path: root/maintenance/cssjanus/
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2011-06-22 11:28:20 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2011-06-22 11:28:20 +0200
commit9db190c7e736ec8d063187d4241b59feaf7dc2d1 (patch)
tree46d1a0dee7febef5c2d57a9f7b972be16a163b3d /maintenance/cssjanus/
parent78677c7bbdcc9739f6c10c75935898a20e1acd9e (diff)
update to MediaWiki 1.17.0
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/cssjanus/')
1 files changed, 574 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/cssjanus/ b/maintenance/cssjanus/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd14bd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maintenance/cssjanus/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""Converts a LeftToRight Cascading Style Sheet into a RightToLeft one.
+ This is a utility script for replacing "left" oriented things in a CSS file
+ like float, padding, margin with "right" oriented values.
+ It also does the opposite.
+ The goal is to be able to conditionally serve one large, cat'd, compiled CSS
+ file appropriate for LeftToRight oriented languages and RightToLeft ones.
+ This utility will hopefully help your structural layout done in CSS in
+ terms of its RTL compatibility. It will not help with some of the more
+ complicated bidirectional text issues.
+__author__ = ' (Lindsey Simon)'
+__version__ = '0.1'
+import logging
+import re
+import sys
+import getopt
+import os
+import csslex
+# Global for the command line flags.
+FLAGS = {'swap_ltr_rtl_in_url': SWAP_LTR_RTL_IN_URL_DEFAULT,
+ 'swap_left_right_in_url': SWAP_LEFT_RIGHT_IN_URL_DEFAULT}
+# Generic token delimiter character.
+# This is a temporary match token we use when swapping strings.
+# Token to be used for joining lines.
+# Global constant text strings for CSS value matches.
+LTR = 'ltr'
+RTL = 'rtl'
+LEFT = 'left'
+RIGHT = 'right'
+# This is a lookbehind match to ensure that we don't replace instances
+# of our string token (left, rtl, etc...) if there's a letter in front of it.
+# Specifically, this prevents replacements like 'background: url(bright.png)'.
+# This is a lookahead match to make sure we don't replace left and right
+# in actual classnames, so that we don't break the HTML/CSS dependencies.
+# Read literally, it says ignore cases where the word left, for instance, is
+# directly followed by valid classname characters and a curly brace.
+# ex: .column-left {float: left} will become .column-left {float: right}
+LOOKAHEAD_NOT_OPEN_BRACE = (r'(?!(?:%s|%s|%s|#|\:|\.|\,|\+|>)*?{)' %
+ (csslex.NMCHAR, TOKEN_LINES, csslex.SPACE))
+# These two lookaheads are to test whether or not we are within a
+# background: url(HERE) situation.
+# Ref:
+VALID_AFTER_URI_CHARS = r'[\'\"]?%s' % csslex.WHITESPACE
+LOOKAHEAD_NOT_CLOSING_PAREN = r'(?!%s?%s\))' % (csslex.URL_CHARS,
+LOOKAHEAD_FOR_CLOSING_PAREN = r'(?=%s?%s\))' % (csslex.URL_CHARS,
+# Compile a regex to swap left and right values in 4 part notations.
+# We need to match negatives and decimal numeric values.
+# ex. 'margin: .25em -2px 3px 0' becomes 'margin: .25em 0 3px -2px'.
+POSSIBLY_NEGATIVE_QUANTITY = r'((?:-?%s)|(?:inherit|auto))' % csslex.QUANTITY
+ csslex.SPACE,
+ csslex.WHITESPACE)
+FOUR_NOTATION_QUANTITY_RE = re.compile(r'%s%s%s%s' %
+ re.I)
+COLOR = r'(%s|%s)' % (csslex.NAME, csslex.HASH)
+COLOR_SPACE = r'%s%s' % (COLOR, csslex.SPACE)
+FOUR_NOTATION_COLOR_RE = re.compile(r'(-color%s:%s)%s%s%s(%s)' %
+ (csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ re.I)
+# Compile the cursor resize regexes
+CURSOR_EAST_RE = re.compile(LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER + '([ns]?)e-resize')
+CURSOR_WEST_RE = re.compile(LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER + '([ns]?)w-resize')
+# Matches the condition where we need to replace the horizontal component
+# of a background-position value when expressed in horizontal percentage.
