path: root/includes/zhtable/Makefile
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2006-10-11 18:12:39 +0000
committerPierre Schmitz <>2006-10-11 18:12:39 +0000
commit183851b06bd6c52f3cae5375f433da720d410447 (patch)
treea477257decbf3360127f6739c2f9d0ec57a03d39 /includes/zhtable/Makefile
MediaWiki 1.7.1 wiederhergestellt
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/zhtable/Makefile')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/zhtable/Makefile b/includes/zhtable/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30679fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/zhtable/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# Creating the file ZhConversion.php used for Simplified/Traditional
+# Chinese conversion. It gets the basic conversion table from the Unihan
+# database, and construct the phrase tables using phrase libraries in
+# the SCIM packages and the libtabe package. There are also special
+# tables used to for adjustment.
+GREP = LANG=zh_CN.UTF8 grep
+SED = LANG=zh_CN.UTF8 sed
+DIFF = LANG=zh_CN.UTF8 diff
+CC ?= gcc
+#installation directory
+INSTDIR = /usr/local/share/zhdaemons/
+all: ZhConversion.php tradphrases.notsure simpphrases.notsure wordlist toCN.dict toTW.dict toHK.dict toSG.dict
+ wget -nc
+ unzip -q
+ wget -nc
+ tar -xzf scim-tables-0.5.1.tar.gz -O scim-tables-0.5.1/zh/ >
+ wget -nc
+ tar -xzf scim-pinyin-0.5.0.tar.gz -O scim-pinyin-0.5.0/data/phrase_lib.txt > phrase_lib.txt
+ wget -nc
+ tar -xzf libtabe-0.2.3.tgz -O libtabe/tsi-src/tsi.src > tsi.src
+wordlist: phrase_lib.txt tsi.src
+ iconv -c -f big5 -t utf8 tsi.src | $(SED) 's/# //g' | $(SED) 's/[ ][0-9].*//' > wordlist
+ $(SED) 's/\(.*\)\t[0-9][0-9]*.*/\1/' phrase_lib.txt | $(SED) '1,5d' >>wordlist
+ $(SED) '1,/BEGIN_TABLE/d' | colrm 1 8 | $(SED) 's/\t.*//' | $(GREP) "^...*" >> wordlist
+ sort wordlist | uniq | $(SED) 's/ //g' > t
+ mv t wordlist
+printutf8: printutf8.c
+ $(CC) -o printutf8 printutf8.c
+unihan.t2s.t: Unihan.txt printutf8
+ $(GREP) kSimplifiedVariant Unihan.txt | $(SED) '/#/d' | $(SED) 's/kSimplifiedVariant//' | ./printutf8 > unihan.t2s.t
+trad2simp.t: trad2simp.manual unihan.t2s.t
+ cp unihan.t2s.t tmp1
+ for I in `colrm 11 < trad2simp.manual` ; do $(SED) "/^$$I/d" tmp1 > tmp2; mv tmp2 tmp1; done
+ cat trad2simp.manual tmp1 > trad2simp.t
+unihan.s2t.t: Unihan.txt printutf8
+ $(GREP) kTraditionalVariant Unihan.txt | $(SED) '/#/d' | $(SED) 's/kTraditionalVariant//' | ./printutf8 > unihan.s2t.t
+simp2trad.t: unihan.s2t.t simp2trad.manual
+ cp unihan.s2t.t tmp1
+ for I in `colrm 11 < simp2trad.manual` ; do $(SED) "/^$$I/d" tmp1 > tmp2; mv tmp2 tmp1; done
+ cat simp2trad.manual tmp1 > simp2trad.t
+t2s_1tomany.t: trad2simp.t
+ $(GREP) -s ".\{19,\}" trad2simp.t | $(SED) 's/U+...../"/' | $(SED) 's/|U+...../"=>"/' | $(SED) 's/|U+.....//g' | $(SED) 's/|/",/' > t2s_1tomany.t
+t2s_1to1.t: trad2simp.t s2t_1tomany.t
+ $(SED) "/.*|.*|.*|.*/d" trad2simp.t | $(SED) 's/U+[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]*/"/' | $(SED) 's/|U+[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]*/"=>"/' | $(SED) 's/|/",/' > t2s_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"..",' s2t_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>".\(.\)",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> t2s_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"...",' s2t_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>".\(.