path: root/includes/diff
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2009-02-22 13:37:51 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2009-02-22 13:37:51 +0100
commitb9b85843572bf283f48285001e276ba7e61b63f6 (patch)
tree4c6f4571552ada9ccfb4030481dcf77308f8b254 /includes/diff
parentd9a20acc4e789cca747ad360d87ee3f3e7aa58c1 (diff)
updated to MediaWiki 1.14.0
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/diff')
4 files changed, 4144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/diff/Diff.php b/includes/diff/Diff.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..538c2d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/diff/Diff.php
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2008 Guy Van den Broeck <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * or see
+ */
+ * This diff implementation is mainly lifted from the LCS algorithm of the Eclipse project which
+ * in turn is based on Myers' "An O(ND) difference algorithm and its variations"
+ * ( with range compression (see Wu et al.'s
+ * "An O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm").
+ *
+ * This implementation supports an upper bound on the excution time.
+ *
+ * Complexity: O((M + N)D) worst case time, O(M + N + D^2) expected time, O(M + N) space
+ *
+ * @author Guy Van den Broeck
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class WikiDiff3 {
+ //Input variables
+ private $from;
+ private $to;
+ private $m;
+ private $n;
+ private $tooLong;
+ private $powLimit;
+ //State variables
+ private $maxDifferences;
+ private $lcsLengthCorrectedForHeuristic = false;
+ //Output variables
+ public $length;
+ public $removed;
+ public $added;
+ public $heuristicUsed;
+ function __construct($tooLong = 2000000, $powLimit = 1.45){
+ $this->tooLong = $tooLong;
+ $this->powLimit = $powLimit;
+ }
+ public function diff(/*array*/ $from, /*array*/ $to){
+ //remember initial lengths
+ $m = sizeof($from);
+ $n = count($to);
+ $this->heuristicUsed = false;
+ //output
+ $removed = $m > 0 ? array_fill(0, $m, true) : array();
+ $added = $n > 0 ? array_fill(0, $n, true) : array();
+ //reduce the complexity for the next step (intentionally done twice)
+ //remove common tokens at the start
+ $i = 0;
+ while($i < $m && $i < $n && $from[$i] === $to[$i]) {
+ $removed[$i] = $added[$i] = false;
+ unset($from[$i], $to[$i]);
+ ++$i;
+ }
+ //remove common tokens at the end
+ $j = 1;
+ while($i + $j <= $m && $i + $j <= $n && $from[$m - $j] === $to[$n - $j]) {
+ $removed[$m - $j] = $added[$n - $j] = false;
+ unset($from[$m - $j], $to[$n - $j]);
+ ++$j;
+ }
+ $this->from = $newFromIndex = $this->to = $newToIndex = array();
+ //remove tokens not in both sequences
+ $shared = array();
+ foreach( $from as $key ) {
+ $shared[$key] = false;
+ }
+ foreach($to as $index => &$el) {
+ if(array_key_exists($el, $shared)) {
+ //keep it
+ $this->to[] = $el;
+ $shared[$el] = true;
+ $newToIndex[] = $index;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($from as $index => &$el) {
+ if($shared[$el]) {
+ //keep it
+ $this->from[] = $el;
+ $newFromIndex[] = $index;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($shared, $from, $to);
+ $this->m = count($this->from);
+ $this->n = count($this->to);
+ $this->removed = $this->m > 0 ? array_fill(0, $this->m, true) : array();
+ $this->added = $this->n > 0 ? array_fill(0, $this->n, true) : array();
+ if ($this->m == 0 || $this->n == 0) {
+ $this->length = 0;
+ } else {
+ $this->maxDifferences = ceil(($this->m + $this->n) / 2.0);
+ if ($this->m * $this->n > $this->tooLong) {
+ // limit complexity to D^POW_LIMIT for long sequences
+ $this->maxDifferences = floor(pow($this->maxDifferences, $this->powLimit - 1.0));
+ wfDebug("Limiting max number of differences to $this->maxDifferences\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ * The common prefixes and suffixes are always part of some LCS, include
+ * them now to reduce our search space
+ */
+ $max = min($this->m, $this->n);
+ for ($forwardBound = 0; $forwardBound < $max
+ && $this->from[$forwardBound] === $this->to[$forwardBound];
+ ++$forwardBound) {
+ $this->removed[$forwardBound] = $this->added[$forwardBound] = false;
+ }
+ $backBoundL1 = $this->m - 1;
+ $backBoundL2 = $this->n - 1;
+ while ($backBoundL1 >= $forwardBound && $backBoundL2 >= $forwardBound
+ && $this->from[$backBoundL1] === $this->to[$backBoundL2]) {
+ $this->removed[$backBoundL1--] = $this->added[$backBoundL2--] = false;
+ }
+ $temp = array_fill(0, $this->m + $this->n + 1, 0);
+ $V = array($temp, $temp);
+ $snake = array(0, 0, 0);
+ $this->length = $forwardBound + $this->m - $backBoundL1 - 1
+ + $this->lcs_rec($forwardBound, $backBoundL1,
+ $forwardBound, $backBoundL2, $V, $snake);
+ }
+ $this->m = $m;
+ $this->n = $n;
+ $this->length += $i + $j - 1;
+ foreach($this->removed as $key => &$removed_elem) {
+ if(!$removed_elem) {
+ $removed[$newFromIndex[$key]] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($this->added as $key => &$added_elem) {
+ if(!$added_elem) {
+ $added[$newToIndex[$key]] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->removed = $removed;
+ $this->added = $added;
+ }
+ function diff_range($from_lines, $to_lines) {
+ // Diff and store locally
+ $this->diff($from_lines, $to_lines);
+ unset($from_lines, $to_lines);
+ $ranges = array();
+ $xi = $yi = 0;
+ while ($xi < $this->m || $yi < $this->n) {
+ // Matching "snake".
+ while ($xi < $this->m && $yi < $this->n
+ && !$this->removed[$xi]
+ && !$this->added[$yi]) {
+ ++$xi;
+ ++$yi;
+ }
+ // Find deletes & adds.
+ $xstart = $xi;
+ while ($xi < $this->m && $this->removed[$xi]) {
+ ++$xi;
+ }
+ $ystart = $yi;
+ while ($yi < $this->n && $this->added[$yi]) {
+ ++$yi;
+ }
+ if ($xi > $xstart || $yi > $ystart) {
+ $ranges[] = new RangeDifference($xstart, $xi,
+ $ystart, $yi);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ranges;
+ }
+ private function lcs_rec($bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2, $topl2, &$V, &$snake) {
+ // check that both sequences are non-empty
+ if ($bottoml1 > $topl1 || $bottoml2 > $topl2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $d = $this->find_middle_snake($bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2,
+ $topl2, $V, $snake);
+ // need to store these so we don't lose them when they're
+ // overwritten by the recursion
+ $len = $snake[2];
+ $startx = $snake[0];
+ $starty = $snake[1];
+ // the middle snake is part of the LCS, store it
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
+ $this->removed[$startx + $i] = $this->added[$starty + $i] = false;
+ }
+ if ($d > 1) {
+ return $len
+ + $this->lcs_rec($bottoml1, $startx - 1, $bottoml2,
+ $starty - 1, $V, $snake)
+ + $this->lcs_rec($startx + $len, $topl1, $starty + $len,
+ $topl2, $V, $snake);
+ } else if ($d == 1) {
+ /*
+ * In this case the sequences differ by exactly 1 line. We have
+ * already saved all the lines after the difference in the for loop
+ * above, now we need to save all the lines before the difference.
+ */
+ $max = min($startx - $bottoml1, $starty - $bottoml2);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
+ $this->removed[$bottoml1 + $i] =
+ $this->added[$bottoml2 + $i] = false;
+ }
+ return $max + $len;
+ }
+ return $len;
+ }
+ private function find_middle_snake($bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2,$topl2, &$V, &$snake) {
+ $from = &$this->from;
+ $to = &$this->to;
+ $V0 = &$V[0];
+ $V1 = &$V[1];
+ $snake0 = &$snake[0];
+ $snake1 = &$snake[1];
+ $snake2 = &$snake[2];
+ $bottoml1_min_1 = $bottoml1-1;
+ $bottoml2_min_1 = $bottoml2-1;
+ $N = $topl1 - $bottoml1_min_1;
+ $M = $topl2 - $bottoml2_min_1;
+ $delta = $N - $M;
+ $maxabsx = $N+$bottoml1;
+ $maxabsy = $M+$bottoml2;
+ $limit = min($this->maxDifferences, ceil(($N + $M ) / 2));
+ //value_to_add_forward: a 0 or 1 that we add to the start
+ // offset to make it odd/even
+ if (($M & 1) == 1) {
+ $value_to_add_forward = 1;
+ } else {
+ $value_to_add_forward = 0;
+ }
+ if (($N & 1) == 1) {
+ $value_to_add_backward = 1;
+ } else {
+ $value_to_add_backward = 0;
+ }
+ $start_forward = -$M;
+ $end_forward = $N;
+ $start_backward = -$N;
+ $end_backward = $M;
+ $limit_min_1 = $limit - 1;
+ $limit_plus_1 = $limit + 1;
+ $V0[$limit_plus_1] = 0;
+ $V1[$limit_min_1] = $N;
+ $limit = min($this->maxDifferences, ceil(($N + $M ) / 2));
+ if (($delta & 1) == 1) {
+ for ($d = 0; $d <= $limit; ++$d) {
+ $start_diag = max($value_to_add_forward + $start_forward, -$d);
+ $end_diag = min($end_forward, $d);
+ $value_to_add_forward = 1 - $value_to_add_forward;
+ // compute forward furthest reaching paths
+ for ($k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2) {
+ if ($k == -$d || ($k < $d
+ && $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k])) {
+ $x = $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k];
+ } else {
+ $x = $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] + 1;
+ }
+ $absx = $snake0 = $x + $bottoml1;
+ $absy = $snake1 = $x - $k + $bottoml2;
+ while ($absx < $maxabsx && $absy < $maxabsy && $from[$absx] === $to[$absy]) {
+ ++$absx;
+ ++$absy;
+ }
+ $x = $absx-$bottoml1;
+ $snake2 = $absx -$snake0;
+ $V0[$limit + $k] = $x;
+ if ($k >= $delta - $d + 1 && $k <= $delta + $d - 1
+ && $x >= $V1[$limit + $k - $delta]) {
+ return 2 * $d - 1;
+ }
+ // check to see if we can cut down the diagonal range
+ if ($x >= $N && $end_forward > $k - 1) {
+ $end_forward = $k - 1;
+ } else if ($absy - $bottoml2 >= $M) {
+ $start_forward = $k + 1;
+ $value_to_add_forward = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $start_diag = max($value_to_add_backward + $start_backward, -$d);
+ $end_diag = min($end_backward, $d);
+ $value_to_add_backward = 1 - $value_to_add_backward;
+ // compute backward furthest reaching paths
+ for ($k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2) {
+ if ($k == $d
+ || ($k != -$d && $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k])) {
+ $x = $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k];
+ } else {
+ $x = $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k] - 1;
+ }
+ $y = $x - $k - $delta;
+ $snake2 = 0;
+ while ($x > 0 && $y > 0
+ && $from[$x +$bottoml1_min_1] === $to[$y + $bottoml2_min_1]) {
+ --$x;
+ --$y;
+ ++$snake2;
+ }
+ $V1[$limit + $k] = $x;
+ // check to see if we can cut down our diagonal range
+ if ($x <= 0) {
+ $start_backward = $k + 1;
+ $value_to_add_backward = 0;
+ } else if ($y <= 0 && $end_backward > $k - 1) {
+ $end_backward = $k - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ($d = 0; $d <= $limit; ++$d) {
+ $start_diag = max($value_to_add_forward + $start_forward, -$d);
+ $end_diag = min($end_forward, $d);
+ $value_to_add_forward = 1 - $value_to_add_forward;
+ // compute forward furthest reaching paths
+ for ($k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2) {
+ if ($k == -$d
+ || ($k < $d && $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k])) {
+ $x = $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k];
+ } else {
+ $x = $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] + 1;
+ }
+ $absx = $snake0 = $x + $bottoml1;
+ $absy = $snake1 = $x - $k + $bottoml2;
+ while ($absx < $maxabsx && $absy < $maxabsy && $from[$absx] === $to[$absy]) {
+ ++$absx;
+ ++$absy;
+ }
+ $x = $absx-$bottoml1;
+ $snake2 = $absx -$snake0;
+ $V0[$limit + $k] = $x;
+ // check to see if we can cut down the diagonal range
+ if ($x >= $N && $end_forward > $k - 1) {
+ $end_forward = $k - 1;
+ } else if ($absy-$bottoml2 >= $M) {
+ $start_forward = $k + 1;
+ $value_to_add_forward = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $start_diag = max($value_to_add_backward + $start_backward, -$d);
+ $end_diag = min($end_backward, $d);
+ $value_to_add_backward = 1 - $value_to_add_backward;
+ // compute backward furthest reaching paths
+ for ($k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2) {
+ if ($k == $d
+ || ($k != -$d && $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k])) {
+ $x = $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k];
+ } else {
+ $x = $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k] - 1;
+ }
+ $y = $x - $k - $delta;
+ $snake2 = 0;
+ while ($x > 0 && $y > 0
+ && $from[$x +$bottoml1_min_1] === $to[$y + $bottoml2_min_1]) {
+ --$x;
+ --$y;
+ ++$snake2;
+ }
+ $V1[$limit + $k] = $x;
+ if ($k >= -$delta - $d && $k <= $d - $delta
+ && $x <= $V0[$limit + $k + $delta]) {
+ $snake0 = $bottoml1 + $x;
+ $snake1 = $bottoml2 + $y;
+ return 2 * $d;
+ }
+ // check to see if we can cut down our diagonal range
+ if ($x <= 0) {
+ $start_backward = $k + 1;
+ $value_to_add_backward = 0;
+ } else if ($y <= 0 && $end_backward > $k - 1) {
+ $end_backward = $k - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * computing the true LCS is too expensive, instead find the diagonal
+ * with the most progress and pretend a midle snake of length 0 occurs
+ * there.