+# Had to make two regexes because in the case of position-x there is only
+# one quantity, and otherwise we don't want to match and change cases with only
+# one quantity.
+BG_HORIZONTAL_PERCENTAGE_RE = re.compile(r'background(-position)?(%s:%s)'
+ '([^%%]*?)(%s)%%'
+ '(%s(?:%s|%s))' % (csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ csslex.NUM,
+ csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ csslex.QUANTITY,
+ csslex.IDENT))
+BG_HORIZONTAL_PERCENTAGE_X_RE = re.compile(r'background-position-x(%s:%s)'
+ '(%s)%%' % (csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ csslex.NUM))
+# Matches the opening of a body selector.
+BODY_SELECTOR = r'body%s{%s' % (csslex.WHITESPACE, csslex.WHITESPACE)
+# Matches anything up until the closing of a selector.
+# Matches the direction property in a selector.
+DIRECTION_RE = r'direction%s:%s' % (csslex.WHITESPACE, csslex.WHITESPACE)
+# These allow us to swap "ltr" with "rtl" and vice versa ONLY within the
+# body selector and on the same line.
+BODY_DIRECTION_LTR_RE = re.compile(r'(%s)(%s)(%s)(ltr)' %
+ re.I)
+BODY_DIRECTION_RTL_RE = re.compile(r'(%s)(%s)(%s)(rtl)' %
+ re.I)
+# Allows us to swap "direction:ltr" with "direction:rtl" and
+# vice versa anywhere in a line.
+DIRECTION_LTR_RE = re.compile(r'%s(ltr)' % DIRECTION_RE)
+DIRECTION_RTL_RE = re.compile(r'%s(rtl)' % DIRECTION_RE)
+# We want to be able to switch left with right and vice versa anywhere
+# we encounter left/right strings, EXCEPT inside the background:url(). The next
+# two regexes are for that purpose. We have alternate IN_URL versions of the
+# regexes compiled in case the user passes the flag that they do
+# actually want to have left and right swapped inside of background:urls.
+LEFT_RE = re.compile('%s(%s)%s%s' % (LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER,
+ re.I)
+RIGHT_RE = re.compile('%s(%s)%s%s' % (LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER,
+ re.I)
+LEFT_IN_URL_RE = re.compile('%s(%s)%s' % (LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER,
+ re.I)
+RIGHT_IN_URL_RE = re.compile('%s(%s)%s' % (LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER,
+ re.I)
+LTR_IN_URL_RE = re.compile('%s(%s)%s' % (LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER,
+ LTR,
+ re.I)
+RTL_IN_URL_RE = re.compile('%s(%s)%s' % (LOOKBEHIND_NOT_LETTER,
+ RTL,
+ re.I)
+COMMENT_RE = re.compile('(%s)' % csslex.COMMENT, re.I)
+NOFLIP_TOKEN = r'\@noflip'
+# The NOFLIP_TOKEN inside of a comment. For now, this requires that comments
+# be in the input, which means users of a css compiler would have to run
+# this script first if they want this functionality.
+NOFLIP_ANNOTATION = r'/\*%s%s%s\*/' % (csslex.WHITESPACE,
+ csslex. WHITESPACE)
+# After a NOFLIP_ANNOTATION, and within a class selector, we want to be able
+# to set aside a single rule not to be flipped. We can do this by matching
+# our NOFLIP annotation and then using a lookahead to make sure there is not
+# an opening brace before the match.
+NOFLIP_SINGLE_RE = re.compile(r'(%s%s[^;}]+;?)' % (NOFLIP_ANNOTATION,
+ re.I)
+# After a NOFLIP_ANNOTATION, we want to grab anything up until the next } which
+# means the entire following class block. This will prevent all of its
+# declarations from being flipped.
+NOFLIP_CLASS_RE = re.compile(r'(%s%s})' % (NOFLIP_ANNOTATION,
+ re.I)
+class Tokenizer:
+ """Replaces any CSS comments with string tokens and vice versa."""
