path: root/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 10:05:59 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 10:05:59 +0200
commit00ab76a6b686e98a914afc1975812d2b1aaa7016 (patch)
tree0509bcf2b8a30056833a289e3717b55bdb189835 /languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
parenta5be612e4169e11b51647cbaa2abc976de00d671 (diff)
update to MediaWiki 1.15.5
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/messages/MessagesAng.php')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php b/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
index a576fa2f..f68a02d3 100644
--- a/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
+++ b/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
@@ -250,8 +250,12 @@ $messages = array(
'toc' => 'Innoþ',
'showtoc' => 'sēon',
'hidetoc' => 'hȳdan',
+'thisisdeleted' => 'Wilt þū sēon oþþe nīwian $1?',
'viewdeleted' => '$1 sēon?',
+'restorelink' => '{{PLURAL:$1|ān ahwītod ādihtung}$1 ahwītoda ādihtunga}}',
'feedlinks' => 'Flōd:',
+'feed-invalid' => 'Ungenge underwrītunge inlāde gecynd.',
+'feed-unavailable' => 'Fruman inlāda ne sind gearwa',
'site-rss-feed' => '$1 RSS strēam',
'site-atom-feed' => '$1 Atom strēam',
'page-rss-feed' => '$1 RSS strēam',
@@ -272,11 +276,23 @@ $messages = array(
# Main script and global functions
'nosuchaction' => 'Nǣniȝ dǣd',
+'nosuchactiontext' => 'Þæt weorc þe se nettfrumfinded wile is ungenge.
+Þū meahtlīce miswrite þone nettfrumfindend, oþþe folgode unrihtne hlencan.
+Þis mæg ēac tācnian unrihtnesse on þǣre sōftware þe is gebrocen fram {{SITENAME}}.',
'nosuchspecialpage' => 'Nǣniȝu syndriȝu sīde',
+'nospecialpagetext' => '<strong>Þū hafast abiden ungenges ānlices trametes.</strong>
+Getæl gengra ānlicra trameta cann mann findand be [[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]].',
# General errors
'error' => 'Ƿōh',
'databaseerror' => 'Cȳþþuhordes ƿōh',
+'dberrortext' => 'Gewitnesshordes bēnes endebyrdnesse unrihtness hæfþ gelumpen.
+Þis mæg gelimpan unrihtnesse on þǣre sōftware.
+Sēo nīwoste gesōhte sōftware bēn wæs:
+fram innan weorce "<tt>$2</tt>".
+Gewitnesshord edwende unrihtnesse "<tt>$3: $4</tt>"',
'laggedslavemode' => "'''Ƿarnung:''' Sīde ne mihteliċ ne hæfþ nīƿa nīƿunga.",
'enterlockreason' => 'Wrīt race þǣre forwiernunge and apunsunge be þǣm tīman on þǣm bēo sēo forwiernung forlǣten',
'missingarticle-rev' => '(nīƿung#: $1)',
@@ -288,6 +304,7 @@ $messages = array(
'badarticleerror' => 'Þēos dǣd ne cann bēon gefremed on þissum tramete.',
'badtitle' => 'Unandfenge títul',
'viewsource' => 'Fruman sēon',
+'cascadeprotected' => 'Þis trament hafaþ geworden gebeorgod wiþ ādihtunge, for þǣm þe hē is geinnod in þissum trament {{PLURAL:$1|tramente, þe is| tramentum, þe sind}} geborgod mid þǣre "cascading" cyre gesett wyrcende: $2',
# Login and logout pages
'logouttitle' => 'Brūcendūtmeldung',
@@ -332,8 +349,9 @@ Bidde ōðer brūcendnama ċēosan.',
Bidde þē, lǣt hīe tō twyrcenne, and þǣræfter inmelda þurh þīnne nīwan brūcendnaman and gelēafnessword.',
'loginsuccesstitle' => 'Inmeldung gesǣlde',
'loginsuccess' => "'''Þu eart nū inmeldod tō {{SITENAME}} swā \"\$1\".'''",
-'nosuchuser' => 'Þǣr is nān brūcere be þǣm naman "$1".
-Edscēawa þīne wrītunge, oþþe brūc þone form under tō [[Special:UserLogin/signup|settene nīwne brūcendhordcleofan]].',
+'nosuchuser' => 'Þǣr nis nān brūcere þe hæfþ þone naman "$1".
+Stafena micelnesse sind hefige and ānlica on brūcendnamum.