+ */
+ $most_progress = self::findMostProgress($M, $N, $limit, $V);
+ $snake0 = $bottoml1 + $most_progress[0];
+ $snake1 = $bottoml2 + $most_progress[1];
+ $snake2 = 0;
+ wfDebug("Computing the LCS is too expensive. Using a heuristic.\n");
+ $this->heuristicUsed = true;
+ return 5; /*
+ * HACK: since we didn't really finish the LCS computation
+ * we don't really know the length of the SES. We don't do
+ * anything with the result anyway, unless it's <=1. We know
+ * for a fact SES > 1 so 5 is as good a number as any to
+ * return here
+ */
+ }
+ private static function findMostProgress($M, $N, $limit, $V) {
+ $delta = $N - $M;
+ if (($M & 1) == ($limit & 1)) {
+ $forward_start_diag = max(-$M, -$limit);
+ } else {
+ $forward_start_diag = max(1 - $M, -$limit);
+ }
+ $forward_end_diag = min($N, $limit);
+ if (($N & 1) == ($limit & 1)) {
+ $backward_start_diag = max(-$N, -$limit);
+ } else {
+ $backward_start_diag = max(1 - $N, -$limit);
+ }
+ $backward_end_diag = -min($M, $limit);
+ $temp = array(0, 0, 0);
+ $max_progress = array_fill(0, ceil(max($forward_end_diag - $forward_start_diag,
+ $backward_end_diag - $backward_start_diag) / 2), $temp);
+ $num_progress = 0; // the 1st entry is current, it is initialized
+ // with 0s
+ // first search the forward diagonals
+ for ($k = $forward_start_diag; $k <= $forward_end_diag; $k += 2) {
+ $x = $V[0][$limit + $k];
+ $y = $x - $k;
+ if ($x > $N || $y > $M) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $progress = $x + $y;
+ if ($progress > $max_progress[0][2]) {
+ $num_progress = 0;
+ $max_progress[0][0] = $x;
+ $max_progress[0][1] = $y;
+ $max_progress[0][2] = $progress;
+ } else if ($progress == $max_progress[0][2]) {
+ ++$num_progress;
+ $max_progress[$num_progress][0] = $x;
+ $max_progress[$num_progress][1] = $y;
+ $max_progress[$num_progress][2] = $progress;
+ }
+ }
+ $max_progress_forward = true; // initially the maximum
+ // progress is in the forward
+ // direction
+ // now search the backward diagonals
+ for ($k = $backward_start_diag; $k <= $backward_end_diag; $k += 2) {
+ $x = $V[1][$limit + $k];
+ $y = $x - $k - $delta;
+ if ($x < 0 || $y < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $progress = $N - $x + $M - $y;
+ if ($progress > $max_progress[0][2]) {
+ $num_progress = 0;
+ $max_progress_forward = false;
+ $max_progress[0][0] = $x;
+ $max_progress[0][1] = $y;
+ $max_progress[0][2] = $progress;
+ } else if ($progress == $max_progress[0][2] && !$max_progress_forward) {
+ ++$num_progress;
+ $max_progress[$num_progress][0] = $x;
+ $max_progress[$num_progress][1] = $y;
+ $max_progress[$num_progress][2] = $progress;
+ }
+ }
+ // return the middle diagonal with maximal progress.
+ return $max_progress[floor($num_progress / 2)];
+ }
+ public function getLcsLength(){
+ if($this->heuristicUsed && !$this->lcsLengthCorrectedForHeuristic){
+ $this->lcsLengthCorrectedForHeuristic = true;
+ $this->length = $this->m-array_sum($this->added);
+ }
+ return $this->length;
+ }
+ * Alternative representation of a set of changes, by the index
+ * ranges that are changed.
+ *
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class RangeDifference {
+ public $leftstart;
+ public $leftend;
+ public $leftlength;
+ public $rightstart;
+ public $rightend;
+ public $rightlength;
+ function __construct($leftstart, $leftend, $rightstart, $rightend){
+ $this->leftstart = $leftstart;
+ $this->leftend = $leftend;
+ $this->leftlength = $leftend - $leftstart;
+ $this->rightstart = $rightstart;
+ $this->rightend = $rightend;
+ $this->rightlength = $rightend - $rightstart;
+ }
diff --git a/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php b/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b30ff190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/diff/DifferenceEngine.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2120 @@
+ * @defgroup DifferenceEngine DifferenceEngine
+ */
+ * Constant to indicate diff cache compatibility.
+ * Bump this when changing the diff formatting in a way that
+ * fixes important bugs or such to force cached diff views to
+ * clear.
+ */
+define( 'MW_DIFF_VERSION', '1.11a' );
+ * @todo document
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class DifferenceEngine {
+ /**#@+
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $mOldid, $mNewid, $mTitle;
+ var $mOldtitle, $mNewtitle, $mPagetitle;
+ var $mOldtext, $mNewtext;
+ var $mOldPage, $mNewPage;
+ var $mRcidMarkPatrolled;
+ var $mOldRev, $mNewRev;
+ var $mRevisionsLoaded = false; // Have the revisions been loaded
+ var $mTextLoaded = 0; // How many text blobs have been loaded, 0, 1 or 2?
+ var $htmldiff;
+ /**#@-*/
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param $titleObj Title object that the diff is associated with
+ * @param $old Integer: old ID we want to show and diff with.
+ * @param $new String: either 'prev' or 'next'.
+ * @param $rcid Integer: ??? FIXME (default 0)
+ * @param $refreshCache boolean If set, refreshes the diff cache
+ * @param $htmldiff boolean If set, output using HTMLDiff instead of raw wikicode diff
+ */
+ function __construct( $titleObj = null, $old = 0, $new = 0, $rcid = 0, $refreshCache = false , $htmldiff = false) {
+ $this->mTitle = $titleObj;
+ wfDebug("DifferenceEngine old '$old' new '$new' rcid '$rcid'\n");
+ if ( 'prev' === $new ) {
+ # Show diff between revision $old and the previous one.
+ # Get previous one from DB.
+ #
+ $this->mNewid = intval($old);
+ $this->mOldid = $this->mTitle->getPreviousRevisionID( $this->mNewid );
+ } elseif ( 'next' === $new ) {
+ # Show diff between revision $old and the previous one.
+ # Get previous one from DB.
+ #
+ $this->mOldid = intval($old);
+ $this->mNewid = $this->mTitle->getNextRevisionID( $this->mOldid );
+ if ( false === $this->mNewid ) {
+ # if no result, NewId points to the newest old revision. The only newer
+ # revision is cur, which is "0".
+ $this->mNewid = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->mOldid = intval($old);
+ $this->mNewid = intval($new);
+ }
+ $this->mRcidMarkPatrolled = intval($rcid); # force it to be an integer
+ $this->mRefreshCache = $refreshCache;
+ $this->htmldiff = $htmldiff;
+ }
+ function getTitle() {
+ return $this->mTitle;
+ }
+ function showDiffPage( $diffOnly = false ) {
+ global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgUseExternalEditor, $wgUseRCPatrol, $wgEnableHtmlDiff;
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ # If external diffs are enabled both globally and for the user,
+ # we'll use the application/x-external-editor interface to call
+ # an external diff tool like kompare, kdiff3, etc.
+ if($wgUseExternalEditor && $wgUser->getOption('externaldiff')) {
+ global $wgInputEncoding,$wgServer,$wgScript,$wgLang;
+ $wgOut->disable();
+ header ( "Content-type: application/x-external-editor; charset=".$wgInputEncoding );
+ $url1=$this->mTitle->getFullURL("action=raw&oldid=".$this->mOldid);
+ $url2=$this->mTitle->getFullURL("action=raw&oldid=".$this->mNewid);
+ $special=$wgLang->getNsText(NS_SPECIAL);
+ $control=<<<CONTROL
+ [Process]
+ Type=Diff text
+ Engine=MediaWiki
+ Script={$wgServer}{$wgScript}
+ Special namespace={$special}
+ [File]
+ Extension=wiki
+ URL=$url1
+ [File 2]
+ Extension=wiki
+ URL=$url2
+ echo($control);
+ return;
+ }
+ $wgOut->setArticleFlag( false );
+ if ( ! $this->loadRevisionData() ) {
+ $t = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
+ $d = wfMsgExt( 'missingarticle-diff', array( 'escape' ), $this->mOldid, $this->mNewid );
+ $wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( 'errorpagetitle' ) );
+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'missing-article', "<nowiki>$t</nowiki>", $d );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return;
+ }
+ wfRunHooks( 'DiffViewHeader', array( $this, $this->mOldRev, $this->mNewRev ) );
+ if ( $this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ $wgOut->setArticleFlag( true );
+ }
+ # mOldid is false if the difference engine is called with a "vague" query for
+ # a diff between a version V and its previous version V' AND the version V
+ # is the first version of that article. In that case, V' does not exist.
+ if ( $this->mOldid === false ) {
+ $this->showFirstRevision();
+ $this->renderNewRevision(); // should we respect $diffOnly here or not?
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return;
+ }
+ $wgOut->suppressQuickbar();
+ $oldTitle = $this->mOldPage->getPrefixedText();
+ $newTitle = $this->mNewPage->getPrefixedText();
+ if( $oldTitle == $newTitle ) {
+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( $newTitle );
+ } else {
+ $wgOut->setPageTitle( $oldTitle . ', ' . $newTitle );
+ }
+ $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsgExt( 'difference', array( 'parseinline' ) ) );
+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
+ if ( !$this->mOldPage->userCanRead() || !$this->mNewPage->userCanRead() ) {
+ $wgOut->loginToUse();
+ $wgOut->output();
+ $wgOut->disable();
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return;
+ }
+ $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
+ // Check if page is editable
+ $editable = $this->mNewRev->getTitle()->userCan( 'edit' );
+ if ( $editable && $this->mNewRev->isCurrent() && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'rollback' ) ) {
+ $rollback = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $sk->generateRollback( $this->mNewRev );
+ } else {
+ $rollback = '';
+ }
+ // Prepare a change patrol link, if applicable
+ if( $wgUseRCPatrol && $this->mTitle->userCan('patrol') ) {
+ // If we've been given an explicit change identifier, use it; saves time
+ if( $this->mRcidMarkPatrolled ) {
+ $rcid = $this->mRcidMarkPatrolled;
+ } else {
+ // Look for an unpatrolled change corresponding to this diff
+ $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+ $change = RecentChange::newFromConds(
+ array(
+ // Add redundant user,timestamp condition so we can use the existing index
+ 'rc_user_text' => $this->mNewRev->getUserText( Revision::FOR_THIS_USER ),
+ 'rc_timestamp' => $db->timestamp( $this->mNewRev->getTimestamp() ),
+ 'rc_this_oldid' => $this->mNewid,
+ 'rc_last_oldid' => $this->mOldid,
+ 'rc_patrolled' => 0
+ ),
+ __METHOD__
+ );
+ if( $change instanceof RecentChange ) {
+ $rcid = $change->mAttribs['rc_id'];
+ } else {
+ // None found
+ $rcid = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Build the link
+ if( $rcid ) {
+ $patrol = ' <span class="patrollink">[' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj(
+ $this->mTitle,
+ wfMsgHtml( 'markaspatrolleddiff' ),
+ "action=markpatrolled&rcid={$rcid}"
+ ) . ']</span>';
+ } else {
+ $patrol = '';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $patrol = '';
+ }
+ $htmldiffarg = $this->htmlDiffArgument();
+ $prevlink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->mTitle, wfMsgHtml( 'previousdiff' ),
+ 'diff=prev&oldid='.$this->mOldid.$htmldiffarg, '', '', 'id="differences-prevlink"' );
+ if ( $this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ $nextlink = '&nbsp;';
+ } else {
+ $nextlink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->mTitle, wfMsgHtml( 'nextdiff' ),
+ 'diff=next&oldid='.$this->mNewid.$htmldiffarg, '', '', 'id="differences-nextlink"' );
+ }
+ $oldminor = '';
+ $newminor = '';
+ if ($this->mOldRev->mMinorEdit == 1) {
+ $oldminor = Xml::span( wfMsg( 'minoreditletter' ), 'minor' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ($this->mNewRev->mMinorEdit == 1) {
+ $newminor = Xml::span( wfMsg( 'minoreditletter' ), 'minor' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ $rdel = ''; $ldel = '';
+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'deleterevision' ) ) {
+ $revdel = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Revisiondelete' );
+ if( !$this->mOldRev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) ) {
+ // If revision was hidden from sysops
+ $ldel = wfMsgHtml( 'rev-delundel' );
+ } else {
+ $ldel = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $revdel,
+ wfMsgHtml( 'rev-delundel' ),
+ 'target=' . urlencode( $this->mOldRev->mTitle->getPrefixedDbkey() ) .
+ '&oldid=' . urlencode( $this->mOldRev->getId() ) );
+ // Bolden oversighted content
+ if( $this->mOldRev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) )
+ $ldel = "<strong>$ldel</strong>";
+ }
+ $ldel = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>(<small>$ldel</small>)</tt> ";
+ // We don't currently handle well changing the top revision's settings
+ if( $this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ // If revision was hidden from sysops
+ $rdel = wfMsgHtml( 'rev-delundel' );
+ } else if( !$this->mNewRev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) ) {
+ // If revision was hidden from sysops
+ $rdel = wfMsgHtml( 'rev-delundel' );
+ } else {
+ $rdel = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $revdel,
+ wfMsgHtml( 'rev-delundel' ),
+ 'target=' . urlencode( $this->mNewRev->mTitle->getPrefixedDbkey() ) .
+ '&oldid=' . urlencode( $this->mNewRev->getId() ) );
+ // Bolden oversighted content
+ if( $this->mNewRev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) )
+ $rdel = "<strong>$rdel</strong>";
+ }
+ $rdel = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>(<small>$rdel</small>)</tt> ";
+ }
+ $oldHeader = '<div id="mw-diff-otitle1"><strong>'.$this->mOldtitle.'</strong></div>' .
+ '<div id="mw-diff-otitle2">' . $sk->revUserTools( $this->mOldRev, true ) . "</div>" .
+ '<div id="mw-diff-otitle3">' . $oldminor . $sk->revComment( $this->mOldRev, !$diffOnly, true ) . $ldel . "</div>" .
+ '<div id="mw-diff-otitle4">' . $prevlink .'</div>';
+ $newHeader = '<div id="mw-diff-ntitle1"><strong>'.$this->mNewtitle.'</strong></div>' .
+ '<div id="mw-diff-ntitle2">' . $sk->revUserTools( $this->mNewRev, true ) . " $rollback</div>" .
+ '<div id="mw-diff-ntitle3">' . $newminor . $sk->revComment( $this->mNewRev, !$diffOnly, true ) . $rdel . "</div>" .
+ '<div id="mw-diff-ntitle4">' . $nextlink . $patrol . '</div>';
+ if( $wgEnableHtmlDiff && $this->htmldiff) {
+ $multi = $this->getMultiNotice();
+ $wgOut->addHTML('<div class="diff-switchtype">'.$sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->mTitle, wfMsgHtml( 'wikicodecomparison' ),
+ 'diff='.$this->mNewid.'&oldid='.$this->mOldid.'&htmldiff=0', '', '', 'id="differences-switchtype"' ).'</div>');
+ $wgOut->addHTML( $this->addHeader( '', $oldHeader, $newHeader, $multi ) );
+ $this->renderHtmlDiff();
+ } else {
+ if($wgEnableHtmlDiff){
+ $wgOut->addHTML('<div class="diff-switchtype">'.$sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->mTitle, wfMsgHtml( 'visualcomparison' ),
+ 'diff='.$this->mNewid.'&oldid='.$this->mOldid.'&htmldiff=1', '', '', 'id="differences-switchtype"' ).'</div>');
+ }
+ $this->showDiff( $oldHeader, $newHeader );
+ if( !$diffOnly ) {
+ $this->renderNewRevision();
+ }
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Show the new revision of the page.