+ def __init__(self, token_re, token_string):
+ """Constructor for the Tokenizer.
+ Args:
+ token_re: A regex for the string to be replace by a token.
+ token_string: The string to put between token delimiters when tokenizing.
+ """
+ logging.debug('Tokenizer::init token_string=%s' % token_string)
+ self.token_re = token_re
+ self.token_string = token_string
+ self.originals = []
+ def Tokenize(self, line):
+ """Replaces any string matching token_re in line with string tokens.
+ By passing a function as an argument to the re.sub line below, we bypass
+ the usual rule where re.sub will only replace the left-most occurrence of
+ a match by calling the passed in function for each occurrence.
+ Args:
+ line: A line to replace token_re matches in.
+ Returns:
+ line: A line with token_re matches tokenized.
+ """
+ line = self.token_re.sub(self.TokenizeMatches, line)
+ logging.debug('Tokenizer::Tokenize returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+ def DeTokenize(self, line):
+ """Replaces tokens with the original string.
+ Args:
+ line: A line with tokens.
+ Returns:
+ line with any tokens replaced by the original string.
+ """
+ # Put all of the comments back in by their comment token.
+ for i, original in enumerate(self.originals):
+ token = '%s%s_%s%s' % (TOKEN_DELIMITER, self.token_string, i + 1,
+ line = line.replace(token, original)
+ logging.debug('Tokenizer::DeTokenize i:%s w/%s' % (i, token))
+ logging.debug('Tokenizer::DeTokenize returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+ def TokenizeMatches(self, m):
+ """Replaces matches with tokens and stores the originals.
+ Args:
+ m: A match object.
+ Returns:
+ A string token which replaces the CSS comment.
+ """
+ logging.debug('Tokenizer::TokenizeMatches %s' %
+ self.originals.append(
+ return '%s%s_%s%s' % (TOKEN_DELIMITER,
+ self.token_string,
+ len(self.originals),
+def FixBodyDirectionLtrAndRtl(line):
+ """Replaces ltr with rtl and vice versa ONLY in the body direction.
+ Args:
+ line: A string to replace instances of ltr with rtl.
+ Returns:
+ line with direction: ltr and direction: rtl swapped only in body selector.
+ line = FixBodyDirectionLtrAndRtl('body { direction:ltr }')
+ line will now be 'body { direction:rtl }'.
+ """
+ line = BODY_DIRECTION_LTR_RE.sub('\\1\\2\\3%s' % TMP_TOKEN, line)
+ line = BODY_DIRECTION_RTL_RE.sub('\\1\\2\\3%s' % LTR, line)
+ line = line.replace(TMP_TOKEN, RTL)
+ logging.debug('FixBodyDirectionLtrAndRtl returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+def FixLeftAndRight(line):
+ """Replaces left with right and vice versa in line.
+ Args:
+ line: A string in which to perform the replacement.
+ Returns:
+ line with left and right swapped. For example:
+ line = FixLeftAndRight('padding-left: 2px; margin-right: 1px;')
+ line will now be 'padding-right: 2px; margin-left: 1px;'.
+ """
+ line = LEFT_RE.sub(TMP_TOKEN, line)
+ line = RIGHT_RE.sub(LEFT, line)
+ line = line.replace(TMP_TOKEN, RIGHT)
+ logging.debug('FixLeftAndRight returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+def FixLeftAndRightInUrl(line):
+ """Replaces left with right and vice versa ONLY within background urls.
+ Args:
+ line: A string in which to replace left with right and vice versa.
+ Returns:
+ line with left and right swapped in the url string. For example:
+ line = FixLeftAndRightInUrl('background:url(right.png)')
+ line will now be 'background:url(left.png)'.
+ """
+ line = LEFT_IN_URL_RE.sub(TMP_TOKEN, line)
+ line = RIGHT_IN_URL_RE.sub(LEFT, line)
+ line = line.replace(TMP_TOKEN, RIGHT)
+ logging.debug('FixLeftAndRightInUrl returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+def FixLtrAndRtlInUrl(line):
+ """Replaces ltr with rtl and vice versa ONLY within background urls.
