diff options
author | Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de> | 2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200 |
committer | Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de> | 2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200 |
commit | 222b01f5169f1c7e69762e0e8904c24f78f71882 (patch) | |
tree | 8e932e12546bb991357ec48eb1638d1770be7a35 /languages/messages/MessagesAvk.php | |
parent | 00ab76a6b686e98a914afc1975812d2b1aaa7016 (diff) |
update to MediaWiki 1.16.0
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/messages/MessagesAvk.php')
-rw-r--r-- | languages/messages/MessagesAvk.php | 217 |
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesAvk.php b/languages/messages/MessagesAvk.php index e0223a54..9daa028c 100644 --- a/languages/messages/MessagesAvk.php +++ b/languages/messages/MessagesAvk.php @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ $messages = array( 'category-media-header' => 'Ewavaf iyeltakeem koe "$1" loma', 'category-empty' => "''Bata loma va bu ok ewava noelton me ruldar''.", 'hidden-categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Palsena loma|Palsena loma}}', -'hidden-category-category' => 'Palsen lomeem', # Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed +'hidden-category-category' => 'Palsen lomeem', 'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Bata loma va bata volveyloma anton digir.|Bata loma va bata volveyloma anton digir {{PLURAL:$1|volveyloma|$1 volveyloma}}, anton digir, ke $2 kotron.}}', 'category-subcat-count-limited' => 'Bata loma va {{PLURAL:$1|bata volveyloma|$1 batyona volveyloma}} digir.', 'category-article-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Bata loma va batu bu anton digir.|Batu bu {{PLURAL:$1|tir|$1 tid}} koe bata loma, ke $2 varon.}}', @@ -213,10 +213,18 @@ $messages = array( 'mainpagetext' => "'''MediaWiki inkeyen talpeyot.'''", -'about' => 'Icdeuca', -'article' => 'Teliz', -'newwindow' => '(ko ar dilk fenkur)', -'cancel' => 'Tumeara', +'about' => 'Icdeuca', +'article' => 'Teliz', +'newwindow' => '(ko ar dilk fenkur)', +'cancel' => 'Tumeara', +'moredotdotdot' => 'Ostik...', +'mypage' => 'Jinafu bu', +'mytalk' => 'Jinafo keyaksexo', +'anontalk' => 'Prilara kan IP mane', +'navigation' => 'Bugrablera', +'and' => ' is', + +# Cologne Blue skin 'qbfind' => 'Aneyara', 'qbbrowse' => 'Farura', 'qbedit' => 'Betara', @@ -224,15 +232,8 @@ $messages = array( 'qbpageinfo' => 'Givabu', 'qbmyoptions' => 'Jinaf ikatcukseem', 'qbspecialpages' => 'Aptaf bueem', -'moredotdotdot' => 'Ostik...', -'mypage' => 'Jinafu bu', -'mytalk' => 'Jinafo keyaksexo', -'anontalk' => 'Prilara kan IP mane', -'navigation' => 'Bugrablera', -'and' => ' is', - -# Metadata in edit box -'metadata_help' => 'Metadata:', +'faq' => 'NEB', +'faqpage' => 'Project:FAQ', 'errorpagetitle' => 'Rokla', 'returnto' => 'Dimgrablera va $1 bu.', @@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ $messages = array( 'otherlanguages' => 'Ara ava se', 'redirectedfrom' => '(Graskan mal $1)', 'redirectpagesub' => 'Bugraskara', -'lastmodifiedat' => 'Ironakafa betara va bu tir ba $2, $1.', # $1 date, $2 time +'lastmodifiedat' => 'Ironakafa betara va bu tir ba $2, $1.', 'viewcount' => 'Batu bu {{PLURAL:$1|1-on|$1 -on}} al zo ruper.', 'protectedpage' => 'Nendanu bu', 'jumpto' => 'Grablé kal', @@ -293,7 +294,6 @@ $messages = array( 'aboutsite' => 'Icde {{SITENAME}}', 'aboutpage' => 'Project:Icdeuca', 'copyright' => 'Deraykan cek kare $1.', -'copyrightpagename' => 'sorta {{SITENAME}}', 'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:Digirarokeem', 'currentevents' => 'Noelaca yo', 'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Noelaf bif yo', @@ -301,8 +301,6 @@ $messages = array( 'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:Jadifa walzera se', 'edithelp' => 'Pomara', 'edithelppage' => 'Help:Tokinde bubetat', -'faq' => 'NEB', -'faqpage' => 'Project:FAQ', 'helppage' => 'Help:Pomara', 'mainpage' => 'Emudexo', 'mainpage-description' => 'Emudexo', @@ -376,10 +374,6 @@ MySQL va « <tt>$3: $4</tt> » rokla al katacer.', « $1 » skuyuna gan « $2 » fliok MySQL va « $3 : $4 » rokla al dimstakser.', -'noconnect' => 'Skalev ! Golde brubezvak, dogluyara va wikiorigak tir noelton merotisa. <br /> -$1', -'nodb' => 'Merotisa rebara va $1 origak', -'cachederror' => 'Batcoba tir ksudaks va erunu bu nume me zo ronusker', 'laggedslavemode' => 'Obral : bu va ironakaf tuenakseem rotir meruldar', 'readonly' => 'Beta elekana nuskera va origak', 'enterlockreason' => 'Va elekaradanda is uldinera va elekaracek bazel', @@ -429,12 +423,10 @@ Batdume : ''$2''.", 'virus-unknownscanner' => 'megrupena kevkioxeka :', # Login and logout pages -'logouttitle' => 'Solgluyara', 'logouttext' => 'Rin daletoe til solgluyanaf. Rin va {{SITENAME}} yoltiskon ware rofavel oke, bifoton kan ar yolt, va int toldogluyal.', 'welcomecreation' => '<h2>Til drumbaf, $1!