-local-label' => 'Aurrera:',
- 'interwiki_trans' => 'Txertatu',
- 'interwiki-trans-label' => 'Txertatu:',
- 'interwiki_trans_intro' => '<code>{<nowiki />{prefix:<em>pagename</em>}}</code> wikitestu erako sintaxia erabiltzen bada, orduan:',
'interwiki_1' => 'bai',
'interwiki_0' => 'ez',
'interwiki_edit' => 'Aldatu',
@@ -1568,48 +1547,30 @@ $messages['eu'] = array(
'interwiki_deleting' => '"$1" aurrizkia ezabatzen ari zara.',
'interwiki_addbutton' => 'Gehitu',
'interwiki_edittext' => 'Interwiki aurrizkia editatzen',
- 'right-interwiki' => 'Interwiki datuak aldatu',
- 'action-interwiki' => 'aldatu interwiki sarrera hau',
/** Persian (Ùارسی)
- * @author Armin1392
* @author Ebraminio
* @author Hamid rostami
* @author Huji
* @author Mjbmr
- * @author Omidh
- * @author Reza1615
$messages['fa'] = array(
'interwiki' => 'نمایش و ویرایش اطلاعات میان‌ویکی',
'interwiki-title-norights' => 'مشاهدهٔ اطلاعات میان‌ویکی',
'interwiki-desc' => 'یک [[Special:Interwiki|صÙحهٔ ویژه]] برای مشاهده Ùˆ ویرایش جدول میان‌ویکی می‌اÙزاید.',
- 'interwiki_intro' => 'این یک نمای کلی از جدول interwiki است.',
- 'interwiki-legend-show' => 'نمایش اÙسانه',
- 'interwiki-legend-hide' => 'پنهان کردن اÙسانه',
+ 'interwiki_intro' => 'قمستی از اÙزونهٔ میان‌ویکی. به صورت یک مرور Ú©Ù„ÛŒ در Special:Interwiki نمایش داده شده.', # Fuzzy
'interwiki_prefix' => 'پیشوند',
'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'پیشوند:',
- 'interwiki_prefix_intro' => 'پیشوند ویکی داخلی در <code>[<nowiki />[prefix:<em>pagename</em>]]</code> نحو متن ویکی استÙاده شده‌است.',
- 'interwiki_url' => 'نشانی اینترنتی',
- 'interwiki-url-label' => 'نشانی اینترنتی:',
- 'interwiki_url_intro' => 'الگو برای یو‌ار‌ال‌ها. هنگامی Ú©Ù‡ نحو متن ویکی Ùوق‌الذکر استÙاده شده‌است، نگه‌دارندهٔ جا $1 توسط <em>pagename</em> متن ویکی جایگزین خواهد شد.',
- 'interwiki_local' => 'جلو',
- 'interwiki-local-label' => 'جلو:',
- 'interwiki_local_intro' => 'درخواست اچ‌تی‌تی‌پی برای ویکی داخلی با این پیشوند ویکی داخلی در یوآر‌ال هست:',
- 'interwiki_local_0_intro' => 'بدون اÙتخار، اغلب توسط "صÙحه پیدا نشد" مسدود شده.',
- 'interwiki_local_1_intro' => 'هدایت به یوآر‌ال مورد نظر داده‌ شده در تعاری٠لینک ویکی داخلی (یعنی مانند منابع در صÙحات داخلی مطرح می‌شود).',
- 'interwiki_trans' => 'تراگنجایش',
- 'interwiki-trans-label' => 'تراگنجایش:',
- 'interwiki_trans_intro' => 'اگر نحو متن ویکی <code>{<nowiki />{prefix:<em>pagename</em>}}</code> استÙاده شده‌است، سپس:',
- 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'اجازه دادن ترنس‌کلوژن از ویکی خارجی، اگر ترنس‌کلوژن‌های ویکی داخلی در این ویکی به طور کلی اجازه داده خواهد شد.',
- 'interwiki_trans_0_intro' => 'اجازه به این ندهید، بلکه به دنبال یک صÙحه در Ùضای نام الگو باشید.',
+ 'interwiki_local' => 'مشخص کردن به عنوان یک ویکی محلی', # Fuzzy
+ 'interwiki-local-label' => 'مشخص کردن به عنوان یک ویکی محلی:', # Fuzzy
+ 'interwiki_trans' => 'اجازهٔ گنجاندن میان‌ویکی را بده', # Fuzzy
+ 'interwiki-trans-label' => 'اجازهٔ گنجاندن میان‌ویکی را بده:', # Fuzzy
'interwiki_intro_footer' => 'برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد Interwiki به [//] مراحعه نمائید.
همچنین می‌توانید [[Special:Log/interwiki|تاریخچهٔ تغییرات]] چدول Interwiki را مشاهده کنید.',
'interwiki_1' => 'بله',
'interwiki_0' => 'خیر',
'interwiki_error' => 'خطا: جدول میان‌ویکی خالی است، یا چیز دیگری مشکل دارد.',
- 'interwiki-cached' => 'اطلاعات ویکی داخلی ذخیره شده‌است. اصلاح ذخیره ممکن نیست.',
'interwiki_edit' => 'ویرایش',
'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'دلیل:',
'interwiki_delquestion' => 'حذ٠«$1»',
@@ -1631,11 +1592,7 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
احتمالاً این پیشوند وجود ندارد.',
'interwiki-badprefix' => 'پیشوند میان‌ویکی «$1» حاوی نویسه‌های نامجاز است',
'interwiki-submit-empty' => 'پیشوند و آدرس URL نمی‌توانند خالی باشند.',
- 'interwiki-submit-invalidurl' => 'تÙاهم‌نامهٔ یوآر‌ال نامعتبر است.',
'log-name-interwiki' => 'سیاههٔ جدول میان‌ویکی',
- 'logentry-interwiki-iw_add' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|اضاÙÙ‡ شده}} پیشوند "$4" ($5) (ترانس: $6; local: $7) به جدول ویکی داخلی',
- 'logentry-interwiki-iw_edit' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|اصلاح شده}} پیشوند "$4" ($5) (tترنس: $6; داخلی: $7) در جدول ویکی داخلی',
- 'logentry-interwiki-iw_delete' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|حذ٠شده}} پیشوند "$4" از جدول ویکی داخلی',
'log-description-interwiki' => 'این یک تاریخچه از تغییرات [[Special:Interwiki|interwiki table]] است.',
'right-interwiki' => 'ویرایش اطلاعات میان‌ویکی',
'action-interwiki' => 'تغییر این مدخل میان‌ویکی',
@@ -1788,13 +1745,6 @@ $messages['frp'] = array(
'action-interwiki' => 'changiér ceta entrâ entèrvouiqui',
-/** Northern Frisian (Nordfriisk)
- * @author Murma174
- */
-$messages['frr'] = array(
- 'interwiki-title-norights' => 'Interwiki-dooten uunluke',
/** Friulian (furlan)
* @author Klenje
@@ -2019,7 +1969,6 @@ $messages['haw'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
* @author Agbad
* @author Amire80
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Rotemliss
* @author YaronSh
* @author דני×ל ב.
@@ -2038,12 +1987,12 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
'interwiki_local' => 'העברה',
'interwiki-local-label' => 'העברה:',
'interwiki_local_intro' => 'בקשת HTTP ל×תר הוויקי המקומי ×¢× ×§×™×“×•×ž×ª בינוויקי זו בכתובת:',
- 'interwiki_local_0_intro' => '×œ× ×ž×›×•×‘×“×ª, לרוב נחסמת ×¢× ×”×•×“×¢×ª "הדף ×œ× × ×ž×¦×".',
+ 'interwiki_local_0_intro' => '×œ× ×ž×›×•×‘×“×ª, לרוב נחסמת ×¢× ×”×•×“×¢×ª "הדף ×œ× × ×ž×¦×",',
'interwiki_local_1_intro' => 'מופנית ×ל כתובת היעד שניתנה בהגדרות קישור הבינוויקי (כלומר מטופלת כמו הפניה ×‘×“×¤×™× ×ž×§×•×ž×™×™×)',
'interwiki_trans' => 'הכללה',
'interwiki-trans-label' => 'הכללה:',
'interwiki_trans_intro' => '×× × ×¢×©×” שימוש בתחביר <code>{<nowiki />{prefix:<em>pagename</em>}}</code>, ××–:',
- 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'תינתן ×”×פשרות להכללת ×ž×§×˜×¢×™× ×—×™×¦×•× ×™×™× ×ž×תר ויקי חיצוני, ×× ×”×›×œ×œ×•×ª מקטעי ויקי ×—×™×¦×•× ×™×™× ×ž×•×¨×©×™× ×‘×ופן כללי ב×תר ויקי ×–×”.',
+ 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'תינתן ×”×פשרות להכללת ×ž×§×˜×¢×™× ×—×™×¦×•× ×™×™× ×ž×תר ויקי חיצוני, ×× ×”×›×œ×œ×•×ª מקטעי ויקי ×—×™×¦×•× ×™×™× ×ž×•×¨×©×™× ×‘×ופן כללי ב×תר ויקי ×–×”,',
'interwiki_trans_0_intro' => '×ין ל×פשר ×–×ת, ×‘×ž×§×•× ×–×ת יש לחפש דף במרחב ×”×©× ×ª×‘× ×™×ª.',
'interwiki_intro_footer' => 'עיינו ב־[//] למידע נוסף על טבלת הבינוויקי.
ישנו [[Special:Log/interwiki|יומן שינויי×]] לטבלת הבינוויקי.',
@@ -2414,7 +2363,6 @@ Memora que isto pote rumper ligamines existente.',
Es possibile que illo non existe.',
'interwiki-badprefix' => 'Le prefixo interwiki specificate "$1" contine characteres invalide',
'interwiki-submit-empty' => 'Le prefixo e le URL non pote esser vacue.',
- 'interwiki-submit-invalidurl' => 'Le protocollo del URL es invalide.',
'log-name-interwiki' => 'Registro del tabella interwiki',
'logentry-interwiki-iw_add' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|addeva}} le prefixo "$4" ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) al tabella interwiki',
'logentry-interwiki-iw_edit' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|modificava}} le prefixo "$4" ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) in le tabella interwiki',
@@ -2880,7 +2828,7 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
'logentry-interwiki-iw_add' => '$1 사용ìžê°€ "$4" ($5) (í‹€ í¬í•¨: $6, 로컬: $7) ì ‘ë‘어를 ì¸í„°ìœ„키 í…Œì´ë¸”ì— {{GENDER:$2|추가}}했습니다.',
'logentry-interwiki-iw_edit' => '$1 사용ìžê°€ ì¸í„°ìœ„키 í…Œì´ë¸”ì˜ "$4" ($5) (í‹€ í¬í•¨: $6, 로컬: $7) ì ‘ë‘어를 {{GENDER:$2|수정}}했습니다.',
'logentry-interwiki-iw_delete' => '$1 사용ìžê°€ ì¸í„°ìœ„키 í…Œì´ë¸”ì˜ "$4" ì ‘ë‘어를 {{GENDER:$2|ì‚­ì œ}}했습니다.',
- 'log-description-interwiki' => '[[Special:Interwiki|ì¸í„°ìœ„키 í…Œì´ë¸”]]ì´ ë°”ë€ ê¸°ë¡ìž…니다.',
+ 'log-description-interwiki' => '[[Special:Interwiki|ì¸í„°ìœ„키]] 목ë¡ì˜ ë°”ë€ ë‚´ì—­ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤.',
'right-interwiki' => 'ì¸í„°ìœ„키 ëª©ë¡ ê³ ì¹˜ê¸°',
'action-interwiki' => 'ì´ ì¸í„°ìœ„키 ì ‘ë‘ì–´ 바꾸기',
@@ -3031,11 +2979,11 @@ $messages['lb'] = array(
'interwiki_delfailed' => 'Prefix "$1" konnt net aus der Interwiki-Tabell erausgeholl ginn.',
'interwiki_addtext' => 'En Interwiki-prefix derbäisetzen',
'interwiki_addintro' => 'Dir setzt en neien Interwiki-Prefix derbäi.
-Denkt drun datt keng Espacen ( ), Et-commerciale (&), Gläichzeechen (=) a keng Doppelpunkten (:) däerfen dra sinn.',
+Denkt drunn datt keng Espacen ( ), Et-commerciale (&), Gläichzeechen (=) a keng Doppelpunkten (:) däerfen dra sinn.',
'interwiki_addbutton' => 'Derbäisetzen',
'interwiki_added' => 'De Prefix "$1" gou an d\'Interwiki-Tabell derbäigesat.',
'interwiki_addfailed' => 'De Prefix "$1" konnt net an d\'Interwiki-Tabell derbäigesat ginn.
-Méiglecherweis gëtt et e schonn an der Interwiki-Tabell.',
+Méiglecherweis gëtt et e schn an der Interwiki-Tabell.',
'interwiki_edittext' => 'En interwiki Prefix änneren',
'interwiki_editintro' => 'Dir ännert en Interwiki Prefix.
Denkt drun, datt dat kann dozou féieren datt Linken déi et scho gëtt net méi funktionéieren.',
@@ -3209,7 +3157,7 @@ $messages['mk'] = array(
'interwiki_1' => 'да',
'interwiki_0' => 'не',
'interwiki_error' => 'Грешка: Mеѓувики-табелата е празна, или нешто друго не е во ред.',
- 'interwiki-cached' => 'Податоците за меѓувики Ñе меѓуÑкладирани. МеѓуÑкладот не може да Ñе измени.',
+ 'interwiki-cached' => 'Податоците за меѓувики Ñе кеширани. Кешот не може да Ñе измени.',
'interwiki_edit' => 'Уреди',
'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'Причина:',
'interwiki_delquestion' => 'Бришење на „$1“',
@@ -3313,12 +3261,11 @@ $messages['mn'] = array(
/** Marathi (मराठी)
* @author Kaustubh
- * @author V.narsikar
$messages['mr'] = array(
'interwiki' => 'आंतरविकि डाटा पहा व संपादा',
'interwiki-title-norights' => 'अंतरविकि डाटा पहा',
- 'interwiki-desc' => 'आंतरविकि सारणी पाहणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ व संपादणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ à¤à¤• [[Special:Interwiki|विशेष पान]] वाढविते',
+ 'interwiki-desc' => 'आंतरविकि सारणी पाहणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ व संपादनà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ à¤à¤• [[Special:Interwiki|विशेष पान]] वाढविते',
'interwiki_intro' => 'आंतरविकि सारणी बदà¥à¤¦à¤² अधिक माहीतीसाठी [] पहा.', # Fuzzy
'interwiki_prefix' => 'उपपद (पूरà¥à¤µà¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¯)',
'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'उपपद (पूरà¥à¤µà¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¯):', # Fuzzy
@@ -3333,11 +3280,11 @@ $messages['mr'] = array(
'interwiki_addbutton' => 'वाढवा',
'interwiki_added' => '"$1" उपपद आंतरविकि सारणी मधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ वाढविणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ आलेले आहे.',
'interwiki_addfailed' => '"$1" उपपद आंतरविकि सारणी मधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ वाढवू शकलेलो नाही. कदाचित ते अगोदरच असà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¤ असणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥€ शकà¥à¤¯à¤¤à¤¾ आहे.',
- 'interwiki_edittext' => 'à¤à¤• आंतरविकि उपपद संपादित आहे',
- 'interwiki_editintro' => 'तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ à¤à¤• आंतरविकि उपपद संपादित आहात.
+ 'interwiki_edittext' => 'à¤à¤• अंतरविकि उपपद संपादित आहे',
+ 'interwiki_editintro' => 'तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ à¤à¤• अंतरविकि उपपद संपादित आहात.
लकà¥à¤·à¤¾à¤¤ ठेवा की यामà¥à¤³à¥‡ अगोदर दिलेले दà¥à¤µà¥‡ तà¥à¤Ÿà¥‚ शकतात.',
- 'interwiki_edited' => 'आंतरविकि सारणीमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ "$1" उपपद यशसà¥à¤µà¥€à¤°à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ बदलणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ आलेले आहे.',
- 'interwiki_editerror' => 'आंतरविकि सारणीमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ "$1" उपपद बदलू शकत नाही.
+ 'interwiki_edited' => 'अंतरविकि सारणीमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ "$1" उपपद यशसà¥à¤µà¥€à¤°à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ बदलणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ आलेले आहे.',
+ 'interwiki_editerror' => 'अंतरविकि सारणीमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ "$1" उपपद बदलू शकत नाही.
कदाचित ते असà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¤ नसेल.',
'log-name-interwiki' => 'आंतरविकि सारणी नोंद',
'log-description-interwiki' => '[[Special:Interwiki|आंतरविकि सारणीत]] à¤à¤¾à¤²à¥‡à¤²à¥à¤¯à¤¾ बदलांची ही सूची आहे.',
@@ -3836,7 +3783,6 @@ Vielaischd hods des a ned.",
/** Polish (polski)
* @author BeginaFelicysym
- * @author Chrumps
* @author Leinad
* @author Matma Rex
* @author McMonster
@@ -3862,7 +3808,7 @@ $messages['pl'] = array(
'interwiki_trans' => 'Transkluzja',
'interwiki-trans-label' => 'Transkluzja:',
'interwiki_trans_intro' => 'Jeśli składnia wiki <code>{<nowiki />{przedrostek:<em>nazwastrony</em>}}</code> została użyta, to:',
- 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'pozwala na transkluzję z innych wiki, jeśli transkluzja interwiki jest w ogóle dozwolona na tej wiki.',
+ 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'pozwala na transkluzję z innych wiki, jeśli transkluzja interwiki jest w ogóle dozwolona na tej wiki,',
'interwiki_trans_0_intro' => 'nie pozwalaj na nią, raczej szukaj strony w przestrzeni szablonów.',
'interwiki_intro_footer' => 'Na [//] odnajdziesz więcej informacji na temat tabeli interwiki.
Tutaj znajduje siÄ™ [[Special:Log/interwiki|rejestr zmian]] tabeli interwiki.',
@@ -4108,9 +4054,6 @@ Existe um [[Special:Log/interwiki|registro de modificações]] à tabela de inte
'interwiki-submit-empty' => 'O prefixo e o URL não podem estar vazios.',
'interwiki-submit-invalidurl' => 'O protocolo do URL é inválido.',
'log-name-interwiki' => 'Registro da tabela de interwikis',
- 'logentry-interwiki-iw_add' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|adicionou}} o prefixo "$4" ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) à tabela de interwikis',
- 'logentry-interwiki-iw_edit' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|modificou}} o prefixo "$4" ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) na tabela de interwikis',
- 'logentry-interwiki-iw_delete' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|removeu}} o prefixo "$4" da tabela de interwikis',
'log-description-interwiki' => 'Este é um registro das alterações à [[Special:Interwiki|tabela de interwikis]].',
'right-interwiki' => 'Editar dados de interwiki',
'action-interwiki' => 'alterar esta entrada interwiki',
@@ -4164,16 +4107,12 @@ $messages['roa-tara'] = array(
'interwiki_prefix_intro' => "'U prefisse inderuicchi avène ausate jndr'à <code>[<nowiki />[prefix:<em>pagename</em>]]</code> sindasse uicchiteste.",
'interwiki_local' => 'Inoltre',
'interwiki-local-label' => 'Inoltre:',
- 'interwiki_local_intro' => "'Na richieste HTTP sus a sta uicchi locale cu ste prefisse inderuicchi jndr'à URL jè:",
- 'interwiki_local_0_intro' => 'none onorate, normalmende bloccate da "pàgene none acchiate".',
'interwiki_1' => 'sine',
'interwiki_0' => 'none',
'interwiki_edit' => 'Cange',
'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'Mutive:',
'interwiki_delquestion' => 'Scangellamende de "$1"',
'interwiki_deleting' => 'Tu ste scangille \'u prefisse "$1".',
- 'interwiki_deleted' => '\'U prefisse "$1" ha state luate da \'a tabbelle de inderuicchi.',
- 'interwiki_delfailed' => '\'U prefisse "$1" non ge pò essere luate da \'a tabbelle de inderuicchi.',
'interwiki_addtext' => "Aggiunge 'nu prefisse inderuicchi",
'interwiki_addbutton' => 'Aggiunge',
'right-interwiki' => 'Cange le date de inderuicchi',
@@ -4328,21 +4267,16 @@ Lu prifissu putissi èssiri ca non c\'è.',
/** Sassaresu (Sassaresu)
* @author Felis
- * @author Jun Misugi
$messages['sdc'] = array(
- 'interwiki' => 'Vidè e mudifiggà li dati interwiki',
- 'interwiki-title-norights' => 'Vidé li dati interwiki',
+ 'interwiki' => 'Vidè e mudìfiggà li dati interwiki',
'interwiki_prefix' => 'Prefissu',
- 'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'Prefissu:',
- 'interwiki_1' => 'si',
- 'interwiki_0' => 'no',
- 'interwiki_edit' => 'Mudifiggà',
- 'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'Rasgioni',
- 'interwiki_delquestion' => 'Canzillendhi "$1"',
- 'interwiki_deleting' => 'Sei canzillendhi lu prefissu "$1".',
+ 'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'Prefissu:', # Fuzzy
+ 'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'Rasgioni', # Fuzzy
+ 'interwiki_delquestion' => 'Canzillendi "$1"',
+ 'interwiki_deleting' => 'Sei canzillendi lu prefissu "$1".',
'interwiki_addtext' => 'Aggiungi un prefissu interwiki',
- 'interwiki_addbutton' => 'Aggiungì',
+ 'interwiki_addbutton' => 'Aggiungi',
'log-name-interwiki' => 'Rigisthru di la table interwiki',
@@ -4477,7 +4411,6 @@ Morda ne obstaja.',
/** Serbian (Cyrillic script) (ÑрпÑки (ћирилица)‎)
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Rancher
* @author Sasa Stefanovic
* @author Жељко Тодоровић
@@ -4519,14 +4452,13 @@ $messages['sr-ec'] = array(
'interwiki_editerror' => 'ÐŸÑ€ÐµÑ„Ð¸ÐºÑ "$1" не може бити измењен у табели међувикија.
Вероватно затшо што не поÑтоји.',
'interwiki-badprefix' => 'Задати међувики Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÑ„Ð¸ÐºÑ "$1" Ñадржи недозвољене знакове',
- 'log-name-interwiki' => 'Дневник табеле међувикија',
+ 'log-name-interwiki' => 'ИÑторија табеле међувикија',
'log-description-interwiki' => 'Ово је иÑторија измена [[Special:Interwiki|табеле међувикија]].',
'right-interwiki' => 'уређивање међувикија',
/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
* @author Michaello
- * @author Milicevic01
* @author Жељко Тодоровић
$messages['sr-el'] = array(
@@ -4565,9 +4497,9 @@ Imajte na umu da može da ošteti postojeće međuviki veze.',
'interwiki_editerror' => 'Prefiks "$1" ne može biti izmenjen u tabeli međuvikija.
Verovatno zatšo što ne postoji.',
'interwiki-badprefix' => 'Zadati međuviki prefiks "$1" sadrži nedozvoljene znakove',
- 'log-name-interwiki' => 'Dnevnik tabele međuvikija',
+ 'log-name-interwiki' => 'Istorija tabele međuvikija',
'log-description-interwiki' => 'Ovo je istorija izmena [[Special:Interwiki|tabele međuvikija]].',
- 'right-interwiki' => 'uređivanje međuvikija',
+ 'right-interwiki' => 'Izmeni međuviki',
/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
@@ -4624,16 +4556,13 @@ $messages['sv'] = array(
'interwiki_prefix' => 'Prefix',
'interwiki-prefix-label' => 'Prefix:',
'interwiki_prefix_intro' => 'Interwiki-prefix avsedda att användas i <code>[<nowiki />[prefix:<em>pagename</em>]]</code>-wikisyntax.',
- 'interwiki_url_intro' => 'Mall för webbadresser. Platshållaren $1 kommer att ersättas av <em>sidnamnet</em> i wikitexten, när den ovannämnda wikitextsyntaxen används.',
'interwiki_local' => 'Vidarebefordra',
'interwiki-local-label' => 'Vidarebefordra:',
'interwiki_local_intro' => 'En HTTP-förfrågan till den lokala wikin med denna interwiki-prefix i webbadressen är:',
'interwiki_local_0_intro' => 'inte accepterad, vanligtvis blockerad av "sidan kunde inte hittas".',
- 'interwiki_local_1_intro' => 'omdirigeras till måladressen som anges i definitionerna av interwiki-länken (d.v.s. behandlas som referenser i lokala sidor).',
'interwiki_trans' => 'Transkludera',
'interwiki-trans-label' => 'Transkludera:',
'interwiki_trans_intro' => 'Om wikitextsyntax <code>{<nowiki />{prefix:<em>pagename</em>}}</code> används så:',
- 'interwiki_trans_1_intro' => 'tillåt inkludering från utländska wikin, om interwiki-inkluderingar är allmänt tillåten på denna wiki.',
'interwiki_trans_0_intro' => 'tillåt inte det, leta istället efter en sida i mall-namnrymden.',
'interwiki_intro_footer' => 'Se [//] för mer information om interwikitabellen.
Det finns en [[Special:Log/interwiki|logg över ändringar]] i interwikitabellen.',
@@ -4719,7 +4648,6 @@ $messages['tcy'] = array(
/** Telugu (తెలà±à°—à±)
- * @author Chaduvari
* @author Kiranmayee
* @author Veeven
@@ -4735,7 +4663,7 @@ $messages['te'] = array(
అంతరà±à°µà°¿à°•à±€ పటà±à°Ÿà°¿à°•à°•à°¿ జరిగిన [[Special:Log/interwiki|మారà±à°ªà±à°² యొకà±à°• à°šà°¿à°Ÿà±à°Ÿà°¾]] కూడా ఉంది.',
'interwiki_1' => 'à°…à°µà±à°¨à±',
'interwiki_0' => 'కాదà±',
- 'interwiki_error' => 'లోపం: అంతరà±à°µà°¿à°•à±€ పటà±à°Ÿà°¿à°• ఖాళీగా ఉంది, లేదా మరేదో తపà±à°ªà± జరిగింది.',
+ 'interwiki_error' => 'పొరపాటà±: అంతరà±à°µà°¿à°•à±€ పటà±à°Ÿà°¿à°• ఖాళీగా ఉంది, లేదా à°à°¦à±‹ తపà±à°ªà± జరిగింది.',
'interwiki_edit' => 'మారà±à°šà±',
'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'కారణం:',
'interwiki_delquestion' => '"$1"ని తొలగిసà±à°¤à±à°¨à±à°¨à°¾à°°à±',
@@ -5225,7 +5153,6 @@ $messages['yi'] = array(
/** Cantonese (粵語)
- * @author Antonytse
$messages['yue'] = array(
'interwiki' => '去ç‡åŒç·¨è¼¯è·¨ç¶­åŸºè³‡æ–™',
@@ -5238,7 +5165,7 @@ $messages['yue'] = array(
'interwiki_trans' => '容許跨維基包å«', # Fuzzy
'interwiki-trans-label' => '容許跨維基包å«:', # Fuzzy
'interwiki_error' => '錯誤: 跨維基表係空ã€åˆæˆ–者有其它嘢出錯。',
- 'interwiki_reasonfield' => '原因:',
+ 'interwiki_reasonfield' => '原因', # Fuzzy
'interwiki_delquestion' => '刪緊 "$1"',
'interwiki_deleting' => '你而家拎走緊å‰ç¶´ "$1"。',
'interwiki_deleted' => 'å‰ç¶´ "$1" 已經æˆåŠŸå™‰éŸ¿å€‹è·¨ç¶­åŸºè¡¨åº¦æ‹Žèµ°å’—。',
@@ -5274,7 +5201,7 @@ $messages['yue'] = array(
$messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'interwiki' => '查看和编辑跨wikiæ•°æ®',
- 'interwiki-title-norights' => '查看跨wikiæ•°æ®',
+ 'interwiki-title-norights' => '查看跨维基数æ®',
'interwiki-desc' => '新增[[Special:Interwiki|特殊页é¢]]以查看和编辑跨wiki表',
'interwiki_intro' => '这是跨wiki表的概览。',
'interwiki-legend-show' => '显示说明',
@@ -5297,7 +5224,7 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'interwiki_1' => '是',
'interwiki_0' => 'å¦',
'interwiki_error' => '错误: è·¨wiki表为空,或是å‘生其它错误。',
- 'interwiki-cached' => '跨维基数æ®æ˜¯ç¼“存的。缓存ä¸èƒ½è¢«ä¿®æ”¹ã€‚',
+ 'interwiki-cached' => 'è·¨wikiæ•°æ®å·²ç¼“存。缓存ä¸èƒ½ç¼–辑。',
'interwiki_edit' => '编辑',
'interwiki_reasonfield' => 'ç†ç”±ï¼š',
'interwiki_delquestion' => '正在删除“$1â€',
@@ -5325,7 +5252,7 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'logentry-interwiki-iw_edit' => '$1{{GENDER:$2|已修改}}è·¨wiki表中的å‰ç¼€â€œ$4â€($5) (包å«ï¼š$6;本地:$7)',
'logentry-interwiki-iw_delete' => '$1已从跨wiki表中{{GENDER:$2|删除}}å‰ç¼€â€œ$4â€',
'log-description-interwiki' => '这是一个[[Special:Interwiki|跨wiki表]]的更改日志。',
- 'right-interwiki' => '编辑跨wikiæ•°æ®',
+ 'right-interwiki' => '编辑跨维基数æ®',
'action-interwiki' => '更改该跨维基æ¡ç›®',
diff --git a/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki_body.php b/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki_body.php
index fd982811..ec104968 100644
--- a/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki_body.php
+++ b/extensions/Interwiki/Interwiki_body.php
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class SpecialInterwiki extends SpecialPage {
$out->addModules( 'ext.interwiki.specialpage' );
$action = $par ? $par : $request->getVal( 'action', $par );
- $return = $this->getPageTitle();
+ $return = $this->getTitle();
switch( $action ) {
case 'delete':
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class SpecialInterwiki extends SpecialPage {
'id' => "mw-interwiki-{$action}form",
'method' => 'post',
- 'action' => $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalUrl( array(
+ 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalUrl( array(
'action' => 'submit',
'prefix' => $prefix
) )
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class SpecialInterwiki extends SpecialPage {
$reason = $request->getText( 'wpInterwikiReason' );
- $selfTitle = $this->getPageTitle();
+ $selfTitle = $this->getTitle();
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
switch( $do ) {
case 'delete':
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ class SpecialInterwiki extends SpecialPage {
if ( $canModify ) {
$this->getOutput()->addHTML( "<br />" . $this->msg( 'interwiki_intro_footer' )->parse() );
$addtext = $this->msg( 'interwiki_addtext' )->escaped();
- $addlink = Linker::linkKnown( $this->getPageTitle( 'add' ), $addtext );
+ $addlink = Linker::linkKnown( $this->getTitle( 'add' ), $addtext );
$this->getOutput()->addHTML( '<p class="mw-interwiki-addlink">' . $addlink . '</p>' );
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class SpecialInterwiki extends SpecialPage {
$out .= Html::closeElement( 'tr' ) . "\n";
- $selfTitle = $this->getPageTitle();
+ $selfTitle = $this->getTitle();
# Output the existing Interwiki prefixes table rows
foreach ( $iwPrefixes as $iwPrefix ) {
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/.gitreview b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index da37d04d..00000000
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/KNOWN_ISSUES.txt b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/KNOWN_ISSUES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ce14cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/KNOWN_ISSUES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- Only works with SVN revision 50605 or later of the
+ MediaWiki core
+Key issues at the moment:
+* Seems to want to store a copy of the localization updates in each local database.
+We've got hundreds of wikis run from the same installation set; we don't want to multiply our effort by 1000.
+* It doesn't seem to be using available memcached stuff; unsure yet whether this is taken care of
+by the general message caching or if we're going to end up making extra hits we don't need.
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.class.php b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.class.php
index 24620545..66b63232 100644
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.class.php
+++ b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.class.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Class for localization updates.
- * @todo Refactor code to remove duplication
+ * TODO: refactor code to remove duplication
class LocalisationUpdate {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
$skipCore = isset( $options['skip-core'] );
$skipExtensions = isset( $options['skip-extensions'] );
- if ( isset( $options['outdir'] ) ) {
+ if( isset( $options['outdir'] ) ) {
$wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = $options['outdir'];
@@ -82,25 +82,25 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
$result = 0;
// Update all MW core messages.
- if ( !$skipCore ) {
+ if( !$skipCore ) {
$result = self::updateMediawikiMessages( $verbose, $coreUrl );
// Update all Extension messages.
- if ( !$skipExtensions ) {
- if ( $all ) {
+ if( !$skipExtensions ) {
+ if( $all ) {
global $IP;
$extFiles = array();
// Look in extensions/ for all available items...
- // @todo Add support for $wgExtensionAssetsPath
+ // TODO: add support for $wgExtensionAssetsPath
$dirs = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( "$IP/extensions/" );
// I ain't kidding... RecursiveIteratorIterator.
- foreach ( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $dirs ) as $pathname => $item ) {
+ foreach( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $dirs ) as $pathname => $item ) {
$filename = basename( $pathname );
$matches = array();
- if ( preg_match( '/^(.*)\.i18n\.php$/', $filename, $matches ) ) {
+ if( preg_match( '/^(.*)\.i18n\.php$/', $filename, $matches ) ) {
$group = $matches[1];
$extFiles[$group] = $pathname;
@@ -187,14 +187,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
// Compare the files.
- $changedCount += self::compareFiles(
- $repoUrl,
- $localUrl,
- $verbose,
- $changedEnglishStrings,
- false,
- true
- );
+ $changedCount += self::compareFiles( $repoUrl, $localUrl, $verbose, $changedEnglishStrings, false, true );
// Log some nice info.
@@ -225,7 +218,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
preg_match_all( '/\$messages(.*\s)*?\);/', $contents, $results );
// But we want them all in one string.
- if ( !empty( $results[0] ) && is_array( $results[0] ) ) {
+ if( !empty( $results[0] ) && is_array( $results[0] ) ) {
$contents = implode( "\n\n", $results[0] );
} else {
$contents = '';
@@ -252,8 +245,8 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
// Use cURL to get the SVN contents.
if ( preg_match( "/^http/", $file ) ) {
- while ( !$filecontents && $attempts <= $wgLocalisationUpdateRetryAttempts ) {
- if ( $attempts > 0 ) {
+ while( !$filecontents && $attempts <= $wgLocalisationUpdateRetryAttempts ) {
+ if( $attempts > 0 ) {
$delay = 1;
self::myLog( 'Failed to download ' . $file . "; retrying in ${delay}s..." );
sleep( $delay );
@@ -264,13 +257,11 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
if ( !$filecontents ) {
self::myLog( 'Cannot get the contents of ' . $file . ' (curl)' );
return false;
- } else { // otherwise try file_get_contents
+ } else {// otherwise try file_get_contents
if ( !( $filecontents = file_get_contents( $file ) ) ) {
self::myLog( 'Cannot get the contents of ' . $file );
return false;
@@ -290,20 +281,16 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
* @return array
- public static function loadFilesToCompare( $tag, $file1, $file2, $verbose,
- $alwaysGetResult = true
- ) {
+ public static function loadFilesToCompare( $tag, $file1, $file2, $verbose, $alwaysGetResult = true ) {
$file1contents = self::getFileContents( $file1 );
if ( $file1contents === false || $file1contents === '' ) {
self::myLog( "Failed to read $file1" );
return array( null, null );
$file2contents = self::getFileContents( $file2 );
if ( $file2contents === false || $file2contents === '' ) {
self::myLog( "Failed to read $file2" );
return array( null, null );
@@ -317,11 +304,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
// Check if the file has changed since our last update.
if ( !$alwaysGetResult ) {
if ( !self::checkHash( $file1, $file1hash ) && !self::checkHash( $file2, $file2hash ) ) {
- self::myLog(
- "Skipping {$tag} since the files haven't changed since our last update",
- $verbose
- );
+ self::myLog( "Skipping {$tag} since the files haven't changed since our last update", $verbose );
return array( null, null );
@@ -335,7 +318,6 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
} else {
// Broken file? Report and bail
self::myLog( "Failed to parse $file1" );
return array( null, null );
@@ -348,7 +330,6 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
$messages2 = array();
} else {
self::myLog( "Failed to parse $file2" );
return array( null, null );
@@ -372,9 +353,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
* @return array|int
- private static function compareLanguageArrays( $langcode, $old_messages,
- $new_messages, $verbose, $forbiddenKeys, $saveResults
- ) {
+ private static function compareLanguageArrays( $langcode, $old_messages, $new_messages, $verbose, $forbiddenKeys, $saveResults ) {
// Get the currently-cached messages, if any
$cur_messages = self::readFile( $langcode );
@@ -390,6 +369,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
if ( $saveResults ) {
// If anything has changed from the saved version, save the new version
if ( $new_messages != $cur_messages ) {
@@ -404,12 +384,10 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
} else {
$updates = 0;
return $updates;
} else {
// Find all deleted or changed messages
$changedStrings = array_diff_assoc( $old_messages, $new_messages );
return $changedStrings;
@@ -426,9 +404,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
* @return array|int
- public static function compareFiles( $newfile, $oldfile, $verbose,
- array $forbiddenKeys = array(), $alwaysGetResult = true, $saveResults = false
- ) {
+ public static function compareFiles( $newfile, $oldfile, $verbose, array $forbiddenKeys = array(), $alwaysGetResult = true, $saveResults = false ) {
// Get the languagecode.
$langcode = Language::getCodeFromFileName( $newfile, 'Messages' );
@@ -439,14 +415,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
return $saveResults ? 0 : array();
- return self::compareLanguageArrays(
- $langcode,
- $old_messages,
- $new_messages,
- $verbose,
- $forbiddenKeys,
- $saveResults
- );
+ return self::compareLanguageArrays( $langcode, $old_messages, $new_messages, $verbose, $forbiddenKeys, $saveResults );
@@ -480,14 +449,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
// Find the changed english strings.
- $forbiddenKeys = self::compareLanguageArrays(
- 'en',
- $old_messages['en'],
- $new_messages['en'],
- $verbose,
- array(),
- false
- );
+ $forbiddenKeys = self::compareLanguageArrays( 'en', $old_messages['en'], $new_messages['en'], $verbose, array(), false );
// Do an update for each language.
foreach ( $new_messages as $language => $messages ) {
@@ -499,14 +461,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
$old_messages[$language] = array();
- $updates += self::compareLanguageArrays(
- $language,
- $old_messages[$language],
- $messages,
- $verbose,
- $forbiddenKeys,
- true
- );
+ $updates += self::compareLanguageArrays( $language, $old_messages[$language], $messages, $verbose, $forbiddenKeys, true );
// And log some stuff.
@@ -518,7 +473,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
* Checks whether a messages file has a certain hash.
- * @todo Swap return values, this is insane
+ * TODO: Swap return values, this is insane
* @param $file string Filename
* @param $hash string Hash
@@ -527,12 +482,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
public static function checkHash( $file, $hash ) {
$hashes = self::readFile( 'hashes' );
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- $return = $hashes[$file] !== $hash;
- wfRestoreWarnings();
- return $return;
+ return @$hashes[$file] !== $hash;
@@ -564,7 +514,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
if ( isset( $_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER ) ) {
wfDebug( $log . "\n" );
} else {
- print "$log\n";
+ print( $log . "\n" );
@@ -575,12 +525,10 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
public static function parsePHP( $php, $varname ) {
try {
- $reader = new QuickArrayReader( "<?php $php" );
+ $reader = new QuickArrayReader("<?php $php");
return $reader->getVar( $varname );
- } catch ( Exception $e ) {
+ } catch( Exception $e ) {
self::myLog( "Failed to read file: " . $e );
return false;
@@ -611,9 +559,7 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
public static function readFile( $lang ) {
if ( !isset( self::$filecache[$lang] ) ) {
$file = self::filename( $lang );
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- $contents = file_get_contents( $file );
- wfRestoreWarnings();
+ $contents = @file_get_contents( $file );
if ( $contents === false ) {
wfDebug( "Failed to read file '$file'\n" );
@@ -640,12 +586,11 @@ class LocalisationUpdate {
public static function writeFile( $lang, $var ) {
$file = self::filename( $lang );
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- if ( !file_put_contents( $file, serialize( $var ) ) ) {
+ if ( !@file_put_contents( $file, serialize( $var ) ) ) {
throw new MWException( "Failed to write to file '$file'" );
- wfRestoreWarnings();
self::$filecache[$lang] = $var;
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.i18n.php b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.i18n.php
index 0e73e3bc..c45af9e2 100644
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.i18n.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
$messages = array();
/** English
@@ -102,14 +102,7 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
'localisationupdate-desc' => 'Manté els missatges localitzats tan actualitzats com sigui possible',
-/** Chechen (нохчийн)
- * @author Умар
- */
-$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'localisationupdate-desc' => 'Таро ма хуьйла хаамашан болх бан гӀо до',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Mormegil
$messages['cs'] = array(
@@ -311,10 +304,9 @@ $messages['ksh'] = array(
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Robby
- * @author Soued031
$messages['lb'] = array(
- 'localisationupdate-desc' => 'hält déi lokaliséiert Messagen sou aktuell wéi méiglech.',
+ 'localisationupdate-desc' => 'hält déi lokaliséiert Messagen esou aktuell wéi méiglech.',
/** Macedonian (македонÑки)
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php
index f73304cd..abec5406 100644
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php
+++ b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
$wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = false;
* These should point to either an HTTP-accessible file or local file system.
* $1 is the name of the repo (for extensions) and $2 is the name of file in the repo.
@@ -18,8 +19,7 @@ $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = false;
$wgLocalisationUpdateCoreURL = "$4";
-$wgLocalisationUpdateExtensionURL =
- "$3.git/HEAD/$4";
+$wgLocalisationUpdateExtensionURL = "$3.git/HEAD/$4";
/// Deprecated
$wgLocalisationUpdateSVNURL = false;
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ $wgLocalisationUpdateRetryAttempts = 5;
// Info about me!
$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
- 'path' => __FILE__,
- 'name' => 'LocalisationUpdate',
- 'author' => array( 'Tom Maaswinkel', 'Niklas Laxström', 'Roan Kattouw' ),
- 'version' => '1.0',
- 'url' => '',
+ 'path' => __FILE__,
+ 'name' => 'LocalisationUpdate',
+ 'author' => array( 'Tom Maaswinkel', 'Niklas Laxström', 'Roan Kattouw' ),
+ 'version' => '1.0',
+ 'url' => '',
'descriptionmsg' => 'localisationupdate-desc',
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/QuickArrayReader.php b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/QuickArrayReader.php
index 453032f2..214d5a61 100644
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/QuickArrayReader.php
+++ b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/QuickArrayReader.php
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* order of magnitude slower than eval().
class QuickArrayReader {
- private $vars = array();
+ var $vars = array();
* @param $string string
@@ -27,100 +27,96 @@ class QuickArrayReader {
$tokens = token_get_all( $string );
$count = count( $tokens );
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; ) {
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
+ for( $i = 0; $i < $count; ) {
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
- switch ( $tokens[$i][0] ) {
- case T_OPEN_TAG:
- $i++;
- continue;
- case T_VARIABLE:
- // '$messages' -> 'messages'
- $varname = trim( substr( $tokens[$i][1], 1 ) );
- $varindex = null;
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( $tokens[$i] === '[' ) {
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( isset( $scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
- $varindex = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
- } else {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], 'scalar index' );
- }
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ switch( $tokens[$i][0] ) {
+ case T_OPEN_TAG:
+ $i++;
+ continue;
+ case T_VARIABLE:
+ // '$messages' -> 'messages'
+ $varname = trim( substr( $tokens[$i][1], 1 ) );
+ $varindex = null;
- if ( $tokens[$i] !== ']' ) {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], ']' );
- }
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- }
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( $tokens[$i] !== '=' ) {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], '=' );
- }
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( isset( $scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
- $buildval = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
- } elseif ( $tokens[$i][0] === T_ARRAY ) {
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( $tokens[$i] !== '(' ) {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], '(' );
- }
- $buildval = array();
- do {
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( $tokens[$i] === ')' ) {
- break;
- }
- if ( isset( $scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
- $key = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
- }
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( $tokens[$i][0] !== T_DOUBLE_ARROW ) {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], '=>' );
- }
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( isset( $scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
- $val = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
- }
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- $buildval[$key] = $val;
- wfRestoreWarnings();
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( $tokens[$i] === ',' ) {
- continue;
- } elseif ( $tokens[$i] === ')' ) {
- break;
- } else {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], ', or )' );
- }
- } while ( true );
+ if( $tokens[$i] === '[' ) {
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( isset($scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
+ $varindex = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
} else {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], 'scalar or array' );
+ throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], 'scalar index' );
- if ( is_null( $varindex ) ) {
- $this->vars[$varname] = $buildval;
- } else {
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- $this->vars[$varname][$varindex] = $buildval;
- wfRestoreWarnings();
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( $tokens[$i] !== ']' ) {
+ throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], ']' );
- while ( isset( $skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
- if ( $tokens[$i] !== ';' ) {
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], ';' );
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ }
+ if( $tokens[$i] !== '=' ) {
+ throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], '=' );
+ }
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( isset($scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
+ $buildval = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
+ } elseif( $tokens[$i][0] === T_ARRAY ) {
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( $tokens[$i] !== '(' ) {
+ throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], '(' );
- $i++;
- break;
- default:
- throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], 'open tag, whitespace, or variable.' );
+ $buildval = array();
+ do {
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( $tokens[$i] === ')' ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if( isset($scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
+ $key = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
+ }
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( $tokens[$i][0] !== T_DOUBLE_ARROW ) {
+ throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], '=>' );
+ }
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( isset($scalarTypes[$tokens[$i][0]] ) ) {
+ $val = $this->parseScalar( $tokens[$i] );
+ }
+ @$buildval[$key] = $val;
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( $tokens[$i] === ',' ) {
+ continue;
+ } elseif( $tokens[$i] === ')' ) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], ', or )' );
+ }
+ } while(true);
+ } else {
+ throw $this->except( $tokens[$i], 'scalar or array' );
+ }
+ if( is_null( $varindex ) ) {
+ $this->vars[$varname] = $buildval;
+ } else {
+ @$this->vars[$varname][$varindex] = $buildval;
+ }
+ while( isset($skipTypes[$tokens[++$i][0]] ) );
+ if( $tokens[$i] !== ';' ) {
+ throw $this->except($tokens[$i], ';');
+ }
+ $i++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw $this->except($tokens[$i], 'open tag, whitespace, or variable.');
@@ -131,12 +127,11 @@ class QuickArrayReader {
* @return Exception
private function except( $got, $expected ) {
- if ( is_array( $got ) ) {
+ if( is_array( $got ) ) {
$got = token_name( $got[0] ) . " ('" . $got[1] . "')";
} else {
$got = "'" . $got . "'";
return new Exception( "Expected $expected, got $got" );
@@ -148,42 +143,30 @@ class QuickArrayReader {
* @return mixed Parsed value
function parseScalar( $token ) {
- if ( is_array( $token ) ) {
+ if( is_array( $token ) ) {
$str = $token[1];
} else {
$str = $token;
- if ( $str !== '' && $str[0] == '\'' ) {
+ if ( $str !== '' && $str[0] == '\'' )
// Single-quoted string
// @fixme trim() call is due to mystery bug where whitespace gets
// appended to the token; without it we ended up reading in the
// extra quote on the end!
return strtr( substr( trim( $str ), 1, -1 ),
array( '\\\'' => '\'', '\\\\' => '\\' ) );
- }
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- if ( $str !== '' && $str[0] == '"' ) {
+ if ( $str !== '' && @$str[0] == '"' )
// Double-quoted string
// @fixme trim() call is due to mystery bug where whitespace gets
// appended to the token; without it we ended up reading in the
// extra quote on the end!
return stripcslashes( substr( trim( $str ), 1, -1 ) );
- }
- wfRestoreWarnings();
- if ( substr( $str, 0, 4 ) === 'true' ) {
+ if ( substr( $str, 0, 4 ) === 'true' )
return true;
- }
- if ( substr( $str, 0, 5 ) === 'false' ) {
+ if ( substr( $str, 0, 5 ) === 'false' )
return false;
- }
- if ( substr( $str, 0, 4 ) === 'null' ) {
+ if ( substr( $str, 0, 4 ) === 'null' )
return null;
- }
// Must be some kind of numeric value, so let PHP's weak typing
// be useful for a change
return $str;
@@ -194,7 +177,7 @@ class QuickArrayReader {
* @return null|string
function getVar( $varname ) {
- if ( isset( $this->vars[$varname] ) ) {
+ if( isset( $this->vars[$varname] ) ) {
return $this->vars[$varname];
} else {
return null;
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/README b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 3df784b5..00000000
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-== Localisation Update ==
-Localisation Update extension can update the MediaWiki messages at any time,
-without needing to upgrade the MediaWiki software.
-For more information see:
-== Installation ==
-1. Add the following to LocalSettings.php of your MediaWiki setup:
- require_once "$IP/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php";
- $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = "$IP/cache";
-2. Create a cache folder in the installation directory, and be sure the server
-has permissions to write on it.
-If localization updates don't seem to come through, you may need to run,
- php maintenance/rebuildLocalisationCache.php --force.
-3. Whenever you want to run an update, run,
- php extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php
-For detailed help, see:
- php extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php --help
-4. If you are on Unix like system, you should add LocalisationUpdate to
- crontab -e
- # Add the following line
- @daily php /path/to/your/wiki/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php --quiet
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/README_FIRST.txt b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/README_FIRST.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3973c435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/README_FIRST.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+To install this extension first include
+LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php in your LocalSettings.php
+Then add the required new tables to your database by running
+php maintenance/update.php on the command line.
+Whenever you want to run an update, run
+php extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php on the command line.
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/tests/tokenTest.php b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/tests/tokenTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b71cc46..00000000
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/tests/tokenTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-$IP = strval( getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) !== ''
- ? getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' )
- : realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../../../" );
-require_once "$IP/maintenance/";
-function evalExtractArray( $php, $varname ) {
- eval( $php );
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- return $$varname;
- wfRestoreWarnings();
-function confExtractArray( $php, $varname ) {
- try {
- $ce = new ConfEditor( "<?php $php" );
- $vars = $ce->getVars();
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- $retval = $vars[$varname];
- wfRestoreWarnings();
- } catch ( Exception $e ) {
- print $e . "\n";
- $retval = null;
- }
- return $retval;
-function quickTokenExtractArray( $php, $varname ) {
- $reader = new QuickArrayReader( "<?php $php" );
- return $reader->getVar( $varname );
-if ( count( $args ) ) {
- $sources = $args;
-} else {
- $sources =
- array_merge(
- glob( "$IP/extensions/*/*.i18n.php" ),
- glob( "$IP/languages/messages/Messages*.php" ) );
-foreach ( $sources as $sourceFile ) {
- $rel = basename( $sourceFile );
- $out = str_replace( '/', '-', $rel );
- $sourceData = file_get_contents( $sourceFile );
- if ( preg_match( '!extensions/!', $sourceFile ) ) {
- $sourceData = LocalisationUpdate::cleanupExtensionFile( $sourceData );
- $items = 'langs';
- } else {
- $sourceData = LocalisationUpdate::cleanupFile( $sourceData );
- $items = 'messages';
- }
- file_put_contents( "$out.txt", $sourceData );
- $start = microtime( true );
- $eval = evalExtractArray( $sourceData, 'messages' );
- $deltaEval = microtime( true ) - $start;
- $start = microtime( true );
- $quick = quickTokenExtractArray( $sourceData, 'messages' );
- $deltaQuick = microtime( true ) - $start;
- $start = microtime( true );
- $token = confExtractArray( $sourceData, 'messages' );
- $deltaToken = microtime( true ) - $start;
- $hashEval = md5( serialize( $eval ) );
- $hashToken = md5( serialize( $token ) );
- $hashQuick = md5( serialize( $quick ) );
- $countEval = count( (array)$eval );
- $countToken = count( (array)$token );
- $countQuick = count( (array)$quick );
- printf( "%s %s %d $items - %0.1fms - eval\n",
- $rel, $hashEval, $countEval, $deltaEval * 1000 );
- printf( "%s %s %d $items - %0.1fms - QuickArrayReader\n",
- $rel, $hashQuick, $countQuick, $deltaQuick * 1000 );
- printf( "%s %s %d $items - %0.1fms - ConfEditor\n",
- $rel, $hashToken, $countToken, $deltaToken * 1000 );
- if ( $hashEval !== $hashToken || $hashEval !== $hashQuick ) {
- echo "FAILED on $rel\n";
- file_put_contents( "$out-eval.txt", var_export( $eval, true ) );
- file_put_contents( "$out-token.txt", var_export( $token, true ) );
- file_put_contents( "$out-quick.txt", var_export( $quick, true ) );
- #die("check eval.txt and token.txt\n");
- }
- echo "\n";
-echo "ok\n";
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php
index 04ea64c7..750fc4f2 100644
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php
+++ b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/update.php
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ $IP = strval( getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) !== ''
: realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../../" );
// TODO: migrate to maintenance class
-require_once "$IP/maintenance/";
+require_once( "$IP/maintenance/" );
-if ( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
+if( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
print "Fetches updated localisation files from MediaWiki development SVN\n";
print "and saves into local database to merge with release defaults.\n";
print "\n";
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ if ( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
exit( 0 );
$starttime = microtime( true );
// Prevent the script from timing out
diff --git a/extensions/Nuke/.gitreview b/extensions/Nuke/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index c623aede..00000000
--- a/extensions/Nuke/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Nuke/COPYING b/extensions/Nuke/COPYING
index d159169d..f1537d13 100644
--- a/extensions/Nuke/COPYING
+++ b/extensions/Nuke/COPYING
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+The license text below "----" applies to all files within this distribution, other
+than those that are in a directory which contains files named "LICENSE" or
+"COPYING", or a subdirectory thereof. For those files, the license text contained in
+said file overrides any license information contained in directories of smaller depth.
+Alternative licenses are typically used for software that is provided by external
+parties, and merely packaged with the Semantic MediaWiki release for convenience.
Version 2, June 1991
diff --git a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.alias.php b/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.alias.php
index be9f3450..0b27b4a5 100644
--- a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.alias.php
+++ b/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.alias.php
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ $specialPageAliases['dsb'] = array(
/** Spanish (español) */
$specialPageAliases['es'] = array(
- 'Nuke' => array( 'BorradoMasivo', 'Borrado_en_masa', 'Borrado_masivo' ),
+ 'Nuke' => array( 'BorradoMasivo', 'Borrado_en_masa' ),
/** Estonian (eesti) */
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ $specialPageAliases['nl'] = array(
/** Norwegian Nynorsk (norsk nynorsk) */
$specialPageAliases['nn'] = array(
- 'Nuke' => array( 'Massesletting', 'Masseslett' ),
+ 'Nuke' => array( 'Massesletting' ),
/** Polish (polski) */
diff --git a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.hooks.php b/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.hooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fddcf51a..00000000
--- a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.hooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-class NukeHooks {
- /**
- * Shows link to Special:Nuke on Special:Contributions/username if applicable
- *
- * @param $userId Integer
- * @param $userPageTitle Title
- * @param $toolLinks Array
- *
- * @return true
- */
- public static function nukeContributionsLinks( $userId, $userPageTitle, &$toolLinks ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'nuke' ) ) {
- $toolLinks[] = Linker::link(
- SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Nuke' ),
- wfMessage( 'nuke-linkoncontribs' )->escaped(),
- array( 'title' => wfMessage( 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' )->text() ),
- array( 'target' => $userPageTitle->getText() )
- );
- }
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.i18n.php b/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.i18n.php
index 2b4a9abb..f72d208d 100644
--- a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.i18n.php
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ Input the username or IP address to get a list of pages to delete, or leave blan
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'There are no new pages in [[Special:RecentChanges|recent changes]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'view changes',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Limit to namespace:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'mass delete',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => "Mass delete pages where this user is the only author",
/** Message documentation (Message documentation)
@@ -58,9 +56,8 @@ Input the username or IP address to get a list of pages to delete, or leave blan
$messages['qqq'] = array(
'nuke' => '{{doc-special|Nuke}}
-The Nuke extension allows for sysops to delete a large number of pages ("Mass delete").
