path: root/maintenance/storage/compressOld.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2011-12-03 13:29:22 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2011-12-03 13:29:22 +0100
commitca32f08966f1b51fcb19460f0996bb0c4048e6fe (patch)
treeec04cc15b867bc21eedca904cea9af0254531a11 /maintenance/storage/compressOld.php
parenta22fbfc60f36f5f7ee10d5ae6fe347340c2ee67c (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.18.0
* also update ArchLinux skin to chagnes in MonoBook * Use only css to hide our menu bar when printing
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/storage/compressOld.php')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/storage/compressOld.php b/maintenance/storage/compressOld.php
index bc05b340..da82d93b 100644
--- a/maintenance/storage/compressOld.php
+++ b/maintenance/storage/compressOld.php
@@ -17,57 +17,379 @@
* -c <chunk-size> maximum number of revisions in a concat chunk
* -b <begin-date> earliest date to check for uncompressed revisions
* -e <end-date> latest revision date to compress
- * -s <start-id> the old_id to start from
+ * -s <startid> the old_id to start from
+ * -n <endid> the old_id to stop at
* --extdb <cluster> store specified revisions in an external cluster (untested)
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
* @file
* @ingroup Maintenance ExternalStorage
-$optionsWithArgs = array( 't', 'c', 's', 'f', 'h', 'extdb', 'endid', 'e' );
-require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../' );
-require_once( "" );
+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../Maintenance.php' );
-if ( !function_exists( "gzdeflate" ) ) {
- print "You must enable zlib support in PHP to compress old revisions!\n";
- print "Please see\n\n";
- wfDie();
+class CompressOld extends Maintenance {
+ /**
+ * @todo document
+ */
+ const LS_INDIVIDUAL = 0;
+ const LS_CHUNKED = 1;
-$defaults = array(
- 't' => 'concat',
- 'c' => 20,
- 's' => 0,
- 'b' => '',
- 'e' => '',
- 'extdb' => '',
- 'endid' => false,
+ public function __construct() {
+ parent::__construct();
+ $this->mDescription = 'Compress the text of a wiki';
+ $this->addOption( 'type', 'Set compression type to either: gzip|concat', false, true, 't' );
+ $this->addOption( 'chunksize', 'Maximum number of revisions in a concat chunk', false, true, 'c' );
+ $this->addOption( 'begin-date', 'Earliest date to check for uncompressed revisions', false, true, 'b' );
+ $this->addOption( 'end-date', 'Latest revision date to compress', false, true, 'e' );
+ $this->addOption( 'startid', 'The old_id to start from', false, true, 's' );
+ $this->addOption( 'extdb', 'Store specified revisions in an external cluster (untested)', false, true );
+ $this->addOption( 'endid', 'Stop at this old_id', false, true, 'n' );
+ }
-$options = $options + $defaults;
+ public function execute() {
+ global $wgDBname;
+ if ( !function_exists( "gzdeflate" ) ) {
+ $this->error( "You must enable zlib support in PHP to compress old revisions!\n" .
+ "Please see\n", true );
+ }
-if ( $options['t'] != 'concat' && $options['t'] != 'gzip' ) {
- print "Type \"{$options['t']}\" not supported\n";
+ $type = $this->getOption( 'type', 'concat' );
+ $chunkSize = $this->getOption( 'chunksize', 20 );
+ $startId = $this->getOption( 'start-id', 0 );
+ $beginDate = $this->getOption( 'begin-date', '' );
+ $endDate = $this->getOption( 'end-date', '' );
+ $extDB = $this->getOption( 'extdb', '' );
+ $endId = $this->getOption( 'endid', false );
-if ( $options['extdb'] != '' ) {
- print "Compressing database $wgDBname to external cluster {$options['extdb']}\n" . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n";
-} else {
- print "Compressing database $wgDBname\n" . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n";
+ if ( $type != 'concat' && $type != 'gzip' ) {
+ $this->error( "Type \"{$type}\" not supported" );
+ }
-$success = true;
-if ( $options['t'] == 'concat' ) {
- $success = compressWithConcat( $options['s'], $options['c'], $options['b'],
- $options['e'], $options['extdb'], $options['endid'] );
-} else {
- compressOldPages( $options['s'], $options['extdb'] );
+ if ( $extDB != '' ) {
+ $this->output( "Compressing database {$wgDBname} to external cluster {$extDB}\n"
+ . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n" );
+ } else {
+ $this->output( "Compressing database {$wgDBname}\n"
+ . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n" );
+ }
-if ( $success ) {
- print "Done.\n";