+ */
+ function renderNewRevision() {
+ global $wgOut;
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<hr /><h2>{$this->mPagetitle}</h2>\n" );
+ #add deleted rev tag if needed
+ if( !$this->mNewRev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'rev-deleted-text-permission' );
+ } else if( $this->mNewRev->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'rev-deleted-text-view' );
+ }
+ if( !$this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ $oldEditSectionSetting = $wgOut->parserOptions()->setEditSection( false );
+ }
+ $this->loadNewText();
+ if( is_object( $this->mNewRev ) ) {
+ $wgOut->setRevisionId( $this->mNewRev->getId() );
+ }
+ if ($this->mTitle->isCssJsSubpage() || $this->mTitle->isCssOrJsPage()) {
+ // Stolen from Article::view --AG 2007-10-11
+ // Give hooks a chance to customise the output
+ if( wfRunHooks( 'ShowRawCssJs', array( $this->mNewtext, $this->mTitle, $wgOut ) ) ) {
+ // Wrap the whole lot in a <pre> and don't parse
+ $m = array();
+ preg_match( '!\.(css|js)$!u', $this->mTitle->getText(), $m );
+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<pre class=\"mw-code mw-{$m[1]}\" dir=\"ltr\">\n" );
+ $wgOut->addHTML( htmlspecialchars( $this->mNewtext ) );
+ $wgOut->addHTML( "\n</pre>\n" );
+ }
+ } else
+ $wgOut->addWikiTextTidy( $this->mNewtext );
+ if( !$this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ $wgOut->parserOptions()->setEditSection( $oldEditSectionSetting );
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ function renderHtmlDiff() {
+ global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgParser, $wgDebugComments;
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $this->showDiffStyle();
+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<h2>'.wfMsgHtml( 'visual-comparison' )."</h2>\n" );
+ #add deleted rev tag if needed
+ if( !$this->mNewRev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'rev-deleted-text-permission' );
+ } else if( $this->mNewRev->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'rev-deleted-text-view' );
+ }
+ if( !$this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ $oldEditSectionSetting = $wgOut->parserOptions()->setEditSection( false );
+ }
+ $this->loadText();
+ // Old revision
+ if( is_object( $this->mOldRev ) ) {
+ $wgOut->setRevisionId( $this->mOldRev->getId() );
+ }
+ $popts = $wgOut->parserOptions();
+ $oldTidy = $popts->setTidy( true );
+ $popts->setEditSection( false );
+ $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $this->mOldtext, $wgTitle, $popts, true, true, $wgOut->getRevisionId() );
+ $popts->setTidy( $oldTidy );
+ //only for new?
+ //$wgOut->addParserOutputNoText( $parserOutput );
+ $oldHtml = $parserOutput->getText();
+ wfRunHooks( 'OutputPageBeforeHTML', array( &$wgOut, &$oldHtml ) );
+ // New revision
+ if( is_object( $this->mNewRev ) ) {
+ $wgOut->setRevisionId( $this->mNewRev->getId() );
+ }
+ $popts = $wgOut->parserOptions();
+ $oldTidy = $popts->setTidy( true );
+ $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $this->mNewtext, $wgTitle, $popts, true, true, $wgOut->getRevisionId() );
+ $popts->setTidy( $oldTidy );
+ $wgOut->addParserOutputNoText( $parserOutput );
+ $newHtml = $parserOutput->getText();
+ wfRunHooks( 'OutputPageBeforeHTML', array( &$wgOut, &$newHtml ) );
+ unset($parserOutput, $popts);
+ $differ = new HTMLDiffer(new DelegatingContentHandler($wgOut));
+ $differ->htmlDiff($oldHtml, $newHtml);
+ if ( $wgDebugComments ) {
+ $wgOut->addHTML( "\n<!-- HtmlDiff Debug Output:\n" . HTMLDiffer::getDebugOutput() . " End Debug -->" );
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Show the first revision of an article. Uses normal diff headers in
+ * contrast to normal "old revision" display style.
+ */
+ function showFirstRevision() {
+ global $wgOut, $wgUser;
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ # Get article text from the DB
+ #
+ if ( ! $this->loadNewText() ) {
+ $t = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText();
+ $d = wfMsgExt( 'missingarticle-diff', array( 'escape' ), $this->mOldid, $this->mNewid );
+ $wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( 'errorpagetitle' ) );
+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'missing-article', "<nowiki>$t</nowiki>", $d );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ $wgOut->setArticleFlag( true );
+ }
+ # Check if user is allowed to look at this page. If not, bail out.
+ #
+ if ( !$this->mTitle->userCanRead() ) {
+ $wgOut->loginToUse();
+ $wgOut->output();
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ throw new MWException("Permission Error: you do not have access to view this page");
+ }
+ # Prepare the header box
+ #
+ $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
+ $nextlink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->mTitle, wfMsgHtml( 'nextdiff' ), 'diff=next&oldid='.$this->mNewid.$this->htmlDiffArgument(), '', '', 'id="differences-nextlink"' );
+ $header = "<div class=\"firstrevisionheader\" style=\"text-align: center\"><strong>{$this->mOldtitle}</strong><br />" .
+ $sk->revUserTools( $this->mNewRev ) . "<br />" .
+ $sk->revComment( $this->mNewRev ) . "<br />" .
+ $nextlink . "</div>\n";
+ $wgOut->addHTML( $header );
+ $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsgExt( 'difference', array( 'parseinline' ) ) );
+ $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ function htmlDiffArgument(){
+ global $wgEnableHtmlDiff;
+ if($wgEnableHtmlDiff){
+ if($this->htmldiff){
+ return '&htmldiff=1';
+ }else{
+ return '&htmldiff=0';
+ }
+ }else{
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the diff text, send it to $wgOut
+ * Returns false if the diff could not be generated, otherwise returns true
+ */
+ function showDiff( $otitle, $ntitle ) {
+ global $wgOut;
+ $diff = $this->getDiff( $otitle, $ntitle );
+ if ( $diff === false ) {
+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'missing-article', "<nowiki>(fixme, bug)</nowiki>", '' );
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $this->showDiffStyle();
+ $wgOut->addHTML( $diff );
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add style sheets and supporting JS for diff display.
+ */
+ function showDiffStyle() {
+ global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion, $wgOut;
+ $wgOut->addStyle( 'common/diff.css' );
+ // JS is needed to detect old versions of Mozilla to work around an annoyance bug.
+ $wgOut->addScript( "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$wgStylePath/common/diff.js?$wgStyleVersion\"></script>" );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get complete diff table, including header
+ *
+ * @param Title $otitle Old title
+ * @param Title $ntitle New title
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ function getDiff( $otitle, $ntitle ) {
+ $body = $this->getDiffBody();
+ if ( $body === false ) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $multi = $this->getMultiNotice();
+ return $this->addHeader( $body, $otitle, $ntitle, $multi );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the diff table body, without header
+ *
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ function getDiffBody() {
+ global $wgMemc;
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ // Check if the diff should be hidden from this user
+ if ( $this->mOldRev && !$this->mOldRev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ return '';
+ } else if ( $this->mNewRev && !$this->mNewRev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // Cacheable?
+ $key = false;
+ if ( $this->mOldid && $this->mNewid ) {
+ $key = wfMemcKey( 'diff', 'version', MW_DIFF_VERSION, 'oldid', $this->mOldid, 'newid', $this->mNewid );
+ // Try cache
+ if ( !$this->mRefreshCache ) {
+ $difftext = $wgMemc->get( $key );
+ if ( $difftext ) {
+ wfIncrStats( 'diff_cache_hit' );
+ $difftext = $this->localiseLineNumbers( $difftext );
+ $difftext .= "\n<!-- diff cache key $key -->\n";
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $difftext;
+ }
+ } // don't try to load but save the result
+ }
+ // Loadtext is permission safe, this just clears out the diff
+ if ( !$this->loadText() ) {
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $difftext = $this->generateDiffBody( $this->mOldtext, $this->mNewtext );
+ // Save to cache for 7 days
+ if ( !wfRunHooks( 'AbortDiffCache', array( &$this ) ) ) {
+ wfIncrStats( 'diff_uncacheable' );
+ } else if ( $key !== false && $difftext !== false ) {
+ wfIncrStats( 'diff_cache_miss' );
+ $wgMemc->set( $key, $difftext, 7*86400 );
+ } else {
+ wfIncrStats( 'diff_uncacheable' );
+ }
+ // Replace line numbers with the text in the user's language
+ if ( $difftext !== false ) {
+ $difftext = $this->localiseLineNumbers( $difftext );
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $difftext;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a diff, no caching
+ * $otext and $ntext must be already segmented
+ */
+ function generateDiffBody( $otext, $ntext ) {
+ global $wgExternalDiffEngine, $wgContLang;
+ $otext = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $otext );
+ $ntext = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $ntext );
+ if ( $wgExternalDiffEngine == 'wikidiff' ) {
+ # For historical reasons, external diff engine expects
+ # input text to be HTML-escaped already
+ $otext = htmlspecialchars ( $wgContLang->segmentForDiff( $otext ) );
+ $ntext = htmlspecialchars ( $wgContLang->segmentForDiff( $ntext ) );
+ if( !function_exists( 'wikidiff_do_diff' ) ) {
+ dl('');
+ }
+ return $wgContLang->unsegementForDiff( wikidiff_do_diff( $otext, $ntext, 2 ) ) .
+ $this->debug( 'wikidiff1' );
+ }
+ if ( $wgExternalDiffEngine == 'wikidiff2' ) {
+ # Better external diff engine, the 2 may some day be dropped
+ # This one does the escaping and segmenting itself
+ if ( !function_exists( 'wikidiff2_do_diff' ) ) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . "-dl" );
+ @dl('');
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . "-dl" );
+ }
+ if ( function_exists( 'wikidiff2_do_diff' ) ) {
+ wfProfileIn( 'wikidiff2_do_diff' );
+ $text = wikidiff2_do_diff( $otext, $ntext, 2 );
+ $text .= $this->debug( 'wikidiff2' );
+ wfProfileOut( 'wikidiff2_do_diff' );
+ return $text;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $wgExternalDiffEngine != 'wikidiff3' && $wgExternalDiffEngine !== false ) {
+ # Diff via the shell
+ global $wgTmpDirectory;
+ $tempName1 = tempnam( $wgTmpDirectory, 'diff_' );
+ $tempName2 = tempnam( $wgTmpDirectory, 'diff_' );
+ $tempFile1 = fopen( $tempName1, "w" );
+ if ( !$tempFile1 ) {
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $tempFile2 = fopen( $tempName2, "w" );
+ if ( !$tempFile2 ) {
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ fwrite( $tempFile1, $otext );
+ fwrite( $tempFile2, $ntext );
+ fclose( $tempFile1 );
+ fclose( $tempFile2 );
+ $cmd = wfEscapeShellArg( $wgExternalDiffEngine, $tempName1, $tempName2 );
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . "-shellexec" );
+ $difftext = wfShellExec( $cmd );
+ $difftext .= $this->debug( "external $wgExternalDiffEngine" );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . "-shellexec" );
+ unlink( $tempName1 );
+ unlink( $tempName2 );
+ return $difftext;
+ }
+ # Native PHP diff
+ $ota = explode( "\n", $wgContLang->segmentForDiff( $otext ) );
+ $nta = explode( "\n", $wgContLang->segmentForDiff( $ntext ) );
+ $diffs = new Diff( $ota, $nta );
+ $formatter = new TableDiffFormatter();
+ return $wgContLang->unsegmentForDiff( $formatter->format( $diffs ) ) .
+ $this->debug();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a debug comment indicating diff generating time,
+ * server node, and generator backend.
+ */
+ protected function debug( $generator="internal" ) {
+ global $wgShowHostnames;
+ $data = array( $generator );
+ if( $wgShowHostnames ) {
+ $data[] = wfHostname();
+ }
+ $data[] = wfTimestamp( TS_DB );
+ return "<!-- diff generator: " .
+ implode( " ",
+ array_map(
+ "htmlspecialchars",
+ $data ) ) .
+ " -->\n";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace line numbers with the text in the user's language
+ */
+ function localiseLineNumbers( $text ) {
+ return preg_replace_callback( '/<!--LINE (\d+)-->/',
+ array( &$this, 'localiseLineNumbersCb' ), $text );
+ }
+ function localiseLineNumbersCb( $matches ) {
+ global $wgLang;
+ return wfMsgExt( 'lineno', array( 'parseinline' ), $wgLang->formatNum( $matches[1] ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * If there are revisions between the ones being compared, return a note saying so.
+ */
+ function getMultiNotice() {
+ if ( !is_object($this->mOldRev) || !is_object($this->mNewRev) )
+ return '';
+ if( !$this->mOldPage->equals( $this->mNewPage ) ) {
+ // Comparing two different pages? Count would be meaningless.
+ return '';
+ }
+ $oldid = $this->mOldRev->getId();
+ $newid = $this->mNewRev->getId();
+ if ( $oldid > $newid ) {
+ $tmp = $oldid; $oldid = $newid; $newid = $tmp;
+ }
+ $n = $this->mTitle->countRevisionsBetween( $oldid, $newid );
+ if ( !$n )
+ return '';
+ return wfMsgExt( 'diff-multi', array( 'parseinline' ), $n );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add the header to a diff body
+ */
+ static function addHeader( $diff, $otitle, $ntitle, $multi = '' ) {
+ $header = "
+ <table class='diff'>
+ <col class='diff-marker' />
+ <col class='diff-content' />
+ <col class='diff-marker' />
+ <col class='diff-content' />
+ <tr valign='top'>
+ <td colspan='2' class='diff-otitle'>{$otitle}</td>
+ <td colspan='2' class='diff-ntitle'>{$ntitle}</td>
+ </tr>
+ ";
+ if ( $multi != '' )
+ $header .= "<tr><td colspan='4' align='center' class='diff-multi'>{$multi}</td></tr>";
+ return $header . $diff . "</table>";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use specified text instead of loading from the database
+ */
+ function setText( $oldText, $newText ) {
+ $this->mOldtext = $oldText;
+ $this->mNewtext = $newText;
+ $this->mTextLoaded = 2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load revision metadata for the specified articles. If newid is 0, then compare
+ * the old article in oldid to the current article; if oldid is 0, then
+ * compare the current article to the immediately previous one (ignoring the
+ * value of newid).
+ *
+ * If oldid is false, leave the corresponding revision object set
+ * to false. This is impossible via ordinary user input, and is provided for
+ * API convenience.
+ */
+ function loadRevisionData() {
+ global $wgLang, $wgUser;
+ if ( $this->mRevisionsLoaded ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Whether it succeeds or fails, we don't want to try again
+ $this->mRevisionsLoaded = true;
+ }
+ // Load the new revision object
+ $this->mNewRev = $this->mNewid
+ ? Revision::newFromId( $this->mNewid )
+ : Revision::newFromTitle( $this->mTitle );
+ if( !$this->mNewRev instanceof Revision )
+ return false;
+ // Update the new revision ID in case it was 0 (makes life easier doing UI stuff)
+ $this->mNewid = $this->mNewRev->getId();
+ // Check if page is editable
+ $editable = $this->mNewRev->getTitle()->userCan( 'edit' );
+ // Set assorted variables
+ $timestamp = $wgLang->timeanddate( $this->mNewRev->getTimestamp(), true );
+ $this->mNewPage = $this->mNewRev->getTitle();
+ if( $this->mNewRev->isCurrent() ) {
+ $newLink = $this->mNewPage->escapeLocalUrl( 'oldid=' . $this->mNewid );
+ $this->mPagetitle = wfMsgHTML( 'currentrev-asof', $timestamp );
+ $newEdit = $this->mNewPage->escapeLocalUrl( 'action=edit' );
+ $this->mNewtitle = "<a href='$newLink'>{$this->mPagetitle}</a>";
+ $this->mNewtitle .= " (<a href='$newEdit'>" . wfMsgHtml( $editable ? 'editold' : 'viewsourceold' ) . "</a>)";
+ } else {
+ $newLink = $this->mNewPage->escapeLocalUrl( 'oldid=' . $this->mNewid );
+ $newEdit = $this->mNewPage->escapeLocalUrl( 'action=edit&oldid=' . $this->mNewid );
+ $this->mPagetitle = wfMsgHTML( 'revisionasof', $timestamp );
+ $this->mNewtitle = "<a href='$newLink'>{$this->mPagetitle}</a>";
+ $this->mNewtitle .= " (<a href='$newEdit'>" . wfMsgHtml( $editable ? 'editold' : 'viewsourceold' ) . "</a>)";
+ }
+ if ( !$this->mNewRev->userCan(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ $this->mNewtitle = "<span class='history-deleted'>{$this->mPagetitle}</span>";
+ } else if ( $this->mNewRev->isDeleted(Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
+ $this->mNewtitle = '<span class="history-deleted">'.$this->mNewtitle.'</span>';
+ }
+ // Load the old revision object
+ $this->mOldRev = false;
+ if( $this->mOldid ) {
+ $this->mOldRev = Revision::newFromId( $this->mOldid );
+ } elseif ( $this->mOldid === 0 ) {
+ $rev = $this->mNewRev->getPrevious();
+ if( $rev ) {
+ $this->mOldid = $rev->getId();
+ $this->mOldRev = $rev;
+ } else {
+ // No previous revision; mark to show as first-version only.