</h2><p>Rinaf favesikpata su zo redur. Me vulkul da rupeson va "Lodamaceem" bu va intaf {{SITENAME}} rotuilkal.', -'loginpagetitle' => 'Rinafi pilkomodasiki', 'yourname' => 'Rinaf favesikyolt', 'yourpassword' => 'Rinaf remravlem', 'yourpasswordagain' => 'Va rinaf remravlem tolon bazel', @@ -457,21 +449,7 @@ Me vulkul da rupeson va "Lodamaceem" bu va intaf {{SITENAME}} rotuilkal.', 'badretype' => 'Toloy suteyen remravlem tid menuxaf.', 'userexists' => 'Favesikyolt rinon suteyen ixam zo faver. Va amidaf yolt gokiblal.', -'youremail' => 'Jinafe internetmane', -'username' => 'Favesikyolt:', -'uid' => 'Favesikaf ID :', -'prefs-memberingroups' => 'Bewik ke {{PLURAL:$1|lospa|lospa}}:', -'yourrealname' => 'Rinaf ageltaf yolt*', -'yourlanguage' => 'Walasikiava', -'yournick' => 'Sugdara tori prilara se (do <tt><nowiki>~~~</nowiki></tt>) ', -'badsig' => 'Meenafa rilafa sugdara; va HTML tcala yo stujel !', -'badsiglength' => 'Sugdara tir abrotcarsafa. -Gotir le $1 {{PLURAL:$1|staa|staa}}.', -'email' => '"E-mail"', -'prefs-help-realname' => '* <strong>Votre nom</strong> (mevrebaf): ede vaon co-bazel, mu gara va rinaf webereem zo faveter.', 'loginerror' => 'Pilkomodajara', -'prefs-help-email' => "* <strong>Adresse électronique</strong> (facultatif): permet de vous contacter depuis le site sans dévoiler votre adresse, et utilisée pour vous envoyer un nouveau mot de passe si vous l'oubliez.", -'prefs-help-email-required' => 'E-mail mane zo kucilar.', 'nocookiesnew' => "Le compte utilisateur a été créé, mais vous n'êtes pas connecté. {{SITENAME}} utilise des cookies pour la connexion mais vous avez les cookies désactives. Merci de les activer et de vous reconnecter.", 'nocookieslogin' => '{{SITENAME}} utilise des cookies pour la connexion mais vous avez les cookies désactives. Merci de les activer et de vous reconnecter.', 'noname' => 'Va favesikyolt gobazel.', @@ -521,8 +499,6 @@ Ta da wan zo pilkomodal, va warzaf remravlem batlize gobazel :", 'retypenew' => 'Va warzaf remravlem gruyel', 'resetpass_submit' => 'Va beksa bazel nume zo dogluyatal !', 'resetpass_success' => 'Rinaf remravlem kiewatcon su zo betar ! Nume rinafa dogluyara tir...', -'resetpass_bad_temporary' => 'Meenaf ugaloraf remravlem. -Rin lanon vaon al betanhal oke va warzaf al kucilal.', 'resetpass_forbidden' => 'Kona beksa tir merobetana', 'resetpass-submit-loggedin' => 'Betara va remravlem', 'resetpass-temp-password' => 'Ugaloraf remravlem :', @@ -581,7 +557,6 @@ Rinaf tise IP mane tir $3 ise ID elekara tir #$5. Va bate ik bane mane ko kota e 'blockededitsource' => "Krent ke '''rinaf betakseem''' va '''$1''' vleveon zo betar :", 'whitelistedittitle' => 'Kucilan login ta sutelara', 'whitelistedittext' => 'Ta bubetara rin gonaskil ta $1', -'confirmedittitle' => 'Gruyera va e-mail eruyuna ta robetara', 'confirmedittext' => 'Abdi bubetara va rinafe e-mail mane gogruyel. Kan rinaf [[Special:Preferences|favesiklodamaceem]] va rinafe e-mail mane vay plekul ise tuenal !', 'nosuchsectiontitle' => 'Me man gabot', 'nosuchsectiontext' => 'Rin yawal da va metis gabot betal.', @@ -599,7 +574,8 @@ Vanmiae yonaru bu [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|va man buvergumvelt rotaneyal]], oke [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} va batu bu robetal]</span>.', 'userpage-userdoesnotexist' => '"$1" favesikpata me tir vuesteyena. Vay stujel ede va batu bu roredul ike robetal.', 'clearyourcache' => "'''Note :''' Après avoir sauvegardé, vous devez forcer le rechargement de la page pour voir les changements : '''Mozilla / Konqueror / Firefox''' : ''ctrl-shift-r'', '''IE''' : ''ctrl-f5'', '''Safari''' : ''cmd-shift-r''; '''Konqueror''' : ''f5''.", -'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => "'''Astuce :''' utilisez le bouton '''Prévisualisation''' pour tester votre nouvelle feuille css/js avant de l'enregistrer.", +'usercssyoucanpreview' => "'''Astuce :''' utilisez le bouton '''Prévisualisation''' pour tester votre nouvelle