+ $success = true;
+ if ( $type == 'concat' ) {
+ $success = $this->compressWithConcat( $startId, $chunkSize, $beginDate,
+ $endDate, $extDB, $endId );
+ } else {
+ $this->compressOldPages( $startId, $extDB );
+ }
+ if ( $success ) {
+ $this->output( "Done.\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ /** @todo document */
+ private function compressOldPages( $start = 0, $extdb = '' ) {
+ $chunksize = 50;
+ $this->output( "Starting from old_id $start...\n" );
+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
+ do {
+ $res = $dbw->select( 'text', array( 'old_id','old_flags','old_text' ),
+ "old_id>=$start", __METHOD__, array( 'ORDER BY' => 'old_id', 'LIMIT' => $chunksize, 'FOR UPDATE' ) );
+ if( $dbw->numRows( $res ) == 0 ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $last = $start;
+ foreach ( $res as $row ) {
+ # print " {$row->old_id} - {$row->old_namespace}:{$row->old_title}\n";
+ $this->compressPage( $row, $extdb );
+ $last = $row->old_id;
+ }
+ $start = $last + 1; # Deletion may leave long empty stretches
+ $this->output( "$start...\n" );
+ } while( true );
+ }
+ /** @todo document */
+ private function compressPage( $row, $extdb ) {
+ if ( false !== strpos( $row->old_flags, 'gzip' ) || false !== strpos( $row->old_flags, 'object' ) ) {
+ #print "Already compressed row {$row->old_id}\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
+ $flags = $row->old_flags ? "{$row->old_flags},gzip" : "gzip";
+ $compress = gzdeflate( $row->old_text );
+ # Store in external storage if required
+ if ( $extdb !== '' ) {
+ $storeObj = new ExternalStoreDB;
+ $compress = $storeObj->store( $extdb, $compress );
+ if ( $compress === false ) {
+ $this->error( "Unable to store object" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ # Update text row
+ $dbw->update( 'text',
+ array( /* SET */
+ 'old_flags' => $flags,
+ 'old_text' => $compress
+ ), array( /* WHERE */
+ 'old_id' => $row->old_id
+ ), __METHOD__,
+ array( 'LIMIT' => 1 )
+ );
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** @todo document */
+ private function compressWithConcat( $startId, $maxChunkSize, $beginDate,
+ $endDate, $extdb = "", $maxPageId = false )
+ {
+ $loadStyle = self::LS_CHUNKED;
+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
+ # Set up external storage
+ if ( $extdb != '' ) {
+ $storeObj = new ExternalStoreDB;
+ }
+ # Get all articles by page_id
+ if ( !$maxPageId ) {
+ $maxPageId = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'max(page_id)', '', __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ $this->output( "Starting from $startId of $maxPageId\n" );
+ $pageConds = array();
+ /*
+ if ( $exclude_ns0 ) {
+ print "Excluding main namespace\n";
+ $pageConds[] = 'page_namespace<>0';
+ }
+ if ( $queryExtra ) {
+ $pageConds[] = $queryExtra;
+ }
+ */
-exit( 0 );
+ # For each article, get a list of revisions which fit the criteria
+ # No recompression, use a condition on old_flags
+ # Don't compress object type entities, because that might produce data loss when
+ # overwriting bulk storage concat rows. Don't compress external references, because
+ # the script doesn't yet delete rows from external storage.
+ $conds = array(
+ 'old_flags NOT ' . $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), 'object', $dbr->anyString() ) . ' AND old_flags NOT '
+ . $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), 'external', $dbr->anyString() ) );
+ if ( $beginDate ) {
+ if ( !preg_match( '/^\d{14}$/', $beginDate ) ) {
+ $this->error( "Invalid begin date \"$beginDate\"\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $conds[] = "rev_timestamp>'" . $beginDate . "'";
+ }
+ if ( $endDate ) {
+ if ( !preg_match( '/^\d{14}$/', $endDate ) ) {
+ $this->error( "Invalid end date \"$endDate\"\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $conds[] = "rev_timestamp<'" . $endDate . "'";
+ }
+ if ( $loadStyle == self::LS_CHUNKED ) {
+ $tables = array( 'revision', 'text' );
+ $fields = array( 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id', 'old_flags', 'old_text' );
+ $conds[] = 'rev_text_id=old_id';
+ $revLoadOptions = 'FOR UPDATE';
+ } else {
+ $tables = array( 'revision' );
+ $fields = array( 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id' );
+ $revLoadOptions = array();
+ }
+ # Don't work with current revisions
+ # Don't lock the page table for update either -- TS 2006-04-04
+ #$tables[] = 'page';
+ #$conds[] = 'page_id=rev_page AND rev_id != page_latest';