+ Args:
+ line: A string in which to replace ltr with rtl and vice versa.
+ Returns:
+ line with left and right swapped. For example:
+ line = FixLtrAndRtlInUrl('background:url(rtl.png)')
+ line will now be 'background:url(ltr.png)'.
+ """
+ line = LTR_IN_URL_RE.sub(TMP_TOKEN, line)
+ line = RTL_IN_URL_RE.sub(LTR, line)
+ line = line.replace(TMP_TOKEN, RTL)
+ logging.debug('FixLtrAndRtlInUrl returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+def FixCursorProperties(line):
+ """Fixes directional CSS cursor properties.
+ Args:
+ line: A string to fix CSS cursor properties in.
+ Returns:
+ line reformatted with the cursor properties substituted. For example:
+ line = FixCursorProperties('cursor: ne-resize')
+ line will now be 'cursor: nw-resize'.
+ """
+ line = CURSOR_EAST_RE.sub('\\1' + TMP_TOKEN, line)
+ line = CURSOR_WEST_RE.sub('\\1e-resize', line)
+ line = line.replace(TMP_TOKEN, 'w-resize')
+ logging.debug('FixCursorProperties returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+def FixFourPartNotation(line):
+ """Fixes the second and fourth positions in 4 part CSS notation.
+ Args:
+ line: A string to fix 4 part CSS notation in.
+ Returns:
+ line reformatted with the 4 part notations swapped. For example:
+ line = FixFourPartNotation('padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px')
+ line will now be 'padding: 1px 4px 3px 2px'.
+ """
+ line = FOUR_NOTATION_QUANTITY_RE.sub('\\1 \\4 \\3 \\2', line)
+ line = FOUR_NOTATION_COLOR_RE.sub('\\1\\2 \\5 \\4 \\3', line)
+ logging.debug('FixFourPartNotation returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+def FixBackgroundPosition(line):
+ """Fixes horizontal background percentage values in line.
+ Args:
+ line: A string to fix horizontal background position values in.
+ Returns:
+ line reformatted with the 4 part notations swapped.
+ """
+ line = BG_HORIZONTAL_PERCENTAGE_RE.sub(CalculateNewBackgroundPosition, line)
+ line = BG_HORIZONTAL_PERCENTAGE_X_RE.sub(CalculateNewBackgroundPositionX,
+ line)
+ logging.debug('FixBackgroundPosition returns: %s' % line)
+ return line
+def CalculateNewBackgroundPosition(m):
+ """Fixes horizontal background-position percentages.
+ This function should be used as an argument to re.sub since it needs to
+ perform replacement specific calculations.
+ Args:
+ m: A match object.
+ Returns:
+ A string with the horizontal background position percentage fixed.
+ BG_HORIZONTAL_PERCENTAGE_RE.sub(FixBackgroundPosition,
+ 'background-position: 75% 50%')
+ will return 'background-position: 25% 50%'.
+ """
+ # The flipped value is the offset from 100%
+ new_x = str(100-int(
+ # Since may very well be None type and we need a string..
+ if
+ position_string =
+ else:
+ position_string = ''
+ return 'background%s%s%s%s%%%s' % (position_string,,,
+ new_x,
+def CalculateNewBackgroundPositionX(m):
+ """Fixes percent based background-position-x.
+ This function should be used as an argument to re.sub since it needs to
+ perform replacement specific calculations.
+ Args:
+ m: A match object.
+ Returns:
+ A string with the background-position-x percentage fixed.
+ BG_HORIZONTAL_PERCENTAGE_X_RE.sub(CalculateNewBackgroundPosition,
+ 'background-position-x: 75%')
+ will return 'background-position-x: 25%'.
+ """
+ # The flipped value is the offset from 100%
+ new_x = str(100-int(
+ return 'background-position-x%s%s%%' % (, new_x)
+def ChangeLeftToRightToLeft(lines,
+ swap_ltr_rtl_in_url=None,
+ swap_left_right_in_url=None):
+ """Turns lines into a stream and runs the fixing functions against it.
+ Args:
+ lines: An list of CSS lines.
+ swap_ltr_rtl_in_url: Overrides this flag if param is set.