-For more information, see
-{{Identical|Mass delete}}',
+The Nuke extension allows for sysops to delete a large number of pages ("Mass delete").
+For more information, see',
'action-nuke' => '{{doc-action|nuke}}',
'nuke-desc' => '{{desc|name=Nuke|url=}}
The Nuke extension allows for sysops to delete a large number of pages ("Mass delete").',
@@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ Parameters:
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Submit button to delete the selected pages.',
'right-nuke' => '{{doc-right|nuke}}',
'nuke-select' => 'Parameters:
-* $1 - two links: {{msg-mw|Powersearch-toggleall}} and {{msg-mw|Powersearch-togglenone}} which respectively selects all pages and de-selects all
+* $1 - two links: {{msg-mw|Powersearch-toggleall}} and {{msg-mw|Powersearch-togglenone}} which respectively selects all pages and de-selects all
'nuke-userorip' => 'Used as label for "target" input box.',
@@ -124,16 +121,8 @@ The link points to History page of the page.
This message follows:
* {{msg-mw|nuke-editby}} and {{msg-mw|comma-separator}}
-* or empty string (if username is empty).
-{{Identical|View changes}}',
+* or empty string (if username is empty).',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Label shown on [[Special:Nuke]] in front of the namespace input that allows choosing a namespace to filter the search by',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'Used as link text which is used on [[Special:Contributions]] and [[Special:DeletedContributions]].
-Only added if a user has rights to nuke pages.
-The link has the tooltip {{msg-mw|Nuke-linkoncontribs-text}}.
-{{Identical|Mass delete}}',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Tooltip for the link which is labeled {{msg-mw|Nuke-linkoncontribs}}.',
/** Afrikaans (Afrikaans)
@@ -239,10 +228,8 @@ $messages['arz'] = array(
/** Assamese (অসমীয়া)
* @author Bishnu Saikia
- * @author Gitartha.bordoloi
$messages['as'] = array(
- 'nuke' => 'সমূহীয়া বিলোপন',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'যাওক',
@@ -275,8 +262,6 @@ un comentariu y calca nel botón pa desaniciales.',
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Nun hai páxines nueves nos [[Special:RecentChanges|cambios recientes]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'ver los cambios',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Llendar al espaciu de nomes:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'desaniciar en masa',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => "Desaniciar en masa les páxines nes qu'esti usuariu ye l'únicu autor",
/** Azerbaijani (azərbaycanca)
@@ -428,7 +413,7 @@ Merkañ un tamm notenn ha klikañ war ar bouton d'o diverkañ.", # Fuzzy
Lakait un notenn ha klikit war ar bouton evit o diverkañ.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Diverkañ a-vras ar pajennoù bet ouzhpennet gant $1', # Fuzzy
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Diverkañ a-vras ar pajennoù nevez-ouzhpennet',
- 'nuke-tools' => "Talvezout a ra an ostilh-mañ da ziverkañ a-vras pajennoù bet ouzhpennet nevez zo gant un implijer enrollet pe gant ur chomlec'h IP.
+ 'nuke-tools' => "Talvezout a ra an ostilh-mañ da ziverkañ a-vras pajennoù bet ouzhpennet nevez zo gant un implijer enrollet pe gant ur chomlec'h IP.
Merkañ ar c'homlec'h IP pe anv an implijer evit kaout roll ar pajennoù da ziverkañ, pe lezel gwenn evit an holl implijerien.",
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Mont',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Dilemel ar re diuzet',
@@ -458,7 +443,7 @@ navedite razloge i komentare te kliknite na dugme da bi ste ih obrisali.', # Fuz
stavite ih u komentar i pritisnite dugme za njihovo brisanje.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Masovno uklanjanje stranica koje je dodao $1', # Fuzzy
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'više korisnika', # Fuzzy
- 'nuke-tools' => 'Ovaj alat omogućuje masovno brisanje stranica koje je nedavno dodao određeni korisnik ili IP adresa.
+ 'nuke-tools' => 'Ovaj alat omogućuje masovno brisanje stranica koje je nedavno dodao određeni korisnik ili IP adresa.
Unesite korisniÄko ime ili IP adresu za izlistavanje stranica koje se briÅ¡u ili ostavite prazno za prikaz svih korisnika.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Idi',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'ObriÅ¡i oznaÄeno',
@@ -471,41 +456,22 @@ Unesite korisniÄko ime ili IP adresu za izlistavanje stranica koje se briÅ¡u il
/** Catalan (català)
* @author Aleator
- * @author Alvaro Vidal-Abarca
* @author Paucabot
* @author SMP
* @author Toniher
- * @author Vriullop
$messages['ca'] = array(
'nuke' => 'Eliminació massiva',
- 'action-nuke' => 'eliminació massiva',
'nuke-desc' => "Dóna als administradors l'habilitat d'[[Special:Nuke|esborrar pàgines massivament]]",
- 'nuke-nopages' => 'No hi ha pàgines noves de [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] als canvis recents.',
- 'nuke-list' => 'Les següents pàgines han estat creades recentment per [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]];
-afegiu un comentari i cliqueu el botó per a esborrar-les.',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Les següents pàgines han estat creades recentment;
-afegiu un comentari i cliqueu el botó per a esborrar-les.',
- 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Esborrat massiu de pàgines creades per [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
- 'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Esborrat massiu de pàgines creades recentment',
+ 'nuke-nopages' => 'No hi ha pàgines noves de [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] als canvis recents.', # Fuzzy
+ 'nuke-list' => 'Les següents pàgines han estat creades recentment per [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]];
+feu un comentari i cliqueu el botó per a esborrar-les.', # Fuzzy
+ 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Esborrat massiu de pàgines creades per $1', # Fuzzy
'nuke-tools' => "Aquesta eina permet l'eliminació massiva de pàgines creades recentment per un usuari o IP.
-Indiqueu el nom d'usuari o adreça IP per obtenir la llista de pàgines a esborrar, o deixeu-ho en blanc per tots els usuaris.",
+Per obtenir la llista de pàgines per esborrar podeu introduir el nom d'un usuari o una IP.",
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Vés-hi',
- 'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Esborra els seleccionats',
+ 'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Esborra la selecció',
'right-nuke' => 'Esborrar pàgines de forma massiva',
- 'nuke-select' => 'Selecciona: $1',
- 'nuke-userorip' => "Nom d'usuari, adreça IP o en blanc:",
- 'nuke-maxpages' => 'Nombre màxim de pàgines:',
- 'nuke-editby' => 'Creada per [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
- 'nuke-deleted' => "La pàgina '''$1''' ha estat esborrada.",
- 'nuke-not-deleted' => "La pàgina [[:$1]] '''no s'ha pogut''' esborrar.",
- 'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Esborra més pàgines]]',
- 'nuke-pattern' => 'Patró pel nom de pàgina:',
- 'nuke-nopages-global' => 'No hi ha cap pàgina nova als [[Special:RecentChanges|canvis recents]].',
- 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'mostra els canvis',
- 'nuke-namespace' => "Limitat a l'espai de noms:",
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'eliminació massiva',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => "Eliminació massiva de pàgines on aquest usuari és l'únic autor",
/** Chechen (нохчийн)
@@ -513,9 +479,8 @@ Indiqueu el nom d'usuari o adreça IP per obtenir la llista de pàgines a esborr
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'nuke' => 'Дуккха дӀаÑккхар',
+ 'nuke' => 'Дуккха дӀÑккхар',
'action-nuke' => 'дуккха агIонаш дӀаÑхар',
- 'nuke-desc' => 'Куьйгалхошна таро хуьлуьйту [[Special:Nuke|дуккха агӀонаш]] дӀаÑха',
'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Лахахь гайтина агӀонаш дукху хан йоцуш кхолийна.
Уьш дӀаÑха билгалонаш Ӏадйите тӀетаӀе кнопка.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Декъашхочо $1 кхоьллина агIонаш, дуккха дӀаÑхар', # Fuzzy
@@ -527,12 +492,9 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'nuke-userorip' => 'Декъашхочун цӀе, IP-Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ (еÑа йита мега):',
'nuke-maxpages' => 'ÐгӀонашан макÑимальни дукхалла:',
'nuke-editby' => 'Кхолийна {{GENDER:$1|декъашхочо}} [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]',
- 'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Дуккха агӀонаш дӀаÑхар]]',
'nuke-pattern' => 'Кеп агӀона цӀеран:',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'ХӀоттина болу хийцам',
'nuke-namespace' => 'КъаÑтае ана цӀераш:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'дуккха дӀаÑккхар',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'ХӀокху декъашхочо кхоьллина агӀонаш маÑÑо дӀаÑха',
/** Chamorro (Chamoru)
@@ -549,11 +511,10 @@ $messages['ckb'] = array(
'right-nuke' => 'سڕینەوەی پەڕەکان بەکۆمەڵ',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Jkjk
* @author Li-sung
- * @author Littledogboy
* @author Matěj Grabovský
* @author Mormegil
@@ -566,8 +527,8 @@ $messages['cs'] = array(
vyplňte komentář a vÅ¡echny smažte kliknutím na tlaÄítko.',
'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Nedávno byly vytvořeny následující stránky;
zadáním komentáře a stisknutím tlaÄítka je smažete.',
- 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Hromadné smazání stránek, které {{GENDER:$1|vytvořil|vytvořila}} [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]',
- 'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Hromadné smazání nedávno založených stránek',
+ 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Hromadné odstranění stránek, které {{GENDER:$1|vytvořil|vytvořila}} [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]',
+ 'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Hromadné odstranění nedávno založených stránek',
'nuke-tools' => 'Tento nástroj umožňuje hromadné smazání stránek nedávno vytvořených zadaným uživatelem nebo IP adresou.
Zadejte uživatelské jméno nebo IP adresu, zobrazí se seznam stránek ke smazání; případně ponechte prázdné pro všechny uživatele.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Provést',
@@ -584,8 +545,6 @@ Zadejte uživatelské jméno nebo IP adresu, zobrazí se seznam stránek ke smaz
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'V [[Special:RecentChanges|posledních změnách]] nejsou žádné nové stránky.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'ukázat změny',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Omezit na jmenný prostor:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'hromadné mazání',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Hromadně smazat stránky, jichž je tento uživatel jediným autorem',
/** Danish (dansk)
@@ -626,7 +585,6 @@ Skriv et brugernavn eller en IP-adresse for at få en liste over sider at slette
* @author Geitost
* @author Kghbln
* @author Metalhead64
- * @author Purodha
* @author Raimond Spekking
* @author SVG
@@ -657,8 +615,6 @@ Gib die IP-Adresse oder den Benutzernamen ein, um eine Liste der zu löschenden
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Es gibt keine neuen Seiten unter den [[Special:RecentChanges|letzten Änderungen]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'Änderungen ansehen',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Auf den folgenden Namensraum begrenzen:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'Massenlöschungen',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Massengelöschte Seiten, bei denen dieser Benutzer der einzige Autor ist.',
/** German (formal address) (Deutsch (Sie-Form)‎)
@@ -694,7 +650,7 @@ Listanê peleyê ke besternaya vinayışi rê namey karberi yana ip adresi deker
'right-nuke' => 'pelan yew hew de hewnaker',
'nuke-select' => 'Weçinaye: $1',
'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Zewbi pera besterne]]',
- 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'vurnayışan bıvêne',
+ 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'Vurnayışa bıvin',
/** Lower Sorbian (dolnoserbski)
@@ -726,8 +682,6 @@ zapódaj komentar a klikni na tłocašk, aby je wulašował.',
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Njejsu žedne nowe boki w [[Special:RecentChanges|aktualnych změnach]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'změny pokazaś',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Na slědujucy mjenjowy rum wobgranicowaś:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'masowe wulašowanje',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Bok masowego wulaÅ¡owanja, źož toÅ› ten wužywaÅ• jo jadnuÄki awtor',
/** Ewe (eʋegbe)
@@ -866,8 +820,6 @@ Kustutatavate lehekülgede nimekirja näitamiseks sisesta kasutajanimi või IP-a
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|Viimaste muudatuste]] all pole uusi lehekülgi.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'vaata muudatusi',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Nimeruumipiirang:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'lauskustutamine',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Lauskustuta leheküljed, mille ainus autor on see kasutaja',
/** Basque (euskara)
@@ -887,7 +839,6 @@ idatz ezazu ohar bat, eta sakatu botoia orri horiek ezabatzeko.',
/** Persian (Ùارسی)
- * @author Armin1392
* @author Ebraminio
* @author Huji
* @author Mjbmr
@@ -914,25 +865,21 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
'nuke-userorip' => 'نام کاربری، نشانی آی‌پی یا خالی:',
'nuke-maxpages' => 'حداکثر تعداد صÙحه‌ها:',
'nuke-editby' => 'ایجاد شده توسط [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
- 'nuke-deleted' => "صÙحهٔ '''$1''' حذ٠شده‌است.",
+ 'nuke-deleted' => "صÙحهٔ '''$1''' حذ٠شده است.",
'nuke-not-deleted' => "صÙحهٔ [[:$1]] را '''نمی‌توان''' حذ٠کرد.",
'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|حذ٠صÙحه‌های بیشتر]]',
'nuke-pattern' => 'الگو برای نام صÙحه:',
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'هیچ صÙحهٔ جدیدی در [[Special:RecentChanges|Ùهرست تغییرات اخیر]] نیست.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'نمایش تغییرات',
'nuke-namespace' => 'محدودیت به Ùضای نام:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'حذ٠گروه',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'حذ٠دستهٔ صÙحات جایی Ú©Ù‡ این کاربر تنها نویسنده است',
/** Finnish (suomi)
* @author Beluga
* @author Crt
* @author Jaakonam
- * @author Mies
* @author Nike
* @author Olli
- * @author Pxos
* @author Stryn
$messages['fi'] = array(
@@ -941,15 +888,15 @@ $messages['fi'] = array(
'nuke-desc' => 'Mahdollistaa ylläpitäjille sivujen [[Special:Nuke|massapoistamisen]].',
'nuke-nopages' => 'Ei käyttäjän [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] lisäämiä uusia sivuja tuoreissa muutoksissa.',
'nuke-list' => 'Käyttäjä [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] on äskettäin luonut seuraavat sivut.
-Lisää kommentti ja poista sivut napsauttamalla painiketta.',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Seuraavat sivut on luotu äskettäin.
-Lisää kommentti ja poista sivut napsauttamalla painiketta.',
+Lisää kommentti ja poista napsauttamalla painiketta.',
+ 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Seuraavat sivut tehtiin äskettäin.
+Lisää kommentti ja poista napsauttamalla painiketta.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Käyttäjän [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] lisäämien sivujen massapoistaminen',
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Äskettäin lisättyjen sivujen massapoistaminen',
'nuke-tools' => 'Tämä työkalu mahdollistaa äskettäin lisättyjen sivujen massapoistamisen käyttäjänimen tai IP-osoitteen perusteella.
Kirjoita käyttäjänimi tai IP-osoite, niin saat listan poistettavista sivuista, tai jätä kenttä tyhjäksi niin saat kaikkien käyttäjien tekemät sivut.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Siirry',
- 'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Poista valitut sivut',
+ 'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Poista valitut',
'right-nuke' => 'Massapoistaa sivuja',
'nuke-select' => 'Valinta: $1',
'nuke-userorip' => 'Käyttäjänimi tai IP-osoite (voi jättää myös tyhjäksi):',
@@ -957,13 +904,11 @@ Kirjoita käyttäjänimi tai IP-osoite, niin saat listan poistettavista sivuista
'nuke-editby' => 'Luonut [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
'nuke-deleted' => "Sivu '''$1''' on poistettu.",
'nuke-not-deleted' => "Sivua [[:$1]] '''ei voitu''' poistaa.",
- 'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Poista enemmän sivuja]]',
- 'nuke-pattern' => 'Malli sivun nimelle:',
+ 'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Poista lisää sivuja]]',
+ 'nuke-pattern' => 'Sivun nimien etuliite',
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|Tuoreissa muutoksissa]] ei ole uusia sivuja.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'näytä muutokset',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Rajoita nimiavaruuteen:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'massapoisto',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Massapoista ne sivut, joissa tämä käyttäjä on ainoa sivuja muokannut',
/** French (français)
@@ -985,7 +930,7 @@ $messages['fr'] = array(
'nuke-desc' => 'Donne la possibilité aux administrateurs de [[Special:Nuke|supprimer en masse]] des pages',
'nuke-nopages' => 'Aucune nouvelle page créée par [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] dans la liste des changements récents.',
'nuke-list' => 'Les pages suivantes ont été créées récemment par [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]; saisissez un commentaire et cliquez sur le bouton pour les supprimer.',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Les pages suivantes ont été récemment créées ;
+ 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Les pages suivantes ont été récemment créées ;
entrez un commentaire et cliquez sur le bouton pour les supprimer.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Suppression en masse des pages ajoutées par [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Suppression de masse de pages récemment ajoutées',
@@ -1004,8 +949,6 @@ entrez un commentaire et cliquez sur le bouton pour les supprimer.',
'nuke-nopages-global' => "Il n'y a pas de nouvelle page dans [[Special:RecentChanges|changements récents]].",
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'voir les modifications',
'nuke-namespace' => "Se limiter à l'espace de nommage:",
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'suppression de masse',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Supprimer des pages en masse quand cet utilisateur est l’unique auteur',
/** Franco-Provençal (arpetan)
@@ -1040,41 +983,6 @@ Buchiér lo nom d’usanciér ou ben l’adrèce IP por avêr la lista de les pÃ
'nuke-namespace' => 'Sè limitar a cet’èspâço de noms :',
-/** Northern Frisian (Nordfriisk)
- * @author Murma174
- */
-$messages['frr'] = array(
- 'nuke' => 'Sidjen bonkerwiis strik',
- 'action-nuke' => 'sidjen bonkerwiis tu striken',
- 'nuke-desc' => 'Administratooren kön diarmä sidjen [[Special:Nuke|bonkerwiis strik]]',
- 'nuke-nopages' => 'Bi a „leetst feranrangen“ san nian nei sidjen faan [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]].',
- 'nuke-list' => 'Jodiar sidjen san faan [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] skrewen wurden.
-Skriiw ap, huaram dü jo strikst, an do trak üüb di knoop tu striken.',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Jodiar sidjen san jüst skrewen wurden.
-Skriiw ap, huaram dü jo strikst, an do trak üüb di knoop tu striken.',
- 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Sidjen faan [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] bonkerwiis strik',
- 'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Jüst skrewen sidjen bonkerwiis strik',
- 'nuke-tools' => 'Diarmä kön sidjen, diar faan en was IP of en wasen brüker skrewen wurden san, bonkerwiis stregen wurd.
-Skriiw diar det IP-adres of di brükernööm iin, an do könst dü det list faan sidjen sä, diar stregen wurd kön.
-Wan dü diar niks henskrafst, wurd aal a brükern uunwiset.',
- 'nuke-submit-user' => 'Widjer',
- 'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Enkelten strik',
- 'right-nuke' => 'Sidjen bonkerwiis strik',
- 'nuke-select' => 'Schük ütj: $1',
- 'nuke-userorip' => 'Brükernööm, IP-adres of niks:',
- 'nuke-maxpages' => 'Ei muar sidjen üs:',
- 'nuke-editby' => 'Skrewen faan [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
- 'nuke-deleted' => "Sidj '''„$1“''' as stregen wurden.",
- 'nuke-not-deleted' => "Sidj [[:$1]] '''küd ei''' stregen wurd.",
- 'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Muar sidjen strik]]',
- 'nuke-pattern' => 'Münster för di sidjnööm:',
- 'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Diar san nian sidjen uun a [[Special:RecentChanges|leetst feranrangen]].',
- 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'Feranrangen wise',
- 'nuke-namespace' => 'Bluas uun di nöömrüm:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'Bonkerwiis strik',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Bonkerwiis stregen sidjen, huar di brüker di iansagst skriiwer as.',
/** Friulian (furlan)
* @author Klenje
@@ -1114,8 +1022,6 @@ Introduza o nome do usuario ou enderezo IP para obter unha lista das páxinas pa
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Non hai páxinas novas nos [[Special:RecentChanges|cambios recentes]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'ollar os cambios',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Limitar ao espazo de nomes:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'eliminar en masa',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Eliminar en masa as páxinas das que este usuario é o único autor',
/** Ancient Greek (ἈÏχαία ἑλληνικὴ)
@@ -1176,10 +1082,8 @@ $messages['gv'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
* @author Amire80
* @author Guycn1
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Rotem Liss
* @author YaronSh
- * @author Yona b
$messages['he'] = array(
'nuke' => 'מחיקה מרובה',
@@ -1192,8 +1096,8 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
×× × ×›×ª×‘×• נימוק למחיקה ולחצו על הכפתור כדי למחוק ×ות×.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'הסרה מרובה של ×“×¤×™× ×©× ×•×¦×¨×• על־ידי [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]',
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'מחיקה מרובה של ×“×¤×™× ×©× ×•×¡×¤×• ל×חרונה',
- 'nuke-tools' => 'כלי ×–×” מ×פשר מחיקות המוניות של ×“×¤×™× ×©× ×•×¡×¤×• ל×חרונה על־ידי משתמש ×ו כתובת IP מסוימי×.
-כתבו ×ת ×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© ×ו כתובת ×”Ö¾IP כדי לקבל ×ת רשימת ×”×“×¤×™× ×œ×ž×—×™×§×”, ×ו הש×ירו ×ת השדה ריק עבור כל המשתמשי×.',
+ 'nuke-tools' => 'כלי ×–×” מ×פשר מחיקות המוניות של ×“×¤×™× ×©× ×•×¡×¤×• ל×חרונה על ידי משתמש ×ו כתובת IP מסוימי×.
+כתבו ×ת ×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© ×ו כתובת ×”Ö¾IP כדי לקבל ×ת רשימת ×”×“×¤×™× ×œ×ž×—×™×§×” ×ו הש×ירו ×ת השדה ×”×–×” ריק עבור כל המשתמשי×.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'הצגה',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'מחיקת ×”×“×¤×™× ×©× ×‘×—×¨×•',
'right-nuke' => 'מחיקה מרובה של דפי×',
@@ -1208,8 +1112,6 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => '×ין ×“×¤×™× ×—×“×©×™× ×‘[[Special:RecentChanges|×©×™× ×•×™×™× ×חרוני×]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'הצגת שינויי×',
'nuke-namespace' => 'להגביל למרחב השמות הב×:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'מחיקה מרובה',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'מחיקת ×“×¤×™× ×¨×‘×™× ×‘×”× ×ž×©×ª×ž×© ×–×” ×”×•× ×”×›×•×ª×‘ היחיד',
/** Hindi (हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€)
@@ -1257,7 +1159,6 @@ $messages['hil'] = array(
/** Croatian (hrvatski)
* @author Dalibor Bosits
* @author Dnik
- * @author MaGa
* @author Roberta F.
* @author SpeedyGonsales
@@ -1272,9 +1173,6 @@ $messages['hr'] = array(
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'ObriÅ¡i oznaÄeno',
'right-nuke' => 'Skupno brisanje stranica',
'nuke-select' => 'Odaberite: $1',
- 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'prikaži promjene',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'skupno brisanje',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Skupno brisanje stranica kojima je ovaj suradnik jedini autor',
/** Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbsce)
@@ -1305,8 +1203,6 @@ napisaj komentar a klikÅ„ na tłóÄatko, zo by je wuÅ¡mórnyÅ‚.',
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Njejsu žane nowe strony w [[Special:RecentChanges|aktualnych změnach]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'změny pokazać',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Na slědowacy mjenowy rum wobmjezować:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'masowe zhašenje',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Strony masoweho zhaÅ¡enja, hdźež tutón wužiwar je jeniÄki awtor',
/** Hungarian (magyar)
@@ -1384,7 +1280,7 @@ $messages['id'] = array(
'nuke-desc' => 'Memberikan kemampuan bagi pengurus untuk [[Special:Nuke|menghapus halaman secara massal]]',
'nuke-nopages' => 'Tak ditemukan halaman baru dari [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] di perubahan terbaru.',
'nuke-list' => 'Halaman berikut baru saja dibuat oleh [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]; berikan komentar dan tekan tombol untuk menghapus halaman-halaman tersebut.',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Halaman berikut baru dibuat;
+ 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Halaman berikut baru dibuat;
berikan komentar dan tekan tombol untuk menghapus.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Penghapusan masal halaman-halaman yang dibuat oleh [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Penghapusan masal halaman yang baru saja ditambahkan',
@@ -1417,9 +1313,9 @@ $messages['ig'] = array(
* @author Lam-ang
$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'nuke' => 'Paga-adduan nga panagikkat',
+ 'nuke' => 'Paga-adduan nga pinag-ikkat',
'action-nuke' => 'ikkaten dagiti panid',
- 'nuke-desc' => 'Ikkanna ti administrador ti abilidad iti [[Special:Nuke|adu a panagikkat]] kadagiti panid',
+ 'nuke-desc' => 'Ikkan na ti administrador ti abilidad nga [[Special:Nuke| paga-adduan nga pang-ikkat]] kadagit panid',
'nuke-nopages' => 'Awan dagiti baro a panid babaen ni [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] idiay kaudian abalbaliw.',
'nuke-list' => 'Dagiti sumaganad a panid ket kadamdamaan a pinartuat babaen ni [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]];
ikkam ti komentario ken pindutem ti buton tapno maikkatda.',
@@ -1443,8 +1339,6 @@ Ikabil ti nagan ti agar-aramat wenno IP address tapno maalam dagiti listaan dagi
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Awan dagiti baro a panid idiay [[Special:RecentChanges|kinaudian a pinagbaliw]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'kitaen dagiti sinukatan',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Patingga iti nagan a lugar:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'agikkat ti adu',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Agikkat ti adu a pampanid a ti agar-aramat ket isu laeng ti nagsurat',
/** Ido (Ido)
@@ -1521,8 +1415,6 @@ Inserisci il nome utente o l'indirizzo IP per la lista delle pagine da cancellar
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Non ci sono nuove pagine negli [[Special:RecentChanges|ultimi cambiamenti]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'vedi modifiche',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Limita al namespace:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'cancella massivamente',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => "Cancella massivamente le pagine dove questo utente è l'unico contributore",
/** Japanese (日本語)
@@ -1565,7 +1457,6 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|最近ã®æ›´æ–°]]ã«ã¯æ–°ã—ã„ページã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。',
'nuke-viewchanges' => '履歴を表示',
'nuke-namespace' => 'åå‰ç©ºé–“:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => '一括削除',
/** Jutish (jysk)
@@ -1637,9 +1528,7 @@ $messages['ka'] = array(
'nuke-deleted' => "გვერდი '''$1''' წáƒáƒ˜áƒ¨áƒáƒšáƒ.",
'nuke-not-deleted' => "გვერდი [[:$1]] წáƒáƒ¨áƒšáƒ '''შეუძლებელიáƒ'''.",
'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|მრáƒáƒ•áƒáƒšáƒ áƒ˜áƒªáƒ®áƒáƒ•áƒáƒœáƒ˜ გვერდების წáƒáƒ¨áƒšáƒ]]',
- 'nuke-pattern' => 'გვერდის სáƒáƒ®áƒ”ლის თáƒáƒ áƒ’ი:',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'ცვლილებების ჩვენებáƒ',
- 'nuke-namespace' => 'სáƒáƒ®áƒ”ლთრსივრცის შეზღუდვáƒ:',
/** Kazakh (Cyrillic script) (қазақша (кирил)‎)
@@ -1698,7 +1587,6 @@ $messages['kn'] = array(
* @author Albamhandae
* @author Klutzy
* @author Kwj2772
- * @author Priviet
* @author ToePeu
* @author ì•„ë¼
@@ -1729,17 +1617,13 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|최근 바뀜]]ì— ìƒˆ 문서가 없습니다.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'ì°¨ì´ ë³´ê¸°',
'nuke-namespace' => 'ì´ë¦„공간 제한:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => '문서 대량 삭제',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'ì´ ì‚¬ìš©ìžê°€ 유ì¼í•œ 기여ìžì¸ 문서를 대량 ì‚­ì œ',
/** Krio (Krio)
* @author Jose77
- * @author Protostar
$messages['kri'] = array(
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Go to am',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'mass delet',
/** Kinaray-a (Kinaray-a)
@@ -1797,7 +1681,6 @@ $messages['ku-latn'] = array(
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Les Meloures
* @author Robby
- * @author Soued031
$messages['lb'] = array(
'nuke' => 'Masseläschung',
@@ -1808,7 +1691,7 @@ $messages['lb'] = array(
'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Dës Säite goufe rezent gemaach;
setzt eng Bemierkung derbäi a klickt op de Knäppche fir se ze läschen.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Masseläschung vu Säiten, déi vum [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] ugefaang goufen',
- 'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Masse-Läschung vu Säiten déi rezent derbäigesat goufen',
+ 'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Masse-Läschung vu Säiten déi rezent derbäi gesat goufen',
'nuke-tools' => "Dësen Tool erlaabt vill Säite mateneen ze läschen, déi vun engem Benotzer oder vun enger IP-Adress ugeluecht goufen.
Gitt w.e.g. d'IP-Adress respektiv de Benotzer u fir eng Lëscht vun de Säiten ze kréien déi geläscht solle ginn, oder loosst et eidel fir all Benotzer.",
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Lass',
@@ -1825,8 +1708,6 @@ Gitt w.e.g. d'IP-Adress respektiv de Benotzer u fir eng Lëscht vun de Säiten z
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Et si keng nei Säiten an de [[Special:RecentChanges|rezenten Ännerungen]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'Ännerunge weisen',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Op dësen Nummraum limitéieren:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'Masseläschungen',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Massegeläschte Säite wou dëse Benotzer den eenzegen Auteur ass',
/** Limburgish (Limburgs)
@@ -1904,7 +1785,7 @@ $messages['mg'] = array(
$messages['min'] = array(
'nuke' => 'Pangapuihan masal',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Laman ko baru sajo dibuek;
+ 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Laman ko baru sajo dibuek;
agiah komentar dan takan tombol untuak mangapuih.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Pangapuihan masal laman-laman nan dibuek dek [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
'nuke-tools' => 'Pakakeh ko mamungkinkan pangapuihan masal laman-laman nan baru sajo dibuek jo sorang pangguno atau alamaik IP.
@@ -1951,8 +1832,6 @@ $messages['mk'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Ðема нови Ñтраници во [[Special:RecentChanges|Ñкорешните промени]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'прикажи промени',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Само во имен. проÑтор:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'маÑовно бришење',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'МаÑовното бришење на Ñтраници чиј единÑтвен автор е овој кориÑник',
/** Malayalam (മലയാളം)
@@ -1985,26 +1864,21 @@ $messages['ml'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|സമീപകാലമാറàµà´±à´™àµà´™à´³à´¿àµ½]] à´ªàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ താളàµà´•à´³àµŠà´¨àµà´¨àµà´®à´¿à´²àµà´².',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'മാറàµà´±à´™àµà´™àµ¾ കാണàµà´•',
'nuke-namespace' => 'à´ˆ നാമമേഖലയിൽ à´’à´¤àµà´•àµà´•àµà´•:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'കൂടàµà´Ÿ മായàµà´•àµà´•àµ½',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'à´ˆ ഉപയോകàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ കൂടàµà´Ÿà´¤àµà´¤àµ‹à´Ÿàµ† മായàµà´šàµà´š താളàµà´•àµ¾',
/** Marathi (मराठी)
* @author Kaustubh
- * @author V.narsikar
$messages['mr'] = array(
'nuke' => 'à¤à¤•à¤¦à¤® खूप पाने वगळा',
- 'nuke-desc' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤¬à¤‚धकांना [[Special:Nuke|गठà¥à¤ à¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¨à¥‡ वगळणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥€(मास डिलीट)]] कà¥à¤·à¤®à¤¤à¤¾ देते',
+ 'nuke-desc' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤¬à¤‚धकांना à¤à¤•à¤¾à¤šà¤µà¥‡à¤³à¥€ [[Special:Nuke|अनेक पाने वगळणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥€]] परवानगी देते',
'nuke-nopages' => '[[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] कडून अलीकडील बदलांमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ नवीन पाने नाहीत.', # Fuzzy
'nuke-list' => 'खालील पाने ही [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] ने अलिकडे वाढविलेली आहेत; शेरा दà¥à¤¯à¤¾ व वगळणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ कळीवर टिचकी दà¥à¤¯à¤¾.', # Fuzzy
'nuke-defaultreason' => '$1 ने नवीन वाढविलेली अनेक पाने à¤à¤•à¤¾à¤µà¥‡à¤³à¥€ वगळा', # Fuzzy
'nuke-tools' => 'हे उपकरण à¤à¤–ादà¥à¤¯à¤¾ विशिषà¥à¤Ÿ सदसà¥à¤¯ अथवा अंकपतà¥à¤¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¦à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¥‡ नवीन तयार करणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ आलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ पानांना à¤à¤•à¤¾à¤šà¤µà¥‡à¤³à¥€ वगळणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥€ संधी देते. सदसà¥à¤¯ नाव अथवा अंकपतà¥à¤¤à¤¾ दिलà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸ वगळणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ पानांची यादी मिळेल:', # Fuzzy
'nuke-submit-user' => 'जा',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'निवडलेले वगळा',
- 'right-nuke' => 'गठà¥à¤ à¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¨à¥‡ पाने वगळा',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'à¤à¤•à¤—ठà¥à¤ à¤¾ वगळा',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'ती पाने à¤à¤•à¤—ठà¥à¤ à¤¾ वगळा, जà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤‚चा हा सदसà¥à¤¯ à¤à¤•à¤®à¥‡à¤µ लेखक आहे',
+ 'right-nuke' => 'खूप पाने à¤à¤•à¤¤à¥à¤° वगळा',
/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
@@ -2037,8 +1911,6 @@ Isikan nama pengguna atau alamat IP untuk mendapat senarai laman yang hendak dik
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Tiada laman baru dalam [[Special:RecentChanges|perubahan terkini]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'lihat perubahan',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Had ruang nama:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'hapus pukal',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Hapus pukal halaman-halaman di mana pengguna ini satu-satunya pengarangnya',
/** Maltese (Malti)
@@ -2116,8 +1988,6 @@ Skriv et brukernavn eller en IP-adresse for å få en liste over sider som kan s
'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Slett flere sider]]',
'nuke-pattern' => 'Mønster for sidenavnet:',
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Det er ingen sider i [[Special:RecentChanges|siste endringer]].',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'masseslett',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Masseslett sider der denne brukeren er den eneste oppretteren',
/** Low German (Plattdüütsch)
@@ -2174,7 +2044,6 @@ $messages['niu'] = array(
/** Dutch (Nederlands)
* @author SPQRobin
* @author Siebrand
- * @author Sjoerddebruin
* @author Wiki13
$messages['nl'] = array(
@@ -2203,7 +2072,6 @@ Voer de gebruikersnaam of het IP-adres in voor een lijst van te verwijderen pagi
'nuke-nopages-global' => "Er zijn geen nieuwe pagina's in de [[Special:RecentChanges|recente wijzigingen]].",
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'wijzigingen bekijken',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Beperk tot naamruimte:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'massaal verwijderen',
/** Norwegian Nynorsk (norsk nynorsk)
@@ -2221,7 +2089,7 @@ skriv inn ei sletteårsak og trykk på knappen for å sletta dei.',
skriv inn ein kommentar og trykk på knappen for å sletta dei.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Massesletting av sider lagde inn av [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Massesletting av nyleg oppretta sider',
- 'nuke-tools' => 'Dette verktøyet mogeleggjer massesletting av sider som nyleg er lagde inn av ein viss brukar eller ei viss IP-adresse.
+ 'nuke-tools' => 'Dette verktøyet mogeleggjer massesletting av sider som nyleg er lagde inn av ein viss brukar eller ei viss IP-adresse.
Skriv inn eit brukarnamn eller ei IP-adresse for å få ei liste over sider som kan verta sletta, eller lat feltet stå tomt for alle brukarar.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'GÃ¥',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Slett valde',
@@ -2252,9 +2120,9 @@ $messages['nso'] = array(
$messages['oc'] = array(
'nuke' => 'Supression en massa',
'nuke-desc' => 'Balha la possiblitat als administrators de [[Special:Nuke|suprimir en massa]] de paginas.',
- 'nuke-nopages' => 'Cap de pagina novèla pas creada per [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] dins la lista dels darrièrs cambiaments.',
- 'nuke-list' => 'Las paginas seguentas son estadas creadas recentament per [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]; picatz un comentari e clicatz sul boton per los suprimir.',
- 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Supression en massa de las paginas apondudas per [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
+ 'nuke-nopages' => 'Cap de pagina novèla creada per [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] dins la lista dels darrièrs cambiaments.', # Fuzzy
+ 'nuke-list' => 'Las paginas seguentas son estadas creadas recentament per [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]; Indicatz un comentari e clicatz sul boton per los suprimir.', # Fuzzy
+ 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Supression en massa de las paginas apondudas per $1', # Fuzzy
'nuke-tools' => 'Aquesta aisina autoriza las supressions en massa de las paginas apondudas recentament per un utilizaire enregistrat o per una adreça IP. Indicatz l’adreça IP per obténer la lista de las paginas de suprimir, o daissar blanc per totes los utilizaires.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Validar',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Supression seleccionada',
@@ -2306,7 +2174,6 @@ $messages['pdc'] = array(
* @author Olgak85
* @author Rezonansowy
* @author Sp5uhe
- * @author WTM
* @author Woytecr
$messages['pl'] = array(
@@ -2335,8 +2202,6 @@ Wpisz nazwę użytkownika lub adres IP, by otrzymać listę stron do usunięcia.
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Brak nowych stron w [[Special:RecentChanges|ostatnich zmianach]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'widok zmian',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Tylko w przestrzeni nazw:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'masowe usuwanie',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Masowe usuwanie stron, których jedynym autorem jest ten użytkownik',
/** Piedmontese (Piemontèis)
@@ -2380,7 +2245,7 @@ $messages['ps'] = array(
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'د تازه راگډ شويو مخونو ټول Ú“Ù†Ú¯Ûدنه',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'ورÚÙ‡',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'ټاکل شوی ړنگول',
- 'right-nuke' => 'د ډله ايز ړنگون مخونه',
+ 'right-nuke' => 'د ډله ايز ړنګون مخونه',
'nuke-select' => 'ټاکل: $1',
'nuke-userorip' => 'کارن-نوم، آي پي پته يا تش:',
'nuke-maxpages' => 'د حد اکثر شمÛر مخونه:',
@@ -2392,7 +2257,6 @@ $messages['ps'] = array(
/** Portuguese (português)
* @author Hamilton Abreu
- * @author Imperadeiro98
* @author Luckas
* @author Malafaya
* @author 555
@@ -2416,8 +2280,6 @@ introduza um comentário e clique o botão para eliminá-las.',
'nuke-editby' => 'Criada por [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]', # Fuzzy
'nuke-deleted' => "A página '''$1''' foi eliminada.",
'nuke-not-deleted' => 'Não foi possível eliminar a página [[:$1]].',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'eliminação em massa',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Eliminar em massa páginas em que este utilizador é o único autor',
/** Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil)
@@ -2559,7 +2421,6 @@ Mitte 'u nome de l'utende o l'indirizze IP pe avè 'n'elenghe de le pàggene de
'nuke-nopages-global' => "Non ge stonne pàggene nove jndr'à le [[Special:RecentChanges|cangiaminde recende]].",
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'vide le cangiaminde',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Limite a namespace:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'scangellazione de masse',
/** Russian (руÑÑкий)
@@ -2568,7 +2429,6 @@ Mitte 'u nome de l'utende o l'indirizze IP pe avè 'n'elenghe de le pàggene de
* @author HalanTul
* @author KPu3uC B Poccuu
* @author Kaganer
- * @author Okras
* @author VasilievVV
* @author ÐлекÑандр Сигачёв
@@ -2598,8 +2458,6 @@ $messages['ru'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Ð’ [[Special:RecentChanges|недавних изменениÑÑ…]] нет новых Ñтраниц.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'ВнеÑённые изменениÑ',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Ограничить проÑтранÑтвом имён:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'множеÑтвенное удаление',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'МаÑÑово удалить Ñтраницы, где Ñтот учаÑтник ÑвлÑетÑÑ ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ñтвенным автором',
/** Rusyn (руÑиньÑкый)
@@ -2639,7 +2497,7 @@ $messages['sah'] = array(
Соторго быһаарыыта Ñуруйан баран тимÑҕи баттаа.',
'nuke-defaultreason' => '$1 кыттааччы айбыт ÑирÑйдÑрин бүтүннүү Ñуох оҥоруу', # Fuzzy
'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'ÑлбÑÑ… кыттааччы', # Fuzzy
- 'nuke-tools' => 'Бу ÑирÑй көмөтүнÑн ханнык ÑÐ¼Ñ ÐºÑ‹Ñ‚Ñ‚Ð°Ð°Ñ‡Ñ‡Ñ‹ оҥорбут көннөрүүлÑрин ÑбÑÑ‚ÑÑ€ биир IP-ттан оҥоһуллубут көннөрүүлÑри бүтүннүү Ñуох гынахха Ñөп.
+ 'nuke-tools' => 'Бу ÑирÑй көмөтүнÑн ханнык ÑÐ¼Ñ ÐºÑ‹Ñ‚Ñ‚Ð°Ð°Ñ‡Ñ‡Ñ‹ оҥорбут көннөрүүлÑрин ÑбÑÑ‚ÑÑ€ биир IP-ттан оҥоһуллубут көннөрүүлÑри бүтүннүү Ñуох гынахха Ñөп.
Кыттааччы аатын ÑбÑÑ‚ÑÑ€ IP-тын киллÑрдÑÑ…Ñ…Ð¸Ð½Ñ Ð¾Ò¥Ð¾Ñ€Ð±ÑƒÑ‚ көннөрүүлÑрин Ñ‚Ð¸Ò»Ð¸Ð³Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ñ…Ñыа, кураанах хааллардаххына бары кыттааччылар көннөрүүлÑÑ€Ñ ÐºÓ©ÑÑ‚Ò¯Ó©.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Толор',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Талыллыбыты Ñот',
@@ -2665,45 +2523,6 @@ $messages['scn'] = array(
'right-nuke' => "Scancella pàggini 'n massa",
-/** Scots (Scots)
- * @author John Reid
- */
-$messages['sco'] = array(
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'nuke-delete',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'nuke-delete pages whaur this uiser is the yinly author',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'nuke' => 'Masovno brisanje',
- 'action-nuke' => 'masovno brisanje stranica',
- 'nuke-desc' => 'Daje administratoru mogućnost da [[Special:Nuke|masovno briše]] stranice.',
- 'nuke-nopages' => 'Nema novih stranica od strane korisnika [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] u skorašnjim izmenama.',
- 'nuke-list' => 'Sledeće stranice je skoro napravio korisnik [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]; ostavite komentar i pritisnite dugme za njihovo brisanje.',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => 'Sledeće stranice su nedavno napravljenje, ostavite komentar i pritisnite dugme da biste ih obrisali.',
- 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Masovno brisanje stranica koje je napravio korisnik [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]',
- 'nuke-multiplepeople' => 'Masovno brisanje nedavno dodatih stranica',
- 'nuke-tools' => 'Ova alatka omogućava zbirno brisanje stranica koje je nedavno dodao određeni korisnik (sa nalogom ili bez njega).