+ for ( $pageId = $startId; $pageId <= $maxPageId; $pageId++ ) {
+ wfWaitForSlaves();
+ # Wake up
+ $dbr->ping();
+ # Get the page row
+ $pageRes = $dbr->select( 'page',
+ array('page_id', 'page_namespace', 'page_title','page_latest'),
+ $pageConds + array('page_id' => $pageId), __METHOD__ );
+ if ( $dbr->numRows( $pageRes ) == 0 ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $pageRow = $dbr->fetchObject( $pageRes );
+ # Display progress
+ $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( $pageRow->page_namespace, $pageRow->page_title );
+ $this->output( "$pageId\t" . $titleObj->getPrefixedDBkey() . " " );
+ # Load revisions
+ $revRes = $dbw->select( $tables, $fields,
+ array_merge( array(
+ 'rev_page' => $pageRow->page_id,
+ # Don't operate on the current revision
+ # Use < instead of <> in case the current revision has changed
+ # since the page select, which wasn't locking
+ 'rev_id < ' . $pageRow->page_latest
+ ), $conds ),
+ __METHOD__,
+ $revLoadOptions
+ );
+ $revs = array();
+ foreach ( $revRes as $revRow ) {
+ $revs[] = $revRow;
+ }
+ if ( count( $revs ) < 2) {
+ # No revisions matching, no further processing
+ $this->output( "\n" );
+ continue;
+ }
+ # For each chunk
+ $i = 0;
+ while ( $i < count( $revs ) ) {
+ if ( $i < count( $revs ) - $maxChunkSize ) {
+ $thisChunkSize = $maxChunkSize;
+ } else {
+ $thisChunkSize = count( $revs ) - $i;
+ }
+ $chunk = new ConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlob();
+ $stubs = array();
+ $dbw->begin();
+ $usedChunk = false;
+ $primaryOldid = $revs[$i]->rev_text_id;
+ # Get the text of each revision and add it to the object
+ for ( $j = 0; $j < $thisChunkSize && $chunk->isHappy(); $j++ ) {
+ $oldid = $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id;
+ # Get text
+ if ( $loadStyle == self::LS_INDIVIDUAL ) {
+ $textRow = $dbw->selectRow( 'text',
+ array( 'old_flags', 'old_text' ),
+ array( 'old_id' => $oldid ),
+ __METHOD__,
+ );
+ $text = Revision::getRevisionText( $textRow );
+ } else {
+ $text = Revision::getRevisionText( $revs[$i + $j] );
+ }
+ if ( $text === false ) {
+ $this->error( "\nError, unable to get text in old_id $oldid" );
+ #$dbw->delete( 'old', array( 'old_id' => $oldid ) );
+ }
+ if ( $extdb == "" && $j == 0 ) {
+ $chunk->setText( $text );
+ $this->output( '.' );
+ } else {
+ # Don't make a stub if it's going to be longer than the article
+ # Stubs are typically about 100 bytes
+ if ( strlen( $text ) < 120 ) {
+ $stub = false;
+ $this->output( 'x' );
+ } else {
+ $stub = new HistoryBlobStub( $chunk->addItem( $text ) );
+ $stub->setLocation( $primaryOldid );
+ $stub->setReferrer( $oldid );
+ $this->output( '.' );
+ $usedChunk = true;
+ }
+ $stubs[$j] = $stub;
+ }
+ }
+ $thisChunkSize = $j;
+ # If we couldn't actually use any stubs because the pages were too small, do nothing
+ if ( $usedChunk ) {
+ if ( $extdb != "" ) {
+ # Move blob objects to External Storage
+ $stored = $storeObj->store( $extdb, serialize( $chunk ));
+ if ($stored === false) {
+ $this->error( "Unable to store object" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ # Store External Storage URLs instead of Stub placeholders
+ foreach ($stubs as $stub) {
+ if ($stub===false)
+ continue;
+ # $stored should provide base path to a BLOB
+ $url = $stored."/".$stub->getHash();
+ $dbw->update( 'text',
+ array( /* SET */
+ 'old_text' => $url,
+ 'old_flags' => 'external,utf-8',
+ ), array ( /* WHERE */
+ 'old_id' => $stub->getReferrer(),
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Store the main object locally
+ $dbw->update( 'text',
+ array( /* SET */
+ 'old_text' => serialize( $chunk ),
+ 'old_flags' => 'object,utf-8',
+ ), array( /* WHERE */
+ 'old_id' => $primaryOldid
+ )
+ );
+ # Store the stub objects
+ for ( $j = 1; $j < $thisChunkSize; $j++ ) {
+ # Skip if not compressing and don't overwrite the first revision
+ if ( $stubs[$j] !== false && $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id != $primaryOldid ) {
+ $dbw->update( 'text',
+ array( /* SET */
+ 'old_text' => serialize($stubs[$j]),
+ 'old_flags' => 'object,utf-8',
+ ), array( /* WHERE */
+ 'old_id' => $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Done, next
+ $this->output( "/" );
+ $dbw->commit();
+ $i += $thisChunkSize;
+ wfWaitForSlaves();
+ }
+ $this->output( "\n" );
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+$maintClass = 'CompressOld';
+require_once( RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN );