path: root/languages/i18n/sco.json
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2015-12-17 09:15:42 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2015-12-17 09:44:51 +0100
commita1789ddde42033f1b05cc4929491214ee6e79383 (patch)
tree63615735c4ddffaaabf2428946bb26f90899f7bf /languages/i18n/sco.json
parent9e06a62f265e3a2aaabecc598d4bc617e06fa32d (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.26.0
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/i18n/sco.json')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/languages/i18n/sco.json b/languages/i18n/sco.json
index eec362c8..3a5ad0a3 100644
--- a/languages/i18n/sco.json
+++ b/languages/i18n/sco.json
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
"view": "See",
"view-foreign": "See oan $1",
"edit": "Eedit",
- "edit-local": "Eedit local description",
+ "edit-local": "Eedit the local descreeption",
"create": "Ceaut",
"create-local": "Eik local descreeption",
"editthispage": "Eedit this page",
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
"jumptonavigation": "navigation",
"jumptosearch": "rake",
"view-pool-error": "Sarrie, the servers ar owerlaided at the moment.\nOwer monie uisers ar ettlin tae see this page.\nPlease wait ae while afore ye ettle tae access this page again.\n\n$1",
- "generic-pool-error": "Sorry, the servers are owerloadit at the moment.\nToo mony uisers are tryin tae view this resoorce.\nPlease wait a while afore you try tae access this resoorce again.",
+ "generic-pool-error": "Sairrie, the servers ar owerlaidit the nou.\nOwwer monie uisers ar attemptin tae see this resoorce.\nPlease wait a while afore ye attempt tae access this resoorce again.",
"pool-timeout": "Timeout waitin fer the lock",
"pool-queuefull": "Pool line is ful",
"pool-errorunknown": "Onknawn mistak.",
@@ -506,7 +506,6 @@
"passwordreset": "Reset passwaird",
"passwordreset-text-one": "Compleate this form tae receive ae temperie passwaird via wab-mail.",
"passwordreset-text-many": "{{PLURAL:$1|Fill in yin o the fields tae receive ae temperie passwaird via wab-mail.}}",
- "passwordreset-legend": "Reset passwaird",
"passwordreset-disabled": "Passwaird resets hae been disabled oan this wiki.",
"passwordreset-emaildisabled": "Wab-mail features hae been disabled oan this wiki.",
"passwordreset-username": "Uisername:",
@@ -517,7 +516,7 @@
"passwordreset-emailtitle": "Accoont details oan {{SITENAME}}",
"passwordreset-emailtext-ip": "Somebodie (likely ye, fae IP address $1) requested ae reset o yer passwaird fer {{SITENAME}} ($4). The follaein uiser {{PLURAL:$3|accoont is|accoonts ar}}\nassociated wi this wab-mail address:\n\n$2\n\n{{PLURAL:$3|This temperie passwaird|Thir temperie passwairds}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|yin day|$5 days}}.\nYe shid log in n chuise ae new passwaird nou. Gif some ither bodie makit this request, or gif ye'v mynded yer oreeginal passwaird, n ye nae longer\nwish tae chynge it, ye can ignore this message n continue uisin yer auld passwaird.",
"passwordreset-emailtext-user": "Uiser $1 oan {{SITENAME}} requested ae reset o yer passwaird fer {{SITENAME}}\n($4). The follaein uiser {{PLURAL:$3|accoont is|accoonts ar}} associated wi this wab-mail address:\n\n$2\n\n{{PLURAL:$3|This temperie passwaird|Thir temperie passwairds}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|yin day|$5 days}}.\nYe shid log in n chuise ae new password nou. Gif some ither bodie haes makit this request, or gif ye'v mynded yer oreeginal passwaird, n ye nae langer wish tae chynge it, ye can ignore this message n continue uisin yer auld passwaird.",
- "passwordreset-emailelement": "Uisername: $1\nTemperie passwaird: $2",
+ "passwordreset-emailelement": "Uisername: \n$1\n\nTemperie passwaird: \n$2",
"passwordreset-emailsent": "Ae passwaird reset wab-mail haes been sent.",
"passwordreset-emailsent-capture": "Ae passwaird reset wab-mail haas been sent, this is shawn ablow.",
"passwordreset-emailerror-capture": "Ae passwaird reset wab-mail wis generated, (this is shawn ablow), but sendin it til the {{GENDER:$2|uiser}} failed: $1",
@@ -533,7 +532,6 @@
"resettokens": "Reset tokens.",
"resettokens-text": "Ye can reset tokens that permit ye access til certain private data associated wi yer accoont here.\n\nYe shid dae it gif ye accidentally shaired theim wi somebodie or gif yer accoont haes been compromised.",
"resettokens-no-tokens": "Thaur ar nae tokens tae reset.",
- "resettokens-legend": "Reset tokens.",
"resettokens-tokens": "Tokens':",
"resettokens-token-label": "$1 (value the nou: $2)",
"resettokens-watchlist-token": "Token fer the wab feed (Atom/RSS) o [[Special:Watchlist|chynges til pages oan yer watchleet]]",
@@ -589,7 +587,7 @@
"newarticle": "(New)",
"newarticletext": "Ye'v follaed aen airtin til ae page that disna exeest yet. Tae cræft the page, stairt typin in the kist ablo (see the [$1 heelp page] fer mair info). Gif ye'r here bi mistak, jist clap yer brouser's <strong>back</strong> button.",
"anontalkpagetext": "----\n<em>This is the discussion page fer aen anonymoos uiser that's naw cræftit aen accoont yet, or that disna uise it.</em>\nWe maun therefore uise the numerical IP address tae identifie him/her.\nSic aen IP address can be shaired bi several uisers.\nGif ye'r aen anonymos uiser n feel that onreelavant comments hae been directed at ye, please [[Special:UserLogin/signup|cræft aen accoont]] or [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] tae avoid futur confusion wi ither anonymoos uisers.",
- "noarticletext": "Thaur's naw tex oan this page the nou. \nYe can [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|rake fer this page teitle]] in ither pages,\n<span class=\"plainlinks\">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} rake the related logs],\nor [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} eidit this page].</span>",
+ "noarticletext": "Thaur's naw tex oan this page the nou. \nYe can [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|rake fer this page teitle]] in ither pages,\n<span class=\"plainlinks\">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} rake the related logs],\nor [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} eedit this page].</span>",
"noarticletext-nopermission": "Thaur's nae tex in this page the nou.\nYe can [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|rake fer this page title]] in ither pages, or <span class=\"plainlinks\">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} rake the relatit logs]</span>, but ye dinna hae permeession tae cræft this page.",
"missing-revision": "The reveesion #$1 o the page named \"{{FULLPAGENAME}}\" disna exeest.\n\nThis is uissuallie caused bi follaein aen ootdated histerie airtin til ae page that haes been delytit.\nDetails can be foond in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} delytion log].",
"userpage-userdoesnotexist": "Uiser accoont \"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>\" hasnae been registerit. Please check gin ye wint tae mak or eidit this page.",
@@ -767,10 +765,10 @@
"revdelete-unsuppress": "Remuiv restreections oan restored reveesions",
"revdelete-log": "Raison:",
"revdelete-submit": "Applie til selected {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}}",
- "revdelete-success": "<strong>Reveesion veesibeelitie successfully updated.</strong>",
- "revdelete-failure": "<strong>Reveesion veesibeelitie coudna be updated:</strong>\n$1",
- "logdelete-success": "<strong>Log veesibeelitie successfully set.</strong>",
- "logdelete-failure": "<strong>Log veesibddlitie coudna be set:</strong>\n$1",
+ "revdelete-success": "Reveesion veesibeelitie successfullie updatit.",
+ "revdelete-failure": "Reveesion veesibeelitie coudna be updatit:\n$1",
+ "logdelete-success": "Log veesibeelitie successfullie set.",
+ "logdelete-failure": "Log veesibddlitie coudna be set:\n$1",
"revdel-restore": "chynge veesibeelitie",
"pagehist": "Page histerie",
"deletedhist": "Delytit histerie",
@@ -868,7 +866,7 @@
"powersearch-togglelabel": "Chec':",
"powersearch-toggleall": "Aw",
"powersearch-togglenone": "Nane",
- "powersearch-remember": "Remember selection for futur rakes",
+ "powersearch-remember": "Mynd selection fer futur rakes",
"search-external": "Eixternal rake",
"searchdisabled": "Rakin throu {{SITENAME}} is disabled fer performance raisons. Ye can rake bi wa o Google juist nou. Mynd that thair indexes o {{SITENAME}} content micht be oot o date.",
"search-error": "Ae mistak haes occurred while rakin: $1",
@@ -1361,7 +1359,7 @@
"license": "Licensin:",
"license-header": "Licensin",
"nolicense": "Nane selectit",
- "licenses-edit": "Eedit license options",
+ "licenses-edit": "Eedit license opties",
"license-nopreview": "(Luikower naw available)",
"upload_source_url": "(yer chosen file fae ae valid, publeeclie accessible URL)",
"upload_source_file": "(yer chosen file fae yer computer)",
@@ -1501,7 +1499,6 @@
"nmembers": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|memmer|memmers}}",
"nmemberschanged": "$1 → $2 {{PLURAL:$2|memmer|memmers}}",