-Unesite korisniÄko ime ili IP adresu da biste dobili spisak stranica za brisanje, ili ostavite prazno ako želite da se navedu svi korisnici.',
- 'nuke-submit-user' => 'Idi',
- 'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Obriši izabrano',
- 'right-nuke' => 'masovno brisanje stranica',
- 'nuke-select' => 'Izaberi: $1',
- 'nuke-userorip' => 'KorisniÄko ime, IP adresa ili prazno:',
- 'nuke-maxpages' => 'Najveći broj stranica:',
- 'nuke-editby' => 'Napravio [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]',
- 'nuke-deleted' => "Stranica '''$1''' je obrisana.",
- 'nuke-not-deleted' => "'''Ne mogu''' da obrišem stranicu [[:$1]].",
- 'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Obriši još stranica]]',
- 'nuke-pattern' => 'Obrazac za naziv stranice:',
- 'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Nema novih stranica u [[Special:RecentChanges|skorašnjim izmenama]].',
- 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'pogledaj izmene',
- 'nuke-namespace' => 'OgraniÄenja na imenskim prostorima:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'masovno brisanje',
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
* @author නන්දිමිතුරු
* @author පසිඳු කà·à·€à·’න්ද
@@ -2812,9 +2631,6 @@ $messages['sr-ec'] = array(
'nuke-not-deleted' => "'''Ðе могу''' да обришем Ñтраницу [[:$1]].",
'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Обриши још Ñтраница]]',
'nuke-pattern' => 'Образац за назив Ñтранице:',
- 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'прикажи измене',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'маÑовно бриÑање',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Скупно бриÑање Ñтраница чије једини аутор овај кориÑник',
/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
@@ -2834,7 +2650,7 @@ $messages['sr-el'] = array(
Unesite korisniÄko ime ili IP adresu da biste dobili spisak stranica za brisanje, ili ostavite prazno ako želite da se navedu svi korisnici.',
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Idi',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Obriši obeleženo',
- 'right-nuke' => 'masovno brisanje strana',
+ 'right-nuke' => 'Masovno brisanje strana.',
'nuke-select' => 'Izaberi: $1',
'nuke-userorip' => 'KorisniÄko ime, IP adresa ili prazno:',
'nuke-maxpages' => 'Najveći broj stranica:',
@@ -2843,9 +2659,6 @@ Unesite korisniÄko ime ili IP adresu da biste dobili spisak stranica za brisanj
'nuke-not-deleted' => "'''Ne mogu''' da obrišem stranicu [[:$1]].",
'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|Obriši još stranica]]',
'nuke-pattern' => 'Obrazac za naziv stranice:',
- 'nuke-viewchanges' => 'prikaži izmene',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'masovno brisanje',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Skupno brisanje stranica Äije jedini autor ovaj korisnik',
/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
@@ -2882,7 +2695,6 @@ tuliskeun pamanggih anjeun, terus pencét tombolna pikeun ngahapus.', # Fuzzy
/** Swedish (svenska)
* @author Cybjit
- * @author Hangsna
* @author Lejonel
* @author Martinwiss
* @author Tobulos1
@@ -2914,8 +2726,6 @@ Ange användarnamnet eller IP-adressen för att se en lista över sidor som kan
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Det finns inga nya sidor i [[Special:RecentChanges|senaste ändringar]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'visa ändringar',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Begränsa till namnrymd:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'massradering',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Radera alla sidor där användaren är ensam bidragsgivare',
/** Swahili (Kiswahili)
@@ -2945,7 +2755,6 @@ $messages['ta'] = array(
/** Telugu (తెలà±à°—à±)
- * @author Ravichandra
* @author Veeven
$messages['te'] = array(
@@ -2965,7 +2774,6 @@ $messages['te'] = array(
'nuke-delete-more' => '[[Special:Nuke|మరినà±à°¨à°¿ పేజీలనౠతొలగించండి]]',
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|ఇటీవలి మారà±à°ªà±à°²]]లో కొతà±à°¤ పేజీలౠà°à°®à±€ లేవà±.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'మారà±à°ªà±à°²à°¨à± చూడండి',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'మూకà±à°®à±à°®à°¡à°¿ తొలగింపà±',
/** Tetum (tetun)
@@ -3102,9 +2910,7 @@ $messages['ug-latn'] = array(
/** Ukrainian (українÑька)
* @author AS
- * @author Aced
* @author Ahonc
- * @author Andriykopanytsia
* @author Base
* @author Dim Grits
* @author Microcell
@@ -3127,7 +2933,7 @@ $messages['uk'] = array(
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Вилучити обрані',
'right-nuke' => 'МаÑове Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñторінок',
'nuke-select' => 'Вибір: $1',
- 'nuke-userorip' => "Ім'Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача, IP-адреÑа (необов'Ñзковий параметр):",
+ 'nuke-userorip' => "Ім'Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача, IP-адреÑа (за бажаннÑм):",
'nuke-maxpages' => 'МакÑимальна кількіÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ñторінок:',
'nuke-editby' => 'Створено {{GENDER:$1|кориÑтувачем|кориÑтувачкою}} [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]',
'nuke-deleted' => "Сторінка '''$1''' була вилучена.",
@@ -3137,8 +2943,6 @@ $messages['uk'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'У [[Special:RecentChanges|нових редагуваннÑÑ…]] немає нових Ñторінок.',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'переглÑнути зміни',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Обмежити за проÑтором назв:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'маÑове вилученнÑ',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'МаÑове Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñторінок, де цей кориÑтувач Ñ” єдиним автором',
/** Urdu (اردو)
@@ -3207,20 +3011,17 @@ Hãy nhập tên thành viên hoặc địa chỉ IP để lấy danh sách các
'nuke-nopages-global' => 'Không có trang mới trong các [[Special:RecentChanges|thay đổi gần đây]].',
'nuke-viewchanges' => 'xem thay đổi',
'nuke-namespace' => 'Giới hạn theo không gian tên:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => 'xóa hàng loạt',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Xóa hàng loạt các trang có ngÆ°á»i dùng này là tác giả duy nhất',
/** Volapük (Volapük)
- * @author Malafaya
* @author Smeira
$messages['vo'] = array(
'nuke' => 'Moükön pademi',
'nuke-desc' => 'Gevon guvanes fägi ad moükön padamödotis',
- 'nuke-nopages' => 'Pads nonik fa geban: [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] pejaföls binons su lised votükamas nulik.',
- 'nuke-list' => 'Pads sököl pejafons brefabüo fa geban: [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]; penolös küpeti e klikolös gnobi ad moükön onis.',
- 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Moükam masifik padas fa [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]] pejafölas',
+ 'nuke-nopages' => 'Pads nonik fa geban: [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] pejaföls binons su lised votükamas nulik.', # Fuzzy
+ 'nuke-list' => 'Pads sököl pejafons brefabüo fa geban: [[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]]; penolös küpeti e klikolös gnobi ad moükön onis.', # Fuzzy
+ 'nuke-defaultreason' => 'Moükam padas fa geban: $1 pejafölas', # Fuzzy
'nuke-tools' => 'Stum at kanon moükön mödoti padas fa geban u ladet-IP semik brefabüo pejafölas. Penolös gebananemi u ladeti-IP ad dagetön lisedi padas moükovik:', # Fuzzy
'nuke-submit-user' => 'Ledunolöd',
'nuke-submit-delete' => 'Pevalöl ad pamoükön',
@@ -3267,8 +3068,8 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'action-nuke' => '删除大é‡é¡µé¢',
'nuke-desc' => '让管ç†å‘˜å¯ä»¥[[Special:Nuke|批é‡åˆ é™¤]]页é¢',
'nuke-nopages' => '在最近更改中没有[[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]创建的新页é¢ã€‚',
- 'nuke-list' => '以下为[[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]最近创建的页é¢ï¼Œè¯·å¡«å†™æ³¨é‡Šå†ç‚¹å‡»æŒ‰é’®åˆ é™¤å®ƒä»¬ã€‚',
- 'nuke-list-multiple' => '以下为最近创建的页é¢ï¼Œè¯·å¡«å†™æ³¨é‡Šå†ç‚¹å‡»æŒ‰é’®åˆ é™¤å®ƒä»¬ã€‚',
+ 'nuke-list' => '以下为[[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]最近创建的页é¢ï¼Œè¯·å¡«å†™æ³¨é‡Šå¹¶ç‚¹å‡»æŒ‰é’®åˆ é™¤å®ƒä»¬ã€‚',
+ 'nuke-list-multiple' => '以下为最近创建的页é¢ï¼Œè¯·å¡«å†™æ³¨é‡Šå¹¶ç‚¹å‡»æŒ‰é’®åˆ é™¤å®ƒä»¬ã€‚',
'nuke-defaultreason' => '大é‡åˆ é™¤[[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]创建的页é¢',
'nuke-multiplepeople' => '大é‡åˆ é™¤æœ€è¿‘添加的页é¢',
'nuke-tools' => '此工具å…许大é‡åˆ é™¤æŒ‡å®šç”¨æˆ·æˆ–IP地å€åœ¨æœ€è¿‘创建的页é¢ã€‚输入用户å或IP地å€å¯èŽ·å–å¯åˆ é™¤é¡µé¢åˆ—表,留白则检索所有用户。',
@@ -3277,7 +3078,7 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'right-nuke' => '删除大é‡é¡µé¢',
'nuke-select' => '选择:$1',
'nuke-userorip' => '用户åã€IP地å€æˆ–空白:',
- 'nuke-maxpages' => '最大页é¢æ•°ï¼š',
+ 'nuke-maxpages' => '最多页é¢æ•°ï¼š',
'nuke-editby' => '由[[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]创建',
'nuke-deleted' => "已删除页é¢'''$1'''。",
'nuke-not-deleted' => "'''无法'''删除[[:$1]]页é¢ã€‚",
@@ -3286,8 +3087,6 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|最近更改]]中没有新的页é¢ã€‚',
'nuke-viewchanges' => '查看å˜æ›´',
'nuke-namespace' => 'é™åˆ¶å字空间为:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => '大é‡åˆ é™¤',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => '大é‡åˆ é™¤ä»…此用户为作者的页é¢',
/** Traditional Chinese (中文(ç¹é«”)‎)
@@ -3295,7 +3094,6 @@ $messages['zh-hans'] = array(
* @author Cwlin0416
* @author Justincheng12345
* @author Liangent
- * @author Liuxinyu970226
* @author Mark85296341
* @author Shinjiman
@@ -3323,6 +3121,4 @@ $messages['zh-hant'] = array(
'nuke-nopages-global' => '[[Special:RecentChanges|最近更改]]中沒有新的é é¢ã€‚',
'nuke-viewchanges' => '查看變更',
'nuke-namespace' => 'é™åˆ¶å字空間為:',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs' => '大é‡åˆªé™¤',
- 'nuke-linkoncontribs-text' => '大é‡åˆªé™¤åƒ…此用戶創建之é é¢',
diff --git a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.php b/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.php
index e10ce422..80a41631 100644
--- a/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.php
+++ b/extensions/Nuke/Nuke.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
die( 'Not an entry point.' );
-define( 'Nuke_VERSION', '1.1.8' );
+define( 'Nuke_VERSION', '1.1.7' );
$dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
@@ -24,12 +24,9 @@ $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['nuke'] = true;
$wgAvailableRights[] = 'nuke';
$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialNuke'] = $dir . 'Nuke_body.php';
-$wgAutoloadClasses['NukeHooks'] = $dir . 'Nuke.hooks.php';
$wgSpecialPages['Nuke'] = 'SpecialNuke';
$wgSpecialPageGroups['Nuke'] = 'pagetools';
-$wgHooks['ContributionsToolLinks'][] = 'NukeHooks::nukeContributionsLinks';
// Resource loader modules
$moduleTemplate = array(
'localBasePath' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/',
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/.gitreview b/extensions/ParserFunctions/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index decb9867..00000000
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.magic.php b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.magic.php
index e92ffe12..5d26cb71 100644
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.magic.php
+++ b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.magic.php
@@ -58,26 +58,25 @@ $magicWords['ar'] = array(
/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى) */
$magicWords['arz'] = array(
- 'expr' => array( 0, 'تعبير' ),
- 'if' => array( 0, 'لو' ),
- 'ifeq' => array( 0, 'لومعادلة' ),
- 'ifexpr' => array( 0, 'لوتعبير' ),
- 'iferror' => array( 0, 'لوخطأ' ),
- 'switch' => array( 0, 'تبديل' ),
- 'default' => array( 0, '#اÙتراضي' ),
- 'ifexist' => array( 0, 'لوموجود' ),
- 'time' => array( 0, 'وقت' ),
- 'timel' => array( 0, 'تيمل' ),
- 'rel2abs' => array( 0, 'ريلتوآبس' ),
- 'titleparts' => array( 0, 'أجزاء_العنوان' ),
- 'len' => array( 0, 'لين' ),
- 'pos' => array( 0, 'بوس' ),
- 'rpos' => array( 0, 'آربوس' ),
- 'sub' => array( 0, 'متÙرع' ),
- 'count' => array( 0, 'عدد' ),
- 'replace' => array( 0, 'استبدال' ),
- 'explode' => array( 0, 'انÙجار' ),
- 'urldecode' => array( 0, 'ÙÙƒ_مسار' ),
+ 'expr' => array( 0, 'تعبير', 'expr' ),
+ 'if' => array( 0, 'لو', 'if' ),
+ 'ifeq' => array( 0, 'لومعادلة', 'ifeq' ),
+ 'ifexpr' => array( 0, 'لوتعبير', 'ifexpr' ),
+ 'iferror' => array( 0, 'لوخطأ', 'iferror' ),
+ 'switch' => array( 0, 'تبديل', 'switch' ),
+ 'default' => array( 0, '#اÙتراضي', '#default' ),
+ 'ifexist' => array( 0, 'لوموجود', 'ifexist' ),
+ 'time' => array( 0, 'وقت', 'time' ),
+ 'timel' => array( 0, 'تيمل', 'timel' ),
+ 'rel2abs' => array( 0, 'ريلتوآبس', 'rel2abs' ),
+ 'titleparts' => array( 0, 'أجزاء_العنوان', 'titleparts' ),
+ 'len' => array( 0, 'لين', 'len' ),
+ 'pos' => array( 0, 'بوس', 'pos' ),
+ 'rpos' => array( 0, 'آربوس', 'rpos' ),
+ 'sub' => array( 0, 'متÙرع', 'sub' ),
+ 'count' => array( 0, 'عدد', 'count' ),
+ 'replace' => array( 0, 'استبدال', 'replace' ),
+ 'explode' => array( 0, 'انÙجار', 'explode' ),
/** South Azerbaijani (تورکجه) */
@@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ $magicWords['ce'] = array(
'replace' => array( 0, 'хийцарна', 'замена' ),
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina) */
+/** Czech (Äesky) */
$magicWords['cs'] = array(
'expr' => array( 0, 'výraz' ),
'if' => array( 0, 'když' ),
@@ -123,15 +122,8 @@ $magicWords['de'] = array(
/** Zazaki (Zazaki) */
$magicWords['diq'] = array(
- 'expr' => array( 0, 'ifade' ),
'if' => array( 0, 'se' ),
'ifeq' => array( 0, 'sek' ),
- 'ifexpr' => array( 0, 'ifadeyose' ),
- 'iferror' => array( 0, 'çınyose' ),
- 'time' => array( 0, 'zeman' ),
- 'sub' => array( 0, 'bın' ),
- 'count' => array( 0, 'hesabk' ),
- 'replace' => array( 0, 'vırnayen' ),
/** Esperanto (Esperanto) */
@@ -153,14 +145,12 @@ $magicWords['eo'] = array(
/** Spanish (español) */
$magicWords['es'] = array(
'if' => array( 0, 'si' ),
- 'ifeq' => array( 0, 'siigual' ),
'ifexpr' => array( 0, 'siexpr' ),
'iferror' => array( 0, 'sierror' ),
'switch' => array( 0, 'según' ),
'default' => array( 0, '#predeterminado' ),
'ifexist' => array( 0, 'siexiste' ),
'time' => array( 0, 'tiempo' ),
- 'timel' => array( 0, 'tiempol' ),
'len' => array( 0, 'long', 'longitud' ),
'replace' => array( 0, 'reemplazar' ),
'explode' => array( 0, 'separar' ),
@@ -303,7 +293,7 @@ $magicWords['ja'] = array(
'count' => array( 0, '回数' ),
'replace' => array( 0, 'ç½®ãæ›ãˆ' ),
'explode' => array( 0, '分割' ),
- 'urldecode' => array( 0, 'URLデコード', 'URLデコード' ),
+ 'urldecode' => array( 0, 'URLデコード' ),
/** Korean (한국어) */
@@ -385,7 +375,7 @@ $magicWords['mk'] = array(
$magicWords['ml'] = array(
'expr' => array( 0, 'à´¦àµà´¯àµ‹à´¤à´•à´‚' ),
'if' => array( 0, 'à´Žà´™àµà´•à´¿àµ½' ),
- 'ifeq' => array( 0, 'സമമെങàµà´•à´¿àµ½' ),
+ 'ifeq' => array( 0, 'സമെമെങàµà´•à´¿àµ½' ),
'ifexpr' => array( 0, 'à´Žà´•àµà´¸àµà´ªàµà´°àµ†à´·à´¨àµ†à´™àµà´•à´¿àµ½' ),
'iferror' => array( 0, 'പിഴവെങàµà´•à´¿àµ½' ),
'switch' => array( 0, 'മാറàµà´±àµà´•' ),
@@ -590,22 +580,22 @@ $magicWords['uz'] = array(
/** Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) */
$magicWords['vi'] = array(
- 'expr' => array( 0, 'công_thức', 'côngthức' ),
+ 'expr' => array( 0, 'côngthức' ),
'if' => array( 0, 'nếu' ),
- 'ifeq' => array( 0, 'nếu_bằng', 'nếubằng' ),
- 'ifexpr' => array( 0, 'nếu_công_thức', 'nếucôngthức' ),
- 'iferror' => array( 0, 'nếu_lỗi', 'nếulỗi' ),
- 'default' => array( 0, '#mặc_định', '#mặcđịnh' ),
- 'ifexist' => array( 0, 'nếu_tồn_tại', 'nếutồntại' ),
+ 'ifeq' => array( 0, 'nếubằng' ),
+ 'ifexpr' => array( 0, 'nếucôngthức' ),
+ 'iferror' => array( 0, 'nếulỗi' ),
+ 'default' => array( 0, '#mặcđịnh' ),
+ 'ifexist' => array( 0, 'nếutồntại' ),
'time' => array( 0, 'giá»' ),
- 'timel' => array( 0, 'giá»_địa_phÆ°Æ¡ng', 'giá»Ä‘ịaphÆ°Æ¡ng' ),
- 'len' => array( 0, 'số_chữ', 'sốchữ', 'số_ký_tự', 'sốkýtự', 'số_kí_tự', 'sốkítự' ),
- 'pos' => array( 0, 'vị_trí', 'vịtrí' ),
- 'rpos' => array( 0, 'vị_trí_phải', 'vịtríphải' ),
- 'sub' => array( 0, 'chuá»—i_con', 'chuá»—icon' ),
+ 'timel' => array( 0, 'giá»Ä‘ịaphÆ°Æ¡ng' ),
+ 'len' => array( 0, 'sốchữ', 'sốkýtự', 'sốkítự' ),
+ 'pos' => array( 0, 'vịtrí' ),
+ 'rpos' => array( 0, 'vịtríphải' ),
+ 'sub' => array( 0, 'chuá»—icon' ),
'count' => array( 0, 'số' ),
- 'replace' => array( 0, 'thay_thế', 'thaythế' ),
- 'urldecode' => array( 0, 'giải_mã_url', 'giảimãurl' ),
+ 'replace' => array( 0, 'thaythế' ),
+ 'urldecode' => array( 0, 'giảimãurl' ),
/** Yiddish (ייִדיש) */
@@ -642,22 +632,7 @@ $magicWords['zh'] = array(
/** Simplified Chinese (中文(简体)‎) */
$magicWords['zh-hans'] = array(
- 'if' => array( 0, 'è‹¥' ),
'ifeq' => array( 0, '若相等', '如果相等' ),
- 'iferror' => array( 0, '如果错误' ),
- 'switch' => array( 0, '开关' ),
'default' => array( 0, '#默认' ),
'ifexist' => array( 0, '若有', '如果存在' ),
- 'time' => array( 0, '时间' ),
- 'pos' => array( 0, '终端' ),
- 'rpos' => array( 0, 'å终端' ),
- 'sub' => array( 0, 'PFå­' ),
- 'count' => array( 0, '计数' ),
-/** Traditional Chinese (中文(ç¹é«”)‎) */
-$magicWords['zh-hant'] = array(
- 'if' => array( 0, 'è‹¥' ),
- 'time' => array( 0, '時間' ),
- 'timel' => array( 0, '時間L' ),
); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.php b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.php
index f61310b2..e026b693 100644
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.i18n.php
@@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ $messages['an'] = array(
/** Arabic (العربية)
* @author Aiman titi
- * @author Asaifm
* @author Meno25
$messages['ar'] = array(
@@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ $messages['ar'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'خطأ: زمن غير صحيح',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'خطأ: استدعاءات #time كثيرة جدا',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'خطأ : # الوقت يدعم Ùقط حتى 9999 سنة',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'خطأ: #time تدعم الأعوام بدءاً من 0.',
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'خطأ: عمق غير صحيح ÙÙŠ المسار: "$1" (حاول دخول عقدة Ùوق العقدة الجذرية)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'خطأ ÙÙŠ التعبير: ستاك مجهد',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'خطأ ÙÙŠ التعبير: رقم غير متوقع',
@@ -239,7 +237,6 @@ $messages['arz'] = array(
/** Assamese (অসমীয়া)
* @author Bishnu Saikia
- * @author Gitartha.bordoloi
* @author Rajuonline
$messages['as'] = array(
@@ -257,7 +254,7 @@ $messages['as'] = array(
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_closing_bracket' => 'à¦à¦•à§à¦¸à¦ªà§à§°à§‡à¦›à¦¨ তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: অবাঞà§à¦šà¦¿à¦¤ সমাপà§à¦¤à¦•à¦¾à§°à§€ বনà§à¦§à¦¨à§€',
'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation' => 'à¦à¦•à§à¦¸à¦ªà§à§°à§‡à¦›à¦¨ তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: অপৰিচিত বিৰামচিহà§à¦¨ কেৰেকà§à¦Ÿà¦¾à§° "$1"',
'pfunc_expr_unclosed_bracket' => 'à¦à¦•à§à¦¸à¦ªà§à§°à§‡à¦›à¦¨ তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: উনà§à¦®à§à¦•à§à¦¤ বনà§à¦§à¦¨à§€',
- 'pfunc_expr_division_by_zero' => 'শূনà§à¦¯à§°à§‡ হৰণ কৰা হৈছে।',
+ 'pfunc_expr_division_by_zero' => 'শূনà§à¦¯à§° দà§à¦¬à¦¾à§°à¦¾ হৰণ কৰা হৈছে',
'pfunc_expr_invalid_argument' => '$1 ৰ বাবে ভà§à¦² চৰà§à¦¤: < -1 অথবা > 1',
'pfunc_expr_invalid_argument_ln' => 'ln ৰ বাবে অমানà§à¦¯ চৰà§à¦¤: <= 0',
'pfunc_expr_unknown_error' => 'à¦à¦•à§à¦¸à¦ªà§à§°à§‡à¦›à¦¨ তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€: : অজà§à¦žà¦¾à¦¤ তà§à§°à§à¦Ÿà§€ ($1)',
@@ -548,16 +545,14 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'pfunc_desc' => 'Дика тайина маьӀнийн функцешца анализатор',
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Гlалато: хан нийÑа Ñц',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Яздарехь гlалат ду: хьаладуьззина татол',
'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word' => 'Яздарехь гlалат ду: дойзуш доцу дош «$1»',
- 'pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator' => 'Дешнийн гӀалат: ца хаа оператор $1',
+ 'pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator' => 'Дешнийн гӀалам : ца хаа оператор $1',
'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation' => 'Дешнашан гӀалат: евзина йоцу пунктуацин Ñимвол «$1»',
- 'pfunc_expr_unknown_error' => 'Дешнийн гӀалат: ца хаа гӀалат ($1)',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Li-sung
* @author Matěj Grabovský
@@ -569,7 +564,6 @@ $messages['cs'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Chyba: neplatný Äas',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Chyba: příliš mnoho volání #time',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Chyba: #time nepodporuje roky nad 9999',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Chyba: #time nepodporuje roky menší než 0.',
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Chyba: Neplatná hloubka v cestě: "$1" (pokus o přístup do uzlu vyššího než kořen)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Chyba ve výrazu: Zásobník plně obsazen',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Chyba ve výrazu: OÄekáváno Äíslo',
@@ -637,13 +631,12 @@ $messages['da'] = array(
* @author Kghbln
* @author LWChris
* @author Metalhead64
- * @author Purodha
* @author Raimond Spekking
* @author Rentenirer
* @author Rillke
$messages['de'] = array(
- 'pfunc_desc' => 'Erweitert den Parser um logische Funktionen',
+ 'pfunc_desc' => 'Ergänzt den Parser um logische Funktionen',
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Fehler: Ungültige Zeitangabe',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Fehler: Zu viele #time-Aufrufe',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Fehler: #time unterstützt nur Jahre bis 9999',
@@ -709,8 +702,6 @@ $messages['dsb'] = array(
'pfunc_desc' => 'Rozšyrja parser wó logiske funkcije',
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Zmólka: njepłaśiwy cas',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Zmólka: pśewjele zawołanjow #time',
- 'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Zmólka: #time pódpěra jano lěta až do 9999.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Zmólka: #time pódpěra jano lěta wót 0.',
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Zmólka: Njepłaśiwy dłym w sćažce: "$1" (wopyt na suk pśistup měś, kótaryž jo wušej kórjenjowego suka)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Wurazowa zmólka: Stack wupócerany',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Wurazowa zmólka: Njewócakana licba',
@@ -832,10 +823,7 @@ $messages['et'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Tõrge: Vigane aeg',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Tõrge: Liiga palju #time-kutseid.',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Tõrge: #time toetab vaid aastaid kuni väärtuseni 9999.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Tõrge: #time toetab aastaid alates 0-st.',
- 'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Tõrge: Vigane tee pikkus: "$1" (üritati pöörduda juursõlmest kõrgema sõlme poole).',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Avaldistõrge: Ootamatu number',
- 'pfunc_expr_preg_match_failure' => 'Avaldistõrge: preg_match nurjus ootamatult.',
'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word' => 'Avaldistõrge: Tundmatu sõna "$1"',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator' => 'Avaldistõrge: Ootamatu $1-tehtemärk',
'pfunc_expr_missing_operand' => 'Avaldistõrge: Puudub $1-tehte operand',
@@ -1147,7 +1135,6 @@ $messages['hsb'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Zmylk: njepÅ‚aćiwe Äasowe podaće',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Zmylk: přewjele zawołanjow #time',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Zmylk: #time jenož lÄ›ta haÄ do 9999 podpÄ›ruje.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Zmylk: #time jenož lěta wot 0 podpěruje.',
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Zmylk: Njepłaćiwa hłubokosć w pućiku: "$1" (Pospyt, zo by na suk wyše hłowneho suka dohrabnyło)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Wurazowy zmylk: Staplowy skÅ‚ad wuÄerpany',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Wurazowy zmylk: NjewoÄakowana liÄba',
@@ -1200,7 +1187,6 @@ $messages['ia'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Error: tempore invalide',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Error: troppo de appellos a #time',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Error: #time supporta solmente annos usque a 9999',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Error: #time supporta solmente annos desde 0.',
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Error: Profunditate invalide in cammino: "$1" (essayava acceder a un nodo superior al radice)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Error in expression: Pila exhaurite',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Error in expression: Numero non expectate',
@@ -1247,33 +1233,6 @@ $messages['id'] = array(
'pfunc_string_too_long' => 'Kesalahan: String melebihi limit $1 karakter',
-/** Iloko (Ilokano)
- * @author Lam-ang
- */
-$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'pfunc_desc' => 'Napasayaat a parser nga adda kadagiti lohikal nga annong',
- 'pfunc_time_error' => 'Biddut: Imbalido nga oras.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Biddut: Adu unay dagiti panagtawag ti #time.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Biddut: Ti #time ket suportaranna laeng dagiti tawen aginggana iti 9999.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Biddut: ti #time ket suportaranna laeng dagiti tawen manipud ti 0.',
- 'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Biddut: Imbalido a kauneg iti dalan: "$1" (nagpadas a nangserrek ti nodo iti ngato ti ramut a nodo).',
- 'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Naibusen ti tuon.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas:Di nanamnama a bilang.',
- 'pfunc_expr_preg_match_failure' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Di nanamnama a pannakapaay ti preg_match.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Di mabigbigan a balikas ti "$1".',
- 'pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Di nanamnama nga operator ti $1.',
- 'pfunc_expr_missing_operand' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Napukaw nga operand para iti $1.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unexpected_closing_bracket' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Di nanamnama a pangrikep a braket.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Di nanamnama a karakter ti tuldek ti "$1".',
- 'pfunc_expr_unclosed_bracket' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Di narikpan a braket.',
- 'pfunc_expr_division_by_zero' => 'Panagbingbingay babaen ti sero.',
- 'pfunc_expr_invalid_argument' => 'Imbalido nga argumento para iti $1: < -1 wenno > 1.',
- 'pfunc_expr_invalid_argument_ln' => 'Imbalido nga argumento para iti ln: <= 0.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unknown_error' => 'Biddut a panangiyebkas: Di ammo a biddut ($1).',
- 'pfunc_expr_not_a_number' => 'Iti $1: Ti resulta ket saan a bilang.',
- 'pfunc_string_too_long' => 'Biddut: Ti kuerdas ket nasurokanna ti limitado ti karakter iti $1.',
/** Ido (Ido)
* @author Malafaya
@@ -1282,28 +1241,6 @@ $messages['io'] = array(
'pfunc_expr_division_by_zero' => 'Divido per zero',
-/** Icelandic (íslenska)
- * @author Snævar
- */
-$messages['is'] = array(
- 'pfunc_time_error' => 'Villa: Ógildur tími.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Villa: Of mörg köll til #time.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Villa: #time styður aðeins ár upp til 9999.',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Villa: #time styður aðeins ár frá 0.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Villa í segð: Óvænt tala.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word' => 'Villa í segð: Óþekkt orð „$1â€.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator' => 'Villa í segð: Óvæntur $1 virki.',
- 'pfunc_expr_missing_operand' => 'Villa í segð: Vantar þolanda fyrir $1.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation' => 'Villa í segð: Óþekkt greinarmerki „$1â€.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unclosed_bracket' => 'Villa í segð: Ólokaður svigi.',
- 'pfunc_expr_division_by_zero' => 'Deiling með núlli.',
- 'pfunc_expr_invalid_argument' => 'Ógilt frumgildi fyrir $1: < -1 eða > 1.',
- 'pfunc_expr_invalid_argument_ln' => 'Ógilt frumgildi fyrir ln: <= 0.',
- 'pfunc_expr_unknown_error' => 'Villa í segð: Óþekkt villa ($1).',
- 'pfunc_expr_not_a_number' => 'Niðurstaðan úr $1 er ekki tala.',
- 'pfunc_string_too_long' => 'Villa: Strengurinn er lengri en hámarkslengdin $1 segir til um.',
/** Italian (italiano)
* @author Beta16
* @author BrokenArrow
@@ -1557,7 +1494,6 @@ $messages['lb'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Feeler: ongëlteg Zäit',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Feeler: ze dacks #time opgeruff',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Feeler: #time ënnerstëtzt nëmme Jore bis 9999',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Feeler: #time ënnerstëtzt nëmme Jore vun 0 un.',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Expressiouns-Feeler: Stack iwwergelaf',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Expressiouns-Feeler: Onerwarten Zuel',
'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word' => 'Expressiouns-Feeler: Onerkantent Wuert "$1"',
@@ -1600,13 +1536,6 @@ $messages['li'] = array(
'pfunc_string_too_long' => 'Fout: De teks is lenger es de limiet van $1 {{PLURAL:$1|teike|teikes}}',
-/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
- */
-$messages['lrc'] = array(
- 'pfunc_time_error' => 'خطا:وخت نامعتور.',
/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
* @author Hugo.arg
@@ -1635,7 +1564,7 @@ $messages['min'] = array(
* @author Brest
$messages['mk'] = array(
- 'pfunc_desc' => 'Проширување на можноÑтите на раÑчленувачот Ñо логички функции',
+ 'pfunc_desc' => 'Проширување на можноÑтите на парÑерот Ñо логички функции',
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Грешка: погрешен формат за време',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Грешка: премногу повикувања на функцијата #time',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Грешка: #time поддржува Ñамо години до 9999',
@@ -1834,7 +1763,7 @@ $messages['nl'] = array(
'pfunc_expr_preg_match_failure' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: onverwacht falen van preg_match.',
'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: woord "$1" niet herkend.',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: niet verwachte operator $1.',
- 'pfunc_expr_missing_operand' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: operand voor $1 ontbreekt.',
+ 'pfunc_expr_missing_operand' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: operand voor $1 mist.',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_closing_bracket' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: haakje sluiten op onverwachte plaats.',
'pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: niet herkend leesteken "$1".',
'pfunc_expr_unclosed_bracket' => 'Fout in uitdrukking: niet gesloten haakje openen.',
@@ -1969,7 +1898,6 @@ $messages['pms'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Eror: temp nen bon',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Eror: #time a ven ciamà tròpe vire',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => "Eror: #time a përmët mach j'agn fin al 9999.",
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => "Eror: #time a përmet j'agn mach da 0.",
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Eror: profondità nen bon-a ant ël përcors: "$1" (a l\'é provasse a ciamé un grop dzora a la rèis)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => "Eror ëd l'espression: stach esaurìa",
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => "Eror ëd l'espression: nùmer pa spetà",
@@ -2013,8 +1941,7 @@ $messages['pt'] = array(
'pfunc_desc' => 'Melhora o analisador sintático com funções lógicas',
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Erro: tempo inválido',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Erro: demasiadas chamadas a #time',
- 'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Erro: #time só permite anos até 9999',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Erro: #time só permite anos a partir de 0.',
+ 'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Erro: #time só lida com anos até 9999',
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Erro: Profundidade inválida no caminho: "$1" (foi tentado o acesso a um nó acima do nó raiz)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Erro de expressão: Pilha esgotada',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Erro de expressão: Número inesperado',
@@ -2249,15 +2176,6 @@ $messages['scn'] = array(
'pfunc_string_too_long' => 'Erruri: la stringa supira lu limiti di $1 carattiri',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'pfunc_time_error' => 'Greška: pogrešno vreme',
- 'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Greška: previše pozivanja funkcije #time',
- 'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Greška: Nepravilna dubina u putanji: "$1"',
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
* @author Budhajeewa
* @author නන්දිමිතුරු
@@ -2461,7 +2379,6 @@ $messages['sv'] = array(
'pfunc_time_error' => 'Fel: ogiltig tid',
'pfunc_time_too_long' => 'Fel: för många anrop av #time',
'pfunc_time_too_big' => 'Fel: # tid stöder endast år fram till 9999',
- 'pfunc_time_too_small' => 'Fel: #tid stödjer enbart år från 0.',
'pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth' => 'Fel: felaktig djup i sökväg: "$1" (försöker nå en nod ovanför rotnoden)',
'pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted' => 'Fel i uttryck: Stackutrymmet tog slut',
'pfunc_expr_unexpected_number' => 'Fel i uttryck: Oväntat tal',
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php
index 99c8444c..4ef62047 100644
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php
+++ b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php
@@ -25,20 +25,10 @@ $wgPFStringLengthLimit = 1000;
* WARNING: enabling this may have an adverse impact on the sanity of your users.
* An alternative, saner solution for embedding complex text processing in
- * MediaWiki templates can be found at:
+ * MediaWiki templates can be found at:
$wgPFEnableStringFunctions = false;
- * Enable string functions, when running Wikimedia Jenkins unit tests.
- *
- * Running Jenkins unit tests without setting $wgPFEnableStringFunctions = true;
- * will cause all the parser tests for string functions to be skipped.
- */
-if ( isset( $wgWikimediaJenkinsCI ) && ( $wgWikimediaJenkinsCI === true ) ) {
- $wgPFEnableStringFunctions = true ;
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'path' => __FILE__,
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions_body.php b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions_body.php
index e4ede065..3567cc58 100644
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions_body.php
+++ b/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions_body.php
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ class ExtParserFunctions {
if ( intval( $inLength ) == 0 ) {
- $result = mb_substr( $inStr, intval( $inStart ) );
+ $result = mb_substr( $inStr, $inStart );
} else {
$result = mb_substr( $inStr, intval( $inStart ), intval( $inLength ) );
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/tests/ExpressionTest.php b/extensions/ParserFunctions/tests/ExpressionTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 169a9cb4..00000000
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/tests/ExpressionTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-class ExpressionTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- /**
- * @var ExprParser
- */
- protected $parser;
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->parser = new ExprParser();
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideExpressions
- */
- function testExpression( $input, $expected ) {
- $this->assertEquals(
- $expected,
- $this->parser->doExpression( $input )
- );
- }
- function provideExpressions() {
- return array(
- array( '1 or 0', '1' ),
- array( 'not (1 and 0)', '1' ),
- array( 'not 0', '1' ),
- array( '4 < 5', '1' ),
- array( '-5 < 2', '1' ),
- array( '-2 <= -2', '1' ),
- array( '4 > 3', '1' ),
- array( '4 > -3', '1' ),
- array( '5 >= 2', '1' ),
- array( '2 >= 2', '1' ),
- array( '1 != 2', '1' ),
- array( '-4 * -4 = 4 * 4', '1' ),
- array( 'not (1 != 1)', '1' ),
- array( '1 + 1', '2' ),
- array( '-1 + 1', '0' ),
- array( '+1 + 1', '2' ),
- array( '4 * 4', '16' ),
- array( '(1/3) * 3', '1' ),
- array( '3 / 1.5', '2' ),
- array( '3 / 0.2', '15' ),
- array( '3 / ( 2.0 * 0.1 )', '15' ),
- array( '3 / ( 2.0 / 10 )', '15' ),
- array( '3 / (- 0.2 )', '-15' ),
- array( '3 / abs( 0.2 )', '15' ),
- array( '3 mod 2', '1' ),
- array( '1e4', '10000' ),
- array( '1e-2', '0.01' ),
- array( '4.0 round 0', '4' ),
- array( 'ceil 4', '4' ),
- array( 'floor 4', '4' ),
- array( '4.5 round 0', '5' ),
- array( '4.2 round 0', '4' ),
- array( '-4.2 round 0', '-4' ),
- array( '-4.5 round 0', '-5' ),
- array( '-2.0 round 0', '-2' ),
- array( 'ceil -3', '-3' ),
- array( 'floor -6.0', '-6' ),
- array( 'ceil 4.2', '5' ),
- array( 'ceil -4.5', '-4' ),
- array( 'floor -4.5', '-5' ),
- array( 'abs(-2)', '2' ),
- array( 'ln(exp(1))', '1' ),
- array( 'trunc(4.5)', '4' ),
- array( 'trunc(-4.5)', '-4' ),
- array( '123 fmod (2^64-1)', '123' ),
- array( '5.7 mod 1.3', '0' ),
- array( '5.7 fmod 1.3', '0.5' ),
- );
- }
diff --git a/extensions/PdfHandler/.gitreview b/extensions/PdfHandler/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index f5eca40e..00000000
--- a/extensions/PdfHandler/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/PdfHandler/COPYING b/extensions/PdfHandler/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/PdfHandler/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler.i18n.php b/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler.i18n.php
index 213f4462..06143e7b 100644
--- a/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler.i18n.php
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ $messages['ckb'] = array(
'exif-pdf-pagesize' => 'قەبارەی پەڕە',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Matěj Grabovský
* @author Mormegil
@@ -542,10 +542,6 @@ $messages['ia'] = array(
'pdf-desc' => 'Gestor pro visualisar files PDF in modo de imagine',
'pdf_no_metadata' => 'Non pote obtener metadatos ab PDF',
'pdf_page_error' => 'Numero de pagina foras del intervallo',
- 'exif-pdf-producer' => 'Programma de conversion',
- 'exif-pdf-version' => 'Version del formato PDF',
- 'exif-pdf-encrypted' => 'Cryptate',
- 'exif-pdf-pagesize' => 'Dimension del pagina',
/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
@@ -676,7 +672,6 @@ $messages['lb'] = array(
'pdf-desc' => '"Programm" den et erméiglecht PDF-Fichieren als Bild ze kucken',
'pdf_no_metadata' => 'Meta-Informatiounen aus dem PDF Dokument kënnen net gelies ginn',
'pdf_page_error' => "D'Säitenzuel ass net an dem Beräich.",
- 'exif-pdf-producer' => 'Ëmwandlungsprogramm',
'exif-pdf-version' => 'Versioun vum PDF-Format',
'exif-pdf-encrypted' => 'Verschlësselt',
'exif-pdf-pagesize' => 'Gréisst vun der Säit',
@@ -691,13 +686,6 @@ $messages['li'] = array(
'pdf_page_error' => 'paginanómmer besteit neet',
-/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Mogoeilor
- */
-$messages['lrc'] = array(
- 'exif-pdf-pagesize' => 'انازه بلگه',
/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
* @author Matasg
@@ -738,12 +726,11 @@ $messages['ml'] = array(
/** Marathi (मराठी)
* @author Kaustubh
* @author Sankalpdravid
- * @author V.narsikar
$messages['mr'] = array(
'pdf-desc' => 'चितà¥à¤° मोडमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ पीडीà¤à¤« संचिका पाहणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ आवशà¥à¤¯à¤• पà¥à¤°à¤£à¤¾à¤²à¥€',
'pdf_no_metadata' => 'पीडीà¤à¤«à¤®à¤§à¥‚न मेटाडाटा घेऊ शकत नाही',
- 'pdf_page_error' => 'पान कà¥à¤°à¤®à¤¾à¤‚क आवाकà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ नाही',
+ 'pdf_page_error' => 'पान कà¥à¤°à¤®à¤¾à¤‚क सीमेमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ नाही',
/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
diff --git a/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler_body.php b/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler_body.php
index 495f3bb8..d9ed4884 100644
--- a/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler_body.php
+++ b/extensions/PdfHandler/PdfHandler_body.php
@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@ class PdfHandler extends ImageHandler {
- $cmd .= ")";
+ $cmd .= ") 2>&1";
wfProfileIn( 'PdfHandler' );
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": $cmd\n" );
$retval = '';
- $err = wfShellExecWithStderr( $cmd, $retval );
+ $err = wfShellExec( $cmd, $retval );
wfProfileOut( 'PdfHandler' );
$removed = $this->removeBadFile( $dstPath, $retval );
diff --git a/extensions/Poem/.gitreview b/extensions/Poem/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index aac78b2b..00000000
--- a/extensions/Poem/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Poem/Poem.i18n.php b/extensions/Poem/Poem.i18n.php
index 29740252..c58ce78d 100644
--- a/extensions/Poem/Poem.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/Poem/Poem.i18n.php
@@ -124,13 +124,6 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
'poem-desc' => "Afegeix l'etiqueta <code>&lt;poem&gt;</code> per al formatatge de poemes",
-/** Chechen (нохчийн)
- * @author Умар
- */
-$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'poem-desc' => 'ТӀетуху тег <code>&lt;poem&gt;</code> дешнаш дӀадаха',
/** Sorani Kurdish (کوردی)
* @author Asoxor
@@ -138,7 +131,7 @@ $messages['ckb'] = array(
'poem-desc' => 'تاگی <code>&lt;poem&gt;</code> زێدەدەکات بۆ ڕێکخستنی ھۆنراوەکان',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Matěj Grabovský
$messages['cs'] = array(
@@ -154,7 +147,6 @@ $messages['da'] = array(
/** German (Deutsch)
* @author Kghbln
- * @author Purodha
* @author Raimond Spekking
$messages['de'] = array(
@@ -318,7 +310,7 @@ $messages['id'] = array(
* @author Lam-ang
$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'poem-desc' => 'Agnayon ti etiketa ti <code>&lt;poem&gt;</code> para iti panagporma ti daniw',
+ 'poem-desc' => 'Ikkan na iti<code>&lt;poem&gt;</code> nga tag para ti pagporma ti daniw',
/** Italian (italiano)
@@ -566,13 +558,6 @@ $messages['scn'] = array(
'poem-desc' => 'Iunci lu tag <code>&lt;poem&gt;</code> pi la furmattazioni di li testa puetici',
-/** Scots (Scots)
- * @author John Reid
- */
-$messages['sco'] = array(
- 'poem-desc' => 'Adds <code>&lt;poem&gt;</code> tag fr poem formattin',
/** Slovak (slovenÄina)
* @author Helix84
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/.gitreview b/extensions/Renameuser/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d757141..00000000
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/COPYING b/extensions/Renameuser/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/README b/extensions/Renameuser/README
index a344ebf6..e44aaafe 100644
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/README
+++ b/extensions/Renameuser/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-This is the readme file for the MediaWiki Renameuser extension.
+These is the readme file for the MediaWiki Renameuser extension.
Extension page on
Latest version of the readme file:;a=blob;f=README
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.alias.php b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.alias.php
index 13997709..0523c045 100644
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.alias.php
+++ b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.alias.php
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ $specialPageAliases['ce'] = array(
'Renameuser' => array( 'Декъашхочун_цӀе_хийца' ),
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina) */
+/** Czech (Äesky) */
$specialPageAliases['cs'] = array(
'Renameuser' => array( 'Přejmenovat_uživatele' ),
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ $specialPageAliases['frp'] = array(
/** Galician (galego) */
$specialPageAliases['gl'] = array(
- 'Renameuser' => array( 'Renomear_o_usuario', 'Renomear_usuario', 'Renomear_a_usuaria', 'Renomear_usuaria' ),
+ 'Renameuser' => array( 'Renomear_o_usuario' ),
/** Swiss German (Alemannisch) */
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.hooks.php b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.hooks.php
index e5271735..41dcc43e 100644
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.hooks.php
+++ b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.hooks.php
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ class RenameuserHooks {
* @return bool
public static function onShowMissingArticle( $article ) {
+ global $wgOut;
$title = $article->getTitle();
$oldUser = User::newFromName( $title->getBaseText() );
if ( ($title->getNamespace() == NS_USER || $title->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK ) && ($oldUser && $oldUser->isAnon() )) {
// Get the title for the base userpage
$page = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, str_replace( ' ', '_', $title->getBaseText() ) )->getPrefixedDBkey();
- $out = $article->getContext()->getOutput();
- $out,
+ $wgOut,
@@ -53,14 +53,4 @@ class RenameuserHooks {
return true;
- /**
- * So users can just type in a username for target and it'll work
- * @param array $types
- * @return bool
- */
- public static function onGetLogTypesOnUser( array &$types ) {
- $types[] = 'renameuser';
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.i18n.php b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.i18n.php
index 3cf2cfa7..c1411037 100644
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.i18n.php
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ $messages['as'] = array(
'renameuser' => 'বà§à¦¯à§±à¦¹à¦¾à§°à¦•à¦¾à§°à§€à§° নাম সলাওক',
'renameuser-linkoncontribs' => 'বà§à¦¯à§±à¦¹à¦¾à§°à§€à§° নাম সলাওক',
'renameuser-linkoncontribs-text' => 'à¦à¦‡ বà§à¦¯à§±à¦¹à¦¾à§°à¦•à¦¾à§°à§€à§° পà§à¦¨à§°à§à¦¨à¦¾à¦®à¦¾à¦•à§°à¦£ কৰক',
- 'renameuser-desc' => "à¦à¦œà¦¨ বà§à¦¯à§±à¦¹à¦¾à§°à¦•à¦¾à§°à§€à§° পà§à¦¨à§°à§à¦¨à¦¾à¦®à¦¾à¦•à§°à¦£ কৰিবলৈ à¦à¦Ÿà¦¾ [[Special:Renameuser|বিশেষ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾]] যোগ দিয়ে (''renameuser'' অধিকাৰৰ পà§à§°à¦¯à¦¼à§‹à¦œà¦¨)",
+ 'renameuser-desc' => "à¦à¦œà¦¨ বà§à¦¯à§±à¦¹à¦¾à§°à¦•à¦¾à§°à§€à§° পà§à¦¨à§°à§à¦¨à¦¾à¦®à¦¾à¦•à§°à¦£ কৰিবলৈ à¦à¦–ন [[Special:Renameuser|বিশেষ পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾]] যোগ দিয়ে (''renameuser'' অধিকাৰৰ পà§à§°à¦¯à¦¼à§‹à¦œà¦¨)",
'renameuserold' => 'বৰà§à¦¤à¦®à¦¾à¦¨à§° সদসà§à¦¯à¦¨à¦¾à¦®:',
'renameusernew' => 'নতà§à¦¨ সদসà§à¦¯à¦¨à¦¾à¦®:',
'renameuserreason' => 'কাৰণ:',
@@ -346,9 +346,9 @@ $messages['as'] = array(
অনà§à¦—à§à§°à¦¹ কৰি ঘূৰি গৈ পà§à¦¨à§° চেষà§à¦Ÿà¦¾ কৰক।',
'renameuser-error-same-user' => 'আপà§à¦¨à¦¿ à¦à¦œà¦¨ সদসà§à¦¯à¦• আগৰ নামটোলৈকে নামানà§à¦¤à§° কৰিব নোৱাৰে।',
'renameusersuccess' => '"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" সদসà§à¦¯à¦œà¦¨à¦• "<nowiki>$2</nowiki>"লৈ নামানà§à¦¤à§°à¦¿à¦¤ কৰা হৈছে।',
- 'renameuser-page-exists' => '$1 পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦Ÿà§‹ ইতিমধà§à¦¯à§‡à¦‡ আছে আৰৠতাৰ ওপৰত সà§à¦¬à¦¯à¦¼à¦‚কà§à§°à¦¿à¦¯à¦¼à¦­à¦¾à§±à§‡ লিখিব নোৱাৰি।',
- 'renameuser-page-moved' => "$1 পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦Ÿà§‹ $2-লৈ সà§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤à§° কৰা হ'ল।",
- 'renameuser-page-unmoved' => '$1 পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦Ÿà§‹ $2-লৈ সà§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤à§° কৰা সমà§à¦­à§± নহয়।',
+ 'renameuser-page-exists' => '$1 পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦–ন ইতিমধà§à¦¯à§‡à¦‡ আছে আৰৠতাৰ ওপৰত সà§à¦¬à¦¯à¦¼à¦‚কà§à§°à¦¿à¦¯à¦¼à¦­à¦¾à§±à§‡ লিখিব নোৱাৰি।',
+ 'renameuser-page-moved' => "$1 পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦–ন $2-লৈ সà§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤à§° কৰা হ'ল।",
+ 'renameuser-page-unmoved' => '$1 পৃষà§à¦ à¦¾à¦–ন $2-লৈ সà§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾à¦¨à§à¦¤à§° কৰা সমà§à¦­à§± নহয়।',
'log-name-renameuser' => 'সদসà§à¦¯à§° পà§à¦¨à§°à§à¦¨à¦¾à¦®à¦¾à¦•à§°à¦£ অভিলেখ',
'log-description-renameuser' => 'সদসà§à¦¯à¦¨à¦¾à¦® পৰিৱৰà§à¦¤à¦¨à§° অভিলেখ',
'logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier' => 'সদসà§à¦¯ $4ৰ পৰা $5লৈ, $1’য়ে পà§à¦¨à§° নামাকৰণ কৰিলে',
@@ -790,15 +790,12 @@ A continuació es proporciona el registre de reanomenaments per a més informaci
$messages['ce'] = array(
'renameuser' => 'Декъашхочун цӀе хийца',
'renameuser-linkoncontribs' => 'декъашхочун цӀе хийца',
- 'renameuser-desc' => 'ТӀетуху декъашхойн цӀераш хийца [[Special:Renameuser|аьтту]] (оьшу бакъо <code>renameuser</code>)',
'renameuserreason' => 'Бахьан:',
'renameusersubmit' => 'Кхочушдé',
'renameuser-page-exists' => 'ÐгÓо $1 йолуш ÑŽ цундела и ша юху дÓаÑзъÑн йиш Ñц.',
- 'renameuser-page-moved' => 'ÐгӀона $1 цӀе хийцина → $2.',
+ 'renameuser-page-moved' => 'ÐгӀона $1 цӀе хийцина оцу $2.',
'log-name-renameuser' => 'Декъашхойн цӀераш хийцар долу тептар',
- 'log-description-renameuser' => 'ХӀокху тептар чохь гойту дӀабазбелла декъашхойн цӀераш хийцар.',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier' => '$1 $4 декъашхочун цӀе хийцина → $5',
- 'renameuser-move-log' => 'ÐвтоматичеÑки декъашхочун цӀе хийцина дела «[[User:$1|$1]]» → «[[User:$2|$2]]»',
+ 'renameuser-move-log' => 'ÐвтоматичеÑки декъашхочун цӀе хийцина дела «[[User:$1|$1]]» оцу «[[User:$2|$2]]»',
'action-renameuser' => 'декъашхойн цӀераш хийцар',
'right-renameuser' => 'декъашхойн цӀераш хийцар',
@@ -827,7 +824,7 @@ $messages['crh-latn'] = array(
'log-name-renameuser' => 'Qullanıcı adı deñişikligi jurnalı',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Li-sung
* @author Martin Kozák
@@ -869,7 +866,7 @@ $messages['cs'] = array(
Pro přehled je níže zobrazen výpis z knihy přejmenování uživatelů.',
-/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
+/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣÌньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
* @author Svetko
* @author ОйЛ
@@ -981,7 +978,6 @@ Til information er omdøbningsloggen vist nedenfor.',
/** German (Deutsch)
* @author Kghbln
* @author Metalhead64
- * @author Purodha
* @author Raimond Spekking
* @author Spacebirdy
* @author The Evil IP address
@@ -1026,7 +1022,6 @@ Zur Information folgt das Benutzernamenänderungs-Logbuch.',
/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
* @author Aspar
* @author Erdemaslancan
- * @author Gorizon
* @author Mirzali
* @author Xoser
@@ -1041,7 +1036,7 @@ $messages['diq'] = array(
'renameusermove' => 'nameyê karberan u pelê werêaameyişan bıkırışi nameyo newe',
'renameusersuppress' => 'Name de newi re hetenayışo newe vıraştış',
'renameuserreserve' => 'nameyê karberi yo verini bloke bıker.',
- 'renameuserwarnings' => 'Ä°ÄŸtari:',
+ 'renameuserwarnings' => 'hiÅŸyariyi',
'renameuserconfirm' => 'bele karberi newe ra name bıker',
'renameusersubmit' => 'bierşawê/biruşnê',
'renameuser-submit-blocklog' => 'Rocekanê bloqandê karbari bıvin',
@@ -1727,7 +1722,6 @@ $messages['gu'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
* @author Amire80
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Ofekalef
* @author Rotem Liss
* @author Rotemliss
@@ -1753,7 +1747,7 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
'renameusererrorexists' => 'המשתמש "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" כבר קיי×.',
'renameusererrorinvalid' => '×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" ×ינו תקין.',
'renameuser-error-request' => 'הייתה בעיה בקבלת הבקשה. ×× × ×—×–×¨×• לדף ×”×§×•×“× ×•× ×¡×• שנית.',
- 'renameuser-error-same-user' => '×œ× × ×™×ª×Ÿ לשנות ×ת ×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© ×œ×©× ×–×”×” לשמו הישן.',
+ 'renameuser-error-same-user' => '××™× ×›× ×™×›×•×œ×™× ×œ×©× ×•×ª ×ת ×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© ×œ×©× ×–×”×” לשמו הישן.',
'renameusersuccess' => '×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© של "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" שונה ל"<nowiki>$2</nowiki>".',
'renameuser-page-exists' => 'הדף $1 כבר ×§×™×™× ×•×œ× × ×™×ª×Ÿ לדרוס ×ותו ×וטומטית.',
'renameuser-page-moved' => 'הדף $1 הועבר ×œ×©× $2.',
@@ -1764,7 +1758,7 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
'logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|שינה|שינתה}} ×ת ×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© $4 ל{{GRAMMAR:תחילית|$5}}',
'renameuser-move-log' => 'העברה ×וטומטית בעקבות שינוי ×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© "[[User:$1|$1]]" ל־"[[User:$2|$2]]"',
'action-renameuser' => 'לשנות שמות משתמש',
- 'right-renameuser' => 'שינוי שמות משתמשי×',
+ 'right-renameuser' => 'שינוי שמות משתמש',
'renameuser-renamed-notice' => '×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© ×”×–×” שונה.
יומן שינויי שמות המשתמש מוצג להלן.',
@@ -1987,9 +1981,6 @@ Per favor retorna e reproba.',
'renameuser-page-moved' => 'Le pagina $1 ha essite renominate a $2.',
'renameuser-page-unmoved' => 'Le pagina $1 non poteva esser renominate a $2.',
'log-name-renameuser' => 'Registro de renominationes de usatores',
- 'log-description-renameuser' => 'Isto es un registro de cambiamentos de nomines de usator.',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|renominava}} le usator $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 modification|$6 modificationes}}) a $5',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier' => '$1 renominava le usator $4 a $5',
'renameuser-move-log' => 'Le pagina ha essite automaticamente renominate con le renomination del usator "[[User:$1|$1]]" a "[[User:$2|$2]]"',
'action-renameuser' => 'renominar usatores',
'right-renameuser' => 'Renominar usatores',
@@ -2513,7 +2504,7 @@ $messages['ksh'] = array(
'renameusernew' => 'Dä neue Metmaacher-Name',
'renameuserreason' => 'Jrund för et Ömdäufe:', # Fuzzy
'renameusermove' => 'De Metmaachersigg met Klaaf- un Ungersigge op dä neue Metmaacher-Name ömstelle',
- 'renameusersuppress' => 'Donn kein Ömleidong op dä neue Name aanlääje',
+ 'renameusersuppress' => 'Donn kein Ömleidung op dä neue Name aanlääje',
'renameuserreserve' => 'Donn dä Name fun dämm Metmaacher dobei sperre, dat_e nit norrens neu aanjemelldt weed.',
'renameuserwarnings' => 'Warnunge:',
'renameuserconfirm' => 'Jo, dunn dä Metmaacher ömbenenne un em singe Name ändere',
@@ -2611,16 +2602,6 @@ $messages['la'] = array(
Commodule notatio renominationum usoris subter datur.',
-/** Ladino (Ladino)
- * @author Menachem.Moreira
- * @author Universal Life
- */
-$messages['lad'] = array(
- 'renameusernew' => 'Nombre de kullaneador muevo:',
- 'renameuserreason' => 'Razon:',
- 'renameuserwarnings' => 'Avisos:',
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Les Meloures
* @author Robby
@@ -2700,22 +2681,6 @@ $messages['li'] = array(
Relevante regels oet 't logbook staon hieónger.",
-/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
- * @author Mogoeilor
- */
-$messages['lrc'] = array(
- 'renameusernew' => 'نوم کاروری تازه:',
- 'renameuserreason' => 'دلیل:',
- 'renameuser-submit-blocklog' => 'قل٠پهرستنومه سی کارور نشو بیه',
- 'renameuser-page-moved' => 'بلگه $1 د $2 جا وه جا بیه',
- 'renameuser-page-unmoved' => 'نبوئه بلگه $1 د $2 جا وه جا بوئه',
- 'log-name-renameuser' => 'پهرستنومه دواره نوم دئن د کارور',
- 'log-description-renameuser' => 'یه پهرستنومه آلشت دئن نوم کاروریا هئ.',
- 'renameuser-renamed-notice' => 'ای کارور یه گل نوم هنی وش دئه بیه.
-پهرستنومه نوم هنی دئن وا سرچشمه زیر دروس بیه.',
/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
* @author Eitvys200
* @author Homo
@@ -2855,7 +2820,7 @@ $messages['ml'] = array(
'renameuserold' => 'ഇപàµà´ªàµ‹à´´à´¤àµà´¤àµ† ഉപയോകàµà´¤àµƒà´¨à´¾à´®à´‚:',
'renameusernew' => 'à´ªàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ ഉപയോകàµà´¤àµƒà´¨à´¾à´®à´‚:',
'renameuserreason' => 'കാരണം:',
- 'renameusermove' => 'നിലവിലàµà´³àµà´³ ഉപയോകàµà´¤àµƒà´¤à´¾à´³àµà´‚, ഉപയോകàµà´¤à´¾à´µà´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† സം‌വാദതàµà´¤à´¾à´³àµà´‚ (ഉപതാളàµà´•àµ¾ à´…à´Ÿà´•àµà´•à´‚) à´ªàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ നാമതàµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ മാറàµà´±àµà´•.',
+ 'renameusermove' => 'നിലവിലàµà´³àµà´³ ഉപയോകàµà´¤àµƒà´¤à´¾à´³àµà´‚, ഉപയോകàµà´¤à´¾à´µà´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† സം‌വാദം താളàµà´‚ (ഉപതാളàµà´•àµ¾ à´…à´Ÿà´•àµà´•à´‚) à´ªàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ നാമതàµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ മാറàµà´±àµà´•.',
'renameusersuppress' => 'à´ªàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ നാമതàµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ‡à´¯àµà´•àµà´•àµ തിരിചàµà´šàµà´µà´¿à´Ÿà´²àµà´•à´³àµŠà´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ സൃഷàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•àµà´•à´°àµà´¤àµ',
'renameuserreserve' => 'പഴയ ഉപയോകàµà´¤àµƒà´¨à´¾à´®à´‚ ഭാവിയിൽ ഉപയോഗികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ തടയàµà´•',
'renameuserwarnings' => 'à´®àµà´¨àµà´¨à´±à´¿à´¯à´¿à´ªàµà´ªàµà´•àµ¾:',
@@ -2908,7 +2873,7 @@ $messages['mr'] = array(
'renameuserreserve' => 'जà¥à¤¨à¥‡ सदसà¥à¤¯ खाते पà¥à¤¢à¥€à¤² वापरासाठी अवरà¥à¤¦à¥à¤§ करा',
'renameuserwarnings' => 'ताकीद:',
'renameuserconfirm' => 'होय, सदसà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥‡ नाव बदला',
- 'renameusersubmit' => 'सादर करा',
+ 'renameusersubmit' => 'पाठवा',
'renameusererrordoesnotexist' => '"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" नावाचा सदसà¥à¤¯ असà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¤ नाही.',
'renameusererrorexists' => '"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" नावाचा सदसà¥à¤¯ अगोदरच असà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¤ आहे',
'renameusererrorinvalid' => '"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" हे नाव चà¥à¤•à¥€à¤šà¥‡ आहे.',
@@ -3494,12 +3459,9 @@ $messages['ps'] = array(
'renameuserold' => 'اوسنی کارن-نوم:',
'renameusernew' => 'نوی کارن-نوم:',
'renameuserreason' => 'سبب:',
- 'renameusermove' => 'د کارن او د خبرو اترو مخونه (او د هغوی Ú…Ûرمه مخونه) نوي نوم ته ورلÛږدول',
- 'renameusersuppress' => 'نوي نوم ته مخ گرÚونی مه جوړوه',
'renameuserwarnings' => 'ګواښنÛ:',
'renameuserconfirm' => 'هو، کارن-نوم بدلوم',
'renameusersubmit' => 'سپارل',
- 'renameuser-submit-blocklog' => 'د کارن بنديز يادښت ښکاره کول',
'renameusererrordoesnotexist' => 'د "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" په نامه کوم کارن نه شته.',
'renameusererrorexists' => 'د "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" په نامه يو کارن له پخوا نه شته.',
'renameusererrorinvalid' => 'د "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" کارن نوم سم نه دی.',
@@ -3631,13 +3593,6 @@ $messages['qu'] = array(
Kay qatiqpiqa hukchay hallch'atam rikunki.",
-/** Romansh (rumantsch)
- * @author Kazu89
- */
-$messages['rm'] = array(
- 'log-name-renameuser' => "Protocol da midadas da num d'utilisader",
/** Romani (Romani)
* @author Desiphral
@@ -3729,7 +3684,6 @@ L'archivije de le renomenaziune 'u iacchie aqquà sotte cumme referimende.",
/** Russian (руÑÑкий)
* @author Ahonc
- * @author Amire80
* @author
* @author DCamer
* @author DR
@@ -3765,7 +3719,7 @@ $messages['ru'] = array(
'renameuser-page-unmoved' => 'Страница $1 не может быть переименована в $2.',
'log-name-renameuser' => 'Журнал переименований учаÑтников',
'log-description-renameuser' => 'Это журнал произведённых переименований зарегиÑтрированных учаÑтников.',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|переименовал}} учаÑтника $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 правка|$6 правок|$6 правки}}) в $5',
+ 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|переименовал}} учаÑтника $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 правка|$6 правки|$6 правок}}) в $5',
'logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier' => '$1 переименовал Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ $4 в $5',
'renameuser-move-log' => 'ÐвтоматичеÑки в ÑвÑзи Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸ÐµÐ¼ учётной запиÑи «[[User:$1|$1]]» в «[[User:$2|$2]]»',
'action-renameuser' => 'переименование учаÑтников',
@@ -3935,43 +3889,10 @@ $messages['sgs'] = array(
/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
* @author OC Ripper
$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'renameuser' => 'Promijeni ime korisnika',
- 'renameuser-linkoncontribs' => 'preimenuj korisnika',
- 'renameuser-linkoncontribs-text' => 'Preimenuj ovog korisnika',
- 'renameuser-desc' => 'Preimenuj korisnika', # Fuzzy
- 'renameuserold' => 'Trenutno korisniÄko ime:',
- 'renameusernew' => 'Novo korisniÄko ime:',
- 'renameuserreason' => 'Razlog:',
- 'renameusermove' => 'Premjesti korisnikove stranice (glavnu, stranicu za razgovor i podstranice, ako postoje) na novo ime',
- 'renameusersuppress' => 'Ne pravi preusmerenja na novo korisniÄko ime',
- 'renameuserreserve' => 'Blokiraj staro korisniÄko ime za dalju upotrebu',
- 'renameuserwarnings' => 'Upozorenja:',
- 'renameuserconfirm' => 'Da, preimenuj korisnika',
'renameusersubmit' => 'Unesi',
- 'renameuser-submit-blocklog' => 'Evidencija blokiranja za korisnika',
- 'renameusererrordoesnotexist' => 'KorisniÄko ime "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" ne postoji',
- 'renameusererrorexists' => 'KorisniÄko ime "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" već postoji',
- 'renameusererrorinvalid' => 'KorisniÄko ime "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" ne valja',
- 'renameuser-error-request' => 'Nastao je problem prilikom primanja zahteva.
-Molimo vas pokušajte ponovo.',
- 'renameuser-error-same-user' => 'Ne možete preimenovati korisnika u isto ime kao i pre.',
- 'renameusersuccess' => 'Korisnik "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" je preimenovan u "<nowiki>$2</nowiki>"',
- 'renameuser-page-exists' => 'Stranica $1 već postoji i ne može se automatski presnimiti.',
- 'renameuser-page-moved' => 'Stranica $1 je premeštena na $2.',
- 'renameuser-page-unmoved' => 'Strana $1 se ne može premestiti na $2.',
- 'log-name-renameuser' => 'Evidencija preimenovanja',
- 'log-description-renameuser' => 'Ovo je evidencija izmjena preimenovanja korisnika.',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|preimenovao}} korisnika $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 edit|$6 edits}}) na $5',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser-legacier' => '$1 preimenovao korisnika $4 na $5',
- 'renameuser-move-log' => 'Automatski premeštena stranica dok je korisnik "[[User:$1|$1]]" preimenovan u "[[User:$2|$2]]"',
- 'action-renameuser' => 'preimenovanje korisnika',
- 'right-renameuser' => 'preimenovanje korisniÄkih imena',
- 'renameuser-renamed-notice' => 'Ovom korisniku je promenjeno ime.