+ $this->mOldid = false;
+ $this->mOldRev = false;
+ }
+ }/* elseif ( $this->mOldid === false ) leave mOldRev false; */
+ if( is_null( $this->mOldRev ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( $this->mOldRev ) {
+ $this->mOldPage = $this->mOldRev->getTitle();
+ $t = $wgLang->timeanddate( $this->mOldRev->getTimestamp(), true );
+ $oldLink = $this->mOldPage->escapeLocalUrl( 'oldid=' . $this->mOldid );
+ $oldEdit = $this->mOldPage->escapeLocalUrl( 'action=edit&oldid=' . $this->mOldid );
+ $this->mOldPagetitle = htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'revisionasof', $t ) );
+ $this->mOldtitle = "<a href='$oldLink'>{$this->mOldPagetitle}</a>"
+ . " (<a href='$oldEdit'>" . wfMsgHtml( $editable ? 'editold' : 'viewsourceold' ) . "</a>)";
+ // Add an "undo" link
+ $newUndo = $this->mNewPage->escapeLocalUrl( 'action=edit&undoafter=' . $this->mOldid . '&undo=' . $this->mNewid);
+ $htmlLink = htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'editundo' ) );
+ $htmlTitle = $wgUser->getSkin()->tooltip( 'undo' );
+ if( $editable && !$this->mOldRev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) && !$this->mNewRev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) ) {
+ $this->mNewtitle .= " (<a href='$newUndo' $htmlTitle>" . $htmlLink . "</a>)";
+ }
+ if( !$this->mOldRev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) ) {
+ $this->mOldtitle = '<span class="history-deleted">' . $this->mOldPagetitle . '</span>';
+ } else if( $this->mOldRev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) ) {
+ $this->mOldtitle = '<span class="history-deleted">' . $this->mOldtitle . '</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load the text of the revisions, as well as revision data.
+ */
+ function loadText() {
+ if ( $this->mTextLoaded == 2 ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Whether it succeeds or fails, we don't want to try again
+ $this->mTextLoaded = 2;
+ }
+ if ( !$this->loadRevisionData() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( $this->mOldRev ) {
+ $this->mOldtext = $this->mOldRev->getText( Revision::FOR_THIS_USER );
+ if ( $this->mOldtext === false ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $this->mNewRev ) {
+ $this->mNewtext = $this->mNewRev->getText( Revision::FOR_THIS_USER );
+ if ( $this->mNewtext === false ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load the text of the new revision, not the old one
+ */
+ function loadNewText() {
+ if ( $this->mTextLoaded >= 1 ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ $this->mTextLoaded = 1;
+ }
+ if ( !$this->loadRevisionData() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->mNewtext = $this->mNewRev->getText();
+ return true;
+ }
+// A PHP diff engine for phpwiki. (Taken from phpwiki-1.3.3)
+// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
+// You may copy this code freely under the conditions of the GPL.
+define('USE_ASSERTS', function_exists('assert'));
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class _DiffOp {
+ var $type;
+ var $orig;
+ var $closing;
+ function reverse() {
+ trigger_error('pure virtual', E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ function norig() {
+ return $this->orig ? sizeof($this->orig) : 0;
+ }
+ function nclosing() {
+ return $this->closing ? sizeof($this->closing) : 0;
+ }
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class _DiffOp_Copy extends _DiffOp {
+ var $type = 'copy';
+ function _DiffOp_Copy ($orig, $closing = false) {
+ if (!is_array($closing))
+ $closing = $orig;
+ $this->orig = $orig;
+ $this->closing = $closing;
+ }
+ function reverse() {
+ return new _DiffOp_Copy($this->closing, $this->orig);
+ }
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class _DiffOp_Delete extends _DiffOp {
+ var $type = 'delete';
+ function _DiffOp_Delete ($lines) {
+ $this->orig = $lines;
+ $this->closing = false;
+ }
+ function reverse() {
+ return new _DiffOp_Add($this->orig);
+ }
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class _DiffOp_Add extends _DiffOp {
+ var $type = 'add';
+ function _DiffOp_Add ($lines) {
+ $this->closing = $lines;
+ $this->orig = false;
+ }
+ function reverse() {
+ return new _DiffOp_Delete($this->closing);
+ }
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class _DiffOp_Change extends _DiffOp {
+ var $type = 'change';
+ function _DiffOp_Change ($orig, $closing) {
+ $this->orig = $orig;
+ $this->closing = $closing;
+ }
+ function reverse() {
+ return new _DiffOp_Change($this->closing, $this->orig);
+ }
+ * Class used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs.
+ *
+ * The algorithm used here is mostly lifted from the perl module
+ * Algorithm::Diff (version 1.06) by Ned Konz, which is available at:
+ *
+ *
+ * More ideas are taken from:
+ *
+ *
+ * Some ideas are (and a bit of code) are from from analyze.c, from GNU
+ * diffutils-2.7, which can be found at:
+ *
+ *
+ * closingly, some ideas (subdivision by NCHUNKS > 2, and some optimizations)
+ * are my own.
+ *
+ * Line length limits for robustness added by Tim Starling, 2005-08-31
+ * Alternative implementation added by Guy Van den Broeck, 2008-07-30
+ *
+ * @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki, Tim Starling, Guy Van den Broeck
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class _DiffEngine {
+ const MAX_XREF_LENGTH = 10000;
+ function diff ($from_lines, $to_lines){
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ // Diff and store locally
+ $this->diff_local($from_lines, $to_lines);
+ // Merge edits when possible
+ $this->_shift_boundaries($from_lines, $this->xchanged, $this->ychanged);
+ $this->_shift_boundaries($to_lines, $this->ychanged, $this->xchanged);
+ // Compute the edit operations.
+ $n_from = sizeof($from_lines);
+ $n_to = sizeof($to_lines);
+ $edits = array();
+ $xi = $yi = 0;
+ while ($xi < $n_from || $yi < $n_to) {
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert($yi < $n_to || $this->xchanged[$xi]);
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert($xi < $n_from || $this->ychanged[$yi]);
+ // Skip matching "snake".
+ $copy = array();
+ while ( $xi < $n_from && $yi < $n_to
+ && !$this->xchanged[$xi] && !$this->ychanged[$yi]) {
+ $copy[] = $from_lines[$xi++];
+ ++$yi;
+ }
+ if ($copy)
+ $edits[] = new _DiffOp_Copy($copy);
+ // Find deletes & adds.
+ $delete = array();
+ while ($xi < $n_from && $this->xchanged[$xi])
+ $delete[] = $from_lines[$xi++];
+ $add = array();
+ while ($yi < $n_to && $this->ychanged[$yi])
+ $add[] = $to_lines[$yi++];
+ if ($delete && $add)
+ $edits[] = new _DiffOp_Change($delete, $add);
+ elseif ($delete)
+ $edits[] = new _DiffOp_Delete($delete);
+ elseif ($add)
+ $edits[] = new _DiffOp_Add($add);
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $edits;
+ }
+ function diff_local ($from_lines, $to_lines) {
+ global $wgExternalDiffEngine;
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__);
+ if($wgExternalDiffEngine == 'wikidiff3'){
+ // wikidiff3
+ $wikidiff3 = new WikiDiff3();
+ $wikidiff3->diff($from_lines, $to_lines);
+ $this->xchanged = $wikidiff3->removed;
+ $this->ychanged = $wikidiff3->added;
+ unset($wikidiff3);
+ }else{
+ // old diff
+ $n_from = sizeof($from_lines);
+ $n_to = sizeof($to_lines);
+ $this->xchanged = $this->ychanged = array();
+ $this->xv = $this->yv = array();
+ $this->xind = $this->yind = array();
+ unset($this->seq);
+ unset($this->in_seq);
+ unset($this->lcs);
+ // Skip leading common lines.
+ for ($skip = 0; $skip < $n_from && $skip < $n_to; $skip++) {
+ if ($from_lines[$skip] !== $to_lines[$skip])
+ break;
+ $this->xchanged[$skip] = $this->ychanged[$skip] = false;
+ }
+ // Skip trailing common lines.
+ $xi = $n_from; $yi = $n_to;
+ for ($endskip = 0; --$xi > $skip && --$yi > $skip; $endskip++) {
+ if ($from_lines[$xi] !== $to_lines[$yi])
+ break;
+ $this->xchanged[$xi] = $this->ychanged[$yi] = false;
+ }
+ // Ignore lines which do not exist in both files.
+ for ($xi = $skip; $xi < $n_from - $endskip; $xi++) {
+ $xhash[$this->_line_hash($from_lines[$xi])] = 1;
+ }
+ for ($yi = $skip; $yi < $n_to - $endskip; $yi++) {
+ $line = $to_lines[$yi];
+ if ( ($this->ychanged[$yi] = empty($xhash[$this->_line_hash($line)])) )
+ continue;
+ $yhash[$this->_line_hash($line)] = 1;
+ $this->yv[] = $line;
+ $this->yind[] = $yi;
+ }
+ for ($xi = $skip; $xi < $n_from - $endskip; $xi++) {
+ $line = $from_lines[$xi];
+ if ( ($this->xchanged[$xi] = empty($yhash[$this->_line_hash($line)])) )
+ continue;
+ $this->xv[] = $line;
+ $this->xind[] = $xi;
+ }
+ // Find the LCS.
+ $this->_compareseq(0, sizeof($this->xv), 0, sizeof($this->yv));
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the whole line if it's small enough, or the MD5 hash otherwise
+ */
+ function _line_hash( $line ) {
+ if ( strlen( $line ) > self::MAX_XREF_LENGTH ) {
+ return md5( $line );
+ } else {
+ return $line;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Divide the Largest Common Subsequence (LCS) of the sequences
+ * [XOFF, XLIM) and [YOFF, YLIM) into NCHUNKS approximately equally
+ * sized segments.
+ *
+ * Returns (LCS, PTS). LCS is the length of the LCS. PTS is an
+ * array of NCHUNKS+1 (X, Y) indexes giving the diving points between
+ * sub sequences. The first sub-sequence is contained in [X0, X1),
+ * [Y0, Y1), the second in [X1, X2), [Y1, Y2) and so on. Note
+ * that (X0, Y0) == (XOFF, YOFF) and
+ *
+ * This function assumes that the first lines of the specified portions
+ * of the two files do not match, and likewise that the last lines do not
+ * match. The caller must trim matching lines from the beginning and end
+ * of the portions it is going to specify.
+ */
+ function _diag ($xoff, $xlim, $yoff, $ylim, $nchunks) {
+ $flip = false;
+ if ($xlim - $xoff > $ylim - $yoff) {
+ // Things seems faster (I'm not sure I understand why)
+ // when the shortest sequence in X.
+ $flip = true;
+ list ($xoff, $xlim, $yoff, $ylim)
+ = array( $yoff, $ylim, $xoff, $xlim);
+ }
+ if ($flip)
+ for ($i = $ylim - 1; $i >= $yoff; $i--)
+ $ymatches[$this->xv[$i]][] = $i;
+ else
+ for ($i = $ylim - 1; $i >= $yoff; $i--)
+ $ymatches[$this->yv[$i]][] = $i;
+ $this->lcs = 0;
+ $this->seq[0]= $yoff - 1;
+ $this->in_seq = array();
+ $ymids[0] = array();
+ $numer = $xlim - $xoff + $nchunks - 1;
+ $x = $xoff;
+ for ($chunk = 0; $chunk < $nchunks; $chunk++) {
+ if ($chunk > 0)
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->lcs; $i++)
+ $ymids[$i][$chunk-1] = $this->seq[$i];
+ $x1 = $xoff + (int)(($numer + ($xlim-$xoff)*$chunk) / $nchunks);
+ for ( ; $x < $x1; $x++) {
+ $line = $flip ? $this->yv[$x] : $this->xv[$x];
+ if (empty($ymatches[$line]))
+ continue;
+ $matches = $ymatches[$line];
+ reset($matches);
+ while (list ($junk, $y) = each($matches))
+ if (empty($this->in_seq[$y])) {
+ $k = $this->_lcs_pos($y);
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert($k > 0);
+ $ymids[$k] = $ymids[$k-1];
+ break;
+ }
+ while (list ( /* $junk */, $y) = each($matches)) {
+ if ($y > $this->seq[$k-1]) {
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert($y < $this->seq[$k]);
+ // Optimization: this is a common case:
+ // next match is just replacing previous match.
+ $this->in_seq[$this->seq[$k]] = false;
+ $this->seq[$k] = $y;
+ $this->in_seq[$y] = 1;
+ } else if (empty($this->in_seq[$y])) {
+ $k = $this->_lcs_pos($y);
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert($k > 0);
+ $ymids[$k] = $ymids[$k-1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $seps[] = $flip ? array($yoff, $xoff) : array($xoff, $yoff);
+ $ymid = $ymids[$this->lcs];
+ for ($n = 0; $n < $nchunks - 1; $n++) {
+ $x1 = $xoff + (int)(($numer + ($xlim - $xoff) * $n) / $nchunks);
+ $y1 = $ymid[$n] + 1;
+ $seps[] = $flip ? array($y1, $x1) : array($x1, $y1);
+ }
+ $seps[] = $flip ? array($ylim, $xlim) : array($xlim, $ylim);
+ return array($this->lcs, $seps);
+ }
+ function _lcs_pos ($ypos) {
+ $end = $this->lcs;
+ if ($end == 0 || $ypos > $this->seq[$end]) {
+ $this->seq[++$this->lcs] = $ypos;
+ $this->in_seq[$ypos] = 1;
+ return $this->lcs;
+ }
+ $beg = 1;
+ while ($beg < $end) {
+ $mid = (int)(($beg + $end) / 2);
+ if ( $ypos > $this->seq[$mid] )
+ $beg = $mid + 1;
+ else
+ $end = $mid;
+ }
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert($ypos != $this->seq[$end]);
+ $this->in_seq[$this->seq[$end]] = false;
+ $this->seq[$end] = $ypos;
+ $this->in_seq[$ypos] = 1;
+ return $end;
+ }
+ /* Find LCS of two sequences.
+ *
+ * The results are recorded in the vectors $this->{x,y}changed[], by
+ * storing a 1 in the element for each line that is an insertion
+ * or deletion (ie. is not in the LCS).
+ *
+ * The subsequence of file 0 is [XOFF, XLIM) and likewise for file 1.
+ *
+ * Note that XLIM, YLIM are exclusive bounds.
+ * All line numbers are origin-0 and discarded lines are not counted.
+ */
+ function _compareseq ($xoff, $xlim, $yoff, $ylim) {
+ // Slide down the bottom initial diagonal.
+ while ($xoff < $xlim && $yoff < $ylim
+ && $this->xv[$xoff] == $this->yv[$yoff]) {
+ ++$xoff;
+ ++$yoff;
+ }
+ // Slide up the top initial diagonal.
+ while ($xlim > $xoff && $ylim > $yoff
+ && $this->xv[$xlim - 1] == $this->yv[$ylim - 1]) {
+ --$xlim;
+ --$ylim;
+ }
+ if ($xoff == $xlim || $yoff == $ylim)
+ $lcs = 0;
+ else {
+ // This is ad hoc but seems to work well.