\).",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> t2s_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"...",' s2t_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>"..\(.\)",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> t2s_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"....",' s2t_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>".\(.\)..",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> t2s_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"....",' s2t_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>"..\(.\).",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> t2s_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"....",' s2t_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>"...\(.\)",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> t2s_1to1.t
+ sort t2s_1to1.t | uniq > t
+ mv t t2s_1to1.t
+s2t_1tomany.t: simp2trad.t
+ $(GREP) -s ".\{19,\}" simp2trad.t | $(SED) 's/U+...../"/' | $(SED) 's/|U+...../"=>"/' | $(SED) 's/|U+.....//g' | $(SED) 's/|/",/' > s2t_1tomany.t
+s2t_1to1.t: simp2trad.t t2s_1tomany.t
+ $(SED) "/.*|.*|.*|.*/d" simp2trad.t | $(SED) 's/U+[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]*/"/' | $(SED) 's/|U+[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]*/"=>"/' | $(SED) 's/|/",/' > s2t_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"..",' t2s_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>".\(.\)",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> s2t_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"...",' t2s_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>".\(.\).",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> s2t_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"...",' t2s_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>"..\(.\)",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> s2t_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"....",' t2s_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>".\(.\)..",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> s2t_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"....",' t2s_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>"..\(.\).",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> s2t_1to1.t
+ $(GREP) '"."=>"....",' t2s_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/\("."\)=>"...\(.\)",/"\2"=>\1,/' >> s2t_1to1.t
+ sort s2t_1to1.t | uniq > t
+ mv t s2t_1to1.t
+tphrase.t: tsi.src
+ colrm 1 8 < | $(SED) 's/\t//g' | $(GREP) "^.\{2,4\}[0-9]" | $(SED) 's/[0-9]//g' > t
+ iconv -c -f big5 -t utf8 tsi.src | $(SED) 's/ [0-9].*//g' | $(SED) 's/[# ]//g'| $(GREP) "^.\{2,4\}" >> t
+ sort t | uniq > tphrase.t
+alltradphrases.t: tphrase.t s2t_1tomany.t
+ for i in `cat s2t_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/.*=>".//' | $(SED) 's/"//g' |$(SED) 's/,/\n/' | $(SED) 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g' |sort | uniq`; do $(GREP) -s $$i tphrase.t ; done > alltradphrases.t || true
+tradphrases_2.t: alltradphrases.t
+ cat alltradphrases.t | $(GREP) "^..$$" | sort | uniq > tradphrases_2.t
+tradphrases_3.t: alltradphrases.t
+ cat alltradphrases.t | $(GREP) "^...$$" | sort | uniq > tradphrases_3.t
+ for i in `cat tradphrases_2.t`; do $(GREP) $$i tradphrases_3.t ; done | sort | uniq > t3 || true
+ $(DIFF) t3 tradphrases_3.t | $(GREP) ">" | $(SED) 's/> //' > t
+ mv t tradphrases_3.t
+tradphrases_4.t: alltradphrases.t
+ cat alltradphrases.t | $(GREP) "^....$$" | sort | uniq > tradphrases_4.t