-Evidencija promena imena je priložena ispod, kao informacija.',
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
@@ -4168,17 +4089,15 @@ $messages['sr-ec'] = array(
'renameuser-submit-blocklog' => 'Дневник блокирања за кориÑника',
'renameusererrordoesnotexist' => 'КориÑник „<nowiki>$1</nowiki>“ не поÑтоји.',
'renameusererrorexists' => 'КориÑник „<nowiki>$1</nowiki>“ већ поÑтоји.',
- 'renameusererrorinvalid' => 'Погрешно кориÑничко име: „<nowiki>$1</nowiki>“',
+ 'renameusererrorinvalid' => 'Погрешно кориÑничко име: "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>"',
'renameuser-error-request' => 'Дошло је до проблема при примању захтева.
Вратите Ñе назад и покушајте поново.',
'renameuser-error-same-user' => 'Ðе можете преименовати кориÑника у иÑто име.',
- 'renameusersuccess' => 'КориÑник „<nowiki>$1</nowiki>“ је преименован на „<nowiki>$2</nowiki>“',
+ 'renameusersuccess' => 'КориÑник "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" је преименован на "<nowiki>$2</nowiki>"',
'renameuser-page-exists' => 'Страница $1 већ поÑтоји и не може Ñе заменити.',
- 'renameuser-page-moved' => 'Страница $1 је премештена на $2.',
+ 'renameuser-page-moved' => 'Страница $1 је премештена у $2.',
'renameuser-page-unmoved' => 'Страница $1 не може да Ñе премеÑти на $2.',
'log-name-renameuser' => 'Дневник преименовања кориÑника',
- 'log-description-renameuser' => 'ИÑпод је ÑпиÑак преименованих кориÑника.',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser' => '$1 је {{GENDER:$2|преименовао|преименовала}} кориÑника $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 измену|$6 измена}}) у $5',
'renameuser-move-log' => 'Премештене Ñтранице приликом преименовања кориÑника: „[[User:$1|$1]]“ у „[[User:$2|$2]]“.',
'action-renameuser' => 'преименовање кориÑника',
'right-renameuser' => 'преименовање кориÑничких имена',
@@ -4213,14 +4132,12 @@ $messages['sr-el'] = array(
'renameusererrorinvalid' => 'PogreÅ¡no korisniÄko ime: "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>"',
'renameuser-error-request' => 'Javio se problem prilikom prihvatanja zahteva. Idi nazad i pokušaj ponovo.',
'renameuser-error-same-user' => 'Ne možeÅ¡ preimenovati korisniÄko ime u isto kao i prethodno.',
- 'renameusersuccess' => 'Korisnik „<nowiki>$1</nowiki>“ je preimenovan na „<nowiki>$2</nowiki>“',
+ 'renameusersuccess' => 'Korisnik "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" je preimenovan na "<nowiki>$2</nowiki>"',
'renameuser-page-exists' => 'Stranica $1 već postoji i ne može biti automatski presnimljena.',
'renameuser-page-moved' => 'Stranica $1 je premeštena na $2.',
'renameuser-page-unmoved' => 'Stranica $1 ne može biti premeštena na $2.',
'log-name-renameuser' => 'Dnevnik preimenovanja korisnika',
- 'log-description-renameuser' => 'Ispod je spisak preimenovanih korisnika.',
- 'logentry-renameuser-renameuser' => '$1 je {{GENDER:$2|preimenovao|preimenovala}} korisnika $4 ({{PLURAL:$6|$6 izmenu|$6 izmena}}) u $5',
- 'renameuser-move-log' => 'Premeštene stranice prilikom preimenovanja korisnika: „[[User:$1|$1]]“ u „[[User:$2|$2]]“.',
+ 'renameuser-move-log' => 'Automatski pomerene stranice prilikom preimenovanja korisniÄkog imena: „[[User:$1|$1]]“ u „[[User:$2|$2]]“.',
'action-renameuser' => 'preimenovanje korisnika',
'right-renameuser' => 'preimenovanje korisniÄkih imena',
'renameuser-renamed-notice' => 'Ovom korisniku je promenjeno ime.
@@ -4401,7 +4318,7 @@ $messages['te'] = array(
'renameuser-desc' => "వాడà±à°•à°°à°¿ పేరౠమారà±à°šà°‚à°¡à°¿ (''renameuser'' à°…à°¨à±à°¨ అధికారం కావాలి)",
'renameuserold' => 'à°ªà±à°°à°¸à±à°¤à±à°¤ వాడà±à°•à°°à°¿ పేరà±:',
'renameusernew' => 'కొతà±à°¤ వాడà±à°•à°°à°¿ పేరà±:',
- 'renameuserreason' => 'కారణం:',
+ 'renameuserreason' => 'పేరౠమారà±à°šà°¡à°¾à°¨à°¿à°•à°¿ కారణం:', # Fuzzy
'renameusermove' => 'వాడà±à°•à°°à°¿ పేజీ, à°šà°°à±à°šà°¾à°ªà±‡à°œà±€à°²à°¨à± (వాటి ఉపపేజీలతో సహా) కొతà±à°¤ పేరà±à°•à± తరలించండి',
'renameusersuppress' => 'కొతà±à°¤ పేరà±à°•à°¿ దారిమారà±à°ªà±à°²à± సృషà±à°Ÿà°¿à°‚à°šà°•à±',
'renameuserreserve' => 'పాత వాడà±à°•à°°à°¿à°ªà±‡à°°à±à°¨à°¿ భవిషà±à°¯à°¤à±à°¤à±à°²à±‹ వాడకà±à°‚à°¡à°¾ నిరోధించà±',
@@ -4617,7 +4534,6 @@ $messages['to'] = array(
/** Turkish (Türkçe)
* @author Joseph
* @author Karduelis
- * @author Marmase
* @author Runningfridgesrule
* @author UÄŸur BaÅŸak
* @author Vito Genovese
@@ -4629,7 +4545,7 @@ $messages['tr'] = array(
'renameuser-desc' => "Kullanıcıyı yeniden adlandırmak için bir [[Special:Renameuser|özel sayfa]] ekler (''kullanıcıyıyenidenadlandır'' hakkı gerekir)",
'renameuserold' => 'Şu anda ki kullanıcı adı:',
'renameusernew' => 'Yeni kullanıcı adı:',
- 'renameuserreason' => 'Neden:',
+ 'renameuserreason' => 'Neden:', # Fuzzy
'renameusermove' => 'Kullanıcı ve tartışma sayfalarını (ve alt sayfalarını) yeni isme taşı',
'renameusersuppress' => 'Yeni ada yönlendirmeler oluşturma',
'renameuserreserve' => 'Eski kullanıcı adını ilerdeki kullanımlar için engelle',
@@ -4723,10 +4639,9 @@ $messages['ur'] = array(
/** Uzbek (oʻzbekcha)
* @author CoderSI
- * @author Sociologist
$messages['uz'] = array(
- 'log-name-renameuser' => 'Foydalanuvchilarni qayta nomlash qaydlari',
+ 'log-name-renameuser' => 'Ishtirokchilarni qayta nomlash qaydlari',
/** vèneto (vèneto)
@@ -4830,7 +4745,7 @@ $messages['vo'] = array(
'renameuser-desc' => "Votanemön gebani (gität: ''renameuser'' zesüdon)",
'renameuserold' => 'Gebananem anuik:',
'renameusernew' => 'Gebananem nulik:',
- 'renameuserreason' => 'Kod:',
+ 'renameuserreason' => 'Kod votanemama:', # Fuzzy
'renameusermove' => 'Topätükön padi e bespikapadi gebana (e donapadis onsik) ad nem nulik',
'renameuserreserve' => 'Neletön gebananemi rigik (pos votanemam) ad pagebön ün fütür',
'renameuserwarnings' => 'Nuneds:',
@@ -4921,15 +4836,13 @@ $messages['yo'] = array(
/** Cantonese (粵語)
- * @author Antonytse
- * @author Liuxinyu970226
$messages['yue'] = array(
'renameuser' => '改用戶å',
'renameuser-desc' => "幫用戶改å (éœ€è¦ ''renameuser'' 權é™)",
'renameuserold' => 'ç¾æ™‚嘅用戶å:',
'renameusernew' => '新嘅用戶å:',
- 'renameuserreason' => '原因:',
+ 'renameuserreason' => '改å嘅原因:', # Fuzzy
'renameusermove' => 'æ¬ç”¨æˆ¶é åŒåŸ‹ä½¢å˜…å°è©±é ï¼ˆåŒåŸ‹ä½¢å“‹å˜…ç´°é ï¼‰åˆ°æ–°å',
'renameuserwarnings' => '警告:',
'renameuserconfirm' => '係,改呢個用戶å',
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.php b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.php
index 40636b54..e9e83143 100644
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.php
+++ b/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.php
@@ -48,5 +48,4 @@ $wgJobClasses['renameUser'] = 'RenameUserJob';
$wgHooks['ShowMissingArticle'][] = 'RenameuserHooks::onShowMissingArticle';
$wgHooks['ContributionsToolLinks'][] = 'RenameuserHooks::onContributionsToolLinks';
-$wgHooks['GetLogTypesOnUser'][] = 'RenameuserHooks::onGetLogTypesOnUser';
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/RenameuserSQL.php b/extensions/Renameuser/RenameuserSQL.php
index 153cac88..eeb879a0 100644
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/RenameuserSQL.php
+++ b/extensions/Renameuser/RenameuserSQL.php
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ class RenameuserSQL {
if ( !$dbw->affectedRows() && $this->checkIfUserExists ) {
- wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return false;
@@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ class RenameuserSQL {
if ( count( $jobs ) > 0 ) {
- JobQueueGroup::singleton()->push( $jobs, JobQueue::QOS_ATOMIC ); // don't commit yet
+ Job::safeBatchInsert( $jobs ); // don't commit yet
// Commit the transaction
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/specials/SpecialRenameuser.php b/extensions/Renameuser/specials/SpecialRenameuser.php
index f6b9bac1..d869e2a8 100644
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/specials/SpecialRenameuser.php
+++ b/extensions/Renameuser/specials/SpecialRenameuser.php
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class SpecialRenameuser extends SpecialPage {
- Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalUrl(), 'id' => 'renameuser' ) ) .
+ Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalUrl(), 'id' => 'renameuser' ) ) .
Xml::openElement( 'fieldset' ) .
Xml::element( 'legend', null, $this->msg( 'renameuser' )->text() ) .
Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'id' => 'mw-renameuser-table' ) ) .
diff --git a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/.gitreview b/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fdecfa5..00000000
--- a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php b/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e92679d..00000000
--- a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
- * Internationalisation file for extension SimpleAntiSpam.
- *
- * @file
- * @ingroup Extensions
- */
-$messages = array();
-/** English
- * @author Ryan Schmidt
- */
-$messages['en'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Your edit triggered the anti-spam mechanism',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam check.
-Do '''NOT''' fill this in!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adds a simple spam/bot check to forms',
-/** Message documentation (Message documentation)
- * @author Purodha
- * @author Shirayuki
- * @author The Evil IP address
- */
-$messages['qqq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Unused at this time.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Used as label for the input box in "Edit" page.
-The label and the input box are always hidden.',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '{{desc|name=Simple Anti Spam|url=}}',
-/** Afrikaans (Afrikaans)
- * @author Naudefj
- */
-$messages['af'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'U wysiging het die anti-spam meganisme geaktiveer',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam kontrole.
-'''Moenie''' die veld invul nie!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Voeg 'n eenvoudige spam/robot-kontrole op vorms by",
-/** Gheg Albanian (Gegë)
- * @author Mdupont
- */
-$messages['aln'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Your redakto shkaktoi mekanizmi anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam kontrolloni. A'''''NUK' plotësoni këtë!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Shton një spam i thjeshtë / kontrolloni bot me format e',
-/** Aragonese (aragonés)
- * @author Juanpabl
- */
-$messages['an'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ista edición suya ha activato o mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Preba anti-spam.
-'''NO''' replene esto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adibe una preba de spam/bot ta os formularios',
-/** Arabic (العربية)
- * @author Meno25
- */
-$messages['ar'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'تعديلك نشط أداة منع السبام',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "اختبار ضد السبام.
-'''لا''' تملأ هذا!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'يضي٠اختبار سبام/بوت بسيط للاستمارات',
-/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى)
- * @author Ramsis II
- */
-$messages['arz'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'تعديلك نشط خاصية الانتي-سبام',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "اختبار انتي-سبام.
-'''ماتعبيش''' دا!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'بيضي٠اختبار سبام/بوت بسيط للاستمارات',
-/** Assamese (অসমীয়া)
- * @author Gitartha.bordoloi
- */
-$messages['as'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'আপোনাৰ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾à¦‡ à¦à¦£à§à¦Ÿà¦¿-সà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦® কৌশল সকà§à§°à¦¿à¦¯à¦¼ কৰিলে।',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "à¦à¦£à§à¦Ÿà¦¿-সà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦® পৰীকà§à¦·à¦¾à¥¤
-à¦à¦‡à¦–ন পূৰণ '''নকৰিব'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "পà§à§°à¦ªà¦¤à§à§°à¦¤ à¦à¦Ÿà¦¾ সৰল সà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦®/ব'ট পৰীকà§à¦·à¦£ যোগ কৰে",
-/** Asturian (asturianu)
- * @author Esbardu
- */
-$messages['ast'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "La to edición activó'l mecanismu anti-spam",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Control anti-spam.
-¡'''NUN''' rellenes esto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Amiesta al formulariu la comprobación de spam con un bot',
-/** Bashkir (башҡортÑа)
- * @author Assele
- */
-$messages['ba'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Һеҙҙең үҙгәртеүегеҙ Ñпамға ҡаршы ҡоролманы тоҡандырҙы',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Спамға ҡаршы тикшереү.
-Быны '''ТУЛТЫРМÐҒЫҘ'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Формаларға Ñбай Ñпамға/ботҡа ҡаршы тикшереү өҫтәй.',
-/** Southern Balochi (بلوچی مکرانی)
- * @author Mostafadaneshvar
- */
-$messages['bcc'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'شمی اصلاح یک ماکانیزم ضد اسپمی بنگیج کت',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "کنترل ضد اسپم.
-ای شیء پر ''مکن''",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'اضاÙÙ‡ کنت یم ساده اسپم/روبوت Ú†Ú© په کنترل Ùرم آن',
-/** Bikol Central (Bikol Central)
- * @author Geopoet
- */
-$messages['bcl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'An saimong pagliwat nakapagkiblit kan anti-espam na mekanismo',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Narikisa kan anti-espam.
-"Dae" ka magkaag nin laman digde!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Minadugang nin simplihong rikisa kan espam/panalnga sa mga porma',
-/** Belarusian (TaraÅ¡kievica orthography) (беларуÑÐºÐ°Ñ (тарашкевіца)‎)
- * @author EugeneZelenko
- */
-$messages['be-tarask'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваша Ñ€Ñдагаваньне ўключыла мÑханізм анты-Ñпаму',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Праверка анты-Ñпаму.
-'''ÐЕ''' запаўнÑйце тут нічога!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Дадае Ñž формы проÑтую праверку на Ñпам/робата',
-/** Bulgarian (българÑки)
- * @author DCLXVI
- * @author Spiritia
- */
-$messages['bg'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Вашата Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°ÐºÑ†Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ¹Ñтва механизма против Ñпам',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Проверка за Ñпам.
-Ðеобходимо е да '''ÐЕ''' попълвате това поле!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ð”Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾ÑÑ‚ формулÑÑ€ за проверка за Ñпам/роботи',
-/** Bengali (বাংলা)
- * @author Bellayet
- */
-$messages['bn'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "à¦à¦¨à§à¦Ÿà¦¿-সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦® যাচাই।
-à¦à¦Ÿà¦¾ পূরণ করবেন '''না'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ফরমগà§à¦²à§‹ যাচাই করার জনà§à¦¯ à¦à¦•à¦Ÿà¦¿ সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦®/বট যোগ করà§à¦¨',
-/** Breton (brezhoneg)
- * @author Fulup
- */
-$messages['br'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Gweredekaet eo bet ar wikefre eneb-strob gant ar c'hemmoù hoc'h eus degaset",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Taol gwiriañ eneb-strob.
-'''Arabat''' merkañ tra pe dra amañ !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Ouzhpennañ a ra taol gwiriañ ur bot strober d'ar furmskridoù",
-/** Bosnian (bosanski)
- * @author CERminator
- */
-$messages['bs'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'VaÅ¡a izmjena je ukljuÄila mehanizam protiv spama',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Provjera protiv spama.
-'''NE''' popunjavaj ovo!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje jednostavnu provjeru od spama/botova u obrasce',
-/** Catalan (català)
- * @author Jordi Roqué
- * @author Paucabot
- * @author Ssola
- */
-$messages['ca'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'La vostra modificació ha activat un mecanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Comprovació anti-spam.
-'''NO''' ho ompliu!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Inclou un detector simple de spam o bots als formularis',
-/** Czech (Äesky)
- * @author Danny B.
- */
-$messages['cs'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaše úprava spustila antispamový mechanismus',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamová kontrola.
-'''NEVYPLŇUJTE''' následující!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Přidává do formulářů jednoduchou kontrolu botů/spamu.',
-/** Welsh (Cymraeg)
- * @author Lloffiwr
- */
-$messages['cy'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Achosodd eich golygiad i'r teclyn gwrth-sbam ddechrau",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Prawf gwrth-sbam.
-'''Peidiwch''' â llenwi hwn!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Yn ychwanegu prawf sbam/bot syml i ffurflenni',
-/** Danish (dansk)
- * @author HenrikKbh
- */
-$messages['da'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Din redigering udløste anti-spam mekanismen',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam tjek.
-Udfyld ''' ikke ''' dette!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tilføjer en simpel spam/bot kontrol til formularer',
-/** German (Deutsch)
- * @author Kghbln
- * @author Raimond Spekking
- */
-$messages['de'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Deine Bearbeitung hat die Spamschutzprüfung ausgelöst.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spamschutzprüfung.
-Hier '''NICHTS''' eintragen!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ergänzt eine Prüfung zum Schutz vor Spambots',
-/** German (formal address) (Deutsch (Sie-Form)‎)
- * @author Kghbln
- * @author MichaelFrey
- */
-$messages['de-formal'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ihre Bearbeitung hat die Spamschutzprüfung ausgelöst.',
-/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
- * @author Aspar
- */
-$messages['diq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'vuriyayişê şıma mekanizmaya anti-spami herikna',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "tehqiqatê Anti-spami.
-no '''de mekerê'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Forman re tehqiqatê spami/bot dano',
-/** Lower Sorbian (dolnoserbski)
- * @author Michawiki
- */
-$messages['dsb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Twója změna jo zapušćiła antispamowy mechanizm.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamowa kontrola.
-How '''NIC''' zapisaÅ›!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Pśidawa formularam jadnoru antispamowu kontrolu pśez bośik',
-/** Greek (Ελληνικά)
- * @author Dead3y3
- */
-$messages['el'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Η επεξεÏγασία σας ενεÏγοποίησε τον μηχανισμό anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Έλεγχος anti-spam.
-'''ΜΗÎ''' το συμπληÏώσετε αυτό!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ΠÏοσθέτει έναν απλό έλεγχο spam/bot σε φόÏμες',
-/** Esperanto (Esperanto)
- * @author Yekrats
- */
-$messages['eo'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Via redakto spronis la kontraÅ­spamilon.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Kontrolo kontraÅ­ spamo.
-NE ENIGU ion ajn!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Aldonas simplan kontraÅ­spamilon/kontraÅ­robotilon al paÄoj',
-/** Spanish (español)
- * @author Crazymadlover
- * @author Sanbec
- */
-$messages['es'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Su edición encendió el mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Comprobación anti-spam
-¡NO rellenes esto!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Añade un control simple de spam y bots a los formularios',
-/** Estonian (eesti)
- * @author Pikne
- */
-$messages['et'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Sinu muudatus päästis valla rämpspostivastase seadeldise.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Rämpspostikontroll.
-'''ÄRA''' täida seda välja!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Lisab lihtsa rämpsposti- ja robotikontrolli vormiväljade jaoks.',
-/** Basque (euskara)
- * @author Kobazulo
- */
-$messages['eu'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Zure aldaketak anti-spam mekanismoa abiarazi du',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam egiaztapena.
-Atal hau '''EZ''' bete!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Spam/bot baten egiaztapen sinple bat eransten du',
-/** Persian (Ùارسی)
- * @author Huji
- * @author Meisam
- */
-$messages['fa'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'ویرایش شما مکانیسم ضدهرزنگاری را Ùعال کرد',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "بررسی ضدهرزنگاری.
-این قسمت را پر '''نکنید'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'یک بررسی ساده برای هرزنگاری/ربات به Ùرم‌ها اضاÙÙ‡ می‌کند',
-/** Finnish (suomi)
- * @author Jack Phoenix
- * @author Nike
- */
-$messages['fi'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Muokkauksesi laukaisi mainostentorjujamekanismin',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Mainostenvastainen tarkistus. '''ÄLÄ''' täytä tätä!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Lisää yksinkertaisen mainos- ja bottitarkistuksen lomakkeisiin.',
-/** French (français)
- * @author Grondin
- * @author Verdy p
- */
-$messages['fr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Votre modification a déclenché le mécanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Vérification anti-spam.
-Ne '''RIEN''' inscrire ici !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ajoute au formulaire la vérification d’un bot spammeur',
-/** Franco-Provençal (arpetan)
- * @author ChrisPtDe
- */
-$messages['frp'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Voutron changement at dècllenchiê lo mècanismo anti-spame',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Contrôlo anti-spame.
-Enscrîde '''REN''' ique !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Apond u formulèro lo contrôlo d’un bot spamor.',
-/** Galician (galego)
- * @author Toliño
- */
-$messages['gl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A súa edición activou o mecanismo antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Comprobación antispam.
-'''NON''' encha isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Engade unha verificación simple de spam por parte de bots nos formularios',
-/** Swiss German (Alemannisch)
- * @author Als-Holder
- */
-$messages['gsw'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Dyyni Bearbeitig het dr Spamschutz usglest.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spamschutz-Priefig. Do '''nyt''' yytrage!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ergänzt Formular um e eifache Bot-Spamschutz',
-/** Gujarati (ગà«àªœàª°àª¾àª¤à«€)
- * @author Sushant savla
- */
-$messages['gu'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'તમારા ફેરફારને કારણે àªàª¨à«àªŸà«€-સà«àªªà«…મ કારà«àª¯àªªà«àª°àª£àª¾àª²à«€ જાગà«àª°àª¤ થઈ',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "સà«àªªà«…મ વિરોધી તપાસ.
-આને '''ન''' ભરશો!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'અરજી પતà«àª° પર સરળ સà«àªªà«…મ / બૉટ ઉમેરે છે',
-/** Hebrew (עברית)
- * @author Rotem Liss
- */
-$messages['he'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '×¢×¨×™×›×ª×›× ×”×¤×¢×™×œ×” ×ת מנוע ×”×נטי־ספ××',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "בדיקת ×נטי־ספ××.
-'''×ל''' תמל×ו שדה ×–×”!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'הוספת בדיקה פשוטה של ספ××/בוט לטפסי×',
-/** Hindi (हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€)
- * @author Kaustubh
- */
-$messages['hi'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'आपके बदलावोंसे à¤à¤‚टी-सà¥à¤ªà¥…म मेकेनिà¤à¤® शà¥à¤°à¥‚ हो गया हैं',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "à¤à¤¨à¥à¤Ÿà¥€-सà¥à¤ªà¥ˆà¤® जाà¤à¤š.
-इसे भरें '''नहीं'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'फ़ारà¥à¤®à¤®à¥‡à¤‚ सादी सà¥à¤ªà¥ˆà¤®/बोट जाà¤à¤š बढाता हैं',
-/** Croatian (hrvatski)
- * @author Dalibor Bosits
- */
-$messages['hr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaše uređivanje je pokrenulo anti-spam mehanizam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam provjera.
-'''Ne''' ispunjavajte ovo!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje jednostavnu provjeru za spam/bot',
-/** Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbsce)
- * @author Michawiki
- */
-$messages['hsb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Twoja změna je mechanizm přećiwo spamej zahibała',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kontrola přećiwo spamej.
-Tu '''niÄo''' njezapisać!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Přidawa formularam jednoru spamowu kontrolu přez boćik',
-/** Hungarian (magyar)
- * @author Bdamokos
- * @author Dani
- * @author Glanthor Reviol
- */
-$messages['hu'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A szerkesztésed egy spamellenes mechanizmust aktivált.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spam elleni ellenőrzés.
-'''NE''' töltsd ezt ki!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Egyszerű spam és bot elleni ellenőrzés hozzáadása űrlapokhoz',
-/** Interlingua (interlingua)
- * @author McDutchie
- */
-$messages['ia'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Tu modification ha activate le mechanismo antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verification antispam.
-'''NON''' completa isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adde un verification antispam/antibot simple al formularios',
-/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
- * @author Rex
- */
-$messages['id'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntingan Anda memicu mekanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pemeriksaan anti-spam.
-Masukan ini '''DILARANG'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tambahkan pemeriksaan spam/bot sederhana ke formulir-formulir',
-/** Iloko (Ilokano)
- * @author Lam-ang
- */
-$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ti inurnos mo ket kinalbit na ti kontra-spam a mekanismo',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kontra-spam a panagkita.
- '''Saan''' mo a suratan daytoy!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Agnayon ti nalaka a spam/bot panagkita iti nakabuklan',
-/** Icelandic (íslenska)
- * @author Snævar
- */
-$messages['is'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Breytingin þín setti af stað kæfuvörn.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Kæfuvörn.
-Ekki fylla þetta út!',
-/** Italian (italiano)
- * @author Darth Kule
- */
-$messages['it'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Il tuo edit ha attivato il meccanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Controllo anti-spam.
-'''NON''' riempire!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Aggiunge un semplice controllo spam/bot ai moduli',
-/** Japanese (日本語)
- * @author Aotake
- * @author Muttley
- * @author Shirayuki
- */
-$messages['ja'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '編集内容ãŒåŽŸå› ã§ã‚¹ãƒ‘ム防止機能ãŒç™ºå‹•ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "SPAM防止ãƒã‚§ãƒƒã‚¯ã§ã™ã€‚
-決ã—ã¦ã“ã“ã«å€¤ã‚’入力'''ã—ãªã„'''ã§ãã ã•ã„。",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'フォームã«ç°¡å˜ãªã‚¹ãƒ‘ム/ボット ãƒã‚§ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚’追加',
-/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
- * @author Pras
- */
-$messages['jv'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntingan panjenengan nggugah mékanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pamariksan anti-spam.
-'''Aja''' diisèkaké!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tambahaké pamriksan spam/bot prasaja menyang formulir',
-/** Georgian (ქáƒáƒ áƒ—ული)
- * @author BRUTE
- * @author David1010
- */
-$messages['ka'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'თქვენმრრედáƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒ˜áƒ áƒ”ბáƒáƒ› ჩáƒáƒ áƒ—რáƒáƒœáƒ¢áƒ˜-სპáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡ მექáƒáƒœáƒ˜áƒ–მი',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "áƒáƒœáƒ¢áƒ˜-სპáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡ შემáƒáƒ¬áƒ›áƒ”ბáƒ.
-'''áƒáƒ ''' შეáƒáƒ•áƒ¡áƒáƒ— ის!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ფáƒáƒ áƒ›áƒáƒ–ე áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ”ბს სპáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ დრბáƒáƒ¢áƒ”ბის მáƒáƒ áƒ¢áƒ˜áƒ• შემáƒáƒ¬áƒ›áƒ”ბáƒáƒ¡',
-/** Korean (한국어)
- * @author Klutzy
- * @author Kwj2772
- * @author Yknok29
- * @author ì•„ë¼
- */
-$messages['ko'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '현재 íŽ¸ì§‘ì´ ìŠ¤íŒ¸ 방지 ìž¥ì¹˜ì— íƒì§€ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "스팸 방지 검사입니다.
-ì´ê²ƒì„ 입력하지 '''마세요'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ì–‘ì‹ì— 간단한 스팸/ë´‡ í™•ì¸ ìž¥ì¹˜ë¥¼ 추가합니다',
-/** Colognian (Ripoarisch)
- * @author Purodha
- */
-$messages['ksh'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Deine Änderung hät unsere SPAMschotz op der Plan jeroofe',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'SPAMschotz — donn hee nix endraare!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Deit enne ëijfache Schoz jäje Bots un SPAM bëij de Formolare dobëij.',
-/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
- * @author Robby
- */
-$messages['lb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Är Ännerung huet den anti-spam Mekanismus ausgeléist',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-Spam Kontroll.
-Fëllt '''näischt''' hei ënnendrënner aus!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Setzt eng einfach Spam/Bot Kontroll a Formulairen derbäi',
-/** Limburgish (Limburgs)
- * @author Matthias
- */
-$messages['li'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Oew bewerking heet 't antispammechanisme in werking gesteld",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispemcontrole.
-Vol dit veld '''NEET''' in!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Veug ein einvaawdife spem/botcontrole aan formulere',
-/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
- * @author Homo
- * @author Matasg
- */
-$messages['lt'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Jūsų redagavimas paleido anti-spam mechanizmą',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam patikra.
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Prideda paprastą reklaminių šiukšlių botą formoms tikrinti',
-/** Latvian (latviešu)
- * @author Xil
- */
-$messages['lv'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Tevis veiktÄs izmaiņas ir iedarbinÄja pretspama mehÄnismu',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pretspama pÄrbaude.
- '''NEAIZPILDĪT!'''",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Pievieno vienkÄrÅ¡u spama/botu pÄrbaudi veidlapas',
-/** Minangkabau (Baso Minangkabau)
- * @author Iwan Novirion
- */
-$messages['min'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntiangan Sanak mamicu mekanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pamarisoan anti-spam.
-Masukan ko '''DILARANG'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tambahkan pamarisoan spam/bot sadarano ka formulir',
-/** Macedonian (македонÑки)
- * @author Bjankuloski06
- */
-$messages['mk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Вашето уредување го предизвика анти-Ñпам механизмот',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "ÐнтиÑпам проверка.
-'''ÐЕ''' го пополнувајте ова!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Додава едноÑтавна проверка за Ñпам/ботови на обраÑците',
-/** Malayalam (മലയാളം)
- * @author Praveenp
- */
-$messages['ml'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'താങàµà´•à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† തിരàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ½ à´¸àµà´ªà´¾à´‚ വിരàµà´¦àµà´§ തനàµà´¤àµà´°à´¤àµà´¤àµ† ഉണർതàµà´¤à´¿à´¯à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "à´¸àµà´ªà´¾à´‚ വിരàµà´¦àµà´§ പരിശോധന.
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ഫോമàµà´•àµ¾à´•àµà´•à´¾à´¯àµà´³àµà´³ ലളിതമായ പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ/ബോടàµà´Ÿàµ പരിശോധന കൂടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´šàµà´šàµ‡àµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ',
-/** Marathi (मराठी)
- * @author Kaustubh
- */
-$messages['mr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'तà¥à¤®à¤šà¥à¤¯à¤¾ संपादनामà¥à¤³à¥‡ चिखलणी विरोधक चाळणी सà¥à¤°à¥ à¤à¤¾à¤²à¥‡à¤²à¥€ आहे',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "चिखलणी विरोधक तपासणी.
-हे भरू '''नका'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'अरà¥à¤œà¤¾à¤‚मधà¥à¤¯à¥‡ à¤à¤• साधी सà¥à¤ªà¥…म/सांगकामà¥à¤¯à¤¾ तपासणी वाढवितो',
-/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
- * @author Aviator
- */
-$messages['ms'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntingan anda ditahan oleh pemeriksa anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pemeriksaan anti-spam. '''JANGAN''' isi ruangan ini!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Menambah pemeriksaan spam/bot ringkas di borang sunting',
-/** Norwegian Bokmål (norsk bokmål)
- */
-$messages['nb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Redigeringen din utløste antispammekanismen',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamsjekk.
-'''IKKE''' fyll inn dette feltet!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Legger til en enkel spam-/robot-sjekk på skjemaer',
-/** Low German (Plattdüütsch)
- * @author Slomox
- */
-$messages['nds'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Dien Ännern hett den Spamschutz utlööst.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispam-Kuntrull. Hier '''nix''' indragen!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Föögt en eenfachen Bot-Spamschutz to Formularen to',
-/** Dutch (Nederlands)
- * @author Siebrand
- */
-$messages['nl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Uw bewerking heeft het antispammechanisme in werking gesteld',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamcontrole.
-Vul dit veld '''NIET''' in!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Voegt een eenvoudige spam/botcontrole toe aan formuleren',
-/** Nederlands (informeel)‎ (Nederlands (informeel)‎)
- * @author Siebrand
- */
-$messages['nl-informal'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Je bewerking heeft het antispammechanisme in werking gesteld',
-/** Norwegian Nynorsk (norsk nynorsk)
- * @author Harald Khan
- * @author Njardarlogar
- */
-$messages['nn'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Endringa di utløyste antispam-mekanismen.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispam-kontroll.
-'''IKKJE''' fyll ut dette feltet!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Legg til ein enkel spam-/robotsjekk på skjema',
-/** Occitan (occitan)
- * @author Cedric31
- */
-$messages['oc'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vòstre cambiament a desenclavat lo mecanisme antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificacion antispam.
-Inscrigatz '''PAS RES''' dedins !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Apond al formulari la verificacion d’un bòt tarabastejaire',
-/** Oriya (ଓଡ଼ିଆ)
- * @author Psubhashish
- */
-$messages['or'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'ଆପଣଙà­à¬• ସମà­à¬ªà¬¾à¬¦à¬¨ ସà­à¬ªà¬¾à¬®-ବିରୋଧି ତନà­à¬¤à­à¬°à¬•à­ ସଚଳ କରିଦେଲା',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "ସà­à¬ªà¬¾à¬®-ବିରୋଧି ପରଖ ।
-à¬à¬¹à¬¾à¬•à­ ଭରନà­à¬¤à­ '''ନାହିà¬''' !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'à¬à¬• ସରଳ ସà­à¬ªà¬¾à¬®/ଆପେଆପେ ଚାଳିତ ସଭà­à­Ÿ ଦେଇ ଫରà­à¬® ପରଖିବେ',
-/** Polish (polski)
- * @author Sp5uhe
- */
-$messages['pl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Twoja edycja zostanie sprawdzona mechanizmem antyspamowym',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Filtr antyspamowy.
-'''NIE''' wpisuj tu nic!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje do formularzy proste zabezpieczenie przed spamem i automatami',
-/** Piedmontese (Piemontèis)
- * @author Dragonòt
- */
-$messages['pms'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Toa modìfica a l'ha ativà ël mecànism anti-spam",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Control anti-spam.
-Vemp '''PA''' sòn-sì!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'A gionta un sempi control spam/bot a le forme',
-/** Western Punjabi (پنجابی)
- * @author Khalid Mahmood
- */
-$messages['pnb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'تھواڈی تبدیلی نیں سپام روک پربندھ چلادتا اے',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'سپام روک پھاٹک
-ایدے تے ناں لکھو۔',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'اک Ø³Ø§Ø¯Û Ø³Ù¾Ø§Ù…/بوٹ روک رلاؤ۔',
-/** Portuguese (português)
- * @author 555
- */
-$messages['pt'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A sua edição activou o mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificação de spam
-'''NÃO''' preencha isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adiciona em formulários um verificador de spam simples',
-/** Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil)
- * @author Eduardo.mps
- */
-$messages['pt-br'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A sua edição ativou o mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificação de spam
-'''NÃO''' preencha isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adiciona um verificador simples de spam/robôs em formulários',
-/** Romanian (română)
- * @author Stelistcristi
- */
-$messages['ro'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Editarea dvs a declanșat mecanismul antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificare antispam.
-'''NU''' completați !",
-/** tarandíne (tarandíne)
- * @author Joetaras
- */
-$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Le cangiaminde tune sonde tracciate da 'nu meccanisme andi-spam",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verifiche andi-spam.
-'''NO''' anghiè quiste!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Aggiunge 'na verifiche semblice de spam/bot jndr'à le module",
-/** Russian (руÑÑкий)
- * @author ÐлекÑандр Сигачёв
- */
-$messages['ru'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваша правка включила механизм анти-Ñпама',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Ðнти-Ñпам проверка.
-ÐЕ заполнÑйте Ñто!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ДобавлÑет на форму проÑтую проверку на Ñпам и ботов',
-/** Rusyn (руÑиньÑкый)
- * @author Gazeb
- */
-$messages['rue'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваша управа ÑпуÑтила антіÑпамовый механізм',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Перевірка на Ñпам.
-'''ÐЕ''' заповнюйте тото!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ПридаÑÑ‚ÑŒ до формуларїв проÑте Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ñ€Ñ—Ð½Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ–Ð²/Ñпаму',
-/** Sanskrit (संसà¥à¤•à¥ƒà¤¤à¤®à¥)
- * @author Shubha
- */
-$messages['sa'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'भवतः समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨à¥‡à¤¨ à¤à¤£à¥à¤Ÿà¤¿-सà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤®à¥-तनà¥à¤¤à¥à¤°à¤‚ सकà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¤‚ जातमà¥',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "अनिषà¥à¤Ÿà¤¸à¤¨à¥à¤¦à¥‡à¤¶à¤µà¤¿à¤°à¥‹à¤§à¤ªà¤°à¥€à¤•à¥à¤·à¤£à¤®à¥ ।
-असà¥à¤®à¤¿à¤¨à¥ '''नहि''' पूरà¥à¤¯à¤¤à¤¾à¤®à¥ !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤¤à¥à¤°à¥‡ सरलानिषà¥à¤Ÿà¤¸à¤¨à¥à¤¦à¥‡à¤¶à¤ƒ / बाटà¥-परीकà¥à¤·à¤£à¤‚ योजà¥à¤¯à¤¤à¥‡',
-/** Sakha (Ñаха тыла)
- * @author HalanTul
- */
-$messages['sah'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Эн көннөрүүҥ анти-Ñпамы холбоото',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Ðнти-Ñпам бÑÑ€ÑбиÑркÑÑ‚Ñ.
-Маны '''толорумаҥ'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Спам уонна робот туттулларын билÑÑ€ Ñудургу бÑÑ€ÑбиÑркÑни ÑбÑÑ€',
-/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
- * @author Budhajeewa
- */
-$messages['si'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'ඔබේ සංස්කරණය ප්â€à¶»à¶­à·’-ස්පෑම ක්â€à¶»à·’ය෠පිළිවෙල සක්â€à¶»à·“ය කළේය',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "ප්â€à¶»à¶­à·’-ස්පෑම පරීක්â€à·‚à·à·€.
-කරුණà·à¶šà¶» මෙය පුරවන්න '''එපà·'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'à·†à·à¶»à¶¸à¶ºà¶±à·Š වෙත සරල ස්පෑම/බොට් පරීක්â€à·‚à·à·€à¶šà·Š එක් කරයි',
-/** Slovak (slovenÄina)
- * @author Helix84
- */
-$messages['sk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaša úprava spustila antispamový mechanizmus',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamová kontrola.
-'''NEVYPĹŇAJTE''' nasledovné!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Pridáva k formulárom jednoduchú ochranu prosti botom/spamu.',
-/** Slovenian (slovenÅ¡Äina)
- * @author Dbc334
- */
-$messages['sl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaše urejanje je sprožilo mehanizem proti smetju',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Preverjanje proti smetju.
-'''NE''' izpolnite tega!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Doda preprosto preverjanje smetja/botov v obrazce',
-/** Albanian (shqip)
- * @author Olsi
- */
-$messages['sq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Redaktimi juaj shkaktoi mekanizmin anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kontroll anti-spam.
-'''MOS''' e plotësoni këtë!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Shton një kontroll spam/bot të thjeshtë tek format',
-/** Serbian (Cyrillic script) (ÑрпÑки (ћирилица)‎)
- * @author Millosh
- */
-$messages['sr-ec'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Твоја измена је покренула антиÑпам механизам.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Провера Ñпама. '''ÐЕ''' попуњавај ово унутра!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Додаје једноÑтавну Ñпам/бот проверу у форме.',
-/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
- * @author Michaello
- */
-$messages['sr-el'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Tvoja izmena je pokrenula antispam mehanizam.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Provera spama. '''NE''' popunjavaj ovo unutra!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje jednostavnu spam/bot proveru u forme.',
-/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
- * @author Pyt
- */
-$messages['stq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Dien Beoarbaidenge häd dän Spamskuts uutlöösd.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spamskuts-Wröige. Hier '''niks''' iendreege!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Föiget do Formulare n eenfachen Bot-Spamskuts bietou',
-/** Swedish (svenska)
- * @author M.M.S.
- * @author Skalman
- */
-$messages['sv'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Din redigering utlöste anti-spam mekanismen',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam koll.
-Fyll '''INTE''' i det här!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Lägger till en enkel spam-/robot-koll till formulär',
-/** Tamil (தமிழà¯)
- * @author மதனாஹரனà¯
- */
-$messages['ta'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'படிவஙà¯à®•à®³à®¿à®²à¯ ஓர௠எளிய எரித/தானியஙà¯à®•à®¿à®šà¯ சரிபாரà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà¯ˆ இணைகà¯à®•à¯à®®à¯',
-/** Turkmen (Türkmençe)
- * @author Hanberke
- */
-$messages['tk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Özgerdişiňiz anti-spam mehanizmini işletdi',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam barlagy.
-Muny '''DOLDURMAŇ'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Formlara ýönekeý spam/bot barlagyny goşýar',
-/** Tagalog (Tagalog)
- * @author AnakngAraw
- */
-$messages['tl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Nakapagpagalaw sa mekanismong panlaban ng \"manlulusob\" (''spam'') ang pagbabagong ginawa mo",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pagsusuring panlaban sa \"manlulusob\" (''spam'').
-'''HUWAG''' itong lagyan ng laman!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Nagdaragdag ng isang payak na pansuri ng \"manlulusob\" (''spam'') o ''bot'' sa mga pormularyo",
-/** Turkish (Türkçe)
- * @author Joseph
- */
-$messages['tr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Değişikliğiniz anti-spam mekanizmasını harekete geçirdi',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam denetimi.
-Bunu '''doldurmayın'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Formlara basit bir spam/bot denetimi ekler',
-/** Ukrainian (українÑька)
- * @author AS
- */
-$messages['uk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваше Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð°Ð³ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑтило механізм захиÑту перед Ñпамом',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Перевірка на Ñпам.
-'''ÐЕ''' заповнюйте це!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Додає на форму проÑтий механізм перевірки на Ñпам/бота',
-/** Urdu (اردو)
- * @author පසිඳු කà·à·€à·’න්ද
- */
-$messages['ur'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ùارم Ú©Û’ لئے ایک Ø³Ø§Ø¯Û Ø³Ù¾ÛŒÙ…/بیوٹی چیک Ú©Ûتے Ûیں',
-/** vèneto (vèneto)
- * @author Candalua
- */
-$messages['vec'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'La to modifica la ga fato scatar el mecanismo de controlo anti spam.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Controlo anti spam.
-'''NO STA''' scrivar gnente qua de soto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Zonta ai moduli un senplice controlo de spam/bot.',
-/** Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
- * @author Vinhtantran
- */
-$messages['vi'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Sửa đổi của bạn đã kích hoạt cơ chế chống spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kiểm tra chống spam.
-Xin '''ÄỪNG''' Ä‘iá»n gì vào!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Thêm một kiểm tra spam/bot vào mẫu',
-/** Volapük (Volapük)
- * @author Smeira
- */
-$messages['vo'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Redakam olik ekodon blokami fa sul taspamik',
-/** Cantonese (粵語)
- * @author Shinjiman
- */
-$messages['yue'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '你嘅編輯已經觸發咗防垃圾è£ç½®',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "å垃圾檢查。
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '加一個簡單嘅垃圾ï¼æ©Ÿæ¢°äººæª¢æŸ¥è¡¨æ ¼',
-/** Simplified Chinese (中文(简体)‎)
- * @author Hzy980512
- * @author PhiLiP
- * @author Shinjiman
- */
-$messages['zh-hans'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '您的编辑已ç»è§¦å‘了å垃圾装置',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "å垃圾检查。
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '对表格添加一个简å•çš„垃圾邮件或自动程åºæ£€æŸ¥æœºåˆ¶',
-/** Traditional Chinese (中文(ç¹é«”)‎)
- * @author Mark85296341
- * @author Shinjiman
- */
-$messages['zh-hant'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '您的編輯已經觸發了防垃圾è£ç½®',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "å垃圾檢查。
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '加一個簡單的垃圾ï¼æ©Ÿå™¨äººæª¢æŸ¥è¡¨æ ¼',
diff --git a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php b/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 82fff7bc..00000000
--- a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- * SimpleSpam extension by Ryan Schmidt
- * Adds a simple spam/bot check to forms
- * Does not affect real users in any way/shape/form
- */
-if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
- echo <<<EOM
- This is an extension to the MediaWiki software and cannot be used standalone.\n
- To install this on the wiki, add the following line to LocalSettings.php:\n
- <tt>require_once( "\$IP/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php" );</tt>\n
- To verify the installation, browse to the Special:Version page on your wiki.\n
- die( 1 );
-$wgExtensionCredits['antispam'][] = array(
- 'path' => __FILE__,
- 'name' => 'SimpleAntiSpam',
- 'descriptionmsg' => 'simpleantispam-desc',
- 'author' => 'Ryan Schmidt',
- 'url' => '',
- 'version' => '1.1.0',
-$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SimpleAntiSpam'] = __DIR__ . '/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php';
-$wgHooks['EditPage::showEditForm:fields'][] = 'efSimpleAntiSpamField';
-$wgHooks['EditPage::attemptSave'][] = 'efSimpleAntiSpamCheck';
- * Add the form field
- * @param $editpage EditPage
- * @param $out OutputPage
- * @return bool
- */
-function efSimpleAntiSpamField( &$editpage, &$out ) {
- $out->addHTML( "<div id=\"antispam-container\" style=\"display: none;\">
-<label for=\"wpAntispam\">"
- . wfMessage( 'simpleantispam-label' )->parse()
- . "</label> <input type=\"text\" name=\"wpAntispam\" id=\"wpAntispam\" value=\"\" />
-</div>\n" );
- return true;
- * Check for the field and if it isn't empty, negate the save
- *
- * @param $editpage EditPage
- * @return bool
- */
-function efSimpleAntiSpamCheck( $editpage ) {
- global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
- $spam = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpAntispam' );
- if ( $spam !== '' ) {
- wfDebugLog(
- 'SimpleAntiSpam',
- $wgUser->getName() .
- ' editing "' .
- $editpage->mTitle->getPrefixedText() .
- '" submitted bogus field "' .
- $spam .
- '"'
- );
- $editpage->spamPageWithContent();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/.gitreview b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index d74ae8f9..00000000
--- a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.i18n.php b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.i18n.php
index 3dd1a487..af397dba 100644
--- a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.i18n.php
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $messages['en'] = array(
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Regex-based anti-spam tool allowing to blacklist URLs in pages and email addresses for registered users',
'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Spam blacklist log',
'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'These events track spam blacklist hits.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '{{GENDER:$2|$1}} caused a spam blacklist hit on $3 by attempting to add $4.',
+ 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 caused a spam blacklist hit on $3 by attempting to add $4.',
'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'View spam blacklist log',
'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'view the spam blacklist log',
@@ -88,8 +88,10 @@ Parameters:
'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Description of spam blacklist log',
'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => 'Log entry that is created when a user adds a link that is blacklisted on the spam blacklist.
-Additional parameters:
+* $1 - a user link, for example "Jane Doe (Talk | contribs)"
+* $2 - (Optional) a username. Can be used for GENDER
+* $3 - the page the user attempted to edit
* $4 - the URL the user tried to add',
'right-spamblacklistlog' => '{{doc-right|spamblacklistlog}}',
'action-spamblacklistlog' => '{{doc-action|spamblacklistlog}}',
@@ -142,7 +144,6 @@ $messages['an'] = array(
/** Arabic (العربية)
- * @author Asaifm
* @author Meno25
* @author OsamaK
@@ -166,15 +167,8 @@ $messages['ar'] = array(
# * كل سطر غير Ùارغ هو تعبير منتظم يطابق Ùقط المضيÙين داخل الوصلات الخارجية
#</pre> <!-- اترك هذا السطر تماما كما هو -->',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'هذا البريد الإلكتروني مدرج ÙÙŠ القائمة السوداء',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'بريدك الإلكتروني مدرج ÙÙŠ القائمة السوداء وبناءً على ذلك لا يمكنك استخدامه لإرسال رسائل للمستخدمين الأخرين.',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'هذا البريد الإلكتروني مدرج ÙÙŠ القائمة السوداء وممنوع من الإستخدام.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1||السطر التالي|السطران التاليان|السطور التالية}} ÙÙŠ قائمة السبام السوداء {{PLURAL:$1|ليس تعبيرًا منتظمًا صحيحًا|ليسا تعبيرين منتظمين صحيحين|ليست تعبيرات منتظمة صحيحة}} Ùˆ{{PLURAL:$1||يحتاج|يحتاجان|تحتاج}} إلى أن {{PLURAL:$1||يصحح|يصححان|تصحح}} قبل Ø­Ùظ الصÙحة:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'أداة ضد السخام تعتمد على التعبيرات النمطية وتسمح بمنع روابط ÙÙŠ الصÙحات وعنواين البريد الإلكتروني للمستخدمين المسجلين',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'سجل السخام المدرج على القائمة السوداء',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'هذا الأحداث توثق مشاهدات القائمة السوداء للسخام.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'اعرض سجل السخام المدرج على القائمة السوداء',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'اعرض سجل السخام المدرج على القائمة السوداء',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'أداة ضد السبام تعتمد على التعبيرات المنتظمة: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] و [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى)
@@ -254,16 +248,16 @@ $messages['as'] = array(
* @author Xuacu
$messages['ast'] = array(
- 'spam-blacklist' => '#<!-- dexe esta llinia exautamente como ta --> <pre>
-# Les URLs esternes que casen con esta llista bloquiaránse cuando s\'amiesten a una páxina.
-# Esta llista afeuta namái a esta wiki; mire tamién la llista negra global.
-# Pa ver la documentación vea
+ 'spam-blacklist' => ' # Les URLs que casen con esta llista se bloquiarán cuando s\'añadan a una páxina.
+ # Esta llista afeuta namái a esta wiki; mira tamién la llista negra global.