feuille css/js avant de l'enregistrer.", +'userjsyoucanpreview' => "'''Astuce :''' utilisez le bouton '''Prévisualisation''' pour tester votre nouvelle feuille css/js avant de l'enregistrer.", 'usercsspreview' => "'''Rappelez-vous que vous êtes en train de prévisualiser votre propre feuille css et qu'elle n'a pas encore été enregistrée !'''", 'userjspreview' => "'''Rappelez-vous que vous êtes en train de visualiser ou de tester votre code javascript et qu'il n'a pas encore été enregistré !'''", 'updated' => '(Nuskeyen)', @@ -642,11 +618,11 @@ Rodimal aze va tisu bu robetal oke [[Special:UserLogin|va int rodogluyal oke rop 'permissionserrors' => 'Rictajaks', 'permissionserrorstext' => 'Ta mana askira me zo rictal, golde {{PLURAL:$1|lazava|lazava se}}:', 'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => 'Rin icde $2 me zo rictal, {{PLURAL:$1|yoke|yoke}} :', -'recreate-deleted-warn' => "'''Obral: Rin va sulayanu bu djutolredul.''' +'recreate-moveddeleted-warn' => "'''Obral: Rin va sulayanu bu djutolredul.''' Gokrafial ede tolredura va batu bu tir vodanhaf. Sulara \"log\" va batu bu krafiason batlize zo nedir :", -'deleted-notice' => 'Sulayanu bu. +'moveddeleted-notice' => 'Sulayanu bu. "Log" sulara va batu bu vleveon vuesteson zo nedir.', 'edit-conflict' => 'Rupera va koboda.', 'edit-already-exists' => 'Buredura tir merotisa. @@ -674,7 +650,7 @@ Bazeyena lazava ke $3 tir ''$2''.", 'currentrev' => 'Noelaf siatos', 'currentrev-asof' => 'Noeltaf betaks va $1', 'revisionasof' => 'Siatos ba $1', -'revision-info' => 'Dimplekura va $1 gan $2', # Additionally available: $3: revision id +'revision-info' => 'Dimplekura va $1 gan $2', 'previousrevision' => '← Abdif siatos', 'nextrevision' => 'Radimif siatos →', 'currentrevisionlink' => 'Wira va noelaf siatos', @@ -686,7 +662,6 @@ Bazeyena lazava ke $3 tir ''$2''.", 'histlegend' => 'Pebusiki : (noel-) = amiduca gu noelaf siatos , (iron-) = amiduca gu abdif siatos, <b>m</b> = betamaks', 'history-fieldset-title' => 'Izvotexulera', -'deletedrev' => '[sulayan]', 'histfirst' => 'Tel losavsaf', 'histlast' => 'Ironokaf', 'historysize' => '({{PLURAL:$1|1 byte|$1 bytes}})', @@ -695,7 +670,7 @@ Bazeyena lazava ke $3 tir ''$2''.", # Revision feed 'history-feed-title' => 'Betarizvot', 'history-feed-description' => 'Betarizvot va batu wikibu', -'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1 koe $2', # user at time +'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1 koe $2', 'history-feed-empty' => 'Erunu bu me tir. Ont zo sulayar ont zo yoltayar. Ta ropasusu warzafu bu yo va [[Special:Search|aneyara ko wiki]] yawal.', @@ -712,12 +687,12 @@ Ta ropasusu warzafu bu yo va [[Special:Search|aneyara ko wiki]] yawal.', 'logdelete-selected' => "'''{{PLURAL:\$1|Reban \"log\" bif|Yon reban \"log\" bif}} :'''", 'revdelete-legend' => 'Skus irutareem', 'revdelete-hide-text' => 'Palsera va betaracek', +'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Palsera va iyeltakcek', 'revdelete-hide-name' => 'Palsera va tegira is xala', 'revdelete-hide-comment' => 'Palsera va betarasebusiki', 'revdelete-hide-user' => 'Palsera va sutes favesikyolt iku IP mane', 'revdelete-hide-restricted' => 'Rewara va bat irutareem pu kot ristusik az elekara va bati walasiki', 'revdelete-suppress' => 'Origsulara mal ristusik lidam artan', -'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Palsera va iyeltakcek', 'revdelete-unsuppress' => 'Dimirutara va dimplekun betaks yo', 'revdelete-log' => 'Lazava :', 'revdelete-submit' => 'Ko reban siatos rewar', @@ -737,6 +712,7 @@ Ta ropasusu warzafu bu yo va [[Special:Search|aneyara ko wiki]] yawal.', 'revdelete-unhid' => '$1 volpals-', 'revdelete-log-message' => '$1 tori $2 {{PLURAL:$2|betara|betara}}', 'logdelete-log-message' => '$1 tori $2 {{PLURAL:$2|bif|bif}}', +'revdelete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Betara va sularalazava', # Suppression log 'suppressionlog' => 'Sulara "log"', @@ -780,16 +756,14 @@ Ta ropasusu warzafu bu yo va [[Special:Search|aneyara ko wiki]] yawal.', 'searchresulttext' => 'Ta lo giva icde aneyara ko {{SITENAME}}, va [[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|{{int:help}}]] teliz disukel.', 'searchsubtitle' => 'Rin va \'\'\'[[:$1]]\'\'\' aneyayal ([[Special:Prefixindex/$1|kotu bu dem "$1" toza]]{{int:pipe-separator}}[[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|kotu bu gluyasu va "$1"]])', 'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "Rin