+ swap_left_right_in_url: Overrides this flag if param is set.
+ Returns:
+ The same lines, but with left and right fixes.
+ """
+ global FLAGS
+ # Possibly override flags with params.
+ logging.debug('ChangeLeftToRightToLeft swap_ltr_rtl_in_url=%s, '
+ 'swap_left_right_in_url=%s' % (swap_ltr_rtl_in_url,
+ swap_left_right_in_url))
+ if swap_ltr_rtl_in_url is None:
+ swap_ltr_rtl_in_url = FLAGS['swap_ltr_rtl_in_url']
+ if swap_left_right_in_url is None:
+ swap_left_right_in_url = FLAGS['swap_left_right_in_url']
+ # Turns the array of lines into a single line stream.
+ logging.debug('LINES COUNT: %s' % len(lines))
+ line = TOKEN_LINES.join(lines)
+ # Tokenize any single line rules with the /* noflip */ annotation.
+ noflip_single_tokenizer = Tokenizer(NOFLIP_SINGLE_RE, 'NOFLIP_SINGLE')
+ line = noflip_single_tokenizer.Tokenize(line)
+ # Tokenize any class rules with the /* noflip */ annotation.
+ noflip_class_tokenizer = Tokenizer(NOFLIP_CLASS_RE, 'NOFLIP_CLASS')
+ line = noflip_class_tokenizer.Tokenize(line)
+ # Tokenize the comments so we can preserve them through the changes.
+ comment_tokenizer = Tokenizer(COMMENT_RE, 'C')
+ line = comment_tokenizer.Tokenize(line)
+ # Here starteth the various left/right orientation fixes.
+ line = FixBodyDirectionLtrAndRtl(line)
+ if swap_left_right_in_url:
+ line = FixLeftAndRightInUrl(line)
+ if swap_ltr_rtl_in_url:
+ line = FixLtrAndRtlInUrl(line)
+ line = FixLeftAndRight(line)
+ line = FixCursorProperties(line)
+ line = FixFourPartNotation(line)
+ line = FixBackgroundPosition(line)
+ # DeTokenize the single line noflips.
+ line = noflip_single_tokenizer.DeTokenize(line)
+ # DeTokenize the class-level noflips.
+ line = noflip_class_tokenizer.DeTokenize(line)
+ # DeTokenize the comments.
+ line = comment_tokenizer.DeTokenize(line)
+ # Rejoin the lines back together.
+ lines = line.split(TOKEN_LINES)
+ return lines
+def usage():
+ """Prints out usage information."""
+ print 'Usage:'
+ print ' ./ < file.css > file-rtl.css'
+ print 'Flags:'
+ print ' --swap_left_right_in_url: Fixes "left"/"right" string within urls.'
+ print ' Ex: ./ --swap_left_right_in_url < file.css > file_rtl.css'
+ print ' --swap_ltr_rtl_in_url: Fixes "ltr"/"rtl" string within urls.'
+ print ' Ex: ./cssjanus --swap_ltr_rtl_in_url < file.css > file_rtl.css'
+def setflags(opts):
+ """Parse the passed in command line arguments and set the FLAGS global.
+ Args:
+ opts: getopt iterable intercepted from argv.
+ """
+ global FLAGS
+ # Parse the arguments.
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ logging.debug('opt: %s, arg: %s' % (opt, arg))
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit()
+ elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"):
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ elif opt == '--swap_ltr_rtl_in_url':
+ FLAGS['swap_ltr_rtl_in_url'] = True
+ elif opt == '--swap_left_right_in_url':
+ FLAGS['swap_left_right_in_url'] = True
+def main(argv):
+ """Sends stdin lines to ChangeLeftToRightToLeft and writes to stdout."""
+ # Define the flags.
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hd', ['help', 'debug',
+ 'swap_left_right_in_url',
+ 'swap_ltr_rtl_in_url'])
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # Parse and set the flags.
+ setflags(opts)
+ # Call the main routine with all our functionality.
+ fixed_lines = ChangeLeftToRightToLeft(sys.stdin.readlines())
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(fixed_lines))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main(sys.argv[1:])