+ //$nchunks = sqrt(min($xlim - $xoff, $ylim - $yoff) / 2.5);
+ //$nchunks = max(2,min(8,(int)$nchunks));
+ $nchunks = min(7, $xlim - $xoff, $ylim - $yoff) + 1;
+ list ($lcs, $seps)
+ = $this->_diag($xoff,$xlim,$yoff, $ylim,$nchunks);
+ }
+ if ($lcs == 0) {
+ // X and Y sequences have no common subsequence:
+ // mark all changed.
+ while ($yoff < $ylim)
+ $this->ychanged[$this->yind[$yoff++]] = 1;
+ while ($xoff < $xlim)
+ $this->xchanged[$this->xind[$xoff++]] = 1;
+ } else {
+ // Use the partitions to split this problem into subproblems.
+ reset($seps);
+ $pt1 = $seps[0];
+ while ($pt2 = next($seps)) {
+ $this->_compareseq ($pt1[0], $pt2[0], $pt1[1], $pt2[1]);
+ $pt1 = $pt2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Adjust inserts/deletes of identical lines to join changes
+ * as much as possible.
+ *
+ * We do something when a run of changed lines include a
+ * line at one end and has an excluded, identical line at the other.
+ * We are free to choose which identical line is included.
+ * `compareseq' usually chooses the one at the beginning,
+ * but usually it is cleaner to consider the following identical line
+ * to be the "change".
+ *
+ * This is extracted verbatim from analyze.c (GNU diffutils-2.7).
+ */
+ function _shift_boundaries ($lines, &$changed, $other_changed) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $i = 0;
+ $j = 0;
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert('sizeof($lines) == sizeof($changed)');
+ $len = sizeof($lines);
+ $other_len = sizeof($other_changed);
+ while (1) {
+ /*
+ * Scan forwards to find beginning of another run of changes.
+ * Also keep track of the corresponding point in the other file.
+ *
+ * Throughout this code, $i and $j are adjusted together so that
+ * the first $i elements of $changed and the first $j elements
+ * of $other_changed both contain the same number of zeros
+ * (unchanged lines).
+ * Furthermore, $j is always kept so that $j == $other_len or
+ * $other_changed[$j] == false.
+ */
+ while ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j])
+ $j++;
+ while ($i < $len && ! $changed[$i]) {
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert('$j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j]');
+ $i++; $j++;
+ while ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j])
+ $j++;
+ }
+ if ($i == $len)
+ break;
+ $start = $i;
+ // Find the end of this run of changes.
+ while (++$i < $len && $changed[$i])
+ continue;
+ do {
+ /*
+ * Record the length of this run of changes, so that
+ * we can later determine whether the run has grown.
+ */
+ $runlength = $i - $start;
+ /*
+ * Move the changed region back, so long as the
+ * previous unchanged line matches the last changed one.
+ * This merges with previous changed regions.
+ */
+ while ($start > 0 && $lines[$start - 1] == $lines[$i - 1]) {
+ $changed[--$start] = 1;
+ $changed[--$i] = false;
+ while ($start > 0 && $changed[$start - 1])
+ $start--;
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert('$j > 0');
+ while ($other_changed[--$j])
+ continue;
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert('$j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j]');
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set CORRESPONDING to the end of the changed run, at the last
+ * point where it corresponds to a changed run in the other file.
+ * CORRESPONDING == LEN means no such point has been found.
+ */
+ $corresponding = $j < $other_len ? $i : $len;
+ /*
+ * Move the changed region forward, so long as the
+ * first changed line matches the following unchanged one.
+ * This merges with following changed regions.
+ * Do this second, so that if there are no merges,
+ * the changed region is moved forward as far as possible.
+ */
+ while ($i < $len && $lines[$start] == $lines[$i]) {
+ $changed[$start++] = false;
+ $changed[$i++] = 1;
+ while ($i < $len && $changed[$i])
+ $i++;
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert('$j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j]');
+ $j++;
+ if ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j]) {
+ $corresponding = $i;
+ while ($j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j])
+ $j++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while ($runlength != $i - $start);
+ /*
+ * If possible, move the fully-merged run of changes
+ * back to a corresponding run in the other file.
+ */
+ while ($corresponding < $i) {
+ $changed[--$start] = 1;
+ $changed[--$i] = 0;
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert('$j > 0');
+ while ($other_changed[--$j])
+ continue;
+ USE_ASSERTS && assert('$j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j]');
+ }
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ * Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings.
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class Diff
+ var $edits;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * Computes diff between sequences of strings.
+ *
+ * @param $from_lines array An array of strings.
+ * (Typically these are lines from a file.)
+ * @param $to_lines array An array of strings.
+ */
+ function Diff($from_lines, $to_lines) {
+ $eng = new _DiffEngine;
+ $this->edits = $eng->diff($from_lines, $to_lines);
+ //$this->_check($from_lines, $to_lines);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute reversed Diff.
+ *
+ *
+ * $diff = new Diff($lines1, $lines2);
+ * $rev = $diff->reverse();
+ * @return object A Diff object representing the inverse of the
+ * original diff.
+ */
+ function reverse () {
+ $rev = $this;
+ $rev->edits = array();
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ $rev->edits[] = $edit->reverse();
+ }
+ return $rev;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check for empty diff.
+ *
+ * @return bool True iff two sequences were identical.
+ */
+ function isEmpty () {
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->type != 'copy')
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS).
+ *
+ * This is mostly for diagnostic purposed.
+ *
+ * @return int The length of the LCS.
+ */
+ function lcs () {
+ $lcs = 0;
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->type == 'copy')
+ $lcs += sizeof($edit->orig);
+ }
+ return $lcs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the original set of lines.
+ *
+ * This reconstructs the $from_lines parameter passed to the
+ * constructor.
+ *
+ * @return array The original sequence of strings.
+ */
+ function orig() {
+ $lines = array();
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->orig)
+ array_splice($lines, sizeof($lines), 0, $edit->orig);
+ }
+ return $lines;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the closing set of lines.
+ *
+ * This reconstructs the $to_lines parameter passed to the
+ * constructor.
+ *
+ * @return array The sequence of strings.
+ */
+ function closing() {
+ $lines = array();
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->closing)
+ array_splice($lines, sizeof($lines), 0, $edit->closing);
+ }
+ return $lines;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check a Diff for validity.
+ *
+ * This is here only for debugging purposes.
+ */
+ function _check ($from_lines, $to_lines) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ if (serialize($from_lines) != serialize($this->orig()))
+ trigger_error("Reconstructed original doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
+ if (serialize($to_lines) != serialize($this->closing()))
+ trigger_error("Reconstructed closing doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
+ $rev = $this->reverse();
+ if (serialize($to_lines) != serialize($rev->orig()))
+ trigger_error("Reversed original doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
+ if (serialize($from_lines) != serialize($rev->closing()))
+ trigger_error("Reversed closing doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
+ $prevtype = 'none';
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ if ( $prevtype == $edit->type )
+ trigger_error("Edit sequence is non-optimal", E_USER_ERROR);
+ $prevtype = $edit->type;
+ }
+ $lcs = $this->lcs();
+ trigger_error('Diff okay: LCS = '.$lcs, E_USER_NOTICE);
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ * @todo document, bad name.
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class MappedDiff extends Diff
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * Computes diff between sequences of strings.
+ *
+ * This can be used to compute things like
+ * case-insensitve diffs, or diffs which ignore
+ * changes in white-space.
+ *
+ * @param $from_lines array An array of strings.
+ * (Typically these are lines from a file.)
+ *
+ * @param $to_lines array An array of strings.
+ *
+ * @param $mapped_from_lines array This array should
+ * have the same size number of elements as $from_lines.
+ * The elements in $mapped_from_lines and
+ * $mapped_to_lines are what is actually compared
+ * when computing the diff.
+ *
+ * @param $mapped_to_lines array This array should
+ * have the same number of elements as $to_lines.
+ */
+ function MappedDiff($from_lines, $to_lines,
+ $mapped_from_lines, $mapped_to_lines) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ assert(sizeof($from_lines) == sizeof($mapped_from_lines));
+ assert(sizeof($to_lines) == sizeof($mapped_to_lines));
+ $this->Diff($mapped_from_lines, $mapped_to_lines);
+ $xi = $yi = 0;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->edits); $i++) {
+ $orig = &$this->edits[$i]->orig;
+ if (is_array($orig)) {
+ $orig = array_slice($from_lines, $xi, sizeof($orig));
+ $xi += sizeof($orig);
+ }
+ $closing = &$this->edits[$i]->closing;
+ if (is_array($closing)) {
+ $closing = array_slice($to_lines, $yi, sizeof($closing));
+ $yi += sizeof($closing);
+ }
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ * A class to format Diffs
+ *
+ * This class formats the diff in classic diff format.
+ * It is intended that this class be customized via inheritance,
+ * to obtain fancier outputs.
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class DiffFormatter {
+ /**
+ * Number of leading context "lines" to preserve.
+ *
+ * This should be left at zero for this class, but subclasses
+ * may want to set this to other values.
+ */
+ var $leading_context_lines = 0;
+ /**
+ * Number of trailing context "lines" to preserve.
+ *
+ * This should be left at zero for this class, but subclasses
+ * may want to set this to other values.
+ */
+ var $trailing_context_lines = 0;
+ /**
+ * Format a diff.
+ *
+ * @param $diff object A Diff object.
+ * @return string The formatted output.
+ */
+ function format($diff) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $xi = $yi = 1;
+ $block = false;
+ $context = array();
+ $nlead = $this->leading_context_lines;
+ $ntrail = $this->trailing_context_lines;
+ $this->_start_diff();
+ foreach ($diff->edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->type == 'copy') {
+ if (is_array($block)) {
+ if (sizeof($edit->orig) <= $nlead + $ntrail) {
+ $block[] = $edit;
+ }
+ else{
+ if ($ntrail) {
+ $context = array_slice($edit->orig, 0, $ntrail);
+ $block[] = new _DiffOp_Copy($context);
+ }
+ $this->_block($x0, $ntrail + $xi - $x0,
+ $y0, $ntrail + $yi - $y0,
+ $block);
+ $block = false;
+ }
+ }
+ $context = $edit->orig;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (! is_array($block)) {
+ $context = array_slice($context, sizeof($context) - $nlead);
+ $x0 = $xi - sizeof($context);
+ $y0 = $yi - sizeof($context);
+ $block = array();
+ if ($context)
+ $block[] = new _DiffOp_Copy($context);
+ }
+ $block[] = $edit;
+ }
+ if ($edit->orig)
+ $xi += sizeof($edit->orig);
+ if ($edit->closing)
+ $yi += sizeof($edit->closing);
+ }
+ if (is_array($block))
+ $this->_block($x0, $xi - $x0,
+ $y0, $yi - $y0,
+ $block);
+ $end = $this->_end_diff();
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $end;
+ }
+ function _block($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen, &$edits) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $this->_start_block($this->_block_header($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen));
+ foreach ($edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->type == 'copy')
+ $this->_context($edit->orig);
+ elseif ($edit->type == 'add')
+ $this->_added($edit->closing);
+ elseif ($edit->type == 'delete')
+ $this->_deleted($edit->orig);
+ elseif ($edit->type == 'change')
+ $this->_changed($edit->orig, $edit->closing);
+ else
+ trigger_error('Unknown edit type', E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ $this->_end_block();
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ function _start_diff() {
+ ob_start();
+ }
+ function _end_diff() {
+ $val = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ return $val;
+ }
+ function _block_header($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen) {
+ if ($xlen > 1)
+ $xbeg .= "," . ($xbeg + $xlen - 1);
+ if ($ylen > 1)
+ $ybeg .= "," . ($ybeg + $ylen - 1);
+ return $xbeg . ($xlen ? ($ylen ? 'c' : 'd') : 'a') . $ybeg;
+ }
+ function _start_block($header) {
+ echo $header . "\n";
+ }
+ function _end_block() {
+ }
+ function _lines($lines, $prefix = ' ') {
+ foreach ($lines as $line)
+ echo "$prefix $line\n";
+ }
+ function _context($lines) {
+ $this->_lines($lines);
+ }
+ function _added($lines) {
+ $this->_lines($lines, '>');
+ }
+ function _deleted($lines) {
+ $this->_lines($lines, '<');
+ }
+ function _changed($orig, $closing) {
+ $this->_deleted($orig);
+ echo "---\n";
+ $this->_added($closing);
+ }
+ * A formatter that outputs unified diffs
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class UnifiedDiffFormatter extends DiffFormatter {
+ var $leading_context_lines = 2;
+ var $trailing_context_lines = 2;
+ function _added($lines) {
+ $this->_lines($lines, '+');
+ }
+ function _deleted($lines) {
+ $this->_lines($lines, '-');
+ }
+ function _changed($orig, $closing) {
+ $this->_deleted($orig);
+ $this->_added($closing);
+ }
+ function _block_header($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen) {
+ return "@@ -$xbeg,$xlen +$ybeg,$ylen @@";
+ }
+ * A pseudo-formatter that just passes along the Diff::$edits array
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class ArrayDiffFormatter extends DiffFormatter {
+ function format($diff) {
+ $oldline = 1;
+ $newline = 1;
+ $retval = array();
+ foreach($diff->edits as $edit)
+ switch($edit->type) {
+ case 'add':
+ foreach($edit->closing as $l) {
+ $retval[] = array(
+ 'action' => 'add',
+ 'new'=> $l,
+ 'newline' => $newline++
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'delete':
+ foreach($edit->orig as $l) {
+ $retval[] = array(
+ 'action' => 'delete',
+ 'old' => $l,
+ 'oldline' => $oldline++,
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'change':
+ foreach($edit->orig as $i => $l) {
+ $retval[] = array(
+ 'action' => 'change',
+ 'old' => $l,
+ 'new' => @$edit->closing[$i],
+ 'oldline' => $oldline++,
+ 'newline' => $newline++,
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'copy':
+ $oldline += count($edit->orig);
+ $newline += count($edit->orig);
+ }
+ return $retval;
+ }
+ * Additions by Axel Boldt follow, partly taken from diff.php, phpwiki-1.3.3
+ *
+ */
+define('NBSP', '&#160;'); // iso-8859-x non-breaking space.
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class _HWLDF_WordAccumulator {
+ function _HWLDF_WordAccumulator () {
+ $this->_lines = array();
+ $this->_line = '';
+ $this->_group = '';
+ $this->_tag = '';
+ }
+ function _flushGroup ($new_tag) {
+ if ($this->_group !== '') {
+ if ($this->_tag == 'ins')
+ $this->_line .= '<ins class="diffchange diffchange-inline">' .
+ htmlspecialchars ( $this->_group ) . '</ins>';
+ elseif ($this->_tag == 'del')
+ $this->_line .= '<del class="diffchange diffchange-inline">' .
+ htmlspecialchars ( $this->_group ) . '</del>';
+ else
+ $this->_line .= htmlspecialchars ( $this->_group );
+ }
+ $this->_group = '';
+ $this->_tag = $new_tag;
+ }
+ function _flushLine ($new_tag) {
+ $this->_flushGroup($new_tag);
+ if ($this->_line != '')
+ array_push ( $this->_lines, $this->_line );
+ else
+ # make empty lines visible by inserting an NBSP
+ array_push ( $this->_lines, NBSP );
+ $this->_line = '';
+ }
+ function addWords ($words, $tag = '') {
+ if ($tag != $this->_tag)
+ $this->_flushGroup($tag);
+ foreach ($words as $word) {
+ // new-line should only come as first char of word.