+Scēawa þīne wrītunge eft, oþþe brūc þā cartan þe is hērunder tō [[Special:UserLogin/signup|settene nīwne brūcendreccend]].',
'nosuchusershort' => 'Þǣr is nān brūcend mid þǣm naman "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>". Edscēawa on þīne wrītunge.',
'mailmypassword' => 'Nīƿe þafungƿord bȳ e-mail sendan',
'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Hwæt, þu hæfst gēo geseted {{PLURAL:$1|1 hordcleofan|$1 -}}. Þu ne canst settan ǣnige māran.',
@@ -614,32 +632,51 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
'uploadedimage' => 'forþsendode "[[$1]]"',
'sourcefilename' => 'Fruman þrǣdnama:',
-'nolicense' => 'Nǣnne gecorenne',
+'license' => 'Gelēaf:',
+'nolicense' => 'Nǣnne gecorenne',
+'license-nopreview' => 'Þis gelēaf nis gearu.',
# Special:ListFiles
+'listfiles-summary' => 'Þes syngriga tramet ēowaþ ealle forþsendede fīlas.
+Æfter gewunelicum wīsum, þā nīwostan fīlas sind ēowod be hēafe þæs getæles.
+Swenge wiþ sweorhēafod andwendeþ þā endebyrdnessa.',
'listfiles_search_for' => 'Sēcan biliþnaman:',
+'imgfile' => 'fīl',
'listfiles' => 'Biliþgetalu',
'listfiles_date' => 'Tælmearc',
'listfiles_name' => 'Nama',
'listfiles_user' => 'Brūcend',
+'listfiles_size' => 'Micelness',
'listfiles_description' => 'Tōƿritennes',
+'listfiles_count' => 'Fadunga',
# File description page
'filehist' => 'Fīlanstǣr',
'filehist-help' => 'Cnæpp on dæȝe/tīde to sēonne þā fīlan sƿā ƿæs hēo on þǣre tīde.',
+'filehist-deleteall' => 'afeorsian eall',
+'filehist-deleteone' => 'afeorsian',
+'filehist-revert' => 'undōn',
'filehist-current' => 'nū',
'filehist-datetime' => 'Dæȝ/Tīd',
'filehist-thumb' => 'Lȳtlbiliþ',
+'filehist-nothumb' => 'Nān biliþincel',
'filehist-user' => 'Brūcend',
'filehist-dimensions' => 'Miċela',
+'filehist-filesize' => 'Fīlmicelness',
'filehist-comment' => 'Ymbsprǣċ',
'imagelinks' => 'Fīlhlenċan',
'linkstoimage' => 'Þā folgendan {{PLURAL:$1|sīde hæfþ hlenċe|sīdan habbaþ hlenċan}} for þissum fīle:',
'nolinkstoimage' => 'Þǣr sind nāne trametas þe bindaþ tō þissum biliðe.',
+'morelinkstoimage' => 'Seoh [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|mā hlencan]] tō þissum fīle.',
+'redirectstofile' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Þes fīl edlǣdeþ|$1 Þās fīlas hēr edlǣdaþ}} tō þissum fīle:',
+'duplicatesoffile' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Þes fīl hēr is gelīcness|Þās fīlas hēr sind gelīcnessa}} þisses fīles (seoh [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch/$2|mā gewitnesse hērymb]]):',
'sharedupload' => 'Þēos fīl is fram $1 and man mæȝ hīe brūcan on ōðrum ƿeorcum.', # $1 is the repo name, $2 is shareduploadwiki(-desc)
'noimage' => 'Nān þrǣd mid þissum naman stendeþ nū oþþe nā mā, ac þu canst þēah hine $1.',
'uploadnewversion-linktext' => 'Nīƿe fadunge þisse fīlan forþsendan',
+# File reversion
+'filerevert-legend' => 'Eftdōn fīl',
# File deletion
'filedelete-submit' => 'āfeorsian',
@@ -790,7 +827,7 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
'deletedarticle' => 'āfeorsode "[[$1]]"',
'dellogpage' => 'Āfeorsunge_wisbōc',
'deletionlog' => 'āfeorsunge wisbōc',
-'deletecomment' => 'Racu for āfeorsunge',
+'deletecomment' => 'Racu:',
'deleteotherreason' => 'Ōðra/ēaca racu:',
'deletereasonotherlist' => 'Ōðru racu',
@@ -876,7 +913,7 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
# Block/unblock
'blockip' => 'Brūcend fortȳnan',
-'ipbreason' => 'Racu',
+'ipbreason' => 'Racu:',
'ipbreasonotherlist' => 'Ōðeru racu',
'ipbreason-dropdown' => '*Gemǣna gǣlungraca
** Insettung falses gefrǣges