+ # Pa ver la documentación visita
+ #<!-- dexa esta llinia exautamente como ta --> <pre>
# La sintaxis ye ésta:
# * Tol testu dende un caráuter "#" hasta lo cabero la llinia ye un comentariu
# * Toa llinia non balera ye un fragmentu regex qu\'afeuta namái a los sirvidores de les URLs
-#</pre> <!-- dexe esta llinia exautamente como ta -->',
+ #</pre> <!-- dexa esta llinia exautamente como ta -->',
'spam-whitelist' => ' #<!-- dexa esta llinia exautamente como ta --> <pre>
# Les URLs esternes d\'esta llista *nun* se bloquiarán inda si quedaríen bloquiaes
# por una entrada na llista negra.
@@ -323,7 +317,7 @@ $messages['ba'] = array(
# * # хәрефенән башлап юл аҙағына тиклем барыһы ла иҫкәрмә тип иҫәпләнә
# * Һәр буш булмаған юл URL ÑÑендәге төйөнгә генә ҡулланылған регулÑÑ€ аңлатманың өлөшө булып тора
#</pre> <!-- был юлды ниÑек бар, шулай ҡалдырығыҙ -->',
- 'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Түбәндәге ҡара иÑемлек {{PLURAL:$1|1=юлында|юлдарында}} хаталы регулÑÑ€ {{PLURAL:$1|1=аңлатма|аңлатмалар}} бар һәм {{PLURAL:$1|1=ул|улар}} битте һаҡлар алдынан төҙәтелергә тейеш:', # Fuzzy
+ 'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Түбәндәге ҡара иÑемлек {{PLURAL:$1|юлында|юлдарында}} хаталы регулÑÑ€ {{PLURAL:$1|аңлатма|аңлатмалар}} бар һәм {{PLURAL:$1|ул|улар}} битте һаҡлар алдынан төҙәтелергә тейеш:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'РегулÑÑ€ аңлатмаларға нигеҙләнгән Ñпамға ҡаршы ҡорал: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] һәм [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
@@ -433,7 +427,7 @@ $messages['be-tarask'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'ÐдраÑÑ‹ Ñлектроннай пошты з чорнага ÑьпіÑу',
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'З Вашага адраÑу Ñлектроннай пошты Ñž цÑперашні момант забаронена даÑылаць ÑÐ»ÐµÐºÑ‚Ñ€Ð¾Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð»Ñ–ÑÑ‚Ñ‹ іншым удзельнікам.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Пададзены Вамі Ð°Ð´Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ñлектроннай пошты Ñž цÑперашні момант знаходзіцца Ñž чорным ÑьпіÑе.',
- 'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1=ÐаÑтупны радок чорнага ÑьпіÑу ўтрымлівае нÑÑлушны Ñ€ÑгулÑрны выраз|ÐаÑÑ‚ÑƒÐ¿Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð´ÐºÑ– чорнага ÑьпіÑу ўтрымліваюць нÑÑÐ»ÑƒÑˆÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ñ€ÑгулÑÑ€Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ñ‹}} Ñ– {{PLURAL:$1|1=павінен быць|Ð¿Ð°Ð²Ñ–Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð±Ñ‹Ñ†ÑŒ}} выпраўлены перад захаваньнем Ñтаронкі:', # Fuzzy
+ 'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|ÐаÑтупны радок чорнага ÑьпіÑу ўтрымлівае нÑÑлушны Ñ€ÑгулÑрны выраз|ÐаÑÑ‚ÑƒÐ¿Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð´ÐºÑ– чорнага ÑьпіÑу ўтрымліваюць нÑÑÐ»ÑƒÑˆÐ½Ñ‹Ñ Ñ€ÑгулÑÑ€Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð²Ñ‹Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ñ‹}} Ñ– {{PLURAL:$1|павінен быць|Ð¿Ð°Ð²Ñ–Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ð±Ñ‹Ñ†ÑŒ}} выпраўлены перад захаваньнем Ñтаронкі:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'ÐнтыÑпамавы інÑтрумÑнт, Ñкі базуецца на Ñ€ÑгулÑрных выразах: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] Ñ– [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
@@ -453,7 +447,6 @@ $messages['bjn'] = array(
/** Bengali (বাংলা)
- * @author Aftab1995
* @author Bellayet
* @author Nasir8891
* @author Zaheen
@@ -484,10 +477,6 @@ $messages['bn'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'আপনার লেখা ইমেইল ঠিকানাটি কালোতালিকাভà§à¦•à§à¦¤à¥¤',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'নিচের সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦® কালোতালিকার {{PLURAL:$1|লাইন|লাইনগà§à¦²à¦¿}} অবৈধ রেগà§à¦²à¦¾à¦° {{PLURAL:$1|à¦à¦•à§à¦¸à¦ªà§à¦°à§‡à¦¶à¦¨|à¦à¦•à§à¦¸à¦ªà§à¦°à§‡à¦¶à¦¨}} ধারণ করছে à¦à¦¬à¦‚ পাতাটি সংরকà§à¦·à¦£à§‡à¦° আগে à¦à¦—à§à¦²à¦¿ ঠিক করা {{PLURAL:$1|পà§à¦°à¦¯à¦¼à§‹à¦œà¦¨|পà§à¦°à¦¯à¦¼à§‹à¦œà¦¨}}:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'রেজেকà§à¦¸-ভিতà§à¦¤à¦¿à¦• সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦®à¦°à§‹à¦§à§€ সরঞà§à¦œà¦¾à¦®: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] à¦à¦¬à¦‚ [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦® কালোতালিকা লগ',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'à¦à¦‡ ঘটনাগà§à¦²à¦¿ সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦® কালোতালিকার হিট অনà§à¦¸à¦°à¦£à¥¤',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦® কালোতালিকা লগ দেখà§à¦¨',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'সà§à¦ªà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦® কালোতালিকা লগ দেখà§à¦¨',
/** Breton (brezhoneg)
@@ -599,15 +588,6 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Eina anti-spam basada en regexp: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] i [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
-/** Chechen (нохчийн)
- * @author Умар
- */
-$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Ðнти-Ñпам Ð³Ó€Ð¸Ñ€Ñ URL дӀакъовла таро хуьлуьйту агӀонашкахь а Ñлектронан почтехь а дӀабазбелачу декъашхошна',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Спам-кехатан тептар',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Спам-кехато зулам долоре хьожу тептар.',
/** Sorani Kurdish (کوردی)
* @author Calak
@@ -615,7 +595,7 @@ $messages['ckb'] = array(
'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'دیتنی لۆگی پێرستی ڕەشی ڕیکلام',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Li-sung
* @author Matěj Grabovský
* @author Mormegil
@@ -662,12 +642,7 @@ $messages['cs'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'VaÅ¡e e-mailová adresa je momentálnÄ› uvedena na Äerné listinÄ›, takže ostatním uživatelům nemůžete posílat e-maily.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Uvedená e-mailová adresa je v souÄasné dobÄ› na Äerné listinÄ›.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Na Äerné listinÄ› spamu {{PLURAL:$1|je následující řádka neplatný regulární výraz|jsou následující řádky neplatné regulární výrazy|jsou následující řádky regulární výrazy}} a je nutné {{PLURAL:$1|ji|je|je}} pÅ™ed uložením stránky opravit :',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Antispamový nástroj na základě regulárních výrazů umožňující zakázat URL ve stránkách a e-mailových adresách registrovaných uživatelů',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Kniha protispamové Äerné listiny',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Tyto události sledují zásahy protispamové Äerné listiny.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '{{GENDER:$2|Uživateli|Uživatelce}} $1 zabránila protispamová Äerná listina pÅ™idat $4 na stránku $3.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Prohlížení knihy protispamové Äerné listiny',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'prohlížet knihu protispamové Äerné listiny',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Antispamový nástroj na základě regulárních výrazů: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] a [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Welsh (Cymraeg)
@@ -725,7 +700,6 @@ $messages['cy'] = array(
'log-description-spamblacklist' => "Mae'r digwyddiadau hyn yn cofnodi trawiadau ar y rhestr sbam waharddedig.",
'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => 'Fe geisiodd $1 ychwanegu $4 sydd ar y rhestr waharddedig $3.',
'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Gallu gweld lòg y rhestr sbam waharddedig',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'gweld lòg rhestr y sbam gwaharddedig',
/** Danish (dansk)
@@ -768,7 +742,7 @@ $messages['da'] = array(
# * hver ikke-tomme linjer anvendes som regulære udtryk for at matcha domænenavne i webadresser
#</pre> <!-- lad denne linje være nøjagtig som den er -->',
'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'Sortlistet e-mailadresse',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Din e-mailadresse er i øjeblikket blokeret fra at sende e-mails til andre brugere.',
+ 'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Din e-mailadresse er i øjeblikket blokeret for at sende e-mails til andre brugere.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Den angivne e-mailadresse er i øjeblikket blokeret for brug.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Følgende {{PLURAL:$1|linje|linjer}} i spamsortelisten er {{PLURAL:$1|et ugyldigt regulært udtryk|ugyldige regulære udtryk}} og må rettes før lagring af siden:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Antispamværktøj baseret på regulære udtryk der giver mulighed for at sortliste URLs i sider og e-mailadresser for registrerede brugere',
@@ -828,7 +802,7 @@ $messages['de'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Deine E-Mail-Adresse ist derzeit für das Senden von E-Mail-Nachrichten an andere Benutzer blockiert.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse ist derzeit für das Senden von E-Mail-Nachrichten an andere Benutzer blockiert.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Die {{PLURAL:$1|folgende Zeile|folgenden Zeilen}} in der Blockierliste {{PLURAL:$1|ist ein ungültiger regulärer Ausdruck|sind ungültige reguläre Ausdrücke}}. Sie {{PLURAL:$1|muss|müssen}} vor dem Speichern der Seite korrigiert werden:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Ergänzt ein auf reguläre Ausdrücke gestütztes Anti-Spam-Werkzeug zum Sperren von URLs und E-Mail-Adressen für das Einfügen durch registrierte Benutzer',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Ein auf regulären Ausdrücken basiertes Anti-Spam-Werkzeug, um URLs in Seiten und E-Mail-Adressen für registrierte Benutzer auf die schwarze Liste zu setzen',
'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Spam-Blacklist-Logbuch',
'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Es folgt ein Logbuch von Spam-Blacklist-Treffern.',
'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 verursachte einen Spam-Blacklist-Treffer auf „$3“ durch das versuchte Hinzufügen von $4.',
@@ -862,7 +836,6 @@ $messages['de-formal'] = array(
/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
* @author Aspar
* @author Erdemaslancan
- * @author Marmase
* @author Olvörg
$messages['diq'] = array(
@@ -904,7 +877,7 @@ $messages['diq'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Nıka adresa e-postayê to qande karberê bini ra mesac riştene listeyê siya dero.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'E-posta adresiyo ke deyayo karkerdışe cı newke groto siyaliste.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'na qerelisteya spami {{PLURAL:$1|satır|satıran}} {{PLURAL:$1|nemeqbulo|nemeqbuli}};',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => "Regex-tabanın haleta anti-spami URL'ya perer u adresa e-posta qande karberande qeydınan geriyayo",
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Regex-tabanlı anti-spam aracı: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] ve [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Lower Sorbian (dolnoserbski)
@@ -932,7 +905,7 @@ $messages['dsb'] = array(
#</pre> <!-- wóstaj toś tu smužku rowno tak ako jo -->',
'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'Blokěrowana e-mailowa adresa',
'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Slědujuca smužka|Slědujucej smužce|Slědujuce smužki|Slědujuce smužki}} corneje lisćiny spama {{PLURAL:$1|jo njepłaśiwy regularny wuraz|stej njepłaśiwej regularnej wuraza|su njepłaśiwe regularne wuraze|su njepłaśiwe regularne wuraze}} a {{PLURAL:$1|musy|musytej|muse|muse}} se korigěrowaś, pjerwjej až składujoš bok:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Pśeśiwospamowy rěd na zakłaźe Regex, kótaryž zmóznja URL na bokach a e-mailowe adresy za zregistrěrowanych wužywarjow do carneje lisćiny stajiś',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Antispamowy rěd na zakłaźe regularnych wurazow: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] a [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Greek (Ελληνικά)
@@ -1106,14 +1079,9 @@ $messages['et'] = array(
# * Iga rida, mis ei ole tühi, on regulaaravaldise osa, mis vastab ainult e-posti aadressides sisalduvatele hostinimedele.',
'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'Musta nimekirja kantud e-posti aadress',
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Musta nimekirja sissekande tõttu on sinu e-posti aadressilt teistele kasutajatele e-kirjade saatmine praegu keelatud.',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Selle e-posti aadressi kasutamine on praegu musta nimekirja sissekandega keelatud.',
+ 'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Selle e-posti aadressi kasutamine praegu musta nimekirja sissekandega keelatud.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Järgmine rida|Järgmised read}} rämpspostituste mustas nimekirjas on {{PLURAL:$1|vigane regulaaravaldis|vigased regulaaravaldised}} ja {{PLURAL:$1|see|need}} tuleb enne lehekülje salvestamist parandada:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Regulaaravaldisel põhinev tööriist, mis võimaldab lisada musta nimekirja lehekülgedel toodud internetiaadresse ning registreeritud kasutajate e-posti aadresse.',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Rämpsu musta nimekirja logi',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Siin on loetletud rämpspostituse musta nimekirja tabamused.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 püüdis lisada leheküljele $3 rämpspostituse mustas nimekirjas olevat linki $4.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Vaadata rämpsu musta nimekirja',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'vaadata rämpsu musta nimekirja',
/** Persian (Ùارسی)
@@ -1136,35 +1104,28 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
# در Ùهرست سیاه قرار داشته باشند.
#</pre> <!-- این سطر را همان‌گونه که هست رها کنید -->',
- 'email-blacklist' => ' # از ثبت نام یا ارسال نامه توسط نشانی‌های رایانامه‌ای Ú©Ù‡ با این Ùهرست مطابقت کنند جلوگیری می‌شود.
+ 'email-blacklist' => ' # از ثبت نام یا ارسال نامه توسط نشانی‌های پست الکترونیکی Ú©Ù‡ با این Ùهرست مطابقت کنند جلوگیری می‌شود.
# این Ùهرست Ùقط روی همین ویکی اثر دارد؛ به Ùهرست سیاه سراسری نیز مراجعه کنید.
# برای مستندات به مراجعه کنید
#<!-- این سطر را همان‌گونه که هست رها کنید --> <pre>
# دستورات به این شکل هستند:
# * همه چیز از «#» تا پایان سطر به عنوان توضیح در نظر گرÙته می‌شود
-# * هر سطر از متن به عنوان یک دستور از نوع عبارت باقاعده در نظر گرÙته می‌شود Ú©Ù‡ Ùقط با نام میزبان در نشانی رایانامه مطابقت داده می‌شود
+# * هر سطر از متن به عنوان یک دستور از نوع عبارت باقاعده در نظر گرÙته می‌شود Ú©Ù‡ Ùقط با نام میزبان در نشانی پست الکترونیکی مطابقت داده می‌شود
#</pre> <!-- این سطر را همان‌گونه که هست رها کنید -->',
'email-whitelist' => ' #<!-- این سطر را همان‌گونه که هست رها کنید --> <pre>
-# نشانی‌های رایانامه Ú©Ù‡ با این Ùهرست مطابقت کنند محدود *نمی‌شوند* حتی اگر
+# نشانی‌های پست الکترونیکی Ú©Ù‡ با این Ùهرست مطابقت کنند محدود *نمی‌شوند* حتی اگر
# با Ùهرست سیاه مطابقت داشته باشند.
#</pre> <!-- این سطر را همان‌گونه که هست رها کنید -->
# دستورات به این شکل هستند:
# * همه چیز از «#» تا پایان سطر به عنوان توضیح در نظر گرÙته می‌شود
-# * هر سطر از متن به عنوان یک دستور از نوع عبارت باقاعده در نظر گرÙته می‌شود Ú©Ù‡ Ùقط با نام میزبان در نشانی رایانامه مطابقت داده می‌شود',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'نشانی رایانامه موجود در Ùهرست سیاه',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'نشانی رایانامهٔ شما در حال حاضر در Ùهرست سیاه قرار دارد Ùˆ نمی‌توانید به دیگر کاربران نامه بÙرستید.',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'نشانی رایانامه داده‌شده در حال حاضر در Ùهرست سیاه است.',
+# * هر سطر از متن به عنوان یک دستور از نوع عبارت باقاعده در نظر گرÙته می‌شود Ú©Ù‡ Ùقط با نام میزبان در نشانی پست الکترونیکی مطابقت داده می‌شود',
+ 'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'نشانی پست الکترونیکی موجود در لیست سیاه',
+ 'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'نشانی پست الکترونیکی شما در حال حاضر در Ùهرست سیاه قرار دارد Ùˆ نمی‌توانید به دیگر کاربران نامه بÙرستید.',
+ 'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'نشانی پست الکترونیکی داده شده در حال حاضر در Ùهرست سیاه است Ùˆ قابل استÙاده نیست.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|سطر|سطرهای}} زیر در Ùهرست سیاه هرزنگاری، عبارات باقاعدهٔ نامجاز {{PLURAL:$1|است|هستند}} Ùˆ قبل از ذخیره کردن صÙحه باید اصلاح {{PLURAL:$1|شود|شوند}}:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Regex-based anti-spam tool allowing to blacklist URLs in pages and email addresses for registered users
-ابزار بر پایهٔ عبارت باقاعده ضدهرزنگاری اجازهٔ Ùهرست سیاه‌کردن نشانی‌های اینترنتی در صÙحه‌ها Ùˆ نشانی‌های رایانامه برای کاربران ثبت نام کرده',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'سیاههٔ Ùهرست سیاه هرزنگاری',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'این رویدادها وقوع Ùهرست سیاه هزنگاری را دنبال می‌کند.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 در $3 با تلاش در اÙزودن $4 باعث برخورد به Ùهرست سیاه هرزنامه شده‌است.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'دیدن یک سیاههٔ Ùهرست سیاه هرزنامه',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'دیدن سیاههٔ Ùهرست سیاه هرزنامه',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'ابزار ضد هرزنویسی مبتنی بر regular expressions: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] و [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Finnish (suomi)
@@ -1268,7 +1229,7 @@ $messages['fr'] = array(
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Outil anti-pourriel basé sur des expressions rationnelles permettant de mettre en liste noire des URLs dans les pages et des adresses de courriel pour les utilisateurs enregistrés',
'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Journal de liste noire des pourriels',
'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Ces événements tracent les correspondances avec la liste noire des pourriels.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '{{GENDER:$2|$1}} a provoqué une correspondance avec la liste noire des pourriels sur $3 en essayant d’ajouter $4.',
+ 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 a provoqué un correspondance avec la liste noire des pourriels sur $3 en essayant d’ajouter $4.',
'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Afficher le journal de la liste noire des pourriels',
'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'afficher le journal de la liste noir des pourriels',
@@ -1606,7 +1567,7 @@ $messages['hsb'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Twoja e-mejlowa adresa je tuchwilu w Äornej lisćinje a tohodla za sÅ‚anje e-mejlow do druhich wužiwarjow zablokowana.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Podata e-mejlowa adresa je tuchwilu přećiwo wužiwanju zablokowana.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|slÄ›dowaca linka je njepÅ‚aćiwy regularny wuraz|slÄ›dowacych linkow je regularny wuraz|slÄ›dowace linki su regularne wurazy|slÄ›dowacej lince stej regularnej wurazaj}} a {{PLURAL:$1|dyrbi|dyrbi|dyrbja|dyrbjetej}} so korigować, prjedy haÄ so strona skÅ‚aduje:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'PÅ™ećiwospamowy nastroj na zakÅ‚adźe Regex, kotryž zmóznja URL na stronach a e-mejlowe adresy za zregistrowanych wužiwarjow do Äorneje lisćiny stajić',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Přećiwospamowy nastroj na zakładźe Regex: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] a [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Hungarian (magyar)
@@ -1683,12 +1644,7 @@ $messages['ia'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Tu adresse de e-mail es actualmente blocate de inviar messages a altere usatores.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Le adresse de e-mail specificate es actualmente blocate per le lista nigre.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Le sequente {{PLURAL:$1|linea|lineas}} del lista nigre antispam es {{PLURAL:$1|un expression|expressiones}} regular invalide e debe esser corrigite ante que tu immagazina le pagina:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Instrumento antispam a base de regex que permitte blocar URLs in paginas e adresses de e-mail pro usatores registrate',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Registro del lista nigre de spam',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Iste eventos tracia le activationes del lista nigre de spam.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '{{GENDER:$2|$1}} ha provocate un activation del lista nigre de spam sur $3 con su tentativa de inserer $4.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Vider le registro del lista nigre de spam',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'vider le registro del lista nigre de spam',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Instrumento antispam a base de regex: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] e [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
@@ -1763,12 +1719,7 @@ $messages['ilo'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Ti e-suratmo a pagtaengan ket agdama a naiparit manipud ti panagipatulod kadagiti e-surat kadagiti sabsabali nga agar-aramat.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Ti naited nga e-surat a pagatengan ket agdama a naiparit manipud ti panagusar.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Ti sumaganad a spam blacklist {{PLURAL:$1| a linia ket|kadagiti linia ket}} imbalido a kadawyan {{PLURAL:$1|a nangisao|kadagiti panangisao}} ken {{PLURAL:$1|masapsapol|masapol}} a mapudnuan sakbay nga idulin ti panid:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Naibatay ti regex a ramit ti kontra-spam a mangpalubos a mangiparit kadagiti URL kadagiti panid ken dagiti esurat a pagtaengan para kadagiti nakarehistro nga agar-aramat',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Listaan ti naiparit para iti spam',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Dagitoy a pasamak ket surotenna dagiti naiparit a listaan a napuntaan ti spam.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => 'Ti $1 ket gapuanan ti pannakapunta ti naiparit a listaan ti spam iti $3 babaen ti panagpadas nga aginayon iti $4.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Kitaen ti naiparit a listaan ti spam',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'kitaen ti naiparit a listaan ti spam',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Naibantay ti regex kontra-spam a ramit: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] ken [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Icelandic (íslenska)
@@ -1922,7 +1873,7 @@ $messages['ja'] = array(
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'ページ内㮠URL や登録利用者ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’ブラックリスト化ã§ãるよã†ã«ã™ã‚‹ã€æ­£è¦è¡¨ç¾ã«åŸºã¥ã„ãŸã‚¹ãƒ‘ム対策ツール',
'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'スパムブラックリスト記録',
'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'ã“れらã®ã‚¤ãƒ™ãƒ³ãƒˆã¯ã‚¹ãƒ‘ムブラックリストã¨ã®ä¸€è‡´ã‚’追跡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '{{GENDER:$2|$1}} ㌠$3 ã« $4 を追加ã—よã†ã¨ã—ãŸéš›ã«ã‚¹ãƒ‘ムブラックリストãŒç™ºå‹•ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚',
+ 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 ㌠$3 ã« $4 を追加ã—よã†ã¨ã—ãŸéš›ã«ã‚¹ãƒ‘ムブラックリストãŒç™ºå‹•ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚',
'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'スパムブラックリストを閲覧',
'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'スパムブラックリスト記録ã®é–²è¦§',
@@ -2256,15 +2207,6 @@ $messages['li'] = array(
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Antispamfunctionaliteit via reguliere expressies: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] en [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
-/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
- */
-$messages['lrc'] = array(
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'پهرستنومه نوم گه سئ اسپم',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'دیئن پهرستنومه نوم گه سئ اسپم',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'دیئن پهرستنومه نوم گه سئ اسپم',
/** Minangkabau (Baso Minangkabau)
* @author Iwan Novirion
@@ -2370,12 +2312,7 @@ $messages['ml'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'താങàµà´•à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† ഇമെയിൽ വിലാസം ഇപàµà´ªàµ‹àµ¾ മറàµà´±àµà´³àµà´³à´µàµ¼à´•àµà´•àµ à´Žà´´àµà´¤àµà´¤à´¯à´•àµà´•à´¾à´¨à´¾à´µà´¾à´¤àµà´¤ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•à´¯à´¿àµ½ ഉൾപàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'നൽകിയ ഇമെയിൽ വിലാസം ഇപàµà´ªàµ‹àµ¾ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•à´¯à´¿àµ½ പെടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´’à´¨àµà´¨à´¾à´£àµ.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'താഴെ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•à´¯à´¿à´²àµ† {{PLURAL:$1|വരി à´’à´°àµ|വരികൾ}} അസാധàµà´µà´¾à´¯ റെഗàµà´²àµ¼ {{PLURAL:$1|à´Žà´•àµà´¸àµâ€Œâ€Œà´ªàµà´°àµ†à´·àµ»|à´Žà´•àµà´¸àµâ€Œâ€Œà´ªàµà´°àµ†à´·à´¨àµà´•àµ¾}} ആണàµ, താൾ സേവൠചെയàµà´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµ à´®àµà´®àµà´ªàµ {{PLURAL:$1|à´…à´¤àµ|à´…à´µ}} ശരിയാകàµà´•àµ‡à´£àµà´Ÿà´¤àµà´£àµà´Ÿàµ:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'à´…à´‚à´—à´¤àµà´µà´®àµ†à´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤ ഉപയോകàµà´¤à´¾à´•àµà´•àµ¾ à´¯àµ.ആർ.à´Žà´²àµà´²àµà´•à´³àµà´‚ ഇമെയിൽ വിലാസങàµà´™à´³àµà´‚, താളàµà´•à´³à´¿àµ½ ചേർകàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•à´¯à´¿àµ½ പെടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¾à´¨àµà´³àµà´³ റെജെകàµà´¸àµ-അധിഷàµà´ à´¿à´¤ പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ തടയൽ ഉപകരണം',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´• രേഖ',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•à´¯àµ† ഉണർതàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ à´ªàµà´°à´µàµƒà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´•à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† രേഖ.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$3 à´Žà´¨àµà´¨ താളിൽ $4 à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ ചേർകàµà´•à´¾àµ» $1 നടതàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ à´¶àµà´°à´®à´‚ പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•à´¯à´¿àµ½ à´•àµà´Ÿàµà´™àµà´™à´¿à´¯à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´• രേഖ കാണàµà´•',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´•à´°à´¿à´®àµà´ªà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´• രേഖ കാണàµà´•',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'റെജെകàµà´¸àµ-അധിഷàµà´ à´¿à´¤ പാഴെഴàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ തടയൽ ഉപകരണം: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] à´’à´ªàµà´ªà´‚ [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Marathi (मराठी)
@@ -2587,11 +2524,6 @@ $messages['nl'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Het opgegeven e-mailadres staat momenteel op de zwarte lijst.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'De volgende {{PLURAL:$1|regel|regels}} van de zwarte lijst {{PLURAL:$1|is een|zijn}} onjuiste reguliere {{PLURAL:$1|expressie|expressies}} en {{PLURAL:$1|moet|moeten}} verbeterd worden alvorens de pagina kan worden opgeslagen:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => "Op reguliere expressies gebaseed antispamhulpprogramma dat het mogelijk maakt URL's in pagina's te blokkeren en e-mailadressen voor geblokkeerde gebruikers",
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Logboek zwarte lijst',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Deze lijst bevat gebeurtenissen met betrekking tot de zwarte lijst.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '{{GENDER:$2|$1}} heeft geprobeerd $4 van de zwarte lijst toe te voegen op $3',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Logboek zwarte lijst bekijken',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'logboek zwarte lijst te bekijken',
/** Nederlands (informeel)‎ (Nederlands (informeel)‎)
@@ -2699,7 +2631,6 @@ $messages['or'] = array(
/** Polish (polski)
* @author BeginaFelicysym
- * @author Chrumps
* @author Derbeth
* @author Sp5uhe
@@ -2746,8 +2677,6 @@ $messages['pl'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Podany adres e-mail jest obecnie na czarnej liście blokującej przed użyciem.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Następująca linia jest niepoprawnym wyrażeniem regularnym i musi być poprawiona przed zapisaniem strony:|Następujące linie są niepoprawnymi wyrażeniami regularnymi i muszą być poprawione przed zapisaniem strony:}}',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Narzędzie antyspamowe oparte o wyrażenia regularne: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist|spam – lista zabronionych]] oraz [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist|spam – lista dozwolonych]]', # Fuzzy
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 {{GENDER:$2|uruchomił|uruchomiła}} filtr antyspamowy na stronie $3 próbując dodać $4.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'PodglÄ…d rejestru czarnej listy spamu',
/** Piedmontese (Piemontèis)
@@ -2780,12 +2709,7 @@ $messages['pms'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => "Soa adrëssa ëd pòsta eletrònica a l'é al moment an na lista nèira për mandé dij mëssagi a j'àutri utent.",
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => "L'adrëssa ëd pòsta eletrònica dàita a l'é al moment an na lista nèira për l'utilisassion.",
'spam-invalid-lines' => "{{PLURAL:$1|St'|Sti}} element dla lista nèira dla rumenta ëd reclam a {{PLURAL:$1|l'é|son}} {{PLURAL:$1|n'|dj'}}espression regolar nen {{PLURAL:$1|bon-a|bon-e}} e a l'{{PLURAL:$1|ha|han}} da manca d'esse coregiùe anans che salvé la pàgina:",
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => "Utiss contra la rumenta basà su dj'espression regolar ch'a permëtto ëd buté an sla lista nèira dj'adrësse an sl'Aragnà ant le pàgine e dj'adrësse ëd pòsta eletrònica për j'utent argistrà.",
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Argistr dla lista nèira dla rumenta',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Costi eveniment a marco le rëspondense con la lista nèira dla rumenta.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => "$1 a l'ha causà na rëspondensa con la lista nèira dla rumenta su $3 an sërcand ëd gionté $4.",
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => "Smon-e l'argistr dla lista nèira dla rumenta",
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => "vëdde l'argistr dla lista nèira dla rumenta",
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Strument anti-spam basà an dzora a Regex: [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] e [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
/** Western Punjabi (پنجابی)
@@ -2926,13 +2850,6 @@ $messages['pt-br'] = array(
'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'ver os registros da lista negra de spam',
-/** Romansh (rumantsch)
- * @author Kazu89
- */
-$messages['rm'] = array(
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Protocol da la glista naira da spam',
/** Romanian (română)
* @author Firilacroco
* @author Minisarm
@@ -3007,11 +2924,9 @@ $messages['roa-tara'] = array(
/** Russian (руÑÑкий)
* @author Ahonc
- * @author Amire80
* @author Express2000
* @author HalanTul
* @author Kaganer
- * @author NBS
* @author Okras
* @author ÐлекÑандр Сигачёв
@@ -3055,13 +2970,8 @@ $messages['ru'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'ÐдреÑа Ñлектронной почты, занеÑённые в чёрный ÑпиÑок',
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Ваш Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты в наÑтоÑщее Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð½Ð°Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð¸Ñ‚ÑÑ Ð² чёрном ÑпиÑке, поÑтому вы не можете отправлÑÑ‚ÑŒ ÑÐ¾Ð¾Ð±Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð´Ñ€ÑƒÐ³Ð¸Ð¼ пользователÑм.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Указанный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñлектронной почты в наÑтоÑщее Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð½ÐµÑён в чёрный ÑпиÑок и не может быть иÑпользован.',
- 'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1=Ð¡Ð»ÐµÐ´ÑƒÑŽÑ‰Ð°Ñ Ñтрока чёрного ÑпиÑка ÑÑылок Ñодержит ошибочное регулÑрное выражение и должна быть иÑправлена|Следующие Ñтроки чёрного ÑпиÑка ÑÑылок Ñодержат ошибочные регулÑрные Ð²Ñ‹Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ должны быть иÑправлены}} перед Ñохранением:',
+ 'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Ð¡Ð»ÐµÐ´ÑƒÑŽÑ‰Ð°Ñ Ñтрока чёрного ÑпиÑка ÑÑылок Ñодержит ошибочное регулÑрное выражение и должна быть иÑправлена|Следующие Ñтроки чёрного ÑпиÑка ÑÑылок Ñодержат ошибочные регулÑрные Ð²Ñ‹Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ должны быть иÑправлены}} перед Ñохранением:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'ОÑнованный на регулÑрных выражениÑÑ… анти-Ñпам инÑтрумент позволÑет добавлÑÑ‚ÑŒ в чёрный ÑпиÑок URL на Ñтраницах и адреÑа Ñлектронной почты Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ€ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ñтрированных пользователей',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Журнал Ñпам-лиÑта',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Это журнал, отÑлеживающий Ñрабатывание Ñпам-лиÑта.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 вызвал Ñрабатывание Ñпам-лиÑта на Ñтранице $3 из-за попытки добавить $4.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'ПроÑмотр журнала чёрного ÑпиÑка по Ñпаму',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'проÑмотр журнала чёрного ÑпиÑка по Ñпаму',
/** Rusyn (руÑиньÑкый)
@@ -3391,9 +3301,7 @@ $messages['stq'] = array(
/** Swedish (svenska)
- * @author Ainali
* @author Lejonel
- * @author Lokal Profil
* @author Skalman
* @author WikiPhoenix
@@ -3418,33 +3326,9 @@ $messages['sv'] = array(
# * Alla icke-tomma rader används som reguljära uttryck för att matcha domännamn i URL:er
#</pre> <!-- ändra inte den här raden -->',
- 'email-blacklist' => ' #<!-- ändra inte den här raden --> <pre>
-# E-postadresser som matchar den här listan kommer att hindras att registrera och skicka e-post
-# Denna lista gäller endast denna wiki; se även den globala svartlistan.
-# För dokumentation se
-# Syntaxen är följande:
-# * Allt från ett "#"-tecken till slutet av raden är en kommentar
-# * Varje icke-tom rad är ett regex-fragment som endast kommer att matcha värdnamn i e-postadresser
- #</pre> <!-- ändra inte den här raden -->',
- 'email-whitelist' => ' #<!-- ändra inte den här raden --> <pre>
-# E-postadresser som matchar den här listan kommer *inte* att blockeras, även om de skulle ha blivit blockerade av svartlistan.
-# Syntaxen är följande:
-# * Allt från ett "#"-tecken till slutet av raden är en kommentar
-# * Varje icke-tom rad är ett regex-fragment som endast kommer att matcha värdnamn i e-postadresser
- #</pre> <!-- ändra inte den här raden -->',
'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'Svartlistad e-postadress',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Din e-postadress är för närvarande svartlistad från att skicka e-post till andra användare.',
- 'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Den angivna e-postadressen är förnärvarande svartlistad från användning.',
'spam-invalid-lines' => 'Följande {{PLURAL:$1|rad|rader}} i svarta listan för spam innehåller inte något giltigt reguljärt uttryck och måste rättas innan sidan sparas:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'Antispamverktyg baserat på reguljära uttryck som gör det möjligt att svartlista webbadresser på sidor och e-postadresser för registrerade användare',
- 'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Svartlistningslogg för spam',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Dessa händelser spårar träffar is svartlistningsloggen för spam.',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1 orsakade en träff i svartlistningsloggen för spam på $3 genom att försöka lägga till $4.',
- 'right-spamblacklistlog' => 'Visa svartlistningslogg för spam',
- 'action-spamblacklistlog' => 'visa svartlistningsloggen för spam',
/** Tamil (தமிழà¯)
@@ -3675,7 +3559,7 @@ $messages['uk'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email' => 'ÐдреÑа електронної пошти з чорного ÑпиÑку',
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => 'Ваша адреÑа електронної пошти в даний Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð² чорному ÑпиÑку, тому ви не можете надÑилати Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñ–Ð½ÑˆÐ¸Ð¼ кориÑтувачам.',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => 'Вказана Вами адреÑа електронної пошти наразі занеÑена до чорного ÑпиÑку Ñ– не може бути викориÑтаною.',
- 'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1=ÐаÑтупний Ñ€Ñдок із чорного ÑпиÑку поÑилань міÑтить помилковий регулÑрний вираз Ñ– його треба виправити|ÐаÑтупні Ñ€Ñдки із чорного ÑпиÑку поÑилань міÑÑ‚ÑÑ‚ÑŒ помилкові регулÑрні вирази Ñ– Ñ—Ñ… треба виправити}} перед збереженнÑм:',
+ 'spam-invalid-lines' => '{{PLURAL:$1|ÐаÑтупний Ñ€Ñдок із чорного ÑпиÑку поÑилань міÑтить помилковий регулÑрний вираз Ñ– його треба виправити|ÐаÑтупні Ñ€Ñдки із чорного ÑпиÑку поÑилань міÑÑ‚ÑÑ‚ÑŒ помилкові регулÑрні вирази Ñ– Ñ—Ñ… треба виправити}} перед збереженнÑм:',
'spam-blacklist-desc' => 'ЗаÑновану на регулÑрних виразах антиÑпам інÑтрумент, Ñкий дозволÑÑ” кидати у чорний ÑпиÑок URL Ñторінки Ñ– адреÑи електронної пошти Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ€ÐµÑ”Ñтрованих кориÑтувачів',
'log-name-spamblacklist' => 'Журнал чорного ÑпиÑку Ñпамерів',
'log-description-spamblacklist' => 'Ці події відÑтежують потраплÑÐ½Ð½Ñ Ñƒ чорний ÑпиÑок Ñпамерів.',
@@ -3919,10 +3803,8 @@ $messages['zh-hant'] = array(
'spam-blacklisted-email-text' => '您的電郵地å€ç›®å‰å·²åˆ—入黑å單以防止您發é€é›»éƒµäºˆå…¶ä»–用戶。',
'spam-blacklisted-email-signup' => '此電郵地å€ç›®å‰è¢«ç¦æ­¢ä½¿ç”¨ã€‚',
'spam-invalid-lines' => '以下在çŒæ°´é»‘å單的{{PLURAL:$1|一行|多行}}有無效的表示å¼ï¼Œè«‹åœ¨å„²å­˜é€™é å‰å…ˆå°‡{{PLURAL:$1|它|它們}}修正:',
- 'spam-blacklist-desc' => '基於正則表é”å¼çš„å垃圾電郵工具,å…許加入濫發電郵的URLå’Œ/或註冊用戶於此é é¢',
+ 'spam-blacklist-desc' => '以正則表é”å¼ç‚ºæœ¬çš„防çŒæ°´å·¥å…·ï¼š[[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist]] 與 [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist]]', # Fuzzy
'log-name-spamblacklist' => '垃圾連çµé»‘å單日誌',
- 'log-description-spamblacklist' => '這些事件已被垃圾郵件黑å單觸發。',
- 'logentry-spamblacklist-hit' => '$1æ–¼$3嘗試加入$4而觸發垃圾電郵黑å單。',
'right-spamblacklistlog' => '查閱垃圾電郵黑å單日誌',
'action-spamblacklistlog' => '查閱垃圾電郵黑å單日誌',
diff --git a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php
index 45e5237c..2fd7855d 100644
--- a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php
+++ b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ $wgExtensionCredits['antispam'][] = array(
$dir = __DIR__ . '/';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SpamBlackList'] = $dir . 'SpamBlacklist.i18n.php';
-// Register the API method
-$wgAutoloadClasses['ApiSpamBlacklist'] = "$dir/api/ApiSpamBlacklist.php";
-$wgAPIModules['spamblacklist'] = 'ApiSpamBlacklist';
* Array of settings for blacklist classes
diff --git a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist_body.php b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist_body.php
index 15fbc72f..bf5c9aab 100644
--- a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist_body.php
+++ b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist_body.php
@@ -34,13 +34,10 @@ class SpamBlacklist extends BaseBlacklist {
* This is used to load the old links already on the page, so
* the filter is only applied to links that got added. If not given,
* the filter is applied to all $links.
- * @param boolean $preventLog Whether to prevent logging of hits. Set to true when
- * the action is testing the links rather than attempting to save them
- * (e.g. the API spamblacklist action)
* @return Array Matched text(s) if the edit should not be allowed, false otherwise
- function filter( array $links, Title $title = null, $preventLog = false ) {
+ function filter( array $links, Title $title = null ) {
$fname = 'wfSpamBlacklistFilter';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
@@ -96,9 +93,7 @@ class SpamBlacklist extends BaseBlacklist {
$ip = $wgRequest->getIP();
$imploded = implode( ' ', $matches[0] );
wfDebugLog( 'SpamBlacklistHit', "$ip caught submitting spam: $imploded\n" );
- if( !$preventLog ) {
- $this->logFilterHit( $title, $imploded ); // Log it
- }
+ $this->logFilterHit( $title, $imploded ); // Log it
if( $retVal === false ){
$retVal = array();
diff --git a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/api/ApiSpamBlacklist.php b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/api/ApiSpamBlacklist.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dad9e8e0..00000000
--- a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/api/ApiSpamBlacklist.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * SpamBlacklist extension API
- *
- * Copyright © 2013 Wikimedia Foundation
- * Based on code by Ian Baker, Victor Vasiliev, Bryan Tong Minh, Roan Kattouw,
- * Alex Z., and Jackmcbarn
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
- * Query module check a URL against the blacklist
- *
- * @ingroup API
- * @ingroup Extensions
- */
-class ApiSpamBlacklist extends ApiBase {
- public function execute() {
- $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
- $matches = BaseBlacklist::getInstance( 'spam' )->filter( $params['url'], NULL, true );
- $res = $this->getResult();
- if ( $matches !== false ) {
- // this url is blacklisted.
- $res->addValue( 'spamblacklist', 'result', 'blacklisted' );
- $res->setIndexedTagName( $matches, 'match' );
- $res->addValue( 'spamblacklist', 'matches', $matches );
- } else {
- // not blacklisted
- $res->addValue( 'spamblacklist', 'result', 'ok' );
- }
- }
- public function getAllowedParams() {
- return array(
- 'url' => array(
- ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
- ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
- )
- );
- }
- public function getParamDescription() {
- return array(
- 'url' => 'A pipe-separated list of URLs to validate against the blacklist',
- );
- }
- public function getDescription() {
- return 'Validate one or more URLs against the SpamBlacklist.';
- }
- public function getExamples() {
- return array(
- 'api.php?action=spamblacklist&',
- 'api.php?action=spamblacklist&',
- );
- }
- public function getHelpUrls() {
- return array( '' );
- }
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/.gitreview b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9e4b44..00000000
--- a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/COPYING b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.class.php b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.class.php
index b1c9851d..7318574d 100644
--- a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.class.php
+++ b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.class.php
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ class SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi {
// Don't trim leading spaces away, just the linefeeds
$text = preg_replace( '/^\n+/', '', $text );
+ if( $wgUseTidy ) {
+ // HTML Tidy will convert tabs to spaces incorrectly (bug 30930).
+ // Preemptively replace the spaces in a more controlled fashion.
+ $text = self::tabsToSpaces( $text );
+ }
// Validate language
if( isset( $args['lang'] ) && $args['lang'] ) {
$lang = $args['lang'];
@@ -95,12 +101,6 @@ class SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi {
if( $enclose === GESHI_HEADER_DIV ) {
$out = str_replace( "\n", '', $out );
- // HTML Tidy will convert tabs to spaces incorrectly (bug 30930).
- // But the conversion from tab to space occurs while reading the input,
- // before the conversion from &#9; to tab, so we can armor it that way.
- if( $wgUseTidy ) {
- $out = str_replace( "\t", '&#9;', $out );
- }
// Register CSS
$parser->getOutput()->addHeadItem( self::buildHeadItem( $geshi ), "source-{$lang}" );
@@ -488,4 +488,35 @@ class SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi {
public static function hOldSpecialVersion_GeSHi( &$sp, &$extensionTypes ) {
return self::hSpecialVersion_GeSHi( $extensionTypes );
+ /**
+ * Convert tabs to spaces
+ *
+ * @param string $text
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private static function tabsToSpaces( $text ) {
+ $lines = explode( "\n", $text );
+ $lines = array_map( array( __CLASS__, 'tabsToSpacesLine' ), $lines );
+ return implode( "\n", $lines );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert tabs to spaces for a single line
+ *
+ * @param $line
+ * @internal param string $text
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private static function tabsToSpacesLine( $line ) {
+ $parts = explode( "\t", $line );
+ $width = 8; // To match tidy's config & typical browser defaults
+ $out = $parts[0];
+ foreach( array_slice( $parts, 1 ) as $chunk ) {
+ $spaces = $width - (strlen( $out ) % $width);
+ $out .= str_repeat( ' ', $spaces );
+ $out .= $chunk;
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.i18n.php b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.i18n.php
index d385b01c..8555c4f9 100644
--- a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.i18n.php
@@ -202,12 +202,11 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'syntaxhighlight-desc' => 'Таро хуьлуьйту тег <code>&lt;syntaxhighlight&gt;</code> лело [ GeSHi Highlighter] гӀоьнца ÑинтакÑиÑан Ð±Ð¾Ñ Ñ…Ð¸Ð»Ð¸Ð¹Ñ‚Ð°',
'syntaxhighlight-supported' => 'Ловш долу меттанаш:',
'geshi.css' => '/* CSS-код, кху чу Ñ…lоттайахь, оцо болх бийра бу Ñизашдо беÑнашна Ñ…lокхуньца GeSHI */',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Li-sung
* @author Matěj Grabovský
@@ -321,7 +320,7 @@ $messages['es'] = array(
$messages['et'] = array(
'syntaxhighlight-desc' => 'Võimaldab [ GeSHi] abil <code>&lt;syntaxhighlight&gt;</code>-silti kasutades süntaksit esile tõsta.',
'syntaxhighlight-specify' => 'Sa pead täpsustama keelt nõnda:',
- 'syntaxhighlight-supported' => 'Süntaksi esiletõstu toetavad keeled:',
+ 'syntaxhighlight-supported' => 'Süntaksi esiletoomise on toetatud järgnevates keeltes:',
'syntaxhighlight-err-loading' => '(toetatud keelte loetelu laadimisel esines viga)',
'syntaxhighlight-err-language' => 'Vigane keel.',
'geshi.css' => '/* CSS mis on asetatud siia, määrab GeSHi süntaksi esiletoomise stiili */',
@@ -443,12 +442,11 @@ $messages['gu'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Rotem Liss
$messages['he'] = array(
'syntaxhighlight-desc' => '×פשרות לסימון קוד מקור ×‘×¦×‘×¢×™× ×¢× ×”×ª×’×™×ª <code>&lt;syntaxhighlight&gt;</code> ב×מצעות [ GeSHi Highlighter]',
- 'syntaxhighlight-specify' => 'יש לציין שפה ב×ופן הב×:',
+ 'syntaxhighlight-specify' => '×¢×œ×™×›× ×œ×¦×™×™×Ÿ שפה ב×ופן הב×:',
'syntaxhighlight-supported' => 'שפות נתמכות:',
'syntaxhighlight-err-loading' => '(שגי××” בטעינת הרשימה של השפות הנתמכות)',
'syntaxhighlight-err-language' => 'שפה שגויה.',
@@ -547,18 +545,6 @@ $messages['ig'] = array(
'syntaxhighlight-err-language' => 'Asụsụ ámághị.',
-/** Iloko (Ilokano)
- * @author Lam-ang
- */
-$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'syntaxhighlight-desc' => 'Mangited ti panangimaris ti eskritu <code>&lt;syntaxhighlight&gt;</code> nga agus-usar iti [ GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter]',
- 'syntaxhighlight-specify' => 'Nasken nga inaganan ti pagsasao a kasla daytoy:',
- 'syntaxhighlight-supported' => 'Dagiti nasuportaran a pagsasao para iti panangimaris ti eskritu:',
- 'syntaxhighlight-err-loading' => '(biddut ti panangikarga ti listaan ti nasuportaran a pagsasao)',
- 'syntaxhighlight-err-language' => 'Imbalido a pagsasao.',
- 'geshi.css' => '/* Ti CSS a maikabil ditoy ket maipakatto iti panangimaris ti eskritu ti GeSHi */',
/** Ido (Ido)
* @author Malafaya
@@ -702,11 +688,10 @@ $messages['ksh'] = array(
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Les Meloures
* @author Robby
- * @author Soued031
$messages['lb'] = array(
'syntaxhighlight-desc' => "Syntax-Ervirhiewung <code>&lt;syntaxhighlight&gt;</code> mat Hëllef vu [ 'GeSHi Highlighter']",
- 'syntaxhighlight-specify' => 'Déi gewënscht Sprooch muss sou definéiert ginn:',
+ 'syntaxhighlight-specify' => 'Déi gewënscht Sprooch muss esou definéiert ginn:',
'syntaxhighlight-supported' => "Ënnerstëtzte Sprooche fir d'Syntax faarweg ze markéieren",
'syntaxhighlight-err-loading' => '(Feeler beim Luede vun der Lëscht vun den ënnerstëtzte Sproochen)',
'syntaxhighlight-err-language' => 'Net valabel Sprooch.',
@@ -951,6 +936,7 @@ $messages['pt'] = array(
/** Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil)
* @author
+ * @author Heldergeovane
$messages['pt-br'] = array(
'syntaxhighlight-desc' => 'Providencia realce de sintaxe <code>&lt;syntaxhighlight&gt;</code> através do [ GeSHi Highlighter]',
@@ -1138,13 +1124,12 @@ $messages['ta'] = array(
/** Telugu (తెలà±à°—à±)
- * @author Chaduvari
* @author Veeven
$messages['te'] = array(
'syntaxhighlight-specify' => 'భాషని à°ˆ విధంగా ఇవà±à°µà°¾à°²à°¿:',
'syntaxhighlight-supported' => 'ఛందసà±à°¸à± ఉదà±à°¦à±€à°ªà°¨à°•à°¿ తోడà±à°ªà°¾à°Ÿà± ఉనà±à°¨ భాషలà±:',
- 'syntaxhighlight-err-loading' => '(తోడà±à°ªà°¾à°Ÿà±à°¨à±à°¨ భాషల జాబితా లోడింగà±à°²à±‹ లోపం జరిగింది)',
+ 'syntaxhighlight-err-loading' => '(తోడà±à°ªà°¾à°Ÿà±à°¨à±à°¨ భాషల జాబితా లోడింగà±à°²à±‹ పొరపాటౠజరిగింది)',
'syntaxhighlight-err-language' => 'చెలà±à°²à°¨à°¿ భాష.',
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi.php b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi.php
index 4323d05c..60741577 100644
--- a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi.php
+++ b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi.php
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
/** The version of this GeSHi file */
-define('GESHI_VERSION', ''); // WMF fix for Haskell (bug 52509)
+define('GESHI_VERSION', '');
// Define the root directory for the GeSHi code tree
if (!defined('GESHI_ROOT')) {
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi/haskell.php b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi/haskell.php
index d3b494ed..adae1116 100644
--- a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi/haskell.php
+++ b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi/haskell.php
@@ -13,14 +13,6 @@
* -------
* 2005/08/27 (1.0.0)
* - First Release
- * 2013/09/28
- * - Single quotes dropped from QUOTEMARKS to resolve <>.
- * Change is local to SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi, made by Ori Livneh (, based
- * on a proposed upstream patch.
- * Upstream bug report:
- * <>
- * Upstream patch (stalled since 2012):
- * <>
* TODO (updated 2005/08/27)
* -------------------------
@@ -54,7 +46,7 @@ $language_data = array (
3 => "/{-(?:(?R)|.)-}/s", //Nested Comments
- 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'), // SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi modification; see CHANGES above.
+ 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"',"'"),
'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
'KEYWORDS' => array(
/* main haskell keywords */
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/.gitreview b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 964229c3..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/COPYING b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.i18n.php b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.i18n.php
index 39ce9d24..ca05a33d 100644
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.i18n.php
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ $messages['ar'] = array(
هو يطابق مدخلة القائمة السوداء التالية: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1||السطر التالي|السطران التاليان|السطور التالية}} ÙÙŠ قائمة العناوين السوداء {{PLURAL:$1||غير صحيح|غير صحيحان|غير صحيحة}}Ø› من Ùضلك {{PLURAL:$1||صححه|صححهما|صححهم}} قبل الحÙظ:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'تجاهل القائمة السوداء',
- 'right-tboverride' => 'تجاوز قائمتي العناوين أو أسماء المستخدمين السوداوين',
+ 'right-tboverride' => 'تجاوز قائمة العناوين السوداء', # Fuzzy
'right-tboverride-account' => 'تجاوز قائمة اسم المستخدم السوداء.',
@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ $messages['ba'] = array(
Ул түбәндәге ҡара иÑемлек Ñҙмаһы менән тап килә: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => '"$2" иÑемле ҡатнашыуÑÑ‹ булдырыла алмай.
Ул түбәндәге ҡара иÑемлек Ñҙмаһы менән тап килә: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-invalid' => 'Ҡара иÑемлектә түбәндәге {{PLURAL:$1|1=юл|юлдар}} дөрөҫ түгел;
-зинһар, һаҡлар алдынан {{PLURAL:$1|1=уны|уларҙы}} төҙәтегеҙ:', # Fuzzy
+ 'titleblacklist-invalid' => 'Ҡара иÑемлектә түбәндәге {{PLURAL:$1|юл|юлдар}} дөрөҫ түгел;
+зинһар, һаҡлар алдынан {{PLURAL:$1|уны|уларҙы}} төҙәтегеҙ:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Ҡара иÑемлекте иғтибарға алмаҫҡа',
'right-tboverride' => 'ИÑемдәр ҡара иÑемлеген иғтибарға алмау', # Fuzzy
'right-tboverride-account' => 'ҠатнашыуÑÑ‹ иÑемдәре ҡара иÑемлеген иғтибарға алмау',
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ $messages['be-tarask'] = array(
Яна адпавÑдае наÑтупнаму ÑлемÑнту чорнага ÑьпіÑу: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => 'Ð†Ð¼Ñ ÑžÐ´Ð·ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ñ–ÐºÐ° «$2» было забаронена Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑтварÑньнÑ.
Яно адпавÑдае наÑтупнаму ÑлемÑнту чорнага ÑьпіÑу: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1=ÐаÑтупны радок у|ÐаÑÑ‚ÑƒÐ¿Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð´ÐºÑ– Ñž}} ÑьпіÑе забароненых назваў — {{PLURAL:$1|1=нÑÑлушны|нÑÑлушныÑ}};
-калі лаÑка, выпраўце {{PLURAL:$1|1=Ñго|Ñ–Ñ…}} перад захаваньнем:', # Fuzzy
+ 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|ÐаÑтупны радок у|ÐаÑÑ‚ÑƒÐ¿Ð½Ñ‹Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð´ÐºÑ– Ñž}} ÑьпіÑе забароненых назваў — {{PLURAL:$1|нÑÑлушны|нÑÑлушныÑ}};
+калі лаÑка, выпраўце {{PLURAL:$1|Ñго|Ñ–Ñ…}} перад захаваньнем:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Ігнараваць чорны ÑьпіÑ',
'right-tboverride' => 'Ігнараваньне чорнага ÑьпіÑу назваў Ñ– імёнаў удзельнікаў',
'right-tboverride-account' => 'ігнараваньне чорнага ÑьпіÑу ўдзельнікаў',
@@ -404,7 +404,6 @@ molimo da {{PLURAL:$1|ga|ih}} ispravite prije spremanja:',
* @author Aleator
* @author El libre
* @author Jordi Roqué
- * @author Papapep
* @author Pitort
* @author SMP
* @author Vriullop
@@ -418,7 +417,7 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
# Per defecte, no distingeix majúscules de minúscules',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-edit' => 'El títol «$2» està prohibit i no es pot crear. Concorda amb la següent entrada de la llista negra: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-move' => "No es pot moure «$2» a «$3», perquè el títol «$3» està prohibit. Concorda amb l'entrada de la llista negra següent: <code>$1</code>",
- 'titleblacklist-forbidden-upload' => "S'ha prohibit el nom de fitxer «$2» i se n'impedeix la creació. Concorda amb la següent línia de la llista negra: <code>$1</code>",
+ 'titleblacklist-forbidden-upload' => "El nom de fitxer «$2» ha estat prohibit i se n'impedeix la creació. Concorda amb la següent línia de la llista negra: <code>$1</code>",
'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => "No es pot crear el nom d'usuari «$2». Coincideix amb la següent entrada de la llista negra: <code>$1</code>",
'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|La línia següent|Les línies següents}} de la llista negra no {{PLURAL:$1|és vàlida|són vàlides}}; heu de corregir-{{PLURAL:$1|la|les}} abans de guardar:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Ignora la llista negra',
@@ -430,7 +429,6 @@ $messages['ca'] = array(
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'titleblacklist-desc' => '[[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|Ӏаьржа]] а [[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|къайн]] а могӀанийн гӀоьнца куьйгалхошна таро хуьлуьйту декъашхойн дӀаÑздарш ца кхоллийта.',
'right-tboverride' => 'Ӏаьржачу могӀанийн чура агӀонийн цӀераш тергалцаÑÑ€ Ñ Ð´ÐµÐºÑŠÐ°ÑˆÑ…Ð¾Ð¹ тергалцабар',
'right-tboverride-account' => 'Ӏаьржачу могӀанийн чура декъашхойн цӀераш тергалцаÑÑ€',
@@ -443,7 +441,7 @@ $messages['ckb'] = array(
'right-tboverride' => 'تێپەڕاندنی تاوتوێی پێرستی ڕەشی سەردێڕ یان ناوی بەکارھێنەری',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Danny B.
* @author Li-sung
* @author Matěj Grabovský
@@ -559,7 +557,6 @@ $messages['de-formal'] = array(
/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
* @author Aspar
* @author Erdemaslancan
- * @author Marmase
$messages['diq'] = array(
'titleblacklist-desc' => 'serkaran re desturê vıraştışê pel u hesabê karberan dano, qey qedexekerdışi re yew [[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|listeya risiyayan]] u [[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|listeya risıpiyan]] dano.',
@@ -576,8 +573,8 @@ malumatê ey na listeyasiya de zepê ya: <code>$1</code>',
malumatê ey na listeyasiya de zêpê ya: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => 'vıraştışê nameyê karberê"$2" i qedexe bı.
malumatê ey na listeyasiya de zêpê ya: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-invalid' => 'Na ğırab lista dı {{PLURAL:$1|en asatır|ené satıri}} néravérené;
-Verdé qeyd kerdışi timar keré:',
+ 'titleblacklist-invalid' => 'nê {{PLURAL:$1|satır o ke|satır ê ke}} listeyasiyayi de qedexe yê;
+kerem kerê verqeydkerdışi de raşt kerê:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Tenilisti mehesebne',
'right-tboverride' => 'Siya listeya sernuşti nêravêrde ke',
'right-tboverride-account' => 'Tenilisteya naman dê karberan mehesebnê',
@@ -699,14 +696,14 @@ $messages['et'] = array(
'titlewhitelist' => '# See pealkiri on valges nimekirjas. Kommentaariks kasuta märki "#".
# Vaikimisi on see tõstutundetu',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-edit' => 'Lehekülje pealkirjaga "$2" loomine on keelatud.
-See vastab järgmisele musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-forbidden-move' => 'Lehekülge "$2" ei saa teisaldada pealkirja "$3" alla, sest lehekülje loomine pealkirjaga "$3" on keelatud.
-See vastab järgmisele musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-forbidden-upload' => 'Faili pealkirjaga "$2" on keelatud üles laadida.
-See vastab järgmisele musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => 'Kasutajat nimega "$2" on keelatud luua.
-See vastab järgmisele musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Järgmine|Järgmised}} musta nimekirja {{PLURAL:$1|rida on vigane|read on vigased}}.
+See vastab järgnevale musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
+ 'titleblacklist-forbidden-move' => 'Lehekülge "$2" ei saa teisaldada pealkirja "$3" alla, sest lehekülgede pealkirjaga "$3" loomine on keelatud.
+See vastab järgnevale musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
+ 'titleblacklist-forbidden-upload' => 'Pealkirjaga "$2" on keelatud faili üles laadida.
+See vastab järgnevale musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
+ 'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => 'Kasutaja nimega "$2" loomine on keelatud.
+See vastab järgnevale musta nimekirja sissekandele: <code>$1</code>',
+ 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Järgnev|Järgnevad}} musta nimekirja {{PLURAL:$1|rida on vigane|read on vigased}}.
Palun paranda {{PLURAL:$1|see|need}} enne salvestamist:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Eira musta nimekirja',
'right-tboverride' => 'Eirata pealkirjade või kasutajanimede musta nimekirja',
@@ -918,12 +915,10 @@ $messages['gu'] = array(
/** Hebrew (עברית)
* @author Amire80
- * @author Guycn2
* @author Rotem Liss
- * @author Rotemliss
$messages['he'] = array(
- 'titleblacklist-desc' => '×פשרות למפעילי המערכת ל×סור יצירת ×“×¤×™× ×•×—×©×‘×•× ×•×ª משתמש לפי [[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|רשימה שחורה]] ו[[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|רשימה לבנה]]',
+ 'titleblacklist-desc' => '×פשרות ×œ×ž× ×”×œ×™× ×œ×סור על יצירת ×“×¤×™× ×•×—×©×‘×•× ×•×ª משתמש לפי [[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|רשימה שחורה]] ו[[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|רשימה לבנה]]',
'titleblacklist' => '# זוהי רשימת הכותרות ×”×סורות. ×œ× × ×™×ª×Ÿ ליצור כותרות וחשבונות משתמש שמת××™×ž×™× ×œ×‘×™×˜×•×™ רגולרי המופיע ×›×ן.
# השתמשו בסימן "#" להערות.
#רשימה זו ××™× ×” תלויה ברישיות כברירת מחדל.',
@@ -941,7 +936,7 @@ $messages['he'] = array(
×× × ×ª×§× ×• {{PLURAL:$1|×ותה|×ותן}} לפני השמירה:',
'titleblacklist-override' => '×”×ª×¢×œ× ×ž×”×¨×©×™×ž×” השחורה',
'right-tboverride' => 'עקיפת רשימת שמות ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×©×™× ×”×סורי×',
- 'right-tboverride-account' => 'עקיפת הרשימה השחורה של שמות המשתמשי×',
+ 'right-tboverride-account' => 'לעקוף ×ת הרשימה השחורה של שמות המשתמשי×',
/** Hindi (हिनà¥à¤¦à¥€)
@@ -1379,15 +1374,14 @@ Hic titulus congruit cum expressione regulari: <code>$1</code>',
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Robby
- * @author Soued031
$messages['lb'] = array(
'titleblacklist-desc' => "Erlaabt den Administrateuren et d'Uleeë vu Säiten a Benotzerkonte mat spezifeschen Titelen iwwer eng [[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|schwaarz Lëscht]] an eng [[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|wäiss Lëscht]] ze verbidden",
'titleblacklist' => '# Dëst ass een Titel deen op enger schwaarzer Lëscht steet. Titelen a Benotzernimm op déi dës Ausdréck passe kann net ugeluecht ginn
# Benotzt "#" fir Bemierkungen
-# Et gëtt tëscht groussen a klenge Buchstawen ënnerscheet',
+# Et gëtt tëschent groussen a klenge Buchstawen ënnerscheed',
'titlewhitelist' => "# Dëst ass d'''Whitelist'' vun den Titelen. Benotzt \"#\" fir Bemierkungen.
-# Et gëtt een Ënnerscheed tëscht groussen a klenge Buchstawe gemaach",
+# Et gëtt een Ënnerscheed tëschent groussen a klenge Buchstawe gemaach",
'titleblacklist-forbidden-edit' => 'Den Titel "$2" dàerf net ugeluecht ginn.
En ass op der schwaarzer Lëscht wéint folgendem Begrëff: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-move' => '"$2" kann net op "$3" geréckelt ginn, well den Titel "$3" net däerf ugeluecht ginn.
@@ -1395,7 +1389,7 @@ En entsprécht dëser Rubrik vun der schwaarzr Lëscht: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-upload' => 'De Fichiersnumm "$2" kann net benotzt ginn.
Hien ass identesch mat dësem Numm vun der schwaarzer Lëscht (black list): <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => 'De Benotzermumm "$2" gouf gespaart fir benotzt ze ginn.
-En ass sou op der \'\'schwaarzer Lëscht\'\': <code>$1</code>',
+En ass esou op der \'\'schwaarzer Lëscht\'\': <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-invalid' => 'Dës {{PLURAL:$1|Linn|Linnen}} op der schwaarzer Lëscht vun den {{PLURAL:$1|Titelen ass|Titele sinn}} net valabel;
verbessert se virum späicheren:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Schwaarz Lëscht ignoréieren',
@@ -1504,10 +1498,9 @@ $messages['ml'] = array(
* @author Kaustubh
* @author Mahitgar
* @author Rahuldeshmukh101
- * @author V.narsikar
$messages['mr'] = array(
- 'titleblacklist-desc' => '[[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|बà¥à¤²à¥…कलीसà¥à¤Ÿ]] व [[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|वà¥à¤¹à¤¾à¤ˆà¤Ÿ लीसà¥à¤Ÿ]] ला अनà¥à¤¸à¤°à¥‚न पाने आणि सदसà¥à¤¯ खातà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤‚ना पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¬à¤‚धित करणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥€ पà¥à¤°à¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤•à¤¾à¤‚ना परवानगी दà¥à¤¯à¤¾',
+ 'titleblacklist-desc' => '[[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|बà¥à¤²à¥…कलीसà¥à¤Ÿ]] व [[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|वà¥à¤¹à¤¾à¤ˆà¤Ÿ लीसà¥à¤Ÿ]] ला अनà¥à¤¸à¤°à¥‚न पाने आणि सदसà¥à¤¯ खातà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤‚ना पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¬à¤‚धतीअ करणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¥€ पà¥à¤°à¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤•à¤¾à¤‚ना परवानगी दà¥à¤¯à¤¾',
'titleblacklist' => '# ही बà¥à¤²à¥‰à¤• केलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ शीरà¥à¤·à¤•à¤¾à¤‚ची यादी आहे. या यादीत असलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ शीरà¥à¤·à¤•à¤¾à¤‚चे लेख लिहिता येणार नाहीत.
# शेरा देणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ "#" वापरा.',
'titlewhitelist' => '# ही वापरू शकत असलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ शीरà¥à¤·à¤•à¤¾à¤‚ची यादी आहे. शेरा देणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾à¤ à¥€ "#" वापरा',
@@ -1705,17 +1698,15 @@ $messages['or'] = array(
/** Polish (polski)
* @author Beau
* @author BeginaFelicysym
- * @author Chrumps
* @author Derbeth
- * @author Peter Bowman
* @author Sp5uhe
$messages['pl'] = array(
'titleblacklist-desc' => 'Pozwala na blokowanie tworzenia stron i kont użytkowników o określonych nazwach wykorzystując [[MediaWiki:Titleblacklist|czarną]] oraz [[MediaWiki:Titlewhitelist|białą]] listę',
- 'titleblacklist' => '# Lista zabronionych nazw. Strony i konta o nazwach odpowiadających poniższym wyrażeniom regularnym nie będą mogły zostać utworzone.
-# Użyj znaku „#â€, aby utworzyć komentarz.
+ 'titleblacklist' => '# Lista zabronionych nazw. Strony i konta o nazwach odpowiadających poniższym wyrażeniom regularnym, nie będą mogły zostać utworzone.
+# Użyj znaku „#â€, by utworzyć komentarz.
# Domyślnie we wpisach ma znaczenie wielkość znaków.',
- 'titlewhitelist' => '# To jest lista dopuszczalnych nazw artykułów. Użyj znaku „#â€, aby utworzyć komentarz.
+ 'titlewhitelist' => '# To jest lista dopuszczalnych nazw artykułów. Użyj znaku „#†by utworzyć komentarz.
# Domyślnie we wpisach ma znaczenie wielkość znaków.',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-edit' => 'Utworzenie strony o nazwie „$2†nie jest możliwe.
Nazwa ta pasuje do wpisu z czarnej listy: <code>$1</code>',
@@ -1727,7 +1718,7 @@ Nazwa ta pasuje do wpisu z czarnej listy: <code>$1</code>',
Nazwa ta pasuje do wpisu z czarnej listy: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Następująca linia|Następujące linie}} na liście zabronionych tytułów stron {{PLURAL:$1|jest nieprawidłowa|są nieprawidłowe}}. Popraw {{PLURAL:$1|ją|je}} przed zapisaniem:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Ignoruj czarnÄ… listÄ™',
- 'right-tboverride' => 'Ignorowanie czarnej listy tytułów lub nazw użytkowników',
+ 'right-tboverride' => 'Zastąp czarną listę zabronionych tytułów stron lub nazw użytkowników',
'right-tboverride-account' => 'Ignorowanie czarnej listy użytkowników',
@@ -1929,7 +1920,7 @@ $messages['ru'] = array(
'titleblacklist-forbidden-upload' => 'Файл Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸ÐµÐ¼ «$2» был запрещён к Ñозданию. Он попадает под Ñледующую запиÑÑŒ ÑпиÑка запрещенных названий: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => 'Запрещено иÑпользовать Ð¸Ð¼Ñ ÑƒÑ‡Ð°Ñтника «$2».
Ð˜Ð¼Ñ ÑоответÑтвует Ñледующей запиÑи из чёрного ÑпиÑка: <code>$1</code>',
- 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1=Ð¡Ð»ÐµÐ´ÑƒÑŽÑ‰Ð°Ñ Ñтрока|Следующие Ñтроки}} в ÑпиÑке запрещённых названий {{PLURAL:$1|1=не ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ð¼ регулÑрным выражением|не ÑвлÑÑŽÑ‚ÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ регулÑрными выражениÑми}}. ПожалуйÑта, иÑправьте {{PLURAL:$1|1=её|их}} перед Ñохранением:',
+ 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Ð¡Ð»ÐµÐ´ÑƒÑŽÑ‰Ð°Ñ Ñтрока|Следующие Ñтроки}} в ÑпиÑке запрещённых названий {{PLURAL:$1|не ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ð¼ регулÑрным выражением|не ÑвлÑÑŽÑ‚ÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ð¼Ð¸ регулÑрными выражениÑми}}. ПожалуйÑта, иÑправьте {{PLURAL:$1|её|их}} перед Ñохранением:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Игнорировать чёрный ÑпиÑок',
'right-tboverride' => 'игнорирование чёрного ÑпиÑка имён Ñтраниц или учаÑтников',
'right-tboverride-account' => 'игнорирование чёрного ÑпиÑка имён учаÑтников',
@@ -2007,14 +1998,6 @@ $messages['sah'] = array(
'right-tboverride-account' => 'кыттааччылар ааттарын "хара тиһигин" туттума',
-/** Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski / ÑрпÑкохрватÑки)
- * @author Kolega2357
- */
-$messages['sh'] = array(
- 'right-tboverride' => 'Zaobilaženje spiska zabranjenih naslova',
- 'right-tboverride-account' => 'Zaobilaženje spiska zabranjenih korisniÄkih imena',
/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
* @author Budhajeewa
* @author පසිඳු කà·à·€à·’න්ද
@@ -2341,7 +2324,6 @@ lütfen kaydetmeden önce düzeltin:',
/** Ukrainian (українÑька)
* @author AS
* @author Ahonc
- * @author Andriykopanytsia
* @author Base
* @author JenVan
* @author Prima klasy4na
@@ -2360,8 +2342,8 @@ $messages['uk'] = array(
Вона підпадає під наÑтупний Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ñ–Ð· ÑпиÑку заборонених назв: <code>$1</code>',
'titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account' => "Заборонено викориÑтовувати ім'Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñтувача «$2».
Ім'Ñ Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð°Ñ” наÑтупному запиÑу з чорного ÑпиÑку: <code>$1</code>",
- 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1=ÐаÑтупний Ñ€Ñдок|ÐаÑтупні Ñ€Ñдки}} ÑпиÑку заборонених назв Ñ” {{PLURAL:$1|1=помилковим|помилковими}};
-будь лаÑка, виправте {{PLURAL:$1|1=його|Ñ—Ñ…}} перед збереженнÑм:',
+ 'titleblacklist-invalid' => '{{PLURAL:$1|ÐаÑтупнинй Ñ€Ñдок|ÐаÑтупні Ñ€Ñдки}} ÑпиÑку заборонених назв Ñ” {{PLURAL:$1|помилковим|помилковими}};
+будь лаÑка, виправіть {{PLURAL:$1|його|Ñ—Ñ…}} перед збереженнÑм:',
'titleblacklist-override' => 'Ігнорувати чорний ÑпиÑок',
'right-tboverride' => 'Ñ–Ð³Ð½Ð¾Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ‡Ð¾Ñ€Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ÑпиÑку назв Ñторінок або кориÑтувачів',
'right-tboverride-account' => 'Ñ–Ð³Ð½Ð¾Ñ€ÑƒÐ²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ‡Ð¾Ñ€Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ÑпиÑку імен кориÑтувачів',
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.library.php b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.library.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c2a599c..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.library.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-class Scribunto_LuaTitleBlacklistLibrary extends Scribunto_LuaLibraryBase {
- public function register() {
- $lib = array(
- 'test' => array( $this, 'test' ),
- );
- $this->getEngine()->registerInterface( __DIR__ . '/mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.lua', $lib, array() );
- }
- public function test( $action = null, $title = null ) {
- $this->checkType( 'mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.test', 1, $action, 'string' );
- $this->checkTypeOptional( 'mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.test', 2, $title, 'string', '' );
- $this->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount();
- if ( $title == '' ) {
- $title = $this->getParser()->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
- }
- $entry = TitleBlacklist::singleton()->isBlacklisted( $title, $action );
- if ( $entry ) {
- return array( array(
- 'params' => $entry->getParams(),
- 'regex' => $entry->getRegex(),
- 'raw' => $entry->getRaw(),
- 'version' => $entry->getFormatVersion(),
- 'message' => $entry->getErrorMessage( $action ),
- 'custommessage' => $entry->getCustomMessage()
- ) );
- }
- return array( null );
- }
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.list.php b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.list.php
index 3947e8ae..d197a9c5 100644
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.list.php
+++ b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.list.php
@@ -156,12 +156,7 @@ class TitleBlacklist {
if ( $override && self::userCanOverride( $user, $action ) ) {
return false;
} else {
- $entry = $this->isBlacklisted( $title, $action );
- if ( !$entry ) {
- return false;
- }
- $params = $entry->getParams();
- return isset( $params['autoconfirmed'] ) && $user->isAllowed( 'autoconfirmed' ) ? false : $entry;
+ return $this->isBlacklisted( $title, $action );
@@ -177,29 +172,17 @@ class TitleBlacklist {
public function isBlacklisted( $title, $action = 'edit' ) {
if ( !( $title instanceof Title ) ) {
$title = Title::newFromText( $title );
- if ( !( $title instanceof Title ) ) {
- // The fact that the page name is invalid will stop whatever
- // action is going through. No sense in doing more work here.
- return false;
- }
$blacklist = $this->getBlacklist();
- $autoconfirmedItem = false;
foreach ( $blacklist as $item ) {
- if ( $item->matches( $title->getFullText(), $action ) ) {
+ if ( $item->matches( $title, $action ) ) {
if ( $this->isWhitelisted( $title, $action ) ) {
return false;
- $params = $item->getParams();
- if ( !isset( $params['autoconfirmed'] ) ) {
- return $item;
- }
- if ( !$autoconfirmedItem ) {
- $autoconfirmedItem = $item;
- }
+ return $item; // "returning true"
- return $autoconfirmedItem;
+ return false;
@@ -216,7 +199,7 @@ class TitleBlacklist {
$whitelist = $this->getWhitelist();
foreach ( $whitelist as $item ) {
- if ( $item->matches( $title->getFullText(), $action ) ) {
+ if ( $item->matches( $title, $action ) ) {
return true;
@@ -360,7 +343,7 @@ class TitleBlacklistEntry {
* Check whether a user can perform the specified action
* on the specified Title
- * @param $title string to check
+ * @param $title Title to check
* @param $action %Action to check
* @return bool TRUE if the the regex matches the title, and is not overridden
* else false if it doesn't match (or was overridden)
@@ -374,20 +357,15 @@ class TitleBlacklistEntry {
return false;
- if ( isset( $this->mParams['antispoof'] ) && is_callable( 'AntiSpoof::checkUnicodeString' ) ) {
- list( $ok, $norm ) = AntiSpoof::checkUnicodeString( $title );
- if ( $ok == "OK" ) {
- list( $ver, $title ) = explode( ':', $norm, 2 );
- } else {
- wfDebugLog( 'TitleBlacklist', 'AntiSpoof could not normalize "' . $title . '".' );
- }
- }
- $match = preg_match( "/^(?:{$this->mRegex})$/us" . ( isset( $this->mParams['casesensitive'] ) ? '' : 'i' ), $title );
+ $match = preg_match( "/^(?:{$this->mRegex})$/us" . ( isset( $this->mParams['casesensitive'] ) ? '' : 'i' ), $title->getFullText() );
+ global $wgUser;
if ( $match ) {
+ if ( isset( $this->mParams['autoconfirmed'] ) && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'autoconfirmed' ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
if ( isset( $this->mParams['moveonly'] ) && $action != 'move' ) {
return false;
@@ -449,9 +427,6 @@ class TitleBlacklistEntry {
if ( preg_match( '/errmsg\s*=\s*(.+)/i', $opt, $matches ) ) {
$options['errmsg'] = $matches[1];
- if ( $opt2 == 'antispoof' ) {
- $options['antispoof'] = true;
- }
// Process magic words
preg_match_all( '/{{\s*([a-z]+)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*}}/', $regex, $magicwords, PREG_SET_ORDER );
@@ -494,10 +469,10 @@ class TitleBlacklistEntry {
- * @return array This entry's parameters
+ * @return array This entry's options
- public function getParams() {
- return $this->mParams;
+ public function getOptions() {
+ return $this->mOptions;
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.php b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.php
index acd946d6..68fb6778 100644
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.php
+++ b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.php
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ $dir = __DIR__;
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['TitleBlacklist'] = $dir . '/TitleBlacklist.i18n.php';
$wgAutoloadClasses['TitleBlacklist'] = $dir . '/TitleBlacklist.list.php';
$wgAutoloadClasses['TitleBlacklistHooks'] = $dir . '/TitleBlacklist.hooks.php';
-$wgAutoloadClasses['Scribunto_LuaTitleBlacklistLibrary'] = $dir . '/TitleBlacklist.library.php';
/** @defgroup Title blacklist source types
* @{
@@ -77,16 +76,6 @@ $wgHooks['CentralAuthAutoCreate'][] = 'TitleBlacklistHooks::centralAuthAutoCreat
$wgHooks['EditFilter'][] = 'TitleBlacklistHooks::validateBlacklist';
$wgHooks['ArticleSaveComplete'][] = 'TitleBlacklistHooks::clearBlacklist';
$wgHooks['UserCreateForm'][] = 'TitleBlacklistHooks::addOverrideCheckbox';
-$wgHooks['UnitTestsList'][] = function( &$files ) {
- $files += glob( __DIR__ . '/tests/*Test.php' );
- return true;
-$wgHooks['ScribuntoExternalLibraries'][] = function( $engine, array &$extraLibraries ) {
- if( $engine == 'lua' ) {
- $extraLibraries['mw.ext.TitleBlacklist'] = 'Scribunto_LuaTitleBlacklistLibrary';
- }
- return true;
$wgResourceModules['mediawiki.api.titleblacklist'] = array(
'scripts' => 'mediawiki.api.titleblacklist.js',
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.lua b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b48eed1..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-local TitleBlacklist = {}
-local php
-function TitleBlacklist.test( action, title )
- return php.test( action, title )
-function TitleBlacklist.setupInterface( options )
- -- Boilerplate
- TitleBlacklist.setupInterface = nil
- php = mw_interface
- mw_interface = nil
- -- Register this library in the "mw" global
- mw = mw or {}
- mw.ext = mw.ext or {}
- mw.ext.TitleBlacklist = TitleBlacklist
- package.loaded['mw.ext.TitleBlacklist'] = TitleBlacklist
-return TitleBlacklist
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 344e9996..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- * Test the TitleBlacklist API.
- *
- * This wants to run with phpunit.php, like so:
- * cd $IP/tests/phpunit
- * php phpunit.php ../../extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php
- *
- * The blacklist file is `testSource` and shared by all tests.
- *
- * Ian Baker <>
- */
-ini_set( 'include_path', ini_get( 'include_path' ) . ':' . __DIR__ . '/../../../tests/phpunit/includes/api' );
- * @group medium
- **/
-class ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest extends ApiTestCase {
- function setUp() {
- global $wgTitleBlacklistSources;
- parent::setUp();
- $this->doLogin();
- $wgTitleBlacklistSources = array(
- array(
- 'type' => TBLSRC_FILE,
- 'src' => __DIR__ . '/testSource',
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * Verify we allow a title which is not blacklisted
- */
- function testCheckingUnlistedTitle() {
- $unlisted = $this->doApiRequest( array(
- 'action' => 'titleblacklist',
- // evil_acc is blacklisted as <newaccountonly>
- 'tbtitle' => 'evil_acc',
- 'tbaction' => 'create',
- 'tbnooverride' => true,
- ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'ok',
- $unlisted[0]['titleblacklist']['result'],
- 'Not blacklisted title returns ok'
- );
- }
- /**
- * Verify tboverride works
- */
- function testTboverride() {
- global $wgGroupPermissions;
- // Allow all users to override the titleblacklist
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['tboverride'] = true;
- $unlisted = $this->doApiRequest( array(
- 'action' => 'titleblacklist',
- 'tbtitle' => 'bar',
- 'tbaction' => 'create',
- ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'ok',
- $unlisted[0]['titleblacklist']['result'],
- 'Blacklisted title returns ok if the user is allowd to tboverride'
- );
- }
- /**
- * Verify a blacklisted title gives out an error.
- */
- function testCheckingBlackListedTitle() {
- $listed = $this->doApiRequest( array(
- 'action' => 'titleblacklist',
- 'tbtitle' => 'bar',
- 'tbaction' => 'create',
- 'tbnooverride' => true,
- ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'blacklisted',
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['result'],
- 'Listed title returns error'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- "The title \"bar\" has been banned from creation.\nIt matches the following blacklist entry: <code>[Bb]ar #example blacklist entry</code>",
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['reason'],
- 'Listed title error text is as expected'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- "titleblacklist-forbidden-edit",
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['message'],
- 'Correct blacklist message name is returned'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- "[Bb]ar #example blacklist entry",
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['line'],
- 'Correct blacklist line is returned'
- );
- }
- /**
- * Tests integration with the AntiSpoof extension
- */
- function testAntiSpoofIntegration() {
- if ( !class_exists( 'AntiSpoof') ) {
- $this->markTestSkipped( "This test requires the AntiSpoof extension" );
- }
- $listed = $this->doApiRequest( array(
- 'action' => 'titleblacklist',
- 'tbtitle' => 'AVVVV',
- 'tbaction' => 'create',
- 'tbnooverride' => true,
- ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'blacklisted',
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['result'],
- 'Spoofed title is blacklisted'
- );
- }
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/testSource b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/testSource
deleted file mode 100644
index 235cc671..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/testSource
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-[Bb]ar #example blacklist entry
-.*[Nn]yancat.* <errmsg=blacklisted-nyancat>
-.*evil_acc.* <newaccountonly>
-AW{1,10} <antispoof>
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/.gitreview b/extensions/WikiEditor/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 622413f0..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintignore b/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintignore
deleted file mode 100644
index b97a47d3..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# upstream lib from Google
-# messy
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintrc b/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d335e32..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- /* Common */
- // Enforcing
- "camelcase": true,
- "curly": true,
- "eqeqeq": true,
- "immed": true,
- "latedef": true,
- "newcap": true,
- "noarg": true,
- "noempty": true,
- "nonew": true,
- "quotmark": "single",
- "trailing": true,
- "undef": true,
- "unused": true,
- // Legacy
- "onevar": true,
- /* Local */
- // Relaxing
- "loopfunc": true,
- "multistr": true,
- // Environment
- "browser": true,
- "predef": [
- "mediaWiki",
- "jQuery"
- ]
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/COPYING b/extensions/WikiEditor/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d159169d..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.i18n.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.i18n.php
index fa3c1b0b..26f1e2ca 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.i18n.php
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.i18n.php
@@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ I guess that "feature-providing modules" means the same as "modules providing fe
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-goback' => 'Button that closes the dialog that opens when the user clicks the Publish button.
{{Identical|Go back}}',
- 'wikieditor-template-editor-dialog-title' => '{{Identical|Edit template}}',
'wikieditor-template-editor-dialog-submit' => '{{Identical|Update}}',
'wikieditor-template-editor-dialog-cancel' => '{{Identical|Cancel}}',
'wikieditor-toc-preference' => "Option at [[Special:Preferences]], tab ''{{int:prefs-editing}}''",
@@ -1282,7 +1281,6 @@ $1:Eixemplo.jpg|Piet_de_foto_2',
/** Old English (Ænglisc)
* @author Gott wisst
- * @author Shirayuki
* @author WÅdenhelm
$messages['ang'] = array(
@@ -4034,7 +4032,6 @@ $1:Cuntuh.jpg|Judul2',
/** Bengali (বাংলা)
- * @author Aftab1995
* @author Bellayet
* @author Leemon2010
* @author Nasir8891
@@ -4152,8 +4149,8 @@ $messages['bn'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-subscript-example' => 'সাবসà§à¦•à§à¦°à¦¿à¦ªà§à¦Ÿ লেখা',
'wikieditor-toolbar-group-insert' => 'যোগ করো',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-gallery' => 'ছবির গà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦²à¦¾à¦°à§€',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-gallery-example' => '$1:উদাহরণ.jpg|কà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦ªà¦¶à¦¨à§§
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-gallery-example' => '$1:Example.jpg|কà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦ªà¦¶à¦¨à§§
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-newline' => 'নতà§à¦¨ লাইন',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table' => 'ছক',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-old' => '-
@@ -5072,7 +5069,7 @@ Voleu convertir-lo en un enllaç intern?",
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-empty' => 'No heu entrat res per enllaçar.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file' => 'Fitxer incrustat',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example' => 'Exemple.png',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-file-target' => 'Nom del fitxer:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption' => 'Títol:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' => 'Mida:',
@@ -5080,7 +5077,7 @@ Voleu convertir-lo en un enllaç intern?",
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-default' => '(per defecte)',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format' => 'Format:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format-none' => 'cap',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => 'Insereix',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => 'Inserta',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel' => 'Cancel·la',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'Referència',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'Inseriu la nota al peu aquí',
@@ -5254,8 +5251,8 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Peu2',
* @author Умар
$messages['ce'] = array(
- 'wikieditor' => 'Викийоза тадаран шоьйра интерфейÑ',
- 'wikieditor-desc' => 'Тадарш даран шоьйра Ð¸Ð½Ñ‚ÐµÑ€Ñ„ÐµÐ¹Ñ Ð»Ð°Ñ‚Ð°Ð¹Ð¾ кхин дукху фукцеш а',
+ 'wikieditor' => 'Викийозан рéдоккхучечохь аллÑам чулоцург',
+ 'wikieditor-desc' => 'Ðьтто бо Ñ‚lе хуттучо, викийозан аъ ишта кхечу харжамна рéдоккхучечохь аллÑам чулоцучо',
'wikieditor-wikitext-tab' => 'Викийоза',
'wikieditor-loading' => 'Чуйолуш',
'wikieditor-preview-preference' => 'Латайé хьалха муха ю хьажар дуьхь дуьхьал',
@@ -5268,7 +5265,7 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'wikieditor-publish-preference' => 'Латайé цхьац ког бокхуш чутохар',
'wikieditor-publish-button-publish' => 'Ðахангайта',
'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'Цаоьшу',
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => '{{SITENAME}} проектехь арахецар',
+ 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Ðахангайта оцу кхолламехь {{SITENAME}}',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-summary' => 'Хийцамах лаьцна (доц Ñзде Ñ…lу хийцам бина ахьа):',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-minor' => 'Жим хийцам',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-watch' => 'Тергам бé хlокху агlон',
@@ -5282,42 +5279,41 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'wikieditor-toc-preference' => 'Латедé коьрта дерг шавигарна аттонца',
'wikieditor-toc-show' => 'Гайта коьртехь дерг',
'wikieditor-toc-hide' => 'Къайлахьо коьртехь дерг',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Тадаран меттиг',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Тадаран меттиг гӀоле лелорца',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Рéдоккху меттиг',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Рéдоккху меттиг гlоле лелорца',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Латайé гlоле йолу тадар',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Латайé йозан хьажораг йуьллург, таблицан а кхин хӀумнашна а',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Латайé йозан хьажориг йуьллург, таблийцан аъ кхин хlумнашна', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'Чуйолуш…',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'ДерÑтино',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold-example' => 'ДерÑтино до йоза',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-italic' => 'Сетта',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-italic-example' => 'Сеттан до йоза',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ilink' => 'Чоьхьа хьажораг',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ilink' => 'Чоьхьа хьажориг',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ilink-example' => 'Хьажориган коьрта могlа',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-xlink' => 'Ðрахьара хьажораг (йиц ма йе хӀотталушерг http://)',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-xlink-example' => ' хьажораг корта',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link' => 'Хьажораг',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-title' => 'Чуйилла хьажораг',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int' => 'Вики агӀоне',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target' => 'Хьажийна агӀо Ñ URL:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-tooltip' => 'ÐгӀон цӀе Ñ URL',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-xlink-example' => ' хьажориг корта',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link' => 'Хьажориг',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-title' => 'Чуйилла хьажориг',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int' => 'Оцу вики агlон',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target' => 'Хьажийна агlо йа URL:',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-tooltip' => 'Ðгlон цlе йа URL',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text' => 'Гойтуш долу йоза:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip' => 'Чудилла Ñхьагайта дезаш долу йоза',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext' => 'Хьалхара агlон чохь',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-target' => 'URL хьажорагаш:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-text' => 'Хьажораган йоза:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-insert' => 'Чуйилла хьажораг',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-target' => 'URL хьажоригаш:',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-text' => 'Хьажориган йоза:',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-insert' => 'Чуйилла хьажориг',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel' => 'Цаоьшу',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-exists' => 'Ишта агlо йолш ю',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-notexists' => 'Ишта агlо Ñц',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'Ца магайо цlе',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' => 'Ðрахьара хьажораг',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'Ðгlо ÑŽ Ñц хьоьжуш…',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'Дуккха маьӀнаш долу агӀонаш',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'Гойтуш йолу цlе ца магайо.',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'Ðхьа хоттийна URL кхечу вики-агӀонан хьажорагах тера ÑŽ. Лаьий хьуна и хьажораг чоьхьарчех Ñ?',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' => 'Чоьхьа хьажораг',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'Ðхьа хоттийна URL кхечу вики-агlонан хьажоригах тера ÑŽ. Лаьий хьуна и хьажориг чоьхьарчех Ñ?',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' => 'Чоьхьа хьажориг',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-ext' => 'Ðрахьара хьажораг',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-empty' => 'Ðхьа ца гайтин мичхьа хьажойеза хьажораг.',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-empty' => 'Ðхьа ца гайтин мичхьа хьажойеза хьажориг.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file' => 'Чохь йолу файл',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example' => 'Example.jpg',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-title' => 'Файл чуйиллар',
@@ -5326,7 +5322,6 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' => 'Барам:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' => 'ÐиÑдар:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-default' => '(Iад йитарца)',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format-none' => 'цхьаа',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => 'Чудилла',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel' => 'Цаоьшу',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'ТIетовжар',
@@ -5336,7 +5331,7 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-insert' => 'Чудилла',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-text' => 'ТIетовжаран йоза',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-signature' => 'Куьгтаlор хан хlоттош',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-advanced' => 'Кхин тӀе',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-advanced' => 'Кхин тlе дукха',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading' => 'Корта',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-1' => 'Локхалла 1',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-2' => 'Локхалла 2',
@@ -5367,26 +5362,26 @@ $messages['ce'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-gallery' => 'Дуккха Ñуьрташ',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-gallery-example' => '$1:Example.jpg|Цуьнах лаце1
$1:Example.jpg|Цуьнах лаце2',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-newline' => 'Керла могӀа',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-newline' => 'Керла могlа',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table' => 'Таблица',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-old' => '-
-! коьрта могӀа 1
-! коьрта могӀа 2
-! коьрта могӀа 3
+! коьрта могlа 1
+! коьрта могlа 2
+! коьрта могlа 3
-| могӀа 1, чоь 1
-| могӀа 1, чоь 2
-| могӀа 1, чоь 3
+| могlа 1, чоь 1
+| могlа 1, чоь 2
+| могlа 1, чоь 3
-| могӀа 2, чоь 1
-| могӀа 2, чоь 2
-| могӀа 2, чоь 3',
+| могlа 2, чоь 1
+| могlа 2, чоь 2
+| могlа 2, чоь 3',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text' => 'Чоьнан йоза',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header' => 'Коьрта йоза',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-title' => 'Чуйилла таблица',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-rows' => 'МогӀанаш',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-columns' => 'Бlогlамаш',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-header' => 'ТӀетоха коьрта могӀанан могӀа',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-header' => 'Тlетоха коьрта могlан могlа',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-wikitable' => 'Кечйеш дозанашца',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable' => 'ЛиÑталуш йе таблица',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example' => 'Чоьнан йоза',
@@ -5410,12 +5405,12 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Цуьнах лаце2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success' => 'Балийна хийцам: $1.', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-emptysearch' => 'Ðхьа ца гайтна Ñ…lу лаха деза.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-invalidregex' => 'Ðхьа Ñзйина цlе ÑŽÑ…-юха нийÑа Ñц: $1',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'Леррина Ñимволаш',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'Саболу куьцаш',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-latin' => 'Латинан',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-latinextended' => 'Латинан алÑам',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-ipa' => 'ДÐЭ (IPA)',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-symbols' => 'Саболурш',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-greek' => 'Гlайрхойн',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-cyrillic' => 'Кирилан',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-arabic' => 'Ӏарбийн',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-arabicextended' => 'Iаьрбийн шординарш',
@@ -5434,7 +5429,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Цуьнах лаце2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-syntax' => 'Хlу йуьллу ахьа',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-result' => 'Хlу хуьлу хьуна',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-format' => 'Бáрамхlоттор',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-link' => 'Хьажоригаш',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-heading' => 'Коьрта могlнаш',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-list' => 'Могlамаш',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-file' => 'Файлаш',
@@ -5449,7 +5444,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Цуьнах лаце2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-description' => 'ДерÑтино курÑеттан',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-syntax' => "'''''ДерÑтино курÑеттан'''''",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-result' => '<em><strong>ДерÑтино курÑеттан</strong></em>',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ilink-description' => 'Чоьхьа хьажориг',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ilink-syntax' => '[[Ðгlонан коьрта могlа|Хьажориган йоза]]<br />[[Ðгlонан коьрта могlа]]',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ilink-result' => "<a href='#'>Хьажориган йоза</a><br /><a href='#'>Ðгlонан коьрта могlа</a>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-description' => 'Ðрахьара хьажораг',
@@ -5481,7 +5476,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Цуьнах лаце2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-description' => 'Билгалдаккхар',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-syntax' => 'Ðгlонан йоза.&lt;ref name="test"&gt;[ Хьажориган йоза], кхин Ñ‚lе дузуш йоза.&lt;/ref&gt;',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-result' => "Ðгlонан йоза.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>",
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-description' => 'Кхин тӀе лело изза хьажораг',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-description' => 'Кхин тlе лело изза хьажориг',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-result' => "Ðгlонан йоза<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>.",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-description' => 'Гайта билгалдаккхар',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-result' => "<ol class='references'><li id='cite_note-test-0'><b><a title='' href='#'>^</a></b> <a rel='nofollow' title='' class='external text' href='#'>Хьажориган йоза</a>, кхин тlе дузуш йоза.</li></ol>",
@@ -5744,7 +5739,7 @@ $messages['co'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-5' => 'Livellu 5',
-/** Czech (ÄeÅ¡tina)
+/** Czech (Äesky)
* @author Jkjk
* @author Kuvaly
* @author Littledogboy
@@ -5782,7 +5777,7 @@ $messages['cs'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'EditaÄní panel nástrojů',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'EditaÄní panel nástrojů s vylepÅ¡enou použitelností',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Zapnout vylepšený panel nástrojů',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Používat průvodce pro vkládání odkazů a tabulek i pro funkci hledání a nahrazování.',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Používat dialogy pro vkládání odkazů, tabulek atd.', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'Skrýt tlaÄítko podpisu na stránkách v hlavním jmenném prostoru',
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'NaÄítá se…',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'TuÄnÄ›',
@@ -6053,7 +6048,7 @@ $messages['csb'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-description' => 'Bùtnowé lënczi',
-/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
+/** Church Slavic (ÑловѣÌньÑкъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡâ°â° â°”â°â°Ÿ)
* @author ОйЛ
$messages['cu'] = array(
@@ -6136,7 +6131,7 @@ $messages['cy'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Bar offer golygu',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Bar offer y dudalen olygu gyda gwelliannau defnyddioldeb',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => "Defnyddio'r bar offer golygu estynedig",
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => "Galluogi'r dewin sy'n mewnosod cysylltau a thablau, ac sy'n gallu chwilio a disodli",
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => "Galluoger y dewin sy'n mewnosod cysylltau a thablau, ac sy'n gallu chwilio a disodli",
'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => "Cuddio'r botwm llofnodi rhag y tudalennau yn y prif barth",
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => "Wrthi'n llwytho...",
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Praff',
@@ -6866,11 +6861,9 @@ $1:Beispiel.jpg|Beschreibung2',
/** Swiss High German (Schweizer Hochdeutsch)
- * @author Filzstift
* @author Geitost
$messages['de-ch'] = array(
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Assistenten zum Einfügen von Links und Tabellen sowie die Funktion «Suchen und Ersetzen» aktivieren',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'Fussnotentext hier einfügen',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-big' => 'Gross',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-big-example' => 'Grosser Text',
@@ -6899,7 +6892,6 @@ Möchten Sie daraus einen internen Link machen?',
/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
* @author Erdemaslancan
* @author Gorizon
- * @author Marmase
* @author Mirzali
* @author Xoser
@@ -6917,7 +6909,7 @@ $messages['diq'] = array(
'wikieditor-previewDialog-loading' => 'Ho bar keno...',
'wikieditor-publish-preference' => 'Game be game çap kerdişi a bike',
'wikieditor-publish-button-publish' => 'Vıla ke',
- 'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'Bıtexelne',
+ 'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'Bıterkne',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => '{{SITENAME}} rê çap ke',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-summary' => 'Xulasayê vurnayişi (ser vurnayişê xo xulasa binuse):',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-minor' => 'VurnayiÅŸo qickek',
@@ -6951,13 +6943,13 @@ $messages['diq'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int' => 'yew pelê wiki re',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target' => 'sernameyê peli',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-tooltip' => 'Sernamey ya zi URL',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text' => 'Metnê asnayışi:',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text' => 'metnê gıreyi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip' => 'Nuştewo ke gani bımocniyo ey bınuse',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext' => 'yew keyepelê teberi re',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-target' => "Greyê URL'i:",
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-text' => 'Metnê gri:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-insert' => 'Gıre bıerz',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel' => 'Bıtexelne',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel' => 'Bıterkne',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-exists' => 'pel esto',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-notexists' => 'pel çino',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'Sernameyo xırab.',
@@ -6982,10 +6974,10 @@ $messages['diq'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format-none' => 'çıniyo',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => 'Têare ker',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel' => 'Bıterkne',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'Referans',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'çıme',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'metnê notê bınini tiya kerê',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-cancel' => 'Bıtexelne',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-title' => 'Referans dek',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-title' => 'Referance de bike',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-insert' => 'de bike',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-text' => 'Nusteyê Referansi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-signature' => 'tamğayê imza ve zamani',
@@ -7000,13 +6992,13 @@ $messages['diq'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-group-format' => 'Format',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ulist' => 'listeya maddeya işaretıni',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ulist-example' => 'unsuro listeya maddeya işaretıni',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-olist' => 'Listeya nımreyın',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-olist' => 'listeya numreyıni',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-olist-example' => 'unsuro listeya numreyıni',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-indent' => 'Paragraf',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-indent-example' => 'Rêza paragrafi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-nowiki' => 'Formetê wiki çıniyo',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-nowiki-example' => 'Ne-format nuşte itiya ra bıerz',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect' => 'Serçarnayış',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect' => 'Hetenayış',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example' => 'Nameyê pele ke hedef biyo',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-big' => 'gırd',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-big-example' => 'metno gırd',
@@ -7045,7 +7037,7 @@ $1:misal.jpg|nuşteyê resmi2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example' => 'metnê hucreyi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-preview' => 'Verqayt',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-insert' => 'têare ker',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-cancel' => 'Bıtexelne',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-cancel' => 'Bıterkne',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-toomany' => '1000 hucrara ziyed tablo eştış pê no mesaj mumkın niyo',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-invalidnumber' => 'şıma pê yew amaro meqbul o satır u estun cı nêkewti',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-zero' => 'tablo ya ke tede satır u estun çinibo şıma nêşkeni têare bıkeri',
@@ -7063,7 +7055,7 @@ $1:misal.jpg|nuşteyê resmi2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|yedeg|yedegi}} vıraziya.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-emptysearch' => 'şıma qey cıgêrayiş taway/çiyek nênuşt',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-invalidregex' => 'ifadeya normal a ke şıma kwene cı meqbul niya: $1',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'Karakterê xısusiy',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'karakterê xususiyî',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-latin' => 'Latin',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-latinextended' => 'latinkiya hêrabiyaye',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-ipa' => 'IPA',
@@ -7091,12 +7083,12 @@ $1:misal.jpg|nuşteyê resmi2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-syntax' => 'o yo ke şıma nuşt',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-link' => 'Gırey',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-link' => 'gıreyi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-heading' => 'sernameyi',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-file' => 'dosyayi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-reference' => 'Çımey',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-discussion' => 'werê-ameyiş/munaqeşa',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-italic-result' => '<em>metno italik</em>',
@@ -7127,19 +7119,19 @@ $1:misal.jpg|nuşteyê resmi2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-description' => 'listeya işareti ya maddeyın',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-syntax' => '* unsurê listeyi<br />* unsurê listeyi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-result' => '<ul><li>unsurê listeyi</li><li>unsurê listeyi</li></ul>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-description' => 'Listeya nımreyın',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-description' => 'listeya numreyın',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-syntax' => '# unsurê listeyi<br /># unsurê listeyi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-result' => '<ol><li>unsurê listeyi</li><li>unsurê listeyi</li></ol>',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-description' => 'dosyaya weradaye/nımıte',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-syntax' => '[[$1:Example.png|thumb|Nuşteyê resîmî]]',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-result' => "<div style='width:104px;' class='thumbinner'><a title='Caption text' class='image' href='#'><img height='50' width='100' border='0' class='thumbimage' src='$2/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/example-image.png' alt=''/></a><div class='thumbcaption'><div class='magnify'><a title='Enlarge' class='internal' href='#'><img height='11' width='15' alt='' src='$1/common/images/magnify-clip.png'/></a></div>metnê resmi</div></div>",
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-description' => 'çıme/referans',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-syntax' => 'metnê peli.&lt;ref name="tesel kerdış/cerebnayiş"&gt;[ metnê gıreyi], zeylê metni.&lt;/ref&gt;',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-result' => "metnê peli.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-description' => 'şuxulnayişê zeylê o çımeyi',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-result' => "metnê peli.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-description' => 'çımeyi ramocın',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-result' => "<ol class='references'><li id='cite_note-test-0'><b><a title='' href='#'>^</a></b> <a rel='nofollow' title='' class='external text' href='#'>metnê gırey</a>, metno ilawe.</li></ol>",
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-result' => "<ol class='references'><li id='cite_note-test-0'><b><a title='' href='#'>^</a></b> <a rel='nofollow' title='' class='external text' href='#'>metnê gıreyi</a>, zeylê metni.</li></ol>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-description' => 'pê tamğayê zemani imza eştış',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-result' => "<a href='#' title='{{#special:mypage}}'>nameyê karberi</a> (<a href='#' title='{{#special:mytalk}}'>mesaj</a>) 15:54, 10 Heziran 2009 (UTC)",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-description' => 'imza',
@@ -7184,7 +7176,7 @@ $messages['dsb'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Wobźěłowańska rědowa kšoma',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Rědowa kšoma za wobźěłowanje bokow z pólěpšoneju wužywajobnosću',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Pólěpšonu wobźěłowańsku rědowu kšomu aktiwěrowaś',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Asistenty za zasajźenje wótkazow, tabelow a funkciju pytanja a wuměnjenja zmóžniś',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Dialogi za zasajźenje wótkazow, tabelow a hynakšego zmóžniś', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'Pódpisowy tÅ‚oÄaÅ¡k w bokach w gÅ‚ownem mjenjowem rumje schowaÅ›',
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'Zacytujo se...',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Tucny',
@@ -7212,7 +7204,6 @@ $messages['dsb'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'Njepłaśiwy titel',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' => 'Eksterny wótkaz',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'Eksistenca boka se pśekontrolěrujo...',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'Bok wěcejzmysłowosći',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'Titel, kótaryž sy pódał, jo njepłaśiwy.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'URL, kótaryž sy pódał, wuglěda, ako by był za wótkaz k drugemu wikibokoju.
Coš jen do internego wótkaza psétwóriś?',
@@ -8472,7 +8463,7 @@ $messages['eu'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-xlink-example' => ' loturaren izenburua',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link' => 'Lotura',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-title' => 'Sartu lotura',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int' => 'Wiki orri batera',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int' => 'Wiki orrialde batera',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target' => 'Orrialdearen izenburua:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-tooltip' => 'Orriaren izenburua edo URL',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text' => 'Lotutako testua:',
@@ -8674,7 +8665,7 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
'wikieditor' => 'رابط ویرایش پیشرÙته ویکی‌متن',
'wikieditor-desc' => 'یک رابط ویرایش پیشرÙته ویکی‌متن Ùˆ چندین پودمان دارای قابلیت Ùراهم می‌کند',
'wikieditor-wikitext-tab' => 'ویکی‌متن',
- 'wikieditor-loading' => 'در حال بارگیری...',
+ 'wikieditor-loading' => 'در حال بارگیری',
'wikieditor-preview-preference' => 'Ùعال‌سازی پیش‌نمایش کنار یک دیگر',
'wikieditor-preview-tab' => 'پیش‌نمایش',
'wikieditor-preview-changes-tab' => 'تغییرها',
@@ -8730,7 +8721,7 @@ $messages['fa'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'عنوان نادرست',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' => 'پیوند به بیرون',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'بررسی وجود داشتن صÙحه...',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'صÙحهٔ ابهام‌زدایی',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'صÙحهٔ ابهام‌زدائی',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'عنوان تعیین‌شده نامعتبر است.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'نشانی اینترنتی Ú©Ù‡ وارد کردید به Ø´Ú©Ù„ÛŒ است Ú©Ù‡ نمایانگر یک پیوند به صÙحه‌ای داخل ویکی است. آیا می‌خواهید آن را به یک پیوند داخلی تبدیل کنید؟',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' => 'پیوند داخلی',
@@ -8923,7 +8914,6 @@ $1:مثال.jpg|عنوان ۲',
* @author Nedergard
* @author Nike
* @author Olli
- * @author Pxos
* @author Silvonen
* @author Str4nd
* @author Stryn
@@ -8990,7 +8980,6 @@ $messages['fi'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'Virheellinen otsikko',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' => 'Ulkoinen linkki',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'Tarkastetaan sivun olemassaolo…',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'Täsmennyssivu',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'Antamasi otsikko on virheellinen.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'URL-osoite, jonka annoit näyttää siltä kuin se olisi linkki toiselle wikisivulle.
Haluatko tehdä siitä sisäisen linkin?',
@@ -9709,75 +9698,9 @@ $messages['fur'] = array(
/** Western Frisian (Frysk)
- * @author Kening Aldgilles
$messages['fy'] = array(
- 'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'Ofbrekke',
- 'wikieditor-template-editor-dialog-cancel' => 'Ofbrekke',
- 'wikieditor-toc-show' => 'Ynhâld sjen litte',
- 'wikieditor-toc-hide' => 'Ynhâld ferbergje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Bewurkingsbalke',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-title' => 'Keppeling ynfoegje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-insert' => 'Keppeling ynfoegje',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel' => 'Ofbrekke',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example' => 'Eksimpel.jpg',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-title' => 'Bestân ynfoegje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' => 'Grutte:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-default' => '(standert)',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format-none' => 'gjin',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => 'Ynfoegje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel' => 'Ofbrekke',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'Referinsje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'Foettekst hjir ynfoegje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-cancel' => 'Ofbrekke',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-title' => 'Referinsje ynfoegje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-insert' => 'Ynfoegje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-text' => 'Referinsjetekst',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-1' => 'Nivo 1',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-2' => 'Nivo 2',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-4' => 'Nivo 4',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-5' => 'Nivo 5',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-example' => 'Koptekst',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ulist' => 'List sûnder nûmers',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-olist' => 'List mei nûmers',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-group-insert' => 'Ynfoegje',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example' => 'Eksimpel',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-insert' => 'Ynfoegje',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-cancel' => 'Ofbrekke',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-search' => 'Sykje op:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-replace' => 'Ferfange mei:',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-description' => 'Fet &amp; kursyf',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-syntax' => "'''''Fette &amp; kursive tekst'''''",
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-result' => '<strong><em>Fette &amp; kursive tekst</em></strong>',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading2-result' => '<h2>Koptekst</h2>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-description' => 'Lytse kop tredde nivo',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-syntax' => '== Koptekst ==',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-result' => '<h3>Koptekst</h3>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-description' => 'Lytse kop fjirde nivo',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-syntax' => '== Koptekst ==',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-result' => '<h4>Koptekst</h4>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-description' => 'Lytse kop fyfte nivo',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-syntax' => '== Koptekst ==',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-result' => '<h5>Koptekst</h5>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-description' => 'List sûnder nûmers',
/** Irish (Gaeilge)
@@ -9808,7 +9731,6 @@ $messages['ga'] = array(
/** Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig)
* @author Akerbeltz
- * @author Shirayuki
$messages['gd'] = array(
'wikieditor' => 'Eadar-aghaidh deasachadh wikitext adhartach',
@@ -9842,7 +9764,7 @@ $messages['gd'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Am bàr-inneil deasachaidh',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Am bàr-inneil deasachaidh le comasan a bharrachd',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Cuir am bàr-inneil le comasan a bharrachd an comas',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Cuir an comas na draoidhean airson ceanglaichean, clàran agus am foincsean airson lorg a dhèanamh no rudan a chur an àite rudan eile',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Cuir an comas na còmhraidhean airson ceanglaichean, clàir is rudan eile a chur a-steach', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => "'Ga luchdadh...",
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Trom',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold-example' => 'Teacs trom',
@@ -11502,7 +11424,7 @@ $1:उदाहरण.jpg|चितà¥à¤°à¤¶à¥€à¤°à¥à¤·à¤•à¥¨',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-close' => 'बंद करें',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-nomatch' => 'आपके खोज कà¥à¤› मिला नहीं',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success' => '$1 पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¸à¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤ªà¤¨ बनें ।', # Fuzzy
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'विशेष अकà¥à¤·à¤°',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'विशेष वरà¥à¤£',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-latin' => 'लाटिन',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-latinextended' => 'लाटिन विसà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤°à¤¿à¤¤',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-ipa' => 'आइपीà¤',
@@ -11595,7 +11517,6 @@ $messages['hif-latn'] = array(
/** Croatian (hrvatski)
* @author Bugoslav
- * @author Eleassar
* @author Ex13
* @author Excaliboor
* @author MaGa
@@ -11617,7 +11538,7 @@ $messages['hr'] = array(
'wikieditor-publish-preference' => 'Omogućiti korak-po-korak izdavanje',
'wikieditor-publish-button-publish' => 'Objaviti',
'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'Odustani',
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Objavi na {{GRAMMAR:dajalnik|{{SITENAME}}}}',
+ 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Objavi na {{SITENAME}}',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-summary' => 'Uredi sažetak (kratko opiÅ¡ite promjene koje ste uÄinili):',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-minor' => 'Manja promjena',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-watch' => 'Prati ovu stranicu',
@@ -11865,7 +11786,7 @@ $messages['hsb'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Gratowa lajsta za wobdźěłowanje',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Gratowa lajsta za wobdźěłowanje stronow z polěpšenej wužiwajomnosću',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Polěpšenu gratowu lajstu za wobdźěłowanje aktiwizować',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Asistenty za zasadźenje wotkazow, tabelow a funkciju pytanja a wuměnjenja zmóžnić',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Dialogi za zasunjenje wotkazow, tabelow a hinašeho zmóžnić', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'Podpisowe tłóÄatko w stronach we hÅ‚ownym mjenowym rumje schować',
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'ÄŒita so...',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'TuÄny',
@@ -11893,7 +11814,6 @@ $messages['hsb'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'Njepłaćiwy titul',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' => 'Eksterny wotkaz',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'Eksistenca strony so přepruwuje...',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'Strona wjacewoznamowosće',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'Titul, kotryž sy podał, je njepłaćiwy.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'URL, kotryž sy podał, wupada kaž by jako wotkaz k druhej wikistronje měrjeny był.
Chceš jón do interneho wotkaza přetworić?',
@@ -12607,7 +12527,7 @@ $messages['ia'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Instrumentario de modification',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Barra con instrumentos de modification con augmento de usabilitate',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Activar le instrumentario de modification meliorate',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Activar dialogos pro inserer ligamines, tabellas e le function de cercar e reimplaciar',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Activar dialogos pro inserer ligamines, tabulas e plus', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'Celar le button de signatura in paginas in le spatio de nomines principal',
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'Cargamento in curso…',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Grasse',
@@ -12635,7 +12555,6 @@ $messages['ia'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'Titulo invalide',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' => 'Ligamine externe',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'Verifica existentia del pagina...',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'Pagina de disambiguation',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'Le titulo que tu specificava es invalide.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'Le URL que tu specificava pare esser intendite como ligamine a un altere pagina wiki.