+ if ($word == '')
+ continue;
+ if ($word[0] == "\n") {
+ $this->_flushLine($tag);
+ $word = substr($word, 1);
+ }
+ assert(!strstr($word, "\n"));
+ $this->_group .= $word;
+ }
+ }
+ function getLines() {
+ $this->_flushLine('~done');
+ return $this->_lines;
+ }
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class WordLevelDiff extends MappedDiff {
+ const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 10000;
+ function WordLevelDiff ($orig_lines, $closing_lines) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ list ($orig_words, $orig_stripped) = $this->_split($orig_lines);
+ list ($closing_words, $closing_stripped) = $this->_split($closing_lines);
+ $this->MappedDiff($orig_words, $closing_words,
+ $orig_stripped, $closing_stripped);
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ function _split($lines) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $words = array();
+ $stripped = array();
+ $first = true;
+ foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
+ # If the line is too long, just pretend the entire line is one big word
+ # This prevents resource exhaustion problems
+ if ( $first ) {
+ $first = false;
+ } else {
+ $words[] = "\n";
+ $stripped[] = "\n";
+ }
+ if ( strlen( $line ) > self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH ) {
+ $words[] = $line;
+ $stripped[] = $line;
+ } else {
+ $m = array();
+ if (preg_match_all('/ ( [^\S\n]+ | [0-9_A-Za-z\x80-\xff]+ | . ) (?: (?!< \n) [^\S\n])? /xs',
+ $line, $m))
+ {
+ $words = array_merge( $words, $m[0] );
+ $stripped = array_merge( $stripped, $m[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return array($words, $stripped);
+ }
+ function orig () {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $orig = new _HWLDF_WordAccumulator;
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->type == 'copy')
+ $orig->addWords($edit->orig);
+ elseif ($edit->orig)
+ $orig->addWords($edit->orig, 'del');
+ }
+ $lines = $orig->getLines();
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $lines;
+ }
+ function closing () {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $closing = new _HWLDF_WordAccumulator;
+ foreach ($this->edits as $edit) {
+ if ($edit->type == 'copy')
+ $closing->addWords($edit->closing);
+ elseif ($edit->closing)
+ $closing->addWords($edit->closing, 'ins');
+ }
+ $lines = $closing->getLines();
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $lines;
+ }
+ * Wikipedia Table style diff formatter.
+ * @todo document
+ * @private
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class TableDiffFormatter extends DiffFormatter {
+ function TableDiffFormatter() {
+ $this->leading_context_lines = 2;
+ $this->trailing_context_lines = 2;
+ }
+ public static function escapeWhiteSpace( $msg ) {
+ $msg = preg_replace( '/^ /m', '&nbsp; ', $msg );
+ $msg = preg_replace( '/ $/m', ' &nbsp;', $msg );
+ $msg = preg_replace( '/ /', '&nbsp; ', $msg );
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ function _block_header( $xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen ) {
+ $r = '<tr><td colspan="2" class="diff-lineno"><!--LINE '.$xbeg."--></td>\n" .
+ '<td colspan="2" class="diff-lineno"><!--LINE '.$ybeg."--></td></tr>\n";
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function _start_block( $header ) {
+ echo $header;
+ }
+ function _end_block() {
+ }
+ function _lines( $lines, $prefix=' ', $color='white' ) {
+ }
+ # HTML-escape parameter before calling this
+ function addedLine( $line ) {
+ return $this->wrapLine( '+', 'diff-addedline', $line );
+ }
+ # HTML-escape parameter before calling this
+ function deletedLine( $line ) {
+ return $this->wrapLine( '-', 'diff-deletedline', $line );
+ }
+ # HTML-escape parameter before calling this
+ function contextLine( $line ) {
+ return $this->wrapLine( ' ', 'diff-context', $line );
+ }
+ private function wrapLine( $marker, $class, $line ) {
+ if( $line !== '' ) {
+ // The <div> wrapper is needed for 'overflow: auto' style to scroll properly
+ $line = Xml::tags( 'div', null, $this->escapeWhiteSpace( $line ) );
+ }
+ return "<td class='diff-marker'>$marker</td><td class='$class'>$line</td>";
+ }
+ function emptyLine() {
+ return '<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>';
+ }
+ function _added( $lines ) {
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ echo '<tr>' . $this->emptyLine() .
+ $this->addedLine( '<ins class="diffchange">' .
+ htmlspecialchars ( $line ) . '</ins>' ) . "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function _deleted($lines) {
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ echo '<tr>' . $this->deletedLine( '<del class="diffchange">' .
+ htmlspecialchars ( $line ) . '</del>' ) .
+ $this->emptyLine() . "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function _context( $lines ) {
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ echo '<tr>' .
+ $this->contextLine( htmlspecialchars ( $line ) ) .
+ $this->contextLine( htmlspecialchars ( $line ) ) . "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function _changed( $orig, $closing ) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $diff = new WordLevelDiff( $orig, $closing );
+ $del = $diff->orig();
+ $add = $diff->closing();
+ # Notice that WordLevelDiff returns HTML-escaped output.
+ # Hence, we will be calling addedLine/deletedLine without HTML-escaping.
+ while ( $line = array_shift( $del ) ) {
+ $aline = array_shift( $add );
+ echo '<tr>' . $this->deletedLine( $line ) .
+ $this->addedLine( $aline ) . "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ foreach ($add as $line) { # If any leftovers
+ echo '<tr>' . $this->emptyLine() .
+ $this->addedLine( $line ) . "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
diff --git a/includes/diff/HTMLDiff.php b/includes/diff/HTMLDiff.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0698059f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/diff/HTMLDiff.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1005 @@
+/** Copyright (C) 2008 Guy Van den Broeck <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * or see
+ *
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+ * When detecting the last common parent of two nodes, all results are stored as
+ * a LastCommonParentResult.
+ */
+class LastCommonParentResult {
+ // Parent
+ public $parent;
+ // Splitting
+ public $splittingNeeded = false;
+ // Depth
+ public $lastCommonParentDepth = -1;
+ // Index
+ public $indexInLastCommonParent = -1;
+class Modification{
+ const NONE = 1;
+ const REMOVED = 2;
+ const ADDED = 4;
+ const CHANGED = 8;
+ public $type;
+ public $id = -1;
+ public $firstOfID = false;
+ public $changes;
+ function __construct($type) {
+ $this->type = $type;
+ }
+ public static function typeToString($type) {
+ switch($type) {
+ case self::NONE: return 'none';
+ case self::REMOVED: return 'removed';
+ case self::ADDED: return 'added';
+ case self::CHANGED: return 'changed';
+ }
+ }
+class DomTreeBuilder {
+ public $textNodes = array();
+ public $bodyNode;
+ private $currentParent;
+ private $newWord = '';
+ protected $bodyStarted = false;
+ protected $bodyEnded = false;
+ private $whiteSpaceBeforeThis = false;
+ private $lastSibling;
+ private $notInPre = true;
+ function __construct() {
+ $this->bodyNode = $this->currentParent = new BodyNode();
+ $this->lastSibling = new DummyNode();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Must be called manually
+ */
+ public function endDocument() {
+ $this->endWord();
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( count($this->textNodes) . " text nodes in document.\n" );
+ }
+ public function startElement($parser, $name, /*array*/ $attributes) {
+ if (strcasecmp($name, 'body') != 0) {
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "Starting $name node.\n" );
+ $this->endWord();
+ $newNode = new TagNode($this->currentParent, $name, $attributes);
+ $this->currentParent->children[] = $newNode;
+ $this->currentParent = $newNode;
+ $this->lastSibling = new DummyNode();
+ if ($this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis && !in_array(strtolower($this->currentParent->qName),TagNode::$blocks)) {
+ $this->currentParent->whiteBefore = true;
+ }
+ $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis = false;
+ if(strcasecmp($name, 'pre') == 0) {
+ $this->notInPre = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function endElement($parser, $name) {
+ if(strcasecmp($name, 'body') != 0) {
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "Ending $name node.\n");
+ if (0 == strcasecmp($name,'img')) {
+ // Insert a dummy leaf for the image
+ $img = new ImageNode($this->currentParent, $this->currentParent->attributes);
+ $this->currentParent->children[] = $img;
+ $img->whiteBefore = $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis;
+ $this->lastSibling = $img;
+ $this->textNodes[] = $img;
+ }
+ $this->endWord();
+ if (!in_array(strtolower($this->currentParent->qName),TagNode::$blocks)) {
+ $this->lastSibling = $this->currentParent;
+ } else {
+ $this->lastSibling = new DummyNode();
+ }
+ $this->currentParent = $this->currentParent->parent;
+ $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis = false;
+ if (!$this->notInPre && strcasecmp($name, 'pre') == 0) {
+ $this->notInPre = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->endDocument();
+ }
+ }
+ const regex = '/([\s\.\,\"\\\'\(\)\?\:\;\!\{\}\-\+\*\=\_\[\]\&\|\$]{1})/';
+ const whitespace = '/^[\s]{1}$/';
+ const delimiter = '/^[\s\.\,\"\\\'\(\)\?\:\;\!\{\}\-\+\*\=\_\[\]\&\|\$]{1}$/';
+ public function characters($parser, $data) {
+ $matches = preg_split(self::regex, $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
+ foreach($matches as &$word) {
+ if (preg_match(self::whitespace, $word) && $this->notInPre) {
+ $this->endWord();
+ $this->lastSibling->whiteAfter = true;
+ $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis = true;
+ } else if (preg_match(self::delimiter, $word)) {
+ $this->endWord();
+ $textNode = new TextNode($this->currentParent, $word);
+ $this->currentParent->children[] = $textNode;
+ $textNode->whiteBefore = $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis;
+ $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis = false;
+ $this->lastSibling = $textNode;
+ $this->textNodes[] = $textNode;
+ } else {
+ $this->newWord .= $word;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function endWord() {
+ if ($this->newWord !== '') {
+ $node = new TextNode($this->currentParent, $this->newWord);
+ $this->currentParent->children[] = $node;
+ $node->whiteBefore = $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis;
+ $this->whiteSpaceBeforeThis = false;
+ $this->lastSibling = $node;
+ $this->textNodes[] = $node;
+ $this->newWord = "";
+ }
+ }
+ public function getDiffLines() {
+ return array_map(array('TextNode','toDiffLine'), $this->textNodes);
+ }
+class TextNodeDiffer {
+ private $textNodes;
+ public $bodyNode;
+ private $oldTextNodes;
+ private $oldBodyNode;
+ private $newID = 0;
+ private $changedID = 0;
+ private $changedIDUsed = false;
+ // used to remove the whitespace between a red and green block
+ private $whiteAfterLastChangedPart = false;
+ private $deletedID = 0;
+ function __construct(DomTreeBuilder $tree, DomTreeBuilder $oldTree) {
+ $this->textNodes = $tree->textNodes;
+ $this->bodyNode = $tree->bodyNode;
+ $this->oldTextNodes = $oldTree->textNodes;
+ $this->oldBodyNode = $oldTree->bodyNode;
+ }
+ public function markAsNew($start, $end) {
+ if ($end <= $start) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($this->whiteAfterLastChangedPart) {
+ $this->textNodes[$start]->whiteBefore = false;
+ }
+ for ($i = $start; $i < $end; ++$i) {
+ $mod = new Modification(Modification::ADDED);
+ $mod->id = $this->newID;
+ $this->textNodes[$i]->modification = $mod;
+ }
+ if ($start < $end) {
+ $this->textNodes[$start]->modification->firstOfID = true;
+ }
+ ++$this->newID;
+ }
+ public function handlePossibleChangedPart($leftstart, $leftend, $rightstart, $rightend) {
+ $i = $rightstart;
+ $j = $leftstart;
+ if ($this->changedIDUsed) {
+ ++$this->changedID;
+ $this->changedIDUsed = false;
+ }
+ $changes;
+ while ($i < $rightend) {
+ $acthis = new AncestorComparator($this->textNodes[$i]->getParentTree());
+ $acother = new AncestorComparator($this->oldTextNodes[$j]->getParentTree());
+ $result = $acthis->getResult($acother);
+ unset($acthis, $acother);
+ if ( $result ) {
+ $mod = new Modification(Modification::CHANGED);
+ if (!$this->changedIDUsed) {
+ $mod->firstOfID = true;
+ } else if (!is_null( $result ) && $result !== $this->changes) {
+ ++$this->changedID;
+ $mod->firstOfID = true;
+ }
+ $mod->changes = $result;
+ $mod->id = $this->changedID;
+ $this->textNodes[$i]->modification = $mod;
+ $this->changes = $result;
+ $this->changedIDUsed = true;
+ } else if ($this->changedIDUsed) {
+ ++$this->changedID;
+ $this->changedIDUsed = false;
+ }
+ ++$i;
+ ++$j;
+ }
+ }
+ public function markAsDeleted($start, $end, $before) {
+ if ($end <= $start) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($before > 0 && $this->textNodes[$before - 1]->whiteAfter) {
+ $this->whiteAfterLastChangedPart = true;
+ } else {
+ $this->whiteAfterLastChangedPart = false;
+ }
+ for ($i = $start; $i < $end; ++$i) {
+ $mod = new Modification(Modification::REMOVED);
+ $mod->id = $this->deletedID;
+ // oldTextNodes is used here because we're going to move its deleted
+ // elements to this tree!
+ $this->oldTextNodes[$i]->modification = $mod;
+ }
+ $this->oldTextNodes[$start]->modification->firstOfID = true;
+ $root = $this->oldTextNodes[$start]->getLastCommonParent($this->oldTextNodes[$end-1])->parent;
+ $junk1 = $junk2 = null;
+ $deletedNodes = $root->getMinimalDeletedSet($this->deletedID, $junk1, $junk2);
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "Minimal set of deleted nodes of size " . count($deletedNodes) . "\n" );
+ // Set prevLeaf to the leaf after which the old HTML needs to be
+ // inserted
+ if ($before > 0) {
+ $prevLeaf = $this->textNodes[$before - 1];
+ }
+ // Set nextLeaf to the leaf before which the old HTML needs to be
+ // inserted
+ if ($before < count($this->textNodes)) {
+ $nextLeaf = $this->textNodes[$before];
+ }
+ while (count($deletedNodes) > 0) {
+ if (isset($prevLeaf)) {
+ $prevResult = $prevLeaf->getLastCommonParent($deletedNodes[0]);
+ } else {
+ $prevResult = new LastCommonParentResult();
+ $prevResult->parent = $this->bodyNode;
+ $prevResult->indexInLastCommonParent = -1;
+ }
+ if (isset($nextleaf)) {
+ $nextResult = $nextLeaf->getLastCommonParent($deletedNodes[count($deletedNodes) - 1]);
+ } else {
+ $nextResult = new LastCommonParentResult();
+ $nextResult->parent = $this->bodyNode;
+ $nextResult->indexInLastCommonParent = $this->bodyNode->getNbChildren();
+ }
+ if ($prevResult->lastCommonParentDepth == $nextResult->lastCommonParentDepth) {
+ // We need some metric to choose which way to add-...