va '''$1''' aneyayal", -'noexactmatch' => "'''Manu \"\$1\" bu me tir.''' Va [[:\$1|batu bu]] roredul.", -'noexactmatch-nocreate' => "'''Me tir bu dem \"\$1\" vergumvelt.'''", 'toomanymatches' => 'Slik trasiks, vay va amidafa aneyara yawal', 'titlematches' => 'Vadjesaceem vanmia vergumvelteem', 'notitlematches' => 'Mek telizvergumvelt ruldas va erune', 'textmatches' => 'Vadjesaceem ko krenteem', 'notextmatches' => 'Mek krentvergumvelt ruldas va erune', -'prevn' => '$1 abduef', -'nextn' => '$1 radimef', -'viewprevnext' => 'Va ($1) ik ($2) ik ($3) disukel.', +'prevn' => '{{PLURAL:$1|$1}} abduef', +'nextn' => '{{PLURAL:$1|$1}} radimef', +'viewprevnext' => 'Va ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ik ($3) disukel.', 'searchhelp-url' => 'Help:Pomara', 'searchprofile-images' => 'Iyeltak', 'searchprofile-everything' => 'Kotcoba', @@ -812,7 +786,6 @@ Ta ropasusu warzafu bu yo va [[Special:Search|aneyara ko wiki]] yawal.', 'searchall' => 'kot', 'showingresults' => "Vlevefa nedira va {{PLURAL:$1|'''1''' trasiks|'''$1''' trasiks}} dem #'''$2''' toza.", 'showingresultsnum' => "Nedira va '''$3''' trasiks male #'''$2'''.", -'showingresultstotal' => "Vleveon nedira va {{PLURAL:$4|trasiks '''$1''' va '''$3'''|trasiks '''$1 - $2''' va '''$3'''}}", 'nonefound' => "'''Straga''': Anton yoltxo omavon zo aneyar. Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce abdueosta va galpeno yoltxo favel.", 'powersearch' => 'Aneyara', @@ -823,35 +796,26 @@ Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce 'search-external' => 'Divafa aneyara', 'searchdisabled' => "<p>La fonction de recherche sur l'intégralité du texte a été temporairement désactivée à cause de la grande charge que cela impose au serveur. Nous espérons la rétablir prochainement lorsque nous disposerons d'un serveur plus puissant. En attendant, vous pouvez faire la recherche avec Google:</p>", +# Quickbar +'qbsettings' => 'Tuweltara va xekobla', +'qbsettings-none' => 'Mek', +'qbsettings-fixedleft' => 'Roneon titickanaf', +'qbsettings-fixedright' => 'Talteon titickanaf', +'qbsettings-floatingleft' => 'Roneon ezas', +'qbsettings-floatingright' => 'Talteon ezas', + # Preferences page 'preferences' => 'Lodamaceem', 'mypreferences' => 'Jinaf lodamaceem', 'prefs-edits' => 'Ota va betaks :', 'prefsnologin' => 'Dogluyariskaf', -'prefsnologintext' => 'Ede va favesiklodamaceem djubetal, gotil <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:Special:UserLogin|returnto=$1}} dogluyarakiraf]</span>.', -'prefsreset' => 'Les préférences ont été rétablies à partir de la version enregistrée.', -'qbsettings' => 'Tuweltara va xekobla', -'qbsettings-none' => 'Mek', -'qbsettings-fixedleft' => 'Roneon titickanaf', -'qbsettings-fixedright' => 'Talteon titickanaf', -'qbsettings-floatingleft' => 'Roneon ezas', -'qbsettings-floatingright' => 'Talteon ezas', +'prefsnologintext' => 'Ede va favesiklodamaceem djubetal, gotil <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:UserLogin}}|returnto=$1}} dogluyarakiraf]</span>.', 'changepassword' => 'Betara va remravlem', -'skin' => 'Laviuca', +'prefs-skin' => 'Laviuca', 'skin-preview' => 'Abdiwira', -'math' => 'Rendu des maths', -'dateformat' => 'Evlabreviz', +'prefs-math' => 'Rendu des maths', 'datedefault' => 'Megelukon', -'datetime' => 'Evla is bartiv', -'math_failure' => 'Erreur math', -'math_unknown_error' => 'erreur indéterminée', -'math_unknown_function' => 'megrupen fliok', -'math_lexing_error' => 'ravlemafa rokla', -'math_syntax_error' => 'erurafa rokla', -'math_image_error' => "La conversion en PNG a échouée, vérifiez l'installation de Latex, dvips, gs et convert", -'math_bad_tmpdir' => 'Redura ik sutera ko ugaloraxo tid merotisa', -'math_bad_output' => 'Redura ik sutera ko divaxo tid merotisa', -'math_notexvc' => "L'éxécutable « texvc » est introuvable. Lisez math/README pour le configurer.", +'prefs-datetime' => 'Evla is bartiv', 'prefs-personal' => 'Ilkagiveem', 'prefs-rc' => 'Noeltaf betakseem', 'prefs-watchlist' => 'Suzdasiki', @@ -863,7 +827,7 @@ Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce 'prefs-resetpass' => 'Betara va remravlem', 'saveprefs' => 'Va lodamaceem tuená', 'resetprefs' => 'Va lodamceem dimplekú', -'textboxsize' => 'Sutelaxo', +'prefs-editing' => 'Sutelaxo', 'prefs-edit-boxsize' => 'Lum ke betaradilk.', 'rows' => 'Emacekeem', 'columns' => 'Brizeem', @@ -876,9 +840,7 @@ Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce 'recentchangescount' => 'Omavon gonedina ota va noeltaf betakseem ik buizvot ik "log" :', 'savedprefs' => 'Lodamaceem su zo giwar.', 'timezonelegend' => 'Bartivxo', -'timezonetext' => "Si vous ne précisez pas de décalage horaire, c'est l'heure de l'Europe de l'ouest qui sera utilisée.", 'localtime' => 'Lizukaf bartiv :', -'timezoneselect' => 'Bartivxo :', 'timezoneoffset' => 'Bartivferenuca :', 'servertime' => 'Bartiv ke zanisiko :', 'guesstimezone' => 'Favera va voda ke exulesiki', @@ -887,10 +849,24 @@ Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce 'prefs-namespaces' => 'Yoltxo', 'defaultns' => 'Omavon, aneyara ko bato yoltxo se :', 'default' => 'omava', -'files' => 'Iyeltak se', +'prefs-files' => 'Iyeltak se', +'youremail' => 'Jinafe internetmane', +'username' => 'Favesikyolt:', +'uid' => 'Favesikaf ID :', +'prefs-memberingroups' => 'Bewik ke {{PLURAL:$1|lospa|lospa}}:', +'yourrealname' => 'Rinaf ageltaf yolt*', +'yourlanguage' => 'Walasikiava', +'yournick' => 'Sugdara tori prilara se (do <tt><nowiki>~~~</nowiki></tt>) ', +'badsig' => 'Meenafa rilafa sugdara; va HTML tcala yo stujel !', +'badsiglength' => 'Sugdara tir abrotcarsafa. +Gotir le $1 {{PLURAL:$1|staa|staa}}.', +'email' => '"E-mail"', +'prefs-help-realname' => '* <strong>Votre nom</strong> (mevrebaf): ede vaon co-bazel, mu gara va rinaf webereem zo faveter.', +'prefs-help-email' => "* <strong>Adresse électronique</strong> (facultatif): permet de vous contacter depuis le site sans dévoiler votre adresse, et utilisée pour vous envoyer un nouveau mot de passe si vous l'oubliez.", +'prefs-help-email-required' => 'E-mail mane zo kucilar.', # User rights -'userrights' => 'Pofera va favesikrokeem', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself +'userrights' => 'Pofera va favesikrokeem', 'userrights-lookup-user' => 'Pofera va favesikeem', 'userrights-user-editname' => 'Va favesikyolt bazel', 'editusergroup' => 'Betara va favesikeem lospa', @@ -965,6 +941,8 @@ Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce 'right-editprotected' => 'Betara va nendanu bu (a stoyakorafa nendara)', 'right-editinterface' => 'Betara va favesikafi walasiki', 'right-editusercssjs' => 'Betara va CSS ik JS iyeltak ke ar favesik', +'right-editusercss' => 'Betara va CSS iyeltak ke ar favesik', +'right-edituserjs' => 'Betara va JS iyeltak ke ar favesik', 'right-rollback' => 'Kaliafa dimsulara va ironokaf favesik betayas va aptafu bu', 'right-import' => 'Bukoburera mal ari wiki', 'right-importupload' => 'Bukoburera mal iyeltakkalvajara', @@ -1030,6 +1008,8 @@ Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce # Recent changes linked 'recentchangeslinked' => 'Gluyasikisuzdara', +'recentchangeslinked-feed' => 'Gluyasikisuzdara', +'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Gluyasikisuzdara', 'recentchangeslinked-title' => 'Betakseem skedas va "$1"', 'recentchangeslinked-noresult' => 'Meka betara va gluyasikikirafu bu remi bata rekola.', 'recentchangeslinked-summary' => "Batu aptafu bu va ironokaf betakseem va gluyasikikirafu bu vexalar. @@ -1040,7 +1020,6 @@ Bu koe [[Special:Watchlist|rinafi suzdasiki]] tid '''vastaakorafu'''.", # Upload 'upload' => 'Iyeltakkalvajara', 'uploadbtn' => 'Va iyeltak kalvajá', -'reupload' => 'Tolon kalvajá', 'reuploaddesc' => 'Empara va kalvajara nume dimpira', 'uploadnologin' => 'Dogluyariskaf', 'uploadnologintext' => 'Gotil [[Special:UserLogin|dogluyarakiraf]] ta kalvajara va iyeltak mo zanisiko.', @@ -1086,7 +1065,6 @@ Til lanaf da va bat iyeltak djubetal ? [[$1|thumb]]", * Yolt ke kalvajayan iyeltak : '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>''' * Yolt ke tis iyeltak : '''<tt>[[:$2]]</tt>''' Va amidaf yolt vay kiblal !", -'fileexists-thumb' => "<center>'''Kruldes iyeltak'''</center>", 'fileexists-thumbnail-yes' => "Iyeltak nuvelar da tir lumamafa ewava ''(aluk)''. [[$1|thumb]] Vay va '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>''' iyeltak stujel. Ede stujen iyeltak tir mila lumanhafa ewava, va aptaf aluk me kalvajal !", @@ -1104,8 +1082,6 @@ Ede va man iyeltak soe co-djukalvajal, vay dimpil ise va warzaf yolt favel. [[Fi 'uploaddisabled' => 'Skalev, staksera va iyeltak tir gritegirayan.', 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'Iyeltakkalvajara tir gritegirayana.', 'uploadscripted' => 'Bat iyeltak va HTML ok Script beksa rotir narujutuna gan web exulesiki ruldar.', -'uploadcorrupt' => 'Bat iyeltak tir avonanaf