"nrevisions": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}}",
"nimagelinks": "Uised oan $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}",
"ntransclusions": "uised oan $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}",
"specialpage-empty": "Thaur's naw ootcomes fer this report.",
@@ -1616,7 +1613,7 @@
"linksearch-pat": "Rake pattern:",
"linksearch-ns": "Namespace:",
"linksearch-ok": "Rake",
- "linksearch-text": "Wildcairds like \"*\" can be uised.\nNeeds at least ae top-level domain, fer example \"*.org\".<br />\nSupported {{PLURAL:$2|protocol|protocols}}: <code>$1</code> (defaults to http:// gif naw protocol is speceefied).",
+ "linksearch-text": "Wildcairds like \"*\" can be uised.\nNeeds at least ae top-level domain, fer example \"*.org\".<br />\nSupported {{PLURAL:$2|protocol|protocols}}: $1 (defaults to http:// gif naw protocol is speceefied).",
"linksearch-line": "$1 is airtit fae $2",
"linksearch-error": "Wildcards micht appear yinlie at the stairt o the hoastname.",
"listusersfrom": "Displey uisers stairtin at:",
@@ -1667,7 +1664,6 @@
"emailuser": "E-mail this uiser",
"emailuser-title-target": "Wab-mail this {{GENDER:$1|uiser}}",
"emailuser-title-notarget": "Wab-mail uiser",
- "emailpage": "Wab-mail uiser",
"emailpagetext": "Ye can uise the form ablo tae send ae wab-mail message til this {{GENDER:$1|uiser}}.\nThe wab-mail address that ye entered in [[Special:Preferences|yer uiser preeferances]] will kith aes the \"Fae\" address o the wab-mail, sae that the receepient will be able tae replie directlie til ye.",
"defemailsubject": "{{SITENAME}} wab-mail fae uiser \"$1\"",
"usermaildisabled": "Uiser wab-mail disablit",
@@ -2149,8 +2145,6 @@
"import-interwiki-history": "Copie aw histerie reveesions fer this page",
"import-interwiki-templates": "Incluid aw templates",
"import-interwiki-submit": "Import",
- "import-interwiki-namespace": "Desteenation namespace:",
- "import-interwiki-rootpage": "Desteenation ruit page (aen optie):",
"import-upload-filename": "Filename:",
"import-comment": "Comment:",
"importtext": "Please export the file fae the soorce wiki uising the [[Special:Export|export utilitie]].\nHain it til yer computer n uplaid it here.",
@@ -2187,9 +2181,7 @@
"import-rootpage-nosubpage": "Namespace \"$1\" o the ruit page disna permit subpages.",
"importlogpage": "The Import log",
"importlogpagetext": "Admeenistrateeve imports o pages wi eedit histerie fae ither wikis.",
- "import-logentry-upload": "imported [[$1]] bi file uplaid",
"import-logentry-upload-detail": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}} importit",
- "import-logentry-interwiki": "transwikied $1",
"import-logentry-interwiki-detail": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}} importit fae $2",
"javascripttest": "JavaScript testin",
"javascripttest-pagetext-noframework": "This page is reserved fer rinnin JavaScript tests.",
@@ -2208,7 +2200,7 @@
"tooltip-pt-logout": "Log oot",
"tooltip-pt-createaccount": "We encoorage ye tae creaute aen accoont n log in; houever, it's no strictllie nesisair",
"tooltip-ca-talk": "Discussion aneat the content page",
- "tooltip-ca-edit": "Ye can eedit this page. Please uise the luikower button afore hainin",
+ "tooltip-ca-edit": "Eedit this page",
"tooltip-ca-addsection": "Stairt ae new section",
"tooltip-ca-viewsource": "This page is protectit.\nYe can see its soorce",
"tooltip-ca-history": "Bygane reveesions o this page",
@@ -2282,7 +2274,7 @@
"spam_reverting": "Revertin til the laist reveesion na containin links til $1",
"spam_blanking": "Aw reveesions contained links til $1, blankin",
"spam_deleting": "Aw reveesions contained links til $1, delytin",
- "simpleantispam-label": "Anti-spam check.\nDiv <strong>NAW</strong> ful this in!",
+ "simpleantispam-label": "Anti-spam check.\nDae <strong>nae</strong> fill this in!",
"pageinfo-title": "Information fer \"$1\"",
"pageinfo-not-current": "Sairrie, it's na possible tae provide this information fer auld reveesions.",
"pageinfo-header-basic": "Baseec information",
@@ -3141,5 +3133,6 @@
"json-error-utf8": "Malformed UTF-8 chairacters, possiblie wranglie encoded",
"json-error-recursion": "Yin or mair recurseeve references in the value tae be encoded",
"json-error-inf-or-nan": "Yin or mair NAN or INF values in the value tae be encoded",
- "json-error-unsupported-type": "Ae value o ae type that canna be encoded wis gien"
+ "json-error-unsupported-type": "Ae value o ae type that canna be encoded wis gien",
+ "special-characters-group-ipa": "IPA"