Vole tu facer lo un ligamine interne?',
@@ -12651,7 +12570,6 @@ Vole tu facer lo un ligamine interne?',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' => 'Alineamento:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-default' => '(predefinition)',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format' => 'Formato:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format-none' => 'nulle',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => 'Inserer',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel' => 'Cancellar',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'Referentia',
@@ -12718,9 +12636,9 @@ $1:Exemplo.jpg|Legenda2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-preview' => 'Previsualisation',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-insert' => 'Inserer',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-cancel' => 'Cancellar',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-toomany' => 'Inserer un tabella con plus de 1000 cellulas non es possibile con iste dialogo.',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-toomany' => 'Inserer un tabula con plus de $1 cellulas non es possibile con iste dialogo.', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-invalidnumber' => 'Tu non ha entrate un numero valide de lineas o columnas.',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-zero' => 'Tu non pote inserer un tabella con zero lineas o columnas.',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-zero' => 'Tu non pote inserer un tabula con zero lineas o columnas.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace' => 'Cercar e reimplaciar',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-title' => 'Cercar e reimplaciar',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-search' => 'Cercar:',
@@ -12732,7 +12650,7 @@ $1:Exemplo.jpg|Legenda2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replaceall' => 'Reimplaciar toto',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-close' => 'Clauder',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-nomatch' => 'Tu recerca non ha producite resultatos.',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reimplaciamento|reimplaciamentos}} facite.',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success' => '$1 reimplaciamentos facite.', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-emptysearch' => 'Tu non entrava texto a cercar.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-invalidregex' => 'Le expression regular que tu entrava es invalide: $1',
'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'Characteres special',
@@ -12755,7 +12673,6 @@ $1:Exemplo.jpg|Legenda2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-thai' => 'Thailandese',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-lao' => 'Laotiano',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-khmer' => 'Cambodgiano',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-minus' => 'signo minus',
'wikieditor-toolbar-section-help' => 'Adjuta',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-description' => 'Description',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-syntax' => 'Entrata',
@@ -13738,7 +13655,6 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Myndlýsing2',
* @author Beta16
* @author Darth Kule
* @author F. Cosoleto
- * @author FRacco
* @author Gianfranco
* @author Gliu
* @author McDutchie
@@ -13778,7 +13694,7 @@ $messages['it'] = array(
'wikieditor-toc-hide' => 'Nascondi i contenuti',
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Barra degli strumenti di modifica',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Barra degli strumenti di modifica della pagina con migliorata usabilità',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Abilita la barra degli strumenti di modifica avanzata',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Abilita barra degli strumenti di modifica avanzata',
'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => "Abilita le finestre per l'inserimento di collegamenti, tabelle e la funzione di cerca e sostituisci",
'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'Nasconde il pulsante della firma dalle pagine nel namespace principale',
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'Caricamento in corso...',
@@ -15246,7 +15162,6 @@ $messages['kn'] = array(
* @author Kwj2772
* @author LFM
* @author Mintz0223
- * @author Priviet
* @author ê´€ì¸ìƒëžµ
* @author ì•„ë¼
@@ -15298,8 +15213,8 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int' => '위키 문서로 연결',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target' => 'ëŒ€ìƒ ë¬¸ì„œ ë˜ëŠ” URL:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-tooltip' => '문서 제목 ë˜ëŠ” URL',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text' => 'ë§í¬ì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” 글:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip' => 'ë¬¸ì„œì— ë³´ì´ëŠ” 글',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text' => 'ë§í¬ì— 보여지는 글:',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip' => 'ë¬¸ì„œì— ë³´ì—¬ì§€ëŠ” 글',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext' => '바깥 웹 페ì´ì§€ë¡œ ì—°ê²°',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-target' => 'ë§í¬ URL:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-text' => 'ë§í¬ í…스트:',
@@ -15324,7 +15239,7 @@ $messages['ko'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption' => '설명:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' => 'í¬ê¸°:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' => 'ì •ë ¬:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-default' => '(기본 값)',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-default' => '(기본값)',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format' => '형ì‹:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-format-none' => 'ì—†ìŒ',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => '넣기',
@@ -15398,7 +15313,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|설명2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-zero' => 'í–‰ì´ë‚˜ ì—´ì˜ ê°œìˆ˜ê°€ 0ì¸ í‘œë¥¼ ë„£ì„ ìˆ˜ 없습니다.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace' => '찾아 바꾸기',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-title' => '찾아 바꾸기',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-search' => 'ì°¾ì„ ëŒ€ìƒ:',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-search' => '찾기:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-replace' => '바꾸기:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-case' => '대소문ìžë¥¼ 구별',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-regex' => 'ì°¾ì„ ë¬¸ìžì—´ì— ì •ê·œ 표현ì‹ì„ ì ìš©',
@@ -16553,8 +16468,6 @@ $1:Exemplum.jpg|Descriptio 2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-telugu' => 'Telugu',
'wikieditor-toolbar-section-help' => 'Adiutatum',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-syntax' => 'Quod scribis',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-result' => 'Quod accipies',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-link' => 'Nexus',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-heading' => 'Tituli',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-description' => 'Nexus externus',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-syntax' => '[ Titulus nexus]<br />[]<br />',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-result' => "<a href='#' class='external'>Titulus nexus</a><br /><a href='#' class='external autonumber'>[1]</a><br /><a href='#' class='external'></a>",
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading2-description' => 'Secundi ordinis titulus',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading2-syntax' => '== Textus tituli ==',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading2-result' => '<h2>Textus tituli</h2>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-description' => 'Tertii ordinis titulus',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-syntax' => '=== Textus tituli ===',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-result' => '<h3>Textus tituli</h3>',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-syntax' => '==== Textus tituli ====',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-result' => '<h4>Textus tituli</h4>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-description' => 'Quinti ordinis titulus',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-syntax' => '===== Textus tituli =====',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-result' => '<h5>Textus tituli</h5>',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-syntax' => '* Res indicata<br />* Res indicata',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-result' => '<ul><li>Res indicata</li><li>Res indicata</li></ul>',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-description' => 'Fasciculus in pagina impositus',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-syntax' => '[[$1:Exemplum.png|thumb|Descriptio fasciculi]]', # Fuzzy
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-result' => "<div style='width:104px;' class='thumbinner'><a title='Descriptio fasciculi' class='image' href='#'><img height='50' width='100' border='0' class='thumbimage' src='$2/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/example-image.png' alt=''/></a><div class='thumbcaption'><div class='magnify'><a title='Augere' class='internal' href='#'><img height='11' width='15' alt='' src='$1/common/images/magnify-clip.png'/></a></div>Descriptio fasciculi</div></div>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-description' => 'Referentia bibliographica',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-syntax' => 'Textus paginae.&lt;ref name="test"&gt;[ Textus nexus], textus additus.&lt;/ref&gt;',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-result' => "Textus paginae.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>",
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-description' => 'Eiusdem referentiae usus additus',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-result' => "Textus paginae.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-description' => 'Referentias bibliographicas monstrare',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-result' => "<ol class='references'><li id='cite_note-test-0'><b><a title='' href='#'>^</a></b> <a rel='nofollow' title='' class='external text' href='#'>Textus nexus</a>, textus additus.</li></ol>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-description' => 'Subscriptio tua cum indicatione temporis',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-result' => "<a href='#' title='{{#special:mypage}}'>Nomen usoris</a> (<a href='#' title='{{#special:mytalk}}'>disputatio</a>) 15:54, 10 Iunii 2009 (UTC)",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-description' => 'Subscriptio',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-result' => "<a href='#' title='{{#special:mypage}}'>Nomen usoris</a> (<a href='#' title='{{#special:mytalk}}'>disputatio</a>)",
-/** Ladino (Ladino)
- * @author Menachem.Moreira
- */
-$messages['lad'] = array(
- 'wikieditor-wikitext-tab' => 'Vikiteksto',
- 'wikieditor-publish-button-publish' => 'Publikar',
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Publikar a {{SITENAME}}',
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-publish' => 'Publikar',
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Robby
* @author Soued031
@@ -16654,7 +16537,7 @@ $messages['lb'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Toolbar änneren',
'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Toolbar vun de Säitenännerunge mat erweiderter Benotzerfrëndlechkeet',
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'Déi erweidert Ännerungs-Toolbar aktivéieren',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => "Assistente fir d'Drasetze vu Linken, Tabellen genee sou wéi d'Funktioun 'sichen an ersetzen' aschalten",
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => "Assistene fir d'Drasetze vu Linken, Tabellen genee esou wéi d'Funktioun 'sichen an ersetzen' aschalten",
'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'Den Ënnerschrëftsknäppchen op Säiten am Haaptnummraum verstoppen',
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'Lueden...',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Fettgedréckt',
@@ -17121,7 +17004,6 @@ $1:Veurbeildj2|Biesjrif2',
/** لوری (لوری)
- * @author Bonevarluri
* @author Mogoeilor
$messages['lrc'] = array(
@@ -17158,8 +17040,6 @@ $messages['lrc'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link' => 'ديس ون',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int' => 'سی ويكی بلگه',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel' => 'رد كردن',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-notexists' => 'بلگه نیئش',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' => 'د راست چيين',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-default' => 'پيش Ùرض',
@@ -17171,27 +17051,14 @@ $messages['lrc'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-cancel' => 'رد كردن',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-title' => 'دائن سرچشمه',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-insert' => 'دائن',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-signature' => 'امضا و دیسمن وخت',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-olist' => 'نوم گه شماره دار',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example' => 'نوم بلگه حاستنی',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-small-example' => 'متن كؤچك',
'wikieditor-toolbar-group-insert' => 'دائن',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table' => 'جعوه',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-title' => 'بگرد و جاگزین کو',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-close' => 'بسن',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-symbols' => 'نماديا',
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@@ -17209,20 +17076,7 @@ $messages['lrc'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-lao' => 'لائو',
'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-page-khmer' => 'خمر',
'wikieditor-toolbar-section-help' => 'هومياری',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-file' => 'جانیایا',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-discussion' => 'Ú¯Ù¾',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-description' => 'نوم گه توپر بیه',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-result' => '<ul><li>قلم نوم گه</li><li>قلم نوم گه</li></ul>',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-syntax' => '# قلم نوم گه<br />* قلم نوم گه',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-result' => '<ul><li>قلم نوم گه</li><li>قلم نوم گه</li></ul>',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-description' => 'امضا',
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'wikieditor-desc' => 'विसà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤°à¤£à¥€à¤¯ विकिमजकà¥à¤° संपादन आंतरपृषà¥à¤  (इंटरफेस) आणि बरà¥â€à¤¯à¤¾à¤š वैशिषà¥à¤Ÿà¥à¤¯à¤ªà¥‚रà¥à¤£ निशà¥à¤šà¤¯à¤¿à¤•à¤¾ (मॊडà¥à¤¯à¥‚लà¥à¤¸) पà¥à¤°à¤µà¤¤à¥‡',
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+ 'wikieditor-loading' => 'चढवत आहे…',
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+ 'wikieditor-preview-loading' => 'चढवत आहे…',
'wikieditor-previewDialog-preference' => '"à¤à¤²à¤• पहा" चौकट सकà¥à¤·à¤® करा',
'wikieditor-previewDialog-tab' => 'à¤à¤²à¤• पहा',
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+ 'wikieditor-previewDialog-loading' => 'चढवत आहे…',
'wikieditor-publish-preference' => 'टपà¥à¤ªà¥à¤¯à¤¾-टपà¥à¤ªà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¨à¥‡ पà¥à¤°à¤•à¤¾à¤¶à¤¨ शकà¥à¤¯ करा',
'wikieditor-publish-button-publish' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤•à¤¾à¤¶à¤¿à¤¤ करा
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'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => '{{संकेतसà¥à¤¥à¤³à¤¨à¤¾à¤µ}} येथे पà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤°à¥à¤¶à¤¿à¤¤ करा',
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-summary' => 'बदलांचा सारांश :(आपण केलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ बदलांचे थोडकà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ वरà¥à¤£à¤¨ करा):',
+ 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-summary' => 'बदलांचा आढावा :(आपण केलेलà¥à¤¯à¤¾ बदलांचे थोडकà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¤ वरà¥à¤£à¤¨ करा.)',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-minor' => 'छोटा बदल',
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@@ -18781,11 +18635,11 @@ $messages['mr'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-preference' => 'वरà¥à¤§à¤¿à¤¤ संपादन साधनपटà¥à¤Ÿà¥€ सकà¥à¤·à¤® करा',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'मà¥à¤–à¥à¤¯ नामविशà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¤à¥€à¤² पानांपासून सà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤•à¥à¤·à¤°à¥€à¤šà¥€ कळ लपवा',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'पà¥à¤°à¤­à¤¾à¤°à¤£ करीत आहे',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'चढवत आहे…',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-italic-example' => 'तिरपी मà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°à¤¾à¤•à¥à¤·à¤°à¥‡',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-notexists' => 'पान असà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¤ नाही',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'निःसंदिगà¥à¤§à¤¿à¤•à¤°à¤£ पान',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'पानाचे असà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤µ तपासत आहे...',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ नमूद केलेले शीरà¥à¤·à¤• अगà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¹à¥à¤¯ आहे.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¥€ नमूद केलेली यूआरà¤à¤² इतर विकिपानास जोडावयाची आहे असे दिसते. तà¥à¤®à¥à¤¹à¤¾à¤²à¤¾ अंतरà¥à¤—त दà¥à¤µà¤¾ बनवायचा आहे काय ?',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' => 'अंतरà¥à¤—त दà¥à¤µà¤¾',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example' => 'उदाहरण.jpg',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-title' => 'चितà¥à¤° टाका',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-target' => 'संचिकेचे नाव:',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption' => 'मथळा:',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' => 'आकार:',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'तळटीप मजकूर येथे भरा',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-cancel' => 'रदà¥à¤¦ करा',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-4' => 'सà¥à¤¤à¤° ४',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-5' => 'सà¥à¤¤à¤° ५',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-indent' => 'समासांतर',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-indent-example' => 'समासांतर ओळ',
@@ -18881,7 +18733,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|चितà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤°à¤¿à¤šà¤¯ २',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable' => 'सारणी कà¥à¤°à¤®à¤¾à¤¨à¥à¤¸à¤¾à¤°à¥€ करणà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤œà¥‹à¤—ी करा',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example' => 'उदाहरण',
@@ -18924,7 +18776,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|चितà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤°à¤¿à¤šà¤¯ २',
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@@ -18967,7 +18819,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|चितà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤°à¤¿à¤šà¤¯ २',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-description' => 'संलगà¥à¤¨ संचिका',
@@ -18981,7 +18833,8 @@ $1:Example.jpg|चितà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤°à¤¿à¤šà¤¯ २',
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+तà¥à¤®à¤šà¥€ सही व वेळ',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-result' => "<a href='#' title='{{#special:mypage}}'>सदसà¥à¤¯à¤¨à¤¾à¤µ</a> (<a href='#' title='{{#special:mytalk}}'>चरà¥à¤šà¤¾</a>) 15:54, 10 June 2009 (UTC)",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-description' => 'सही',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-result' => "<a href='#' title='{{#विशेष:माà¤à¥‡à¤¸à¤¦à¤¸à¥à¤¯à¤ªà¤¾à¤¨}}'>सदसà¥à¤¯à¤¨à¤¾à¤µ</a> (<a href='#' title='{{#विशेष:माà¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤šà¤°à¥à¤šà¤¾}}'>चरà¥à¤šà¤¾</a>)",
@@ -20524,7 +20377,7 @@ $messages['nn'] = array(
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Feit',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold-example' => 'Feit tekst',
@@ -20759,7 +20612,6 @@ $messages['nso'] = array(
/** Occitan (occitan)
- * @author Beta16
* @author Boulaur
* @author Cedric31
* @author Jfblanc
@@ -20794,7 +20646,7 @@ $messages['oc'] = array(
'wikieditor-toc-preference' => "Activar l'ensenhador navigable",
'wikieditor-toc-show' => 'Afichar lo contengut',
'wikieditor-toc-hide' => 'Amagar lo contengut',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Barra d’aisinas de modificacion',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar' => 'Modificacion de la barra d’espleches',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-dialogs-preference' => 'Activar las bóstias de dialòg per apondre de ligams, de tablèus e mai encara', # Fuzzy
@@ -20834,7 +20686,7 @@ $messages['oc'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example' => 'Exemple.jpg',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-title' => 'Importar un fichièr',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-target' => 'Nom de fichièr :',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption' => 'Legenda:',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption' => 'Legenda :',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' => 'Alinhament :',
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@@ -22105,7 +21957,7 @@ $messages['pms'] = array(
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'wikieditor-toolbar-hidesig' => 'Stërmé ël boton ëd firma ant le pàgine ëd lë spassi nominal prinsipal',
'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'Cariament...',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Grassèt',
@@ -22133,7 +21985,6 @@ $messages['pms'] = array(
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-columns' => 'ستنÛ',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-wikitable' => 'ډول او پولÛ',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable' => 'لښتيال د اوډون ÙˆÚ“ گرÚول',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example' => 'بÛÙ„Ú«Ù‡',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-preview' => 'مخليدنه',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-insert' => 'ورټومبل',
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'wikieditor-publish-dialog-minor' => 'Modificare minoră',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-desc' => 'Modificarea barei de instrumente cu utilizare ridicată',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-loading' => 'Se încarcă...',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold' => 'Aldin',
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@@ -24034,7 +23884,6 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Titele2',
* @author Dim Grits
* @author Eleferen
* @author G0rn
- * @author Iluvatar
* @author KPu3uC B Poccuu
* @author Kaganer
* @author Lockal
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'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'Отмена',
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'ÐŸÑƒÐ±Ð»Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð² проекте {{SITENAME}}',
+ 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Опубликование в проекте {{SITENAME}}',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-summary' => 'ОпиÑание изменений (кратко укажите какие Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð±Ñ‹Ð»Ð¸ произведены):',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-minor' => 'Малое изменение',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-watch' => 'Ðаблюдать за Ñтой Ñтраницей',
@@ -24102,7 +23951,6 @@ $messages['ru'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' => 'ÐедопуÑтимое название',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' => 'ВнешнÑÑ ÑÑылка',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' => 'Проверка ÑущеÑÑ‚Ð²Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñтраницы…',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig' => 'Страницы Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ñ€ÐµÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾Ñтей',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' => 'Указанное название недопуÑтимо.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal' => 'Указанный вами URL похож на ÑÑылку на другую вики-Ñтраницу. Ð’Ñ‹ хотите Ñделать данную ÑÑылку внутренней?',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' => 'ВнутреннÑÑ ÑÑылка',
@@ -24199,7 +24047,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|ОпиÑание2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replaceall' => 'Заменить вÑе',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-close' => 'Закрыть',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-nomatch' => 'По вашему запроÑу ничего не найдено.',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|замена произведена|замен произведено|замены произведены}}.',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|замена произведена|замены произведены|замен произведено}}.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-emptysearch' => 'Ð’Ñ‹ не указали что Ñледует иÑкать.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-invalidregex' => 'Введённое вами регулÑрное выражение ошибочно: $1',
'wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters' => 'СпецÑимволы',
@@ -24222,7 +24070,6 @@ $1:Example.jpg|ОпиÑание2',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-characters-minus' => 'знак минуÑ',
'wikieditor-toolbar-section-help' => 'Справка',
@@ -25970,7 +25817,7 @@ $messages['sl'] = array(
'wikieditor-publish-preference' => 'OmogoÄi objavljanje korak-po-koraku',
'wikieditor-publish-button-publish' => 'Objavi',
'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'PrekliÄi',
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Objavi na {{GRAMMAR:dajalnik|{{SITENAME}}}}',
+ 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Objavi na {{SITENAME}}',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-summary' => 'Povzetek urejanja (na kratko opišite narejene spremembe):',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-minor' => 'Manjše urejanje',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-watch' => 'Opazuj stran',
@@ -27165,7 +27012,7 @@ $messages['sv'] = array(
'wikieditor-previewDialog-preference' => 'Aktivera förhandsgranska',
'wikieditor-previewDialog-tab' => 'Förhandsgranska',
'wikieditor-previewDialog-loading' => 'Laddar...',
- 'wikieditor-publish-preference' => 'Aktivera steg-för-steg-publicering',
+ 'wikieditor-publish-preference' => 'Aktivera steg-efter-steg-publicering',
'wikieditor-publish-button-publish' => 'Publicera',
'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel' => 'Avbryt',
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title' => 'Publicera i {{SITENAME}}',
@@ -27466,15 +27313,15 @@ $messages['sw'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' => 'Kiungo cha ndani',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-ext' => 'Kiungo cha nje',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-empty' => 'Hukuandika kitu cha kuunganisha naye.',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file' => 'Faili futike',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example' => 'Mfano.jpg',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-title' => 'Ingiza faili',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-target' => 'Jina la faili:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' => 'Ukubwa:',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert' => 'Ingiza',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel' => 'Ghairi',
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- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'Weka maneno ya marejeo hapa',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'Tiniwayo',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'Weka maneno ya tiniwayo hapa',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-cancel' => 'Batilisha',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-title' => 'Ingiza marejeo',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-insert' => 'Ingiza',
@@ -27582,7 +27429,7 @@ Idadi ya mistari au ya safu si halali.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-heading' => 'Vichwa',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-list' => 'Orodha',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-discussion' => 'Majadiliano',
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@@ -27617,15 +27464,15 @@ Idadi ya mistari au ya safu si halali.',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-result' => '<ol><li>Aya</li><li>Aya</li></ol>',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-description' => 'Faili futike',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-syntax' => '[[$1:Example.png|thumb|Maelezo mafupi]]',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-syntax' => 'Maandishi ya ukurasa.&lt;ref name="mfano"&gt;[ Maandishi ya kiungo], maandishi mengine.&lt;/ref&gt;',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-result' => "Maandiko.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>",
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-description' => 'Kutumia marejeo fulani kwa mara nyingine',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-description' => 'Kutumia tiniwayo fulani kwa mara nyingine',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-result' => "Maandiko.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>",
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-description' => 'Onyesha tiniwayo',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-result' => "<ol class='references'><li id='cite_note-test-0'><b><a title='' href='#'>^</a></b> <a rel='nofollow' title='' class='external text' href='#'>Maandishi ya kiungo</a>, maandishi mengine.</li></ol>",
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-description' => 'Sahihi pamoja na stempu ya saa',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-result' => "<a href='#' title='{{#special:mypage}}'>Jina la mtumiaji</a> (<a href='#' title='{{#special:mytalk}}'>majadiliano</a>) 15:54, 10 June 2009 (UTC)",
@@ -27636,16 +27483,6 @@ Idadi ya mistari au ya safu si halali.',
'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-indent-result' => 'Maandiko ya kawaida<dl><dd>Yaliyojongezwa ndani<dl><dd>Yaliyojongezwa ndani</dd></dl></dd></dl>',
-/** Silesian (ślůnski)
- * @author Krol111
- */
-$messages['szl'] = array(
- 'wikieditor' => 'Zaawansowano tajla edycyji wikitekstu',
- 'wikieditor-desc' => 'Dowo poszyrzalno tajla edycyji wikitekstu a wjela funkcyji uofyrowane bez moduły',
- 'wikieditor-wikitext-tab' => 'Wikitext',
- 'wikieditor-loading' => 'Trwo ładowańy…',
/** Tamil (தமிழà¯)
* @author Balajijagadesh
* @author Karthi.dr
@@ -28844,7 +28681,6 @@ $messages['tpi'] = array(
* @author Joseph
* @author Koc61
* @author Manco Capac
- * @author Meelo
* @author Rapsar
* @author Sadrettin
* @author Srhat
@@ -28919,7 +28755,6 @@ $messages['tr'] = array(
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file' => 'Gömülü dosya',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example' => 'Örnek.jpg',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'Kaynakça',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example' => 'Dipnot metnini buraya ekleyin',
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@@ -29630,7 +29465,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|ОпиÑ2',
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@@ -30172,7 +30007,7 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Izoh2',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-result' => "<div style='width:104px;' class='thumbinner'><a title='
Izohlovchi matn' class='image' href='#'><img height='50' width='100' border='0' class='thumbimage' src='$2/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/example-image.png' alt=''/></a><div class='thumbcaption'><div class='magnify'><a title='Kattalashtirish' class='internal' href='#'><img height='11' width='15' alt='' src='$1/common/images/magnify-clip.png'/></a></div>
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$1:Ví dụ.jpg|Chú thích 2',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-newline' => 'Dòng mới',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text' => 'Vödem yüma',
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@@ -31435,7 +31236,6 @@ $1:Example.jpg|Àká»lé2',
* @author Horacewai2
* @author Simon Shek
* @author Waihorace
- * @author Xiaomingyan
$messages['yue'] = array(
'wikieditor' => '進階維基文字編輯界é¢',
@@ -31568,8 +31368,8 @@ $1:Example.jpg|標題2',
| 行 2, 格 3',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel' => 'å–消',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference' => 'å‚考',
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'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example' => '目标页å称',
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@@ -31829,8 +31629,8 @@ $1:Example.jpg|标题2',
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+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-columns' => '列',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-header' => '添加标题行',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-wikitable' => '显示边框',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable' => '使表格内容å¯æŽ’åº',
@@ -31959,7 +31759,6 @@ $1:Example.jpg|标题2',
* @author Waihorace
* @author Wong128hk
* @author Wrightbus
- * @author Xiaomingyan
$messages['zh-hant'] = array(
'wikieditor' => '進階維基文字編輯介é¢',
@@ -32105,8 +31904,8 @@ $1:Example.jpg|標題2',
| 行 2, 格 3',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header' => '標題',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-title' => 'æ’入表格',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-rows' => '行數',
- 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-columns' => '列數',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-rows' => '行',
+ 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-columns' => '列',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-header' => '新增標題行',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-wikitable' => '設定邊框格å¼',
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable' => '使表格內容å¯æŽ’åº',
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
index c6d327f8..0e0dd090 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Dialogs
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs ) ) {
// Replace icons
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config.replaceIcons( $( '#wpTextbox1' ) );
// Add dialogs module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config.getDefaultConfig() );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.highlight.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.highlight.js
index 92515cfd..a6b43851 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.highlight.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.highlight.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Highlighting
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
// Add highlight module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'highlight' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js
index 46087989..6056e63b 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
// Initialize wikiEditor
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor();
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js
index cdc00f7b..3fbca82d 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Preview module
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
// Add preview module
$( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'preview' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
index 3b1acd7c..67f97e00 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Preview Dialog
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
// Add preview module
$( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'previewDialog' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js
index 423766d2..d874478c 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Publish module
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
// Add publish module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'publish' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
index 660a14fb..8879d10d 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Template Editor
-( function ( mw, $ ) {
- $( document ).ready( function () {
- // Disable in template namespace
- if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 10 ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Add template editor module
- $( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'templateEditor' );
- } );
-}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
+$( document ).ready( function () {
+ // Disable in template namespace
+ if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 10 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Add template editor module
+ $( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'templateEditor' );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templates.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templates.js
index fec51866..6eae6de5 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templates.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templates.js
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Templates
-( function ( mw, $ ) {
- $( document ).ready( function () {
- // Disable for template namespace
- if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 10 ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Add templates module
- $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'templates' );
- } );
-}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
+$( document ).ready( function () {
+ // Disable for template namespace
+ if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 10 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Add templates module
+ $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'templates' );
+} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js
index 7ed765e9..d4ffe5ae 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
var textareaId = '#wpTextbox1';
var wikiEditorTests = {
// Add emoticons section
- 'add_sections_toolbar': {
+ add_sections_toolbar: {
call: 'addToToolbar',
data: {
'sections': {
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ var wikiEditorTests = {
data: {
section: 'info',
page: 'removeme'
- },
- test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=removeme].page',
+ },
+ test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=removeme].page',
pre: 1,
post: 0
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ var wikiEditorTests = {
section: 'info',
page: 'emoticons',
'character': ':))'
- },
- test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=emoticons].page *[rel=":))"]',
+ },
+ test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=emoticons].page *[rel=":))"]',
pre: 1,
post: 0
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready( function ( $ ) {
return false;
- var test, pre, post, i,
+ var test, pre, post,
messages = [ 'Running tests for wikiEditor API' ],
$target = $( textareaId ),
$ui = $ 'wikiEditor-context' ).$ui,
@@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ jQuery(document).ready( function ( $ ) {
if ( window.console ) {
- for ( i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ) {
window.console.log( messages[i] );
- .attr( 'title', messages.join( ' | ' ) )
+ .attr( 'title', messages.join( " | " ) )
.text( passes + ' / ' + tests + ' were successful' )
.css( 'backgroundColor', passes < tests ? 'red' : 'green' )
.data( 'testDone', 'true' )
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toc.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toc.js
index 1fc542c5..264e9f86 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toc.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toc.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Table of Contents
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
// Add table of contents module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'toc' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js
index 48d30274..3bc0f0b4 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Remove the signature button if the main namespace is edited.
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
// This module is designed not to depend on ext.wikiEditor or jquery.wikiEditor.
// Removing this dependency fixed various bugs, but it does mean that we have to
// account for the situation where $.wikiEditor is not present
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'ns-0' ) ) {
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'main', 'group': 'insert', 'tool': 'signature' } );
-} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
index 3f30c0c4..5cdeae57 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Toolbar
-jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
+$( document ).ready( function() {
if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar ) ) {
$( '.wikiEditor-oldToolbar' ).show();
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-bold-hy.png b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-bold-hy.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 453a9580..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-bold-hy.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-italic-hy.png b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-italic-hy.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 108bae64..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-italic-hy.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.css b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.css
index 6e05ff03..d8e331cc 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.css
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.css
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
.wikiEditor-ui textarea:focus {
outline: none;
+.wikiEditor-ui .wikiEditor-ui-bottom {
.wikiEditor-ui .wikiEditor-ui-text {
line-height: 0;
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js
index f37d004e..0d769164 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
* Configuration of Dialog module for wikiEditor
-/*jshint curly:false, noarg:false, quotmark:false, onevar:false */
-/*global alert */
( function ( $, mw ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
@@ -228,7 +226,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext' ).click( function () {
- if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext' ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
+ if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
// Abort previous request
var request = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status' ).data( 'request' );
if ( request ) {
@@ -236,9 +234,8 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
updateWidget( 'external' );
- if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int' ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
+ if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int' ).is( ':checked' ) )
updateExistence( true );
- }
// Set labels of tabs based on rel values
$(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
@@ -253,12 +250,12 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
.data( 'tooltip', mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip' ) );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
.each( function () {
- if ( $( this ).val() === '' ) {
+ var tooltip = mw.msg( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) + '-tooltip' );
+ if ( $( this ).val() === '' )
$( this )
.addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.val( $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', true );
- }
} )
.focus( function () {
if ( $( this ).val() === $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
@@ -298,30 +295,26 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int' ).prop( 'checked', true );
- /*jshint eqeqeq:false */
- if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'untouched' ) ) {
+ if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'untouched' ) )
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() ==
- $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'tooltip' )
- ) {
- $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
- .addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
- .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
- .change();
- } else {
- $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
- .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() )
- .change();
- }
- }
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
+ .addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
+ .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
+ .change();
+ } else {
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
+ .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() )
+ .change();
+ }
}, 0 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).bind( 'change keydown paste cut', function () {
var oldVal = $(this).val();
var that = this;
setTimeout( function () {
- if ( $(that).val() !== oldVal ) {
+ if ( $(that).val() !== oldVal )
$(that).data( 'untouched', false );
- }
}, 0 );
// Add images to the page existence widget, which will be shown mutually exclusively to communicate if
@@ -386,7 +379,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Title suggestions
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'suggcache', {} ).suggestions( {
- fetch: function () {
+ fetch: function ( query ) {
var that = this;
var title = $(this).val();
@@ -615,7 +608,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );;
@@ -713,7 +706,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $( this ).find( 'button:first' );;
@@ -985,7 +978,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
var hiddenHTML = $( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-hidden' ).html();
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-header' ).html( hiddenHTML );
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-hidden' ).html( headerHTML );
- if ( typeof jQuery.fn.tablesorter === 'function' ) {
+ if ( typeof jQuery.fn.tablesorter == 'function' ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview, #wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' )
.filter( '.sortable' )
@@ -1077,7 +1070,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );;
@@ -1209,7 +1202,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
if ( !match ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-nomatch' ).show();
- } else if ( mode === 'replaceAll' ) {
+ } else if ( mode == 'replaceAll' ) {
// Instead of using repetitive .match() calls, we use one .match() call with /g
// and indexOf() followed by substr() to find the offsets. This is actually
// faster because our indexOf+substr loop is faster than a match loop, and the
@@ -1244,7 +1237,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$(this).data( 'offset', 0 );
} else {
- if ( mode === 'replace' ) {
+ if ( mode == 'replace' ) {
var actualReplacement;
if (isRegex) {
@@ -1337,7 +1330,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );;
@@ -1357,12 +1350,12 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( textbox )
.bind( 'keypress.srdialog', function ( e ) {
- if ( e.which === 13 ) {
+ if ( e.which == 13 ) {
// Enter
var button = 'dialogaction' ) || dialog.find( 'button:first' );;
- } else if ( e.which === 27 ) {
+ } else if ( e.which == 27 ) {
// Escape
$(that).dialog( 'close' );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
index 6d92966f..f6d86d78 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
openDialog: function ( context, module ) {
if ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
- var mod = $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module],
- $dialog = $( '#' + );
+ var mod = $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module];
+ var $dialog = $( '#' + );
if ( $dialog.length === 0 ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.reallyCreate( context, mod, module );
$dialog = $( '#' + );
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
module = config[mod];
// Only create the dialog if it's supported, isn't filtered and doesn't exist yet
filtered = false;
- if ( typeof module.filters !== 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof module.filters != 'undefined' ) {
for ( i = 0; i < module.filters.length; i++ ) {
if ( $( module.filters[i] ).length === 0 ) {
filtered = true;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
// If the dialog already exists, but for another textarea, simply remove it
$existingDialog = $( '#' + );
- if ( $existingDialog.length > 0 && $ 'context' ).$textarea !== context.$textarea ) {
+ if ( $existingDialog.length > 0 && $ 'context' ).$textarea != context.$textarea ) {
// Re-select from the DOM, we might have removed the dialog just now
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
* @param {String} name Dialog name (key in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules)
reallyCreate: function ( context, module, name ) {
- var msg, dialogDiv,
+ var msg,
configuration = module.dialog;
// Add some stuff to configuration
configuration.bgiframe = true;
configuration.autoOpen = false;
// By default our dialogs are modal, unless explicitely defined in their specific configuration.
- if( typeof configuration.modal === 'undefined' ) {
+ if( typeof configuration.modal == "undefined" ) {
configuration.modal = true;
configuration.title = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( module, 'title' );
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
configuration.buttons = configuration.newButtons;
// Create the dialog <div>
- dialogDiv = $( '<div>' )
+ var dialogDiv = $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', )
.html( module.html )
.data( 'context', context )
@@ -171,28 +171,26 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
* NOTE: This function assumes $.ui.dialog has already been loaded
resize: function () {
- var oldWS, thisWidth, wrapperWidth,
- wrapper = $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ),
- oldWidth = wrapper.width(),
- // Make sure elements don't wrapped so we get an accurate idea of whether they really fit. Also temporarily show
- // hidden elements. Work around jQuery bug where <div style="display: inline;"/> inside a dialog is both
- // :visible and :hidden
- oldHidden = $(this).find( '*' ).not( ':visible' );
+ var wrapper = $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' );
+ var oldWidth = wrapper.width();
+ // Make sure elements don't wrapped so we get an accurate idea of whether they really fit. Also temporarily show
+ // hidden elements. Work around jQuery bug where <div style="display: inline;"/> inside a dialog is both
+ // :visible and :hidden
+ var oldHidden = $(this).find( '*' ).not( ':visible' );
// Save the style attributes of the hidden elements to restore them later. Calling hide() after show() messes up
// for elements hidden with a class
oldHidden.each( function () {
$(this).data( 'oldstyle', $(this).attr( 'style' ) );
- oldWS = $(this).css( 'white-space' );
+ var oldWS = $(this).css( 'white-space' );
$(this).css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' );
if ( wrapper.width() <= $(this).get(0).scrollWidth ) {
- thisWidth = $(this).data( 'thisWidth' ) ? $(this).data( 'thisWidth' ) : 0;
+ var thisWidth = $(this).data( 'thisWidth' ) ? $(this).data( 'thisWidth' ) : 0;
thisWidth = Math.max( $(this).get(0).width, thisWidth );
$(this).width( thisWidth );
$(this).data( 'thisWidth', thisWidth );
- wrapperWidth = $(this).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) ? $(this).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) : 0;
+ var wrapperWidth = $(this).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) ? $(this).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) : 0;
wrapperWidth = Math.max( wrapper.get(0).scrollWidth, wrapperWidth );
wrapper.width( wrapperWidth );
$(this).data( 'wrapperWidth', wrapperWidth );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.highlight.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.highlight.js
index f646e456..9d964fa7 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.highlight.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.highlight.js
@@ -20,21 +20,13 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight = {
* Internally used event handlers
evt: {
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
delayedChange: function ( context, event ) {
- if ( === 'realchange' ) {
+ if ( == 'realchange' ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.scan( context );
$.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.mark( context, );
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- ready: function ( context ) {
+ ready: function ( context, event ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.scan( context );
$.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.mark( context, 'ready' );
@@ -47,22 +39,19 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight = {
* Creates a highlight module within a wikiEditor
- * @param context
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function ( context ) {
+ create: function ( context, config ) {
context.modules.highlight.markersStr = '';
* Scans text division for tokens
- * @param context
* @param division
- scan: function ( context ) {
+ scan: function ( context, division ) {
var tokenArray, text, module, exp,
- left, right, match,
- regex, label, markAfter, offset;
+ left, right, match;
/*jshint eqnull: true */
// Remove all existing tokens
@@ -76,11 +65,11 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight = {
if ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules && 'exp' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) {
for ( exp in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp ) {
// Prepare configuration
- regex = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].regex;
- label = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].label;
- markAfter = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].markAfter || false;
+ var regex = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].regex;
+ var label = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].label;
+ var markAfter = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].markAfter || false;
// Search for tokens
- offset = 0;
+ var offset = 0;
while ( ( match = text.substr( offset ).match( regex ) ) != null ) {
right = ( left = offset + match.index ) + match[0].length;
tokenArray[tokenArray.length] = {
@@ -106,19 +95,16 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight = {
* Marks up text with HTML
- * @param context
* @param division
* @param tokens
// FIXME: What do division and tokens do?
// TODO: Document the scan() and mark() APIs somewhere
- mark: function ( context, division ) {
- /*jshint eqeqeq:false, onevar:false */
- var i, subtracted, oldLength, j, o,
- markers;
+ mark: function ( context, division, tokens ) {
+ var i, subtracted, oldLength, j, o;
// Reset markers
- markers = [];
+ var markers = [];
// Recycle markers that will be skipped in this run
if ( context.modules.highlight.markers && division !== '' ) {
@@ -367,9 +353,8 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight = {
// Don't remove these either
return true;
- if ( marker && typeof marker.beforeUnwrap === 'function' ) {
+ if ( marker && typeof marker.beforeUnwrap === 'function' )
marker.beforeUnwrap( this );
- }
if ( ( marker && marker.anchor === 'tag' ) || $(this).is( 'p' ) ) {
// Remove all classes
$(this).removeAttr( 'class' );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js
index 538fcb18..4d425012 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* IFrame extension for wikiEditor */
-/*jshint onevar:false, boss:true */
-( function ( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.extensions.iframe = function ( context ) {
+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.extensions.iframe = function( context ) {
* Event Handlers
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
* function is to both classify the scope of changes as 'division' or 'character' and to prevent further
* processing of events which did not actually change the content of the iframe.
- keydown: function ( event ) {
+ 'keydown': function( event ) {
switch ( event.which ) {
case 90: // z
case 89: // y
- if ( event.which === 89 && !$.browser.msie ) {
+ if ( event.which == 89 && !$.browser.msie ) {
// only handle y events for IE
return true;
} else if ( ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) && context.history.length ) {
// HistoryPosition is a negative number between -1 and -context.history.length, in other words
// it's the number of steps backwards from the latest state.
var newPosition;
- if ( event.shiftKey || event.which === 89 ) {
+ if ( event.shiftKey || event.which == 89 ) {
// Redo
newPosition = context.historyPosition + 1;
} else {
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
// Only act if we are switching to a valid state
if ( newPosition >= ( context.history.length * -1 ) && newPosition < 0 ) {
// Make sure we run the history storing code before we make this change
- context.fn.updateHistory( context.oldDelayedHTML !== context.$content.html() );
+ context.fn.updateHistory( context.oldDelayedHTML != context.$content.html() );
context.oldDelayedHistoryPosition = context.historyPosition;
context.historyPosition = newPosition;
// Change state
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
var $tabindexList = $( '[tabindex]:visible' ).sort( function( a, b ) {
return a.tabIndex - b.tabIndex;
} );
- for ( var i=0; i < $tabindexList.length; i++ ) {
- if ( $tabindexList.eq( i ).attr( 'id' ) === context.$iframe.attr( 'id' ) ) {
+ for( var i=0; i < $tabindexList.length; i++ ) {
+ if( $tabindexList.eq( i ).attr( 'id' ) == context.$iframe.attr( 'id' ) ) {
$tabindexList.get( i + 1 ).focus();
@@ -74,48 +74,48 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
return false;
- case 86: //v
- if ( event.ctrlKey && $.browser.msie && 'paste' in context.evt ) {
- //paste, intercepted for IE
- context.evt.paste( event );
- }
- break;
+ case 86: //v
+ if ( event.ctrlKey && $.browser.msie && 'paste' in context.evt ) {
+ //paste, intercepted for IE
+ context.evt.paste( event );
+ }
+ break;
return true;
- change: function ( event ) {
+ 'change': function( event ) { = 'division';
var newHTML = context.$content.html();
- if ( context.oldHTML !== newHTML ) {
+ if ( context.oldHTML != newHTML ) {
context.oldHTML = newHTML; = 'realchange';
// Never let the body be totally empty
- if ( context.$content.children().length === 0 ) {
+ if ( context.$content.children().length == 0 ) {
context.$content.append( '<p></p>' );
return true;
- delayedChange: function ( event ) {
+ 'delayedChange': function( event ) { = 'division';
var newHTML = context.$content.html();
- if ( context.oldDelayedHTML !== newHTML ) {
+ if ( context.oldDelayedHTML != newHTML ) {
context.oldDelayedHTML = newHTML; = 'realchange';
// Surround by <p> if it does not already have it
var cursorPos = context.fn.getCaretPosition();
var t = context.fn.getOffset( cursorPos[0] );
- if ( ! $.browser.msie && t && t.node.nodeName === '#text' && t.node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'body' ) {
- $( t.node ).wrap( '<p></p>' );
+ if ( ! $.browser.msie && t && t.node.nodeName == '#text' && t.node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'body' ) {
+ $( t.node ).wrap( "<p></p>" );
context.fn.setSelection( { start: cursorPos[0], end: cursorPos[1] } );
- context.fn.updateHistory( === 'realchange' );
+ context.fn.updateHistory( == 'realchange' );
return true;
- cut: function ( event ) {
+ 'cut': function( event ) {
setTimeout( function() {
context.$content.find( 'br' ).each( function() {
if ( $(this).parent().is( 'body' ) ) {
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
}, 100 );
return true;
- paste: function ( event ) {
+ 'paste': function( event ) {
// Save the cursor position to restore it after all this voodoo
var cursorPos = context.fn.getCaretPosition();
var oldLength = context.fn.getContents().length;
@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
setTimeout( function() {
- /*jshint eqnull:true */
// Kill stuff we know we don't want
context.$content.find( 'script,style,img,input,select,textarea,hr,button,link,meta' ).remove();
var nodeToDelete = [];
@@ -153,31 +152,30 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
if ( elementAtCursor == null || elementAtCursor.node == null ) {
context.$content.prepend( '<p class = wikiEditor></p>' );
- firstDirtyNode = context.$content.children()[0];
+ firstDirtyNode = context.$content.children()[0];
} else {
firstDirtyNode = elementAtCursor.node;
- // This is ugly but seems like the best way to handle the case where we select and replace all editor contents
+ //this is ugly but seems like the best way to handle the case where we select and replace all editor contents
try {
- /*jshint expr:true */
} catch ( err ) {
context.$content.prepend( '<p class = wikiEditor></p>' );
- firstDirtyNode = context.$content.children()[0];
+ firstDirtyNode = context.$content.children()[0];
while ( firstDirtyNode != null ) {
//we're going to replace the contents of the entire parent node.
- while ( firstDirtyNode.parentNode && firstDirtyNode.parentNode.nodeName !== 'BODY' &&
- !$( firstDirtyNode ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor' )
- ) {
+ while ( firstDirtyNode.parentNode && firstDirtyNode.parentNode.nodeName != 'BODY'
+ && ! $( firstDirtyNode ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor' )
+ ) {
firstDirtyNode = firstDirtyNode.parentNode;
//go back till we find the first pasted node
- while ( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling != null &&
- !$( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor' )
- ) {
+ while ( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling != null
+ && ! $( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor' )
+ ) {
if ( $( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling ).hasClass( '#comment' ) ) {
$( firstDirtyNode ).remove();
@@ -187,9 +185,9 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
if ( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling != null ) {
- $lastDirtyNode = $( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling );
+ $lastDirtyNode = $( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling );
} else {
- $lastDirtyNode = $( firstDirtyNode );
+ $lastDirtyNode = $( firstDirtyNode );
var cc = makeContentCollector( $.browser, null );
@@ -220,7 +218,7 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
- if ( !pastedPretty && $.browser.msie && i === 0 ) {
+ if( !pastedPretty && $.browser.msie && i == 0 ) {
$newElement = $( '<p class="wikiEditor pasted" ></p>' );
@@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
//anything without wikiEditor class was pasted.
$selection = context.$content.find( ':not(.wikiEditor)' );
- if ( $selection.length === 0 ) {
+ if ( $selection.length == 0 ) {
} else {
firstDirtyNode = $selection.eq( 0 )[0];
@@ -262,7 +260,7 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
}, 0 );
return true;
- ready: function ( event ) {
+ 'ready': function( event ) {
// Initialize our history queue
if ( context.$content ) {
context.history.push( { 'html': context.$content.html(), 'sel': context.fn.getCaretPosition() } );
@@ -277,11 +275,7 @@ context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
* Internally used functions
context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
- /**
- * @param {jQuery} $element
- * @param mode
- */
- highlightLine: function ( $element ) {
+ 'highlightLine': function( $element, mode ) {
if ( !$ 'p' ) ) {
$element = $element.closest( 'p' );
@@ -289,7 +283,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
setTimeout( function() { $element.animate( { 'backgroundColor': 'white' }, 'slow' ); }, 100 );
setTimeout( function() { $element.css( 'backgroundColor', 'white' ); }, 1000 );
- htmlToText: function ( html ) {
+ 'htmlToText': function( html ) {
// This function is slow for large inputs, so aggressively cache input/output pairs
if ( html in context.htmlToTextMap ) {
return context.htmlToTextMap[html];
@@ -300,15 +294,15 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
// IE does overzealous whitespace collapsing for $( '<pre />' ).html( html );
// We also do <br> and easy cases for <p> conversion here, complicated cases are handled later
html = html
- .replace( /\r?\n/g, '' ) // IE7 inserts newlines before block elements
- .replace( /&nbsp;/g, ' ' ) // We inserted these to prevent IE from collapsing spaces
- .replace( /<br[^\>]*\><\/p\>/gi, '</p>' ) // Remove trailing <br> from <p>
- .replace( /<\/p\>\s*<p[^\>]*\>/gi, '\n' ) // Easy case for <p> conversion
- .replace( /<br[^\>]*\>/gi, '\n' ) // <br> conversion
- .replace( /<\/p\>(\n*)<p[^\>]*\>/gi, '$1\n' )
+ .replace( /\r?\n/g, "" ) // IE7 inserts newlines before block elements
+ .replace( /&nbsp;/g, " " ) // We inserted these to prevent IE from collapsing spaces
+ .replace( /\<br[^\>]*\>\<\/p\>/gi, '</p>' ) // Remove trailing <br> from <p>
+ .replace( /\<\/p\>\s*\<p[^\>]*\>/gi, "\n" ) // Easy case for <p> conversion
+ .replace( /\<br[^\>]*\>/gi, "\n" ) // <br> conversion
+ .replace( /\<\/p\>(\n*)\<p[^\>]*\>/gi, "$1\n" )
// Un-nest <p> tags
- .replace( /<p[^\>]*\><p[^\>]*\>/gi, '<p>' )
- .replace( /<\/p\><\/p\>/gi, '</p>' );
+ .replace( /\<p[^\>]*\><p[^\>]*\>/gi, '<p>' )
+ .replace( /\<\/p\><\/p\>/gi, '</p>' );
// Save leading and trailing whitespace now and restore it later. IE eats it all, and even Firefox
// won't leave everything alone
var leading = html.match( /^\s*/ )[0];
@@ -317,8 +311,8 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
var $pre = $( '<pre>' + html + '</pre>' );
$pre.find( '.wikiEditor-noinclude' ).each( function() { $( this ).remove(); } );
// Convert tabs, <p>s and <br>s back
- $pre.find( '.wikiEditor-tab' ).each( function() { $( this ).text( '\t' ); } );
- $pre.find( 'br' ).each( function() { $( this ).replaceWith( '\n' ); } );
+ $pre.find( '.wikiEditor-tab' ).each( function() { $( this ).text( "\t" ); } );
+ $pre.find( 'br' ).each( function() { $( this ).replaceWith( "\n" ); } );
// Converting <p>s is wrong if there's nothing before them, so check that.
// .find( '* + p' ) isn't good enough because textnodes aren't considered
$pre.find( 'p' ).each( function() {
@@ -329,21 +323,21 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
// Check for preceding text
var t = new context.fn.rawTraverser( this.firstChild, this, $pre.get( 0 ), true ).prev();
- while ( t && t.node.nodeName !== '#text' && t.node.nodeName !== 'BR' && t.node.nodeName !== 'P' ) {
+ while ( t && t.node.nodeName != '#text' && t.node.nodeName != 'BR' && t.node.nodeName != 'P' ) {
t = t.prev();
if ( t ) {
- text = '\n' + text;
+ text = "\n" + text;
// Check for following text
t = new context.fn.rawTraverser( this.lastChild, this, $pre.get( 0 ), true ).next();
- while ( t && t.node.nodeName !== '#text' && t.node.nodeName !== 'BR' && t.node.nodeName !== 'P' ) {
+ while ( t && t.node.nodeName != '#text' && t.node.nodeName != 'BR' && t.node.nodeName != 'P' ) {
t =;
- if ( t && !t.inP && t.node.nodeName === '#text' && t.node.nodeValue.charAt( 0 ) !== '\n' &&
- t.node.nodeValue.charAt( 0 ) !== '\r' ) {
- text += '\n';
+ if ( t && !t.inP && t.node.nodeName == '#text' && t.node.nodeValue.charAt( 0 ) != '\n'
+ && t.node.nodeValue.charAt( 0 ) != '\r' ) {
+ text += "\n";
$( this ).text( text );
} );
@@ -363,8 +357,8 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* @param strict If true, the element the selection starts in cannot match (default: false)
* @return jQuery object or null if unknown
- beforeSelection: function ( classname, strict ) {
- if ( typeof classname === 'undefined' ) {
+ 'beforeSelection': function( classname, strict ) {
+ if ( typeof classname == 'undefined' ) {
classname = '';
var e = null, offset = null;
@@ -387,7 +381,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
// When the cursor is on an empty line, Opera gives us a bogus range object with
// startContainer=endContainer=body and startOffset=endOffset=1
var body = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body;
- if ( $.browser.opera && e === body && offset === 1 ) {
+ if ( $.browser.opera && e == body && offset == 1 ) {
return null;
@@ -406,14 +400,14 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
return null;
var seekPos = context.fn.htmlToText( range2.htmlText ).length;
- offset = context.fn.getOffset( seekPos );
+ var offset = context.fn.getOffset( seekPos );
e = offset ? offset.node : null;
offset = offset ? offset.offset : null;
if ( !e ) {
return null;
- if ( e.nodeName !== '#text' ) {
+ if ( e.nodeName != '#text' ) {
// The selection is not in a textnode, but between two non-text nodes
// (usually inside the <body> between two <br>s). Go to the rightmost
// child of the node just before the selection
@@ -431,7 +425,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
// constructor thousands of times is very inefficient
var classStr = ' ' + classname + ' ';
while ( e ) {
- if ( !strict && ( !classname || ( ' ' + e.className + ' ' ).indexOf( classStr ) !== -1 ) ) {
+ if ( !strict && ( !classname || ( ' ' + e.className + ' ' ).indexOf( classStr ) != -1 ) ) {
return $( e );
var next = e.previousSibling;
@@ -446,7 +440,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* Object used by traverser(). Don't use this unless you know what you're doing
- rawTraverser: function ( node, inP, ancestor, skipNoinclude ) {
+ 'rawTraverser': function( node, inP, ancestor, skipNoinclude ) {
this.node = node;
this.inP = inP;
this.ancestor = ancestor;
@@ -456,16 +450,16 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
var nextInP = this.inP;
while ( p && !p.nextSibling ) {
p = p.parentNode;
- if ( p === this.ancestor ) {
+ if ( p == this.ancestor ) {
// We're back at the ancestor, stop here
p = null;
- if ( p && p.nodeName === 'P' ) {
+ if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
nextInP = null;
p = p ? p.nextSibling : null;
- if ( p && p.nodeName === 'P' ) {
+ if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
nextInP = p;
do {
@@ -473,13 +467,13 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
// Don't use $( p ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor-noinclude' ) because
// $() is slow in a tight loop
if ( this.skipNoinclude ) {
- while ( p && ( ' ' + p.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' wikiEditor-noinclude ' ) !== -1 ) {
+ while ( p && ( ' ' + p.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' wikiEditor-noinclude ' ) != -1 ) {
p = p.nextSibling;
if ( p && p.firstChild ) {
p = p.firstChild;
- if ( p.nodeName === 'P' ) {
+ if ( p.nodeName == "P" ) {
nextInP = p;
@@ -493,16 +487,16 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
var prevInP = this.inP;
while ( p && !p.previousSibling ) {
p = p.parentNode;
- if ( p === this.ancestor ) {
+ if ( p == this.ancestor ) {
// We're back at the ancestor, stop here
p = null;
- if ( p && p.nodeName === 'P' ) {
+ if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
prevInP = null;
p = p ? p.previousSibling : null;
- if ( p && p.nodeName === 'P' ) {
+ if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
prevInP = p;
do {
@@ -516,7 +510,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
if ( p && p.lastChild ) {
p = p.lastChild;
- if ( p.nodeName == 'P' ) {
+ if ( p.nodeName == "P" ) {
prevInP = p;
@@ -534,28 +528,28 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* @return Traverser object, use .next() or .prev() to get a traverser object referring to the
* previous/next node
- traverser: function ( start ) {
+ 'traverser': function( start ) {
// Find the leftmost leaf node in the tree
var startNode = start.jquery ? start.get( 0 ) : start;
var node = startNode;
- var inP = node.nodeName === 'P' ? node : null;
+ var inP = node.nodeName == "P" ? node : null;
do {
// Filter nodes with the wikiEditor-noinclude class
// Don't use $( p ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor-noinclude' ) because
// $() is slow in a tight loop
- while ( node && ( ' ' + node.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' wikiEditor-noinclude ' ) !== -1 ) {
+ while ( node && ( ' ' + node.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' wikiEditor-noinclude ' ) != -1 ) {
node = node.nextSibling;
if ( node && node.firstChild ) {
node = node.firstChild;
- if ( node.nodeName === 'P' ) {
+ if ( node.nodeName == "P" ) {
inP = node;
} while ( node && node.firstChild );
return new context.fn.rawTraverser( node, inP, startNode, true );
- getOffset: function ( offset ) {
+ 'getOffset': function( offset ) {
if ( !context.offsets ) {
@@ -584,21 +578,21 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
'lastTextNode': base.lastTextNode
- purgeOffsets: function () {
+ 'purgeOffsets': function() {
context.offsets = null;
- refreshOffsets: function () {
+ 'refreshOffsets': function() {
context.offsets = [ ];
var t = context.fn.traverser( context.$content );
var pos = 0, lastTextNode = null;
while ( t ) {
- if ( t.node.nodeName !== '#text' && t.node.nodeName !== 'BR' ) {
+ if ( t.node.nodeName != '#text' && t.node.nodeName != 'BR' ) {
t =;
- var nextPos = t.node.nodeName === '#text' ? pos + t.node.nodeValue.length : pos + 1;
+ var nextPos = t.node.nodeName == '#text' ? pos + t.node.nodeValue.length : pos + 1;
var nextT =;
- var leavingP = t.node.nodeName === '#text' && t.inP && nextT && ( !nextT.inP || nextT.inP !== t.inP );
+ var leavingP = t.node.nodeName == '#text' && t.inP && nextT && ( !nextT.inP || nextT.inP != t.inP );
context.offsets[pos] = {
'node': t.node,
'offset': 0,
@@ -616,27 +610,27 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
pos = nextPos + ( leavingP ? 1 : 0 );
- if ( t.node.nodeName === '#text' ) {
+ if ( t.node.nodeName == '#text' ) {
lastTextNode = t.node;
t = nextT;
- saveCursorAndScrollTop: function () {
+ 'saveCursorAndScrollTop': function() {
// Stub out textarea behavior
- restoreCursorAndScrollTop: function () {
+ 'restoreCursorAndScrollTop': function() {
// Stub out textarea behavior
- saveSelection: function () {
+ 'saveSelection': function() {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
context.savedSelection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- restoreSelection: function () {
+ 'restoreSelection': function() {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && context.savedSelection !== null ) {
@@ -646,10 +640,10 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* Update the history queue
- * @param htmlChange Pass true or false to inidicate if there was a text change that should potentially
+ * @param htmlChange pass true or false to inidicate if there was a text change that should potentially
* be given a new history state.
- updateHistory: function ( htmlChange ) {
+ 'updateHistory': function( htmlChange ) {
var newHTML = context.$content.html();
var newSel = context.fn.getCaretPosition();
// Was text changed? Was it because of a REDO or UNDO action?
@@ -681,7 +675,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* Sets up the iframe in place of the textarea to allow more advanced operations
- setupIframe: function () {
+ 'setupIframe': function() {
context.$iframe = $( '<iframe></iframe>' )
.attr( {
'frameBorder': 0,
@@ -840,7 +834,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* equivilant functionality to the otherwise textarea-based functionality.