ok lumiskaf oke va mewadaf yolt digir. -Va iyeltak gonageltal.', 'uploadvirus' => 'Iyeltak va kio ruldar ! Pinta se : $1', 'sourcefilename' => 'Klitiyeltakyolt:', 'destfilename' => 'Warzaf iyeltakyolt:', @@ -1126,6 +1102,7 @@ Sulara \"log\" va batu bu krafiason batlize zo nedir :", 'upload-curl-error28' => 'Kalvajara kaikiana', 'license' => 'Gelfara :', +'license-header' => 'Gelfara :', 'nolicense' => 'Mecoba rebana', 'license-nopreview' => '(Abdinedira me zo roderaykar)', 'upload_source_url' => ' (enafe sanegon rovansane URL mane)', @@ -1143,6 +1120,7 @@ Sulara \"log\" va batu bu krafiason batlize zo nedir :", 'listfiles_count' => 'Siatos', # File description page +'file-anchor-link' => 'Ewava', 'filehist' => 'Iyeltakizvot', 'filehist-help' => 'Ta da va iyeltak wil dum in batoulon awir va evla/bartiv vulegal !', 'filehist-deleteall' => 'Sulara va kotcoba', @@ -1162,12 +1140,7 @@ Sulara \"log\" va batu bu krafiason batlize zo nedir :", 'morelinkstoimage' => 'Rupera va [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|lofi skedasiki]] va bat iyeltak.', 'redirectstofile' => 'Vlevef {{PLURAL:$1|graskan iyeltak|$1 graskan iyeltak}} va bat iyeltak :', 'duplicatesoffile' => 'Bat {{PLURAL:$1|iyeltak tir|$1 iyeltak tid}} jontolaca ke bat iyeltak ([[Special:FileDuplicateSearch/$2|lo pinta]]) :', -'sharedupload' => 'Bat iyeltak tir ke $1 ise gan ar abdumimaks zo rofaver.', # $1 is the repo name, $2 is shareduploadwiki(-desc) -'shareduploadwiki' => 'Ta lo giva va $1 vay disukel !', -'shareduploadwiki-desc' => 'Pimtara icde intaf $1 vleveon zo nedir.', -'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => 'Iyeltakpimtarabu', -'noimage' => 'Mek iyeltak dem bat yolt tir voxe rotil va $1.', -'noimage-linktext' => 'kalvajara', +'sharedupload' => 'Bat iyeltak tir ke $1 ise gan ar abdumimaks zo rofaver.', 'uploadnewversion-linktext' => 'Kalvajara va warzaf siatos ke bat iyeltak', # File reversion @@ -1241,8 +1214,8 @@ Abdi sulara, setikel da va ari skedasiki va teza stujel.', 'brokenredirects' => 'Arlizafa graskaraja yo', 'brokenredirectstext' => 'Kal metisu bu bata graskara stad :', -'brokenredirects-edit' => '(betara)', -'brokenredirects-delete' => '(sulara)', +'brokenredirects-edit' => 'betara', +'brokenredirects-delete' => 'sulara', 'withoutinterwiki' => 'Avagluyasikiiskaf bueem', 'withoutinterwiki-summary' => 'Batu bu se va aravaf siatos me skedad :', @@ -1465,7 +1438,7 @@ You could also reset the notification flags for all your watched pages on your w -- To change your watchlist settings, visit -{{fullurl:{{ns:special}}:Watchlist/edit}} +{{fullurl:{{#special:Watchlist}}/edit}} Feedback and further assistance: {{fullurl:{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}}}', @@ -1512,8 +1485,8 @@ Bazen bartiv tir tel ke zanisiko.', 'alreadyrolled' => 'Dimplekura va ironokafa betara va "$1" teliz gan [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Prilara]]) me zo roskur; artan va teliz ixam al betar oke al dimplekur. Ironokafa betara gan [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Prilara]]) zo skuyur.', -'editcomment' => "Betaravildeks tiyir : ''« $1 »''.", # only shown if there is an edit comment -'revertpage' => 'Dimplekuyun betakseem ke [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Prilara]]); dim ironokaf siatos ke [[User:$1|$1]]', # Additionally available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from +'editcomment' => "Betaravildeks tiyir : ''« $1 »''.", +'revertpage' => 'Dimplekuyun betakseem ke [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Prilara]]); dim ironokaf siatos ke [[User:$1|$1]]', 'rollback-success' => 'Dimplekun betaks yo gan $1; dimpira ko ironokaf siatos ke $2.', # Protect @@ -1529,7 +1502,6 @@ Ironokafa betara gan [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Prilara]]) zo skuyur.', 'protectexpiry' => 'Edjatena :', 'protect_expiry_invalid' => 'Edjatena me tir enafa.', 'protect_expiry_old' => 'Edjatena tir abdiugalafa.', -'protect-unchain' => 'Volelekara va arrundararictara', 'protect-text' => "Rin va nendareka ke '''<nowiki>$1</nowiki>''' bu batlize rowil nume robetal.", 'protect-locked-access' => "Rinafa pata va betara va nendareka me rictar. Noeltaf plekukseem ke '''$1''' bu batlize tid :", @@ -1542,7 +1514,7 @@ Noeltaf plekukseem ke '''$1''' bu batlize tid :", 'protect-expiring' => 'edjatena ba $1 (UTC)', 'protect-cascade' => 'Nendan bueem dene batu bu (stoyakorafa nendara)', 