+ if ($deletedNodes[0]->parent === $deletedNodes[count($deletedNodes) - 1]->parent
+ && $prevResult->parent === $nextResult->parent) {
+ // The difference is not in the parent
+ $prevResult->lastCommonParentDepth = $prevResult->lastCommonParentDepth + 1;
+ } else {
+ // The difference is in the parent, so compare them
+ // now THIS is tricky
+ $distancePrev = $deletedNodes[0]->parent->getMatchRatio($prevResult->parent);
+ $distanceNext = $deletedNodes[count($deletedNodes) - 1]->parent->getMatchRatio($nextResult->parent);
+ if ($distancePrev <= $distanceNext) {
+ $prevResult->lastCommonParentDepth = $prevResult->lastCommonParentDepth + 1;
+ } else {
+ $nextResult->lastCommonParentDepth = $nextResult->lastCommonParentDepth + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($prevResult->lastCommonParentDepth > $nextResult->lastCommonParentDepth) {
+ // Inserting at the front
+ if ($prevResult->splittingNeeded) {
+ $prevLeaf->parent->splitUntil($prevResult->parent, $prevLeaf, true);
+ }
+ $prevLeaf = $deletedNodes[0]->copyTree();
+ unset($deletedNodes[0]);
+ $deletedNodes = array_values($deletedNodes);
+ $prevLeaf->setParent($prevResult->parent);
+ $prevResult->parent->addChildAbsolute($prevLeaf,$prevResult->indexInLastCommonParent + 1);
+ } else if ($prevResult->lastCommonParentDepth < $nextResult->lastCommonParentDepth) {
+ // Inserting at the back
+ if ($nextResult->splittingNeeded) {
+ $splitOccured = $nextLeaf->parent->splitUntil($nextResult->parent, $nextLeaf, false);
+ if ($splitOccured) {
+ // The place where to insert is shifted one place to the
+ // right
+ $nextResult->indexInLastCommonParent = $nextResult->indexInLastCommonParent + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $nextLeaf = $deletedNodes[count(deletedNodes) - 1]->copyTree();
+ unset($deletedNodes[count(deletedNodes) - 1]);
+ $deletedNodes = array_values($deletedNodes);
+ $nextLeaf->setParent($nextResult->parent);
+ $nextResult->parent->addChildAbsolute($nextLeaf,$nextResult->indexInLastCommonParent);
+ }
+ }
+ ++$this->deletedID;
+ }
+ public function expandWhiteSpace() {
+ $this->bodyNode->expandWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ public function lengthNew(){
+ return count($this->textNodes);
+ }
+ public function lengthOld(){
+ return count($this->oldTextNodes);
+ }
+class HTMLDiffer {
+ private $output;
+ private static $debug = '';
+ function __construct($output) {
+ $this->output = $output;
+ }
+ function htmlDiff($from, $to) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ // Create an XML parser
+ $xml_parser = xml_parser_create('');
+ $domfrom = new DomTreeBuilder();
+ // Set the functions to handle opening and closing tags
+ xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, array($domfrom, "startElement"), array($domfrom, "endElement"));
+ // Set the function to handle blocks of character data
+ xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, array($domfrom, "characters"));
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "Parsing " . strlen($from) . " characters worth of HTML\n" );
+ if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'.Sanitizer::hackDocType().'<body>', false)
+ || !xml_parse($xml_parser, $from, false)
+ || !xml_parse($xml_parser, '</body>', true)){
+ $error = xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser));
+ $line = xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser);
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "XML error: $error at line $line\n" );
+ }
+ xml_parser_free($xml_parser);
+ unset($from);
+ $xml_parser = xml_parser_create('');
+ $domto = new DomTreeBuilder();
+ // Set the functions to handle opening and closing tags
+ xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, array($domto, "startElement"), array($domto, "endElement"));
+ // Set the function to handle blocks of character data
+ xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, array($domto, "characters"));
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "Parsing " . strlen($to) . " characters worth of HTML\n" );
+ if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'.Sanitizer::hackDocType().'<body>', false)
+ || !xml_parse($xml_parser, $to, false)
+ || !xml_parse($xml_parser, '</body>', true)){
+ $error = xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser));
+ $line = xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser);
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "XML error: $error at line $line\n" );
+ }
+ xml_parser_free($xml_parser);
+ unset($to);
+ $diffengine = new WikiDiff3();
+ $differences = $this->preProcess($diffengine->diff_range($domfrom->getDiffLines(), $domto->getDiffLines()));
+ unset($xml_parser, $diffengine);
+ $domdiffer = new TextNodeDiffer($domto, $domfrom);
+ $currentIndexLeft = 0;
+ $currentIndexRight = 0;
+ foreach ($differences as &$d) {
+ if ($d->leftstart > $currentIndexLeft) {
+ $domdiffer->handlePossibleChangedPart($currentIndexLeft, $d->leftstart,
+ $currentIndexRight, $d->rightstart);
+ }
+ if ($d->leftlength > 0) {
+ $domdiffer->markAsDeleted($d->leftstart, $d->leftend, $d->rightstart);
+ }
+ $domdiffer->markAsNew($d->rightstart, $d->rightend);
+ $currentIndexLeft = $d->leftend;
+ $currentIndexRight = $d->rightend;
+ }
+ $oldLength = $domdiffer->lengthOld();
+ if ($currentIndexLeft < $oldLength) {
+ $domdiffer->handlePossibleChangedPart($currentIndexLeft, $oldLength, $currentIndexRight, $domdiffer->lengthNew());
+ }
+ $domdiffer->expandWhiteSpace();
+ $output = new HTMLOutput('htmldiff', $this->output);
+ $output->parse($domdiffer->bodyNode);
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ private function preProcess(/*array*/ $differences) {
+ $newRanges = array();
+ $nbDifferences = count($differences);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $nbDifferences; ++$i) {
+ $leftStart = $differences[$i]->leftstart;
+ $leftEnd = $differences[$i]->leftend;
+ $rightStart = $differences[$i]->rightstart;
+ $rightEnd = $differences[$i]->rightend;
+ $leftLength = $leftEnd - $leftStart;
+ $rightLength = $rightEnd - $rightStart;
+ while ($i + 1 < $nbDifferences && self::score($leftLength,
+ $differences[$i + 1]->leftlength,
+ $rightLength,
+ $differences[$i + 1]->rightlength)
+ > ($differences[$i + 1]->leftstart - $leftEnd)) {
+ $leftEnd = $differences[$i + 1]->leftend;
+ $rightEnd = $differences[$i + 1]->rightend;
+ $leftLength = $leftEnd - $leftStart;
+ $rightLength = $rightEnd - $rightStart;
+ ++$i;
+ }
+ $newRanges[] = new RangeDifference($leftStart, $leftEnd, $rightStart, $rightEnd);
+ }
+ return $newRanges;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Heuristic to merge differences for readability.
+ */
+ public static function score($ll, $nll, $rl, $nrl) {
+ if (($ll == 0 && $nll == 0)
+ || ($rl == 0 && $nrl == 0)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $numbers = array($ll, $nll, $rl, $nrl);
+ $d = 0;
+ foreach ($numbers as &$number) {
+ while ($number > 3) {
+ $d += 3;
+ $number -= 3;
+ $number *= 0.5;
+ }
+ $d += $number;
+ }
+ return $d / (1.5 * count($numbers));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add to debug output
+ * @param string $str Debug output
+ */
+ public static function diffDebug( $str ) {
+ self :: $debug .= $str;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get debug output
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public static function getDebugOutput() {
+ return self :: $debug;
+ }
+class TextOnlyComparator {
+ public $leafs = array();
+ function _construct(TagNode $tree) {
+ $this->addRecursive($tree);
+ $this->leafs = array_map(array('TextNode','toDiffLine'), $this->leafs);
+ }
+ private function addRecursive(TagNode $tree) {
+ foreach ($tree->children as &$child) {
+ if ($child instanceof TagNode) {
+ $this->addRecursive($child);
+ } else if ($child instanceof TextNode) {
+ $this->leafs[] = $node;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function getMatchRatio(TextOnlyComparator $other) {
+ $nbOthers = count($other->leafs);
+ $nbThis = count($this->leafs);
+ if($nbOthers == 0 || $nbThis == 0){
+ return -log(0);
+ }
+ $diffengine = new WikiDiff3(25000, 1.35);
+ $diffengine->diff($this->leafs, $other->leafs);
+ $lcsLength = $diffengine->getLcsLength();
+ $distanceThis = $nbThis-$lcsLength;
+ return (2.0 - $lcsLength/$nbOthers - $lcsLength/$nbThis) / 2.0;
+ }
+ * A comparator used when calculating the difference in ancestry of two Nodes.
+ */
+class AncestorComparator {
+ public $ancestors;
+ public $ancestorsText;
+ function __construct(/*array*/ $ancestors) {
+ $this->ancestors = $ancestors;
+ $this->ancestorsText = array_map(array('TagNode','toDiffLine'), $ancestors);
+ }
+ public $compareTxt = "";
+ public function getResult(AncestorComparator $other) {
+ $diffengine = new WikiDiff3(10000, 1.35);
+ $differences = $diffengine->diff_range($other->ancestorsText,$this->ancestorsText);
+ if (count($differences) == 0){
+ return null;
+ }
+ $changeTxt = new ChangeTextGenerator($this, $other);
+ return $changeTxt->getChanged($differences)->toString();;
+ }
+class ChangeTextGenerator {
+ private $ancestorComparator;
+ private $other;
+ private $factory;
+ function __construct(AncestorComparator $ancestorComparator, AncestorComparator $other) {
+ $this->ancestorComparator = $ancestorComparator;
+ $this->other = $other;
+ $this->factory = new TagToStringFactory();
+ }
+ public function getChanged(/*array*/ $differences) {
+ $txt = new ChangeText;
+ $rootlistopened = false;
+ if (count($differences) > 1) {
+ $txt->addHtml('<ul class="changelist">');
+ $rootlistopened = true;
+ }
+ $nbDifferences = count($differences);
+ for ($j = 0; $j < $nbDifferences; ++$j) {
+ $d = $differences[$j];
+ $lvl1listopened = false;
+ if ($rootlistopened) {
+ $txt->addHtml('<li>');
+ }
+ if ($d->leftlength + $d->rightlength > 1) {
+ $txt->addHtml('<ul class="changelist">');
+ $lvl1listopened = true;
+ }
+ // left are the old ones
+ for ($i = $d->leftstart; $i < $d->leftend; ++$i) {
+ if ($lvl1listopened){
+ $txt->addHtml('<li>');
+ }
+ // add a bullet for a old tag
+ $this->addTagOld($txt, $this->other->ancestors[$i]);
+ if ($lvl1listopened){
+ $txt->addHtml('</li>');
+ }
+ }
+ // right are the new ones
+ for ($i = $d->rightstart; $i < $d->rightend; ++$i) {
+ if ($lvl1listopened){
+ $txt->addHtml('<li>');
+ }
+ // add a bullet for a new tag
+ $this->addTagNew($txt, $this->ancestorComparator->ancestors[$i]);
+ if ($lvl1listopened){
+ $txt->addHtml('</li>');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($lvl1listopened) {
+ $txt->addHtml('</ul>');
+ }
+ if ($rootlistopened) {
+ $txt->addHtml('</li>');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($rootlistopened) {
+ $txt->addHtml('</ul>');
+ }
+ return $txt;
+ }
+ private function addTagOld(ChangeText $txt, TagNode $ancestor) {
+ $this->factory->create($ancestor)->getRemovedDescription($txt);
+ }
+ private function addTagNew(ChangeText $txt, TagNode $ancestor) {
+ $this->factory->create($ancestor)->getAddedDescription($txt);
+ }
+class ChangeText {
+ private $txt = "";
+ public function addHtml($s) {
+ $this->txt .= $s;
+ }
+ public function toString() {
+ return $this->txt;
+ }
+class TagToStringFactory {
+ private static $containerTags = array('html', 'body', 'p', 'blockquote',
+ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'pre', 'div', 'ul', 'ol', 'li',
+ 'table', 'tbody', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'br', 'hr', 'code', 'dl',
+ 'dt', 'dd', 'input', 'form', 'img', 'span', 'a');
+ private static $styleTags = array('i', 'b', 'strong', 'em', 'font',
+ 'big', 'del', 'tt', 'sub', 'sup', 'strike');
+ const MOVED = 1;
+ const STYLE = 2;
+ const UNKNOWN = 4;
+ public function create(TagNode $node) {
+ $sem = $this->getChangeSemantic($node->qName);
+ if (strcasecmp($node->qName,'a') == 0) {
+ return new AnchorToString($node, $sem);
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp($node->qName,'img') == 0) {
+ return new NoContentTagToString($node, $sem);
+ }
+ return new TagToString($node, $sem);
+ }
+ protected function getChangeSemantic($qname) {
+ if (in_array(strtolower($qname),self::$containerTags)) {
+ return self::MOVED;
+ }
+ if (in_array(strtolower($qname),self::$styleTags)) {
+ return self::STYLE;
+ }
+ return self::UNKNOWN;
+ }
+class TagToString {
+ protected $node;
+ protected $sem;
+ function __construct(TagNode $node, $sem) {
+ $this->node = $node;
+ $this->sem = $sem;
+ }
+ public function getRemovedDescription(ChangeText $txt) {
+ $tagDescription = wfMsgExt('diff-' . $this->node->qName, 'parseinline' );
+ if( wfEmptyMsg( 'diff-' . $this->node->qName, $tagDescription ) ){
+ $tagDescription = "&lt;" . $this->node->qName . "&gt;";
+ }
+ if ($this->sem == TagToStringFactory::MOVED) {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'diff-movedoutof', 'parseinline', $tagDescription ) );
+ } else if ($this->sem == TagToStringFactory::STYLE) {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'diff-styleremoved' , 'parseinline', $tagDescription ) );
+ } else {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'diff-removed' , 'parseinline', $tagDescription ) );
+ }
+ $this->addAttributes($txt, $this->node->attributes);
+ $txt->addHtml('.');
+ }
+ public function getAddedDescription(ChangeText $txt) {
+ $tagDescription = wfMsgExt('diff-' . $this->node->qName, 'parseinline' );
+ if( wfEmptyMsg( 'diff-' . $this->node->qName, $tagDescription ) ){
+ $tagDescription = "&lt;" . $this->node->qName . "&gt;";
+ }
+ if ($this->sem == TagToStringFactory::MOVED) {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'diff-movedto' , 'parseinline', $tagDescription) );
+ } else if ($this->sem == TagToStringFactory::STYLE) {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'diff-styleadded', 'parseinline', $tagDescription ) );
+ } else {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'diff-added', 'parseinline', $tagDescription ) );
+ }
+ $this->addAttributes($txt, $this->node->attributes);
+ $txt->addHtml('.');
+ }
+ protected function addAttributes(ChangeText $txt, array $attributes) {
+ if (count($attributes) < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $firstOne = true;
+ $nbAttributes_min_1 = count($attributes)-1;
+ $keys = array_keys($attributes);
+ for ($i=0;$i<$nbAttributes_min_1;$i++) {
+ $key = $keys[$i];
+ $attr = $attributes[$key];
+ if($firstOne) {
+ $firstOne = false;
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt('diff-with', 'escapenoentities', $this->translateArgument($key), htmlspecialchars($attr) ) );
+ continue;
+ }
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'comma-separator', 'escapenoentities' ) .