- getElementAtCursor: function () {
+ 'getElementAtCursor': function() {
if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
// Firefox and Opera
var selection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
@@ -861,7 +855,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* Gets the complete contents of the iframe (in plain text, not HTML)
- getContents: function () {
+ 'getContents': function() {
// For <p></p>, .html() returns <p>&nbsp;</p> in IE
// This seems to convince IE while not affecting display
if ( !context.$content ) {
@@ -886,7 +880,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* Gets the currently selected text in the content
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- getSelection: function () {
+ 'getSelection': function() {
var retval;
if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
// Firefox and Opera
@@ -921,7 +915,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* selection is empty.
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- encapsulateSelection: function ( options ) {
+ 'encapsulateSelection': function( options ) {
var selText = $(this).textSelection( 'getSelection' );
var selTextArr;
var collapseToEnd = false;
@@ -1133,7 +1127,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* Gets the position (in resolution of bytes not nessecarily characters) in a textarea
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- getCaretPosition: function ( options ) {
+ 'getCaretPosition': function( options ) {
var startPos = null, endPos = null;
if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
var selection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
@@ -1270,7 +1264,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* @param startContainer Element in iframe to start selection in. If not set, start is a character offset
* @param endContainer Element in iframe to end selection in. If not set, end is a character offset
- setSelection: function ( options ) {
+ 'setSelection': function( options ) {
var sc = options.startContainer, ec = options.endContainer;
sc = sc && sc.jquery ? sc[0] : sc;
ec = ec && ec.jquery ? ec[0] : ec;
@@ -1357,7 +1351,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* Scroll a textarea to the current cursor position. You can set the cursor position with setSelection()
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- scrollToCaretPosition: function ( options ) {
+ 'scrollToCaretPosition': function( options ) {
context.fn.scrollToTop( context.fn.getElementAtCursor(), true );
@@ -1367,7 +1361,7 @@ context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
* @param $element jQuery object containing an element in the iframe
* @param force If true, scroll the element even if it's already visible
- scrollToTop: function ( $element, force ) {
+ 'scrollToTop': function( $element, force ) {
var html = context.$content.closest( 'html' ),
body = context.$content.closest( 'body' ),
parentHtml = $( 'html' ),
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js
index 85030b66..def8b69e 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
* $( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'toolbar', { ... config ... } );
-/*jshint onevar:false, boss:true */
-( function ( $, mw ) {
+( function ( $ ) {
* Global static object for wikiEditor that provides generally useful functionality to all modules and contexts.
@@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
isRequired: function ( module, requirement ) {
if ( typeof module.req !== 'undefined' ) {
for ( var req in module.req ) {
- if ( module.req[req] === requirement ) {
+ if ( module.req[req] == requirement ) {
return true;
@@ -133,10 +132,9 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
* with the key 'bar'.
autoMsg: function ( object, property ) {
- var i, p;
// Accept array of possible properties, of which the first one found will be used
- if ( typeof property === 'object' ) {
- for ( i in property ) {
+ if ( typeof property == 'object' ) {
+ for ( var i in property ) {
if ( property[i] in object || property[i] + 'Msg' in object ) {
property = property[i];
@@ -146,11 +144,11 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
if ( property in object ) {
return object[property];
} else if ( property + 'Msg' in object ) {
- p = object[property + 'Msg'];
+ var p = object[property + 'Msg'];
if ( $.isArray( p ) && p.length >= 2 ) {
- return mw.message.apply( mw.message, p ).plain();
+ return mediaWiki.message.apply( mediaWiki.message, p ).plain();
} else {
- return mw.message( p ).plain();
+ return mediaWiki.message( p ).plain();
} else {
return '';
@@ -183,10 +181,10 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
var src = $.wikiEditor.autoLang( icon, lang );
path = path || $.wikiEditor.imgPath;
// Prepend path if src is not absolute
- if ( src.substr( 0, 7 ) !== 'http://' && src.substr( 0, 8 ) !== 'https://' && src[0] !== '/' ) {
+ if ( src.substr( 0, 7 ) != 'http://' && src.substr( 0, 8 ) != 'https://' && src[0] != '/' ) {
src = path + src;
- return src + '?' + mw.loader.getVersion( 'jquery.wikiEditor' );
+ return src + '?' + mw.loader.version( 'jquery.wikiEditor' );
@@ -199,9 +197,9 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
autoIconOrOffset: function ( icon, offset, path, lang ) {
lang = lang || mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
- if ( typeof offset === 'object' && lang in offset ) {
+ if ( typeof offset == 'object' && lang in offset ) {
return offset[lang];
- } else if ( typeof icon === 'object' && lang in icon ) {
+ } else if ( typeof icon == 'object' && lang in icon ) {
return $.wikiEditor.autoIcon( icon, undefined, lang );
} else {
return $.wikiEditor.autoLang( offset, lang );
@@ -225,7 +223,7 @@ if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported() ) {
// where we left off
var context = $(this).data( 'wikiEditor-context' );
// On first call, we need to set things up, but on all following calls we can skip right to the API handling
-if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
+if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
// Star filling the context with useful data - any jQuery selections, as usual should be named with a preceding $
context = {
@@ -249,7 +247,7 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
'oldDelayedHTML': null,
// The previous selection of the iframe, stored to detect whether the selection has changed
'oldDelayedSel': null,
- // Saved selection state for old IE (<=10)
+ // Saved selection state for IE
'savedSelection': null,
// Stack of states in { html: [string] } form
'history': [],
@@ -278,14 +276,14 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
'addModule': function ( context, data ) {
var module, call,
modules = {};
- if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof data == 'string' ) {
modules[data] = {};
- } else if ( typeof data === 'object' ) {
+ } else if ( typeof data == 'object' ) {
modules = data;
for ( module in modules ) {
// Check for the existance of an available / supported module with a matching name and a create function
- if ( typeof module === 'string' && typeof $.wikiEditor.modules[module] !== 'undefined' &&
+ if ( typeof module == 'string' && typeof $.wikiEditor.modules[module] !== 'undefined' &&
$.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) )
// Extend the context's core API with this module's own API calls
@@ -328,11 +326,11 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
trigger: function ( name, event ) {
// Event is an optional argument, but from here on out, at least the type field should be dependable
- if ( typeof event === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof event == 'undefined' ) {
event = { 'type': 'custom' };
// Ensure there's a place for extra information to live
- if ( typeof === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof == 'undefined' ) { = {};
@@ -395,7 +393,7 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
// Return the newly appended tab
return $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'rel', 'wikiEditor-ui-view-' + )
- .addClass( context.view === ? 'current' : null )
+ .addClass( context.view == ? 'current' : null )
.append( $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', '#' )
.mousedown( function () {
@@ -408,7 +406,7 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
context.$tabs.find( 'div' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$(this).parent().addClass( 'current' );
- if ( 'init' in options && typeof options.init === 'function' ) {
+ if ( 'init' in options && typeof options.init == 'function' ) {
options.init( context );
@@ -459,17 +457,17 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
- * Save text selection for old IE (<=10)
+ * Save text selection for IE
saveSelection: function () {
- if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) {
+ if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
context.savedSelection = document.selection.createRange();
- * Restore text selection for old IE (<=10)
+ * Restore text selection for IE
restoreSelection: function () {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && context.savedSelection !== null ) {
@@ -481,13 +479,6 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
- * Workaround for a scrolling bug in IE8 (bug 61908)
- */
- if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
- context.$textarea.css( 'height', context.$textarea.height() );
- }
- /**
* Base UI Construction
* The UI is built from several containers, the outer-most being a div classed as "wikiEditor-ui". These containers
@@ -548,9 +539,9 @@ if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
var args = $.makeArray( arguments );
// Dynamically setup core extensions for modules that are required
-if ( args[0] === 'addModule' && typeof args[1] !== 'undefined' ) {
+if ( args[0] == 'addModule' && typeof args[1] !== 'undefined' ) {
var modules = args[1];
- if ( typeof modules !== 'object' ) {
+ if ( typeof modules !== "object" ) {
modules = {};
modules[args[1]] = '';
@@ -586,4 +577,4 @@ return $(this).data( 'wikiEditor-context', context );
-}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js
index 372d2e8e..39907364 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* Preview module for wikiEditor */
( function ( $, mw ) {
-/*jshint onevar:false */
$.wikiEditor.modules.preview = {
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ fn: {
* @param context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function ( context ) {
+ create: function ( context, config ) {
if ( 'initialized' in context.modules.preview ) {
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ fn: {
function ( data ) {
if (
- typeof data.parse === 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text === 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text['*'] === 'undefined'
+ typeof data.parse == 'undefined' ||
+ typeof data.parse.text == 'undefined' ||
+ typeof data.parse.text['*'] == 'undefined'
) {
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ fn: {
// Gets the latest copy of the wikitext
var wikitext = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' );
// Aborts when nothing has changed since the last time
- if ( context.modules.preview.changesText === wikitext ) {
+ if ( context.modules.preview.changesText == wikitext ) {
context.$changesTab.find( 'table.diff tbody' ).empty();
@@ -115,9 +115,8 @@ fn: {
rvprop: ''
var section = $( '[name="wpSection"]' ).val();
- if ( section !== '' ) {
+ if ( section !== '' )
postdata2.rvsection = section;
- }
$.post( mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), postdata2, function ( data ) {
// Add diff CSS
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
index 5381e605..ca88c79a 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
/* Publish module for wikiEditor */
-/*jshint onevar:false */
-( function ( $, mw ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.previewDialog = {
+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.previewDialog = {
* Compatability map
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ fn: {
* @param context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function( context ) {
+ create: function( context, config ) {
// Build the dialog behind the Publish button
var dialogID = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-preview-dialog';
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ fn: {
.css( 'top', '25px' );
// $dialog.dialog( 'option', 'width', $( 'body' ).width() - 300 );
// Aborts when nothing has changed since the last preview
- if ( context.modules.preview.previewText === wikitext ) {
+ if ( context.modules.preview.previewText == wikitext ) {
@@ -97,9 +96,9 @@ fn: {
function( data ) {
if (
- typeof data.parse === 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text === 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text['*'] === 'undefined'
+ typeof data.parse == 'undefined' ||
+ typeof data.parse.text == 'undefined' ||
+ typeof data.parse.text['*'] == 'undefined'
) {
@@ -129,4 +128,4 @@ fn: {
-}; } )( jQuery, mediaWiki );
+}; } )( jQuery );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js
index 058fa1b3..b61140dc 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
/* Publish module for wikiEditor */
-/*jshint onevar:false */
( function ( $ ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.publish = {
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ fn: {
* @param context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function ( context ) {
+ create: function ( context, config ) {
// Build the dialog behind the Publish button
var dialogID = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog';
@@ -90,18 +89,16 @@ fn: {
- if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).length === 0 ) {
+ if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).length === 0 )
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-minor' ).hide();
- } else if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
+ else if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-minor' )
.prop( 'checked', true );
- }
- if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).length === 0 ) {
+ if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).length === 0 )
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-watch' ).hide();
- } else if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
+ else if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-watch' )
.prop( 'checked', true );
- }
$(this).find( 'form' ).submit( function ( e ) {
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button:first' ).click();
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
index 3cbd5ba5..bd00325f 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
/* TemplateEditor module for wikiEditor */
-/*jshint quotmark:false, onevar:false */
-( function ( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor = {
+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor = {
* Name mappings, dirty hack which will be removed once "TemplateInfo" extension is more fully supported
@@ -38,13 +37,9 @@
evt: {
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- mark: function( context ) {
+ mark: function( context, event ) {
// The markers returned by this function are skipped on realchange, so don't regenerate them in that case
- if ( context.modules.highlight.currentScope === 'realchange' ) {
+ if ( context.modules.highlight.currentScope == 'realchange' ) {
@@ -52,9 +47,10 @@ evt: {
var markers = context.modules.highlight.markers;
var tokenArray = context.modules.highlight.tokenArray;
// Collect matching level 0 template call boundaries from the tokenArray
+ var level = 0;
var tokenIndex = 0;
while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length ){
- while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length && tokenArray[tokenIndex].label !== 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ) {
+ while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length && tokenArray[tokenIndex].label != 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ) {
//open template
@@ -62,18 +58,19 @@ evt: {
var beginIndex = tokenIndex;
var endIndex = -1; //no match found
var openTemplates = 1;
- while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length - 1 && endIndex === -1 ) {
+ var templatesMatched = false;
+ while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length - 1 && endIndex == -1 ) {
- if ( tokenArray[tokenIndex].label === 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ) {
+ if ( tokenArray[tokenIndex].label == 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ) {
- } else if ( tokenArray[tokenIndex].label === 'TEMPLATE_END' ) {
+ } else if ( tokenArray[tokenIndex].label == 'TEMPLATE_END' ) {
- if ( openTemplates === 0 ) {
+ if ( openTemplates == 0 ) {
endIndex = tokenIndex;
} //we can stop looping
}//while finding template ending
- if ( endIndex !== -1 ) {
+ if ( endIndex != -1 ) {
markers.push( {
start: tokenArray[beginIndex].offset,
end: tokenArray[endIndex].offset,
@@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ evt: {
onSkip: function( node ) {
- if ( $( node ).html() === $( node ).data( 'oldHTML' ) ) {
+ if ( $( node ).html() == $( node ).data( 'oldHTML' ) ) {
// No change
@@ -107,7 +104,7 @@ evt: {
if ( $( node ).parent().hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template' ) ) {
var $label = $( node ).parent().find( '.wikiEditor-template-label' );
var displayName = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.getTemplateDisplayName( model );
- if ( $label.text() !== displayName ) {
+ if ( $label.text() != displayName ) {
$label.text( displayName );
@@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ evt: {
$.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.bindTemplateEvents( $( node ) );
- getAnchor: function( ca1 ) {
+ getAnchor: function( ca1, ca2 ) {
return $( ca1.parentNode ).is( 'span.wikiEditor-template-text' ) ?
ca1.parentNode : null;
@@ -145,9 +142,7 @@ evt: {
var $evtElem = event.jQueryNode;
if ( $evtElem.hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template-label' ) ) {
// Allow anything if the command or control key are depressed
- if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) {
- return true;
- }
+ if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) return true;
switch ( event.which ) {
case 13: // Enter
@@ -182,22 +177,14 @@ evt: {
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- keyup: function( context ) {
+ keyup: function( context, event ) {
// Rest our ignoreKeypress variable if it's set to true
if ( context.$ 'ignoreKeypress' ) ) {
context.$ 'ignoreKeypress', false );
return true;
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- keypress: function( context ) {
+ keypress: function( context, event ) {
// If this event is from a keydown event which we want to block, ignore it
return ( context.$ 'ignoreKeypress' ) ? false : true );
@@ -223,7 +210,7 @@ fn: {
* @param context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function( context ) {
+ create: function( context, config ) {
// Initialize module within the context
context.modules.templateEditor = {};
@@ -233,7 +220,8 @@ fn: {
wrapTemplate: function( $wrapper ) {
var model = $ 'model' );
- $wrapper
+ var context = $ 'marker' ).context;
+ var $template = $wrapper
.wrap( '<span class="wikiEditor-template"></span>' )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken' )
@@ -261,7 +249,7 @@ fn: {
bindTemplateEvents: function( $wrapper ) {
var $template = $wrapper.parent( '.wikiEditor-template' );
- if ( typeof opera === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof ( opera ) == "undefined" ) {
$template.parent().attr('contentEditable', 'false');
@@ -286,7 +274,7 @@ fn: {
* Toggle the visisbilty of the wikitext for a given template
* @param $wrapper The origianl wrapper we want expand/collapse
- toggleWikiTextEditor: function( $wrapper ) {
+ toggleWikiTextEditor: function( $wrapper ) {
var context = $ 'marker' ).context;
var $template = $wrapper.parent( '.wikiEditor-template' );
@@ -297,11 +285,11 @@ fn: {
var $templateText = $template.find( '.wikiEditor-template-text' );
$templateText.toggleClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken' );
$templateText.toggleClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text-visible' );
- if ( $templateText.hasClass('wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken') ){
+ if( $templateText.hasClass('wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken') ){
//we just closed the template
// Update the model if we need to
- if ( $templateText.html() !== $ 'oldHTML' ) ) {
+ if ( $templateText.html() != $ 'oldHTML' ) ) {
var templateModel = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.updateModel( $templateText );
//this is the only place the template name can be changed; keep the template name in sync
@@ -362,7 +350,7 @@ fn: {
var $templateText = $templateDiv.children( '.wikiEditor-template-text' );
var templateModel = $ 'model' );
// Update the model if we need to
- if ( $templateText.html() !== $ 'oldHTML' ) ) {
+ if ( $templateText.html() != $ 'oldHTML' ) ) {
templateModel = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.updateModel( $templateText );
@@ -374,11 +362,11 @@ fn: {
var $rows = $fields.find( '.wikiEditor-template-dialog-field-wrapper' );
for ( var paramIndex in params ) {
var param = params[paramIndex];
- if ( typeof === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof == 'undefined' ) {
// param is the template name, skip it
- var paramText = typeof param === 'string' ?
+ var paramText = typeof param == 'string' ? /[\_\-]/g, ' ' ) :;
var paramVal = templateModel.getValue( );
@@ -409,13 +397,11 @@ fn: {
.data( 'expanded', false )
.bind( 'cut paste keypress click change', function( e ) {
// If this was fired by a tab keypress, let it go
- if ( e.keyCode === 9 || e.keyCode === '9' ) {
- return true;
- }
+ if ( e.keyCode == '9' ) return true;
var $this = $( this );
setTimeout( function() {
var expanded = $ 'expanded' );
- if ( $this.val().indexOf( '\n' ) !== -1 || $this.val().length > 24 ) {
+ if ( $this.val().indexOf( '\n' ) != -1 || $this.val().length > 24 ) {
if ( !expanded ) {
$this.animate( { 'height': '4.5em' }, 'fast' );
$ 'expanded', true );
@@ -469,7 +455,7 @@ fn: {
updateModel: function( $templateText, model ) {
var context = $ 'marker' ).context;
var text;
- if ( typeof model === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof model == 'undefined' ) {
text = context.fn.htmlToText( $templateText.html() );
} else {
text = model.getText();
@@ -478,7 +464,7 @@ fn: {
$templateText.text( text );
$templateText.html( $templateText.html().replace( /\n/g, '<br />' ) );
$ 'oldHTML', $templateText.html() );
- if ( typeof model === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof model == 'undefined' ) {
model = new $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.model( text );
$ 'model', model );
@@ -490,9 +476,9 @@ fn: {
getTemplateDisplayName: function ( model ) {
var tName = model.getName();
- if( model.getValue( 'name' ) !== '' ) {
+ if( model.getValue( 'name' ) != '' ) {
return tName + ': ' + model.getValue( 'name' );
- } else if( model.getValue( 'Name' ) !== '' ) {
+ } else if( model.getValue( 'Name' ) != '' ) {
return tName + ': ' + model.getValue( 'Name' );
} else if( tName.toLowerCase() in $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.nameMappings ) {
return tName + ': ' + model.getValue( $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.nameMappings[tName.toLowerCase()] );
@@ -555,28 +541,27 @@ fn: {
var retVal;
if ( isNaN( name ) ) {
// It's a string!
- if ( typeof paramsByName[name] === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof paramsByName[name] == 'undefined' ) {
// Does not exist
- return '';
+ return "";
rangeIndex = paramsByName[name];
} else {
// It's a number!
- rangeIndex = parseInt( name, 10 );
+ rangeIndex = parseInt( name );
- if ( typeof params[rangeIndex] === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof params[rangeIndex] == 'undefined' ) {
// Does not exist
- return '';
+ return "";
valueRange = ranges[params[rangeIndex].valueIndex];
- if ( typeof valueRange.newVal === 'undefined' || original ) {
+ if ( typeof valueRange.newVal == 'undefined' || original ) {
// Value unchanged, return original wikitext
retVal = wikitext.substring( valueRange.begin, valueRange.end );
} else {
// New value exists, return new value
retVal = valueRange.newVal;
- /*jshint eqnull:true */
if ( value != null ) {
ranges[params[rangeIndex].valueIndex].newVal = value;
@@ -589,7 +574,7 @@ fn: {
* Get template name
this.getName = function() {
- if( typeof ranges[templateNameIndex].newVal === 'undefined' ) {
+ if( typeof ranges[templateNameIndex].newVal == 'undefined' ) {
return wikitext.substring( ranges[templateNameIndex].begin, ranges[templateNameIndex].end );
} else {
return ranges[templateNameIndex].newVal;
@@ -650,9 +635,9 @@ fn: {
* Get modified template text
this.getText = function() {
- var newText = "";
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
- if( typeof ranges[i].newVal === 'undefined' ) {
+ newText = "";
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
+ if( typeof ranges[i].newVal == 'undefined' ) {
newText += wikitext.substring( ranges[i].begin, ranges[i].end );
} else {
newText += ranges[i].newVal;
@@ -674,7 +659,7 @@ fn: {
var adjustment = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
ranges[i].begin += adjustment;
- if ( typeof ranges[i].adjust !== 'undefined' ) {
+ if( typeof ranges[i].adjust != 'undefined' ) {
adjustment += ranges[i].adjust();
// NOTE: adjust should be a function that has the information necessary to calculate the length of
// this 'segment'
@@ -695,16 +680,15 @@ fn: {
// Get rid of first {{ with whitespace
var sanatizedStr = wikitext.replace( /{{/, " " );
// Replace end
- var endBraces = sanatizedStr.match( /}}\s*$/ );
+ endBraces = sanatizedStr.match( /}}\s*$/ );
if ( endBraces ) {
sanatizedStr = sanatizedStr.substring( 0, endBraces.index ) + " " +
sanatizedStr.substring( endBraces.index + 2 );
- var startIndex, endIndex, sanatizedSegment, openBraces, brace;
//treat HTML comments like whitespace
- while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '<!' ) !== -1 ) {
+ while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '<!' ) != -1 ) {
startIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '<!' );
endIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf('-->') + 3;
if( endIndex < 3 ){
@@ -716,26 +700,26 @@ fn: {
// Match the open braces we just found with equivalent closing braces note, works for any level of braces
- while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '{{' ) !== -1 ) {
+ while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '{{' ) != -1 ) {
startIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '{{' ) + 1;
openBraces = 2;
endIndex = startIndex;
while ( (openBraces > 0) && (endIndex < sanatizedStr.length) ) {
- brace = sanatizedStr[++endIndex];
- openBraces += brace === '}' ? -1 : brace === '{' ? 1 : 0;
+ var brace = sanatizedStr[++endIndex];
+ openBraces += brace == '}' ? -1 : brace == '{' ? 1 : 0;
sanatizedSegment = sanatizedStr.substring( startIndex,endIndex ).replace( /[{}|=]/g , 'X' );
sanatizedStr =
sanatizedStr.substring( 0, startIndex ) + sanatizedSegment + sanatizedStr.substring( endIndex );
//links, images, etc, which also can nest
- while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '[[' ) !== -1 ) {
+ while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '[[' ) != -1 ) {
startIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '[[' ) + 1;
openBraces = 2;
endIndex = startIndex;
while ( (openBraces > 0) && (endIndex < sanatizedStr.length) ) {
- brace = sanatizedStr[++endIndex];
- openBraces += brace === ']' ? -1 : brace === '[' ? 1 : 0;
+ var brace = sanatizedStr[++endIndex];
+ openBraces += brace == ']' ? -1 : brace == '[' ? 1 : 0;
sanatizedSegment = sanatizedStr.substring( startIndex,endIndex ).replace( /[\[\]|=]/g , 'X' );
sanatizedStr =
@@ -749,16 +733,14 @@ fn: {
var params = [];
var templateNameIndex = 0;
var doneParsing = false;
- var oldDivider = 0;
- var divider = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '|', oldDivider );
- if ( divider === -1 ) {
+ oldDivider = 0;
+ divider = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '|', oldDivider );
+ if ( divider == -1 ) {
divider = sanatizedStr.length;
doneParsing = true;
collapsible = false; //zero params
- var nameMatch = sanatizedStr.substring( 0, divider ).match( /[^\s]/ );
- var nameEndMatch;
- /*jshint eqnull:true */
+ nameMatch = sanatizedStr.substring( 0, divider ).match( /[^\s]/ );
if ( nameMatch != null ) {
ranges.push( new Range( 0 ,nameMatch.index ) ); //whitespace and squiggles upto the name
nameEndMatch = sanatizedStr.substring( 0 , divider ).match( /[^\s]\s*$/ ); //last nonwhitespace character
@@ -776,21 +758,18 @@ fn: {
* Start looping over params
var currentParamNumber = 0;
- var currentField, currentValue, valueBeginIndex, valueBegin, valueEnd;
- var nameIndex, equalsIndex, valueIndex;
- var currentName, nameBegin, nameBeginIndex, nameEnd, nameEndIndex;
var valueEndIndex = ranges[templateNameIndex].end;
var paramsByName = [];
while ( !doneParsing ) {
oldDivider = divider;
divider = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '|', oldDivider + 1 );
- if ( divider === -1 ) {
+ if ( divider == -1 ) {
divider = sanatizedStr.length;
doneParsing = true;
currentField = sanatizedStr.substring( oldDivider+1, divider );
- if ( currentField.indexOf( '=' ) === -1 ) {
+ if ( currentField.indexOf( '=' ) == -1 ) {
// anonymous field, gets a number
//default values, since we'll allow empty values
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templates.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templates.js
index b0462563..b303e3fa 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templates.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templates.js
@@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
/* Templates Module for wikiEditor */
-/*jshint onevar:false */
-( function ( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.templates = {
+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.templates = {
* Core Requirements
-req: [ 'iframe' ],
+'req': [ 'iframe' ],
* Object Templates
-tpl: {
- marker: {
- type: 'template',
- anchor: 'wrap',
- skipDivision: 'realchange',
- afterWrap: function ( node ) {
+'tpl': {
+ 'marker': {
+ 'type': 'template',
+ 'anchor': 'wrap',
+ 'skipDivision': 'realchange',
+ 'afterWrap': function( node ) {
$( node ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-template' );
- getAnchor: function ( ca1 ) {
+ 'getAnchor': function( ca1, ca2 ) {
return $( ca1.parentNode ).is( '.wikiEditor-template' ) ? ca1.parentNode : null;
@@ -25,14 +24,10 @@ tpl: {
* Event handlers
-evt: {
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- mark: function ( context ) {
+'evt': {
+ 'mark': function( context, event ) {
// The markers returned by this function are skipped on realchange, so don't regenerate them in that case
- if ( context.modules.highlight.currentScope === 'realchange' ) {
+ if ( context.modules.highlight.currentScope == 'realchange' ) {
// Get references to the markers and tokens from the current context
@@ -41,14 +36,14 @@ evt: {
// Use depth-tracking to extract top-level templates from tokens
var depth = 0, bias, start;
for ( var i in tokens ) {
- depth += ( bias = tokens[i].label === 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ? 1 : ( tokens[i].label === 'TEMPLATE_END' ? -1 : 0 ) );
- if ( bias > 0 && depth === 1 ) {
+ depth += ( bias = tokens[i].label == 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ? 1 : ( tokens[i].label == 'TEMPLATE_END' ? -1 : 0 ) );
+ if ( bias > 0 && depth == 1 ) {
// Top-level opening - use offset as start
start = tokens[i].offset;
- } else if ( bias < 0 && depth === 0 ) {
+ } else if ( bias < 0 && depth == 0 ) {
// Top-level closing - use offset as end
markers[markers.length] = $.extend(
- { context: context, start: start, end: tokens[i].offset },
+ { 'context': context, 'start': start, 'end': tokens[i].offset },
@@ -58,19 +53,15 @@ evt: {
-exp: [
- { regex: /{{/, label: 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' },
- { regex: /}}/, label: 'TEMPLATE_END', markAfter: true }
+'exp': [
+ { 'regex': /{{/, 'label': "TEMPLATE_BEGIN" },
+ { 'regex': /}}/, 'label': "TEMPLATE_END", 'markAfter': true }
* Internally used functions
-fn: {
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param config
- */
- create: function () {
+'fn': {
+ 'create': function( context, config ) {
// Do some stuff here...
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js
index 3f186db6..54b8a863 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js
@@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
/* TOC Module for wikiEditor */
-/*jshint onevar:false */
-( function ( $, mw ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toc = {
+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toc = {
* Compatability map
-browsers: {
+'browsers': {
// Left-to-right languages
- ltr: {
- msie: [['>=', 7]],
- firefox: [['>=', 3]],
- opera: [['>=', 10]],
- safari: [['>=', 4]],
- chrome: [['>=', 4]]
+ 'ltr': {
+ 'msie': [['>=', 7]],
+ 'firefox': [['>=', 3]],
+ 'opera': [['>=', 10]],
+ 'safari': [['>=', 4]],
+ 'chrome': [['>=', 4]]
// Right-to-left languages
- rtl: {
- msie: [['>=', 8]],
- firefox: [['>=', 3]],
- opera: [['>=', 10]],
- safari: [['>=', 4]],
- chrome: [['>=', 4]]
+ 'rtl': {
+ 'msie': [['>=', 8]],
+ 'firefox': [['>=', 3]],
+ 'opera': [['>=', 10]],
+ 'safari': [['>=', 4]],
+ 'chrome': [['>=', 4]]
* Core Requirements
-req: [ 'iframe' ],
+'req': [ 'iframe' ],
* Configuration
@@ -52,18 +51,10 @@ api: {
* Event handlers
evt: {
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- change: function( context ) {
+ change: function( context, event ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- ready: function( context ) {
+ ready: function( context, event ) {
// Add the TOC to the document
$ context );
if ( !context.$content ) {
@@ -77,32 +68,28 @@ evt: {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.evt.resize( context );
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- resize: function( context ) {
+ resize: function( context, event ) {
var availableWidth = context.$wikitext.width() - parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth ),
totalMinWidth = parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) +
parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth );
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
.resizable( 'option', 'maxWidth', availableWidth );
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) !== 'disabled' &&
+ if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) != 'disabled' &&
context.$wikitext.width() < totalMinWidth ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.disable( context );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'disabled' &&
+ } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'disabled' &&
context.$wikitext.width() > totalMinWidth ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.enable( context );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'regular' &&
+ } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'regular' &&
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).width() > availableWidth ) {
//switch mode
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'goofy' &&
+ } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' &&
context.modules.toc.$ 'previousWidth' ) < context.$wikitext.width() ) {
//switch mode
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'goofy' ) {
+ if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
context.modules.toc.$toc.find( 'div' ).autoEllipsis(
{ 'position': 'right', 'tooltip': true, 'restoreText': true }
@@ -118,18 +105,14 @@ evt: {
// store the width of the view for comparison on next resize
context.modules.toc.$ 'previousWidth', context.$wikitext.width() );
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- mark: function( context ) {
+ mark: function( context, event ) {
var hash = '';
var markers = context.modules.highlight.markers;
var tokenArray = context.modules.highlight.tokenArray;
var outline = = [];
var h = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < tokenArray.length; i++ ) {
- if ( tokenArray[i].label !== 'TOC_HEADER' ) {
+ if ( tokenArray[i].label != 'TOC_HEADER' ) {
@@ -151,14 +134,14 @@ evt: {
onSkip: function( node ) {
var marker = $( node ).data( 'marker' );
- if ( $( node ).data( 'section' ) !== marker.index ) {
+ if ( $( node ).data( 'section' ) != marker.index ) {
$( node )
.removeClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-section-' + $( node ).data( 'section' ) )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-section-' + marker.index )
.data( 'section', marker.index );
- getAnchor: function( ca1 ) {
+ getAnchor: function( ca1, ca2 ) {
return $( ca1.parentNode ).is( '.wikiEditor-toc-header' ) ?
ca1.parentNode : null;
@@ -171,7 +154,7 @@ evt: {
} );
// Only update the TOC if it's been changed - we do this by comparing a hash of the headings this time to last
- if ( typeof context.modules.toc.lastHash === 'undefined' || context.modules.toc.lastHash !== hash ) {
+ if ( typeof context.modules.toc.lastHash == 'undefined' || context.modules.toc.lastHash !== hash ) {
$ context );
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
// Remember the changed version
@@ -192,13 +175,13 @@ fn: {
* @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function( context ) {
+ create: function( context, config ) {
if ( '$toc' in context.modules.toc ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl = $( 'body' ).is( '.rtl' );
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty = $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight';
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).height();
+ var height = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).height();
context.modules.toc.$toc = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toc' )
.data( 'context', context )
@@ -213,14 +196,14 @@ fn: {
redraw: function( context, fixedWidth ) {
fixedWidth = parseFloat( fixedWidth );
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'regular' ) {
+ if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'regular' ) {
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
.css( 'width', fixedWidth + 'px' );
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
.css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, ( -1 * fixedWidth ) + 'px' )
.css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, fixedWidth + 'px' );
- } else if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'goofy' ) {
+ } else if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
.css( 'width', fixedWidth );
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
@@ -229,10 +212,10 @@ fn: {
switchLayout: function( context ) {
- var width;
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).height();
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'regular' &&
- !context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed' )
+ var width,
+ height = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).height();
+ if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'regular'
+ && !context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed' )
) {
// store position mode
context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode', 'goofy' );
@@ -254,7 +237,7 @@ fn: {
'left' : $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 0 : 'auto' } );
.css( 'position', 'relative' );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'goofy' ) {
+ } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
// store position mode
context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode', 'regular' );
// set width
@@ -277,7 +260,7 @@ fn: {
if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed' ) ) {
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl' ).hide();
} else {
- if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'goofy' ) {
+ if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).hide();
@@ -313,7 +296,7 @@ fn: {
* @param {Object} context
- update: function () {
+ update: function( context ) {
//temporarily commenting this out because it is causing all kinds of cursor
//and text jumping issues in IE. WIll get back to this --pdhanda
@@ -350,10 +333,10 @@ fn: {
* @param {Object} event Event object with context as data
- collapse: function () {
+ collapse: function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
context = $ 'context' );
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'goofy' ) {
+ if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
var pT = $this.parent().position().top - 1;
@@ -383,7 +366,7 @@ fn: {
// Let the UI know things have moved around
context.fn.trigger( 'tocCollapse' );
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
- } );
+ } );
$.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width', 0 );
return false;
@@ -394,19 +377,15 @@ fn: {
* @param {Object} event Event object with context as data
- expand: function () {
+ expand: function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
context = $ 'context' ),
openWidth = parseFloat( context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth' ) ),
availableSpace = context.$wikitext.width() - parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth );
- if ( availableSpace < $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinmumWidth ) {
- return false;
- }
+ if ( availableSpace < $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinmumWidth ) return false;
context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed', false );
// check if we've got enough room to open to our stored width
- if ( availableSpace < openWidth ) {
- openWidth = availableSpace;
- }
+ if ( availableSpace < openWidth ) openWidth = availableSpace;
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl' ).hide();
var leftParam = {}, leftChildParam = {};
leftParam[ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty ] = parseFloat( openWidth ) * -1;
@@ -428,7 +407,7 @@ fn: {
'top': 'auto' } );
context.fn.trigger( 'tocExpand' );
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
- } );
+ } );
$.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width',
context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth' ) );
return false;
@@ -453,7 +432,7 @@ fn: {
var sections = [];
for ( var i = offset; i < outline.length; i++ ) {
- if ( outline[i].nLevel === level ) {
+ if ( outline[i].nLevel == level ) {
var sub = buildStructure( outline, i + 1, level + 1 );
if ( sub.length ) {
outline[i].sections = sub;
@@ -483,9 +462,8 @@ fn: {
.click( function( event ) {
var wrapper = context.$content.find(
'.wikiEditor-toc-section-' + $( this ).data( 'index' ) );
- if ( wrapper.length === 0 ) {
+ if ( wrapper.length === 0 )
wrapper = context.$content;
- }
context.fn.scrollToTop( wrapper, true );
context.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', {
'start': 0,
@@ -503,9 +481,8 @@ fn: {
} )
.text( structure[i].text );
- if ( structure[i].text === '' ) {
+ if ( structure[i].text === '' )
div.html( '&nbsp;' );
- }
var item = $( '<li>' ).append( div );
if ( structure[i].sections !== undefined ) {
item.append( buildList( structure[i].sections ) );
@@ -569,7 +546,7 @@ fn: {
.data( 'wikiEditor-ui-left', context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ) )
.resizable( { handles: 'w,e', preventPositionLeftChange: true,
minWidth: parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ),
- start: function () {
+ start: function( e, ui ) {
var $this = $( this );
// Toss a transparent cover over our iframe
$( '<div>' )
@@ -585,7 +562,7 @@ fn: {
.appendTo( context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ) );
$this.resizable( 'option', 'maxWidth', $this.parent().width() -
parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth ) );
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) === 'goofy' ) {
+ if(context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
@@ -619,7 +596,7 @@ fn: {
var handle = $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'w' : 'e';
context.$ui.find( '.ui-resizable-' + handle )
.removeClass( 'ui-resizable-' + handle )
- .addClass( 'ui-resizable-' + ( handle === 'w' ? 'e' : 'w' ) )
+ .addClass( 'ui-resizable-' + ( handle == 'w' ? 'e' : 'w' ) )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toc-resize-grip' );
// Bind collapse and expand event handlers to the TOC
@@ -627,13 +604,12 @@ fn: {
.bind( 'expand.wikiEditor-toc', $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.expand );
context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth', $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.defaultWidth );
// If the toc-width cookie is set, reset the widths based upon that
- if ( $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width' ) === 0 ) {
+ if ( $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width' ) == 0 ) {
context.modules.toc.$toc.trigger( 'collapse.wikiEditor-toc', { data: context } );
} else if ( $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width' ) > 0 ) {
var initialWidth = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width' );
- if ( initialWidth < parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) ) {
+ if( initialWidth < parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) )
initialWidth = parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) + 1;
- }
context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth', initialWidth + 'px' );
$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.redraw( context, initialWidth );
@@ -688,7 +664,7 @@ fn: {
* Extending resizable to allow west resizing without altering the left position attribute
$.ui.plugin.add( 'resizable', 'preventPositionLeftChange', {
- resize: function () {
+ resize: function( event, ui ) {
$( this ).data( 'resizable' ).position.left = 0;
} );
@@ -697,4 +673,4 @@ fn: {
-} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );
+} ) ( jQuery );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js
index cb24bfd5..d3f7a9d5 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
* Configuration of Toolbar module for wikiEditor
-/*jshint camelcase:false, quotmark:false */
-( function ( $, mw ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.config = {
+( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.config = {
getDefaultConfig: function() {
var fileNamespace = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[6];
@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ getDefaultConfig: function() {
'eu': 'format-bold-L.png',
'he': 'format-bold-B.png',
'hu': 'format-bold-F.png',
- 'hy': 'format-bold-hy.png',
'it': 'format-bold-G.png',
'ka': 'format-bold-ka.png',
'ky': 'format-bold-ru.png',
@@ -100,7 +98,6 @@ getDefaultConfig: function() {
'eu': 'format-italic-E.png',
'he': 'format-italic-I.png',
'hu': 'format-italic-D.png',
- 'hy': 'format-italic-hy.png',
'it': 'format-italic-C.png',
'ka': 'format-italic-ka.png',
'ky': 'format-italic-K.png',
@@ -1455,4 +1452,4 @@ getDefaultConfig: function() {
} };
-}; } ) ( jQuery, mediaWiki );
+}; } ) ( jQuery );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
index 71592b53..e1bc6f15 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
* Toolbar module for wikiEditor
-/*jshint onevar:false */
( function ( mw, $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar = {
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ api : {
var $sections = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.sections' ),
$tabs = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.tabs' );
for ( var section in data[type] ) {
- if ( section === 'main' ) {
+ if ( section == 'main' ) {
// Section
@@ -146,28 +145,28 @@ api : {
removeFromToolbar : function( context, data ) {
- if ( typeof data.section === 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof data.section == 'string' ) {
// Section
var tab = 'div.tabs span[rel="' + data.section + '"].tab';
var target = 'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section';
var group = null;
- if ( typeof === 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof == 'string' ) {
// Toolbar group
target += ' div[rel="' + + '"].group';
- if ( typeof data.tool === 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof data.tool == 'string' ) {
// Save for later checking if empty
group = target;
// Tool
target += ' a[rel="' + data.tool + '"].tool';
- } else if ( typeof === 'string' ) {
+ } else if ( typeof == 'string' ) {
// Booklet page
var index = target + ' div.index div[rel="' + + '"]';
target += ' div.pages div[rel="' + + '"].page';
- if ( typeof data.character === 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof data.character == 'string' ) {
// Character
target += ' span[rel="' + data.character + '"]';
- } else if ( typeof data.row === 'number' ) {
+ } else if ( typeof data.row == 'number' ) {
// Table row
target += ' table tr:not(:has(th)):eq(' + data.row + ')';
} else {
@@ -199,11 +198,7 @@ api : {
* Event handlers
evt: {
- /**
- * @param context
- * @param event
- */
- resize: function( context ) {
+ resize: function( context, event ) {
context.$ui.find( '.sections' ).height( context.$ui.find( '.sections .section-visible' ).outerHeight() );
tocCollapse: function( context, event ) {
@@ -240,7 +235,7 @@ fn: {
* @param {Object} action
* @param {Object} source
- doAction : function( context, action ) {
+ doAction : function( context, action, source ) {
switch ( action.type ) {
case 'replace':
case 'encapsulate':
@@ -249,7 +244,7 @@ fn: {
'peri' : $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'peri' ),
'post' : $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'post' )
- var replace = action.type === 'replace';
+ var replace = action.type == 'replace';
if ( 'regex' in action.options && 'regexReplace' in action.options ) {
var selection = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getSelection' );
if ( selection !== '' && selection.match( action.options.regex ) ) {
@@ -268,7 +263,7 @@ fn: {
case 'callback':
- if ( typeof action.execute === 'function' ) {
+ if ( typeof action.execute == 'function' ) {
action.execute( context );
@@ -292,7 +287,7 @@ fn: {
if ( tool ) {
// Consider a group with only hidden tools empty as well
// .is( ':visible' ) always returns false because tool is not attached to the DOM yet
- empty = empty && tool.css( 'display' ) === 'none';
+ empty = empty && tool.css( 'display' ) == 'none';
$group.append( tool );
@@ -452,7 +447,7 @@ fn: {
} );
buildPage : function( context, id, page ) {
- var html, i;
+ var html;
var $page = $( '<div/>' ).attr( {
'class' : 'page page-' + id,
'rel' : id
@@ -466,7 +461,7 @@ fn: {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildHeading( context, page.headings );
if ( 'rows' in page ) {
- for ( i = 0; i < page.rows.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < page.rows.length; i++ ) {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildRow( context, page.rows[i] );
@@ -489,7 +484,7 @@ fn: {
if ( 'characters' in page ) {
html = '';
- for ( i = 0; i < page.characters.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < page.characters.length; i++ ) {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildCharacter( page.characters[i], actions );
@@ -532,7 +527,7 @@ fn: {
return html + '</tr>';
buildCharacter : function( character, actions ) {
- if ( typeof character === 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof character == 'string' ) {
character = {
'label' : character,
'action' : {
@@ -569,9 +564,8 @@ fn: {
return mw.html.element( 'span', { 'rel': character.label }, character.label );
- mw.log( 'A character for the toolbar was undefined. This is not supposed to happen. Double check the config.' );
- // bug 31673; also an additional fix for bug 24208...
- return '';
+ mw.log( "A character for the toolbar was undefined. This is not supposed to happen. Double check the config." );
+ return ""; // bug 31673; also an additional fix for bug 24208...
buildTab : function( context, id, section ) {
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
@@ -581,7 +575,7 @@ fn: {
var $link =
$( '<a/>' )
- .addClass( selected === id ? 'current' : null )
+ .addClass( selected == id ? 'current' : null )
.attr( {
href: '#',
role: 'button',
@@ -590,7 +584,7 @@ fn: {
} )
.text( $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( section, 'label' ) )
.data( 'context', context )
- .mouseup( function () {
+ .mouseup( function( e ) {
} )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
@@ -610,7 +604,7 @@ fn: {
var $sections = $(this).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.sections' );
var $section =
$(this).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.section-' + $(this).parent().attr( 'rel' ) );
- var show = $section.css( 'display' ) === 'none';
+ var show = $section.css( 'display' ) == 'none';
$section.parent().find( '.section-visible' )
.css( 'position', 'absolute' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' )
@@ -674,7 +668,7 @@ fn: {
id: 'wikiEditor-section-' + id
} );
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
- var show = selected === id;
+ var show = selected == id;
if ( section.deferLoad !== undefined && section.deferLoad && id !== 'main' && !show ) {
// This class shows the spinner and serves as a marker for the click handler in buildTab()
@@ -730,7 +724,6 @@ fn: {
updateBookletSelection : function( context, id, $pages, $index ) {
- /*jshint eqnull:true */
var cookie = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-booklet-' + id + '-page';
var selected = $.cookie( cookie );
// Re-save cookie
@@ -754,7 +747,7 @@ fn: {
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.append( $( '<div/>' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ) );
var sectionQueue = [];
for ( var section in config ) {
- if ( section === 'main' ) {
+ if ( section == 'main' ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildSection( context, section, config[section] )
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7153f49f..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-require_once 'WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php';
- * Description of WikiNewPageDialogs
- *
- * @author bhagyag, pdhanda
- *
- * This test case is part of the WikiEditorTestSuite.
- * Configuration for these tests are dosumented as part of extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php
- *
- */
-class WikiDialogs_Links extends WikiDialogs_Links_Setup {
- // Set up the testing environment
- function setup() {
- parent::setUp();
- parent::doCreateInternalTestPageIfMissing();
- }
- function tearDown() {
- parent::doLogout();
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- // Create a new page temporary
- function createNewPage() {
- parent::doOpenLink();
- parent::login();
- parent::doCreateNewPageTemporary();
- }
- // Add a internal link and verify
- function testInternalLink() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyInternalLink();
- }
- // Add a internal link with different display text and verify
- function testInternalLinkWithDisplayText() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyInternalLinkWithDisplayText();
- }
- // Add a internal link with blank display text and verify
- function testInternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyInternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText();
- }
- // Add external link and verify
- function testExternalLink() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyExternalLink();
- }
- // Add external link with different display text and verify
- function testExternalLinkWithDisplayText( ) {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyExternalLinkWithDisplayText();
- }
- // Add external link with Blank display text and verify
- function testExternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyExternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText();
- }
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 352ebec0..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-include( "WikiEditorConstants.php" );
- * This test case will be handling the Wiki Tool bar Dialog functions
- * Date : Apr - 2010
- * @author : BhagyaG - Calcey
- */
-class WikiDialogs_Links_Setup extends SeleniumTestCase {
- // Open the page.
- function doOpenLink() {
- $this->open( $this->getUrl() . '/index.php' );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- }
- // Expand advance tool bar section if its not
- function doExpandAdvanceSection() {
- if ( !$this->isTextPresent( TEXT_HEADING ) ) {
- $this->click( LINK_ADVANCED );
- }
- }
- // Log out from the application
- function doLogout() {
- $this->open( $this->getUrl() . '/index.php' );
- if ( $this->isTextPresent( TEXT_LOGOUT ) ) {
- $this->click( LINK_LOGOUT );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( TEXT_LOGOUT_CONFIRM, $this->getText( LINK_LOGIN ) );
- $this->open( $this->getUrl() . '/index.php' );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- }
- }
- // Create a temporary fixture page
- function doCreateInternalTestPageIfMissing() {
- $this->click( BUTTON_SEARCH );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $location = $this->getLocation() . "\n";
- if ( strpos( $location, '&redlink=1' ) !== false ) {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "Test fixture page. No real content here" );
- $this->click( BUTTON_SAVE_WATCH );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ),
- $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- }
- // Create a temporary new page
- function doCreateNewPageTemporary() {
- $this->click( BUTTON_SEARCH );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_TEMP_NEWPAGE );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- }
- // Add a internal link and verify
- function verifyInternalLink() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->waitForPopup( 'addLink', WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXISTS ), 'Element ' . ICON_PAGEEXISTS . 'Not found' );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_INTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( ( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ), $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ), $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- // Add a internal link with different display text and verify
- function verifyInternalLinkWithDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->waitForPopup( 'addLink', WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXISTS ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_INTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ), $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- // Add a internal link with blank display text and verify
- function verifyInternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->waitForPopup( 'addLink', WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->type( TEXT_LINKDISPLAYNAME, "" );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXISTS ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_INTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK, $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK, $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- // Add external link and verify
- function verifyExternalLink() {
- $this->type( LINK_PREVIEW, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_EXTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK, $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE, $this->getTitle() );
- }
- // Add external link with different display text and verify
- function verifyExternalLinkWithDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_EXTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE, $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . ( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE ) );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE , $this->getTitle() );
- }
- // Add external link with Blank display text and verify
- function verifyExternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->type( TEXT_LINKDISPLAYNAME, "" );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_EXTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( "[1]", $this->getText( LINK_START . "[1]" ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . "[1]" );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE, $this->getTitle() );
- }
- // Add a table and verify
- function verifyCreateTable() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "5";
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table and verify only with head row
- function verifyCreateTableWithHeadRow() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "4";
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table and verify only with borders
- function verifyCreateTableWithBorders() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_ROW = "4";
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "6";
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table and verify only with sort row
- function verifyCreateTableWithSortRow() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_ROW = "2";
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "5";
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_WITHALLFEATURES .
- }
- // Add a table without headers,borders and sort rows
- function verifyCreateTableWithNoSpecialEffects() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_ROW = "6";
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "2";
- $this->
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( INK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table with headers,borders and sort rows
- function verifyCreateTableWithAllSpecialEffects() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "2";
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_WITHALLFEATURES .
- }
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorConstants.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorConstants.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 090f96bf..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorConstants.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-define ( 'WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME', "3000" ); // Waiting time
-// tool bar, buttons , links
-// commonly using links
-define ( 'LINK_MAIN_PAGE', "link=Main page" );
-define ( 'LINK_RANDOM_PAGE', "link=Random article" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PAGE_HEADING', "firstHeading" );
-define ( 'LINK_START', "link=" );
-define ( 'LINK_EDITPAGE', "//li[@id='ca-edit']/a/span" );
-define ( 'TEXT_EDITOR', "wpTextbox1" );
-define ( 'LINK_PREVIEW', "wpPreview" );
-define ( 'WIKI_SEARCH_PAGE', "Hair (musical)" ); // Page name to search
-define ( 'WIKI_TEXT_SEARCH', "TV" ); // Text to search
-define ( 'WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK', "Wikieditor-Fixture-Page" ); // Exisiting page name to add as an internal tag
-define ( 'WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK', "" ); // External web site name
-define ( 'WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE', "Google" ); // Page title of the external web site name
-define ( 'WIKI_CODE_PATH', getcwd() ); // get the current path of the program
-define ( 'WIKI_SCREENSHOTS_PATH', "screenshots" ); // the folder the error screen shots will be saved
-define ( 'WIKI_SCREENSHOTS_TYPE', "png" ); // screen print type
-define ( 'WIKI_TEMP_NEWPAGE', "TestWikiPage" ); // temporary creating new page name
-// for WikiCommonFunction_TC
-// for WikiSearch_TC
-define ( 'INPUT_SEARCH_BOX', "searchInput" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_SEARCH', "mw-searchButton" );
-define ( 'TEXT_SEARCH_RESULT_HEADING', " - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" );
-// for WikiWatchUnWatch_TC
-define ( 'LINK_WATCH_PAGE', "link=Watch" );
-define ( 'LINK_WATCH_LIST', "link=My watchlist" );
-define ( 'LINK_WATCH_EDIT', "link=View and edit watchlist" );
-define ( 'LINK_UNWATCH', "link=Unwatch" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_WATCH', "wpWatchthis" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_SAVE_WATCH', "wpSave" );
-define ( 'TEXT_WATCH', "Watch" );
-define ( 'TEXT_UNWATCH', "Unwatch" );
-// for WikiCommonFunction_TC
-define ( 'TEXT_LOGOUT', "Log out" );
-define ( 'LINK_LOGOUT', "link=Log out" );
-define ( 'LINK_LOGIN', "link=Log in / create account" );
-define ( 'TEXT_LOGOUT_CONFIRM', "Log in / create account" );
-define ( 'INPUT_USER_NAME', "wpName1" );
-define ( 'INPUT_PASSWD', "wpPassword1" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_LOGIN', "wpLoginAttempt" );
-define ( 'TEXT_HEADING', "Heading" );
-define ( 'LINK_ADVANCED', "link=Advanced" );
-// for WikiDialogs_TC
-define ( 'LINK_ADDLINK', "//div[@id='wikiEditor-ui-toolbar']/div[1]/div[2]/span[2 ]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_LINKNAME', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target" );
-define ( 'TEXT_LINKDISPLAYNAME', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text" );
-define ( 'ICON_PAGEEXISTS', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-exists" );
-define ( 'ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-external" );
-define ( 'OPT_INTERNAL', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int" );
-define ( 'OPT_EXTERNAL', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_INSERTLINK', "//div[10]/div[11]/button[1]" );
-define ( 'LINK_ADDTABLE', "//div[@id='wikiEditor-ui-toolbar']/div[3]/div[1]/div[4]/span[2]" );
-define ( 'CHK_HEADER', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header" );
-define ( 'CHK_BOARDER', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable" );
-define ( 'CHK_SORT', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable" );
-define ( 'TEXT_ROW', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows" );
-define ( 'TEXT_COL', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_INSERTABLE', "//div[3]/button[1]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_HEADTABLE_TEXT', "Header text" );
-define ( 'TEXT_TABLEID_WITHALLFEATURES', "//table[@id='sortable_table_id_0']/tbody/" );
-define ( 'TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/table/tbody/" );
-define ( 'TEXT_VALIDATE_TABLE_PART1', "tr[" );
-define ( 'TEXT_VALIDATE_TABLE_PART2', "]/td[" );
-define ( 'TEXT_VALIDATE_TABLE_PART3', "]" );
-define ( 'LINK_SEARCH', "//div[@id='wikiEditor-ui-toolbar']/div[3]/div[1]/div[5]/span" );
-define ( 'INPUT_SEARCH', "wikieditor-toolbar-replace-search" );
-define ( 'INPUT_REPLACE', "wikieditor-toolbar-replace-replace" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_REPLACEALL', "//button[3]" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_REPLACENEXT', "//button[2]" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_CANCEL', "//button[4]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PREVIEW_TEXT1', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/p[1]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PREVIEW_TEXT2', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/p[2]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PREVIEW_TEXT3', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/p[3]" );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ad4be489..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-class WikiEditorSeleniumConfig {
- public static function getSettings( &$includeFiles, &$globalConfigs ) {
- $includes = array(
- 'extensions/Vector/Vector.php',
- 'extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php'
- );
- $configs = array(
- 'wgDefaultSkin' => 'vector',
- 'wgWikiEditorFeatures' => array(
- 'toolbar' => array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true ),
- 'toc' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false ),
- 'highlight' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false ),
- 'templateEditor' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false ),
- 'dialogs' => array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true )
- ),
- 'wgVectorFeatures' => array(
- 'editwarning' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false )
- )
- );
- $includeFiles = array_merge( $includeFiles, $includes );
- $globalConfigs = array_merge( $globalConfigs, $configs );
- return true;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b4029d3a..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * To configure MW for these tests
- * 1) If you are running multiple test suites, add the following in LocalSettings.php
- * require_once("extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php");
- * $wgSeleniumTestConfigs['WikiEditorTestSuite'] = 'WikiEditorSeleniumConfig::getSettings';
- * OR
- * 2) Add the following to your Localsettings.php
- * require_once( "$IP/extensions/Vector/Vector.php" );
- * require_once( "$IP/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php" );
- * $wgDefaultSkin = 'vector';
- * $wgVectorFeatures['editwarning'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['templateEditor'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['toolbar'] = array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['toc'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['highlight'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['dialogs'] = array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true );
- *
- */
-class WikiEditorTestSuite extends SeleniumTestSuite
- public function setUp() {
- $this->setLoginBeforeTests( false );
- parent::setUp();
- }
- public function addTests() {
- $testFiles = array(
- 'extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php'
- );
- parent::addTestFiles( $testFiles );
- }