'protect-cantedit' => 'Va nendarekeem va batu bu me robetal kire va betararoka me deraykal.', -'protect-expiry-options' => '1 bartiv:1 hour,1 viel:1 day,1 perka:1 week,2 perka:2 weeks,1 aksat:1 month,3 aksat:3 months,6 aksat:6 months,1 tanda:1 year,kotabon:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,... +'protect-expiry-options' => '1 bartiv:1 hour,1 viel:1 day,1 perka:1 week,2 perka:2 weeks,1 aksat:1 month,3 aksat:3 months,6 aksat:6 months,1 tanda:1 year,kotabon:infinite', 'restriction-type' => 'Rictara :', 'restriction-level' => 'Irutareka :', 'minimum-size' => 'Volcugaf lum', @@ -1603,7 +1575,7 @@ $1', 'contributions-title' => 'Favesikwebekseem icde $1', 'mycontris' => 'Jinaf webekseem', 'contribsub2' => 'Tori $1 ($2)', -'nocontribs' => 'Meka betara vadjesa va bata luda se al zo trasir.', # Optional parameter: $1 is the user name +'nocontribs' => 'Meka betara vadjesa va bata luda se al zo trasir.', 'uctop' => ' (ironokaf)', 'month' => 'Mali aksat (is logaveon) :', 'year' => 'Mali ilana (is logaveon) :', @@ -1611,6 +1583,9 @@ $1', 'sp-contributions-newbies' => 'Anton nedira va warzafavesikaf webekseem', 'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => 'Tori warzaf favesikeem', 'sp-contributions-blocklog' => 'Elekara va "log" bu', +'sp-contributions-deleted' => 'Sulayan favesikaf webeks', +'sp-contributions-talk' => 'Keyaksera', +'sp-contributions-userrights' => 'Pofera va favesikrokeem', 'sp-contributions-search' => 'Aneyara va webeks', 'sp-contributions-username' => 'IP mane ok favesikyolt :', 'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Aneyara', @@ -1650,7 +1625,7 @@ Va lazavanha (tulon ozwason va cidayanu bu se) vlevon bazel !', 'ipbemailban' => 'Djira va favesik icde "email" staksera', 'ipbsubmit' => 'Elekara va bate mane', 'ipbother' => 'Arviele :', -'ipboptions' => '2 bartiv:2 hours,1 viel:1 day,3 viel:3 days,1 perka:1 week,2 perka:2 weeks,1 aksat:1 month,3 aksat:3 months,6 aksat:6 months,1 tanda:1 year,kotabon:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,... +'ipboptions' => '2 bartiv:2 hours,1 viel:1 day,3 viel:3 days,1 perka:1 week,2 perka:2 weeks,1 aksat:1 month,3 aksat:3 months,6 aksat:6 months,1 tanda:1 year,kotabon:infinite', 'ipbotheroption' => 'ar', 'ipbotherreason' => 'Ardume/lodume :', 'badipaddress' => 'IP mane tir mewadafe.', @@ -1674,7 +1649,7 @@ male abdion elekayane IP mane.', 'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Aneyara', 'blocklistline' => '$1 (tenuwer ba $4): $2 va $3 al elekar', 'infiniteblock' => 'parmaf', -'expiringblock' => 'tenuwer ba $1', +'expiringblock' => 'tenuwer ba $1 $2', 'anononlyblock' => 'anton yoltiskik', 'noautoblockblock' => "gritegirayan 'autoblock'", 'createaccountblock' => 'pataredura zo elekar', @@ -1749,7 +1724,7 @@ Dans ce cas, vous devrez renommer ou fusionner la page manuellement si vous le d 'move-watch' => 'Busuzdara', 'movepagebtn' => 'Tolyoltara va teliz', 'pagemovedsub' => 'Tolyoltanhara', -'movepage-moved' => '\'\'\'"$1" zo arrundayar kal "$2"\'\'\'', # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message. +'movepage-moved' => '\'\'\'"$1" zo arrundayar kal "$2"\'\'\'', 'articleexists' => 'Milvergumveltaf teliz ixam krulder, oke kiblayan vergumvelt tir meenaf. Va ar kiblal !', 'cantmove-titleprotected' => 'Va bu me milinde rotarrundal kire warzaf vergumvelt icde redura zo nendar', 'talkexists' => "La page elle-même a été déplacée avec succès, mais la page de discussion n'a pas pu être déplacée car il en existait déjà une sous le nouveau nom. S'il vous plait, fusionnez les manuellement.", @@ -1795,8 +1770,6 @@ bu ika int me zo rotarrundar.', Va [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Localisation MediaWiki Localisation] is [http://translatewiki.net translatewiki.net] vay woral ede va tulizukara va Mediawiki co-rowebel.', 'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "Batu bu me zo rofaver kire '''\$wgUseDatabaseMessages''' mea tir tegis.", -'allmessagesfilter' => 'Staksesparayolt :', -'allmessagesmodified' => 'Anton nedira va betakseem', # Thumbnails 'thumbnail-more' => 'Tulogijara', @@ -1865,6 +1838,7 @@ Va [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Localisation MediaWiki Localisation] is [http: 'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'Aneyara va bu dem bat krent', 'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Emudexo', 'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Va