+ for i in `cat tradphrases_2.t`; do $(GREP) $$i tradphrases_4.t ; done | sort | uniq > t3 || true
+ $(DIFF) t3 tradphrases_4.t | $(GREP) ">" | $(SED) 's/> //' > t
+ mv t tradphrases_4.t
+ for i in `cat tradphrases_3.t`; do $(GREP) $$i tradphrases_4.t ; done | sort | uniq > t3 || true
+ $(DIFF) t3 tradphrases_4.t | $(GREP) ">" | $(SED) 's/> //' > t
+ mv t tradphrases_4.t
+tradphrases.t: tradphrases.manual tradphrases_2.t tradphrases_3.t tradphrases_4.t t2s_1tomany.t
+ cat tradphrases.manual tradphrases_2.t tradphrases_3.t tradphrases_4.t |sort | uniq > tradphrases.t
+ for i in `$(SED) 's/"\(.\).*/\1/' t2s_1tomany.t ` ; do $(GREP) $$i tradphrases.t ; done | $(DIFF) tradphrases.t - | $(GREP) '<' | $(SED) 's/< //' > t
+ mv t tradphrases.t
+tradphrases.notsure: tradphrases_2.t tradphrases_3.t tradphrases_4.t t2s_1tomany.t
+ cat tradphrases_2.t tradphrases_3.t tradphrases_4.t |sort | uniq > t
+ for i in `$(SED) 's/"\(.\).*/\1/' t2s_1tomany.t ` ; do $(GREP) $$i t; done | $(DIFF) t - | $(GREP) '>' | $(SED) 's/> //' > tradphrases.notsure
+ph.t: phrase_lib.txt
+ $(SED) 's/[\t0-9a-zA-Z]//g' phrase_lib.txt | $(GREP) "^.\{2,4\}$$" > ph.t
+allsimpphrases.t: ph.t
+ rm -f allsimpphrases.t
+ for i in `cat t2s_1tomany.t | $(SED) 's/.*=>".//' | $(SED) 's/"//g' | $(SED) 's/,/\n/' | $(SED) 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g' | sort | uniq `; do $(GREP) $$i ph.t >> allsimpphrases.t; done
+simpphrases_2.t: allsimpphrases.t
+ cat allsimpphrases.t | $(GREP) "^..$$" | sort | uniq > simpphrases_2.t
+simpphrases_3.t: allsimpphrases.t
+ cat allsimpphrases.t | $(GREP) "^...$$" | sort | uniq > simpphrases_3.t
+ for i in `cat simpphrases_2.t`; do $(GREP) $$i simpphrases_3.t ; done | sort | uniq > t3 || true
+ $(DIFF) t3 simpphrases_3.t | $(GREP) ">" | $(SED) 's/> //' > t
+ mv t simpphrases_3.t
+simpphrases_4.t: allsimpphrases.t
+ cat allsimpphrases.t | $(GREP) "^....$$" | sort | uniq > simpphrases_4.t
+ rm -f t
+ for i in `cat simpphrases_2.t`; do $(GREP) $$i simpphrases_4.t >> t; done || true
+ sort t | uniq > t3
+ $(DIFF) t3 simpphrases_4.t | $(GREP) ">" | $(SED) 's/> //' > t
+ mv t simpphrases_4.t
+ for i in `cat simpphrases_3.t`; do $(GREP) $$i simpphrases_4.t; done | sort | uniq > t3 || true
+ $(DIFF) t3 simpphrases_4.t | $(GREP) ">" | $(SED) 's/> //' > t
+ mv t simpphrases_4.t
+simpphrases.t:simpphrases_2.t simpphrases_3.t simpphrases_4.t t2s_1tomany.t
+ cat simpphrases_2.t simpphrases_3.t simpphrases_4.t > simpphrases.t
+ for i in `$(SED) 's/"\(.\).*/\1/' t2s_1tomany.t ` ; do $(GREP) $$i simpphrases.t ; done | $(DIFF) simpphrases.t - | $(GREP) '<' | $(SED) 's/< //' > t
+ mv t simpphrases.t
+simpphrases.notsure:simpphrases_2.t simpphrases_3.t simpphrases_4.t t2s_1tomany.t
+ cat simpphrases_2.t simpphrases_3.t simpphrases_4.t > t
+ for i in `$(SED) 's/"\(.\).*/\1/' t2s_1tomany.t ` ; do $(GREP) $$i t ; done | $(DIFF) t - | $(GREP) '>' | $(SED) 's/> //' > simpphrases.notsure
+trad2simp1to1.t: t2s_1tomany.t t2s_1to1.t
+ $(SED) 's/\(.......\).*/\1",/' t2s_1tomany.t > trad2simp1to1.t
+ cat t2s_1to1.t >> trad2simp1to1.t
+simp2trad1to1.t: s2t_1tomany.t s2t_1to1.t
+ $(SED) 's/\(.......\).*/\1",/' s2t_1tomany.t > simp2trad1to1.t
+ cat s2t_1to1.t >> simp2trad1to1.t
+trad2simp.php: trad2simp1to1.t tradphrases.t
+ printf '<?php\n$$trad2simp=array(' > trad2simp.php
+ cat trad2simp1to1.t >> trad2simp.php
+ printf ');\n$$str=\n"' >> trad2simp.php
+ cat tradphrases.t >> trad2simp.php