+ wfMsgExt( 'diff-with-additional', 'escapenoentities',
+ $this->translateArgument( $key ), htmlspecialchars( $attr ) )
+ );
+ }
+ if ($nbAttributes_min_1 > 0) {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'diff-with-final', 'escapenoentities',
+ $this->translateArgument($keys[$nbAttributes_min_1]),
+ htmlspecialchars($attributes[$keys[$nbAttributes_min_1]]) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ protected function translateArgument($name) {
+ $translation = wfMsgExt('diff-' . $name, 'parseinline' );
+ if ( wfEmptyMsg( 'diff-' . $name, $translation ) ) {
+ $translation = "&lt;" . $name . "&gt;";;
+ }
+ return htmlspecialchars( $translation );
+ }
+class NoContentTagToString extends TagToString {
+ function __construct(TagNode $node, $sem) {
+ parent::__construct($node, $sem);
+ }
+ public function getAddedDescription(ChangeText $txt) {
+ $tagDescription = wfMsgExt('diff-' . $this->node->qName, 'parseinline' );
+ if( wfEmptyMsg( 'diff-' . $this->node->qName, $tagDescription ) ){
+ $tagDescription = "&lt;" . $this->node->qName . "&gt;";
+ }
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt('diff-changedto', 'parseinline', $tagDescription ) );
+ $this->addAttributes($txt, $this->node->attributes);
+ $txt->addHtml('.');
+ }
+ public function getRemovedDescription(ChangeText $txt) {
+ $txt->addHtml( wfMsgExt('diff-changedfrom', 'parseinline', $tagDescription ) );
+ $this->addAttributes($txt, $this->node->attributes);
+ $txt->addHtml('.');
+ }
+class AnchorToString extends TagToString {
+ function __construct(TagNode $node, $sem) {
+ parent::__construct($node, $sem);
+ }
+ protected function addAttributes(ChangeText $txt, array $attributes) {
+ if (array_key_exists('href', $attributes)) {
+ $txt->addHtml(' ' . wfMsgExt( 'diff-withdestination', 'parseinline', htmlspecialchars($attributes['href']) ) );
+ unset($attributes['href']);
+ }
+ parent::addAttributes($txt, $attributes);
+ }
+ * Takes a branch root and creates an HTML file for it.
+ */
+class HTMLOutput{
+ private $prefix;
+ private $handler;
+ function __construct($prefix, $handler) {
+ $this->prefix = $prefix;
+ $this->handler = $handler;
+ }
+ public function parse(TagNode $node) {
+ $handler = &$this->handler;
+ if (strcasecmp($node->qName, 'img') != 0 && strcasecmp($node->qName, 'body') != 0) {
+ $handler->startElement($node->qName, $node->attributes);
+ }
+ $newStarted = false;
+ $remStarted = false;
+ $changeStarted = false;
+ $changeTXT = '';
+ foreach ($node->children as &$child) {
+ if ($child instanceof TagNode) {
+ if ($newStarted) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $newStarted = false;
+ } else if ($changeStarted) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $changeStarted = false;
+ } else if ($remStarted) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $remStarted = false;
+ }
+ $this->parse($child);
+ } else if ($child instanceof TextNode) {
+ $mod = $child->modification;
+ if ($newStarted && ($mod->type != Modification::ADDED || $mod->firstOfID)) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $newStarted = false;
+ } else if ($changeStarted && ($mod->type != Modification::CHANGED
+ || $mod->changes != $changeTXT || $mod->firstOfID)) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $changeStarted = false;
+ } else if ($remStarted && ($mod->type != Modification::REMOVED || $mod ->firstOfID)) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $remStarted = false;
+ }
+ // no else because a removed part can just be closed and a new
+ // part can start
+ if (!$newStarted && $mod->type == Modification::ADDED) {
+ $attrs = array('class' => 'diff-html-added');
+ if ($mod->firstOfID) {
+ $attrs['id'] = "added-{$this->prefix}-{$mod->id}";
+ }
+ $handler->startElement('span', $attrs);
+ $newStarted = true;
+ } else if (!$changeStarted && $mod->type == Modification::CHANGED) {
+ $attrs = array('class' => 'diff-html-changed');
+ if ($mod->firstOfID) {
+ $attrs['id'] = "changed-{$this->prefix}-{$mod->id}";
+ }
+ $handler->startElement('span', $attrs);
+ //tooltip
+ $handler->startElement('span', array('class' => 'tip'));
+ $handler->html($mod->changes);
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $changeStarted = true;
+ $changeTXT = $mod->changes;
+ } else if (!$remStarted && $mod->type == Modification::REMOVED) {
+ $attrs = array('class'=>'diff-html-removed');
+ if ($mod->firstOfID) {
+ $attrs['id'] = "removed-{$this->prefix}-{$mod->id}";
+ }
+ $handler->startElement('span', $attrs);
+ $remStarted = true;
+ }
+ $chars = $child->text;
+ if ($child instanceof ImageNode) {
+ $this->writeImage($child);
+ } else {
+ $handler->characters($chars);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newStarted) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $newStarted = false;
+ } else if ($changeStarted) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $changeStarted = false;
+ } else if ($remStarted) {
+ $handler->endElement('span');
+ $remStarted = false;
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp($node->qName, 'img') != 0
+ && strcasecmp($node->qName, 'body') != 0) {
+ $handler->endElement($node->qName);
+ }
+ }
+ private function writeImage(ImageNode $imgNode) {
+ $attrs = $imgNode->attributes;
+ $this->handler->startElement('img', $attrs);
+ $this->handler->endElement('img');
+ }
+class DelegatingContentHandler {
+ private $delegate;
+ function __construct($delegate) {
+ $this->delegate = $delegate;
+ }
+ function startElement($qname, /*array*/ $arguments) {
+ $this->delegate->addHtml(Xml::openElement($qname, $arguments));
+ }
+ function endElement($qname){
+ $this->delegate->addHtml(Xml::closeElement($qname));
+ }
+ function characters($chars){
+ $this->delegate->addHtml(htmlspecialchars($chars));
+ }
+ function html($html){
+ $this->delegate->addHtml($html);
+ }
diff --git a/includes/diff/Nodes.php b/includes/diff/Nodes.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b1363d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/diff/Nodes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+/** Copyright (C) 2008 Guy Van den Broeck <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * or see
+ *
+ */
+ * Any element in the DOM tree of an HTML document.
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class Node {
+ public $parent;
+ protected $parentTree;
+ public $whiteBefore = false;
+ public $whiteAfter = false;
+ function __construct($parent) {
+ $this->parent = $parent;
+ }
+ public function getParentTree() {
+ if (!isset($this->parentTree)) {
+ if (!is_null($this->parent)) {
+ $this->parentTree = $this->parent->getParentTree();
+ $this->parentTree[] = $this->parent;
+ } else {
+ $this->parentTree = array();
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->parentTree;
+ }
+ public function getLastCommonParent(Node $other) {
+ $result = new LastCommonParentResult();
+ $myParents = $this->getParentTree();
+ $otherParents = $other->getParentTree();
+ $i = 1;
+ $isSame = true;
+ $nbMyParents = count($myParents);
+ $nbOtherParents = count($otherParents);
+ while ($isSame && $i < $nbMyParents && $i < $nbOtherParents) {
+ if (!$myParents[$i]->openingTag === $otherParents[$i]->openingTag) {
+ $isSame = false;
+ } else {
+ // After a while, the index i-1 must be the last common parent
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ $result->lastCommonParentDepth = $i - 1;
+ $result->parent = $myParents[$i - 1];
+ if (!$isSame || $nbMyParents > $nbOtherParents) {
+ // Not all tags matched, or all tags matched but
+ // there are tags left in this tree
+ $result->indexInLastCommonParent = $myParents[$i - 1]->getIndexOf($myParents[$i]);
+ $result->splittingNeeded = true;
+ } else if ($nbMyParents <= $nbOtherParents) {
+ $result->indexInLastCommonParent = $myParents[$i - 1]->getIndexOf($this);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public function setParent($parent) {
+ $this->parent = $parent;
+ unset($this->parentTree);
+ }
+ public function inPre() {
+ $tree = $this->getParentTree();
+ foreach ($tree as &$ancestor) {
+ if ($ancestor->isPre()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ * Node that can contain other nodes. Represents an HTML tag.
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class TagNode extends Node {
+ public $children = array();
+ public $qName;
+ public $attributes = array();
+ public $openingTag;
+ function __construct($parent, $qName, /*array*/ $attributes) {
+ parent::__construct($parent);
+ $this->qName = strtolower($qName);
+ foreach($attributes as $key => &$value){
+ $this->attributes[strtolower($key)] = $value;
+ }
+ return $this->openingTag = Xml::openElement($this->qName, $this->attributes);
+ }
+ public function addChildAbsolute(Node $node, $index) {
+ array_splice($this->children, $index, 0, array($node));
+ }
+ public function getIndexOf(Node $child) {
+ // don't trust array_search with objects
+ foreach ($this->children as $key => &$value){
+ if ($value === $child) {
+ return $key;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public function getNbChildren() {
+ return count($this->children);
+ }
+ public function getMinimalDeletedSet($id, &$allDeleted, &$somethingDeleted) {
+ $nodes = array();
+ $allDeleted = false;
+ $somethingDeleted = false;
+ $hasNonDeletedDescendant = false;
+ if (empty($this->children)) {
+ return $nodes;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->children as &$child) {
+ $allDeleted_local = false;
+ $somethingDeleted_local = false;
+ $childrenChildren = $child->getMinimalDeletedSet($id, $allDeleted_local, $somethingDeleted_local);
+ if ($somethingDeleted_local) {
+ $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $childrenChildren);
+ $somethingDeleted = true;
+ }
+ if (!$allDeleted_local) {
+ $hasNonDeletedDescendant = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$hasNonDeletedDescendant) {
+ $nodes = array($this);
+ $allDeleted = true;
+ }
+ return $nodes;
+ }
+ public function splitUntil(TagNode $parent, Node $split, $includeLeft) {
+ $splitOccured = false;
+ if ($parent !== $this) {
+ $part1 = new TagNode(null, $this->qName, $this->attributes);
+ $part2 = new TagNode(null, $this->qName, $this->attributes);
+ $part1->setParent($this->parent);
+ $part2->setParent($this->parent);
+ $onSplit = false;
+ $pastSplit = false;
+ foreach ($this->children as &$child)
+ {
+ if ($child === $split) {
+ $onSplit = true;
+ }
+ if(!$pastSplit || ($onSplit && $includeLeft)) {
+ $child->setParent($part1);
+ $part1->children[] = $child;
+ } else {
+ $child->setParent($part2);
+ $part2->children[] = $child;
+ }
+ if ($onSplit) {
+ $onSplit = false;
+ $pastSplit = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $myindexinparent = $this->parent->getIndexOf($this);
+ if (!empty($part1->children)) {
+ $this->parent->addChildAbsolute($part1, $myindexinparent);
+ }
+ if (!empty($part2->children)) {
+ $this->parent->addChildAbsolute($part2, $myindexinparent);
+ }
+ if (!empty($part1->children) && !empty($part2->children)) {
+ $splitOccured = true;
+ }
+ $this->parent->removeChild($myindexinparent);
+ if ($includeLeft) {
+ $this->parent->splitUntil($parent, $part1, $includeLeft);
+ } else {
+ $this->parent->splitUntil($parent, $part2, $includeLeft);
+ }
+ }
+ return $splitOccured;
+ }
+ private function removeChild($index) {
+ unset($this->children[$index]);
+ $this->children = array_values($this->children);
+ }
+ public static $blocks = array('html', 'body','p','blockquote', 'h1',
+ 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'pre', 'div', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'table',
+ 'tbody', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'br');
+ public function copyTree() {
+ $newThis = new TagNode(null, $this->qName, $this->attributes);
+ $newThis->whiteBefore = $this->whiteBefore;
+ $newThis->whiteAfter = $this->whiteAfter;
+ foreach ($this->children as &$child) {
+ $newChild = $child->copyTree();
+ $newChild->setParent($newThis);
+ $newThis->children[] = $newChild;
+ }
+ return $newThis;
+ }
+ public function getMatchRatio(TagNode $other) {
+ $txtComp = new TextOnlyComparator($other);
+ return $txtComp->getMatchRatio(new TextOnlyComparator($this));
+ }
+ public function expandWhiteSpace() {
+ $shift = 0;
+ $spaceAdded = false;
+ $nbOriginalChildren = $this->getNbChildren();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $nbOriginalChildren; ++$i) {
+ $child = $this->children[$i + $shift];
+ if ($child instanceof TagNode) {
+ if (!$child->isPre()) {
+ $child->expandWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$spaceAdded && $child->whiteBefore) {
+ $ws = new WhiteSpaceNode(null, ' ', $child->getLeftMostChild());
+ $ws->setParent($this);
+ $this->addChildAbsolute($ws,$i + ($shift++));
+ }
+ if ($child->whiteAfter) {
+ $ws = new WhiteSpaceNode(null, ' ', $child->getRightMostChild());
+ $ws->setParent($this);
+ $this->addChildAbsolute($ws,$i + 1 + ($shift++));
+ $spaceAdded = true;
+ } else {
+ $spaceAdded = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function getLeftMostChild() {
+ if (empty($this->children)) {
+ return $this;
+ }
+ return $this->children[0]->getLeftMostChild();
+ }
+ public function getRightMostChild() {
+ if (empty($this->children)) {
+ return $this;
+ }
+ return $this->children[$this->getNbChildren() - 1]->getRightMostChild();
+ }
+ public function isPre() {
+ return 0 == strcasecmp($this->qName,'pre');
+ }
+ public static function toDiffLine(TagNode $node) {
+ return $node->openingTag;
+ }
+ * Represents a piece of text in the HTML file.
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class TextNode extends Node {
+ public $text;
+ public $modification;
+ function __construct($parent, $text) {
+ parent::__construct($parent);
+ $this->modification = new Modification(Modification::NONE);
+ $this->text = $text;
+ }
+ public function copyTree() {
+ $clone = clone $this;
+ $clone->setParent(null);
+ return $clone;
+ }
+ public function getLeftMostChild() {
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getRightMostChild() {
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getMinimalDeletedSet($id, &$allDeleted, &$somethingDeleted) {
+ if ($this->modification->type == Modification::REMOVED
+ && $this->modification->id == $id){
+ $somethingDeleted = true;
+ $allDeleted = true;
+ return array($this);
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
+ public function isSameText($other) {
+ if (is_null($other) || ! $other instanceof TextNode) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return str_replace('\n', ' ',$this->text) === str_replace('\n', ' ',$other->text);
+ }
+ public static function toDiffLine(TextNode $node) {
+ return str_replace('\n', ' ',$node->text);
+ }
+ * @todo Document
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class WhiteSpaceNode extends TextNode {
+ function __construct($parent, $s, Node $like = null) {
+ parent::__construct($parent, $s);
+ if(!is_null($like) && $like instanceof TextNode) {
+ $newModification = clone $like->modification;
+ $newModification->firstOfID = false;
+ $this->modification = $newModification;
+ }
+ }
+ * Represents the root of a HTML document.
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class BodyNode extends TagNode {
+ function __construct() {
+ parent::__construct(null, 'body', array());
+ }
+ public function copyTree() {
+ $newThis = new BodyNode();
+ foreach ($this->children as &$child) {
+ $newChild = $child->copyTree();
+ $newChild->setParent($newThis);
+ $newThis->children[] = $newChild;
+ }
+ return $newThis;
+ }
+ public function getMinimalDeletedSet($id, &$allDeleted, &$somethingDeleted) {
+ $nodes = array();
+ foreach ($this->children as &$child) {
+ $childrenChildren = $child->getMinimalDeletedSet($id,
+ $allDeleted, $somethingDeleted);
+ $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $childrenChildren);
+ }
+ return $nodes;
+ }
+ * Represents an image in HTML. Even though images do not contain any text they
+ * are independent visible objects on the page. They are logically a TextNode.
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class ImageNode extends TextNode {
+ public $attributes;
+ function __construct(TagNode $parent, /*array*/ $attrs) {
+ if(!array_key_exists('src', $attrs)) {
+ HTMLDiffer::diffDebug( "Image without a source\n" );
+ parent::__construct($parent, '<img></img>');
+ }else{
+ parent::__construct($parent, '<img>' . strtolower($attrs['src']) . '</img>');
+ }
+ $this->attributes = $attrs;
+ }
+ public function isSameText($other) {
+ if (is_null($other) || ! $other instanceof ImageNode) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $this->text === $other->text;
+ }
+ * No-op node
+ * @ingroup DifferenceEngine
+ */
+class DummyNode extends Node {
+ function __construct() {
+ // no op
+ }