emudexo woral !', +'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => 'Va emudexo woral !', 'tooltip-n-portal' => 'Icde abdumimaks, gonaskinaceem ise lize rotrasil', 'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Trasira va icdefa giva icde noeltaf bifeem', 'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'Noeltaf betakseem koe wiki.', @@ -1910,7 +1884,7 @@ Ise va bazera va lazava ko vildeks nover.', # Attribution 'anonymous' => 'Yoltiskaf {{PLURAL:$1|favesik|favesik}} va {{SITENAME}}', 'siteuser' => '$1 favesik va {{SITENAME}}', -'lastmodifiedatby' => 'Batu bu ironokon zo betayar ba $2, $1 gan $3.', # $1 date, $2 time, $3 user +'lastmodifiedatby' => 'Batu bu ironokon zo betayar ba $2, $1 gan $3.', 'othercontribs' => 'Omavaf gu kobara ke $1.', 'others' => 'ar', 'siteusers' => '{{PLURAL:$2|favesik|favesik}} $1', @@ -1941,6 +1915,17 @@ MediaWiki spam cleanup', 'mw_math_modern' => 'Pour les navigateurs modernes', 'mw_math_mathml' => 'MathML', +# Math errors +'math_failure' => 'Erreur math', +'math_unknown_error' => 'erreur indéterminée', +'math_unknown_function' => 'megrupen fliok', +'math_lexing_error' => 'ravlemafa rokla', +'math_syntax_error' => 'erurafa rokla', +'math_image_error' => "La conversion en PNG a échouée, vérifiez l'installation de Latex, dvips, gs et convert", +'math_bad_tmpdir' => 'Redura ik sutera ko ugaloraxo tid merotisa', +'math_bad_output' => 'Redura ik sutera ko divaxo tid merotisa', +'math_notexvc' => "L'éxécutable « texvc » est introuvable. Lisez math/README pour le configurer.", + # Patrolling 'markaspatrolleddiff' => 'Marquer comme vérifiée', 'markaspatrolledtext' => 'Marquer cet article comme vérifié', @@ -2011,7 +1996,7 @@ Kotari milconhafi gluyasiki roklon zo krafiar.', * exposuretime * fnumber * isospeedratings -* focallength', # Do not translate list items +* focallength', # EXIF tags 'exif-imagewidth' => 'Mantuca', @@ -2096,14 +2081,14 @@ Kotari milconhafi gluyasiki roklon zo krafiar.', 'exif-unknowndate' => 'Megrupena evla', -'exif-orientation-1' => 'Preksafa', # 0th row: top; 0th column: left -'exif-orientation-2' => 'Inversée horizontalement', # 0th row: top; 0th column: right -'exif-orientation-3' => 'Tournée de 180°', # 0th row: bottom; 0th column: right -'exif-orientation-4' => 'Inversée verticalement', # 0th row: bottom; 0th column: left -'exif-orientation-5' => 'Tournée de 90° à gauche et inversée verticalement', # 0th row: left; 0th column: top -'exif-orientation-6' => 'Tournée de 90° à droite', # 0th row: right; 0th column: top -'exif-orientation-7' => 'Tournée de 90° à droite et inversée verticalement', # 0th row: right; 0th column: bottom -'exif-orientation-8' => 'Tournée de 90° à gauche', # 0th row: left; 0th column: bottom +'exif-orientation-1' => 'Preksafa', +'exif-orientation-2' => 'Inversée horizontalement', +'exif-orientation-3' => 'Tournée de 180°', +'exif-orientation-4' => 'Inversée verticalement', +'exif-orientation-5' => 'Tournée de 90° à gauche et inversée verticalement', +'exif-orientation-6' => 'Tournée de 90° à droite', +'exif-orientation-7' => 'Tournée de 90° à droite et inversée verticalement', +'exif-orientation-8' => 'Tournée de 90° à gauche', 'exif-componentsconfiguration-0' => "n'existe pas", @@ -2182,7 +2167,7 @@ Kotari milconhafi gluyasiki roklon zo krafiar.', 'exif-gpsmeasuremode-2' => '2-lumafa sabera', 'exif-gpsmeasuremode-3' => '3-lumafa sabera', -# Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef and GPSDestDistanceRef +# Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef 'exif-gpsspeed-k' => 'Bartivon decitmetrolk se', 'exif-gpsspeed-m' => "Bartivon 'mile'", 'exif-gpsspeed-n' => 'Webokeem', @@ -2309,7 +2294,7 @@ This confirmation code will expire at $4.', 'unknown_extension_tag' => '"$1" megrupena divatcenafa tcala', # Special:Version -'version' => 'Siatos', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself +'version' => 'Siatos', 'version-extensions' => 'Inkeyeni divatcesiki se', 'version-specialpages' => 'Aptaf bueem', 'version-parserhooks' => 'Exulerademi', @@ -2322,7 +2307,7 @@ This confirmation code will expire at $4.', 'version-skin-extension-functions' => 'Wiatezaf divatces fliok se', 'version-hook-name' => 'Demiyolt', 'version-hook-subscribedby' => 'Wimpayan gan', -'version-version' => 'Siatos', +'version-version' => '(Siatos $1)', 'version-license' => 'Sorta', 'version-software' => 'Inkeyen talpeyot', 'version-software-product' => 'Warzeks', |