+ printf '";\n$$t=strtr($$str, $$trad2simp);\necho $$t;\n?>' >> trad2simp.php
+simp2trad.php: simp2trad1to1.t simpphrases.t
+ printf '<?php\n$$simp2trad=array(' > simp2trad.php
+ cat simp2trad1to1.t >> simp2trad.php
+ printf ');\n$$str=\n"' >> simp2trad.php
+ cat simpphrases.t >> simp2trad.php
+ printf '";\n$$t=strtr($$str, $$simp2trad);\necho $$t;\n?>' >> simp2trad.php
+simp2trad.phrases.t: trad2simp.php tradphrases.t toTW.manual
+ php -f trad2simp.php | $(SED) 's/\(.*\)/"\1" => /' > tmp1
+ cat tradphrases.t | $(SED) 's/\(.*\)/"\1",/' > tmp2
+ paste tmp1 tmp2 > simp2trad.phrases.t
+ $(SED) 's/\(.*\)\t\(.*\)/"\1"=>"\2",/' toTW.manual >> simp2trad.phrases.t
+trad2simp.phrases.t: simp2trad.php simpphrases.t toCN.manual
+ php -f simp2trad.php | $(SED) 's/\(.*\)/"\1" => /' > tmp1
+ cat simpphrases.t | $(SED) 's/\(.*\)/"\1",/' > tmp2
+ paste tmp1 tmp2 > trad2simp.phrases.t
+ $(SED) 's/\(.*\)\t\(.*\)/"\1"=>"\2",/' toCN.manual >> trad2simp.phrases.t
+toCN.dict: trad2simp1to1.t trad2simp.phrases.t
+ cat trad2simp1to1.t | $(SED) 's/[, \t]//g' | $(SED) 's/=>/\t/' > toCN.dict
+ cat trad2simp.phrases.t | $(SED) 's/[, \t]//g' | $(SED) 's/=>/\t/' >> toCN.dict
+toTW.dict: simp2trad1to1.t simp2trad.phrases.t
+ cat simp2trad1to1.t | $(SED) 's/[, \t]//g' | $(SED) 's/=>/\t/' > toTW.dict
+ cat simp2trad.phrases.t | $(SED) 's/[, \t]//g' | $(SED) 's/=>/\t/' >> toTW.dict
+toHK.dict: toHK.manual
+ cat toHK.manual | $(SED) 's/ //g' | $(SED) 's/\(^.*\)\t\(.*\)/"\1"\t"\2"/' > toHK.dict
+toSG.dict: toSG.manual
+ cat toSG.manual | $(SED) 's/ //g' | $(SED) 's/\(^.*\)\t\(.*\)/"\1"\t"\2"/' > toSG.dict
+ZhConversion.php: simp2trad1to1.t simp2trad.phrases.t trad2simp1to1.t trad2simp.phrases.t toHK.manual toSG.manual
+ printf '<?php\n/**\n * Simplified/Traditional Chinese conversion tables\n' > ZhConversion.php
+ printf ' *\n * Automatically generated using code and data in includes/zhtable/\n' >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf ' * Do not modify directly! \n *\n * @package MediaWiki\n*/\n\n' >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf '$$zh2TW=array(\n' >> ZhConversion.php
+ cat simp2trad1to1.t >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ cat simp2trad.phrases.t >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo ');' >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf '$$zh2CN=array(\n' >> ZhConversion.php
+ cat trad2simp1to1.t >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ cat trad2simp.phrases.t >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf ');' >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf '$$zh2HK=array(\n' >> ZhConversion.php
+ $(SED) 's/\(.*\)\t\(.*\)/"\1" => "\2",/' toHK.manual >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf ');' >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf '$$zh2SG=array(\n' >> ZhConversion.php
+ $(SED) 's/\(.*\)\t\(.*\)/"\1" => "\2",/' toSG.manual >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf ');' >> ZhConversion.php
+ echo >> ZhConversion.php
+ printf '?>' >> ZhConversion.php
+clean: cleantmp cleandl
+ # Stuff unpacked from the files fetched by wget
+ rm -f \
+ Unihan.txt \
+ \
+ phrase_lib.txt \
+ tsi.src
+ # Temporary files and other trash
+ rm -f ZhConversion.php tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 t3 *.t trad2simp.php simp2trad.php *.dict printutf8 *~ \
+ simpphrases.notsure tradphrases.notsure wordlist
+ rm -f \
+ \
+ scim-tables-0.5.1.tar.gz \
+ scim-pinyin-0.5.0.tar.gz \
+ libtabe-0.2.3.tgz